Tag Archives: paw paw program

2 Paw Paw Questions

Question :

How do I purchase paw paw I can rely on?     Ronan


The Paw Paw that has been tested as effective in Dr. McLaughlin’s research is  the bark of the spring twig of species Asimina triloba, and packaged by Nature’s Sunshine Products. The best way to ensure you are getting the real thing is to purchase through a trustworthy NSP practitioner, such as myself, or my fellow practitioners.  This article will give you more details about choosing the best Paw Paw.

WE STRONGLY discourage Amazon!
Besides being illegal for Nature’s Sunshine products to be sold on Amazon, we have seen items open, expired, re-labelled or otherwise altered when clients purchase from Amazon! NSP has a compliance department that shuts down Amazon sellers, but new ones pop up.

NSP cannot stand behind the quality of any products sold via Amazon.
Amazon is an electronic garage sale NOT to be used on herbs/proteins/supplements that you ingest. You are dealing with your health, not a gadget and you deserve better.

We look forward to working with you on this very important journey. Obviously we prefer that you  contact us to order, so we can also offer you knowledgable support on your journey, as well as ensuring you get the wholesale discounted price.

A good place to start is reading Lorene’s Paw Paw Program page and articles on her Research Blog under Cancer Archives.


What can I use instead of Paw Paw,  if it is out of stock?     many people asked


Paw Paw is now available again since Dec 4, 2018 . Please contact us to order.

Approved sources were out of stock since May. The shortage was due to quality of the recent harvest, drying and standardizing of active acetogenins. Nature’s Sunshine will NOT compromise on quality.

We have other excellent herbs that can be used with the program, and have been used for many years before we had Paw Paw. Some of these are:  Pau D’Arco,  ETea (Essiac),   and Cat’s Claw combo. In fact, many people use them WITH the Paw Paw Program, so we increase the dosages of these until Paw Paw is available.

A bit of info on these three formulas can be found in this article:

Suggested dosage is 3-4 caps each per day – split 2-3 times/day. The ETea can also be opened and made into a pleasant tasting tea, with which to take the other herbs. The other supplements of Basic Paw Paw program remain the same.
The other components of the program, diet, lifestyle, emotions, root causes, as in my book, are all as important:   Lorene Benoit’s book to create optimum health: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally 


I offer a free 10 min. consultation for you to decide  if you would like to work with me, or to help you order a program at wholesale cost from the same professional herbal source I have used since 1990.
If you do not wish this assistance, you can order directly from NSP; using this link to become a member and receive wholesale discount pricing.  Click the More info green bar under middle panel “Best Selection”, then choose your country at top of page.  You can search each product, read a brief description and see the pricing. If becoming a member in the US, choose Classic for best price.



Q & A: Excema – Back to Health Basics


Good morning,  I hope all is well for you!
What do we have that would be great for eczema? I have someone inquiring.
Much love , JS


I have a couple of articles on my website, which I have copied direct links to, below. I did a search for excema, in top Right hand corner search bar.  You will see from these that different approaches were used – all with success, so it definitely depends on the person, their particular cause(s), their diet, level of stress, etc. Sorry there is not one simple answer, like “take this pill”. That’s how drugs are used, not natural healing, as you know.


Skin conditions are an external reflection of what’s going on internally.
You can begin to positively affect most health conditions by addressing the basics of digestion, assimilation and elimination. Once those are working better, and healthy dietary habits, such as those listed in my book are implemented, better health follows. The optimum dietary recommendations suggested in my Paw Paw Program that are used for cancer are the same dietary suggestions for health.

Digestion and Assimilation:

  • enzymes – either Digestive Enzymes (Food Enzymes – US)  or Garden Essence (Proactazyme – US). Both of these are full spectrum, meaning they digest proteins, starches, fats, cellulose, etc.
  • Probiotoic 11 .  Contains eleven strains to promote healthy gut  micro-biome.


  • making sure one has 2-3 healthy bowel movements per day. This may mean using a formula such as Bowel Build on a daily basis for several months. With a  good bowel building and toning product,  as your bowel gets healthier, you need less of it.
  • cleansing is always important.  Three of the best suited cleanses to choose from are : Clean Start, Detox Basics or Tiao He Pak. 


Topically, for relief of pain and itching, as well as to promote healing, I would also consider adding an Essential Oil blend, such as Core or Refuge to either Silver Gel, Pau D’Arco Lotion Nature’s Fresh Enzyme Spray or Aloe Vera Gel. Sorry to give you so many choices, but different strokes for different folks.

As this would be too many product  links, you can look any products up to see ingredients and prices by going to this website:   http://takethenaturalpath.mynsp.com/. 
Choose your country in top right corner.


Contact us or phone our office at 250-748-6802 . We offer help to  get you the best products for YOUR condition.
Dealing with the basics will get one well on the way to better health.


Reference Links: 



Also on psoriasis, as the two conditions are frequently confused:


Hope this helps!


Success with Stage 4 Colon Cancer

Update. Just thought you like you know I had an ultrasound of my abdominal area about a month ago. All was clear except for the tumors I knew were on my liver. But good news there.  All were calcified or partially calcified. No active cancer!

I had a chest xray too because I had been coughing severally for at least 2 months so concern for spots on the lungs. But no pneumonia or spots! All clear! Such great news!

I do believe the Paw Paw had something to do with the calcified tumors on my liver! I would take the Protease Plus first on empty stomach then later after a meal, the Paw Paw.. I also used most of the supplements suggested in your book, The Paw Paw Program  as well as healthy diet. Vegetarian mostly. No dairy or sugar, processed foods.Organic as much as possible..I believe healthy eating is very important to fighting and killing cancer cells. I am hoping the tumors will continue to shrink and completely die on my liver.

I’ve come a long way since being diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer over 40 months ago. I was given 6-9 months to live. But I’m a fighter and survivor! Your book was a big help and encouragement to me. Just wish more could be helped! D. H.,  Louisiana

Lyme: What, Why, Solutions that Work

Updated Dec. 7, 2024

What Is Lyme?

Lyme is a disease carried by ticks, which are migrating across Canada, US & Europe at an alarming rate.  Lyme causes untold suffering with skin problems including rashes, scaling and scarring, muscle aches, pains and stiffness, constant fatigue, headaches, arthritis with severe joint pain and swelling, facial palsy, nerve pain, memory challenges, brain fog, and of course, with all these symptoms, depression. There are several different stages, early localized, early disseminated and late disseminated, all presenting differently.

Petitions to US & Canada’s Health officials for more than 10 years have done little to improve this situation. We need to keep trying!

Canadians sign this ongoing petition: https://www.change.org/p/minister-philpott-ticking-lyme-bomb-in-canada-fix-canada-s-lyme-action-plan-now

US: please sign: https://www.change.org/p/president-trump-and-congress-drain-the-cdc-swamp-and-legalize-lyme-disease

The World Health Organization and other public health authorities worldwide have declared Lyme to be the fastest growing vector-borne infectious disease in the world.

US Centers for Disease Control confirmed Lyme an epidemic in 2008. CDC states there are 300,000 NEW cases of Lyme in the US every year.

Canadian scientists predict that by the year 2020, 80% of the population in Eastern Canada will be living in a tick-populated area.

Research shows that Lyme bacteria can be passed from pregnant mother to child in utero. There are concerns this infection may be sexually transmitted. Babesia, a Lyme Co-Infection, has been found to be in the US blood supply. For all these additional reasons, it is critical to express your desire to have this disease recognized, properly tested and treated.


Why Is Lyme Misdiagnosed, Undiagnosed,

Improperly Treated and Underfunded?

There are a multitude of books, reports & petitions explaining this. One particularly informative book by Helke Ferrie, is Creative Outrage, A Medical Journalist Reports on the Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Current Medicine.

Ferrie covers Lyme extensively pages 87-110, listing full references. I agree with her summary that the way Lyme is handled by medical authorities and government agencies has entered the domain of criminality. She says: “How are doctors supposed to know how to recognize Lyme disease when our testing protocol prevents recognition so perfectly? When they do see it, they are unprepared to treat it. Sophisticated medical research published in the most prestigious international journals is kept out of medical practice by a government policy that ensures complex new scientific discoveries about Lyme do not confuse medical minds with the true facts….”

In Cure Unknown, Pamela Weintraub, writes, “the consistent downplaying of the severity of Lyme disease, only benefits the global medical insurers, who underwrite employee disability coverage & who do not want to incur the cost of this global pandemic. The pharmaceutical industry benefits greatly by inventing a new drug to treat each of the many symptoms of Lyme Disease, making billions of dollars globally while doing no research to treat the cause of the disease or to find better diagnostic tools.”

One small example that many people have never heard about is the link to Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF). Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has treated Lyme for decades and discovered that recovery by any treatment protocol mandates that the patient be fully protected from EMF radiation. In the presence of cell phone radiation, for example, Lyme bacteria and their co-infections thrive and are able to evade therapeutic interventions. His Lyme patients must switch off main breakers at night and avoid all forms of wireless technology while undergoing treatment. Smart meters being forced on the population exacerbates this problem, which again, is unrecognized by mainstream medical.

KP Stoller MD, expert in integrative medicine and author of Incurable Me has been working with patients with brain injuries ranging from traumatic brain injury, stroke, autism, cerebral palsy, MS, chemo-brain, and Lyme brain since the late 1990s. He states, “ Untold numbers of Lyme patients have been told they don’t have Lyme, denied treatment, denied insurance reimbursement and those are the lucky ones.

Who is there to hold dishonest science accountable when “evidence based medicine” has been spun to fit biased agendas? What is the motivation to do this in the case of Lyme Disease?

It is very simple…Pharma wants to have a Lyme vaccine or at least profit from all the government funds to develop such a vaccine, but for this to be possible Lyme must fit a certain disease model. Since it does not fit a model where a vaccine would work, even on paper, the CDC seems to have conspired with both Pharma and a corrupt faction of academia to distort the truth about Lyme to enable vaccine makers to move forward on their desire to profit from a vaccine and/or its development.”

The one vaccine out of many developed, was FDA approved in 1998. It was pulled off the market within 4 years due to a class action lawsuit that represented over a hundred people who claimed they had experienced adverse reactions to the vaccine.

In summary, researchers who agree with the faulty model get the funding, so any other options will not be funded, and therefore, can “provide no evidence”.



In my 35 years in the health field, those who have recovered from Lyme to lead healthy lives, have ALL taken natural or complementary routes for healing. For those that may not be familiar with this, one excellent starting place is this NSP forum on Lyme.


Since that forum topic began in 2006, the same underlying concepts are still true. They are basically the same 4 pillars of health that are taught in Lorene Benoit’s book, The Paw Paw Program, A Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer. These pillars address the 5 causes that apply to all diseases, including LYME: Infection, Inflammation, Injury, Elimination & Circulation.

The variety of recommendations from the NSP Forum addresses these causes. Of course, different practitioners favour different programs. Here is a brief summary of those products most frequently used successfully.

Please contact Benoit Health Education for specific help with a program that will help you, for detailed product formulations, and for discount pricing and personalized ordering. .

  • ionic Silver treatment
  • High dosage Vit C
  • Cat’s Claw (una de Gato) Combination
  • Chinese anti-viral formula (VS-C in US/ HRP-C in CA)
  • Immune Support formulas ( many formulas to choose from), Contact author for YOUR best option.
  • Chelation necessary for ongoing detoxification of heavy metals: oral is best for on going support: MC Oral Chelation Program available through author.

Building the body’s natural defences with super nutrition is important for everyone! For details, see Lorene Benoit’s book, or Super Foods category. Energy medicine, Reiki, EPFX, Rife technology, Infra Red saunas have all been proven helpful. Different approaches work for different people; an experience natural health care consultant can help you.



Benoit & Associates Health Education

Medical News Today – What to Know About Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease & Co-Infections: www.canlyme.com

International Lyme and Associated Disease www.ilads.org

Public Health Agency of Canada draft Framework: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/programs/consultation-draft-federal-framework-lyme-disease.html

Canada Journal of Applied Ecology, 2012: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2664.2012.02112.x/abstract;jsessionid=BDF9CD369FD70D6E8CA8FF16A4AA5015.f04t01

Annals of Internal Medicine: http://annals.org/article.aspx?articleid=699780 

PubMed: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7648832





Food & Supplement Quality

Why Bother to Supplement?

Dr. James Scala, who was a nutritional doctor for Mount Everest expeditions,  shares the statistic that over 60% of all deaths are related to poor diet. “…over 5 people in America die every 2 minutes from an illness that proper nutrition could have either prevented completely or put far into the future.”

To think that 60% of all deaths could be prevented if we only put enough nutrition into our bodies is mind boggling. In ‘developed’ countries, we have a food abundance and yet we are starving to death! How can that be? Here are 7 answers.

1. Much of the foods we eat today are empty of nutrition. We are eating too much overly processed foods, frankenstein GMO foods,  poor quality foods, and too little natural foods in proper ratios.

2. Agricultural practices have interfered with plants’ abilities to convert raw elements from the earth into bioavailable minerals and amino acids. Our plants are mineral and amino acid deficient.

3. Our society is trained to turn to medical prescriptions to solve the diseases we are becoming afflicted with. All drugs have harmful side effects that rob our immune systems from doing their job of sustaining our health.

4. We have forgotten that it is energy from the sun, from exercise, from love, from unprocessed foods with nutrients, minerals, amino acids, vitamins, essential fatty acids that will keep our bodies healthy and strong, as well as help our bodies recover from any illness we may be afflicted with. So nutrition in our present day is totally disregarded as the solution to all diseased conditions.

5. Dr. Scala stated that baby boomers may be the last generation to have increased longevity, and that their children will have a reduced average life span. He also said that with optimum nutrition, we should be living to 120 years!

6. Dr. Scala formulated the SynerPro (Synergystic Protectors) concentrate for NSP over 25 years ago, way ahead of his time. This concentrate contains broccoli, cabbage, carrot, red beet, rosemary, tomato, turmeric, grapefruit & orange bioflavonoids, and hesperidin. As detailed in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program, pages 175 – 180 these phytonutrients and phytochemicals are powerhouses for healthy cells. The concentrate blend adds nutrition, energy & enhances absorption of the SynerPro B Complex and SynerPro Calcium- Magnesium.  Years after his formulations, mainstream started expounding the benefits of lycopenes in tomatoes, anti-inflammatories in turmeric, flavonoids in rosemary, etc.

7. Benoit’s 284 page book contains great wisdom on correct diet for building health, no matter what condition a person has. Her Case Studies & Testimonials answer many questions that clients have had. Recipes to start making healthier choices are found in Chapter 10.


How to Supplement?

Many people are choosing to make improved food choices, as well as supplementing their intake with vitamins, minerals, herbs and supplemental superfoods. A good decision!  But far too many people end up spending too much money on worthless supplements.

The missing factor is quality control. Not all supplements are  the same.  Diligent research and tests from independent labs such as Brunswick, show that only 15% of nutritional & herbal companies actually have in the bottle what is printed on the label. That is because 85% of all supplements on the market are made by 3rd party companies. In other words, a company takes another company’s products and sticks their own labels on it, then sells them.  There is no quality control here.

Nature’s Sunshine is second to none in quality. Our standards are so consistent that we get results. Nature’s Sunshine has more than the required certifications as they decided in 1972  to invest in quality control, in addition to research & development. Nature’s Sunshine goes so far that they make their own capsules, so they know they are free from fillers and questionable ingredients. Pure,  Potent and Proven for over 40 years.

Nature’s Sunshine does not own any farms and therefore they are in no way obligated to sell products that may be of lesser quality. Quality is never compromised because of bad crops, harvesting, drying, or storage. They are free to choose the best quality from around the world, and they do.

One example is Kelp, which comes from Nova Scotia. 600  tests are performed on this one plant before it is released for production. One of these testing procedures is Geiger counter testing for radioactivity.  All products are manufactured in the Utah state of the art manufacturing facility, where every single batch of herbs is fully tested. All test samples are kept for 6 years. Having an organic or wild crafted label means nothing if this degree of testing is not performed. NSP is above and beyond organic; it is potent!

We are very proud to  educate & distribute a product line that demonstrates such a high  level of  sincere integrity. If this message reaches you and you are not a member of Nature’s Sunshine please contact us to start to get results with your nutritional program!

Pancreatic Cancer growth halted

Dear Lorene!

I have good news about my mom. The mass in her pancreas has not enlarged since it was found last year. And mom said that  her pain in the sides has significantly decreased. Because of mom’s condition nothing more invasive than CT can be done to diagnose more precisely the condition of the mass. Mom has been using Paw Paw since November 2015, she is using 12 pills a day. Her question is  if she should keep using 12  a day or if she can reduce the dosage. I really appreciate your support and advice about it.


Thank you to both of you for sharing these results. It can help others. This is excellent news in 10 months! It is probably in her favor that the doctors do not want to do anything more invasive – if nothing is broken, don’t fix it!
One CT scan per year is acceptable, more than that is excess radiation
If she is feeling well, she may choose to continue at the same dosage of Paw Paw, to not only stop growth, but to start to decrease the mass. The beauty of the chemotherapeutic effect of Paw Paw, Asimina triloba, is that it is self regulating in dosage. Should your Mom start to feel any nausea, cramping or continual diarrhea, THEN she can decrease by 1 per day. This would indicate she is needing a lower dose. 
Feel free to get back to me after her next scan, or if anything changes. For now, all sounds very good! Congratulations to both of you for the time & effort you are making to educate yourself and take control over your own health. 
Knowing that Nature’s Sunshine has herbs powerful enough to effect this improvement, think how important it is to benefit from their therapeutic grade products for everyday health!
Even a simple, complete nutritional approach such as that found in Super Trio is basic health insurance from which everyone can benefit. You can’t afford to not afford the basics!
Contact us if you would like assistance determining a basic health & wellness program for you!

Cleansing, Cancer & Health: The Truth About Cancer – A Global Quest


Updated Mar.2021

The Nov. 2015 Global Quest for Cancer series confirmed the importance of cleansing to eliminate disease, restore immune system and promote health. Episode 6 Global Quest – Truth About Cancer.  Minutes 10 – 20 are critical and summarize a few key concepts that are in my book, The Paw Paw Program.

Episode 6 focuses on the importance of cleansing the entire body in this order.

  1. Colon
  2. Kidney
  3. Liver
  4. Lymphatic
  5. Parasite
  6. Heavy Metal, especially if one has had many vaccines and prescriptions

Below we have listed references & education to the best natural products we have experienced over the last 30+ years. The professionals in this video mention most of the herbs that are in these products. Please go to TakeTheNaturalPath.MyNSP.com to see ingredients and pricing for any of the following quality products. (Choose your country in top R corner).

  1. Colon                 Clean Start, LBS and Psyllium Hulls on daily basis, Why Detoxify?
  2. Kidney               Kidney Activator/K-C Chinese, or KB-C Concentrate
  3. Liver                   Tiao He Cleanse
  4. Lymphatic        Cat’s Claw Una de Gato
  5. Parasite             Para Cleanse US/ Para Pak CA *
  6. Heavy Metal     Heavy Metal Detox

In addition, ideas for feasting on real foods, presented in the Truth About Cancer series, are covered extensively in Benoit’s book, The Paw Paw Program.  

Benoit’s dietary suggestions are essential for healing not just cancer, but all disease. A summary can be found in this article. Candida, Cancer and Optimum Health Diet . The book is obviously more detailed, as well as offering recipes to help people get started on healthier eating.

I loved hearing Dr. Rashid Buttar (30-32 mins) say that Ensure, commonly given to very sick patients in hospitals and undernourished seniors in homecare; “Ensure is like pouring gasoline on the fire – it feeds cancer.” Of course it is! As explained in my book, SUGAR FEEDS CANCER, and inflammation and depletes the immune system – and ensure is mostly sugar, dairy and grains, which most North Americans do not digest, plus chemicals.

At 1 hr. there is a good summary of so many natural treatment options for cancer, most of which are included in my book and in my health programs: mushrooms (reishi, maitake, shitake), cordyceps, resveratrol, curcumin & black pepper, ECG’s, Beta Glucans, to list a few.

You may be able to find the 2015 or other years  series online. If you have cancer, and have not heard any of the Truth About Cancer series, it is worthwhile to listen and learn.

  • Do not forget the importance of good diet, pure water, exercise, breathing, emotional healing and other lifestyle choices as explained in Chapter 6 of the Paw Paw Program.
  • Contact our office directly for guidance and help in choosing the best health solutions for you at the best prices. We are here to help you achieve and maintain optimum health!

Smart Meters, EMF exposure

Just look at how many doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists are already seeing the negative impact of excess wireless technology. A few shocking truths:

  • Martin Pall, PhD, School of Molecular Biosciences  –Autism has increased in recent years from an incidence of 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 68
  • Suruchi Chandra, MD, Psychiatrist focused on Autism, OCD, chronic fatigue and mood disorders – Autism has increased 1200% since 1987
  • Victoria Dunkley, MD, Child Psychiatrist – “continued societal inaction on this issue constitutes child abuse”
  • Loretta Lynch, Former President of the California Public Utilities Commission – The science is clear: EMF’s affect health, particularly the most vulnerable among us. Those living within 150 feet of power lines are at increased risk of serious disease.
  • Utilities and telecommunications companies know these facts but obtain “obscenely obsessive profits” from this technology and are in a “desperate scramble” to set regulations in stone before public awareness increases and reforms are widely demanded.
  • Analog meters are “simple, accurate, and reliable.” There was no need to change them out. The only reason they were replaced with smart meters is that the utilities were not profiting off them any longer- they had “fully depreciated.”

To learn more, visit: Physicians and Researchers Denounce Health Risks of Smart Meters, Oct. 2015

We also know that many cancers are triggered by exposure to smart meters, transmission towers, over-use of cell phones, cordless this, wireless that. All those working towards healing need to limit their exposure to all types of EMF, RF, including indiscriminate use of medical radiation. For more references, please check out my book, Natural Approach To Cancer, and other articles on Research Blog Cancer.

To learn more about the widespread attempts to educate the public on dangers of smart meters, visit: Stop Smart Meters.org. This site updates worldwide protests to ever increasing health and economic issues.


Success with “terminal” cancer

This story has just been shared from another practitioner, who uses the same basic Paw Paw Program as in my book,  including the extra nutritional shake recipes in book and on this website.
I am not saying 100 capsules per day are usually necessary, especially if taking NSP nutritious shakes, but for obviously “terminal” cancer, a real commitment to live is required.

Once people have undergone the medical route of cut, burn and poison, cancer often returns more aggressively, as the stems cells where cancer originates, are stimulated by these routes.

This is a remarkable testimony to what the body CAN accomplish with therapeutic nutrition.

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 8:25 AM, DR wrote:

“Our guest speaker last night was Joan. Her husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer, then liver cancer, lung cancer and kidney cancer.
He did all the conventional treatments and all failed. He was deteriorating to the point that he was sent to the Respite and given 3 weeks to live. This is when Joan took action. Each day she gave him 2 high dense nutritious Nature’s Sunshine super food smoothies and each day she organized herbs for the liver, prostate, kidney, and lungs along with the Paw Paw program. He was taking 100 capsules a day. Within 2 weeks there was a notable improvement. He was walking again and he was released from the Respite, Within 6 weeks he was on the golf course and within 6 months all signs of cancer in the lungs, liver , kidney and prostate were gone! When you take nutrition beyond sustenance levels it becomes therapeutic and heals your body!!”

As explained in my book, no one can offer a  definitive “cure” for cancer, arthritis, diabetes, CVD or any “disease”. However, one CAN offer the body, mind and spirit the tools that it requires to heal itself. It is up to the body, the person, the mind, and probably more that science will never understand to overcome a disease. We all eventually die, but life extension and quality of life while living are always improved by providing nutrition as one of the first tools. And the sooner the better. Ideally before the body is damaged with chemical toxins (chemotherapy). The above story exemplifies what amazing healing capacity the body does possess.

If you know someone dealing with cancer who would like to consider the Paw Paw Program, they can contact our office to order the book, the correct therapeutic quality nutrition, including Paw Paw Cell Reg at direct prices, and  for professional guidance.


The Truth About Cancer – Global Quest

I am loving this on line video series because every minute of it confirms what I have been teaching for more than twenty-five years ! What I have heard  so far IS all my book, The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer, published in 2010. It seems like stating the obvious , but  The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally (part of the book title), and my book encourages people to look outside the box and find the truth. When we search, as did Christopher Columbus, sometimes we see a different truth.

The Truth About Cancer videos take longer to watch than to read my 183 page book, but they provide a lot of supportive research from many of the speakers who I reference.

The The Paw Paw book is a great summation of this series and offers a simple to follow program for both prevention and healing, no matter what health condition you are facing. One client I just spoke to said to her husband,  “this is what Lorene has been teaching us for years!” She is loving the series and it has cemented their commitment to following the 4 Pillars of Health in The Paw Paw Program,  very similar to Dr. Veronique Desaulnier’s 7 Steps, in video 2.

One of the truths about cancer is that medically approved treatments of surgery, chemo and radiation experience a dismal rate for 5 year survival, averaging 2.1%. Yes 2.1 %!  (stats from US Journal of Oncology; first video mins. 22-24). Cancer is a condition involving a failure of the immune system to stop ongoing cancer cell reproduction, and two of the three medically approved procedures destroy the immune system and are classed as carcinogens!

Although not improving mortality rate, this approach is increasing the coffers of the cancer industry – in four years, from 2006-2010,  the Cancer Care cost for all cancers increased from 108 Million to 2.36 Billion dollars!  (refer chart The Paw Paw Program, p. 26).

Just a few things taught in the videos and clearly explained in The Paw Paw Program are:

  • sugar connection to cancer growth- explained in the book p – 82-85 and p. 173, well explained video two, minutes – 41-43
  • the causes of cancer: p. 29-41
  • mammograms causing cancer – read all 3 references- briefly mentioned p.35
  • history of why and how our medical system has come to only promote the expensive cut, poison and burn methodology p.24-28
  • how natural treatments have been suppressed, p. 22-35, (include brief history of Dr. Rife on p. 28).
  • why these treatments only treat the symptom, not the causes p. 43-48
  • how toxins in vaccines contribute to disease, not health

If you have not heard about The Global Quest for Cancer, you can find it easily online. I hope that Ty Bollinger interviews me on the next series!

In the meantime, you may order my book on this site, or via direct email and you will have this clearly written, well researched guide to ongoing health at your fingertips.

Cheers to Your Health!