All posts by LoreneB

About LoreneB

Lorene Benoit is a Natural Health Consultant and Educator. Qualifications include Bachelor of Education Biology, French and Phys. Ed; Masters of Holistic Healing; Certified Herbal Consultant; Iridologist; Contact Reflex Analyst; Live Blood Analyst; plus certifications in Western and Chinese herbs, Nutrition, Massage and Energy Healing. Benoit founded Lorene Benoit Health Education Services in 1989. She presents, with humour and life, to health practitioners, corporations and the public, from workshops to annual 4 day herbal intensives. Her passion is teaching healthy lifestyles on all levels, so that people can take control of moving toward optimum health !

Paw Paw Cell Reg Availability & Options

Update April , 2022:
Please contact us to order.

If you are considering ordering Paw Paw Cell Reg within North America, please contact us directly for best options.

If or when this herb is not available due to demand; regulations of your country, or prohibitive shipping , please read our 3rd section below: “For Other Countries”, to see other options we have used, with excellent success, before Paw Paw was researched and available.

If supply is limited, it may be due to Quality, or government regulations, such as in CA and AU.  NSP will never compromise on quality by purchasing or producing inferior strength ingredients. Herbs are natural substances and due to nature, active chemicals can vary, in the case of Paw Paw, Asimina triloba, this means levels of several acetogenins. NSP is one of the few companies with capabilities to test to this degree to ensure potency.

In these cases, please contact us; we will do support you in your healing journey.

Lorene’s 3rd Edition of the Paw Paw Program was released January, 2020:
  • US: Please order through PayPal top right of this page.
  • CA: save $ and order by contacting us directly.
  • Other countries: need to go through us. Amazon? you will get 1st or 2nd Ed. and no support


The 2019 Truth About Cancer, Asian series by Ty & Charlene Bollinger,  has confirmed that our approach works! Most of the research presented in this series has been in  Lorene Benoit’s book, first published in 2010, and her teaching since 1990. From diet, pH, pleomorphism,  herbs, emotions,  sugar and oxygen connection, cellular energy and so much more – years after book publication- the research continues to support why our program works.  Many of these approaches are available in all Asian countries. One doctor stated: “Medical terrorism is being practiced in North America with the limited options available to patients.”

If Paw Paw is not available, we still follow the Basic Program (minus Paw Paw) and add specifics from the Paw Paw Upgrade.

There may be personal limits  if supply is limited. This limit is to ensure those who need it can get it, and to keep it off illegal online markets such as Amazon and EBay, where there have been serious problems. You may buy clothes or kitchen supplies on Amazon, but trust your health to professionals who can help you!

Paw Paw Cell Reg was out of stock May – Dec, 2018. The shortage was due to quality of the harvest, resulting in lower quantity of active acetogenins. Nature’s Sunshine will NOT compromise on quality.

Cancer, as with any serious health condition, requires a program, not just a pill. It encompasses, diet, lifestyle, emotions, root causes, exercise, elimination, hydration, circulation, mind and belief. These are all explained clearly in my book:   Lorene Benoit’s book to create optimum health: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally 
I offer a free 10 min. consultation for you to decide if you would like to work with me, or to help you order a program  from the same professional herbal source I have used since 1990.

US:      Options for Purchasing Paw Paw Cell Reg

1) Retail if you just want 1 or 2 bottles and no consultation.  $80 USD (& taxes, S/H). I will send you a PayPal invoice for this, which you can pay with most credit cards; no PayPal account necessary. 

2) Discount 20-25% – for anyone who books a consultation, (minimum mini $60 USD) Those who are most successful have this guidance and follow the Basic Paw Paw ProgramWe recommend everyone healing with cancer get comfortable with the basic program,  then with our support, individualize  according to your specific needs.

Consultation allows time  for  you to answer questions, discuss program, set up account and 1st order for you, which will be at discount pricing. NSP may limit quantities to prevent illegal online sales.

Once payment is made on consultation link using the PayPal drop down menu, please suggest 2 or 3 possible times that you are available. We can also send an invoice, which can be paid via credit card; no PayPal account needed. 

Please let me know your choice. Either way, I will need your complete mailing address and phone number. 

If you do not wish our personal assistance, you can order directly from NSP, using this link. You can receive wholesale pricing by  becoming a member with Lorene’s network of pratitioners .   You can search each product, read a brief description and see prices. If becoming a member in the US, choose Customer Subscribe and Thrive for best price. You can also phone, 1-800-223-8225, ask to be Customer with Lorene’s account #1143615. You then receive discount and other Benefits from being a member of Lorene’s team.
Or contact us, no charge to place your first order & get direct account set up for you.


CA:      Options for Purchasing Paw Paw Cell Reg

For active CA members there are 2 choices:

  •  to Canada address: via Sunshine Direct – limit 3 bottles per month
  • You get member discount 20% – 25% off. S/H fees include Taxes, Shipping and Customs duties: $19 under $135 US, or 14% over $135. Prices are in USD.
  • to a US address: via Market to Market  at 1-800-223-8225 –  no limit on quantity
  • your member discount 20-25%. and full QV/PV.

Non members:

  • contact us for assistance to  order Paw Paw Cell Reg at retail, or discount with Consult. Payment can be via e-transfer.
  • or become a Premier Customer for free with order of any Canadian products:         20% discount, FREE S/H, no fee, no auto ship; just quality herbs and our support. As an active member, you can then order with your member account directly from US Sunshine Direct, as above.


For other countries:

It is costly for shipping to send Paw Paw Cell Reg; easier option available if you have US friends or relatives visiting. There are other excellent herbs that can be used with the Basic program, and have been used for many years before we had Paw Paw. These are listed in Chapter 2 of my book. Many of them are available through NSP in multiple countries, where Paw Paw Cell Reg is not available.
Some of these are:  Pau D’ArcoETea (Essiac),   and Cat’s Claw combo. In fact, many people use them WITH the Paw Paw Program, so we can increase the dosages of these when Paw Paw is not available.

Info on these three formulas can be found in this article: Paw Paw Program Upgrade.

Suggested dosage is 3-4 caps each per day – split 2-3 times/day. The ETea can also be opened and made into a pleasant tasting tea, with which to take the other herbs. The other supplements of Basic Paw Paw program remain the same.

Another important health supplement highly researched and effective for cancer, which was mentioned multiple times  by doctors in 7 out of 7 Asian countries in the 2019 Truth About Cancer, is Turmeric Curcumin with Piper Nigrum.

As studies  and research show conclusive positive effects on reversing cancer. Besides anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, turmeric helps improve intestinal microbiome, and can help reduce pain.

Be sure to use one that contains enough curcuminoids, the active ingredient, to help!  We use a standardized concentrate. This means 2 vegi-capsules equal 1.4 pounds of whole turmeric root. For comparison, you might need 50 -200 capsules of regular turmeric capsules to have this potency, or try eating 1.4 pounds per day?!

Contact us if we can be of assistance in your healing journey. 

Why this practitioner uses NSP and has for 25+ years

Keep doing what you are doing Lorene. We need everyone spreading the message. You certainly have been a pioneer in this field. Thank you again for your book,  The Paw Paw Program, which contains vital information for gaining and maintaining health and your hard work to further this message. Definitely not just about Paw Paw!

I try  to influence everyone in my realm. People are a little more curious about more natural cures as they become disenfranchised by our current medical system. Thirty years ago – I was the only practitioner in this neck of the woods – now there are many more!! I’m sure you see this change.
A lot of people are googling for info and coming away very confused. Everyone is selling a product!! I continue to recommend Nature’s Sunshine as the best quality product out there. You are aware of the personal benefits we have had with NSP products.
The personal support from you and your friendship means so much to me. Looking forward to next Educational Convention and seeing you again.
Love Teri K, Nutritional Counselor, Herbalist, ND, Ontario

Tinnitus and blocked middle ear


Hi there, I have been suffering from tinnitus in one ear for a couple of years but recently an ear examination showed that my middle ear is likely blocked but I have tried everything and nothing has worked, just wondering if you have any ideas?



A little difficult to answer, as you say you have tried everything and nothing has worked. I do not know if you mean everything doctors or natural health practitioners have suggested?

Has an ear specialist determined if the  middle ear is blocked with wax, mucous,  a  growth,  inflammation, or a physical deformity of the ear bones?  Knowing this could certainly make a difference in treatment options.

A few things I would suggest for any of the first 4 causes are Lobelia and CBG internally.  Lobelia is a de-obstruant, pain reliever and anti- inflammatory, with some natural anti- microbial action.  CBG contains herbs that help break down mucous, as well as fight infection, which may be an underlying cause of inflammation. It could also be help with possible allergic reactions, but again, determining the allergen is important for complete resolution.

You may have some relief with proper ear candling. If one treatment provides some relief, you would benefit from several, using 2 drops of essential oils of Lavender and Tea Tree after each session. If one treatment does not help, you would still feel better from it.

If it is a structural problem, then corrective surgery may be required.

Sorry, but this is all I can offer with the information you have given me. Should you wish more detail, please consider a mini session of 20 minutes, and we may be able to resolve this long term issue.

Natural healing is not a ” here take this pill” fast fix. It is doing detective work to determine the cause and remove this to the solution. Please get in touch  again if you are interested in trying any of the herbs I suggested, as I can get you quality products from the supplier I have used since 1990, at the best prices.

Previous articles under the archives of  Ears and Hearing may help you.

Thank you and all the best.

30 Million More North Americans suddenly have high blood pressure?

Some widely used blood pressure drugs may be associated with an increased risk of cancer, researchers found in a new study.

In a meta-analysis of nine published studies the blood pressure drugs called angiotensin-receptor blockers were associated with a statistically significant 8 percent increase in the relative risk of a new cancer, according to Dr. Ilke Sipahi and colleagues at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio.

The findings are “disturbing and provocative” and raise important safety issues both for doctors and regulators. Doctors should use the drugs with caution.

 New Blood Pressure guidelines pay off for drug companies

In 2005, Dr. Saunders, chief of the division of medicine at Seattle’s Northwest Hospital & Medical Center said:  “I am concerned that these studies that are telling people that it’s best to get down to 120 over 80 are all paid for by drug companies who are trying to sell pills. It makes me uncomfortable. I think the days of getting unbiased information are gone.

Goldstein Research analyst forecast the Hypertension Drugs Market size is set to reach USD 33.1 billion by 2024. Lowering the “normal” range will help keep them well on target.
*Political Lobbying

CNN reported that individual pharmaceuticals and health products sector spent $194.3 million on lobbying politicians in 2018. An additional  $27.5 million was spent by  lobbying group Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).  While companies continue to log record profits and executives take home massive salaries and bonuses, the American people bear the cost.

Hopefully the list of side effects , plus increased risk of cancer will encourage you to make choices that are both safer and more effective to not only decrease blood pressure, but to increase overall vitality naturally!

Contact us
if you would like help from professionals who have been teaching and helping others to Take Control of their Health since the 1980’s.


North American Drug Ceremony

No, this is not about ahuayasca, kava kava or cacao ceremonies. It is about our death ceremony for legal drugs that plagues our modern advanced society.

The drug ceremony started as a crude ritual back in the days when doctors started using mercury & arsenic to heal, which gradually took over from herbs and other natural forms of healing. In more recent years, it has been developed into a science. It usually takes from 10 to 15 years. However modern scientific advancements can shorten or lengthen this time to manage their profit margins.

It starts with one benign aspirin for a simple headache. When the one aspirin will no longer cover up the headache, take two. After a few months, when two aspirin will no longer cover up the headache, you take one of the stronger pain killers.

By this time, it becomes necessary to take something for the ulcers that have been caused by the aspirin. Now that you are taking two medicines, you have a good start.

After a few months, these medications will disrupt your digestive and liver function; cholesterol will rise and you can get some statin drugs. Plus probably some antacid medications, which will further disrupt your digestion and nutrient absorption, but it will temporarily decrease your “heartburn”. It will also lower function of your first line of immune defense.

If a good infection develops, you can take some antibiotics. These may damage your red blood corpuscles and spleen so that you develop anemia. Another medication is then taken to” fix” the anemia. The antibiotics also destroy your Gastro-intestinal  micro-biome, causing severe gut issues, such as leaky gut syndrome.

Or, if all your symptoms do not match this syndrome,  and especially if you have intolerable pain levels, you may be diagnosed with an auto-immune condition, such as FM, RA, or PMR. A couple of prescriptions can “help” these symptoms. New syndromes  or diseases are continually discovered, as more drugs are being developed to treat them.

All these medications will put such a strain on your kidneys, your blood pressure might rise. It is now time to take some anti-hypertensives, which usually come in tandem with diuretics, and potassium pills to compensate for mineral loss the diuretics cause. When these destroy your natural resistance to disease, you can expect a general flair-up of all your symptoms. Diabetes or pre-diabetes is likely by now, with several drug combos to add to the mix.

The next step is to cover up all of these symptoms with pain killers and add an anti-depressant, as you will be quite depressed by now. When the kidneys finally give up, you can take another drug, or 2 or 3,  or start dialysis. Some poisons will build up in your system, but you can keep going quite a while this way.

By now the drugs will have your body systems so confused, they won’t know what they are supposed to be doing, but it doesn’t really matter. If you have followed every step as directed, you can now start to plan your  last Celebration of Life Ceremony!

The average senior takes 3-10 drugs daily; if in a care home; this will likely increase to 11-15. This game is played by practically all Americans, except for the few ignorant souls who follow nature.

Original by Dr. L.L, updated by Lorene Benoit Health Education.




Super Foods and Super Shakes still going strong!

Ten years after originally posting this article, I still maintain this is one of the easiest and best ways to attain, regain and maintain optimum health. Nutrition provides the building blocks for our body to heal and repair on a daily basis.

In 2014, total pharmaceutical revenues worldwide had exceeded one trillion U.S. dollars for the first time. CNN reported October, 2018that the pharmaceuticals  sector spent $194.3 million on lobbying government as of. They lobby to promote their products and spread mis-information about natural health. While  BIG Pharma continues to log record profits and executives take home massive salaries and bonuses, the North American people bear the cost in taxes and ever worsening health and loss of life.

So it is worth my time to update and repost this information, and YOUR time to read it. Please get in touch if I can be of assistance to you in your natural health journey.

Superior nutrition can be accomplished regardless of age or sex, and the results can be noticeable within as little as four weeks!  Experience a healthier immune system, more positive outlook, greater energy and longer life expectancy.   Combining healthy eating habits, regular exercise, pure water, fresh air and Nature’s Sunshine products will make for optimal health!

For those times when you just don’t feel like preparing a nutritious meal, shakes are a great way to get the nutrition your body needs, without all the calories.  A well-balanced shake can provide protein, green super foods, herbs, fruit, fibre and vitamins and minerals.


Here are suggestions with Nature’s Sunshine Products that help ensure you get a full dose of protein, carbohydrates and essential fatty acids to keep you healthy. Our family has used these since 1985, and used them  as our first choice  for our business of helping others since 1991.

One – half to one cup of berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries)

One serving of Ultimate GreenZone  – alkalinizes, and provides whopping servings of green nutrition. When you have cups of organic, fresh greens available, such as kale, beet greens, lettuce – not iceberg, sprouted vegies, swiss chard – you don’t need GreenZone. Otherwise you do!

One serving of Protein Powder: see excellent choices below.

Please contact Benoit & Associates to discuss which of these would be best for you, as well as to set up a direct ordering account for the best price, plus professional support.

Note that links and product names change to meet customer needs,  Health Canada and US FDA requirements, a guaranteed by Nature’s Sunshine.

This is why we offer personal service to get you started on the best track to health.

Optional: 1/2 to one serving Flax Hull Lignans (CA)  or other superfoods

1.5 cups of clean water or ice cubes

Thoroughly mix all ingredients and enjoy!


These Superfoods help make life easy and health full.

 Ultimate Green Zone :  Provide the body with Superior Nutrition from whole foods.  One serving equals six servings of healthy greens. Contains the finest blend of some of the most land- and sea-based herbs, plus minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and bioflavonoids. Zone balanced 40-30-30.  A low calorie, nutritionally dense whole food that leaves you feeling vibrant and alive. Blood sugar stablizer,  balance weight, increase metabolism, detoxify. Aids healing and regeneration; strengthens body’s ability to cope with stress.

Nature’s Harvest (US) and Nature’s Harvest (CA) which contains a host of super nutrition, including Beta Glucanswhich may help slow tumour growth via anti-angiogenesis.Pea

Aivia Plant Protein  (US  and Sunshine Direct to CA) . Metabolic Age support products are cornerstone to effective Weight Management and muscle building. Supplementing with protein helps build lean muscle and increase metabolism.

Nutri-Burn Whey Protein: Vanilla CA – enhanced with CLA (conjugated linoleoic acid), a natural polyunsaturated fat that research has shown has powerful weight-loss potential, particularly for abdominal fat. Health benefits include decreased hunger, improved stress response, increased metabolism, improved insulin sensitivity and immunity, better sleep, increased endurance during exercise, and reduced food-induced allergic reactions.

Collatrim Plus is another complete protein designed to build and tone muscle. It also helps heal leaky gut.

Love and Peas (US only)- is a vegan option, dairy free gluten free, lactose free that fulfills 75% of daily requirements for 18 vitamins and minerals.

There are other great protein super shakes to choose from, in both Canada and US.: IN.Form Metabolic Age Support Soy and Pea Protein, Love & Peas….

Contact the author for suggestions of the best one for you and to place your first wholesale priced order – no charge – for 10 minutes. 

Other healthful additions: Fresh or frozen fruit: banana, berries, pear, free range eggs or locally grown vegetables. Concentrated Zambroza, Thai Go (US) , Liquid Essential Minerals OR Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic, Nature’s Gold, Flax Hull Lignans – a herb specialist can help choose your best Super dense nutritional foods.

Prepared by:  Lorene Benoit, M.H.H.CHC; 250-748-6802

Mar/09 Updated October, 2013, February, 2019

2 Paw Paw Questions

Question :

How do I purchase paw paw I can rely on?     Ronan


The Paw Paw that has been tested as effective in Dr. McLaughlin’s research is  the bark of the spring twig of species Asimina triloba, and packaged by Nature’s Sunshine Products. The best way to ensure you are getting the real thing is to purchase through a trustworthy NSP practitioner, such as myself, or my fellow practitioners.  This article will give you more details about choosing the best Paw Paw.

WE STRONGLY discourage Amazon!
Besides being illegal for Nature’s Sunshine products to be sold on Amazon, we have seen items open, expired, re-labelled or otherwise altered when clients purchase from Amazon! NSP has a compliance department that shuts down Amazon sellers, but new ones pop up.

NSP cannot stand behind the quality of any products sold via Amazon.
Amazon is an electronic garage sale NOT to be used on herbs/proteins/supplements that you ingest. You are dealing with your health, not a gadget and you deserve better.

We look forward to working with you on this very important journey. Obviously we prefer that you  contact us to order, so we can also offer you knowledgable support on your journey, as well as ensuring you get the wholesale discounted price.

A good place to start is reading Lorene’s Paw Paw Program page and articles on her Research Blog under Cancer Archives.


What can I use instead of Paw Paw,  if it is out of stock?     many people asked


Paw Paw is now available again since Dec 4, 2018 . Please contact us to order.

Approved sources were out of stock since May. The shortage was due to quality of the recent harvest, drying and standardizing of active acetogenins. Nature’s Sunshine will NOT compromise on quality.

We have other excellent herbs that can be used with the program, and have been used for many years before we had Paw Paw. Some of these are:  Pau D’Arco,  ETea (Essiac),   and Cat’s Claw combo. In fact, many people use them WITH the Paw Paw Program, so we increase the dosages of these until Paw Paw is available.

A bit of info on these three formulas can be found in this article:

Suggested dosage is 3-4 caps each per day – split 2-3 times/day. The ETea can also be opened and made into a pleasant tasting tea, with which to take the other herbs. The other supplements of Basic Paw Paw program remain the same.
The other components of the program, diet, lifestyle, emotions, root causes, as in my book, are all as important:   Lorene Benoit’s book to create optimum health: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally 


I offer a free 10 min. consultation for you to decide  if you would like to work with me, or to help you order a program at wholesale cost from the same professional herbal source I have used since 1990.
If you do not wish this assistance, you can order directly from NSP; using this link to become a member and receive wholesale discount pricing.  Click the More info green bar under middle panel “Best Selection”, then choose your country at top of page.  You can search each product, read a brief description and see the pricing. If becoming a member in the US, choose Classic for best price.



Success Story & Interview Multiple Sclerosis

Success Story by Diane diagnosed with MS        

Has Now Been Out of Her Wheel Chair for 36 Years!

The MRI doctor said it had progressed??     “That’s when I decided to walk away.”

Transcript of Conference call August 13th,  2018

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1982 while majoring in music at McGill University. That was my original life passion and dream.

I landed in hospital paralyzed from my shoulder to my toes on the right side, considerable speech loss due to facial paralysis, little colon/bladder function and 90% vision loss in one eye. That was just the beginning … Looking back, I had no idea I faced many challenging years on my journey back from those Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms to good health …

The prognosis of the doctors, neurologists, psychologists and psychiatrists was at best a 50-75% MS recovery to a cane, no children, no career … over the next 10 years, I would regain my health for short periods, but I could never stay healthy for any meaningful length of time. My doctors said with MS, it was simply the nature of the disease … so just accept it.

During my final crisis in 1991-2 there were too many weeks I could not drive my car, walk properly without holding onto walls, could not even climb up or down the stairs, … eating, getting dressed was difficult, you name it. I had tried everything that western medicine had to offer … and more. I decided I could not wait for a miracle and I would not wait for the Multiple Sclerosis symptoms to consume me.  I resolved to continue, no matter what. I remember refusing the offer of a handicap license; I did not believe I was. For me, it was not the help I needed and I was afraid that accepting it would have meant I gave up hope of recovery. I felt that as difficult as walking was, I was better to try – at least this would keep my body moving.

I remember I was so scared that I would never come back from those debilitating Multiple Sclerosis symptoms that I consciously decided never to be put in a situation like that again – I did not ever want to have another crisis. I chose not to be at the mercy of this disease … living with the fear that some mornings I could not walk, drive my car or even hold my child.

In looking at my health conditions during those years, I began to question medical proficiency because surely there are cause and effect relationships to be drawn when a series of events happen! By the way, I ended up being diagnosed with 4 other significant diseases before the age of 30:

Erythema Nodosum



Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

I remember asking a specialist “if there could be a connection between the 5 diseases, because I simply could not believe that somebody could be so doomed” and I was told “No, no connection at all – that is the way it is”.

Well it didn’t make sense to me at all, they had given me so many labels. I was much more tired than the typical MS patient – so CFS made the list. I had tremendous pain and according to their book, MS is not painful, so Fibromyalgia was another label. And on they went …

I pointed out to my neurologist  that specializes only in  MS, that 8 out of 10 people in the waiting room were in pain … so who said MS is not painful?  By that time, I’d had it with the medical system and got very angry and frustrated by that 5th label!

So, I began researching natural modalities and remedies.

When we get sick, it is usually not overnight – often it is just the final drop that makes the vase overflow. And it usually happens over time, even years … one symptom, then another one … then another … until they call it a disease.

My research led me to eastern philosophies, nutritional strategies, herbal medicines, mental visualizations, alternative therapies and so on. The more I studied them, the better all these pieces of the puzzle seemed to fit. When I finally started to get well, they all mysteriously disappeared …the MS, Sarcoidosis, Erythema nodosum, CFS and Fibromyalgia.

My family doctor was a staunch supporter and simply said “whatever you’re doing Diane, don’t stop!” and my neurologist finally threw up his hands and said , “it’s gone, I don’t know why, but it’s gone, check-in annually so I can document this” … and I did, though I stopped going several years ago.

I believe people need to know they have choices .

You do have options and choice … and they are a powerful combination.

I had finally decided to take ownership for my own recovery!

I did not think or say if… I said once I would come back … this is a very important point and I believe crucial to successfully fighting any illness or disease (or achieving any goal for that matter). You see, in my mind and in my heart – there were no doubts.

I did not know how long it would take.

I did not know what I would have to do.

I did not know how much money it would cost.

My one burning desire was to get well, then stay well.

I wanted to enjoy life without depending on others – I wanted and still want to do everything I choose, when I want, as long as I want, and I still do whatever it takes to stay healthy.

The years of nutritional support I required to get my body functioning normally included a clean diet with lots of whole foods plus large quantities and correct formulations of nutrient dense herbal medicines and nutritional supplements. Through early trial and error with a number of herbal product lines, I eventually found the correct formulations in Nature’s Sunshine Products and today, they remain a critical part of my maintenance program and my natural health practice. These were core products I took:

Bod-e-Detox to support my chronic intestinal problem, my liver and my colon.

I-X: it is fantastic for numbness and tingling, for energy and for circulation, especially to the head.

Stress Formula: it has lots of B’s in proper ratio, C’s with bioflavonoids and herbs to nourish the nervous system.

Super Oil: is a balanced blend of good fats: including even primrose, linseed (flax), cold pressed salmon, lecithin, vitamin E, and lemon, all combined to heal the myelin sheath.

Herbal Ca: a herbal combination very high in calcium and magnesium and  all the minerals required for better absorption; it is also great for spasms.

K: to strengthen and tone my bladder; I would get up 10 times a night to go to the bathroom and I took high amounts about 12 a day, then I lowered dose as improvement continued. To this day, I do not need any for maintenance.

Perfect Eyes: as I had lost sight in one eye and this is an excellent formula for eyes.

During the last crisis, 1991-92, for 18 months I took over 30 different products, at different times. You need to start somewhere. Just trust the herbs and use the tools that an NSP specialist can offer, like the Zyto Compass Scan or the Body Systems Questionnaire to help you decide which ones to use.

I owe a debt of gratitude to Nature’s Sunshine Products for my recovery and ongoing good health. They have put the science, research and quality into an exceptionally complete line of herbal products which is why I recommend Nature’s Sunshine to others. Used appropriately and properly, their nutrient dense all-natural plant sourced herbal products simply work.

I also owe an immense debt of gratitude to my friend and mentor Gail Pyke, the lady who guided me in 1991-92. She was extremely strong in her convictions and  what she believed.  She helped me, motivated me, and even inspired me to re-train and do what I do today.

Good health is a proactive, individual choice. The human body requires basic elements consistent with its long evolution, yet western society imposes inconsistent and incompatible influences on our ability to be and stay healthy.

Today I’m playing the piano again, have 2 healthy grown children, travel , teach others how to be healthy and own my own wellness centres. I am continuing my education and pursuing my passion of helping others avoid what I had to endure through my counselling and education programs.

2018 Update

It’s now over 36 years since the crisis that landed me in the hospital. Yes, the doctors diagnosed Multiple Sclerosis in 1982 and the other diseases were to follow but I never took ownership of them, they were simply names of conditions I worked very hard at healing naturally. “Your body has the amazing ability to naturally realign and heal itself,  if you just give it some basic attention!”.


Did you have people that discouraged you from doing your herbal program?

Many people insisted that I go to the doctor. I had done everything that the doctors had asked of me with no success – doctors had nothing more to offer me at that point, except a dismal future. Some of my best friends told me I was being taken for a ride by using herbal products to heal. I decided that if they were not supportive of my choices I would just cut ties. As difficult as that was, I felt it was necessary.

Did you take pharmaceutical drugs?

At first, I didn’t know any better, so I took them and they just made me worse. I had to give them up. After taking them for 5 days my bed would be turning, I had to crawl to the bathroom. The doctor told me it would take 3 months for the drugs to work. My thought was that if it causes so many side effects then how it could heal my body?

Did you feel improvement?

Very little. But I would celebrate my victories. If I had spasms, then I would time them and find that they would not last as long as the last time. So that was a victory. I did reflexology, I did ankle rotations and I went to the chiropractor. I now work with one lady who could just now barely move her toe, but she could move it and that is a victory.

How much did it cost?

For me there is no question of cost. We borrowed the money, so I could do this program. I can’t put a price on it. If I am not healthy I can’t do anything. I could not work without health. I could not look after children without health. I would be a burden without health. There is no cost. You are never too old, you are never too young. And you need to stick to it. I decided to do the program until it worked. I made a decision and I became involved in taking control of my own health. I took courses and I got to know that nobody could help me to get healthy but me. Money was not going to stop me from getting healthy.

One day after doing the program for many months and still seeing no results I called my Mom and I cried. I had spent all my money. I had taken all my supplements. I was ready to give up. I cried all night. Then something happened. During the night I got this inspiration. I would not quit, I would not give up. Where would I be if I quit. I would do the program until it worked.

What about taking drugs for bladder and colon control like I do? Can you take herbs with them?

You just keep taking the drugs and add the herbs, as long as you experience no interactions. As you start to feel better you can decrease the drugs and increase the herbs. Herbs rebuild your body. Its like mending a sock. It takes time for the herbs to build.

What about fear?

Feeling fear is normal. You really don’t know fear until you are in a crisis. Its like going out in the night. You can’t see ahead, and you don’t know what is coming. But just know one thing. If you are doing the right thing your body will  do the right thing and come back to health and balance!

What did Diane mean by “clean diet”?

No processed foods. Eat as close to nature as you can. Organic, non-GMO. Lots of vegies. The dietary suggestions in Lorene’s book for healing cancer is an excellent resource for healing all conditions. This article gives a summary: Optimum Diet for Health

How long did it take?

From the time I was in a wheel chair it took a year to get out of my wheel chair. During that time I took about 30 different products some in very high doses.

Have you ever had an MRI?

Yes, the last time I had an MRI was about 4 years ago for a totally different reason. The doctor told me that my MS was progressing as expected! Progressing??? I had been out of my wheel chair and walking for 20 years and he told me my MS was progressing! That is when I decided to “walk away!”

Comment by Lorene

A person I know was diagnosed with MS just after Diane was. She had been travelling and had a full slate of vaccinations; tetanus, cholera, etc. She smoked and drank and followed the SAD diet. Contrary to Diane, she decided to take the medical route, including drugs. She tried a few herbs, but with little commitment. Today she is so structurally deformed she can barely walk even with a walker, is mostly in a wheelchair. Although she has a very positive attitude, she has low quality of life. Honour to Diane who took charge of her own vision and today does have quality of life and is helping all kinds of people overcome MS and so many other health challenges.

Comment by Jean :

It had taken me 4 years of healing and its always bit by bit. We’ve been taught to get a quick fix. Sometimes it’s just a very slight change. I am 79 years old and bit by bit I am getting there. I can’t expect it to happen overnight. “It is never too late! ”


Please contact Lorene Benoit if you wish to start improving your health. She has worked as a herbalist since 1982 and specialized in Nature’s Sunshine herbs, those used by Diane, since 1991. She promotes staying well and following basic health programs for your wellness insurance.

As Diane says, “I can’t put a price on it. If I am not healthy I can’t do anything.” Health needs to be our Number ONE Priority!


Our gratitude to Diane for sharing her personal experience. I have had the honour of staying with  Diane many times when teaching Tree of Light Herbal Certification in Mississauga, where Diane has one of her Healthy You Naturally clinics. I have seen her healthy lifestyle, met her two beautiful daughters and her husband. Thanks also to Donna Roth for arranging this interview with Diane.

Q & A: Excema – Back to Health Basics


Good morning,  I hope all is well for you!
What do we have that would be great for eczema? I have someone inquiring.
Much love , JS


I have a couple of articles on my website, which I have copied direct links to, below. I did a search for excema, in top Right hand corner search bar.  You will see from these that different approaches were used – all with success, so it definitely depends on the person, their particular cause(s), their diet, level of stress, etc. Sorry there is not one simple answer, like “take this pill”. That’s how drugs are used, not natural healing, as you know.


Skin conditions are an external reflection of what’s going on internally.
You can begin to positively affect most health conditions by addressing the basics of digestion, assimilation and elimination. Once those are working better, and healthy dietary habits, such as those listed in my book are implemented, better health follows. The optimum dietary recommendations suggested in my Paw Paw Program that are used for cancer are the same dietary suggestions for health.

Digestion and Assimilation:

  • enzymes – either Digestive Enzymes (Food Enzymes – US)  or Garden Essence (Proactazyme – US). Both of these are full spectrum, meaning they digest proteins, starches, fats, cellulose, etc.
  • Probiotoic 11 .  Contains eleven strains to promote healthy gut  micro-biome.


  • making sure one has 2-3 healthy bowel movements per day. This may mean using a formula such as Bowel Build on a daily basis for several months. With a  good bowel building and toning product,  as your bowel gets healthier, you need less of it.
  • cleansing is always important.  Three of the best suited cleanses to choose from are : Clean Start, Detox Basics or Tiao He Pak. 


Topically, for relief of pain and itching, as well as to promote healing, I would also consider adding an Essential Oil blend, such as Core or Refuge to either Silver Gel, Pau D’Arco Lotion Nature’s Fresh Enzyme Spray or Aloe Vera Gel. Sorry to give you so many choices, but different strokes for different folks.

As this would be too many product  links, you can look any products up to see ingredients and prices by going to this website: 
Choose your country in top right corner.


Contact us or phone our office at 250-748-6802 . We offer help to  get you the best products for YOUR condition.
Dealing with the basics will get one well on the way to better health.


Reference Links:

Also on psoriasis, as the two conditions are frequently confused:


Hope this helps!


Q & A: Ringworm, molluscum and other skin conditions

This is a series of emails between a client and Lorene, which might be helpful to others. My responses are in italics.

It may seem frustrating to use different herbs for different conditions, but when compared to the number of multiple drugs, all with very negative side effects, this is really simple.

Our family has used all of these herbal remedies with amazing results over the last 35 years. By results I mean faster resolution, less expensive and no side negative effects than a medical prescriptive route. A few examples of successes can be found under Success Stories.

There ARE frequently positive side effects, such as a remedy effecting a benefit not being treated. Two examples:

  • using black walnut for ringworm, also helps to support the thyroid and strengthen tooth enamel.
  • using an herbal formula to help allergies and lungs will often help a sluggish colon.

June 9th: Hi Lorene,
Our family is now  living in Texas . It is pretty interesting. One of the things about living here is that the kids have gotten lots of different skin stuff that we never had in Canada. Right now my middle son has something called Molluscum Contagiosum. It is smallish white bumps on his left leg that spread and can last for a long time- they are from a virus kind of like planters warts etc. I have tried a couple different topical treatments, but nothing is getting it from its source.

I remembered that when I was in high school, (editor’s note- about 20+ yrs. ago),   I had really bad planters warts on my feet and you had given me 2 different things to take- I think one was beta carotene? And I can’t remember the other. Can you recommend something for me to try with him? I really really appreciate it!
Thankyou so much!    JH

June 10: I treated a 3 yrs. old girl with mulluscum , and yes, it is a virus. At that time I treated them by poking them with a sterilized pin (tea tree oil)  to penetrate the little white bumps, then applying tea tree oil to them. Depends on nature of your son, whether he will let you do this or not. That would be an external application.


Internally, your memory serves you well – it was Beta Carotene – strongest NSP product with beta carotene is now Defence Maintenance. At one time we had a straight Beta carotene, but not anymore – I think it was stopped by FDA, probably because it was too effective; certainly no safety issues!


The other product would have been HRP-C (for HeRPes),  which  in the US is called VS-C  (for ViruS)- concentrate capsules which can be opened, or VS-C liquid. This can be taken internally, but the liquid could also be applied externally, but it’s a little sticky.

You can order as a new member in US – free- please use account # 1143667 and become a CLASSIC member. Or I can order for you using our account. As it can seem complicated  for first time order, just let me know what, your new address, ph# etc. I can phone & get your details of payment & place first order for you; no charge.
Let me know one way or other, OK? Lorene

Jun 12: Hi Lorene,
Thank you for getting back to me! I just ordered the liquid VS-C and hopefully with tea tree that will help. I’ve tried a bunch of other stuff, and it has helped some but new ones keep popping up, he also has some staph infection happening as well- and just got over some nasty impetigo, I was getting pretty desperate so just got him some antibiotics… I don’t think he has ever been on antibiotics before. We might have to come see you when we are on the island!
Lots of love, JH


Jun 15: OK keep in touch to know how the VS-C works . 
Golden Seal  (Hydrastis canadensis) is one of the best antibiotics – which I save for heavy duty infections, as it is an endangered species.  For staph,  Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) is a specific and VERY effective, and it is not endangered.  Golden Seal is available from US as a single in capsules – the strongest form. 


Jun 18: Thank you for the tips! That’s good to know about the Oregon grape. I didn’t end up using the antibiotics for him, just waited a couple days and it looked like it turned into Pityriasis rosea
Or something similar, which he had last summer and was misdiagnosed as ringworm. Just this time it looked kind of different so the doctor I think didn’t know what it was. Hopefully the VS-C can take care of both the moluscum & pityriasis.
Thanks again for your insights and help.


Jun 18: Skin conditions are obviously hard for many doctors. I have had ringworm mis-diagnosed TWICE . The 2nd time they wanted to operate! I often find my answers upon waking, so it must come in my dreams, so once I figured it was ringworm, I applied Black Walnut liquid externally and took it internally. Something I had endured for months (on my scalp – I think from Bali) was gone in less than 2 wks.


 Contact for personal assistance: 

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Lorene Benoit, MHH, BEd, CHC, CRA,              NSP # 1143615-CA
FBenoit BScNursing, NHC, LChabot HCA       NSP # 1143667-CA
(U.S. become Classic Members)
U.S. & Canada: For discount on professional supplements and PERSONAL assistance, please contact us first. 
P.S.  We still do phones! 250-748-6802.