Tag Archives: Yarrow

Herbal Intensive 2012 a success!

We had 10 people take part in our 2012 Annual Medicine Wheel workshop to learn how the four elements can be used to understand the actions and principles of herbs, and then how this apply this knowledge to help keep us healthy.

A smaller group of us joined together for the next 3 days of the Annual Herbal Intensive, and what fun we had! As usual, we prepared a St. John’s Wort tincture, Herbal Savory Vinegar, St. Joan’s oil, Prunella Vulgaris (Heal All) Glycerite, Yarrow Tinctract and Four Quadrants Healing Salve, along with many infusions, decoctions, a poultice, eyewash…..and more. We shared herbal knowledge, stories and deepened our understanding of how our health can be improved mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, thus applying the four elements of Medicine Wheel in more depth.

Below are some photos of the herb gardens and wildlife we enjoyed during the Intensive. Some pictures and comments from participants may follow to give your their perspective. From my perspective, I have to thank those who invest their time to join in these classes and empower themselves as they learn to take control of their health through the gifts provided freely to us through mother nature.

Some of the herbs – can you name them?









Our deer family leaving after their breakfast

Join us for next year’s Annual Herbal Intensive

July 12-15th, 2013!



Annual Herbal Intensive 2011 a Success!

Our Annual Herbal Intensive was busy and full of stewing and brewing. As we had typical West Coast winter weather, (not at all typical for July!),  picking and identifying had to fit in between sun and rain spells. Despite this we learned how to identify, harvest, store, prepare and use over 30 herbs on this 5 Acre property!

We spent the first afternoon studying the Medicine Wheel garden and opening the Intensive by inviting the energies and spirit of the four elements  to join us. We made a soothing, healing salve with plantain, comfrey, yarrow, St. John’s wort and a few other propriety secrets available to those who participate in the course; St. John’s wort oil; herbal vinegar; herbal glycerites and some down home tinctracts, an alcohol tincture, plus a variety of aromatherapy products. We poulticed, snuffed, and drank lots of medicinal herbs in decoctions and infusions, both dried and fresh.

We prepared a 30% alcohol St. John’s wort tincture, as we have so much of it in late bloom, and it is great as a tincture for a dull winter uplift, and if things don’t change, we may need it for the summer too!

Everyone raved about Alain’s organic lunches; including the “weeds” we picked for the daily salads.

This year we had veteran herbal practitioners and beginning gardeners wanting to start herb gardens, from Canada and Holland, so the discussion and sharing were informative and lively. We may see some return next year and look forward to new people too! Thanks to all who attended – go forth and spread the wonders of herbal healing and health!