Tag Archives: UVB rays

Vit D & cancer: sun, showers and supplements

Cancer Caused by Vitamin D Deficiency

From several studies in the last few years, it was estimated that 45,000 Americans die from cancer annually related to inadequate levels of vitamin D. Many studies continue link the UVB/vitamin D-cancer connection.

Studies from Norway, from 2004 to 2016,  show that the detection of breast, colon, and prostate cancer has a seasonal cycle correlated with vitamin D production by sunlight . Of important note is that many of their studies show that vitamin D effectively fights cancer even in the later stages. [Robsahm et al.]

To understand why so many people are deficient in this essential Vitamin, we need to understand factors which affect our ability to synthesize Vit. D from the sun:

  1. UVB doses based on location: being in the sun does NOT mean we are receiving the UVB rays necessary for our body to make Vit. D3. You can see what your exposure is, based on date and latitude, and altitude of sun, by putting your location into this table calculated by the US Naval Observatory: http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/AltAz.php. Only when the 2nd column (Altitude) is greater than 50 are you getting UVB rays. The rest of the time, while you tan,  you are creating free radical damage, which ages your skin and depletes your Vit D3 stores, especially if you burn.
  2. Living in an urban environment with reduced solar radiation exposure: clouds, smog, pollution all decrease your absorption.
  3. Sun screen: especially those with high SPF. Even worse are commercial products that are laden with chemicals that create a toxic soup on your skin, ready to be baked by the sun. We use Aloe Vera Gel and St. John’s Wort Oil, which we make during out Annual Summer Herbal Intensive, as our natural sun protector and moisturizer.
  4. Darkly pigmented skin absorbs less rays than light coloured skin, which is why light-skinned people burn more easily.
  5. Showering and swimming after sunning: Yes, although studies since 1937* have shown that too frequent showering depletes Vit.D, this was largely ignored until more recent studies have been showing the same thing. As it takes up to 48 hours for your body to make the Vit D3 from  the oil based sebum of the skin, you are destroying this process, especially if you wash with soap.  IF there are chemicals in your water, and/or you use toxic cleansers, then you are not only stopping production, but creating free radicals that further deplete any stores you may have. Do not fall prey to the germ-phobic, over washing, sweet smelling propaganda media to which we are continually exposed.  * Helmer AC, Jensen CH: Vitamin D precursors removed from the skin by washing. Studies Inst Divi Thomae 1937, 1:207-216. 

The two best solutions for most North Americans who do not get enough UVB rays from October to April are to take quality Vit. D supplementation and to eat more Vit. D rich foods. Optimum Daily Doses (ODA) are up to 10,000 IUs; versus (Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), which are only 600- 800 IU – maybe enough to prevent rickets, but not enough for optimum health!

Your top food sources for Vit. D are:

  • fish oils, which must be tested for toxins as these are concentrated sources. Most people are aware that many fish come from polluted water sources, which is why purchasing from a company who can perform this testing is essential to your health.
  • oily fish, such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, cod – as above, wild is better than farmed, and know your sources
  • mushrooms: Portobello, maitake are highest; brown are higher than white
  • some dairy and dairy alternatives (usually fortified)
  • tofu
  • egg yolks

Supplement your diet inexpensively:

NSP provides a quality source of Vitamin D3, that we encourage everyone to take more of during the winter months: in US it is 2000 IU, in Canada 2500 IU. This is an inexpensive supplement, so no reason to be deficient. For optimum health, your levels should be in the 50-100 ng/ml range, which can be easily determined with a Vit D25-hydroxy  blood test.

To understand why Vit D3 is so important for many health conditions, please read Vitamin D and Your Health.

If you do end up with any type of abnormal skin growths, be it basal cell, melanoma, plantar warts, moles, we encourage you to read about natural solutions to cancer. Many articles on this research website, under Cancer. 


In Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally extensive dietary recommendations are given to help people understand a healthy lifestyle, including how to eat for wellness. Some recipes are also included to promote optimum health and prevention of all chronic conditions and diseases.

Please contact author to receive assistance via consultation, or to help you order therapeutic quality supplements at wholesale price from the source she has used since 1985.