Tag Archives: Tei Fu

Coronavirus Perspective and 7 Simple Natural Aids

Update Feb 24, 2022  

We have had excellent results and many “thank you’s” from those using our herbal anti-viral formula (# 5 below), the Lung Healer (# 6) when necessary, and Tei Fu Oil (# 7) for sore throat, head ache, digestive upset, sinus, lung bronchial congestion and achy body. Contact us for quick and discounted access to any of these, delivered to your door.

We also have obvious proof that the end goal of this flu fear is digitalizing  and controlling every man, woman and child on the globe. Canada’s sudden implementation and  of the Emergency Measure Act, was never justified except for condoning world shocking police violence against  peaceful protesters. The quick reversal  boils down to Canadians losing faith in the banking system, which is jeopardizing their plans to digitalize all Canadians.

You can read previous articles via:  Archives Covid Research

Update Mar 9, 2021

Almost one year since my first COVID post, and after thousands of hours of studying, I still agree with all that I wrote over the past year. I have been pleased to see these views of strengthening the natural immunity supported and documented by many doctors worldwide. The only difference is that I now get 20-50 emails per day relating to what is happening worldwide due to a globally driven inappropriate response to a  virus which has been blown entirely out of proportion.

My several posts since this first one give a lot of  different views, all backed by research. Apologies if some links don’t work, as scientific freedom of speech censorship IS a reality.  Anyone really open to a “different truth”, one that is science base versus fear based, can find the sources.

You can read all Covid articles written since March, 2019 via:  Archives Covid Research

Be sure to watch this 11 min. summary of Why NOT To Fear Covid,  by brave Canadian doctors.

Two natural aids which have unanimously come to the forefront for both prevention and  treatment that I did not mention in original post are Vitamin D3 and Zinc . I was trying to keep it simple, but in light of overwhelming new research, in addition to past wisdom re-surfacing,  these both bear mention.

Vitamin D3 has been known for years to increase immunity, prevent colds, and more. This article will give you more info on benefits of Vit. D

Zinc is recognized as an essential mineral for both taste and smell functions. Loss of smell (anosmia) and loss of taste (ageusia) are often early symptoms as well as after-effects of Covid. In addition, Zinc has been long known to increase immunity.

Please contact the author for sources of quality health products this author has used for since 1985, both personally and professionally.

Or, go to TakeTheNaturalPath.myNsp.com , choose your country and  use search bar in top right corner.

Original Post Mar 14, 2020

I am getting at least 3-5 emails per day about this virus and many intelligent questions about natural protection. There are many theories about origin and causes, including 5G & other increasing EMFs linked to all areas of outbreaks, that include historical ‘epidemics’ back to WWI when 1st overseas communication began; bio-warfare; political – economic driven agendas; and of course, more money for big pharma for more questionable vaccines*(too many links to put in here, some of interest listed below).

Going into fear or panic is detrimental to your health; probably more so than the ‘virus’ or disease itself. Stocking up on toilet paper??? If I was to stock up on anything it would be natural products to boost my immunity, anti-viral herbs, and herbs that support the respiratory system, not intestinal, and not toilet paper! 

SEVEN easy, effective precautions /natural solutions are: 

  1. Keep your immune system strong with good diet, (lots of veggies & fruits providing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre); positive thinking, adequate sleep, exercise, fresh air – all the pillars of health clearly explained in my book on treating cancer naturally: Natural Approach to Cancer: The Paw Paw Program. Turn off negative news, lessen wifi and cell (EMF) exposure, and get into nature.

  2. Use nano particle silver solution (why more effective than colloidal silver) IN your body, ongoing for prevention. Proven with FDA approval and many patents to kill over 600 microbes, viruses, fungus, including MRSA, VRE, Staphylococcus, and Pseudomonas aeriginosa – (killer of 2700 in US alone in 2017). One can do this by ingesting 1/2 to 1 tsp. of Liquid Silver Guard per day, or a small pea size of the Silver Gel. Dr. Pederson’s recommended protocol for doctors exposed to so many germs, especially during flu season, was to put a dab of Silver Gel in each nostril a couple of times/day. The nasal passages are our 1st line of natural defence. The gel can be rubbed on the back of the throat, and should be used immediately at any sign of throat irritation. Gargling with Silver liquid is another method. Try to hold either form of silver for 6 minutes – long enough to kill any germs, then swallow for internal benefits. Liquid can be put in a spray bottle and sprayed into throat a couple of times daily. The gel can be used instead of hand sanitizers – a little dab will do it. This is a very effective anti-microbial and does not contain alcohol which dries your natural skin defence, or other toxic chemicals.   This article will tell you more about Silver and Multiple Uses .

  3. Tei Fu Oil – one drop in the mouth and breathe it in – kills germs with antimicrobial essential oils of camphor, menthol, eucalyptus, clove and lavender. Also a wonderful breath freshener and clears the sinuses. A drop on back of throat for any irritation. A drop in the nose when flying or being exposed to many people and germs.

  4. Other Essential Oils, 5 listed in Tei Fu article, can also be diffused in your home for prevention and treatment of any disease. For blends, a good one is Essential Shield, which contains protective EOs, plus smells heavenly. It also comes in a Essential Shield Multi Purpose Concentrate Cleaner, which will clean everything – hands, hair, floors, clothes, dishes effectively and safely – with no harmful chemicals. Frequent and thorough hand washing with soap is considered THE BEST contagion prevention, so mix up a dilute solution of Essential Shield Cleaner and have a container handy in every room of the house. You can make your own sani-wipes using this on a facecloth or other strips of cotton and carry in a zip lock baggie. When you wash them, your laundry will get a cleansing boost and smell great!

  5. If despite these easy, sensible things, you end up sick – whether it be common cold, flu, avian, H1N1, corona, swine, dengue fever, ANY virus, start taking HRP-C (CA) , VS-C (US) immediately. Both CA & US offer this Chinese anti-viral formula in capsules and glycerine extract. Developed to fight the toughest viruses (Herpes and AIDS); it has never failed us in over 20 years of use! In times of dis-ease follow practical steps for quicker healing in an article by reading Crisis Management.

  6. IF one does get a respiratory infection add Chinese Lung Healer: LH-C (CA), Lung Support Chinese (US). Correct dosage is 1 cap with a meal THREE times per day, until almost healed, then you can decrease to 2, then 1/day to continue to strengthen lungs – which are critical to our immune system. Professionals who works  with the NSP Chinese herbs know that Concentrate TCM dosage is 3-4 per day and  regular formula dosage is 8-9 per day  for acute conditions. More info on LH-C / Lung Support.

  7. If you cannot afford any of the above (Tei Fu Oil is about $20), or live in a country where these are not accessible, then gargle a couple of times/day with warm salt water. You can also do nasal flushing with a warm salt solution. This will help kill many bacteria which enter your body via nose and mouth.

In summary, there are many simple ways to protect ourselves, and to treat illness, should we come down with any virus. 

Here are direct links to the silver solution we have used for over 10 years. Please contact us if you want to order any of these items direct to your house. I can get you discount pricing. 

Silver Liquid (CA)   Silver Shield with AqualSol (US) – ignore the mouthwash on Cdn. label – this is an ignorant Health Canada thing – great to use as mouthwash but then swallow  for internal health benefits – it is perfectly safe to swallow and should be (as per instruction on US product, which is the same: “swish & swallow”

Silver Gel (CA)/ Silver Shield Rescue Gel (US) on skin, in nose, or any other orifices, and pea size swallow to combat ALL infections,

IN US, there is also an Immune Support Kit, which contains several of the above herbal aids. 


Rudolf Steiner Perspectives

Page 3 of a 9 page article based on Rudolf Steiner anthroposophy, has much insight. One paragraph which I feel is particularly relevant is:

“Meanwhile – some key questions to carry are – what is being covered up while
focusing so intently on this issue? ( a questionable virus?)  There is likely a covert agenda. Some suggest that the hidden powers behind the scenes want to promote a regime of digital currency, since the financial upheaval that is coming to bear may pave the way by allowing this radical new system.  And/or the mass inoculation with vaccine/chip technology by profit-seeking interests. And/or unhampered installation of 5G technology. And we can ask, to what extent is the rampant fear in humanity, as evidenced by the masses responding in the way they are – running for masks, and allowing their
environments to be sprayed with all that poisonous substance (and to kill what?) – just
adding to the power of the pandemic?”

Feel free to share this information.


*Vaccine profits: 

China, 5G And The Wuhan Coronovirus

We wish you healthy living and positive thinking!

Remember to contact us if in North America to help you order and get best prices for any of these products or other health programs.


Herbal First Aid Kit

For years many people have asked us, “What do you use in your house and when travelling to keep so healthy and avoid the medical route and drugs ?” I have finally put this  article, published years ago in some herbal magazines,  on my own website!

With this kit in your home and mini kit for travelling+ (also see Travel First Aid Kit at end), you will have tools on hand to treat most health challenges!

MORE INFO on any product or personal health issues?  Please Contact Lorene Benoit .   As product links, names (different in US and Canada), and availability all change, contacting Lorene is best option. We can also help you order any of these, receive the best prices and personal assistance!



Herbal First Aid Suggestions by Lorene Benoit                                           BEd, MHH CHC, CI, CRA

1. Tei Fu Oil+

One drop internally:

  • respiratory and sinus congestion / infection
  • sore throat, cough
  • mental alertness
  • breath freshener
  • nausea, motion sickness

1-4 drops topically:

  • sore muscles
  • muscle spasms and cramps/ Charlie horses
  • headaches (on temple and at back of neck)
  • bites and stings
  • bruises
  • cold sores


  • respiratory and sinus congestion and infection

* Tei Fu Massage Lotion also relieves pain, injuries, arthritis and relax muscles, but for traveling light, the pure oil can be used internally, plus added to any healthy carrier oil for massage!

2. Peppermint Oil+

One drop internally:

  • settles upset stomach / nausea
  • dispels gas from intestinal system, digestive aid
  • promotes mental alertness

One drop topically:

  • canker sores / cold sores (stings then numbs);
  • bites and stings
  • headaches (on temple and at back of neck)
3. Tea Tree Oil+
  • natural antiseptic, antifungal and disinfectant
  • promotes healing of cuts, burns, scrapes, and bruises and sunburn
  • stimulates rapid growth of healthy tissue
  • internal douche and enema for yeast infections
  • kills head lice, add to NS concentrate & use as shampoo
4. Garlic ( NSP High Potency Tablets)
  • natural antibiotic in high potency odor controlled tablet
  • fights viral and fungal infections
  • helps lower blood pressure
  • improves circulation
  • helps expel parasites

Fresh garlic can be used in the following ways:

  • in ears to fight ear infections
  • on chest for respiratory congestion (use oil, salve or herbal poultice as barrier to prevent skin burning)
  • on wounds to prevent infection
5. Aloe Vera Gel+
  • burns and sunburns
  • scrapes, minor injuries
  • chapped skin
  • diaper rash
  • combine with NSP Lavender EO to speed healing, lessen inflammation
6. Lobelia+
  • bronchial dilator, healthy “puffer” substitute for asthma
  • opens lymphatic channels/ helps swollen lymph nodes
  • relaxes spasms: bronchial, stomach, bowel, muscles, uterine, heart
  • relaxes nerves and helps reduce pain
  • helps induce vomiting when taken in larger doses; allays vomiting in very small doses – Lobelia is truly a “thinking” herb
  • fills nicotine receptor sites to help stop smoking
  • Anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial: especially effective for microbes involving respiratory system.
7. Capsicum (Cayenne Pepper)+
  • stimulates blood flow
  • normalizes blood pressure, whether high or low
  • helps body to expel mucous
  • high Vit. C content helps colds
  • takes pain away for sore throat if gargled, then swallowed
  • helps for physical shock in accident victims
  • helps stop severe bleeding and hemorrhaging, externally and internally

Tei Fu Oil/ Lobelia/ Capsicum can be combined topically to relieve pain and relax muscles for subluxated neck and arthritis.

8. AL-J
  • allergies
  • respiratory decongestant- helps clear and strengthen lungs & bronchioles
  • helps settle stomach and digestion
  • pneumonia and other respiratory infections – combine with Oregon Grape or # 12
9. Licorice Root
  • promotes stamina and endurance by feeding adrenals to balance them and enable production of natural cortisone
  • helps stabilize blood sugar
  • prevent mood swings, and dizziness
  • helps overcome sugar cravings
  • helps drug and alcohol withdrawal
  • soothing & healing  for ulcers
  • helps with anorexia
  • mild decongestant and expectorant for dry cough
10. Probiotics+

Lorene works with 5 excellent probiotics: Probiotic Eleven, Bacillus Coagulans+, Bifidophilus Flora Force, Acidophilus Bifidophilus & Children’s Probiotics. 

Email her for a comparison chart or book a consultation to set up your specific program. All quality probiotics help rebuild Microbiome and: 

  • keep colon in optimum working order by ensuring probiotic bacterial growth
  • contain prebiotics to ensure growth of probiotics (pro life)
  • renew friendly flora which is destroyed by antibiotics, external environmental toxins & internal toxins
  • help control yeast levels
  • help keep bowel elimination working properly, which elevates immune response
11. Liquid Chlorophyll
  • natural deodorizer to help eliminate odour and toxins from the inside out: smelly feet , bowel movements, and bad breath
  • blood builder: increases oxygen and hemoglobin  levels in blood / helps anemia
  • good drink during labour, provides energy and minerals
  • disinfects injuries to help them heal, good for fighting infections
  • helps alkalize blood stream from acidic food, stress & toxins
  • contains no calories, sugar or chemicals, inexpensive, and tastes great!
12. Echinacea & Golden Seal
  • Combination makes this formula a powerful infection fighter / antiseptic / immune stimulant combination


  • non-specific immune stimulating effect to help body contain infection
  • helps to produce white blood cells and antibodies

Golden Seal

  • tones gastro/intestinal/lung and stomach- KING of mucous membranes
  • helps improve digestive and all liver functions
  • diabetics – helps lower blood sugar levels (if used by hypoglycemics, add Licorice Root or use Oregon Grape)
  • topically helps heal injury, infections for cuts, scrapes, abcesses

(also see Oregon Grape – is comparable to Golden Seal, less expensive and not endangered)

Echinacea / Golden Seal combined with Capsicum and Lobelia

  • dilute with water and gargle for sore throat, then swallow
13. HRP-C (CA) / VS-C (US)+
  • builds natural immunity to combat all viruses, fungus, parasites and candida
  • helps draw out impurities from liver
  • helps detoxify heavy metals (post dental amalgam removal, vaccines, metal toxicity)
  • One of the BEST for all viruses, including Herpes, Shingles, Colds, Flus
14. Vitamin C:   Time Release 1000mg capsules or 500mg/ tablets or Vit C with Zinc Lozenges
  • neutralizes toxins and chemical poisonings, including mercury
  • free radical scavenger, antioxidant
  • increases immunity;  helps prevent and get over colds, flu
15. Silver Guard, Silver Shield, Silver Gel+, Silver Solution 18-24 ppm
Contact Lorene Benoit to determine best for you.
  • All can be internally and externally safely to kill over 600 bacteria viruses and molds
  • All benefits of colloidal silver but many times more effective
  • Cannot overdose (no blue skin argylosis with these!)
  •  great anti-infection for everything from airborne to digestive and parasitical
  • See many uses & testimonies for Silver
16. Ginger+
  • relieves upset stomach, indigestion, cramps, flatulence, and diarrhea
  • stimulates circulation to help relieve pain and inflammation
  • relieves motion sickness, morning sickness, and nausea
17. Pau D’Arco Lotion
  • relieves itching and pain
  • helps with acne, eczema,psoriasis
  • poison ivy
  • snakebites
  • wounds
  • boils, fungal infections,
  • hemorrhoids
  • Can add Authentic Essential Oils for additional healing
18. Cascara Sagrada (Sacred Healing Bark)
  • herbal laxative, works by increasing peristalsis
  • stimulates secretions in the entire digestive system including the liver, gallbladder, stomach and pancreas
  • promotes the growth of friendly bacteria in the colon
  • the longer you use it, the less you need – the opposite of OTC drug laxatives
  • Lorene’s preferred use in in formulas such as LBS or LB-X.
19. Passion Flower
  • herbal sedative that induces relaxation
  • relieves muscle tension and anxiety
  • relaxes smooth muscles of digestive tract
  • helps treat stress, headaches due to nervous tension, and insomnia
  • Many people choose to use in formula such as HPV, which combines Passion Flower with Hops and Valerian.

Travel First Aid  Kit

For travel to tropical or overseas destinations, we take the following:

  • #1 Tei Fu
  • #2 Peppermint
  • #3 Tea Tree
  • #5 Aloe Vera Gel
  • #6 Lobelia
  • #7 Capsicum (can just take 10 capsules – a little goes a long way)
  • #10 Probiotics- Bacillus Coagulans requires no refrigeration
  • #13 HRP-C or VS-C for infection
  • #15 Silver Gel &/or Liquid
  • #16 Ginger


  • Digestive Enzymes (CA) / Food Enzymes (US) take 1 with each meal unless meal is just peeled fruit. The  HCl acid, pancreatin, and other enzymes help destroy parasites and to prevent intestinal disorders of all types including Montezuma’s Revenge, Thai Trots & other traveller’s food poisoning.
  • One of the following for diarrhea, constipation, colic:

UC3-J  (Slippery Elm, Marshmallow, Plantain, Bugleweed, Rose Hips, Chamomile), OR Slippery Elm OR Psyllium Hulls Combotake as needed. More effective to open capsules and make tea, or bulk Psyllium Hulls Combo.

  • You can also use any of the above as a drawing poultice – open capsule and add enough water to make paste. Hemorrhoids, take as above or as suppository. Promotes growth of intestinal bacteria.
  • Can be used for constipation, as added fibre taken with lots of water.
  • Activated Charcoal (US)– food poisoning, parasites, intestinal cramps. Adsorbs toxins and takes them out via the bowel. Take 2-3 capsules as needed.

The following are additional possibilities, but the above 13 items usually cover everything and all fit into a small pouch. Small ziplock baggies and film canisters work well. You likely won’t use them all – keep them well stored in your Travel First Aid Kit and they will be on hand when you need them and ready for your next trip. Also useful to have on hand for home use.

  • AD-C – Chinese formula to restore Chi – Jet Lag, Swelling, Pain, Anti-Depressant

Take 1 every 2 hours going, take 2 every two hours on return flight to prevent or lessen jet lag. Also used for any “blocked chi” conditions, including headaches, muscle or joint pain, swellings, especially with sudden onset.

  • Lavender Essential Oil – anti-inflammatory, useful for burns, sores, relaxant promotes sleep, anti-microbial (good choice for spritzer). Other Oils in KIT are wonderful for First Aid – zip lock them!

*Special note Silver Guard: 1 large bottle of the Silver 473 ml. unopened in packed luggage, can be used upon arrival- 1 tsp/1 capful each per day. You can also put some in a spray bottle (under 100 ml) to take on the plane and spray to breathe and protect your throat while enroute to prevent “Germ-laden airplane air sickness”, as I call it. If you don’t want to do the spray, the gel can also be dabbed in the nostrils to prevent airborne bugs; the tube is 85 ml, so you can take it on plane in a zip lock baggie.The Gel is wonderful for any kind of rashes, sun burn or wounds.

To order any of these, please Contact Lorene Benoit  for best prices and personal assistance. Lorene will help you order, and can book a private class to ensure you are confident in how to use these.

Q & A Nerve Pain


Do you know of a treatment for nerve pain (feet and ankles)
EH from YT



Nerve pain or neuralgia, can have many causes, and of course natural healing is not just about symptomatic relief, but getting to the root of the problem.

Are nerves being impinged or pressured in some way from a structural accident, posture or degeneration? For example a vertebral challenge, misplaced vertebra or bulging disk can put pressure on a nerve. If there is a physical or structural challenge, then this needs to be addressed for full resolution.

A restriction in circulation or injury can cause inflammation, and loss of nutrition reaching a nerve. This must be rectified to prevent degeneration of a nerve. As mentioned in The Paw Paw Program, Chapter 1 – “inflammation is the Root of All Evil”; it  affects all dis-ease conditions, including those that involve pain.

So without more detail, which would require a consultation,  it is  difficult to answer this more completely, but do seek out the cause.

From a pain reduction point of view, here are several formulations that we have used successfully over the past 25 years that can help with inflammation and pain in general, and nerve pain specifically. Herbs will also provide the nourishment necessary for  nerve  repair.

The following are some of the best anti-inflammatories from the herbal kingdom, some pain killers, and some topical applications which can all offer relief.

Please read these over and select two of the internal remedies, plus one topical. Try them conscientiously for at least one month. The beauty of this approach is that the herbs will have no negative side effects as most drugs do, and your body will benefit in some way from the added nutrition. You can see ingredients and benefits on these links, but links change, so please Contact us for up to date info and to get the best discount direct prices, plus free shipping. Personal service, no obligation.

Internal use taken orally to relieve inflammation and heal nerves:

Inflammation: Turmeric Curcumin  – concentrated standardized curcuminoid complex  (same name CA an US)

Nerve healing:

Stress Pack (CA)     Nervous System Pack (US)

Nerve health, tingling, vegetarians, digestion, memory:

Liquid Methyl B12 Plus (CA)  Liquid B12 Complete (US)


External use applied on skin to relieve inflammation and heal nerves:


Tei Fu Massage Recovery Lotion: increases circulation;  helps relieve inflammation and pain; excellent for arthritis, sore muscles, sports injuries

Please contact us for current links to the professional products we have used since 1985, and to receive professional, personalized service with discounted prices.


Note: We adhere to the NSP policy and motto of  “Quality, Service and Integrity”. Ordering online (Amazon or EBay), is illegal, as an unknown seller cannot provide Service or Integrity, which we can. NSP has provided the professional Quality, exceeding pharmaceutical  standards,  since 1972.Ordering through our office will give you the best price and best service.


November- December 2013 Newsletter




November – December, 2013

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”                                  William Arthur Ward

As Christmas approaches, most of us have much for which to be grateful. We are grateful for so many things in our lives! At this time we would like to express our gratitude to all family, friends, clients, students and co-workers who have interacted with us in our health business in some way over the last 30 years.

Whether it has been opening to the miraculous healing power of herbs;  purchasing from Nature’s Sunshine to be sure you are getting the best possible quality from around the world;  studying or working with us;  you have all blessed our lives.

We marvel at the number of people whose lives we have been able to positively impact, through the network you have helped us build. We have been honored to see healing, happiness and for many a good livelihood, as a result of your confidence, support and  trust. Thank you and have a joyous Christmas season!

We wish for internal peace to start in your heart and radiate outward to encompass your home, your community,  joining with others to envelope the world in peace.

A tribute to Nelson Mandela, a man of true peace, who said,

People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love,

For love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.



Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link:

Q & A: Cancer of bladder recurring and prevention

Candida, Cancer and Optimum Health Diet

Q&A: Paw Paw and Thyroid Medications/Supplements

Q&A: Malaria pills/vaccine – safe alternatives?


Our passion has always been for education. This newsletter answers many questions we receive. High volume dictates that for detailed responses and complicated health issues, an appointment is required for more than 10 minutes. Consultations can be done in person, by phone, email, or Skype (send us an invite : lorenebenoithealth)

Include your phone number as  it can be faster than email. Lorene has been doing many phone consultations worldwide and they are very effective.

Other options to help you are :

  1. Use the Search bar in upper right corner of our blog for answers
  2. Lorene Benoit’s book contains lifestyle tips for optimum health and disease prevention, in addition to understanding Cancer: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.  Chapters include the 4 Pillars of health, dietary suggestions, and recipes designed to help everyone move toward better health.

Ongoing special for books, Buy 3 get 1 free, or 15% discount for our members. Email or phone with payment info and address for faster delivery and and discounts.

Anytime there is something we can help with, please  contact us via:

  • website:    Contact Form
  • email:       TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com or
  • phone:      250-748-6802


Free Educational Webinars

Nature’s Sunshine offers FREE  webinars with some of North America’s best Natural Health Experts.

In Canada go to Nature’s Sunshine: >Members>Featured Products> Download Presentation >PPT and voila!  The Power Points can be viewed, downloaded  and shared with people who can benefit from this information. Members section is only available to Members – see below how to do this for free!

Worldwide, anyone can access webinars on the US website, without being a member.  Go to www.nspwebinars.com to view webinars upcoming and archived.


Success Stories

Success Stories: Lungs, Excema, Digestion and Business

We encourage you to share your stories with others on our website or via email. Success stories can be read at:



Compass ZytoBiofeedback

is an extremely efficient, inexpensive biofeedback tool that measures your biomarkers and gives you the perfect health program!

Watch this 3 minute video : http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit

Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends  to find out what are the best supplements for you!   Contact our office.for details.



For Canadians, we offer 6 wk. Campaign specials  10 % off or buy 3 get 1 free on selected seasonal herbs. The current six week campaign runs December 1st  to January 15th. Any of the specials can be ordered by calling our office 250-748-6802 , or call NSP at 1-800-265-9163. If not a member, just use our Sponsor # 309344 to receive the discount. Look for the Healthy Winter Savings Catalogue on opening page of Nature’s Sunshine Canada website.

This month’s catalogue – “Just 30 days to a New You” offers specials on many items perfect for Christmas gift giving, such as my favourite product Tei Fu Oil, Natria Irish Moss Hand and Body Lotion, Tea Tree Oil, in addition to protein powders and cleanses that will be appreciated by anyone who wants to improve their health.

Sending gifts anywhere in North America has never been easier-no post office hassles! Click here for more herbal gift ideas

Also don’t forget the Facebook Friday special for members – just sign in > Members> Facebook Fan Friday Specials  NSP Canada website Friday morning and see what the FREE product is that you get with a $50 order! Liking them on Facebook also helps NSP become the family name it deserves to be!

Plus for any whose membership may have expired now is the time to renew with the We Miss You Special – with a $50 order you get a Free Pain Relief spray – (amazing!), coupon book, price list, product guide and free shipping up to Dec. 31st!


How does Membership Benefit You?

 Click here to find out how  NSP Membership benefits you?

You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

Members receive great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials.


Video Pick

A clear 14 minute video from 16:9 showing how WiFi causes heart problems, headaches and other neurological disorders in children, as well as cancer in all age groups. This Canadian documentary exposes the truth. SMART meters being “forced” upon Canadian homes is yet another addition of radiation – perhaps the straw that will break the camel’s back ?  How much EMF can humans endure?   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN7VetsCR2I

If you think Health Canada (or American) agencies are protecting us, please pull that head out of the sand and at least listen to 80 seconds from  minutes 9:15-10:35.

Other countries such as France, Germany and Britain ARE making changes to protect their population, especially vulnerable children. North America needs to wake up!


 Business Coaching

We offer ongoing coaching to help others start their own business. If you are committed to learning about health and helping others, phone our office to get you started!


Serving you in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Ph/Fax:  250-748-6802

Email:     TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com

Website:  www.NaturalPathRemedies.com