Tag Archives: super antioxidant foods

Super Foods And Super Shakes

Superior nutrition can be accomplished regardless of age or sex, and the results can be noticeable within as little as four weeks!  Experience a healthier immune system, more positive outlook, greater energy and longer life expectancy.   Combining healthy eating habits, regular exercise, pure water, fresh air and Nature’s Sunshine products will make for optimal health!

For those times when you just don’t feel like preparing a nutritious meal, shakes are a great way to get the nutrition your body needs, without all the calories.  A well-balanced shake can provide protein, green super foods, herbs, fruit, fibre and vitamins and minerals.   ********************************************************************

Here are suggestions with Nature’s Sunshine Products that help ensure you get a full dose of protein, carbohydrates and essential fatty acids to keep you healthy.

One – half to one cup of berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries)

One serving of GreenZone powder  (CA) or Ultimate GreenZone  (US) – alkalinizes, and provides whopping servings of green nutrition. When you have cups of organic, fresh greens available, such as kale, beet greens, lettuce – not iceberg, sprouted vegies, swiss chard – you don’t need GreenZone. Otherwise you do!

One serving of Protein Powder: see excellent choices below.

Please contact Benoit & Associates to discuss which of these would be best for you, as well as to set up a direct ordering account for the best price, plus professional support.

Optional: 1/2 to one serving Flax Hull Lignans (CA)  or other superfoods

1.5 cups of clean water or ice cubes

Thoroughly mix all ingredients and enjoy!


These Superfoods help make life easy and health full.

 Ultimate Green Zone:  Provide the body with Superior Nutrition from whole foods.  One serving equals six servings of healthy greens. Contains the finest blend of some of the most nutritious land- and sea-based herbs, plus minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and bioflavonoids. Zone balanced 40-30-30.  A low calorie, nutritionally dense whole food that leaves you feeling vibrant and alive. Blood sugar stablizer,  balance weight, increase metabolism, detoxify. Aids healing and regeneration; strengthens body’s ability to cope with stress.

Nature’s Harvest (US) and (CA) which contains a host of super nutrition, including Beta Glucanswhich may help slow tumour growth via anti-angiogenesis. Supplementing with protein helps build lean muscle and increase metabolism.

Nutri-Burn Whey Protein:  (CA) – enhanced with CLA (conjugated linoleoic acid), a natural polyunsaturated fat that research has shown has powerful weight-loss potential, particularly for abdominal fat. Health benefits include decreased hunger, improved stress response, increased metabolism, improved insulin sensitivity and immunity, better sleep, increased endurance during exercise, and reduced food-induced allergic reactions.

Collagen is another complete protein designed to build and tone muscle. It also helps heal leaky gut.

Love and Peas (US only)- is a vegan option, dairy free gluten free, lactose free that fulfills 75% of daily requirements for 18 vitamins and minerals.

There are other great protein super shakes to choose from, in both Canada and US.: IN.Form Metabolic Age Support Soy and Pea Protein, Love & Peas….

Contact the author for suggestions of the best one for you and to place your first wholesale priced order – no charge – for 10 minutes. 


Other healthful additions: Fresh or frozen fruit: banana, berries, pear, free range eggs or locally grown vegetables. Concentrated Zambroza, Thai Go (US) , Liquid Essential Minerals OR Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic, Nature’s Gold, Flax Hull Lignans – a herb specialist can help choose your best Super dense nutritional foods.

Prepared by:  Lorene Benoit, M.H.H.CHC; 250-748-6802  TaketheNaturalPath@gmail.com

Mar/09 Updated October, 2013


Super Antioxidant Foods

The following foods are some super anti-cancer foods.  Choose as many as possible in their raw state, where appropriate. Consult a health practitioner to further personalize for Blood Type or address allergies.  These foods are used for their ability to provide super nutrition and phyto chemicals.

leafy green vegetables  cabbage                    yams                                    apricots

chard                                  endive                      zucchini                             grapefruit

kale                                      peas                          squash                                grapes

mustard greens               asparagus                  tomatoes                            mangoes

spinach                               tomatoes                   blueberries                        bananas

beet greens                        cauliflower               raspberries                        papaya, melons

romaine, leaf lettuce     avocadoes                strawberries                     nuts (soaked)

arugula                              garlic                        blackberries                    seeds (sprouted)

broccoli                             onions                       apples                                 beans

celery                                  sweet potatoes         pears                                   lentils

ROOT VEGETABLES:  carrots, turnips, radishes, kohlrabi, artichokes, beets, rutabaga

TASTY NUT MILK:  Puree blanched almonds in the blender with water. Sweeten the milk and cereal with stevia or xylitol. Avoid drinking coffee.

CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES: broccoli, cauliflower, mustard greens, brussel sprouts, cabbage. They contain indoles, which are used to destroy inactive estrogen in the bloodstream.  Particularly important for estrogen related cancers like breast cancer. Indoles are in Nature’s Sunshine Essentials Garden Formula, SynerPro formulas and GreenZone.

VITAMIN C FOODS and supplements: Rose Hips, Vit. C complex 500mg.

GARLIC:  Not only is it high in allicin, which kills bacteria, fungi, and intestinal parasites, but it contains 32 sulphur compounds, which are also anti-cancerous. High Potency odour controlled garlic is effective, as is raw, organic garlic.

TOMATOES:  source of a potent anti-oxidant called lycopene.

ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS:  in cold-pressed, organic flax oil, and NSP Super Oil, and Super Omega 3 necessary for the formation of healthy cell membranes. The EFAs work with the iron in chlorophyll rich foods (GreenZone, Chlorophyll) to make hemoglobin.  It is hemoglobin that transports oxygen throughout the body. Fungus cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment.

BASIC SALAD DRESSING: Dr. Johanna Budwig’s Blend 1 tbsp. of cold-pressed organic flax oil into ½ cup or so of low-fat cottage cheese. May add ground garlic or horseradish.

For creamy Italian-add pure, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar and Italian seasoning. For

Thousand Island-add a bit of lemon juice, tomato juice, chopped boiled egg.

RAW NUTS, SEEDS, soaked or sprouted. Grind or chew until liquid for proper absorption.

WHOLE GRAINS: Quinoa, amaranth, millet, buckwheat. Slow cook in a thermos to preserve nutrients. (Before bed at night, place a serving of whole grain in a good thermos.  Fill thermos with boiling water. Cover. Shake. Leave overnight. In the morning the grain is soft and ready to eat.) Try to eat grains that are more alkaline and suit your Blood Type.

LEGUMES, (PULSES): Must be well cooked so you can digest them. Try to eat grains that are more alkaline and suit your Blood Type.

ALL FOODS SHOULD BE ORGANIC IF POSSIBLE. Use no food with refined flour, oil, deep-fried foods, sugar, cured foods. All feed fungus.

USE PURIFIED WATER, not tap water. Fluoride & chlorine create toxins in the body. Add Chlorophyll, with a pleasant natural, spearmint flavour, to help you drink more water, while adding nutrition.

Green Tea (one capsule extract makes a very strong cup) is super high in antioxidants, including ellagic acid. E Tea is also available in a capsule for a stronger, easier to get the blood purifying benefits of Essiac Tea. Zambroza is a delicious, high anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory nutritious beverage. See www.zambroza.com for more info; contact Benoit & Associates Health to receive discount.

©Prepared by Lorene Benoit     Health Service, Duncan, BC (250) 748-6802  www.naturalpathremedies.com

Data/Write-ups & Cancer/Super Anti-oxidant Foods