Tag Archives: silver

Tips to Make the Avian Flu Fly Away (and other infections)

UPDATED August, 2024:

Looks like the Avian flu will be our next plandemic. Be prepared for another onslaught of fear based propaganda.

“They” have had years since my 2009 post to ensure the avian flu will transmit to other species, in their biolabs. They have had 15 YEARS to refine their media propaganda campaigns.

They will use this as a great excuse to further reduce our REAL food supply,  already happening with chickens and eggs;  turkeys and cows, and spend yet more billions of YOUR taxpayers’ money to enrich Big Pharma and global  control over chemical food, every human activity and every personal choice.

If you are not aware of any of  this, or who “they” is, just read a few my many research articles on the Convid/ Covid) Plandemic, since Mar 2020.  Time for everyone to protect any freedoms for future generations. Learn to say “I DO NOT CONSENT“, and stick to your convictions. Trust the real science, your common sense, and not the govt talking heads.

UPDATED Jan, 2020:

Tips to Make the Avian Flu Fly Away applies to ALL infectious conditions, viral and bacterial, including CoronaVirus, SARS, Swine, all varieties of “Flu” , Colds, Rhinovirus, MRSA, Strep, and any other “epidemic” threatening to wipe out human existence and frighten us into injecting more vaccine toxins into our already overloaded bodies.

Natural healing works to bring the body into balance and maintain our natural immunity, which is our best defence. It will not weaken our system, nor contribute to creation of anti-biotic resistant mutations, which is what has happened with pharmaceutical overuse and misuse.

Herbs that worked during the 1800’s plague;  Chinese anti-viral herbs that have worked for 5,000 years, like VS-C  (liquid or capsules) in US ;  HRP-C – liquid or capsules in CA; and adaptogens such as Astragalus; plus improved processing of products like ionic Silver, will continue to  work to our benefit.

Original post Oct 18, 2008
Five inexpensive and SAFE suggestions for those who are worried about any seasonal infections:

1. Drink 1 capful  (about 4 ml) of NSP Silver Shield Liquid per day. If you have researched and can find another fully lab-tested, certified nano particle silver solution that has a solid track record, then use this.

2. Use NSP Silver Shield Liquid in a spray bottle to:

  • inhale
  • sterilize hands
  • take a swig, gargle  and hold 6 minutes, then swallow, at the first sign of any throat irritation
  • Silver Shield Liquid can also be put into nasal spray bottles (available at our office), to help get it farther into nasal passages and for sinus related conditions
  • Silver Shield is far more effective than Colloidal Silver  – learn the difference.

3. Take 1-4 per day of Nature’s Sunshine quality Vitamin D3. How much? This depends!Up to 10,000 IU per day, depending on your outdoor activities, diet, age, latitude, and state of immune function. Multiple research confirms the beneficial role of Vit. D3 in treatment and  prevention of Cancer, Diabetes, MS, osteoporosis, depression, immune function…..to name a few.  Click on search bar in top right of blog for more research on Vit. D3 or contact Lorene for assistance.

4. And from one of Dr. Pedersen’s webinars for doctors and other health professionals, who are likely people to come in contact with this flu and many other infections on a daily basis:
Dab some NSP Silver Shield Gel in each nostril 1-3 times a day; it keeps your mucous membranes naturally moist. In addition,  the Silver will kill inhaled contaminants. We always use this when flying or in any crowded, enclosed area for hours, such as schools, shopping malls, parties…..

5. Check out my “TIPS TO BALANCE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM” …..comments welcome!

Remember – whether our body is a good host to germs, viruses and any pathogens is up to us! This is all dependant upon our diet, stress levels, and seasonal cleansing to help keep it clean and pure so we do NOT provide a good host.

Should all the above measures not all be in place and you do find yourself sick, please check out CRISIS MANAGEMENT on our website.

Be healthy, happy and wise!

Note re links:
Links change more often than we would like;  please contact Benoit Health Education to ensure you get the right product at the best price….PLUS free S/H to your door. No obligations,; just great education! You can also call our office 250-748-6802 and leave a message. A real woman will return your call.

Coronavirus Perspective and 7 Simple Natural Aids

Update Feb 24, 2022  

We have had excellent results and many “thank you’s” from those using our herbal anti-viral formula (# 5 below), the Lung Healer (# 6) when necessary, and Tei Fu Oil (# 7) for sore throat, head ache, digestive upset, sinus, lung bronchial congestion and achy body. Contact us for quick and discounted access to any of these, delivered to your door.

We also have obvious proof that the end goal of this flu fear is digitalizing  and controlling every man, woman and child on the globe. Canada’s sudden implementation and  of the Emergency Measure Act, was never justified except for condoning world shocking police violence against  peaceful protesters. The quick reversal  boils down to Canadians losing faith in the banking system, which is jeopardizing their plans to digitalize all Canadians.

You can read previous articles via:  Archives Covid Research

Update Mar 9, 2021

Almost one year since my first COVID post, and after thousands of hours of studying, I still agree with all that I wrote over the past year. I have been pleased to see these views of strengthening the natural immunity supported and documented by many doctors worldwide. The only difference is that I now get 20-50 emails per day relating to what is happening worldwide due to a globally driven inappropriate response to a  virus which has been blown entirely out of proportion.

My several posts since this first one give a lot of  different views, all backed by research. Apologies if some links don’t work, as scientific freedom of speech censorship IS a reality.  Anyone really open to a “different truth”, one that is science base versus fear based, can find the sources.

You can read all Covid articles written since March, 2019 via:  Archives Covid Research

Be sure to watch this 11 min. summary of Why NOT To Fear Covid,  by brave Canadian doctors.

Two natural aids which have unanimously come to the forefront for both prevention and  treatment that I did not mention in original post are Vitamin D3 and Zinc . I was trying to keep it simple, but in light of overwhelming new research, in addition to past wisdom re-surfacing,  these both bear mention.

Vitamin D3 has been known for years to increase immunity, prevent colds, and more. This article will give you more info on benefits of Vit. D

Zinc is recognized as an essential mineral for both taste and smell functions. Loss of smell (anosmia) and loss of taste (ageusia) are often early symptoms as well as after-effects of Covid. In addition, Zinc has been long known to increase immunity.

Please contact the author for sources of quality health products this author has used for since 1985, both personally and professionally.

Or, go to TakeTheNaturalPath.myNsp.com , choose your country and  use search bar in top right corner.

Original Post Mar 14, 2020

I am getting at least 3-5 emails per day about this virus and many intelligent questions about natural protection. There are many theories about origin and causes, including 5G & other increasing EMFs linked to all areas of outbreaks, that include historical ‘epidemics’ back to WWI when 1st overseas communication began; bio-warfare; political – economic driven agendas; and of course, more money for big pharma for more questionable vaccines*(too many links to put in here, some of interest listed below).

Going into fear or panic is detrimental to your health; probably more so than the ‘virus’ or disease itself. Stocking up on toilet paper??? If I was to stock up on anything it would be natural products to boost my immunity, anti-viral herbs, and herbs that support the respiratory system, not intestinal, and not toilet paper! 

SEVEN easy, effective precautions /natural solutions are: 

  1. Keep your immune system strong with good diet, (lots of veggies & fruits providing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre); positive thinking, adequate sleep, exercise, fresh air – all the pillars of health clearly explained in my book on treating cancer naturally: Natural Approach to Cancer: The Paw Paw Program. Turn off negative news, lessen wifi and cell (EMF) exposure, and get into nature.

  2. Use nano particle silver solution (why more effective than colloidal silver) IN your body, ongoing for prevention. Proven with FDA approval and many patents to kill over 600 microbes, viruses, fungus, including MRSA, VRE, Staphylococcus, and Pseudomonas aeriginosa – (killer of 2700 in US alone in 2017). One can do this by ingesting 1/2 to 1 tsp. of Liquid Silver Guard per day, or a small pea size of the Silver Gel. Dr. Pederson’s recommended protocol for doctors exposed to so many germs, especially during flu season, was to put a dab of Silver Gel in each nostril a couple of times/day. The nasal passages are our 1st line of natural defence. The gel can be rubbed on the back of the throat, and should be used immediately at any sign of throat irritation. Gargling with Silver liquid is another method. Try to hold either form of silver for 6 minutes – long enough to kill any germs, then swallow for internal benefits. Liquid can be put in a spray bottle and sprayed into throat a couple of times daily. The gel can be used instead of hand sanitizers – a little dab will do it. This is a very effective anti-microbial and does not contain alcohol which dries your natural skin defence, or other toxic chemicals.   This article will tell you more about Silver and Multiple Uses .

  3. Tei Fu Oil – one drop in the mouth and breathe it in – kills germs with antimicrobial essential oils of camphor, menthol, eucalyptus, clove and lavender. Also a wonderful breath freshener and clears the sinuses. A drop on back of throat for any irritation. A drop in the nose when flying or being exposed to many people and germs.

  4. Other Essential Oils, 5 listed in Tei Fu article, can also be diffused in your home for prevention and treatment of any disease. For blends, a good one is Essential Shield, which contains protective EOs, plus smells heavenly. It also comes in a Essential Shield Multi Purpose Concentrate Cleaner, which will clean everything – hands, hair, floors, clothes, dishes effectively and safely – with no harmful chemicals. Frequent and thorough hand washing with soap is considered THE BEST contagion prevention, so mix up a dilute solution of Essential Shield Cleaner and have a container handy in every room of the house. You can make your own sani-wipes using this on a facecloth or other strips of cotton and carry in a zip lock baggie. When you wash them, your laundry will get a cleansing boost and smell great!

  5. If despite these easy, sensible things, you end up sick – whether it be common cold, flu, avian, H1N1, corona, swine, dengue fever, ANY virus, start taking HRP-C (CA) , VS-C (US) immediately. Both CA & US offer this Chinese anti-viral formula in capsules and glycerine extract. Developed to fight the toughest viruses (Herpes and AIDS); it has never failed us in over 20 years of use! In times of dis-ease follow practical steps for quicker healing in an article by reading Crisis Management.

  6. IF one does get a respiratory infection add Chinese Lung Healer: LH-C (CA), Lung Support Chinese (US). Correct dosage is 1 cap with a meal THREE times per day, until almost healed, then you can decrease to 2, then 1/day to continue to strengthen lungs – which are critical to our immune system. Professionals who works  with the NSP Chinese herbs know that Concentrate TCM dosage is 3-4 per day and  regular formula dosage is 8-9 per day  for acute conditions. More info on LH-C / Lung Support.

  7. If you cannot afford any of the above (Tei Fu Oil is about $20), or live in a country where these are not accessible, then gargle a couple of times/day with warm salt water. You can also do nasal flushing with a warm salt solution. This will help kill many bacteria which enter your body via nose and mouth.

In summary, there are many simple ways to protect ourselves, and to treat illness, should we come down with any virus. 

Here are direct links to the silver solution we have used for over 10 years. Please contact us if you want to order any of these items direct to your house. I can get you discount pricing. 

Silver Liquid (CA)   Silver Shield with AqualSol (US) – ignore the mouthwash on Cdn. label – this is an ignorant Health Canada thing – great to use as mouthwash but then swallow  for internal health benefits – it is perfectly safe to swallow and should be (as per instruction on US product, which is the same: “swish & swallow”

Silver Gel (CA)/ Silver Shield Rescue Gel (US) on skin, in nose, or any other orifices, and pea size swallow to combat ALL infections,

IN US, there is also an Immune Support Kit, which contains several of the above herbal aids. 


Rudolf Steiner Perspectives

Page 3 of a 9 page article based on Rudolf Steiner anthroposophy, has much insight. One paragraph which I feel is particularly relevant is:

“Meanwhile – some key questions to carry are – what is being covered up while
focusing so intently on this issue? ( a questionable virus?)  There is likely a covert agenda. Some suggest that the hidden powers behind the scenes want to promote a regime of digital currency, since the financial upheaval that is coming to bear may pave the way by allowing this radical new system.  And/or the mass inoculation with vaccine/chip technology by profit-seeking interests. And/or unhampered installation of 5G technology. And we can ask, to what extent is the rampant fear in humanity, as evidenced by the masses responding in the way they are – running for masks, and allowing their
environments to be sprayed with all that poisonous substance (and to kill what?) – just
adding to the power of the pandemic?”

Feel free to share this information.


*Vaccine profits: 

China, 5G And The Wuhan Coronovirus

We wish you healthy living and positive thinking!

Remember to contact us if in North America to help you order and get best prices for any of these products or other health programs.


Successes with Silver Gel

A 72 yr. old man, had a bad accident when he was a teenager, that crushed his leg from the knee down. In the last few years his foot was chronically infected, he took many rounds of antibiotics. The infection and redness had spread from foot up to his knees. Finally the medical suggestion was amputation just above the knee. He was bound and determined to save his leg, so he purchased both Silver Sol Gel to apply topically – 2-4 times a day and Silver Sol liquid, which he took 1 tsp./5ml.-2-3 times internally.

2 weeks after this treatment, the infection & redness was almost gone and he has not had any recurring infection. He cannot believe the difference and he is also feeling so much better!

Note from Lorene Benoit: Please be aware of the differences between silver colloidal and silver solution.

Refer to this article for Specific Uses and links to all Silver Sol products:

Please contact our office via website, or phone 250-748-6802,  if you would like a wholesale account with our professional therapeutic aids, plus support to help you experience your own successes.

Q&A – Recurring Bladder Infections

This was a response to a comment on a previous blog entry on Bladder Infections.  I felt this is a challenge that many women deal with, so deemed it important enough to address in more detail.


I was at my doctor and I have yet another infection (she didn’t say what it was but sending me to a bladder specialist).  I have been doubling up on my probiotics and taking the Cranberry Buchu for a couple of weeks now but still have it.  The doctor didn’t even offer antibiotics which totally surprised me.
Is there anything else I can try?  Its not a urine infection as there is no urge to pee and it doesn’t hurt or sting…it feels like really bad period cramps and it must be bladder or she wouldn’t be getting me to see the specialist.             CW


NOTE: Please contact Lorene directly if links do not work.

In our experience, Cranberry Buchu is excellent for PREVENTING bladder or urinary tract infections, as the Buchu makes the mucous membrane of urethra and bladder lining slippery, so bacteria cannot adhere, and the cranberry acidifies, which you need for the bladder.

I have a female client in her 80’s who suffered bladder infections regularly for over 50 years. Since she cleared up her infection, and takes 1-2 Cranberry Buchu capsules every day as a preventative, she has not had one in over 7 years, so for most people it works. She considers this WELL worth not getting the infections that plagued her for years.

However, I don’t feel this alone will get rid of infection once it is established. Stronger herbals with antibiotic actions, such as Golden Seal Echinacea liquid  or capsules or Silver Guard (also available 4x larger size for less than 3Xs price: used as a douche and internally may be required.

heck out our past blog on Bladder Infections for more tips on prevention.

From the pain you are describing and the fact that you have been referred to a specialist, you may be dealing with a kidney stone, so read this past article on Kidney Stones, a kidney infection or cystitis.

If you wish us to pursue this further, while you are waiting to see the specialist, feel free to set up a consultation, or while you are waiting try a double dosing of either of the Golden Seal-Echinacea. Like most herbal antibiotics, there will be no negative side effects as with chemical antibiotics,and you will likely feel improvement no matter what the diagnosis.

Your probiotics are a good idea for preventative health, and to help re-establish friendly bacteria AFTER chemical antibiotics, but again, they do not necessarily treat an existing infection. Make sure you are taking probiotics on an empty stomach for best effect, and that you keep them either refrigerated or in freezer – depending on how many you take and how long one bottle lasts.

Also, we work with 5 different pro-biotic  and pre-biotic formulas. Three of the most popular are: Bacillus Coagulans , Bifidophilus Flora Force,  or ProBiotic 11. Read benefits of each of these and perhaps  change up whichever one you are using, just to give your body the full range.

Along with the herbs, clean up the diet, eliminate ALL sugar, drink plenty of pure water, (more than your recommended ½ oz. per pound of body weight), add fresh lemon, lime and or Chlorophyll to help alkalinize the blood, and get adequate rest. Many suggestions for healthful lifestyle including diet, stress, exercise and recipes are in my book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.


Products linked are CA; please contact us for US prices. Contact Lorene Benoit for free 10 minutes assistance in choosing your optimum supplements. We will place orders for you so you can get best discount and free shipping,  for you at no charge – personal, professional service!

We have used these products successfully both personally and professionally since 1985. For many reasons – primary one? They work!

Safety & Effectiveness of MMR and Flu Vaccines ?

The more that evidence points towards the ineffectiveness and dangers of vaccines, the more public health authorities seem to be forcing them upon the public. One has to question this and demand answers from our  “health” providers and law makers who negligently consider only biased  research  funded by the pharmaceuticals.
Vaccine packaging says a person receiving a vaccination should “avoid contact with immune-compromised individuals” for about 3 weeks following the flu shot.  Does this happen in hospital and health care facilities? Workers are often given the shot AT WORK, and it is fairly safe to say that if they are working in a hospital, or senior care home, OR homecare, they ARE working with immune-compromised individuals. How can you tell, on a crowded subway?  Or even in your own family?  Or at school that a vaccinated person is not actively spreading the disease?

Two more studies that should give YOU cause for pause and questions are listed here.

Excerpts from this study concerning MMR:   The Lancet, Volume 351, Number 9103, 28 February 1998:
In eight children, the onset of behavioural problems had been linked, either by the parents or by the child’s physician, with MMR: measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination. Five had had an early adverse reaction to immunization (rash, fever, delirium; and, in three cases, convulsions). In these eight children the average interval from exposure to first behavioural symptoms was 6·3 days (range 1-14).
We have identified a chronic enterocolitis in children that may be related to neuropsychiatric dysfunction. In most cases, onset of symptoms was after measles, mumps, and rubella immunisation. Further investigations are needed to examine this syndrome and its possible relation to this vaccine.

Excerpt concerning Flu vaccines from:  Cochrane Collaboration Independant Vaccine Study Abstract

The Plain language Summary:  italics inserted by L. Benoit

Over 200 viruses cause influenza and influenza-like illness which produce the same symptoms (fever, headache, aches and pains, cough and runny noses). Without laboratory tests, doctors cannot tell the two illnesses apart. Both last for days and rarely lead to death or serious illness. At best, vaccines might be effective against only influenza A and B, which represent about 10% of all circulating viruses. Each year, the World Health Organization recommends which viral strains should be included in vaccinations for the forthcoming season.

Authors of this review assessed all trials that compared vaccinated people with unvaccinated people. The combined results of these trials showed that under ideal conditions (vaccine completely matching circulating viral configuration) 33 healthy adults need to be vaccinated to avoid one set of influenza symptoms. In average conditions (partially matching vaccine) 100 people need to be vaccinated to avoid one set of influenza symptoms. Vaccine use did not affect the number of people hospitalized or working days lost but caused one case of Guillian-Barré syndrome (a major neurological condition leading to paralysis) for every one million vaccinations. Fifteen of the 36 trials were funded by vaccine companies and four had no funding declaration. Our results may be an optimistic estimate because company-sponsored influenza vaccines trials tend to produce results favorable to their products and some of the evidence comes from trials carried out in ideal viral circulation and matching conditions and because the harms evidence base is limited.

Safe Alternatives to Vaccines

Why would one take the chance on vaccination side effects, when research has shown that the best prevention of contagious disease transmission is good hand washing (with no side effects). Other exceptionally safe and effective prevention tips:

1. Put a dab of Silver Gel in each nostril 1 – 3 times per day, depending on your exposure to sick people.

2. Take a tsp./5 ml. of Silver Guard once per day during flu season, so the anti-bacterial, anti-viral properties are circulating in your blood stream.

3. Follow the Four Pillars of Health as outlined in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

4. Other basic health considerations:

  • stay hydrated with enough pure water
  • get outside for pure air and exercise (one of the 4 Pillars)
  • get some sunshine, even on cloudy days it is your  best source of Vitamin D. When it is cloudy, take 1,000- 10,000 IU good quality Vit. D3

5. Keep herbal first aid remedies on hand that you can take at the first sign of cold or flu:

  • HRP-C – A Chinese formula that knocks out viruses, including HeRPes,  very quickly. If you have it on hand and take full dosage at first sign of a cold or flu, it may prevent it. If already settled in, it will help speed your healing response without suppressing the healing process.
  • Silver Guard – liquid taken at higher dosages, or Silver Gel taken about 1/4-1/2 tsp. – both are the best antibiotics in existence. PS Silver Guard is NOT just a mouthwash – it is for internal consumption in any orifice that needs it.
  •  Echinacea Golden Seal liquid.

Follow Crisis Management suggestions for helping your body work through illness more quickly and safely. You will get some other ideas on a past post: Safe Vaccine Alternatives.

To order any of the above herbs, ask for an Herbal professional to help with your order , free 10 mins. Contact our office . If you prefer to order online at Nature’s Sunshine,  Choose either Canada or US & use sponsor #1143667 to open your own account and receive a discount. There is no charge for membership with an order and no obligations.

May life be one of good health for you and your loved ones!

April Health Newsletter


April 2012

 For information to help you achieve optimum health, please contact our office:

Phone:   250-748-6802

Email:    TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com

Website:  www.NaturalPathRemedies.com

Address:  5175 Bills Road · Duncan, BC V9L 6S7


Benoit’s book blog: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

Ongoing special for books, which offers excellent tips for health prevention, as well as solutions for cancer. Buy 3 get 1 free. Contact our office for this special.



 Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link for those you want to read.

Sinus Conditions

Prescription antibiotics, inhalants and OTC decongestant drugs may reduce inflammation and swelling, however they do nothing to promote healing or removal of the cause. Long term use can increase dependency and reduce effectiveness, leading to stronger drugs or surgery.

Questions and Answers

We have added a new category to our blog for questions and answers. Anytime there is something we can help with, please ask your question either by email, TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com or via our website Contact Form.

Our first three Q&A include:
Silver solutions for Candida, food allergies and sinus nasal flush
Menopause and Hormonal issues, Heart /Stroke and Calcium Magnesium

Herbal Intensive July 6th – 9th, 2012

The Cowichan Valley supports a lush growth of plants that have been traditionally used for medicinal purposes, as well as for food. We will study indigenous, wild, and some cultivated botanicals with a Master Herbalist who has 30 years experience.

Success Stories

Another new category added to our blog is Success Stories. If you have some herbal stories you would like to share, feel free to submit them either by email, TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com or website Contact Form. Initials only will be used or you can also invent a pen name, but we need to know from whom they come to be able to verify their truth.

We have entered the first one: The Healing power of Herbs for seriously infected wounds


Cholesterol is NOT a fat and is necessary for our health, especially hormonal. It is Acetyl Co-Enzyme A.  It just happens to be transported by fats in the bloodstream. This article gives good background to support the idea we have promoted for years – that statin drugs to lower cholesterol have nothing to do with heart health and everything to do with selling more drugs. For more info read:  Cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease

Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details. 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.

Watch this 3 minute video : http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit


Brilliant Body Business Coaching

There is ongoing coaching to help others start their own business using the Brilliant Body CD’s!  Stay for the last half hour of our dinner classes. Phone the office anytime for help!



The new 6 week Campaigns are great – ongoing specials go to May 15th and feature Digestive and Intestinal products: enzymes, fibre, probiotics and herbal formulas for soothing, healing and rebuilding stomach, small and large intestines! These products are 10% or Buy 3 get 1 free.

Digestive Enzymes are essential for most people past the age of 30. Enzymes are the answer to correcting most issues of heartburn, GERD, acid reflux, the 3 B’s: belching, bloating and burping. For more information read a past blog:


Order by calling our office 250-748-6802 to help you locate a local Herb Specialist, or if you are a member call NSP at your country’s toll free number. If you prefer to order directly online and receive your free membership

# 309344 or #313939 to receive discount

How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

  • You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office by email, phone or website

All the great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials. When you a member under our Association, please quote your number in any correspondence, which entitles you to priority and some free time concerning your personal health program.


Success Stories

A new category on our blog is Success Stories: Read the first one: The Healing power of Herbs for seriously infected wounds


If you have some herbal success stories you would like to share, feel free to submit them either by email, TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com or website Contact Form.



Political Scene

Politically incorrect to be forcing this on humanity whether we like it or not. Please share with those who care about kids.

Every Parent Needs to See: 


Every person needs to be aware of our increased wi-fi exposure from many sources and the effect it is having, especially on children. More and more school districts in Canada have wisely decided to remove all wi-fi from their schools, due to the proven negative physical and mental health challenges.

Lorene says to watch:
minute 13:00 about safe options used in Collingwood
minute 16:00 reference to Saanich school, Vancouver Island
minute 25: suggestions to make change, by retired principal and resident fighting cell tower installation
Minute 29: explanation of radiation types

Very interesting about children with cardiac arrests, several dying, atrial fibrillation up to increase headaches, lack of concentration and cancer increase.



Video Pick

The THRIVE movie is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future. The entire video (2 hours ) is worth an evening’s viewing and for now is for free or by donation at the following link.:  http://player.thrivemovement.com/simple_player/3?user_token=99958299m2j495


Serving you in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Ph/Fax    250-748-6802                  Email:    TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com

Website: www.NaturalPathRemedies.com

Silver Sol for Candida triggering food allergies?

Question/from ZR:

Hi I have heard of the effectiveness of silver sol and my ND recommended it for me for candida. With the candida I have some food allergies and when I use silver sol before I eat it triggers  the allergies. I have heard that when you take it after eating the salt in the food decreases the effect, is this true and could you tell me the best time to take it? Thank you.


As your ND, whom you have paid well,  recommended this, he or she should be the one telling you how to take it and when. However, I will answer this briefly. With the Nature’s Guard Silver Sol that we use, I feel it it more effective taken on an empty stomach, as it will be more quickly absorbed into the blood for benefit. Taken this way is also more effective for destroying any pathogens in the stomach and intestine.

Research has shown that quality silver sol, with the correct resonance can destroy over 600 types of bacteria, viruses, yeasts and fungi.

For those who use silver as a sinus flush, they should definitely perform this at least 1-2 hrs. apart from saline flush. It is the chemical interaction of salt and silver molecules one wants to avoid. This would mean salt as in NaCl added to food, not natural salts found in food.

If you would like to order good quality Silver Sol or Silver Gel direct from the company we use, with a discount,please contact our office. If you prefer to order directly online at www.naturessunshine.com select country of your choice. Please use sponsor #309344 to open your own account. There is no charge for membership with an order and no obligations.

For optimum health, follow healthy  lifestyle recommendations suggested in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally


To Immunize, or not to Immunize?

To Immunize, or not to Immunize? That is the question.

By the time my daughter was scheduled to have her first round of shots, I had done some research. After extensive analysis my husband and I concluded that for our family, living in a developed nation with excellent sanitation, clean running water, and with a solid basis in natural healing,  immunizations were not something we wanted to accept the risks of doing. 26 years later, we are convinced this was an intelligent, educated decision.
If we listen to the medical, government and media establishments, we are led to believe that there is almost no risk to shots. Looking at published medical research however, we see another story.

The US FDA recognizes that even though 90 percent of doctors do not report suspected vaccine damage incidents; there are still about 12,000 incidents reported annually. US statistics generally reflect Canadian stats, just reduced by a factor of 10.

Financial aid to parents who either lose a child to vaccine damage, or who are faced with medical expenses to care for a vaccine damaged child, had paid out more than $802 million dollars prior to August 31, 1997 with many cases still pending. (We do not have such a fund in Canada since we have socialized medicine.)

Drs. Mendelsohn, Lanctot, Scheibner, and Moskowitz are just a few of MANY medical doctors on record as being very anti-immunization. Many authors support their views with extensive research. Please contact Benoit & Associates Health Education for a list of websites for further research.

In addition to live or dead viruses and bacteria, vaccines may contain antibiotics; stabilizers such as aluminum hydroxide, formaldehyde, and thimerosal, a mercury derivative; egg; animal DNA and RNA; as well as undetected viruses (SV-40 which triggers HIV, brain tumours, leukemia and other human cancers). Many of these additives have been documented as carcinogenic and damaging to the nervous system.


Natural immunity versus vaccine immunity

Breastfeeding grants passive immunity. Long-term breastfeeding gives the baby’s immune system time to mature and begin manufacturing its own antibodies. Our body’s natural defences include various lines of defence, called into action in a specific order dependant upon the challenge.

Vaccinations introduce the pathogen directly at a blood/serum level. This bypasses the normal defence systems of mucous membranes, digestive tract, blood cells and lymphatic pathways that are usually activated with exposure to pathogens. In effect, vaccinations don’t allow the body to do its job properly, and as the length of supposed immunity from most vaccines is unknown, this can leave people even more vulnerable.


General Side Effects

Immediate side effects from vaccines may include fever, crankiness, and tenderness at the injection site, ranging to severe complications which can include extended crying, (high-pitched crying for more than three hours is a sign of neurological damage), seizures, shock, and death.

Long term effects range from a five-fold increase in asthma, increase in autism, allergies, sterilization, paralization, crohn’s, as well as decrease in general immunity.


Specific side effects for particular vaccines


The Lancet reports a three-fold risk increase of Crohn’s disease and a two-fold risk increase of ulcerative colitis in people who are MMR immunized.


Clinical Infectious Diseases discovered that every case of polio since 1980 has been caused by the polio vaccine. Science reported in 1992 a possible link between polio vaccines and the origin of AIDS.

Hepatitis A & B
The New Zealand Medical Journal reports a 60 percent increase in juvenile diabetes following mass immunization for Hep B and vaccines have reportedly been inadvertently contaminated with undetected viruses including HIV.

Several medical journals have examined potentially serious side effects of the Hep B vaccine, including demyelination of central nervous system nerves, liver dysfunction, and arthritis. Research has shown that Hep B vaccine can wear off in less than four years.

The flu virus is constantly mutating. This years’ flu shot is based on last years’ virus, so effect is guesswork. Chronic fatigue, intestinal upset and increased susceptibility to flu and colds are common and rarely attributed to the actual vaccine. Death from swine flu vaccine was higher than death from the disease.

Gardasil for HPV

Judicial Watch Uncovers FDA Gardasil Records detailing 26 new reported deaths. Paralysis has also affected many previously healthy girls who received this vaccine, which has not been properly tested or researched. Washington, DC — October 19, 2011

Other Vaccines
Not enough is known about the risks and side effects of the following vaccines: haemophilus influenza type B (Hib), Chicken Pox, and Lyme Disease. These vaccines are relatively new.


If You Decide not to Vaccinate

Remember there are many things that can be done to strengthen the immune system to ward off these and many other diseases or to minimize the risk of complications. If you choose to not immunize, then you must also choose to be smart. A healthy, natural diet free of refined sugars, white flour, artificial sweeteners, chemicals and colors is critical. A positive attitude, laughter, physical exercise, loving relationships, adequate sleep, and good nutritional supplements are the foundation of a healthy body and strong immune response. Herbs are the perfect food to develop a strong immunity, as they are powerhouses of vitamins, minerals, and active ingredients. Immune herbs often contain adaptogenic properties to help the body adapt to stressors of everyday living, including germs. The Chinese concept of using herbs as daily preventative maintenance for optimum health is more effective than the curative approach, but either way herbs can make a difference in the health of you and your family!

In the event of infection or other illness herbs and natural products are also the MOST EFFECTIVE way to help the body combat these and return to health. See more articles on Benoit blog: www.naturalpathremedies.com/blog to learn about liquid Silver Guard and HRP-C liquid/ HRP-C capsules .


If You Decide to Vaccinate

Ask to see the package insert to examine the list of known reactions for the specific vaccine being administered. Check the vial of serum and make careful notes of the manufacturer, lot/batch number, date of manufacture, expiration date, and dose size.

Plan to build the immune system for at least two weeks before administering the shots, and for another two weeks after the shots. It has been my experience that some of the best immune building in children can be done with antioxidants, such as Zambroza (Thai Go in US), Rosehips, Elderberry and other herbal aids, such as found in GreenZoneVitamin A  & D can also help.

You can also choose specifically which vaccines you want administered. What is right for one child in a family may not be right for the next child. Simple blood tests can determine antibody levels. If antibodies for chicken pox are present the vaccine is not needed.

When in doubt, delay. All shots can be ‘caught up’ at a later date. Damage, however, may not be reversible. Research thoroughly and make the best decision for your child and your family. This may be one of the toughest and important decisions you will ever make. Contact the author for more education.



December, 2010 Newsletter


**  DECEMBER, 2010  **


May you enjoy some extra peace and joy at this time of the year. As our days shorten, it offers the opportunity to go inward more, spend some quieter time, sleep more, harness our energy and prepare for a new emergence of light and love.

At this time our family gives thanks and gratitude to all our co-workers who are committed to helping others in their quest for health; all our clients, some of you with us for more than 20 years, who trust us and the products we offer, and to everyone everywhere who continue to learn with us about the glorious gifts of healing available to us by nature.  May you be open to your guiding angelic forces!

For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office by phone:  250-748-6802    email: takethenaturalpath@gmail.com

OR Natural-path@shaw.ca Website www.naturalpathremedies.com

Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Be sure to check out about my new book:


Monthly Specials for Members – see below how to become a member and why you may want to do this!


How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?


You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.


What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office via phone or email or this website
  • Memberships are free in most countries when you place an order.
  • Go online at www.naturessunshine.com and use sponsor # 313939-1 to receive discount membership


All the great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, webinars and conference calls with professionals are free.



This book began in April, 2005, when I wrote, “A Complementary Approach to Cancer“, for a series of cross Canada Health Classes to teach people about Paw Paw, a herb used as part of a natural program for cancer.

The end result is a 286 page book offering a program that works, is affordable, and can be combined with allopathic treatments. The book includes background, research, all instructions, and dietary suggestions about protein, pH, additional supportive supplementation, treatment options, lifestyle suggestions, case studies, success stories, and more. It answers a lot of the questions that have been asked by those following the program the last 5 years! It is professionally done, with charts and illustrations, making it easy to understand.

This book was written to offer help to anyone dealing with cancer, as well as to help understand causes and incorporate preventative lifestyle changes. For practitioners working with Cancer this book is a must to save you time and help your clients understand a natural approach.








To arrange a class in your area to present the findings of this book, and to order, please contact our office. Bulk discounts are available:


Number books purchased Discount level Price per Book
1 0% 29.95
5 20 % 23.96
10 30 % 20.97
20 35 % 19.47
50 45 % 16.47
75 50 % 14.98
100 55 % 13.48


If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about, ask me with a comment on my website blog and I will do my best to answer.

We are also connected with many professionals offering classes and conference calls great ways to learn more about your health……so let’s find out more about what’s upcoming…..



Give a Gift a Health Anytime: Christmas, Birthdays, Births, Weddings:


A list of some of the most popular gifts are on our website at:


Gift certificates are also a welcome present: for consultations via phone, email or in person, massage, energy work or herbal products.


Education local and worldwide   – browse through to see which are of interest…


Business Coaching

we have been having short business sessions in Duncan after our monthly meetings; everyone is welcome

If you want to start helping people and make some extra cash, ask about the Herbal Hour program. By inviting a few friends to learn a bit about their health, you can earn $50 in free product.

The new Brilliant Body course is an amazing tool to help learn how your body works and what herbs work with it.  Stock # 15803-5, only $25. If you are local, join us in our sessions, so you can see how easy these are for anyone to share.  It is perfect for the Herbal Hours

Ongoing Compass Assessment Classes

An extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.  Watch this 3 minute video : http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit

Locally we offer assessments in fun and informative group setting  $25,/$20 repeat

call  our office for locations throughout the world.

Next NSP Education week starts Jan 17th – these are FREE webinars once each evening. Besides great education, you earn freebies if you listen to all five! Register with NSP if you are a member, or with our office if not a member.

Local  Dinner Classes in Duncan, Vancouver Island start again Jan. 18th

Tue Jan 18th:   Cancer Natural Approach

Wed Feb 23rd:  Heart and Cardio Health

Tue  Mar 22nd:  Diabetes, Syndrome X

Wed Apr 20th:   Parasite Cleanses for People and Pets

Wed  May 18th: Women’s Health, Hormones & Happiness

Tue June 14th:  Men’s Health


Call to register. Prepaid is only $10/ $15 at the door.





Success Stories


Candida Clear Cleanse:

“I am having fantastic feedback from everyone who uses the Candida Clear Cleanse. Six different people who did this cleanse ALL lost weight within the 2 week s– the men lost up to 20 pounds, the women between 10 – 13 pounds

One woman who has bad indigestion, belching for years now knows exactly when she takes something that is not good for her.  This has really helped people understand the importance of diet. People are sleeping better, getting rid of belly bulge and having way better energy. Until people step up to the plate and try they do this cleanse, they cannot really understand the detrimental effect alcohol, bread, sugar and fast foods have on their health. If someone has problems with alcohol, they  are best to do the Tiao He Cleanse first.”   Liz

Thanks for sharing Liz! We could probably all benefit from a Candida cleanse after Christmas.


We continue to get great success stories with both the liquid Silver Guard and Silver Gel. We are taking ½ to 1 tsp. a day of the liquid Guard – keeps our immune system strong, and Dr. Pedersen sees results worldwide for this helping to prevent flu and many other infections! Silver is much safer than injecting thimersol (mercury) or other preservatives, formaldehyde, laborartory viruses, and egg parts into your blood stream via vaccines. Read more at:


Omega 3

Recent studies show that Omega 3 can have significant impact on both preventing and slowing Alzheimers. NSP Super Omega contains 1000 mg of a ratio of 33:16 EPA to DHA Omega 3s. In addition it improves cardiovascular health by increasing blood vessel strength and decreasing platelet formation, increases brain function, decreases inflammation and improves mood and behaviour. Read more at: http://www.naturalpathremedies.com/blog/category/healthy-solutions/omegas/


Political Scene

Another Canadian Bill, this time C36 has passed, which may have harsh impact on natural health products. The natural Health Products Branch continues to threaten the rights to choose. We need to continue to write our politicians to express our wishes to have the right to choice of safe, natural products. Strange when you consider the challenges that pharmaceuticals cause. Here are some stats over 10 years old, so know that the situation is even worse now!

On July 26, 2000, the medical community received a titanic shock when one of its most respected and honored public-health experts, Dr. Barbara Starfield, revealed her findings on healthcare in America.

The landmark Starfield study, “Is US health really the best in the world?”published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, came to the following conclusions:


Every year in the US there are:


12,000 deaths from unnecessary surgeries;

7,000 deaths from medication errors in hospitals;

20,000 deaths from other errors in hospitals;

80,000 deaths from infections acquired in hospitals;

106,000 deaths from FDA-approved correctly prescribed medicines.

The total of medically-caused deaths in the US every year is 225,000.


This makes the medical system the third leading cause of death in the US, behind   heart disease and cancer. Canada would be pretty much the same, just divide numbers by 10.


This means we DO need to learn how to look after ourselves better – take control of our own health via better lifestyle. This includes eating whole, unprocessed, non-modified foods, getting regular exercise, enjoying sunshine, decreasing stress, avoiding toxic pollution whether that be electro-magnetic, fluoride in our water, or negative situations, keeping hydrated with pure water, and learning to understand our bodies to prevent disease.

My book covers a lot of these essential tips, as getting better and prevention both entail many of the same steps.

Learn the simple remedies of nature, which are provided to help us.

Consider making my Annual Herbal Intensive this July a priority, so you can understand these gifts of nature, and how to use them.

This year’s 3 ½ day intensive will be either July 8-11th or July 15-18th – the first people registering will determine preference. Email for detailed poster.





“Proverbs 17:22 – A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. This can be taken literally. I have heard that laughter not only stimulates the liver but it also stimulates the marrow in the bones. Here’s one for your bones:

Christmas is just plain weird! What other time of the year do you sit in front of a dead or plastic tree in the living room and eat candy our of your socks?


Spiritual and Emotional


Enjoy and fill your being with joy. Truly we have lots to appreciate. The more we express gratitude for what we DO have, the more we will have.




Raising Healthy Children


Have you tried any of Children’s Heroes supplements? All I can say is they ARE delicious. Another health treat that children love is the TNT bars. They are “zone” balanced, meaning healthy ratio of protein, carbohydrate and fats to keep blood sugar levels even. They also provide vitamins, minerals and fibre. Children seem to love them and they are more reasonably priced than lesser quality bars.

We use them too, especially when on the run, or if a “sweet tooth” craving comes up.

Cut them up for snacks and healthy treats!


All the best in 2011!

Yours in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Here to serve you…….

November 2010 Health Newsletter


** November 2010 **

For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office by phone:  250-748-6802    email: takethenaturalpath@gmail.com

OR Natural-path@shaw.ca Website www.naturalpathremedies.com

Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Check out the articles added since the last newsletter :

Safe Vaccine  Alternatives


Why Detoxify?


If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about,  comment  and I will do my best to answer.

We are also connected with many professionals offering classes and conference calls great ways to learn more about your health……so let’s find out more about what’s upcoming…..


“The Paw Paw Program, A Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally”

–                           hot off the press! 286 pages of well – researched information on the Paw Paw comprehensive program, clearly explains a natural approach to cancer. Besides the Paw Paw program, it includes dietary suggestions, lifestyle change, recipes and more. Designed to help anyone dealing with cancer, no matter what treatment options they may choose, this will help them have better success. By understanding cancer better, it will also help those working toward prevention.

–                           Contact our office if you want to schedule a class or event in your area to introduce the program and book.

–                           We are thankful for the tremendous response at NSP Convention to the book and for the terrific feedback we have had from across Canada!

–                           The price is  only $29.95, plus S/H –  ($4 for 1 book; less for more) but wait………

We have worked out terrific discounts for our customers, as we would just as soon see you make profit on the book, and help get it out to more people. Of course, it can also help you help family, friends, or if applicable, your business. Call to order and share! Check the website for photo and more details.

Number books purchased Discount level Price per Book
1 0% 29.95
5 20 % 23.96
10 30 20.97
20 35 19.47
50 45 16.47
75 50 14.98
100 55 13.48

Ask about even larger discounts for our Nature’s Sunshine Members.

??? Which means what exactly, you may ask ????

If you wish to become a Nature’s Sunshine Member, and be able to receive discounts on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972, contact us.    OR go online at www.naturessunshine.com and use sponsor # 313939-1 to receive the discount membership. Best yet – it is free with an order of less than $100!


All the great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, webinars and conference calls with professionals are free.


Monthly Specials for members

 Coupon Book Savings: $5 off Stress Pak. Every country has their own specials.; check the websites, or contact our office.


New Members for Canada special: FREE SilverGuard (118 mL) for the New sign up and the  Sponsor, with a $50.00 sign up (usually $75)


Education local and worldwide     – colour coded, so you can quickly browse through to see which are of interest….they are not in chronological order….


Don’t miss Dr. Pedersen’s free webinar on Silver

–        Tuesday, Nov. 23rd. 8 pm EST. Call NSP or our office for the link to register. Invite some friends, neighbours, family to watch it with you and host a Herbal Hour for free $50 product!

–        Protect yourself this winter.



Monthly dinner classes in Duncan, Vancouver Island – tell those you may know in this area


These have been a great success and the dietary and other health suggestions have already made a difference for many people!

Purchase your dinner of choice to enjoy with a class full of useful health information. These are open to everyone and anyone who would like to learn!


Tues. December 7th Stress Management


Our last class of 2010 will be held at the  Silver Bridge Inn on Trans Canada Hwy, from 6- 8pm. Investment: Prepaid $10, $15 at the door – Includes samples and handouts. Come from 5:30on to order your food or beverages before class.


If you live in an area where there are no classes – contact me about getting some set up! With the great tools available, they can be done by anyone, anywhere!

Stress Facts – did you know?

There’s no denying that we live in a stressful world. From daily time pressures, to the stress of a toxic environment, it can sometimes seem like we’re swimming in a pool of stress and gasping for air. Along with the more obvious stressors, emotional stress — stress from the stories of our lives — often goes unnoticed, and can sit at the root of many health issues.

The sad truth is that stress is probably the most significant contributor to disease — and it is the most difficult to treat. The World Health Organization estimates that by the year 2020, psychological and stress-related disorders will be the second leading cause of disabilities in the world. It’s fascinating to me that something which can be perceived in our minds can have that kind of effect on our physiology. But if we look at the science, it makes perfect sense. Stress — real or perceived, acute or chronic — affects your health. It changes hormonal pathways and the way neurotransmitters relay information. If these disruptions remain ongoing, there are serious implications for your body. The good news is, it’s never too late to do something about stress.

Please join us to learn some stress reduction techniques that can help you manage stress physically, emotionally and mentally. Learn how to support you body and mind nutritionally.


Stay tuned – we have 6 Dinner Classes planned for the New Year: Mark Your calendars NOW!


Tues. Jan 18th –       Cancer Prevention and Paw Paw Program

Wed. Feb 23rd –        Heart and Cardio Health

Tues. March 22nd – Diabetes and other Metabolic Sugar  Challenges

Wed. April 20th –     Parasites Cleanses for People and Pets

Wed. May 18th –       Women’s Health,  Hormones and Happiness

Tues. June 14th –       Men’s Health,  Hormones and Happiness


Plus – we will be scheduling some dinner classes in Lake Cowichan, too!


Compass Group Assessment Classes – call office for dates & locations- also available ½ hour before dinner classes. Free for Members!  

Come to find out an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.  Watch this 3 minute video: http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit

Assessments in group setting – fun and informative – are only $25, second time $20

call office for dates & locations

Business Coaching

– is available one-on-one to anyone interested in building their business. We also have a ½ hour session after each dinner class.


Video Picks of the Month – sorry it was too hard to choose one…..

1) A family’s bold battle to get medical authorities to use high does Vit. C to save their husband/father:


18 minutes from the Morgan Spurlock – director of “Super Size Me”. It is a little slow, but emphasizes all that we believe in about eating.  If you don’t have time to watch it; here is a point form summary:

Father did an 8 week detox diet of only natural, unprocessed food – went through         drug withdrawal symptoms, feels great now!

He researched why more people did not eat better: found out that Food processors       pay to have “Heart Smart” labels put on their food – nothing to do with health!

Medical system is paid to keep us sick and taking medications

Even eating raw some of the time is helpful

Eat the best that you can afford

2) To learn more about raw foods and how to reverse insulin dependant diabetes……



3) The bionic burger: they actually never rot! 3 + minutes



Success Stories


An 84 year old woman from Colorado has been battling leukemia with repeated chemotherapy since 2002. She received chemo for all but 2 years. The cancer shifted from Non Hodgkin to Mantle Cell, a more serious form, in March, 2010. After finishing more chemotherapy Mar- June, she was exhausted and was given a negative prognosis. She started on the Paw Paw program in July and CT scan in October showed complete remission! Within days of starting the Paw Paw, her energy levels increased dramatically!



We are always looking for more people to train as herbal specialists. There is a great need for those who wish to earn and learn, while helping others.

Spiritual and Emotional

Whenever you feel stress speeding up your life,

  • take just 10 seconds to breathe in the light and love that surrounds us in this universe
  • breathe out what is no longer serving you.
  • give thanks to three things you treasure in your life at this moment.


Political Scene

Health Canada continues to ignore the public’s desire for safe supplementation. Parsley is being questioned in capsule form! Vitamin D3 is being limited to 1000 IU, even though there is daily research showing we should be taking upwards to 10,000 in cloudy winter climates! Bill C36 is still looming. Contact your MP to see how they are voting for this bill! Not much better in the States, or in Europe……

But at least we have Silver Guard back (used to be called Silver Shield). Do not be fooled by the ‘mouthwash’ label. It is the same incredible product!

I intend to always have a few large bottles in stock as our best family defence against all bacteria, viruses, fungus and molds!



Raising Healthy Children


Nature’s Sunshine has introduced a dynamic line of new children’s supplements – the Sunshine Heroes. State of the art science and nutritional has gone into making these one of the best available for your children. The line includes:

  • Multiple vitamins and minerals, containing a whole food blend of fruit and vegetable powders in a soft chewable.  (I must admit, I am using these as a sweet treat for myself – delicious!)
  • Whole Foods Papayazyme to help children break down all 3 food groups. This helps make up for enzyme loss in cooked foods.
  • Probiotic Power to maintain healthy colonic flora, which  improves immune response


NSP’s Liquid Herbs are especially suitable for children’s health: the liquids are quick and easy to assimilate:

Ultimate Echinacea, AL-J liquid for allergies and respiratory, Lobelia for coughs, asthma, teething, Catnip & Fennel for fever, HRP-C for flu,  CBG for ear infections, are just some of them.


Please contact our office for the full article: “The Beauty of Liquid Herbs”

Yours in health,


Benoit & Associates Health Education

Here to serve you…….