Tag Archives: salmon

Omega Oils: Why Do You Need Them ?



Daily supplements of  omega-3 fatty acid–found in fish and fish oil–may help alleviate the symptoms of depression in patients who do not respond to standard antidepressant medications, new research findings suggest.

Studies done in England  found that depressed patients who received a daily dose of 1000 mg of an omega-3 fatty acid for 12 weeks experienced a decrease in their
symptoms, such as sadness, anxiety and sleeping problems.

All of the patients had tried other medications before enrolling in the
study, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
such as Prozac and tricyclic antidepressants., both considered standard
treatments for depression.

This is not the first study to suggest that omega-3 fatty acids, such as the
form of eicosapenaenoic acid (EPA) used in this study, may help patients
with psychiatric disorders. Previous researchers have suggested that the
balance of omega-3 fatty acids in the brain may become skewed in people with
depression, and earlier studies have shown that fish oil supplements can
help alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, or manic

People who are depressed, as well as those diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases have relatively low levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood.

Balancing Omega 3and 6 EFAs requires a little education on essential fatty acids.
Your most important fatty acids are your omega-3s and your omega-
6s. The body requires a proper balance of omega-3 and omega-6
essential fatty acids. Flax seed oil contains a balance of these
two essential fatty acids. Most vegetable oils only contain omega-6 oils.
Ingesting too much omega-6 with too little omega-3 creates a
tendency towards inflammation, high blood pressure and other

Most North Americans ingest too much omega-6 and get very
little omega-3. Taking flax seed oil won’t counterbalance this. Most
people need  extra omega-3 to balance the vegetable oils in their diet. The only  reliable sources of omega-3 are wild game, and wild deep ocean fish such as salmon – farm raised does not cut it!

So, fish oil supplements will give you the extra omega-3 your body needs. In a nutshell, these are some of the basic functions of Omega 3’s and 6’s.

Main Functions of Omega 3EFAs:

  • Cell structure and function (central nervous system, brain, eyes & retinal function)
  • Ratio and disposition of blood cholesterol & triglycerides
  • Blood chemistry & clotting mechanism
  • Inflammatory response of the immune system

(More men than women have an O-3 deficiency.  Key symptoms include acne, low sperm count & other testicle problems, dangerous behavior)

Main Functions of Omega 6 EFAs:

  • Cell structure & function (cellular membrane fluidity, flexibility, metabolic function)
  • Dermal fluid permeability and kidney function
  • Endocrine balance (metabolism, immune function, reproduction)
  • Circulation

Contact Benoit Health Education to get omega’s that are tested for purity and strength. We work with Flax Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Super Omega 3’s and a combination oil called Super Oil. We can help you figure out the best one for your needs.