Tag Archives: Paw Paw

Upcoming Herbal Training, Sept. 7th, 2013

This Friday – yes, I know it is short notice, we will WORK on the Medicine Wheel, which got a little trashed by …. now that’s a story…., then learn everything we have time to learn about that gorgeous, healing little plant called Calendula, alias Pot Marigold.

No time to say much more, so I can get this notice out right NOW, so you can be spontaneous and register right now! The cost, as you are going to be helping re-construct the Medicine Wheel, for about 45 minutes, is only $30 for the afternoon. Bring a 1/2 pint or 1 pint 3/4 full of your favourite healthy oil so you can take home your own Calendula oil and learn how to use it for so many things, you’ll be amazed.

And here is a little about an upcoming full day Sept. 7th.

Since 1999 Master Herbalist, Author and Educator Lorene Benoit has taught an Annual Herbal Intensive in Glenora. This summer the 4 day Intensive is being replaced by a one day workshop combining the Medicine Wheel with a mini course in harvesting and preparing a couple of medicinal herbs; focusing on oils and tinctures.

The Medicine Wheel is a model that integrates the four components of health: physical, spiritual, mental and emotional; the four actions of herbs, four directions, seasons and tastes. In Lorene’s book, The Paw Paw Program, that explains cancer prevention and natural approach, she covers the Four Pillars of Health, another aspect of the Medicine Wheel.

Benoit states, “Although I am over stocked on salves, glycerites, tinctures and oils made in previous classes, I have such a wealth of herbs in the gardens that I cannot resist making a few more preparations. Besides, with Health Canada’s ongoing regulation of what we can or cannot buy, it is critical to know how to make these remedies ourselves. ”

Join us Sat. Sept. 7th, 9am- 4 pm to learn from one of Canada’s leading herbal experts of 35 years. Investment in your health is only $100; $85 if paid by Aug. 31st. Call the office for details or to register.

July 2013 Natural Health Newsletter






June – July, 2013

For information to help you achieve optimum health, please contact our office; all contact information at end of newsletter.

Lorene Benoit’s acclaimed book contains lifestyle tips for optimum health, as well as specifics for Cancer: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

2nd Edition released June 1st. This book includes excellent tips for overall health prevention, as well as solutions for cancer. Ongoing special for books, Buy 3 get 1 free. This special pricing only available by contacting our office.

 The recent Canadian tour with world renowned research expert for Paw Paw, Dr. Jerry McLaughlin, has affirmed in the minds of hundreds who were lucky enough to share his research, that Cancer Can Be Treated Naturally. The Paw Paw herb, more specifically an extract of the twigs of the Asimina triloba, has been proven to be more effective than several commonly used chemotherapy chemicals!

You can read more about this on the above book link.



There have been lots of questions, which are quite quick to email, but usually take more than ½ hour to answer. If I feel the info will be useful to others, they go on my blog, anonymously of course. If not, you will be given the choice to have a phone consultation – a great investment in your health. Look for the little pop-up box in lower right corner to book at time.

Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link:

A 2 part series concerning calcium, osteoporosis, osteopenia, and overall bone health.

Hi Lorene, my Doc is insisting I take fosomax for osteo, do you have a good calcium product that is easy to absorb?

Q & A – Calcium for Osteoporosis and Alendronate (fosamex) – Part 2 

Success Story:

A super food truly beneficial for bone mineral density.  Nature’s Sunshine introduced Nature’s Gold in October of 2005.  An NSP Manager shared her bone density test results taken before and after:

Osteopenia? Osteoporosis ? Tips for Increasing Bone Density – Part 1


I am using the Silver Gel; how long before I can expect results? Is it twice a day? How long is it safe to use continuously?  Q & A – Silver Gel for gums and safe for long term?


Given the big news stories about Angelina Jolie and her prophylactic surgery because she carries the BRCA-1 gene, it is even more critical to educate people on the true causes of cancer and put an end to fear-based self mutilation… Cancer and Genetics?


Are you a senior using inhalers to breathe better? Or on asthma medication? Just 2 months’ exposure to common anticholinergics (AC’s) affects cognition – these drugs are commonly prescribed for breathing and respiratory conditions; many seniors take several of them in combination for years….

Are you Diabetic or pre-diabetic?  Actos medication for Diabetes is undergoing a Class Action Law Suit for causing serious complications like heart disease and cancer…

Are you not sure about vaccines for yourself or your children? Vaccines are Linked to a Host of Chronic Illnesses…

Please read about all 3 of these topics: 3 Medical Challenges and Healthy Alternatives:


We are so grateful to have an alternative to antibiotics as the ear infections keep coming back ….. Q&A: Ear Infections recurring – specific tips and dosages for children


What is your opinion on GMO foods?  Q&A: GMO foods – Should you have the right to know?


Even infants are now experiencing thyroid challenges. Since Fukishima, there has been a 28% increase in children with problems who live on the west coast of N.A.  Q & A – Hyperthyroid


I have been diagnosed with essential tremors, do you know if there is anything that will help it?  Q & A: Tremors

What side affects does taking T3?s have on your body? I have chronic back pain and been thru so many tests.    Q & A – effects of T3, Tylenol


Questions and Answers

Please ask your question either by email, TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com or via our website Contact Form. Longer questions require a phone consultation.

Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details. 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.

Watch this 3 minute video : http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit



We offer ongoing coaching to help others start their own business – as North American health continues to degenerate we NEDD MORE PEOPLE who can help others to better health. Phone the office anytime for help if you are a motivated learner and self – starter!

How many other businesses are there where you can choose your own hours, with whom you spend your time and earn while you learn?



For Canadians, we offer 6 wk. Campaign specials  10 % off or buy 3 get 1 free on selected seasonal herbs. Check out the current campaign on front page of Nature’s Sunshine Canada website. Any of the specials can be ordered by calling our office 250-748-6802 to help you locate a local Herb Specialist, or if you are a member call NSP at your country’s toll free number.

In the US, specials are also on front page of Nature’s Sunshine US.

NEW to Canada!

If you are truly committed to health, you can achieve your Habit of Health faster by registering in the new Sunshine Rewards program – great incentives, save money and get your health in top-shape. For more information:

Sunshine Rewards Canada   and Sunshine Rewards US.

Contact our office for other countries or for assistance . For our ongoing support, plus member discounts, be sure to use our sponsor numbers: Lorene #309344 OR Francene #313939.

How does Membership Benefit You? – click to find out why so many people are!


You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

Members receive great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials.


Success Stories

We encourage you to share your stories with others on our website or via email. Success stories can be read at:



Video Picks

“Nature is a force of good” in this amazing 2 minute visual of mushrooms, fungi and our connection to nature in general.




 What one thing am I not doing –that if I did do, would greatly improve my life six months from now?  Just ask yourself and then listen for the answer that comes.

The wisdom in you may have a very important message.  It might be to walk for thirty minutes a day, or perhaps to listen deeper for five minutes a day.  It could be a hundred other things but the wisdom in each of us has a message for us, when we listen.

What one thing am I not doing –that if I did do, would vastly improve my life six months from now? Let’s listen to what that inner voice might say to us today. Thanks to Mary Morrissey’s Daily Dream Builders.



Monsanto Corporation gets owned by 11 year old boy  – 5 mins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=b5OOOIKtj8w

Serving you in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Ph/Fax    250-748-6802                  Email:    TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com

Website: www.NaturalPathRemedies.com


Q & A – Calcium for Osteoporosis and Alendronate (fosamex) – Part 2


Hi Lorene, my Doc is insisting I take fosomax  for osteo, do you have a good calcium product that is easy to absorb? and how much per month would it be? I might want to try the calcium way first. Will it constipate me? I am already taking cascara every day.
Cheers L.



Great question and timing! I just published another post on Osteopenia, Osteoporosis and Bone Health Part 1, so here is Part 2 to answer your questions!

The types of calcium that we use in our practice are not constipating. In fact the one I just posted about, Nature’s Gold, is an excellent fibre source and increases bowel movements. The other ones we use the most are all in a herbal base, which 1) makes them more absorbable, therefore more effective even when the mg. numbers may be lower, and

2) the herbs add nutrients for overall benefit and

3) the herbs prevent constipation, while benefiting the obody overall with other healing properties.

The formulas I use the most are Cal Mag & D and Liquid Cal-Mag. For menopausal women having hot flashes, if Flash Ease does not work on its own, then we add Herbal Calcium.  My suggestion is to read the fact sheets giving you details of each one, (by clicking on the name of each supplement).

I have listed them in order of most common, so you may also just want to order the first one on the list. The cost for Cal Mag Plus D  is: Canada:  $29.50 for 200 tablets;  US: $19.90  for 150 tablets. Recommended dosage is listed on each fact sheet – there is no problem to double or triple this if you need extra calcium.

It is important with all supplements, but especially minerals,  to make sure they break down in normal stomach conditions. Nature’s Sunshine is one of the few companies that tests for this, and because of this we have had excellent results for lowering pH levels, eliminating muscle cramps as well as bone health.

Another post to read will explain to you the importance of Magnesium in any calcium formula. If a person is prone to any kind of cramping, they should take at least additional Magnesium Complex  capsule with each Calcium.

Fosamex is riddled with many side effects.  I encourage you to look into this further and share with your doctor, as well as sharing the positive results we have in increasing bone density in older women with the natural supplementation. Then make your decision.

Consider this statement from http://www.drugwatch.com/fosamax/side-effects/:

“For those taking Fosamax, perhaps the most frustrating side effect is the drug’s propensity to cause fractures of what is one of the strongest bones in the body – the femur. … stress fractures, often happen when patients least expect it. Some patients reported breaking bones while they were doing normal, everyday tasks such as walking or sitting. Merck said the fractures usually come after weeks or months of groin or hip pain. Researchers are still trying to determine why Fosamax is linked to bone breaks, especially in patients taking the drug for five years or longer. Many scientists theorize the drug shuts down the body’s bone-renewing process and creates more brittle bones.

And from  http://www.drugs.com/sfx/fosamax-side-effects.html:

“When Fosamax was introduced in 1995, it was promoted as the solution to osteoporosis and other bone-damaging diseases. Instead, studies show that Fosamax (alendronate) causes a slew of side effects that may be more problematic than osteoporosis itself. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) documented several of the drug’s side effects and subsequently distributed numerous warnings.

Fosamax belongs to the bisphosphonate drug family, which is known to cause many of the drug’s side effects. They range from mild to severe.

According to the drug’s manufacturer, Merck, the most common side effects include gastrointestinal issues, such as nausea, diarrhea, constipation and cramping. It can also cause skin rashes and eye problems.

Why would one risk this when we have safe, natural food nutrition, like Nature’s Gold and good quality Calcium supplements that increase bone density? 

Of course, following lifestyle recommendation as in Lorene’s book:  The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally is recommended to improve ALL health conditions.

Should you wish to have wholesale access any of the same quality supplements we have used over 23 years to help thousands of people achieve optimum health, please email our office at TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com, or contact us via our website.

Osteopenia? Osteoporosis ? Tips for Increasing Bone Density – Part 1


I’d like to share with you results that Nature’s Sunshine Science Director shared with us a couple of years ago at the Canadian Annual Herbal Conference,  that shows results for a super food truly beneficial for bone mineral density.  Nature’s Sunshine introduced Nature’s Gold in October of 2005.  An NSP Manager shared  her bone density test results taken 5 years apart and after one year taking the Nature’s Gold.


Measurement                   Before Nature’s Gold           After 1 Yr. on N.G.

Bone Density Spine L2-L4              0.988 g/cm2                 1.165 g/cm2

Compared to young adult                     – 18%                     -3%

Age of subject                                      57 yrs.                    62 yrs.

Bone age                                             64 yrs.                    49 yrs.

State of bone                                   Osteoporotic            Normal  compared                                                        – risk of fracture           to young adult


These results show that at age 57, this person has the bones of a 64 yr. old, that she was osteoporotic and in danger of developing fractures. Five years later, after one full year on Nature’s Gold, at the age of 62, this person had the bones of a 49 year old! 
Now these are incredibly dramatic results, with none of the side effects of the strongly promoted alendronate type drugs, i.e. Fosamex. (see separate article on Osteoporosis Tips Part 2).

Besides increasing bone mineral density, Nature’s Gold has also shown positive results for increase in lean muscle mass.

Other  Research and Benefits of Nature’s Gold

Nature’s Gold was first developed as chicken feed, and it produced amazing results.  The chickens had a weight increase due to a healthier appetite.  They grew heavier but leaner, had more protein and muscle mass, and there were significant improvements in their heart strength, bone density and red and white blood cell counts.

Now those are all excellent indicators of improved health, so the question became, will these results translate into humans?  And the answer is yes, absolutely!

Intestinal Healing

One of the biggest benefits we have seen is an immediate improvement in intestinal health.  The cells that line the intestine are among the fastest-growing in our bodies, and good intestinal health depends on this regeneration.  The problem is that after the age of 25 or so, this regeneration slows down and the intestine is actually starting to die off.

Nature’s Gold keeps the intestinal regeneration extremely high which leads to a host of  benefits.

Nutritional Assays of Nature’s Gold Benefits

The abundance of beneficial nutrients in Nature’s Gold is generally not found in the standard modern diet.

Because of its unbeatable digestibility, Nature’s Gold can transport more amino acids and nutrients into our cells. Giving our cells the essential nutrients they need enables our bodies to heal and get rid of toxins effectively.  When you’re driving nutrients in, you’re driving toxins out. This increases the overall efficiencies of the body, and you’ll find that your herbs and supplements actually become more effective.

Nature’s Gold also has dramatically increased Superoxide Dismutase levels over normal barley. SOD is a very powerful antioxidant enzyme that helps neutralize free radicals and prevent cell damage that can lead to moderate and severe health concerns.

Nature’s Gold comes in two formulations. Many people start with Nature’s Gold I and increase to Nature’s Gold II (denser nutrient) for the 2nd container. Please note that one should start gradually; we suggest 1/2 tsp. daily, increasing each week up to 2 Tablespoons, to avoid eliminating toxins too quickly, which can cause discomfort.

Nature’s Gold is easy to take, in a shake or smoothie, sprinkled in yogurt , muesli, or on fruit, or taken straight in water or juice.

Those with celiac start very slowly. Due to organic barley being the source, it cannot be classsed as gluten free. However,  as this is made from the sprouts of barley, some improvement in bowel condition is usually noticed within 3 months, or sooner, for most intestinal challenges.

Of course other calcium supplementation options are available, these will be covered in Part 2.

Of course, one must take into account overall health principles and lifestyle recommendations. In Lorene Benoit’s 2nd Edition of her book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally, she details this in a chapter , The 4 Pillars of Health. Included in her book are tips for  exercise – essential for preventing osteoporosis, and healthy diet suggestions, with recipes, emotional health and Super Foods.

Should you wish to have wholesale access any of the same quality supplements we have used over 23 years to help thousands of people achieve optimum health, please email our office at TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com, or contact us via our website.



Cancer and Genetics?

Given the big news stories about Angelina Jolie and her prophylactic surgery because she carries the BRCA-1 gene, it is even more critical to educate people on the true causes of cancer and put an end to fear-based self mutilation.

Cancer Can Be Treated Naturally

 Explore the Natural Approach to Understanding the Causes, Treatment, And

Prevention of Cancer in Lorene Benoit’s Acclaimed Book:

The Paw Paw Program:  A “Christopher Columbus” Approach To Cancer

 Contact: 250-748-6802 or TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com

British Columbia, Canada – After Lorene Benoit lost her brother and father to cancer, she embarked on a journey to discover a safe, affordable method to treat and prevent cancer.  As a result, her book The Paw Paw Program:  A “Christopher Columbus” Approach To Cancer …The World IS Round and Cancer CAN be Treated Naturally,” provides a comprehensive natural approach for understanding, preventing and working with Cancer and many chronic health conditions.  Case studies in Benoit’s book present extended longevity and improved quality of life for ovarian, breast, colon, prostate, lung, lymphomas, melanoma, brain, bladder and bone cancers.

Now in its 2nd Edition, the 284-page book guides readers through a program that works, is affordable, and can be combined with medical therapies. The book includes background, research, instructions, and lifestyle suggestions including the Four Pillars of Health: diet, exercise, emotional/spiritual and supplementation, treatment options, case studies, success stories, healthy recipes and more.

“The research done on this safe chemotherapeutic herb, Paw Paw, shows its effectiveness as part of a natural regime, or in combination with medical therapies, resulting in improved outcomes,” states Benoit who is a qualified teacher (BEd Biology), Masters of Holistic Healing, Certified Herbal Consultant, and Canadian Instructor for a Certified Herbal Consultant program.  The book unlocks answers to many questions that have been asked by those following the program the last seven years.  For more information, visit http://www.NaturalPathRemedies.com and join the conversation at http://www.naturalpathremedies.com/blog/natural-solutions-for-cancer-the-paw-paw-program/

Benoit’s passion and forte is teaching health in everyday language. This book will help anyone dealing with cancer, in addition to anyone wanting to incorporate preventative lifestyle changes for optimum health.  Her expertise using natural approaches for more than thirty years resulted in the Paw Paw program that has already helped thousands with cancer.

Dr. J. Forsythe, a Nevada oncologist who conducted clinical trials on terminal cancer patients, reported decreased tumour size without the loss of hair, nausea, bone marrow depression, induction of new cancers, or other side effects. When taken with chemotherapy, an above average amount of tumour shrinkage occurred after the first treatments than would normally be expected with chemotherapy alone. Most patients experienced positive results within six to eight weeks.

Medical expert Dr. Jerry McLaughlin, Professor Emeritus from Purdue University who researched Paw Paw, Asimina triloba species, to develop the effective standardized extract, states, “The success of the Paw Paw program with case studies, as reported herein and elsewhere, is proving that we really don’t need to spend billions of dollars to develop new and effective anti cancer treatments. Its safety and efficacy are evidenced over the past ten years.”

Available June 1, in major book stores, and online, The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer is published under First Choice, 284 pp, $29.95 ISBN 978-1-77084-299-1.    For interviews, book reviews, or to order the book, please contact: 250-748-6802 or TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com.

About the Author:

Lorene Benoit is a Natural Health Consultant and Educator and founder of Benoit & Associates Health Education. She is considered one of North America’s foremost herbal and natural and integrative health experts.

As a qualified teacher (BEd Biology), Masters of Holistic Healing, Certified Herbal Consultant, and Canadian Instructor for a Certified Herbal Consultant program, Lorene has presented at Health Conferences, and taught practitioners and lay-people throughout North America.

She has been published in health magazines since mid 1980’s, authored College Life Skills Curriculum, and has been featured on radio and TV programs on various health topics.  Benoit is available for speaking engagements.

Book Cover: ISBN 978-1-77084-299-1

Paw Paw front cover 2nd ed

3 Medical Challenges and Healthy Alternatives for Lungs, Diabetes and Vaccines

Feb. 2021: references, details added:

Note: Links frequently change and we can’t always keep up with them. For ANY health recommendations, such as products we have personally and professionally used since 1985, CONTACT US. We can email links, fact sheets, advice. First free 10 mins. no charge, and no charge to help you get the best products at 20-25% discount PLUS Free shipping to your door. Consults available for more complex cases.


Just 2 Months’ Exposure to Anticholinergics (AC’s)* Affects Cognition

Physicians “absolutely” over-prescribe ACs, said Dr. Boustani, Indiana University Center for Aging Research. Patients might push for these drugs in the belief that if they simply take a pill, their symptoms will go away. Also, physicians typically don’t have the time to discuss medication alternatives with individual patients. “They take the easy way out, which is to just simply spend 10 seconds writing a prescription,” said Dr. Boustani.

AC’s are used for a variety of conditions including:

Respiratory (with most seniors with COPD and asthma), urogenitary, gastrointestinal, dizziness and insomnia (shorterm only) . The results highlight the importance of limiting prescriptions for ACs in older adults. All too often, said Dr. Boustani, patients continue to take AC medications even when they’re not working.

*A list of common prescribed and over the counter AC’s at end of article.

Lorene Benoit questions how is one to know if cognitive impairment in seniors is being caused by, or worsened by the long term use of these medications when Mild Cognitive Impairment has been noted after only 2 -3 months of use. Many seniors are on these medications, compounded by having  several of them combined, for long term, usually years or until death do them part! How often is declining cognition being brushed off as natural aging, or dementia? Plus, some of these medications are prescribed for children with rapidly developing brains!

Healthy Natural  Approaches for Respiratory use of AC’s

When possible, physicians should substitute AC medications with those that have fewer cognitive adverse effects or with nonpharmacologic alternatives, said Dr. Boustani.

Benoit offers even safer, natural alternatives be considered. For breathing and respiratory  distress caused by COPD, asthma, or other respiratory conditions like bronchitis, congestion and coughs, Lobelia is safe, effective and inexpensive.

Lobelia Inflata is a third degree medicinal herb. It has so many positive actions that Dr. John Christopher has a whole chapter in his “School of Natural Healing” textbook dedicated to lobelia.  Some of  the following properties make it one of the essential herbs to have on at hand in every home.

Medicinal properties include:

Nervine:  Lobelia is one of nature’s strongest relaxant nervine herbs. Because of its ability to relax the sympathetic nervous system, it has been used effectively for nervous excitement, hysteria, relaxing  tight colon (spastic constipation, IBS)

Antispasmodic:  stops spasms so is useful for muscle spasms, cramps, convulsions, irregular heart beat,  bronchial spasms such as in asthma, coughs,

Analgesic, Anodyne:  effective for painful conditions such as teething, earache, muscle and joint inflammation, kidney or gall bladder stones, stiff neck, injuries. Helps eliminate pain and toxins of poisonous bites and stings. Apply externally, as well as taking internally.

Deobstruant: Lobelia has the ability to remove obstructions. This makes it effective in loosening and helping with expectoration of mucous, especially in the respiratory tract and stomach.  It helps to cleanse and stimulate movement of lymph fluid, thus aiding this important part of our immune system and body’s natural waste disposal.

Stop smoking:Medical Claim approved by Health Canada: Lobelia can help quit smoking, by helping to reduce the body’s craving for nicotine and easing withdrawal symptoms”. One of Lobelia’s active constituents is lobeline, which has a similar chemical composition to nicotine. This makes Lobelia very effective for those wishing to stop smoking, as lobeline will fill the nicotine receptor sites which create cravings, without any addictive effect or weight gain – a few drops under tongue, hold 30 seconds. Repeat up to 20 times per day, as required. Doing a cleanse, such as the Tiao He Pak (10-15 days), or Bod-E Klenz (30 days), can also help reduce cravings and make the shift to a positive lifestyle.

With these benefits, Lobelia should be in every person’s home 1st Aid Kit.

Other formulas that aid a weakened respiratory system is the Chinese formula LH-C.   Lung Healer – Chinese have kept many people off drugs and helped to heal lungs, not just address symptoms.

AL-J is another formula for allergies affecting respiratory system. It contains a blend of herbs well known for healing such as mullein, horseradish, fenugreek and boneset.

For other conditions for which ACs may be prescribed, there are a multitude of healthy herbs that have history of proven effectiveness that date back thousands of years.

References: Medscape: http://www.medscape.com

Alzheimer’s & Dementia. Published online November 26, 2012

Dr. John Christopher, “The School of Natural Healing


Actos medication for Diabetes Class Action Law Suit

Actos is used to improve blood sugar (glucose) control in adults with type 2 diabetes. It is prescribed to patients who have trouble regulating their blood sugar with diet and exercise alone. It may be used alone or with other medicines, including insulin and metformin.

However, long-term use of Actos is linked to a number of serious health complications, including heart failure, macular edema, lactic acidosis, bone fractures, and most recently bladder cancer. It is the link to bladder cancer that is leading more than 3,000 former Actos users to file lawsuits against Takeda Pharmaceuticals, the maker of the drug.

Reference: Aubrey Hayes     Public Outreach Drug Watch

ahayes@drugwatch.com     www.drugwatch.com

Healthy Natural  Approaches for Diabetes and Insulin Resistance

Safer herbal alternatives are GlucoReg, which has herbs traditionally used to control blood sugar mechanisms and Chromium GTF. Also dietary changes must be undertaken.

Recommendations in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally are helpful.

Her book explains the sugar and disease and inflammation connection. As well, extensive dietary recommendations are given to help people understand how to eat better. Some recipes are also included. Eliminating sugar, in fact, is critical to optimum health and prevention of all chronic conditions, including diabetes and cancer!

Other options are the raw food approach, as shown in this 4 minute video part way through the May, 2011 newsletter.


Vaccines Linked to a Host of Chronic Illnesses

While the preceding mainstream articles dance around the theories of autism causation, vaccination is never mentioned as a possible “environmental” factor in the etiology of autism. Vaccines are linked not only to autism, but to many chronic conditions that used to be rare in children. The producers of the new documentary The Greater Good, provide a catalogue of over 200 studies that raise serious concerns about vaccine side effects.

References: Vaccine Risk Awareness Network


* A list of common prescribed and over the counter AC’s :

List of common prescribed anticholinergics
  • atropine (Atropen)
  • belladonna alkaloids.
  • benztropine mesylate (Cogentin)
  • clidinium.
  • cyclopentolate (Cyclogyl)
  • darifenacin (Enablex)
  • dicylomine.
  • fesoterodine (Toviaz)

In addition to prescription anticholinergics, commonly used over-the-counter (OTC) anticholinergics are: antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, doxylamine, and dimenhydrinate.


Healthy Natural  Approaches for Immunity

See our past archives on Vaccines, specifically, Safe Vaccine Alternatives, and Immune Tips.

Q&A: GMO foods – Should you have the right to know?


What is your opinion on GMO foods?


GMO foods are to be avoided like the plague! Nature makes the perfect foods. Genetic modification only serves to allow seed companies and food producers to control our food supply. As I feel very strongly about food choices affecting our health, I have included this as my First Pillar of Health, in my book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

As well as extensive dietary recommendations that help people understand how to eat better, balance pH, comments on dairy, sugar, and organic,  some recipes are included.

I don’t want to get political on my website, however having the right to choose to eat healthy food has become somewhat politicized, and it is a definite health issue, so I am making this exception. In many countries of the world people are facing the same issues.

There is huge pressure in both Canada and US by food producers to NOT label GMO foods, or to do it deceptively, so no can be sure whether they are eating real tomatoes, or tomatoes spliced with fish genes.

This is contrast to many European countries that will not even allow GMO food or seeds to cross their borders!

In Canada, Elizabeth May from Green Party, has been working hard to ensure farmers and consumers are protected and well-informed about the food grown and purchased in Canada.

For years the Greens have demanded:

 *   Mandatory labeling for all GE ingredients

*   GE-free food zones

*   Independent research of GE crops and their effects on people

*   A ban on the introduction of new GE products like salmon and alfalfa in Canada

 You can help us win this fight!

 Please take a minute to sign our online petition and then download a copy, collect signatures from people of all ages in your community, and return it postage free to Elizabeth May’s parliamentary office.

Signed paper petitions will be presented to the House of Commons by Elizabeth, to request action from the Government of Canada.

 Thank you for your support, and for creating the change you want to see in Canada.

Kate Storey

Shadow Cabinet Critic for Agriculture, Green Party of Canada

P.S. You can also support the Green Party in all our work by making a donation of $10 today, every bit helps!

In the US, there are many groups trying to influence citizen’s right to choice – get involved before you have none!

Ear Infections recurring – specific tips and dosages for children

Question and Answers in same text:

Hi Lorene,
I would like to send you a very warm thanks for being so responsive to our needs today by sharing your knowledge and products. I connected with M. tonight to receive the herbs for my child. We are so grateful to have an alternative to antibiotics.
We’ve read the information you attached and I have a couple questions I’m wondering if you can help to clarify:
1) Can you confirm that we should mix the Lobelia and CBG (1:5 ratio) and give half the adult dosage internally (J. is 27 lbs)?
Mixing the two is not essential; it just makes it easier for internal administration, as you are just giving one preparation, instead of 2. As I now know Junior’s size, I would do it more as a 1:6 ratio – a little Lobelia goes a long way.
2) When you say internally, do you mean orally? Or do you mean drops in the ear?
Good question – actually both. The oral dose is as I suggested (I copied the original email at end of this one). In the ears, just 2 drops is required. If infection is active, I would administer both via mouth and ear, 3-4 times a day.
Lobelia is also good to apply externally 1-2 drops along the bone behind the ear – rub in direction from top of ear down toward the throat lymphatic glands. This is helpful to stop pain and drain mucous via the lymphatics.
Once infection “seems” better , I would continue 2x/day for at least 1 month, then 1x/day for another 2 months to make sure ALL infection is truly gone, not just in remission to come back stronger.
This is what happens with synthetic antibiotics, with added problem that the strains mutate and often return in a stronger form, so doctors either try another antibiotic or have to do stronger doses to have any effect. This is why ear infections keep re-occurring, eventually leading to ear tubes. Read Hear This About Your Ear: Infections and Tinnitus.
Our goal is to completely eradicate it and return the health of the ear, so he is not susceptible. Be sure to read other NB instructions at end.
3) If the dosage is meant to be taken orally, would it be okay to put it in his smoothie in the morning?
Yes, anyway you can get it into him is fine. Remember that you can add 1 tsp – 1 Tbs. of very hot, almost boiling water to the herbs, and let sit about 1 min. to allow alcohol to evaporate, then add it to juice or whatever. If breastfeeding, some mothers find getting the alcohol out, then squirting it with a dropper into the mouth and immediately follow with the breast also works.
4) I have been adding a natural kids immune booster and probiotics to his smoothies in the mornings. Is it okay to continue these while using the CBG/lobelia?
If they are good formulas, without sweeteners or other chemicals, this should be no problem. I have worked with the 300 formulas, herbs and supplements I know work for the last 24 years, so it is sometimes difficult to comment on other products, as it is impossible to check out the Quality and Potency  on all companies.
And yes, if a good product, probiotics are very important when one has used chemical antibiotics.The one I use with children very successfully is Sunshine Heroes Bifidophilus.
After the icky antibiotics he’s taken, he’s not much of a fan for cooperating anymore:) Thanks once again for your guidance. Warmly, L & D.
I can understand this! So here is one of the most important questions you need to ask:

N.B. What conditions are present that are making him susceptible to the infections?

Does he consume  dairy, sugar or wheat? These are the three prime offenders in all mucous-type infections in children.
It will almost always be something he is exposed to that causes the imbalance and lowers natural immunity, which allows inflammation and sets the stage for bacteria or viruses to live. So start with these three culprits, then if the situation does not improve, look at chemical shampoos or soaps, chlorine in swimming pools, or it could just be the same infection returning. This is why in both natural medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is advised to treat a condition 3  months, plus 1 month for each year the condition has been chronic.
Lastly, I want to offer encouragement: This may seem like a long time, but if it has been recurring already for 3 years, this investment in long term health will be well worth it!
I have had adults with recurring ear infections that have affected their lives for 60 years. In 6 months they are infection free. One man had them so frequently that for several years it prevented surgery to fix a torn ear drum. In 6 months, he was able to have his surgery and get his hearing back!
You can also gain some other tips from past articles on my website blog:


From previous email the suggested , general dosages are:
infants, under 20 pounds:             use approx. 1/3 adult dose listed on bottle.
between 20 – 80 pounds weight:  use 1/2 dosage
over 80 lbs:                                        use adult dosage

During acute stage use at least recommended dosage on bottle – up to double or triple. For maintenance, use 1/2 up to full dosage depending on how long condition has been recurring.

Lobelia used to be IN the CBG, but due to Health Canada regulations, it is now sold separately. Once you have both bottles, you can add Lobelia to the CBG bottle, (ratio of 1:5 or 1:6) so you only have to deal with one, and both can be used internally.
Canadian prices for 59 ml (2 oz) bottle: Lobelia $25.00; CBG $39.24 –  I can offer a member discount in many countries, if you contact me.


Q & A: Tremors


A quick question for you, I have been diagnosed with essential tremors, do you know if there is anything that will help it?


Yes, in my opinion, there is ALWAYS something that can be done to help improve any condition when you work with the laws of Nature. This is not a “take this pill and you’ll be better” type of question. I do not work like medical doctors – I try to find the cause and remediate it, not medicate the symptoms.

To enable this, I would need some history, when, how long, past incidences, medical tests done, diet, stress factors, etc., which would require a phone or Skype consultation of at least 1/2 hour, at a very reasonable fee.

Without a consultation, based on general knowledge, you would very likely get some relief with  a herb called Lobelia to calm the nerves, and relax the muscles, plus the Stress Pak to support  and nourish the nervous system, as it a given there is nervouse system involvement. You could try these two things for one month, and see what improvement there is, then have a discussion to see what results are and make further recommendations from there, based on your results.

Please contact me with phone number if you would like to get these delivered to your house, by the same herbal supplier I have used the last 24 years.

The other general suggestion concerns chiropractic to make sure there is no subluxation (displacement of vertebrae) that could be causing pressure or irritation to your nerves. Let me know if I can be of further assistance in helping to solve this.

For any health issues, I also recommend people follow the general health suggestions undre the Chapter, The Four Pillars of Health, in my book:  The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally. Recommendations for cancer also relate to most chronic conditions., so this book can also be used as a health guide. Contact our office directly if you would like to order your copy. Or in Winnipeg, Radiance Books on Corydon carries it.

Hope this helps!

Q & A – effects of T3, Tylenol


What side affects does taking T3’s have on your body.. I have chronic back pain and been thru so many tests 🙁  its been 3 years now              Rho, BC


T3’s are a combination of acetaminophen, codeine, and caffeine. For severe pain, temporary, occasional use may be warranted, but long term use creates havoc on many systems of your body. Some of those are briefly listed here; more details is widely available by doing an internet search Tylenol or T3 side effects.

Nervous system: mental and respiratory depression, stupor, delirium, drowsiness, which can increase risk of falls and hip fractures in the elderly.

Gastro-intestinal system: nausea, vomiting, and constipation have been reported frequently with the use of codeine. If one needs to take these medication, take LBS, a safe herbal laxative in capsule form, or LB, in liquid form, so you do not compound the pain with toxic overload caused by constipation.

Hepatic system: The liver is the organ that takes the brunt with long term use of tylenol and related drugs. Several cases of hepatotoxicity (liver toxin overload)  from chronic acetaminophen therapy at therapeutic doses have been reported despite a lack of And risk factors for toxicity.

In addition, pain killers are not addressing the cause of your pain, and this is what you need to determine if you do not want to become a long term pharmaceutical drug addict.

General health improvements in lifestyle, such as the Four Pillars of Health suggested in Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally, can help.

One safe, natural anti-inflammatory, shown to be very effective in clinical studies, is Cure-Q-Min. The concentrated tumeric compounds in this product have shown benefit for joint pain and other inflammatory conditions. The side -effects of Cure-Q-Min? None! In fact, it has been shown to exert such a broad range of beneficial effects on various conditions, supports digestive and liver functions and is a blood tonic, that it has
been referred to as the “pre-clinical cure-all.” Contact our office if you would like to try this.