Tag Archives: Paw Paw

Herbal Intensive July 6th – 9th, 2012

Herbal Intensive: What, Why and How?


The Cowichan Valley supports a lush growth of plants that have been traditionally used for medicinal purposes, as well as for food. We will study indigenous, wild, and some cultivated botanicals with a Master Herbalist who has 30 years experience.



In this 3 1/2   day Intensive you will learn:

Ø       introduction to botanical terms

Ø       plant families and identification

Ø       medicine wheel & plant energy

Ø       drying and storage

Ø       doctrine of signatures

Ø       harvesting

You will also learn how to prepare and apply herbs in a practical and fun “hands on” setting:

Ø       Poultices, fomentations and compresses

Ø       Infusions,  decoctions and juices

Ø       Sweat baths, inhalations

Ø       Herbal oils and salves

Ø       Enemas and douches

Ø       Tinctures, herbal vinegars

Ø       Preparations for eyes, teeth, sinus and nose

Ø       Glycerites, syrups and more…

Someone might get a poultice applied; another a compress. Faces often contort as we taste the various decoctions!

We learn how to prepare and apply herbs in a practical and fun “hands on” setting.

Plus: 1/2 day Medicine Wheel Workshop, July 6th, 1-4 pm

Ø     Understand the 4 element model that has endured from ancient cultures around the world,

Ø     Learn to apply this to 4 pillars of health:

  • physical,
  • spiritual,
  • mental and
  • emotional.

Ø      Learn to understand  herbs and conditions

People can take Medicine Wheel Workshop  on its own, (Contact the office) and those attending the Intensive are encouraged to arrive early and participate in the Medicine Wheel workshop.

One trained practitioner from Calgary, Alberta wrote this in her evaluation:
I learned to identify herbs out in the field, herbs which I have used with people for many years but never knew what they looked like.  It was great to see them in their natural habitat.  It helped me get to know them better as living beings! ”
Monica H.  Calgary, AB.

More testimonials:

I was one of the lucky participants, and it was so worth the time and cost. The setting was lovely, the other participants were generous in sharing their own experiences, the food was delicious, and the learning was boundless! Lorene is a born teacher, and the breadth of her expertise is amazing to me. This was just the workshop I needed to get me started in my own learning about herbs. Thank you!                                                                                                                       Miriam S. Duncan, BC

I can only encourage everyone to attend this inspiring & educational event. Once you embark on this opportunity to identify, smell, and work with a wide variety of herbs you will gain a greater understanding and appreciation of the healing powers herbs have to offer. The medicine wheel and other teachings on all pillars of health will bring you closer to nature and discovering your true inner self – reminding you the importance of incorporating all aspects of life into your daily living to achieve well-being. Take advantage of this event held in a beautiful paradise – only a walk away from a crystal clear river, taught by a very knowledgeable and successful instructor & provided with delicious meals fresh from the garden!            

Monica F, Annapolis Valley, NS                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Join us to experience the healing powers we have been provided with by getting in touch with herbs. Feel the peace of nature seep into your cells, guided by one of Canada’s leading herbal experts,  Master Herbalist and Healer of over 30 years.

On beautiful Vancouver Island, British Columbia – build a holiday of your lifetime around this event! Please contact our office for posters with details.

You will keep a minimum of three herbal products you help make.


Date: Friday-Monday, July 6th– 9th, 2012 

Investment: $475 includes: ½ day Medicine Wheel Workshop Fri, plus 3 full days Sat, Sun, Mon, all supplies, samples, and organic lunches.

Early Bird Discount for payment received by June 15th:  save $100!

Registration closes July 2nd        $50 of registration fee is a non-refundable deposit

About the Instructor: Lorene Benoit is a Health Educator with a Bachelor of Education in Biology and Physical Education. She has a Masters of Holistic Health; Certifications as Herbal Consultant, Iridologist, Contact Reflex Analyst and several Body-Mind Healing modalities.  She has engendered nutrition, lifestyle management and natural therapies for more than 30 years. Her passion is empowering people through down to earth education of   their own bodies, herbs and health on all levels.  In her vision to help people move towards optimum health, she offers consultations in her Vancouver Island office, writes and travels extensively to lecture and teach, and promote her book: The Paw Paw Program, a natural approach to cancer and health optimization.  This annual intensive is a favourite, where all the connections of healing come together in nature!  

These courses are being taught on 5 wild and cultivated acres within the temperate rain forest, and riparian habitat of the Cowichan River, Vancouver Island.

5175 Bills Road, Duncan, British Columbia, V9L 6S7, Canada

Payment:   Money order can be mailed to Lorene Benoit at above address.

A list of local accommodations, B&Bs, or camping options & other activities available to help you stay and enjoy the Cowichan Valley paradise!

Register: Health Education, 250-748-6802 ;

email: TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com

In one of the herb gardens…

Over 300 species of plants out there!


March Health Newsletter

   Benoit Associates Health Education Newsletter

                                          March 2012

For information to help you achieve optimum health, please contact our office:

Phone:        250-748-6802

Email:        TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com

Website:     www.NaturalPathRemedies.com

Address:    5175 Bills Road · Duncan, BC V9L 6S7


Benoit’s book blog: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

Ongoing special for books, which offers excellent tips for health prevention, as well as solutions for cancer. Buy 3 get 1 free. Contact our office.



 Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link for those you want to read.

 Bladder Infections

Bladder infections can cause irritating problems, such as sudden urge to urinate, leakage, inability to stop the flow of urine, itching, or burning. There is no reason women, men or children should have these, and if you do, you need to get to the bottom of it and get rid of it!

 Love Your Liver!

It is largest organ in your body, performing over 500 different and essential functions, without even being reminded. A few amazing facts about your liver.

 Cancer Screening and Prevention

A recent article in the Globe and Mail regarding the risks and benefits of Cancer Screening. “ The advantages to screening have been exaggerated.” states Dr Brawley. In Canada an expert panel said that women over 40 do not need routine mammography screening . The reason being that the value of mammography has been decisively disproven.

 Arginine for Your Cardio and Heart Health

L-arginine is best known for its cardiovascular benefits. In the body, l-arginine is converted to nitric oxide, which relaxes the blood vessels. This reduces stress on the heart and improves circulation. L-arginine is the body’s major source for nitric oxide synthesis.

If you have a testimonial on Arginine Plus please submit by email to Aleks at aleksg@natr.com  or fax: 1-800-822-4884 “ATTN: Aleks” by March 31st for a chance to win one large Arginine Plus. Submission must include your account number.

Nature’s Sunshine L Arginine is not only the most powerful on the Canadian market, but is now also the best priced!

Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details. 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.

Watch this 3 minute video : http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit

 Brilliant Body Business Coaching

There is ongoing coaching to help others start their own business using the Brilliant Body CD’s!  Stay for the last half hour of our dinner classes. Phone the office anytime for help!



March Madness is here!! 20% off, FULL PV or buy 2 get 1 FREE EVERYTHING PLUS FREE SHIPPING! This is a once in a lifetime offer to help you have a FANTASTIC MARCH!! Valid TODAY TILL SATURDAY!! Yes we are open Saturday to help you.

 Specials till the end of the March are Heart Health and Chinese Herbal Formulas.

 The new 6 week Campaigns are great – next one with specials starts April 1st – May 15th and features Digestive and Intestinal products: enzymes, fibre, pro-biotics and herbal formulas for soothing, healing and rebuilding stomach, small and large intestines! These products are 10% or Buy 3 get 1 free.

 Order by calling our office 250-748-6802 to help you locate a local Herb Specialist, or if you are a member call NSP at your country’s toll free number.

How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

 You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

 What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office by email, phone or website
  • Memberships are free in most countries when you place an order.
  • Go to www.naturessunshine.com; choose your country and use sponsor

# 309344 or #313939 to receive discount

 All the great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials.

When you a member under our Association, please quote your number in any correspondence, which entitles you to priority and some free time concerning your personal health program.

Success Stories

Silver for gum and teeth health, in this case an abscessed tooth:


Some people are also using the Silver Gel for brushing teeth, then holding it in mouth after brushing before swallowing.

 Cancer – using Paw Paw approach

The following are 2 excerpts from my blog from a woman using the Paw Paw Program for cancer. Read the full comments by going to: 

The Paw Paw Program – A Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer

Sept. 12, 2011: I received great news after my scans in August. They showed that there are no new tumors or inflammation anywhere and the tumors that were there have shrunk in size. There is greatly reduced inflammation in the bones of my hips (and the doctors are very pleased with what is happening. ……. I know the pawpaw, as well as the diet and everything else I’m doing, is contributing to my success.

From same woman, 4 months later.

Jann 31, 2012:  As for my health, it’s still phenomenal. I am so thankful to have gotten another good scan, with no new developments and no growth anywhere. I feel great, and am keeping a positive attitude. I used pawpaw again for one month before this last scan and I plan to use it again for a month in a few weeks. Thanks for checking in on me, hope you’re well.

Political Scene

Anti- depressants, SSRI’s result in decreased head size in fetal development, and low serotonin “theory” debunked. Read details of studies from Nederlands, US and Britiain:


Quotes from Shawn Buckley, lawyer of the NHPPA (Natural Health Products Protection Association)          info@nhppa.org          website: nhppa.org

“We are told that we need the NHP Regulations to protect us from such evils as adulterated products, fraudulent claims, and unsafe products. Despite these assertions, there has never been a death caused by a natural health product in all of our history. I have asked Health Canada under an Access to Information Act request to provide any evidence of death caused by a natural health product since Confederation (1867). I was given no evidence.”

Lorene Benoit states:” I wish that prescription drugs could offer one-tenth of this safety record.”

In fact the opposite is true. There are numerous stories of people who most definitely are not being protected by the current regulations. Indisputable facts are piling up.

“There are many people with serious health conditions who have tried all of the doctor recommended chemicals either without success, or for whom the side-effects were intolerable. They have found natural products that work. Health Canada is now taking those products away. This is putting them at risk for either death, or at best tremendous suffering.”


I confess that get quite upset when people like MPs tell me the Regulations are necessary for our “safety”. Indeed, I am now of the opinion that the word “safety” when used by politicians and bureaucrats is the most dangerous word in the English language. It is the only word that over-rides critical analysis in the population and leads the average citizen to willingly give up freedoms.”

“We know, for example, that the same products can be sold in the U.S. without a licence and that the Canadian requirement for a licence is relatively new. For Health Canada to pretend that there is a serious health risk because a product does not have a licence is stretching things. Indeed, the same unlicensed products in the U.S. are presumed by law to be safe.”



Thirty-five is when you finally get your head together and your body starts falling apart. – Caryn Leschen

But Lorene Benoit says when you look after your daily nutritional needs this doesn’t need to happen!


Video Pick

 Seletun Scientific Statement by.Dr. Olle Johansson, PhD explains how wireless technology, including telecommuncations, (cell phones, WiFi, Smart meters, towers) are biologically damaging our species and government is not protecting public from serious long term risk.

International Scientists Recommend Global Governments Adopt New Exposure Guidelines for Electromagnetic Radiation—Pointing to Biological Hazards and Risks to the Genetic Code from Unchecked Proliferation of Wireless Technologies. In this 18 minute video, Dr. Johansson, from Sweden’s renowned Karolinska Institute, and Chair of the Seletun Scientific Panel, announces a consensus agreement among international scientists on the need to reduce EMF (electromagnetic field) exposures to the population. The Seletun Scientific Panel’s recommendations are extremely important given the unchecked proliferation of wireless radiation over the past decade, such as from cell towers, wireless networks, wireless routers, cell phones, as well as because of the plans by many ignorant governments to blanket neighbourhoods in new, radiation-emitting utility ‘smart’ meters.
To read Press Releases, the Seletun Scientific Statement or get a transcript of Dr. Johansson’s remarks in this video, please go to ElectromagneticHealth.org “News” Section.



Business Building

If you are interested in blogging to increase your business, check out this video which can make it easy:http://www.empowernetwork.com/theylovetobuy.php?id=SmallBizAGL

Serving you in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Ph/Fax    250-748-6802

Email:    TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com

Website: www.NaturalPathRemedies.com

Natural Approach To Cancer: The Paw Paw Program

Please refer to the Cancer Blog for updates that includes all archives, questions and comments.

More information is also available on many taped radio interviews with Lorene Benoit, explaining WHY Paw Paw works!  a

Can Cancer Be Prevented?


Written by Lorene Benoit, author, consultant and natural health teacher for more than 30 years, the book presents a comprehensive natural program for understanding cancer, preventing cancer and working with cancer. This book began in April, 2005, when Benoit wrote the script, “A Complementary Approach to Cancer“, for a series of cross Canada Health Classes to teach people about Paw Paw, a herb used as part of a natural program for cancer.

The end result is a 284 page book offering a program that works, is affordable, and can be combined with medical treatments.

Lorene Benoit’s expertise offers a wealth of information about a complete Paw Paw program that has helped many with cancer. The book includes background, research, and all instructions for the paw paw program as a natural solution for cancer. Also included are diet and cancer, protein, pH, additional supportive supplementation, treatment options, lifestyle suggestions, case studies, success stories, and more.

The Paw Paw Program book answers a lot of the questions that have been asked by those following the program the last 5 years! It is professionally done, with charts and illustrations, making it easy to understand.

Lorene Benoit is a Natural Health Consultant and Educator, who founded Benoit & Associates Health Education Services in 1989. Her qualifications are Bachelor of Education in Biology and Physical Education, Masters of Holistic Healing, Certified Herbal Consultant, Iridologist, Contact Reflex Analyst, plus certifications for Live Blood Analysis, Western and Chinese herbs, Nutrition, Massage and Energy Healing.

She has taught throughout North America, from 5 to 500 people, both practitioners and clients, from workshops to her annual 4 day Herbal Intensive every summer on her herbal acreage on Vancouver Island. She was the Canadian Instructor for Tree of Light Institute US, for both Masters of Holistic Health and Certified Herbal Consultant programs for 10 years in Canada.

She has authored for health publications since mid 1980’s, plus written booklets on Muscle Testing, Vaccinations and Chinese Herbs. Benoit has been featured and interviewed on radio and TV programs on a variety of topics.

Her passion is teaching health in everyday language! This book was written to offer help to anyone dealing with cancer, as well as to help understand causes and incorporate preventative lifestyle changes. For practitioners, this book is a must to save time and help clients understand what causes cancer and how to work with natural solutions for cancer.

Dr. Jerry McLaughlin, who is the renown expert for Paw Paw Research says this about Benoit’s book;

” This book offers an excellent explanation of a safe, effective and affordable program for cancer that can be a Godsend for those dealing with this or other chronic conditions.”


For interview, more information and to order, please contact:

Benoit & Associates Health Education


Specific link for more comments.

ISBN 978-1-77084-011-9

Benoit & Associates Health Education

250-748-6802 TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com


These two videos give you more information.

For more comments about Cancer and The Paw Paw Program go to Paw Paw Program Comments

Bladder Infections

Bladder Infections

Bladder infections can cause irritating problems, such as sudden urge to urinate, leakage, inability to stop the flow of urine, itching, or burning. Untreated, there is a possibility of infection progressing up the tubules connecting to the kidneys, which is not desirable. Women are more prone to bladder infections due to the shorter urether. As much as doctors may say bladder infections are normal for women, they are not healthy, and should not be the norm in anyone. If they re-occur, it is because they are not getting treated properly in the first case and are re-infecting, or the cause has not been eliminated. In other words, there is no reason women, men or children should have these, and if you do, you need to get to the bottom of it and get rid of it!

Some causes in women can be:

  • wiping in the wrong direction and contamination with feces
  • yeast/candida infections
  • too much sugar in the diet, which lowers the immune system
  • improper diet, which creates pH imbalance
  • anti-biotic overuse, which creates resistant bacteria and flora imbalance
  • food sensitivities
  • chemicals from personal care products: douches, deodorants, soaps, lubricants, powders, bathing products

Treatment consists of determining the cause(s), then treating naturally so the pathogen is eliminated, then creating a healthy environment where they don’t flourish. Herbs bring the body into balance without upsetting the natural flora and fauna and protective shield of mucous membranes. They also do not cause side effects as do many antibiotics.

One of the best formulas is K Combination designed for overall health of the urinary system, containing parsley root, juniper berries, uva ursi, and dandelion root. It is a herbal source of iron, manganese, potassium, sodium, vitamin A and riboflavin.

We suggest adding Cranberry Buchu, which is a concentrated capsule of 435 mg. pure cranberry with Buchu. The herb buchu prevents infection-causing bacteria, such as E. coli, from adhering to the lining of the urinary tract. It has been traditionally used to help prevent recurrent urinary tract infections.

If the infection is already established, stronger herbal antibiotics, such as Golden Seal Echinacea combo and or Silver Shield used as a douche and internally may be required.

Along with the herbs, clean up the diet, eliminate ALL sugar, drink plenty of pure water, (more than your recommended ½ oz. per pound of body weight), add fresh lemon, lime and or Chlorophyll to help alkalinize the blood, and get adequate rest. Many suggestions for healthful lifestyle including diet, stress, exercise and recipes are in my book:

 Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

If the above do not clear it up, seek the advice of a qualified natural health practitioner.

If one has taken chemical antibiotics in the past 6 months, a quality probiotic/ prebiotic combination is recommended to re-establish microbiome regrowth. Certain probiotics capsules may also be used as a vaginal suppository to relieve some symptoms and re-lubricate.

For people who have had several bladder infections, we suggest that once the infection is cleared, to continue on a maintenance dose of 2-3 Cranberry Buchu per day for at least 3 months, then 1-2 as needed to remain clear of infections. This is inexpensive insurance to avoid the hassles and strain to the immune system of having repeated infections.

To order any of the above items or for personal assistance, please contact our office at 250-748-6802 or comment on this post.
We can ensure you get the best product for you at best discount and free shipping within N.A.


Gotta love your liver!

It is largest organ in your body, performing over 500 different and essential functions, without even being reminded. A few amazing facts about your liver. It  weighs about three to four pounds , has an amazing ability to regrow even if only 20% is left, and performs more than 500 functions to keep your life flowing smoothly!

Among its many functions, the liver:
  • Filters harmful waste products and toxins from the blood and distributes them for elimination via the bowels, kidneys, skin, lungs and lymph
  • Regulates and secretes substances important in maintaining your body’s function and health – glucose is a good example
  • Liver metes out glucose, or stores it for later use, thus controls our energy levels
  • Produces cholesterol and special proteins to help carry fats through the body
  • Produces bile to help break down and digest fats
  • Is critical in digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates
  • Produces enzymes and amino acids – such as glutathion
  • Metabolizes and helps balance of hormones
  • Assimilates and stores fat-soluble vitamins, such as Vit. A , D and E
  • Processes hemoglobin , thus is involved in anemic challenges

Your liver is really one intelligent, giant filter, screening all of the nutrients, drugs, medicines, chemicals, hormones and preservatives we intake daily. We need to take care of this hard-working organ. Stress, diet, environmental toxins, alcohol and overeating can wreak havoc on your liver. Some symptoms of a tired, overworked and congested liver may be:

  • Low Energy right up to Exhaustion
  • Allergies  and Chemical Sensitivities
  • Anemia
  • Anger or Depression
  • Bloating, Belching, Burping ( the 3 B’s)
  • Constipation and Diarrhea
  • Eczema, Acne, Hives, Rashes and Itchy Skin
  • Headaches, especially migraines
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Inability to Tolerate Cold or Heat
  • Nausea
  • Menstrual challenges including PMS, painful menses, and menopausal challenges
  • Muscle Pain
  • Weight Gain or Weight Loss

To help the liver, and other eliminative organs such as lymph, colon and kidneys function optimally, we need to nourish the liver with  super nutrition every day, plus help it with seasonal detoxification. A few suggestions for detoxification follow:

Please note: links for products have been removed for several reasons.

  1. First, we encourage you to contact our professional services to help you choose the best products for you, plus some are not in stock.
  2. We ensure you get the lowest price, plus free shipping to your door within days!
  3. You can look up full product details and price options by searching on this website – https://www.TaketheNaturalPath.myNSP.com – choose country  flag top R corner.
  4.  Lorene offers 10 mins. consultation, plus placing orders with full discounts at no charge.

  • Allow your bodies to sweat., do not clog sweat pores with anti-perspirants, use Crystal Clear natural deodorant.
  • Help your body to detoxify by doing a 10- 30 day herbal overall body cleanse at least 2X/year. Tiao He Pak is an excellent choice for overall body cleansing, 10-15 days. For added weight loss, use the Detox Basics, a balanced 30 day cleanse.
  • Use fibre in your diet.
  • Drink lots of water, with Chlorophyll, fresh lemon or lime, or herbal teas
  • Add mineral and antioxidant supplements to help neutralize stage 1 detox free radicals, Super Trio is an excellent daily nutritional supplement providing all essentials.
  • Decrease toxins your body comes in contact with.  Every small bit helps. Use natural products for house cleaning, such as NSP Concentrate Cleaner and Nature’s Fresh Enzyme Spray, and use natural personal products on your body.
  • Include exercise in your daily regime
  • Deal effectively with your emotions and strive to have an Attitude of Gratitude!

Many suggestions for healthful lifestyle including diet, stress, exercise, recipes are in my book:

 Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

 Contact the author online, or TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com for suggestions on healthy detox programs and support specific to you! Worldwide Consultations are available for more complex health issues.



January Health Newsletter

BENOIT & ASSOCIATES HEALTH EDUCATION NEWSLETTER                                                                                                               *January, 2012**

Our wishes are that 2012 will be a year of health, happiness and love for you and those whose lives connect with you! Systems throughout the world are undergoing shifts and changes; keeping physically, emotionall and and mentally balanced will help us all to work towards the higher goals of humanity, caring and sharing.

For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office:

Phone:        250-748-6802

Email:          TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com

Website:      www.NaturalPathRemedies.com


Benoit’s book blog: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally


Check out recent addition of an interview about my book with Wise Women: http://bit.ly/twp6ly

Ongoing special for books, which offers excellent tips for health prevention, as well as solutions for cancer. Buy 3 get 1 free. Contact our office.



Something new I have struggled with and learned on my computer: if when you click on a link to get a product Fact sheet, or any pdf on any site, you should have the choice to open or save it, by adjusting your settings on your browser under Preferences. Learning this has saved me a lot of frustration of saving documents  I wanted to look at, but not necessarily keep.

Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link on the title.

Weight Loss Tips /Insulin Resistance

I am often asked, “What do you recommend for weight loss?” This is not a simple answer, because there are many variables. Weight gain can be due to glandular imbalance, improper or too much eating, lack of activity, emotional outlook, poorly functioning digestion or eliminative systems, Candida, or any combination of these.

Free Webinars: The 8 Causes of Disease with Lorene Benoit, MHH, Jan.25th, 2012

This was presented for NSP Canada wide Jan. 25th, but unfortunately  there was a glitch in the recording, so it will need to be re recorded to be put on the www.nsprc.ca website, available to all members. New webinars are added to this site monthly, so check it out regularly for some what amazing free education.


 Interesting tidbit about Healthy Beverages

Why Coke is not a healthy substance to put inside your body:

 1.  In some states highway patrol carries two gallons of Coke in the trunk to remove blood from the highway after a car accident.

2.  You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of coke and it will be gone in two days.

3.  Coca-Cola can clean toilets, remove stains from vitreous china, remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers, clean corrosion from car battery terminals, loosen a rusted bolt, clean truck engines. For some of these jobs, we prefer to use natural products such as NSP Concentrate or Nature’s Fresh.

4. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8.  It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days. To carry Coca Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for Highly Corrosive materials.

Think before you drink !   7-up now also contains synthetic caffeine. Besides the deleterious effects of this on your body, all pop acidifies your body, stresses your insulin metabolism and depletes your minerals, especially calcium and magnesium. Sugar free drinks with aspartame are no better, as they destroy your brain and nerves.

Maybe you will choose healthier options like Zambroza , Chlorophyll or any of the Solstic beverages, Green Tea, E-Tea, Licorice.



Another infant dies within 1 week of multiple vaccines. Studies have been stating that vaccines are causing children to die for many years.

The Pourcyrous study was the first to examine the impact of multi-vaccinations on the immature brain. It is clear from the results of this study that the more vaccines a child has, the larger impact the vaccines have on the child’s brain.

Results of either a single vaccine or multiple vaccines:

–         Abnormal elevation of CRP level occurred in 85% of infants administered multiple vaccines and up to 70% of those given a single vaccine.

–         -16% of infants had vaccine-associated cardio-respiratory events within 48 hours post immunization.

–         Other incidents: severe intraventricular hemorrhage, and  gastroesophageal reflux (GER)

This study has had so much impact that it has now being quoted in papers and books on adverse reactions to vaccines and SIDS worldwide.

Yet another vaccine is to be added to babies vaccine schedule, the Meningitis B vaccine , we to ask ourselves how many infant deaths will it take before action is taken?

This article has been written in memory of Stacy Sirjacobs and the many hundreds of babies who have lost their life after receiving what the governments tell us are ‘safe vaccines’.

For details: http://vactruth.com/2012/01/19/baby-dies-after-first-shots/


Dr. Jay VandenHeuvel is speaking across Canada on Energy – How to Get It and Keep It

Feb. 5th            2-5 pm             Nanaimo

Feb. 6th            7-9:30              Vancouver

Feb 7th             7-9:30              Kelowna

Feb 8th             7-9:30              St. Albert

Feb 9th             7-9:30              Winnipeg

Feb 10th           7-9:30              Toronto

Dr. Jay is an excellent speaker with expertise and a flair for teaching you how to improve your health naturally. Please contact NSP directly if a member, or your NSP Specialist, as this is an excellent opportunity open to the public. Only $10 if registered in advance; $15 at the door. Carpool and make a fun afternoon of it if coming from afar; he is worth it!!!

Dr. Jay also lectures worldwide, so if you are in the US, please contact us for his schedule.

Local Education

Power Point Presentation on Paw Paw Book, Feb. 8th  6 – 7:30 pm at Cowichan Valley Regional Library  Questions with the author.

Brilliant Body monthly dinner class at White Spot, Feb. 9th

5:45 – 7:45 pm  

Circulatory System: discussing cardiovascular health, chelation, cholesterol, heart and hypertension

For a full description of the Brilliant Body Courses, available to anyone on CD and ongoing locally until June, go to: Brilliant Body.


Ongoing coaching to help others start their own business using the Brilliant Body CD’s!  Stay for the last half hour of our dinner classes. Phone the office anytime for help!

Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details. 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.

Watch this 3 minute video : http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit


Specials on Immune Builders

 For Canadians the first six week campaign offers a good selection of immune support products until February 15th, 10 % off or Buy 3 get 1 free. Consider the Super Trio, SilverGuard, and HRP-C to ensure you are not subject to the winter colds and flus. HRP-C is also known as VS-C in the US and some other countries.

See success stories on these 3 products below.

Order by calling our office 250-748-6802, or if you are a member call NSP for your direct discount.


How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

 You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

 What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office by email, phone or website
  • Memberships are free in most countries when you place an order.
  • Go to www.naturessunshine.com; choose your country and use sponsor

# 309344 OR #313939 to receive discount

 All the great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials.


Lorene’s  book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach To Cancer

Talk Shows and local Power Point presentations

Here are some links to a few of the many talk shows ongoing about The Paw Paw Program. If you would like the full list, just email our office at TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com and we’ll send it to you. Have a listen!


Feb. 8th  6 – 7:30 pm at Cowichan Valley Regional Library – Power Point Presentation and Questions with the author.

Feb. 10th 2012 10 – 11:30 am  PST    Dr. Rose      www.blogtalkradio.com/icdrrose

Feb. 24th, 2012  9:30- 10:30 am  PST  Hollis Chapman     http://blogtalkradio.com/hollischapmanshow


Nov. 4th     Hollis Chapman     http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hollischapmanshow/2011/11/04/natural-healing-nutrition-herbs-and-nutritional-supplement

Special offer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHkC2Ytwv_I

Dec 6th     Alicia D.Cramer                  write-up:      http://wausauhypnotherapy.podbean.com/2011/12/06/lorene-benoit-interview-on-preventing-and-healing-cancer/

audio recording:       http://wausauhypnotherapy.podbean.com/mf/web/zn4zwa/Lorene.mp3

Success Stories

HRP-C/ VS-C : I have been taking 1 or 2 capsules a day keep my cold sores away. If I do feel the tingling of one oncoming, usually if I am undergoing a lot of stress, by taking 6-9 spread throughout the day, I can avoid an outbreak. MS, BC

 SilverGuard and Silver Gel:

I love these products! A capful a day keeps the germs away. I find it great to gargle; as close to 6 minutes as I can, and voila! Sore throat is gone. I have also applied the gel to the back of my throat and this also works overnight.  MB, CO

 Super Trio:

I love the fact that I can get my daily nutrition insurance in one little packet of 3 pills. Super Trio has increased my energy, and I am not catching all the “bugs” that neighbours seem to be getting. VB, AB










Video Picks

 Check out this inspiring movie taken from the new book, Stepping Up, by          John Izzo:     http://www.bkconnection.com/stepping-up/

The Story of Broke (2011)


Serving you in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

December, 2011 Newsletter



This Newsletter was started in early December. Unfortunately my time since then has been focused with my Mother, who after 13 trying days in hospital, left her tired body Christmas Day.

 Audrea Benoit’s philopsophy was to live, laugh and love. She lived the Golden Rule, and helped many people throughout her life.

 She had a very active life right up to 87 years + because she remained drug free until 85 years old. She was a firm believer in herbs, (one of my staunchest supporters), good diet and exercise. Watching her final experiences in the hospital and with the North American Drug Ceremony, makes me more determined than ever to help people learn how to take control of their lives and their health naturally. My mother was an avid Line Dancer, teaching ‘til almost 86, so from her and our office, New Year’s Wishes for you

 Dance as if no one were watching,
Sing as if no one were listening
And live every day as if it were your last.

  For more information or help achieving your optimum health, please contact our office:

Phone:        250-748-6802

Email:        TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com

Website:     www.naturalpathremedies.com


Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally
http://www.naturalpathremedies.com/blog/natural-solutions-for-cancer-the-paw-paw-program/     Read recent addition of an interview about my book with Wise Women: http://bit.ly/twp6ly.


We are offering a New Year’s special on Lorene’s book, which offers excellent tips for health prevention, as well as solutions for cancer until Jan. 31st. of buy 3 get 1 free. Contact our office to take advantage of the special.



Our blog offers ongoing and varied health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link to full article by clicking on title:

Healthy Gift Giving:

Consider a gift of health anytime of the year. This offers an easy way for hassle free shopping. For Associates consider that you can buy wholesale from your own business! This was posted pre-Christmas but think of great gifts all year round.

 Brain Health, Stress and Overload

Information Fatigue Syndrome, is a new ‘Syndrome’ which many people are experiencing. Some symptoms include increased anxiety, sleeplessness, less leisure time and less enjoyment when we do take leisure due to multi-tasking, and our brain always working.

Fungus Among Us – Athlete’s Foot and Nail Fungus

Whether it is athlete’s foot, the painful, burning, blistering, and cracking under and between toes; or whether it is nail fungus on the hands or feet, there IS help naturally.

To Immunize or not to Immunize?

To Immunize, or not to Immunize? That is the question.

Rebounding: Mini-Trampoline Exercise

Jumping on a mini-trampoline or “rebounding”, as it is sometimes called, is an exercise that has all the benefits of aerobic exercise plus more.

If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about, ask us on our blog and we will our best to answer in a timely manner.

We are connected with many professionals offering classes and conference calls great ways to learn more about your health……so let’s find out more about what’s upcoming…..


Brilliant Body is a CD course with 10 Power Points presented by health experts to teach you about your body, how it works, with natural supplements and tips to heal and maintain health.

To obtain or share this valuable information to empower you in your journey to health, contact our office. Entire course available for only $25 ! An invaluable investment in your health, PLUS an amazing tool to share as a business. We have a limited number available for $20.


Brilliant Body Dinner Classes in Duncan, Vanc. Island continue in 2012.

Thurs Jan 12th           Respiratory and Immune – dedicated to Audrea Benoit

Thurs Feb 9th             Circulatory, cardio health

Thurs Mar 15th         Hepatic, Liver and Detoxing

Thurs Apr 12th          Urinary, Bladder

Thurs May 10th         Glandular: Why Hormones SOOOO Important to Health!

Thurs June 14th         Structural: Bones, Joints, Collagen, Muscles

 Call to register. Health Class only $15 per person. Discounts and certification available.

Click here for more information


Free Webinar: Get Healthy, Stay Healthy: 8 Causes of Disease and the Super Trio with Lorene Benoit Wed. Jan 25th9 pm EST:  www2.gotomeeting.com/register/446682345


Cross Canada Tour by Dr. Jay Vanden Heuvel speaking on:

Energy How to Get it and How To Keep It

I heard “Dr. Jay” at Convention this October and I highly recommend him as a speaker! He has his PhD and lectures world wide. He is clear, concise and full of experience both with NSP herbs and the business.

These lectures are well worth the $10 – please let people know in any of these areas. You can register directly with NSP if a member and bring guests. If not a member, register with our office for any location.

Nanaimo          Feb 5th

Vancouver       Feb 6th

Kelowna          Feb 7th

St. Albert         Feb. 8th

Winnipeg,        Feb.9th

Toronto           Feb. 10th


Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details.

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.

Watch this 3 minute video : http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit

Here is what JL. had to say about the compass:

  I was blown away with the accuracy of the Zyto Compass report.

I had been diagnosed with IBS and it picked up on that as the major concern, needing UC3-J badly. Also picked up that I need cleansing, and the osteoarthritis in my knees needs some more herbs.


Business Coaching

There is a great need for those who wish to earn and learn, while helping others.

We offer ongoing coaching to help others start their own business. First step in Brilliant Body CD!  Locals are encouraged to stay for the last half hour of our dinner classes. Phone the office anytime for help!


Member Specials

 How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.


What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office by email, phone or website
  • Memberships are free in most countries when you place an order.
  • Go to www.naturessunshine.com; choose your country and use sponsor

# 309344 to receive discount

 All the great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials.

Success Stories

Power up Your Day with a Smoothie!

What’s with all the smoothie rage? Superior nutrition can be accomplished regardless of age or sex, and the results can be noticeable within as little as two weeks!  Experience a healthier immune system, more positive outlook, greater energy and longer life expectancy. Combining healthy eating, regular exercise, pure water, fresh air and super nutritional products in a shake will make for optimal health.

For those times when you don’t feel like preparing a nutritious meal, or need an extra boost, shakes are the answer to get the nutrition your body needs, without all the calories.  A well-balanced shake provides protein for muscles, alkalinizing and oxygenating to help healthy cell repair and inhibit rampant cell growth, fibre for regular bowel movements, vitamins and minerals.

In my book The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer

p. 203 ( p.205 1st printing), a basic recipe for smoothies are given along with a description of healthful ingredients.



 Political Scene

This is the first fire and explosion in B.C. which we are aware of caused by Smart Meters.  Other both BC and other areas smart meter incidents include: burnt out appliances and medical devices, damaged wiring, and property damage surrounding meters.

Numerous adverse health incidents continue to be reported, including occupants who were unaware that a radiating spy meter had been installed.

[Health – BC] Smart meters an uncontrolled experiment on public health in B.C. – Lab rats right to call for referendum by Geoff Olson – The Vancouver Courier – December 08, 2011: http://www.vancourier.com/Smart+meters+uncontrolled+experiment+public+health/5832735/story.html



I’ve learned…. That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. 


Video Pick

 An 8 minute video that may change your perspective on child birth



Yours in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Here to serve you…….

Ph/Fax    250-748-6802

Email:    TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com

Website: www.naturalpathremedies.com

Special on Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach To Cancer

I have been speaking on a number of radio talk shows about my book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer. The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally
Here is a link to a special for a free consultation and discount on book for another week, we offered from the Hollis Chapman show:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHkC2Ytwv_I

For a list of all past talk shows with links, please email TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com with subject: Talk Shows Past Links


October Health Newsletter


For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office:  Phone: 250-748-6802                                    Email: takethenaturalpath@gmail.com                                               Website: www.naturalpathremedies.com

Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link:

Candida Albicans / Yeast Infections:

Candida albicans is a form of parasitic yeast which thrives in warm-blooded animals. Candida normally populates the bowel, vagina and mucous membranes. In those with healthy immune systems, it is kept in balance by friendly bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidophilus bacteria. If the balance is upset, the Candida proliferates. Click here to read more


Brilliant Body Dinner Classes:

Back by popular demand – Dinner classes are full of practical health, fun and time for questions. Classes are open to everyone and anyone who would like to understand how their body works and what to do when it doesn’t. The goal is to help you and those you care about achieve optimum health! Click here to read more

If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about, ask us with a comment on my website blog and I will do my best to answer.

 We are also connected with many professionals offering classes and conference calls great ways to learn more about your health……so let’s find out more about what’s upcoming…..


Monthly Specials for Members

– see below how to become a member and why you may want to do this!

Natural Changes for Women:        This is a package which offered terrific results for many women. Unfortunately, one of the pills was discoloured, so they have discontinued it. We have 1 package left –first local taker gets it!

 Coupon Book Savings: all members can use any one coupon with any order they place directly with company.

Please watch for Convention specials available the end of October. For those going to Convention, you can order Buy 3 get 1 free. For no attendees, it will be 5% off, full PV, or Buy 4 get 1 free.

 How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

 You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

 What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office by email, phone or website
  • Memberships are free in most countries when you place an order.
  • Go to www.naturessunshine.com; choose your country and use sponsor

       # 309344 to receive discount


All the great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, webinars and conference calls with professionals are free.

  Local Education    

Brilliant Body Dinner Classes in Duncan, Vancouver Island started Sept. 19th

To share these classes worldwide, contact our office for the information.

Thurs Oct 13th        Intestinal

Thurs Nov 10th       Immune

Thurs Dec 8th          Nervous

Thurs Jan 12th           Respiratory

Thurs Feb 9th             Circulatory

Thurs Mar 15th          Hepatic

Thurs Apr 12th           Urinary

Thurs May 10th         Glandular

Thurs June 14th        Structural

Call to register. Health Class only $15 per person. Discounts available:

  •     5 sessions paid in advance:   $60
  •     10 sessions paid in advance: $120
  •      Bonus: Full payment of 10 includes free gift, certification* and Zyto Compass training
  •      Replacement can attend a session if you cannot
  •      Attend 4 consecutive sessions for $15 , 5th one free!

    5:30 Doors open to order your choice  of  food or drink.

   6:00 – 7:30 Classes

  7:30 – 8:00 Q& A and business coaching 

 Vaccine Safety

 I have an email with links pertaining to adverse effects of vaccines, including narcolepsy, death, miscarriages and inaccurate reporting of all events. If you would like this email forwarded, please email with “Vaccine info” in subject line.

Some news of which everyone should be aware:  NCOW Press Release Oct. 28, 2010  http://www.progressiveconvergence.com/H1N1-RELATED%20miscarriages.htm

 CDC allegedly falsifies reports–ignoring up to 3,587 Miscarriages from H1N1 Vaccine

More facts about Gardasil:  In September 2008, FDA Closing Statement on Gardasil it was noted that 73.3% of girls in the clinical trials developed “new medical conditions” post vaccination. 17 girls died during the clinical trials.

Parents whose children have suffered catastrophic injuries including death following vaccination with Merck’s Gardasil vaccine, and GlaxoSmithKline’s Cervarix, have launched websites to warn other families that the risks may far outweigh any potential benefit claimed by the manufacturers and health agencies who promote these products. Read the entire SANE Vax report here: http://sanevax.org/sane-vax-inc-discovers-potential-bio-hazard-contaminant-in-merck%E2%80%99s-gardasil%E2%84%A2-hpv-4-vaccine/ 


Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details. 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health. 

Watch this 3 minute video : http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit


Success Stories

 Testimonials on Lorene Benoit’s book  The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer

From DL, Canada:

  I was most impressed with the clarity and use of “layman’s language”, the small sized book, with easy to read larger print for old eyes, and even little cartoons to break the monotony! I learned so much from “The Paw Paw Program – A Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer” about cancer that I hadn’t heard about and statistics I didn’t understand! I never knew it was a fungus that feeds on sugar and yeast! I just knew it was a deadly disease that required chemotherapy that made you lose your hair or radiation that sapped your body energy, leaving a person unable to live normally. We are all quite familiar with surgery, possible infections and blood clots, which I wanted none of!! I had only ever had surgery for appendicitis when I was 17 years old. I am now 80 years old and was booked for hip replacement which I wanted done to regain my mobility and life.

My youngest son urged me to get the hip done to restore my `quality of life`, and not to have the radiation he had about 10 years ago. I told this to my daughter, Alexis Gilchrist, who is studying herbology, and she said, `Yes! and then you can go on the Paw Paw Program! “ (Which I knew nothing about – so she gave me one of Lorene Benoit`s books to read).

The information made so much sense to me that it took no time to make my personal decisions! I ordered the necessary herbs to cleanse, build my body and immune system and ones to clean out the cancer cells that may have been left after 3 biopsies. (There were none found in 19 lymph glands tested). I have now had my hip replaced and home doing very well. I believe the herbal build up made me so much healthier that my body responded so well with absolutely no pain that even the doctors were surprised!!!

I was so pleased with the information in the book that I gave it to 3 friends of mine who are retired nurses. They also thought it very good and factual. 2 of the 3 said they were going to buy copies. I intend to continue sharing mine so people will have opportunity to learn as I did from it.

I am taking the Paw Paw program and doing very well!

  Thank you very much for writing the Paw Paw Program book! What an eye-opener!


  I received great news after my scans in August. They showed that there are no new tumors or inflammation anywhere and the tumors that were there have shrunk in size. There is greatly reduced inflammation in the bones of my hips (where doctors had been very concerned before) and the doctors are very pleased with what is happening. I know the pawpaw, as well as the diet and everything else I’m doing, is contributing to my success.                         Thanks.

To order this book, which teaches you about Cancer AND the general cause of all diseases, plus preventative tips for overall health, save money by contacting the author directly via email or phone.


Video Pick / Spiritual and Humour

If Dr Seuss Met Eckhart Tolle (Oh,The Places Your Ego Will Go!):   “Have you had a good laugh at your ego? We all have one. The trick is to stop identifying with it and listening to it as if it were your guidance counsellor. Laughter can help. Witnessing presence through meditation is also powerful” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbWUEzCh39I&feature=player_embedded

Video Pick / Your Health and Politics

Did you know that the third leading cause of death in North America is doctors? Watch this 5 minute video to see why.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSRuvX6NVYo&feature=player_embedded



We are always looking for more people to train as herbal specialists. There is a great need for those who wish to earn and learn, while helping others. We offer coaching for committed individuals. First step is Brilliant Body CD! Ask us if you are not familiar with this program. Phone the office anytime for help!

Yours in health,


Benoit & Associates Health Education

Here to serve you…….

Candida Albicans / Yeast Infections

Note: due to frequent changes to meet FDA & Health Canada regulations,  as well as NSP’s strict Quality controls, products and links change, so……
Please contact us for personal assistance and product details, plus to help you get discount ordering, and free shipping.


Candida albicans is a form of parasitic yeast which thrives in warm-blooded animals. Candida normally populates the bowel, vagina and mucous membranes. In those with healthy immune systems, it is kept in balance by friendly bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidophilus bacteria. If the balance is upset, the Candida proliferates.

As it multiplies in a hospitable environment, this single cell can rapidly develop into new strains, which is why target- specific drugs have limited effect. Researchers have identified multiple species of Candida, including C. parapsilosis, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, and C. dubliniensis. Canvas bulgeris as a secondary fungus that can cause many of the symptoms that accompanies Candida albicans.

Researchers who follow the polymorphic philosophy, believe that these are forms of the same organism as it progresses through different stages. It is known that Candida albicans can change its structure and metabolism into a fungal form, with a mass of filaments that can penetrate into surrounding tissue. These filaments are called mycelium. These mycelium can penetrate the lining of the colon, where Candida overgrowth usually begins, and enter the bloodstream. This is how Candida can spread to other organs and systems. When it enters the blood stream, it can travel to any weaker areas of the body, creating infectious – type responses.

At this stage it is now considered to be “systemic yeast infection”. At this  systemic stage, it can severely affect your health.  As the fungi multiply they also produce toxins which circulate in the blood stream & cause all kinds of sickness & illness,  known also as Candidiasis.



Candida ferments glucose, maltose, sucrose, and lactose to produce gas, acids, ethanol alcohol, as well as acetaldehydes, which can inactivate our body’s enzymes. These and other toxic by-products produce an intoxicated effect if they reach high levels in the blood.  Symptoms can be so far reaching that until a few years ago allopathic doctors refused to believe that Candida could be responsible for so many diverse symptoms and refused to recognize its dangerous potential. The symptoms will often fall under one or more of the following categories:

Allergies: partially due to the inactivation of enzymes and therefore the body ends up absorbing incompletely digested dietary proteins. Allergies can range from food sensitivities, to debilitating environmental hypersensitivities. Chemical reactions, pet allergies, continuous nasal congestion or drainage, dark circles under eyes are some examples.

Gastrointestinal: digestive and intestinal problems: 3Bs: belching, burping and bloating, gas, fatigue after meals, diarrhoea or constipation or both, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut.

Immune deficiency: yeast infections, thrush or mouth sores, frequent infections: ears, tonsils, bronchitis, diaper rash, bladder infections, vaginal or rectal burning or itching, discharge.

Nervous system: difficulty concentrating, poor coordination, mood swings, depression (both unipolar and bipolar), hyperactivity, poor attention span, mental confusion and anxiety.

Skin: constant skin problems, pimples on cheeks, rashes, athlete’s foot, ringworm, cradle cap, jock itch, psoriasis.

Nutritional deficiencies and imbalances: cravings for junk foods & sugar, dry mouth or throat, fatigue, difficulty getting pregnant, PMS problems including menstrual cramps.

Nails, Toenail fungus: read Fungus Among Us for specific solutions to this common yeast challenge, including athlete’s foot..



Antibiotics: promote the growth of Candida by killing friendly intestinal bacteria that control Candida, plus destroy Vit B and K.

Birth control pills: weaken the immune system, alter hormones, release toxins & destroy folic acid, Vitamins C, B6, B2, B12, B1 and E.

Cortisone and other steroid hormones: suppress immune system and destroy Vit A, B6, D, C, zinc and potassium.

Hormones: Progesterone suppositories produce a hormonal imbalance & cause yeast infections. Repeated pregnancies can increase changes in hormonal balance.

Sex:  partners can re-infect each other, so both should follow treatment to eliminate Candida.

Stress: weakens overall immunity, making it a prime target for opportunistic yeast infections.

Diet: Just like the yeast you may use for baking bread, Candida grows rapidly on sugar and flour. Too much acid-forming foods such as meat, poultry, eggs or farmed fish create an imbalanced pH.  Antibiotics and hormones are fed and injected into cattle, chicken and turkeys. Aim for a diet of 80% alkaline, (vegetables of every color and shape) and 20% acid forming foods.

Mold in your environment.



As with all health challenges, the Four Pillars of Health need to be considered:

1. Nutrition

Follow a healthy diet, which may also be called a Candida Diet. Think of this not as a restriction diet until Candida is gone, but rather as life-long dietary changes that promote ongoing health and build the immune system. Look at broadening your healthy food choices, rather than as an elimination diet. Eliminate causes listed above – replace drugs and improve health with herbs.

Specific recommendation for yeast, fungal and candida can be found here: Optimum Diet

2. Exercise

Energy begets energy. Choose a form of exercise that suits your lifestyle, your interests and level of health, then stick with it and enjoy it.

3. Emotional

Think positively as you begin taking the steps to improve your own health and you will reap the benefits. As you cleanse your body physically, you will find it easier to cleanse emotional toxins.

4. Supplementation

Herbs, enzymes and probiotics work on a two step approach.

First, the climate or environment of the body needs to be changed to eliminate Candida overgrowth, while increasing the friendly bacteria. You do not want to be a good host to Candida and you do want to create an environment that is a great host to the friendly bacteria.

Second, herbs are used to nourish and balance, plus strengthen the weakened body and immune system.

Once the situation is under control, maintenance programs promote strong immunity and are highly recommended.


  • *Artemisia Combination: Artemisia and Elecampane are specific herbs for aiding the body to eliminate the Canvas bulgeris fungus. Caprylic Acid, from coconut, is a fungicidal for Candida albicans.
  • *Caprylic Acid Combination
  • *Herbal Pumpkin
  • *Candida Clear 14 day Herbal Detox:  is available from US, and available to CA members via Sunshine Direct. It contains the above 3 combinations, plus Enzymes. Contact us to personalize  your  cleanse.
  • Yeast Fungal DeTox:  herbal combination designed to eliminate yeast and support overall health
  • Black Walnut: specific for Candida, helps rebuild a low thyroid, eliminate other parasites.
  • HRP-C: Chinese immune boosting formula for virus, fungal and yeast infections.
  • High Potency Garlic: enteric coated with chlorophyll, low odour, full potency.
  • Pau D’Arco (Taheebo): immune booster, inhibits yeast, viral & parasitic infections.
  • Cat’s Claw with Astragalus and Echinacea: anti-yeast and immune booster
  • Paw Paw (Asimina triloba) is also an excellent anti-fungal herb. This herb is powerful enough to be effective for cancer, as written in my book,The Paw Paw Program – A Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer”
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force or Probiotics 11: 2 per day upon arising with  1 cup of water,  plus 2 tsps. Chlorophyll  for added benefit.
  • Digestive Enzymes: 1-2 with each meal, OR Protease Plus between meals.

All of the products listed in this article have complete Fact sheets, as well as the advice of trained herb specialists.

Herbal supplements should be accompanied by dietary change, adequate water intake, and daily bowel movements.

N.B. The bowels must move regularly (2 healthy BMs/day) for optimum health. If necessary add Psyllium Hulls Combo with LBS or Cascara to achieve this. Hydrated Bentonite helps to adsorb toxins and carry them out through the bowel as Candida is eliminated and will help prevent too serious a “die off reaction”.

For chronic Candida follow a maintenance/prevention for 5 days a month, after you have cleared it up. Suggested is to take 4 per day of any of the above formulas, or one of the Paks.

If you can do this around full moon, it will be more effective. Doing it 5 days/month means that one set of herbs will last for 5 months, so this is a worthwhile investment.


For optimum nutrition:

  • Power Greens added to shakes or smoothies helps provide dense nutrition, and alkaline body pH that one could get from 5-8 servings of green vegetables.


For full fact sheets on any products, or to receive Candida Dietary Suggestions, please contact Benoit & Associates Health Education
OR ph: 250-748-6802 for free 10 min. meet & greet