Tag Archives: paw paw program

Q & A – Hyperthyroid


I have quick question about health: I am pretty sure my 1.5 years old daughter has a hyperthyroid. With the researching I’ve been doing online she matches almost everything they talk about… I haven’t taken her to the Doctor about it…. I’m wanting to see if I can’t help it a natural way first. Is there a Nature Sunshine product that you’d recommend for this? Or have you heard of a child this young having hyperthyroidism before?         Thanks Lorene!!!!


Unfortunately thyroid problems are on the increase across North America, especially since Fukishima in March, 2011. A recent study released in US states a 28% increase in infant hypothyroidism. Many other reports indicate up to 46% increase in thyroid cancers since Fukishima.

So, yes, infants can have thyroid problems. As for NSP Blue Vervain is excellent for hyperthyroidism and is available through NSP United States. When you come to Canada this summer I also make some products for hyperthyroid, also in liquid form.  Calming is essential so she is not overstimulated. Licorice is a great liquid that will nourish her adrenals and is very calming.

Please let me know if you need some help to get these.

Also, general health, especially concerning diet, as I discuss in my book, The Paw Paw Program  is important, not just for cancer.


Please look for upcoming article on Hyperthyroid late summer, 2016.


Q & A: Tremors


A quick question for you, I have been diagnosed with essential tremors, do you know if there is anything that will help it?


Yes, in my opinion, there is ALWAYS something that can be done to help improve any condition when you work with the laws of Nature. This is not a “take this pill and you’ll be better” type of question. I do not work like medical doctors – I try to find the cause and remediate it, not medicate the symptoms.

To enable this, I would need some history, when, how long, past incidences, medical tests done, diet, stress factors, etc., which would require a phone or Skype consultation of at least 1/2 hour, at a very reasonable fee.

Without a consultation, based on general knowledge, you would very likely get some relief with  a herb called Lobelia to calm the nerves, and relax the muscles, plus the Stress Pak to support  and nourish the nervous system, as it a given there is nervouse system involvement. You could try these two things for one month, and see what improvement there is, then have a discussion to see what results are and make further recommendations from there, based on your results.

Please contact me with phone number if you would like to get these delivered to your house, by the same herbal supplier I have used the last 24 years.

The other general suggestion concerns chiropractic to make sure there is no subluxation (displacement of vertebrae) that could be causing pressure or irritation to your nerves. Let me know if I can be of further assistance in helping to solve this.

For any health issues, I also recommend people follow the general health suggestions undre the Chapter, The Four Pillars of Health, in my book:  The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally. Recommendations for cancer also relate to most chronic conditions., so this book can also be used as a health guide. Contact our office directly if you would like to order your copy. Or in Winnipeg, Radiance Books on Corydon carries it.

Hope this helps!

Q & A – effects of T3, Tylenol


What side affects does taking T3’s have on your body.. I have chronic back pain and been thru so many tests 🙁  its been 3 years now              Rho, BC


T3’s are a combination of acetaminophen, codeine, and caffeine. For severe pain, temporary, occasional use may be warranted, but long term use creates havoc on many systems of your body. Some of those are briefly listed here; more details is widely available by doing an internet search Tylenol or T3 side effects.

Nervous system: mental and respiratory depression, stupor, delirium, drowsiness, which can increase risk of falls and hip fractures in the elderly.

Gastro-intestinal system: nausea, vomiting, and constipation have been reported frequently with the use of codeine. If one needs to take these medication, take LBS, a safe herbal laxative in capsule form, or LB, in liquid form, so you do not compound the pain with toxic overload caused by constipation.

Hepatic system: The liver is the organ that takes the brunt with long term use of tylenol and related drugs. Several cases of hepatotoxicity (liver toxin overload)  from chronic acetaminophen therapy at therapeutic doses have been reported despite a lack of And risk factors for toxicity.

In addition, pain killers are not addressing the cause of your pain, and this is what you need to determine if you do not want to become a long term pharmaceutical drug addict.

General health improvements in lifestyle, such as the Four Pillars of Health suggested in Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally, can help.

One safe, natural anti-inflammatory, shown to be very effective in clinical studies, is Cure-Q-Min. The concentrated tumeric compounds in this product have shown benefit for joint pain and other inflammatory conditions. The side -effects of Cure-Q-Min? None! In fact, it has been shown to exert such a broad range of beneficial effects on various conditions, supports digestive and liver functions and is a blood tonic, that it has
been referred to as the “pre-clinical cure-all.” Contact our office if you would like to try this.

How Old Do You Think You Are?

It might surprise you, but you’re probably much younger than you think you are, according to Dr. Jonas Frisen, a stem cell biologist at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, who invented a method for estimating the age of human cells. If you’re middle-aged, Frisen estimates your average cellular age is just 10 years old or less. This is because most of your body’s tissues regenerate over your lifetime. As it turns out, according to Dr. Frisen’s novel method for estimating age, the average age of all cells in an adult’s body  is as young as seven to 10 years of age. Read on to see how the cells in the different areas of your body age…you’ll be surprised at just how young you really are!


Liver Age: 5 months

The liver is known for its amazing capacity to repair and regrow itself thanks to its rich blood supply.

“I can take 70 percent of a person’s liver away in an operation and around 90 percent of it will grow back within two months,” explains David Lloyd, liver surgeon at Leicester Royal Infirmary in England.


Taste Bud Age: 10 days

The tongue is covered with around 9,000 taste buds and each of them is a collection of cells on the surface of the tongue, each housing about 50 taste cells. The buds renew themselves approximately every ten days. However, their sensitivity can be damaged by inflammation from infections and smoking.


Brain Age: Same as your current age

Most of our cells that last a lifetime are found in the brain, explains John Wadley, consultant neurosurgeon at Barts and the London Hospital. “We are born with all the brain cells we’ll ever have—around 100 billion—and most of the brain does not regenerate as it gets older. There are, however, two areas of the brain that do regenerate,” says Mr Wadley. “The olfactory bulb that governs our sense of smell, and the hippocampus, which is an area for learning and memory.”


Heart Age: 20 years

Until recently it was thought the heart couldn’t renew itself. However, a study at New York Medical College found it is actually dotted with stem cells that constantly rejuvenate it—at least three or four times over a lifetime, says researchers.


Lung Age: 2-3 weeks

The cells in the lungs constantly renew themselves, explains Dr Keith Prowse, vice-president of the British Lung Foundation.

However, the lungs contain different cells that renew at different rates. The alveoli or air sac cells deep in the lungs have a steady progress of regeneration that takes about a year. Meanwhile, the cells on the lungs’ surface have to renew every two or three weeks. “These are the lungs’ first line of defence, so have to be able to renew quickly,” says Dr Prowse. The lung disease emphysema can prevent this regeneration as it begins with the destruction of the alveoli, which creates permanent ‘holes’ in the walls of the lungs.


Eye Age: Same as your current age

Your eyes are one of the few body parts that don’t really change during your life.The only part that is constantly being renewed is the cornea, the transparent top layer. If this is damaged, it can recover in as little as 24 hours, says Dr Rob Hogan, president of the College of Optometrists.


Skin Age: 2-4 weeks

The epidermis or surface layer of the skin is renewed every two to four weeks. This rapid turnover occurs because skin is the body’s outer protection and is exposed to injury as well as pollution. Despite this constant renewal, we still get wrinkles as we get older. That’s because the skin loses collagen and its elasticity as you age.


Bone Age: 10 years

The skeleton is constantly replacing itself, explains Dr Peter Selby, an osteoporosis expert based at Manchester Royal Infirmary. It takes around ten years to do this completely. At any one time we have a mixture of old and new bone as the turnover rates differ throughout the body.


Intestine Age: 2-3 days

Your intestines are lined with villi— tiny, finger-like branches that increase the surface area and help the intestine to absorb nutrients. They have a very high turnover rate and can be replaced every two to three days, explains Tom MacDonald, professor of immunology at Barts and the London Medical School. A protective layer of mucus membrane also lines the intestine, that renews itself every three to five days.


Red Blood Cell Age: 4 months

Blood cells carry oxygen to living tissue and carry away waste. They wear out every four months, after which the liver removes any remaining iron that is needed for healthy red blood cells before the remaining cell is destroyed in the spleen. Since they can also be lost through injury and menstruation, the body is constantly making more.


Hair Age: 3-6 years

The age of your hair depends on how long it is, but it generally grows 1 cm each month, explains hair restoration  surgeon, Dr Bessam Farjo. Each individual hair lasts up to six years in women and three years in men. Eyebrows and eyelashes are renewed every six to eight weeks, but a repeatedly plucked brow stops growing because plucking disrupts the growth cycle.


So what’s the benefit of knowing all this? One thing is that with proper nutrition, assimilation and elimination, we CAN BE GROWING YOUNGER AND HEALTHIER!


Nutrition means providing the body with all the building blocks required for health: vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids! Many articles on this blog can help you to do that. Super Foods and Shakes are one way to help the busy person eat concentrated nutrition.

As well, extensive dietary recommendations and some recipes to help you understand how to eat better, eliminate sugar  are  included In Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally. 2nd Edition is going to be ready by June 1st. Contact the office now to advance order yours!


Assimilation means having sufficient enzymes to support good digestion, and helping the digestive system to stay tuned up!


Elimination means having 1- 3 good bowel movements every day of your life by drinking enough water and eating enough fibre to ensure this happens.

Spring Cleansing is one healthy way to improve both assimilation and elimination.

Compiled from:

New York Times, “Younger Than You Think,” by Nicholas Wade; August 2, 2005.

Daily Mail, “Believe It or Not, Your Lungs are Six Weeks Old—and Your Taste Buds Just Ten Days! So

How Old is the Rest of Your Body?” by Angela Epstein; October 2009.

Dr. McLaughlin on Paw Paw Tour

Dr.  Jerry McLaughlin BC & Alberta Tour

Dr. McLaughlin is the doctor who discovered the anti-cancer properties of Paw Paw, which is the basis of my Paw Paw Program book. Dr. McLaughlin has a passion to share why Paw Paw, Asimina triloba species, is the perfect herb for all renegade cell growth. He will present a summary of his 37 years research, followed by specifics and questions on the Paw Paw program by Master Herbalists Lorene Benoit, or Donna Roth.

Lorene’s 2nd Edition of her book, The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally, will be available for purchase at all locations.

This book includes dietary recommendations to help everyone understand how to eat for better health, with some recipes included. Lifestyle suggestions in this book are critical for optimum health and prevention of all chronic conditions and diseases!

Advance registration  only $10. Some locations may have space at door, $20.

Sat, June 8   12:30 -3:00 pm     Schubert Centre              Vernon, BC

Sun, June 9   6:00 – 9:00 pm    Parkinson Rec. Centre      Kelowna, BC

Mon, June 10   7:30 – 9:30 pm   Roundhouse Community Arts & Rec. Ctr.                                                                                    Vancouver, BC

Tues, June 11   7:00 -9:00 pm    Island Savings Centre,   Duncan, BC

Wed, June 12    7:00 -9:00 pm    Beban Park, Room 3       Nanaimo, BC

Thurs, June 13   7:00 -9:00 pm   Lakeland College, RM BK116  Lloydminster, AB

Friday, June 14   7:00 -9:00 pm   The Legion        MayerThorpe, AB

Posters are available for all location, just email our office with your request.

Please register with our office for any location, by phone, 250-748-6802 or email, TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com.


Registration is now open for  Lorene’s 14th Annual Herbal Intensive!

Friday July, 26th –  Monday, July 29th.

The Cowichan Valley supports a lush growth of plants that have been traditionally used for medicinal purposes, as well as for food. Join us to  study indigenous, wild, and  cultivated botanicals with a Master Herbalist who has 35 years experience. Click on link above for details.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

These are some very basic recommendations which have helped those with MS.

Super Oil – 3-4 per day. (90 per bottle)

Other healthy oils such as cold pressed olive oil, coconut oil on salads and veggies are good – at least 2 Tbs. /day.

RE-X is helpful for relaxing and nourishing for nerve support. 6/day (100 per bot)

Adrenal Support – 2 per day  (60 per bottle)- contains B complex, plus you need adrenal support for your thyroid and for the stress. Most with MS test better on this than Stress Formula.

Any heat conditions,  red face, burning parts of body, etc.  IF-C, the Chinese formula for clearing heat rising. 8 per day (100 per bottle)

With an NSP member number, you can access all the fact sheets on www.naturessunshine.ca to understand benefits. For the US, products are available at Nature’s Sunshine.com. Call our office for product equivalents. Anyone may use Account #309344 to request a discount direct account.

Other tips essential for your health:

  • ensure bowels are working  minimum one good movement per day, preferably 2-3 x/day
  • chiropractic or physiotherapy work can help make sure no nerve impingement is going on
  • massage, especially on spine to relax nerves – Helichrysum essential oil is very good for nerves; also  Lavender
  • drink lots of pure water for bowels, hydration and brain function
  • fill yourself with healing love and light every day – take time for yourself.

This quote from Louise Haye in her book, Heal Yourself, may be helpful:

MS may relate to: mental hardness, hard-heartedness, iron will, inflexibility, f ear

So check if anything at all is going on in any area of your life where this may be affecting you.An affirmation she gives is:

“By choosing loving, joyous thoughts, I create a loving, joyous world. I am safe and free.  “

Below are references copied from well -respected health texts;  according to which self care is not happening and this may need your attention.

Any comments in ( ) are mine, the others are direct quotes.

From Prescription for Nutritional Healing, p.246 – 247

“ MS is a progressive, degenerative disorder of the nervous system. Its symptoms include a staggering gait, blurred vision, dizziness, numbness, breathing difficulties, weakness, tremors, slurred speech, bladder and bowel problems, emotional problems and paralysis.

… the underlying cause is unknown, however, stress and malnutrition often proceed the onset of symptoms. As in so many degenerative disorders, a strong immune system is essential.

A well balanced diet is of great importance. All food eaten should be organically grown (no chemicals) including fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds (raw), and nuts, fertile eggs and cold-pressed oils. Plenty of raw sprouts.

Massage, exercise, especially swimming, and keeping mentally active are extremely valuable in bringing about remission of symptoms. Exercises that may increase body temperature can decrease the function of the nerves involved, and make symptoms worse. Exercises in cool water help by supporting the body’s weight.. Stretching exercises help to prevent muscle contractures.

The family (and Friends) of an MS sufferer must learn about the disease. Emotional support is essential. (But so is physically healthy support essential!)

Fibre is important for avoiding constipation. Periodically take warm, cleansing enemas with the juice of a fresh lemon.

Avoid extremely hot baths, showers, and overly warm surroundings, as these may trigger an attack.

Do not consume sugar, coffee, chocolate, salt, highly seasoned foods, processed, canned foods.” (These are all irritating to the nervous system and therefore increase stress; deplete vitamins, especially C and B complex, bind up minerals that could be used for healing.)

Short fasts are helpful. (This is also mentioned in the Breuss Cancer Cure).

From Nutritional Almanac, p. 273 – 275

The cause of the disease is still unknown, although it has been seen to follow malnutrition, emotional stress and infections. Helpful nutrients mentioned are lecithin, magnesium  (50 mg /day for spasms, bladder, weakness & twitching),  B6-50mg & other B Vits.( found in complex and Super Oil , Vitamins C, D, E, & Zinc. Nutrients and other natural ingredients have been found to slow or even prevent the advancement of MS.

A diet rich diet high in seed oils, fish, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, vitamin & mineral supplements and very limited in saturated fats, sugar, and processed and refined foods is beneficial.

High fiber diet is important for constipation, with adequate amounts of water and a diet high in unrefined roughage foods.

Increase in essential fatty acids..found in oils. These are important for the development and integrity of the brain and spinal cord.

“Avoid chocolate, spicy foods, coffee and salt. Alcohol and smoking should also be avoided. Alcohol interferes with unsaturated fatty acid conversion, destroys various B vitamins and worsens MS symptoms. (These are already nutitritional deficiencies which all MS people need to address.)

Smoking adversely affects a diet high in unsaturated fatty acids, lowers blood levels of Vitamin C, and temporarily worsens MS symptoms.(Smoking increases stress, not relieves it)

Both references list rest, avoiding fatigue, getting gentle exercise, such as SWIMMING.

A good reference for general suggestions…

that promote health for all people, including diet as suggested in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

Sugar and cancer connection is well explained in this book. Eliminating sugar, in fact, is critical to optimum health and prevention of all chronic conditions, diseases and early detection! As well, extensive dietary recommendations are given to help people understand how to eat better. Some recipes are also included.

MS – possible misdiagnosis and Lyme?

Recently there has been considerable information about Lyme disease being misdiagnosed  as MS. A quick internet search seems to support this, so it may be wise to consider this. The challenge is, that in some parts of Canada, (BC for sure), the medical association is still not really recognizing the existence of Lyme, (unbelievable denial!) so definitive testing is usually done via the US. Recommend to check this site for more information:


Q & A: and Success with Psoriasis

Note: due to continually changes to meet FDA & Health Canada regulations , as well as NSP internal Quality controls, links change. Please contact author for product details, and to help you get discount ordering .



Good morning Lorene:  I just wanted to mention to you that I have been doing the Bod-E-Klenz (US only) for the past couple of weeks or so and my psoriasis seems to have improved significantly.  I still have the psoriasis but I would say there is about an 80% improvement.  Seems more than a coincidence to me!

I would like your advice on how often I can do these cleanses or can you perhaps suggest something similar that would help me to maintain these results.  I am also taking the Magnesium Complex – one capsule 2 times a day.  I’m very happy about this improvement with my skin, I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks Lorene, have a wonderful day! AP


Very glad to hear this! 80%  improvement in 2 wks. means you are responding very quickly, so I assume you must be doing some positive dietary changes as well while on the cleanse. You will want to continue lots of vegies and salads once you are finished. The Magnesium will also be helping to relax any anxiety that may be involved.

Bod-E-Klenz is properly balanced in a 2 to 1 ratio Building and Cleansing: the breakfast & lunch packets build and tone digestive and eliminative organs.  Formulas like Master G contain  herbs to nourish the glandular system as well as some vitamins & minerals. The pm packet is cleansing. This is one reason you can do this cleanse safely for 30 days. In this case, I would probably take a break of 2 wks. to 1 month, then do another Bod-E Klenz. In the interim, I would drink lots of Chlorophyll, and follow the dietary and lifestyle suggestions as suggested in my book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

Canker Sores and ulcers in mouth and throat

Canker sores, (Aphthous stomatitis) are very common and can appear on the tongue, inside of cheeks, lips, or gums. They usually begin as a little crater surrounded by slightly raised concentric rings of yellow then red. Canker sores range in size from miniscule to over two centimetres. Their healing period can take from two days to two weeks. Typical symptoms are pain, burning when eating certain foods and bad breath.

Ulcers can also develop in the esophagus, resulting in irritation or pain upon swallowing certain foods, acid and bad breath.

The cause of canker sores may be different for each individual, but generally there will be a challenge with  weakened immune function as well as nutritional deficiencies of iron, B12, lysine, or folic acid. Poor oral hygiene, food allergies and sensitives (especially to chocolate, gluten, oranges, lemons, tomatoes, pineapple – all fruits which are  acidic in the mouth, even though they are alkalinizing for the pH),  systemic Candida, stress and fatigue may be underlying causes. It is important to determine what is causing cankers for you.

What can be done to prevent and heal canker sores?

Topically: apply directly to cankers, or other sores

Tea Tree Oil – apply 1 drop directly on sore 2-3 times per day

Silver Gel – apply a dab directly on sore 2-3 times per day


Drink at least 3 tsp. of Chlorophyll to help alkalinize the system. Chlorophyll can also be gargled straight, then   swallowed.

Liquid Silver Guard can also be swished and held in mouth, if possible, for 6 minutes, then swallowed.            (Do not be put off by the label of mouthwash; this is necessary for approval by a government branch which protects pharmaceuticals in the guise of protecting the public’s health.)

It is useful to support the entire immune system when working with canker sores. Sometimes it is necessary to implement the Candida diet also. Because of this, we have noted good results when we include Bifidophilus Flora Force with the program.

HRP-C Liquid or HRP-C Capsules are beneficial for many people, especially if there is viral or bacterial involvement. This combination of herbs stimulates the immune response to fight micro-organisms . It is available in liquid or capsule form.

Drinking Aloe Vera Juice is one of the best for sores or ulcers that are not reachable, i.e. further back in mouth or in esophagus.

Overall optimization of health can be achieved by following  the Four Pillars of Health as explained in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

Follow a program for at least one month. If improvement is not noticed within this time, contact Benoit & Associates Health for specifics to help you.

North American Health Advances?

North American Health or Sickness ?


Spending on prescription drugs in the United States has risen nearly 6-fold since 1990, concurrent with adverse drug reactions tripling between 1995 and 2005. Research finds drug reactions are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States.

Canadian statistics follow the US very closely; just divide numbers by 10 to reflect proportionate population.

An excellent research report from the Annals of Family Medicine has eye-opening results which everyone should be aware of. Your life depends on it.

The full article link is at the end of this summary.

One primary goal to increase prescription spending and profits by finding ways to get healthy people to take drugs, which in the long run, will make them sick, leading to more drugs. Sounds simple? It is. Two methods commonly used are:

1. Change the diagnostic standards which govern treatment and prescribing. Two examples are:

  • For hypertension (high blood pressure), the acceptable norm in 1992 was 160/95. The very next year, in 1993, the norm was lowered to 140/90, resulting in an additional 22.0 million people being diagnosed with the  “disease”.
  • The acceptable level of fasting plasma glucose in 1992 was 140 mg/DL. In 1998 this was lowered to 120 resulting in 10. 3 million more people being diagnosed as diabetic, and likely prescribed medication(s).

2. Create new conditions, or “pre-conditions”, which can be treated with drugs:

Both terms “pre-hypertensive” and “pre-diabetic”, have resulted in consequent drug treatment of these new conditions. This approach is not helping North Americans to be healthier. The revised guidelines encourage treatment of pre-disease conditions with drugs, rather than lifestyle changes to prevent the disease.

This does, however, help enrich the pharmaceutical pocketbook immensely, allowing them increasing control over industry standards, medical training, safety standards, and public health policy. The downward spiral of health continues as Big Pharma gains.

Prescription drugs often accumulate in what has been called a prescribing cascade, whereby a prescribed drug produces symptoms for which more drugs are prescribed, resulting in polypharmacy and further increasing the risk of adverse drug reactions. The prescribing cascade may be further sustained by clinicians failing to recognize that the drug they prescribed caused the new symptoms, even when the symptoms are well known to be associated with that drug.

Are Natural Traditional Remedies Safer and More Effective ?

The safe, natural traditional remedies are facing extinction by regulatory boards that are supported by Pharmacy industry to protect their own financial interests, not the public. For example, there ARE safe, effective natural approaches for hypertension, in products such as Blood Pressurex and Arginine Plus , or Power Beets.

For diabetes there are natural aids, such as Chromium GTF . Unfortunately these products have to be labelled “for those whose blood pressure / blood sugar levels in normal range”.  Why would you take these if your levels are in normal range?! People have to trust their suppliers, herbalists, natural health consultants to get beyond misleading government regulations which are limiting peoples’ choices in health care.

We encourage people to follow healthful lifestyle suggestions as in the Four Pillars to Health explained in Benoit’s book, The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer.

The natural approach to working with and preventing cancer offers insights into all chronic health conditions, with the goal of choosing optimum health, rather than  the North American Drug Ceremony.

For the complete research report with references, please read: http://www.annfammed.org/content/10/5/452.full

For professional, personal service with a live human about any of these products or other health concerns, please contact Benoit Health Associates.


Q&A : Thrush from anti-biotics


Hi Lorene, me again!  I’m not 100% positive until I see a doctor, but I do believe I have developed oral thrush in my mouth.  I understand that one of the causes of oral thrush is from the use of antibiotics.  I mentioned to you before that I was having sinus infection issues and am currently on round 2 of antibiotics – the first prescription didn’t completely get rid of the infection.  I believe that acidophilus and probiotic yogurt is helpful in getting rid of this nasty thing.  Do you have any advice for me?  I will avoid going to the doctor unless absolutely necessary.  As always I appreciate your help.
Thanks Lorene.
AP, B.C.


Yes, oral thrush is usually caused by antibiotics, and if this is your 2nd round, this is even more likely. It also sounds as if the anti-biotics are not working on the sinus infection, so I would suggest you getting on SN-X, a herbal formula excellent for  healing your sinus infection. Once cleared, which may take 2- 3 times/day, I would continue to cleanse and support  your sinus by taking another 2- 3 bottles, so it does NOT re-occur. Please refer to Sinus information on our website, for some other tips on sinus health, including salt water nasal flush.

Now for your thrush. Yes probiotics (pro-life) are essential to rebuild the friendly bacteria killed by the anti-biotics (against life). You would need to eat about a gallon of good yogurt to get the same amount as from one capsule of Bifidophilus Flora Force or Probiotic 11, which contains 11 different probiotic strains, so I would suggest either of these. We may have some in stock, if you need it, please phone the office, 250-748-6802.

I would take one whole bottle – 2-3 per day, on empty stomach, to also help re-establish healthy colonic bacteria, which is a major part of your overall immune system. You also want to discourage Candida overgrowth elsewhere in your body. Please read that article.

A few other things you can do in addition to get probiotics are listed here, as you may have some of these in your Herbal First Aid Kit:

Gargle 3-6 times per day, using any of the following, or alternate at different times of the day to suit your schedule:
  • Tea Tree Oil, or diluted pure Oregano Oil – if therapeutic strength, as NSP’s are, just 2 – 3 drops in 1/4 cup water is enough
  • warm salt water – about 1/2 tsp./2.5 ml. in 1/4 cup water
Hold and swish, then swallow to also help kill internal yeast; either:
  • Coconut butter or oil  5-15 minutes, then spit out – do not swallow – contains caprylic acid an anti-fungal

As with all conditions, for optimum health, I recommend you follow the 4 Pillars of Health as discussed in my book, The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer.