Tag Archives: paw paw program

RF Radio Frequency, Smart?? meters and your health

Recently Doctors Martin Pall and Paul Dart made an hour long presentation to the Oregon State Health Committee to present summaries of over 20,000 scientific research studies clearly pointing to health dangers of ever-increasing Radiation Frequency (RF).

Existing scientific research offers strong evidence that chronic exposure of the public to Radiation Frequency  transmissions produces  serious acute and chronic health effects to a significant portion of the population.

RF emissions  are coming from WiFi, SMART meters, cell phones, baby monitors, portable phones and cell towers, all on the increase , especially in NA, without thought to the short and long term consequences. More and more people are being diagnosed with Electro Hyper Sensitivity, and these are just the “canaries in the mineshaft”, alerting us all to what  are doing to ourselves.

Interestingly it is Europe where the majority of these studies have been conducted, as these countries have had mobile technology the longest: West Germany 1952, Sweden 1956 and USSR 1958. They are conducting these studies because they are concerned about the welfare and associated health care costs of their citizens, and some are moving away from mass RF exposure. A few examples are:

  • In 2008 the National Library of Europe removed their WIFI.
  • Shortly after several Medical Univesity Libraries, such as Sorbonne, also removed theirs.
  • In France, all  child care centres have had WIFI removed, as it has been proven that the RF effects are much more serious on developing brains.
  • In Spain, communities are being developed by people who do not want RF exposure – seeking valleys that can be protected by cell towers emissions.

Studies from  Egypt, Austria, Sweden, France, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain Israel, and Brazil, to name a few,  have shown definitively that the closer a person lives to  cell towers, the greater the incidence of the most commonly reported negative effects of excess RF exposure: autism, fertility, memory loss, dizziness, insomnia, headaches, and DNA damage leading to birth defects and cancers.

An Austrian extensive  study from 1984-1997, showed people living within 1200 meters of a cell phone tower  had an increase in breast cancer of 23 times greater  and brain cancer 121 times ! For learn about safe, effective cancer treatment and prevention, see Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program –  A Natural Approach to Cancer.

Rates of RF are thousands of times more than generally accepted safe standards, and still are, especially in North American outdated standards. This means that safety standards, controlled by industrial complex interests, are NOT protecting the public.

While Europe  is taking some positive steps to reduce RF radiation, North America seem to be finding every possible way to force more of it upon us! Local Hydro companies still spout the safety of Smart meters that a few of their scientists say are  safe, but there are thousands of doctors and scientists, not connected with their industry, that are showing us the truth. Educate yourself.

LOOK  at and LISTEN:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-nYxZHak6I#t=3431

Cancer Prevention and Treatment Approaches


As I was doing some research on Colorectal Cancer for natural health classes in Winnipeg,  Nova Scotia, and for my online interviews, I was surprised to see the change in Canadian Health Statistics. US and Canadian statistics are usually similar, so this is the North American trend.

Cancer has been the #1 cause of death since 2011. 

Many people still think heart and vascular are #1, but even combining heart disease (all types) with cerebrovascular (strokes), it is still close to 5% less than cancer. This despite the BILLIONS of dollars raised and spent running around looking for the cure!

The chart on page 26 of my book,  The Paw Paw Program,  shows cancer care costs in 2010  at $124.57 BILLION.

While we continue to fund raise and spend billions of dollars “finding” and “running for” the cure, selling daffodils and hot dogs, are we any closer to understanding the true causes OR doing anything about them?

How much money is being spent on eliminating toxic chemicals that are polluting our air, water and soil? How much money is being spent on educating people about the health hazards of untreated infections, parasites, yeasts, viruses, or how to improve our natural immunity to avoid these and treat them naturally? Here is a synopsis of some information you can learn from The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.


What to Do To When You Have Become a Statistic

and even more important

What To Do To Avoid Becoming a Statistic

Prevention is recommended, as all people develop cancerous cell growth. A healthy immune system keeps abnormal cell growth under control.

Taking an active role in your health is critical. Remember, it’s your body and your call.

  • Remove all toxic chemicals from your food, drinks, air, and home as well as hygienic products. Stop adding more toxins into your body. There is much you can do – talk to your Natural Health Care practitioner for ideas as to how and what you can do. If you do not have one, make an appointment with the author of this book.
  • STOP smoking, alcohol, coffee, tea, pop, all refined sugars, are number one step.
  • Balance pH levels of acid and alkaline – greens are your main ally for this – if you do not have plentiful organic sources of fresh greens, use GreenZone (CA)/ Ultimate Green Zone (US)
  • Oxygenate and strengthen your blood with Liquid Chlorophyll, macro and trace minerals, EFAs, and other suggested natural supplements.
  • Take Protease Plus Enzymes to help metabolize protein, keep the blood and lymphatic systems clean and help breakdown cancer cells.
  • Exercise daily to move your lymphatic system. Your lymph moves only when you do. Even 10 – 15 minutes two or three times a day will help.
  • Build Immune System with help from your Natural Health Care Practitioner. Astragalus, Colostrum and Silver Shield (silver sol) are all powerful aids for the immune system.
  • Learn how to nourish the body without feeding the cancer cells.  Super Foods will make a difference.
  • Reduce stress in your life or at the very least, learn how to support your body when under a lot of stress.
  • Your body needs rest to heal. Take rest breaks during the day and sleep for minimum 8 hours at night.Drink lots of pure water.  6 – 10 glasses a day is usually a good rule to follow, based on weight and activity. Hot water and herbal teas are also good.  Water helps flush out the toxins from your body.
  • If you are strong enough, a variety of cleanses may be suggested for you. Examples: Liver/Blood, Bowel, Parasite, Lymphatic, Yeast or Heavy Metal Cleanses.
  • Add a natural bowel stimulant with or without fibre if you are not eliminating at least one bowel movement a day. Two – three is better. LBS II is an excellent peristalsis aid.
  • Detoxify, build, detoxify, build – pay attention to your body to know which to do when. When in doubt book a phone or Skype consultation with an expert – Lorene Benoit has been helping people for over 35 years.


PLEASE NOTE: As links tend to change over the years, please Contact us,  for personalized, expert assistance in obtaining any supplements mentioned in this article. We have worked with one major quality professional herbal source since 1990 and can help you get the best for your health and your money. Aren’t you worth the best?


Newly Diagnosed: Consider a consult with a Natural Health Consultant to help you undertake the following suggestions. You know that cancer can be prevented; it can also be reversed. It will require some lifestyle changes and some effort on your part. One important thing is to know that people do heal cancer with natural, time proven remedies and to know and believe that you can beat this disease. Have positive hope, no matter what the prognosis is. Your body is designed to heal itself and become healthy again but it needs full help from you. In addition to above suggestions, you will also want to consider the following:

  • Support the area of the body where the cancer is. You may want to add herbs specific to your type of cancer. For example, for cancer of the prostate, support with Saw Palmetto Extract, Liver with a liver formula, as your NHC recommends.
  • MOST IMPORTANT:       This is the easy part.       Follow the Paw Paw program as per directions to start and increase only on the advice of your Natural Health Care Practitioner. The Paw Paw Program gives more detail, in fact 284 pages of information that is well researched, affordable and easy to understand and follow.
  • Depending on your cancer, you may be required to take this for 4 months – a couple of years.
  • For those who have had cancer, maintenance  is highly recommended.
  • Paw Paw can be used along with Allopathic Medical Therapy; in fact it can enhance chemotherapy effectiveness.

It is important to work with a natural health care practitioner or consultant who is comfortable working with cancer. The amount of research can be overwhelming. You would not try to strip down your car engine and rebuild it without assistance or previous knowledge. Consider this, as you need to rebuild your body to eliminate cancer or any other disease.

A qualified NHC can assist in the optimal selection of a program for you and in monitoring your results. This professional can work with others with whom you choose to share your healing journey.

Remember, cancer can be beaten naturally! Believe it! Be proactive in your cure – do not leave it all up to the medical community – work with them to help yourself.

This program is designed to enhance the natural healing abilities of your body, rather than ‘fight’ any particular disease. It is one part of a comprehensive program, including corrective diet, emotional clearing, exercise as required, proper elimination and other natural health and life building aspects.

This program is not counter-indicated with orthodox medical treatment, such as surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. It can enhance the effectiveness and decrease the negative side effects of these approaches, should you choose them.

You can  have any of the above therapeutic nutritionals delivered to your home. To ensure you are getting professional products that exceed pharmaceutical grade, direct discount pricing,  and support in choosing the best program for your specifics, please contact Lorene Benoit Health Services, MHH, CHC, BEd. 

Good old fashioned phone: 250-748-6802, email contact form or TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com



Statistics Canada:  http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/hlth36a-eng.htm

US National Cancer Institute

Benoit & Associates Health 2010

Pro Active Health 2010

March – April, 2014 Natural Health Newsletter




March – April, 2014


My waking thoughts of gratitude this morning were for our chickens and how I love the energy they bring…..although they aren’t as easy to train as some pets, they give us eggs, help fertilize our organic vegies and herbs, and provide never-ending entertainment. Stories of chickens doing backflips, kissing cats, climbing trees……entertaining!

I hope you, like the chickens digging about for some morsel of nourishment, find something of use in this newsletter!


Two quotes to start:

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” Jiddu Krishnamurti

“That’s why I choose not to be well adjusted to the normal. I am well adjusted to achieving so much more in life, including the best health possible for myself, my loved ones, and those who choose to follow this path with me. ”             Lorene Benoit


Education and Upcoming Courses

Lorene will be presenting two courses: Winnipeg, May 3rd, and Berwick, Nova Scotia, May 6th. Please see details onUpcoming Courses.

Each month Lorene does interviews about her book, The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach To Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.
These interviews, of course depending on the host, cover the basics of the book, PLUS a lot of healing information related to achieving optimum health for everyone. Most Paw Paw Talk Shows are recorded here for your convenience.


Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link, so you can access those of interest to you:

Success with Fibroids, Endometriosis, Energy, Excema, Stress and Memory

Q&A Immunity, Adrenals and Anxiety

Talk Shows about Paw Paw Program

Lupus, Cleansing, Super Shakes and Energy!

Hormones Make You Happy

Paw Paw Program – dose & specifics

Q & A: Actinic Keratosis and Paw Paw


Our passion is for education. We answer many questions we receive daily. High volume dictates that for detailed responses and complicated health issues, an appointment is required for more than 10 minutes. Consultations can be done in person, by phone, email, or Skype (send us an invite : lorenebenoithealth)

Include your phone number as it can be faster than email. Lorene has been doing many phone consultations worldwide and they are very effective.

Other options to help you are :

Use the Search bar in upper right corner of our blog for answers.
Lorene Benoit’s book contains lifestyle tips for optimum health and disease prevention, in addition to understanding Cancer: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally. Chapters include the 4 Pillars of health, dietary suggestions, and recipes designed to help everyone move toward better health.

Ongoing special for books: buy 3 get 1 free, or 15% discount for our members. Email or phone with payment info and address for faster delivery and and discounts.

Anytime there is something we can help with, please contact us via:

website: Contact Form
email: TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com or
phone: 250-748-6802


Free Educational Webinars

Nature’s Sunshine offers FREE webinars with some of North America’s best Natural Health Experts.

In Canada, go to Nature’s Sunshine: under Members. Make sure  you are registered as a VIP to receive the weekly Update and Educate so you can listen in to live webinars. Share this valuable information with others who can benefit from this information.

Worldwide, anyone can access webinars on the US website, without being a member. Go to www.nspwebinars.com to view webinars.


Compass Zyto Biofeedback

The Compass is an extremely efficient, inexpensive biofeedback tool that measures your biomarkers and gives you the perfect health program!

Watch this 3 minute video : http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit

Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends to find out what are the best supplements for you! Contact our office.for details.



There are always  specials to help you stay healthier AND save money. To take full advantage of them, become a VIP to receive the Update and Educate emails, or faxes. Call NSP at 1-800-265-9163.
Specials are always on the Nature’s Sunshine Canada website .

If you are not a member, consider it – free, discounts and our support – why not? Use our Sponsor # 309344 to take advantage of the best therapeutic quality supplements available since 1972..

Sending gifts of health anywhere in North America is easy-no post office hassles! Click here for herbal gift ideas.

Also don’t forget the Facebook Friday special for Canadian members – just sign in NSP Canada website Friday morning > Members> Facebook Fan Friday Specials  and see what the FREE product is that you get with a $50 order! Liking them on Facebook also helps NSP become the family name it deserves to be!


How does Membership Benefit You?

Click here to learn member benefits !


Business Coaching

We offer ongoing coaching to help others start their own business. If you are committed to learning about health and helping others, phone our office to see how you can join our team who help others and earn while they learn.



Courses Winnipeg May 3 & Nova Scotia May 6 , 2014

Lorene will be offering a free presentation  on her book, The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer,        Sat. May 3rd, 3:00- 4:30, followed by a book signing. Limited space. Register Radiance Books & Gifts, 204-284-4231 , #7-875 Corydon Ave., Winnipeg.

Lorene will be teaching with Monica Franey, BScRN, on Healthy Bowel, Healthy Mind, Healthy You. Tuesday, May 6th, 7-9 pm, Lion’s Hall, .Berwick, Nova Scotia. Discount for advance registration with Monica Franey, 902-848-6025, or franeymonica@gmail.com.

Success with Fibroids, Endometriosis, Energy, Excema, Stress and Memory


Success Stories shared by Lucy Taylor, shiatsu and nutritional specialist of  Phoenix Holistic Healing – thank you!

Q&A Immunity, Adrenals and Anxiety


Briefly, my immune system is extremely compromised..20 yrs ago I was diagnosed with contact dermatitis.Hospitalizations, specialists, cortisone oral, topical, intravenous.allergy tests inconclusive. After years of trying all forms of therapies, this year I researched and put myself on a wholesome eating plan. 3months later internally I feel better, however my main concern right now is fatigue!!  As I believe my skin and gut problems are my stress response, I wondered if adrenal system is compromised?? I am an anxious person.



With the history you mention, yes it is quite likely that you are experiencing adrenal exhaustion. You have made some good choices, as far as diet improvement and understanding the connections between the different challenges you are having.

I do cover diet very completely in my book, The Paw Paw Program, as I consider Diet the #1 Pillar for all healing.

In addition to diet, the other pillars discussed in my book are emotions, exercise, and supplementation – all important. As far as supplementation is concerned, there is a new product, at this point only available in the US, but hopefully will be in Canada by June, called Anxiousless. I have heard  excellent results with this product.

For nutritionally supporting and rebuilding adrenals , we have used a formulation called Adrenal Support. Please contact our office, or phone us, 250-748-6802 (yes old fashioned, but efficient and personable) if you would like to order either of these. That way you can be sure to get therapeutic quality nutritionals direct from same company we have used for 25 years, get a discount, as well as our continued support.

Talk Shows about Paw Paw Program

These are links to talk shows in which I have been interviewed to share information on The Paw Paw Program, A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

Learn why understanding cancer, how to heal and prevent this condition, also relates to most health challenges and provides natural health tips for YOUR optimum health.

These recordings are available 24/7  to help you understand the effectiveness of this approach to cancer and all chronic conditions.


 Great interview. I admire how articulate and passionate you are as you express yourself  in a respectful and informative manner. ”                                  Dr. Alan Simberg

Please contact Benoit Health Education directly for support, educational consultations, to order The Paw Paw Program book or nutritional herbs and supplements. You will get fastest service, correct products and the best prices.


Talk Show recordings:

July 24th, 2014 with Michael Brill – will be posted when available


July 22nd, 2014 with Dr. Alan Simberg – Life Changing Insights with Lorene Benoit – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally!

Dr. Simberg shares some interesting thoughts on the mind affecting our perceptions of experiences, then begins a 24 minute interview with Lorene Benoit just before 36 minutes.


 June 20th, 2014  pre- recorded April 14th

Click to hear interview on Outside Health and Fitness  with Steven Stearns.

Why this approach makes sense and works. Those looking for safer, effective options for both preventing and treating cancer will appreciate the health education  that applies to all chronic conditions.


 June 16th, 2014

Interview with Sheryl Glick one of the conscious leaders working to incorporate new thinking into our changing world conditions.Interview with Lorene Benoit:  http://www.sherylglick.com/radio_shows/Alternative-Treatments-for-Cancer.html

mp3: http://www.sherylglick.com/radio_shows/mp3/082514.mp3


May 28th, 2014

Lorene Benoit speaking with Denise Messenger, Award winning author of Health Media Now.

Lorene Benoit shares her confidence in herbal healing based on her 40 years experience in natural health. She explains why Paw Paw (Asimina triloba) is so effective as part of a health program. Includes why it works, some of Dr. McLaughlin’s research, the basic 4 components of the program, 4 Pillars of Health.

Dietary suggestions, recipes and Super Foods are essential information for everyone who wishes to achieve optimum health, whatever their state of health.


April 10th, 2014

Lorene Benoit speaking on Paw Paw Program with Janet Love

An excellent 53 minute interview, explaining how Paw Paw Program is effective for all health conditions, prevention and healing of cancer. In this interview Benoit clearly explains how this book is also relevant to most other chronic health conditions, including heart and cardio-vascular, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis and menopause.

The Four Pillars of health, dietary suggestions, recipes and Super Foods are essential information for everyone who wishes to achieve optimum health.

Lorene Benoit shares some of Dr. McLaughlin’s research, specifics of the correct Paw Paw (Asimina triloba) and correct usage, the basic 4 components of the program,  and more. The interview starts at 7 minutes.


 March 16th, 2014 

Alternatives to Big Pharma – Lorene Benoit’s interview with
Sharry Edwards http://www.soundhealthoptions.com/nutrasounds/  and Richard Olson http://www.TalkToMeGuy.comBlogTalkRadio.com.                 Lorene’s interview begins at 16 minutes.


November 24th, 2013 – note this recording quality is not great; your time may be better spent listening to previous recordings.

Osberg Broadcats with Keith Williams



August 27th, 2013 1:00  – 1:30 pm PST

Dr. Alan Simberg



May 30th, 2013

Dr. Michael Smith



Jan 31st, 2013 7:00 pm PST

Gwen Green



July 20th, 2012 10:30 PST

Hollis Chapman



July 5th, 2012

Angela Levesque



June 28th, 2012

Wendy Wagoner



May 11th, 2012

Dr. Higgie and Kat



Feb. 10th, 2012

Dr. Rose



Dec 6th2011

Alicia D. Cramer



Nov. 4th, 2011

Hollis Chapman

Link for talk show: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hollischapmanshow/2011/11/04/natural-healing-nutrition-herbs-and-nutritional-supplement

Special offer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHkC2Ytwv_I


Sept. 2nd, 2011

Trudy Thomas: “Living with Hope” aka thematrix777; The Body, Mind and Spirit Network

Trudy Thomas (aka thematrix777)
Host of “Living With HOPE” radio show



July 11th, 2011

Michael Vara




June 28th, 2011

Monica   Brinkman  radmmb@fidnet.com



May 9th, 2011

Tony Gambone


Lupus, Cleansing, Super Shakes and Energy!


Thank you to the 130 people who attended the NSP presentations by Julie De Visser, ND, – great participation from lively crowds that gave our guests a true Vancouver Island welcome!


Our group of practitioners work with Julie’s tips for both health and weight loss. They so closely resemble those from a 2012 article, which include the Four Pillars of Weight Loss and Insulin Resistance, (the key to preventing diabetes), that you may want to read it.
The Road the Wellness – The Four Pillars of Health is also the entire Chapter 6 in my book, The Paw Paw Program.

This is information that several people asked for, contact us if you need more details.

  • All the super foods used in the pre-presentation shakes are summarized; full fact sheets are available online. In my Paw Paw book, which is not just for cancer, but for Optimum Health, p. 203-204,  I have a general recipe for Super Shakes. In this I also mention adding greens, of any type as Julie mentioned. It’s quick and easy with GreenZone, especially in the winter. Check here for more Shake recipes. Here is a description of GreenZone and most of the Super Foods we used.
  • Arginine – 22 reasons for those who asked about it – we often put that in our shakes, too!
  • Remember monthly specials, in both Canada and US. If you are a member, specials are in addition to your member discount


Several people commented on the suggested intake of one gallon /4 litres of water per day. Remember that many of the nutritional beverages you sampled at the event can help to make up this amount: Chlorophyll, #1 health beverage since 1972, Zambroza,  Mineral Chi Tonic, Solstic Energy , Solstic Nutrition, and some others in the US ,  Green Tea, E-Tea (Essiac), Licorice.

We  encourage people to adjust this amount for  your weight, based on this formula:  # pounds divided by 2 = # of ounces. The adjust for level of activity, temperature, and diet. The bottom line is most people need more hydration!

Some people asked what the herbs that Julie De Visser used for her lupus healing. I have linked these to My NSP site, which gives a brief description of each formulation:
IF-C – InFlammation Chinese
Colostrum for balancing immune system
Lym – Max for cleansing lymphatic
Safflowers for uric acid removal (a US product) – KB-C can be used in place
and of course LOTS of
Chlorophyll to add nutrition and hydrate . This testimony just arrived via email:
our fridge always contains the large NSP liquid Chlorophyll, and has for the past couple of years, my husband and both of my children all benefit from the extra greens, and the taste is minty and refreshing!” CJ


Some also asked about bowel cleansing – Our top selling Cleanse for about 20 years is the Tiao He Pak, which means Balance and Harmony, works on cleansing bowels, kidneys, lymphatics & cells. And this month it is on 10% or Buy 3 get one free – if you have some other family and friends ready to do their Spring Cleansing.10- 15 days depending on your constitution.
For a better understanding of Soy, please refer to my book and previous blogs on Phytohormones which Julie explained, and Soy Controversy, which is based on 30 years of study or research.


And to share one of several testimonies we heard about Solstic Energy: “My husband has replaced coffee with Solstic every morning for over a year and he is very pleased with the product evidenced by his continued use. It gives him a healthy energy boost in the morning that replaces caffeine and it tastes great! He gets the benefit of a boost of energy without the crash that often comes later in the day with coffee.

I use Solstic when I need an energy boost before a hike or a bike ride, or even after  Additionally, our fridge always contains the large NSP liquid Chlorophyll, and has for the past couple of years, my husband and both of my children all benefit from the extra greens, and the taste is minty and refreshing!” CJ

Enjoy and contact us if you need any assistance at all, or to order any of the professional, therapeutic products that are above and beyond pharmaceutical grade!  
That’s our job – to help you help yourself to better health!

Hormones Make You Happy


One of my early teachers was Dr. Versendaal, a chiropractic doctor from whom I learned specialized muscle testing called Contact Reflex Analysis. He said, “Hormones are what make us happy”.


Hormones play such an important role in the health of all animals; in their miniscule amounts they have huge effects. They determine our sexual traits, yet both sexes need the same hormones to function; just in differing amounts. Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands in the human body. From the top down these are:  pituitary, hypothalamus, thyroid, parathyroid thymus, pancreas, adrenals ovaries/testes. Hormones are also secreted from fat cells and the colon.


Yes, the colon! Did you know that more serotonin is produced in  the colon than in the brain? Instead of anti-depressants, more people could be happier and healthier to ensure their colon is clean and working daily, rather than spending billions on damaging chemical anti-depressants.


To give you an idea of their complexity, the adrenal glands are responsible for secreting over 50 different hormones.  Besides their known function of dealing with stress, adrenal hormones also are responsible for fat storage and breakdown, insulin transport, pH balance, allergic response, fluid and mineral balance, temperature control, the list goes on.


Hormonal imbalance can manifest as teenage acne, conception problems, miscarriages, PMS, menopause and andropause discomfort, depression, hypo or hyper thyroidism, breast lumps and tenderness, hair loss and mood swings, to name a few.


We may ask why present day society is dealing with so many challenges with hormonal balance? Industrial by-products known as endocrine disruptor chemicals (EDC’s) have been on a steady increase in our society. These toxic mimickers have similar structures which can bind with our natural hormone receptors, wreaking havoc on our metabolism. Offenders occur in plastics, household and personal care products, fertilizers, pesticides, heavy metals. Our bodies contain up to 148 synthetic chemicals according to CDC analysis 2005. As the number of chemicals increases annually, this amount has likely doubled by 2014. The National Toxicology Program 2012 Report lists 64 Known Human Carcinogens (cause cancer), including Aflatoxin (found in improperly dried grains, corn, peanuts, some cow milk, rancid oils, cosmetics), Formaldehyde (most vaccines),   Tamoxifen and XRays (medical cancer treatments).  To avoid these one must make informed choices for every purchase or treatment you choose.


On the positive side, we can choose to include phytohormones, which are plant based hormonal replacements and precursors. They too can fill our natural hormone receptor sites, but with healthy, gentler forms that prevent the more toxic forms from binding.  These can be a boon to our health, as opposed to the detrimental effects of EDCs and xenohormones.


Just one example is Maca, Lepidium meyenii, also known as Peruvian Ginseng. As with all plants, it does not contain hormones, (only animals produce hormones), but acts positively on the hormonal system of both males and females. A four month study using males aged  22 – 44 stated that Maca increased semen volume and total sperm count remarkably. Maca stimulates the glands so they produce needed hormones. Maca has the ability to balance the hypothalamus and pituitary glands promoting healthy adrenal, ovary and testes function. Maca is widely used to balance symptoms of menstruation and menopause such as hot flashes, depression, vaginal dryness and irritability. It helps by regulating estrogen and androgen receptor sites. As far as safety, some Peruvian women take Maca from the age of three. These women are very powerful, even the elderly. Men use Maca as a safer alternative to Viagra, with the benefits and none of the dangers.


For hot flashes, a formula called Flash Ease combines the benefits of Black Cohosh and Dong Quai. As a concentrated timed release formula, it is very effective. If you are not getting control of you hot flashes after trying this at 2 per day for 1 bottle, get in touch – we can determine what WILL work for you!

All hormonal challenges can also be helped by following healthier lifestyle recommendations as suggested in Lorene Benoit’s Book:

The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

To order any of the professional quality herbs or supplements that we use in our practice, please contact us directly for both discount prices and our support. We have trained practitioners to support you; NOT available if you order from Amazon for same price.

Email: Lorene@NaturalPathRemedies.com  OR Phone: 250-748-6802

There is no fee for setting up account or placing orders, and we are here to serve you, wherever you are located in the world!

United States:   www.TakeTheNaturalPath.myNSP.com  – choose US at top of screen   Phone NSP 1-800-453-1422 and use sponsor #1143615  to become Premium member –  no fee, 20-25% discount, free shipping, no obligation and our support.

Canada www.TakeTheNaturalPath.myNSP.com  –   or phone 1-877-257-4372 , and use Canada sponsor #1143615  to become Preferred Customer. If you are looking to start a business helping others, contact Lorene Benoit for training.

Q & A: Actinic Keratosis and Paw Paw


I have actinic keratosis all over my body , would paw paw be beneficial to me and clear up my skin? Please put me on your list for free monthly Natural Health Newsletter.  Cathy


Yes Cathy, as actinic keratosis is abnormal cell growth, Paw Paw, Asimina triloba,  would help. For best results, one could take small internal dosages (2- 8 per day) as well as applying Paw Paw directly to the skin surfaces affected.

One way to do this is to open capsules of Paw Paw and mix them with Silver Shield Gel, which also will help to  stop inflammation and promote healing of the lesions. If there are particular spots which can be covered with a bandage, this will hold the herbs onto the affected area longer, but if it is a larger area, just try to apply at least 3 times per day.

Another option is to mix the Paw Paw with Black Ointment, which is available via the US Nature’s Sunshine Products. Please contact our office, TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com or 250-748-6802,  to help you place this order and get a free member account which will offer you a discount, ensure you get the correct products, and involve our support. I can also send you a more detailed Fact sheet on any of these products.

In addition, excess sun exposure is to be avoided, and general dietary and lifestyle recommendations as fully explained in my book, The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally, would enhance bringing the body into balance for healing.  

The book includes the complete Paw Paw Program for health, plus the sugar and cancer connection .

Hope this helps; look forward to helping you on your journey to optimum health.