Tag Archives: Oregon Grape

Q & A: Ringworm, molluscum and other skin conditions

This is a series of emails between a client and Lorene, which might be helpful to others. My responses are in italics.

It may seem frustrating to use different herbs for different conditions, but when compared to the number of multiple drugs, all with very negative side effects, this is really simple.

Our family has used all of these herbal remedies with amazing results over the last 35 years. By results I mean faster resolution, less expensive and no side negative effects than a medical prescriptive route. A few examples of successes can be found under Success Stories.

There ARE frequently positive side effects, such as a remedy effecting a benefit not being treated. Two examples:

  • using black walnut for ringworm, also helps to support the thyroid and strengthen tooth enamel.
  • using an herbal formula to help allergies and lungs will often help a sluggish colon.

June 9th: Hi Lorene,
Our family is now  living in Texas . It is pretty interesting. One of the things about living here is that the kids have gotten lots of different skin stuff that we never had in Canada. Right now my middle son has something called Molluscum Contagiosum. It is smallish white bumps on his left leg that spread and can last for a long time- they are from a virus kind of like planters warts etc. I have tried a couple different topical treatments, but nothing is getting it from its source.

I remembered that when I was in high school, (editor’s note- about 20+ yrs. ago),   I had really bad planters warts on my feet and you had given me 2 different things to take- I think one was beta carotene? And I can’t remember the other. Can you recommend something for me to try with him? I really really appreciate it!
Thankyou so much!    JH

June 10: I treated a 3 yrs. old girl with mulluscum , and yes, it is a virus. At that time I treated them by poking them with a sterilized pin (tea tree oil)  to penetrate the little white bumps, then applying tea tree oil to them. Depends on nature of your son, whether he will let you do this or not. That would be an external application.


Internally, your memory serves you well – it was Beta Carotene – strongest NSP product with beta carotene is now Defence Maintenance. At one time we had a straight Beta carotene, but not anymore – I think it was stopped by FDA, probably because it was too effective; certainly no safety issues!


The other product would have been HRP-C (for HeRPes),  which  in the US is called VS-C  (for ViruS)- concentrate capsules which can be opened, or VS-C liquid. This can be taken internally, but the liquid could also be applied externally, but it’s a little sticky.

You can order as a new member in US – free- please use account # 1143667 and become a CLASSIC member. Or I can order for you using our account. As it can seem complicated  for first time order, just let me know what, your new address, ph# etc. I can phone & get your details of payment & place first order for you; no charge.
Let me know one way or other, OK? Lorene

Jun 12: Hi Lorene,
Thank you for getting back to me! I just ordered the liquid VS-C and hopefully with tea tree that will help. I’ve tried a bunch of other stuff, and it has helped some but new ones keep popping up, he also has some staph infection happening as well- and just got over some nasty impetigo, I was getting pretty desperate so just got him some antibiotics… I don’t think he has ever been on antibiotics before. We might have to come see you when we are on the island!
Lots of love, JH


Jun 15: OK keep in touch to know how the VS-C works . 
Golden Seal  (Hydrastis canadensis) is one of the best antibiotics – which I save for heavy duty infections, as it is an endangered species.  For staph,  Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) is a specific and VERY effective, and it is not endangered.  Golden Seal is available from US as a single in capsules – the strongest form. 


Jun 18: Thank you for the tips! That’s good to know about the Oregon grape. I didn’t end up using the antibiotics for him, just waited a couple days and it looked like it turned into Pityriasis rosea
Or something similar, which he had last summer and was misdiagnosed as ringworm. Just this time it looked kind of different so the doctor I think didn’t know what it was. Hopefully the VS-C can take care of both the moluscum & pityriasis.
Thanks again for your insights and help.


Jun 18: Skin conditions are obviously hard for many doctors. I have had ringworm mis-diagnosed TWICE . The 2nd time they wanted to operate! I often find my answers upon waking, so it must come in my dreams, so once I figured it was ringworm, I applied Black Walnut liquid externally and took it internally. Something I had endured for months (on my scalp – I think from Bali) was gone in less than 2 wks.


 Contact for personal assistance: 

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Lorene Benoit, MHH, BEd, CHC, CRA,              NSP # 1143615-CA
FBenoit BScNursing, NHC, LChabot HCA       NSP # 1143667-CA
(U.S. become Classic Members)
U.S. & Canada: For discount on professional supplements and PERSONAL assistance, please contact us first. 
P.S.  We still do phones! 250-748-6802.


Shingles and Herpes

NOTE: Links change, names change, climate changes, and unHealth Canada constantly changes regulations, so please contact us for personal assistance to get most current info. We do not charge for 10 mins. or to place an order at discounted prices. 


Shingles is a latent form of the Herpes or Varicella Zoster Virus, reactivated from previous chicken pox, or contracted when one does not have the natural immunity developed from exposure. The virus lies dormant in the nerve cells adjacent to your spinal cord and can reactivate under various conditions.  Known triggers for reactivation are: STRESS, which can be from emotional causes or from a physical cause such as trauma or injury. Stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, or other illness can all weaken the immune system.

Shingles appear as a painful rash and/or itching blisters, running in a band or belt, usually confined to one side of the body or face. This can be accompanied by fever, aches, and general malaise. Although shingles is not contagious itself, the rash gives off the varicella zoster virus, which could cause someone who comes into contact with it to develop chicken pox.

Allopathic medical treatment prescribes medications to treat  the symptoms of shingles. These may be antivirals or corticosteroids in severe cases. The drugs can be expensive,  may or may not work depending on how soon they are started, do not help ward off future attacks, and carry the risk of side effects or potential drug interactions associated with every prescription.

One natural regime, which is outlined below, has produced excellent results with acute shingles attacks and rashes of many types, including those caused by severe drug reactions, such as man-made antibiotics.

IF-C is a Chinese herbal formula developed by Dr. Sabuti Dharmananda for relieving and clearing all conditions of excess heat, including rashes, pain, head-aches and sinus infections. In Chinese terminology, these conditions are classed as “heat-rising”. For maintenance after the acute episode, some people will follow-up with HRP-C (CA) VS-C (US), which is explained below under Herpes. This formula is available both in capsules and liquid.

Dosage at which people have had success: every 3 – 4 hours (4 –6 times) /day

IF-C (US) and IF-C (CA)     4 capsules
InFlammation, InFection Chinese formula that clears and relieves excess heat

Stress Formula  (CA) / NutriCalm  (US)   2 Tablets
Contains balanced B complex, C, plus calming herbs Hops, Valerian and Passion Flower to relax the nervous system

Burdock (US)   4 capsules  OR  Oregon Grape Extract (CA & US)   2 ml.
Both are gentle blood and liver cleansers with specific soothing and healing properties for the skin.

Take full dose until pain and inflammation is noticeably less. Results will depend on the person, the length and severity and condition, but relief may be noticed within the first two days. Three days after symptoms decrease, you can reduce frequency to every 3 times/day, then several days later decrease dosage by half, but still 3 times per day. Consult with a qualified natural health consultant to aid you, or contact us for personal assistance in placing an order at discounted prices.

Read further for external aids for enhanced healing, pain and  itching.



Besides shingles, there are many other types of herpes virus, which affect a very large percentage of the population, up to 60%. Herpes simplex 1, cold sores, can occur on any part of your body including nose, elbows, fingers, stomach, or anus. Genital herpes is called Herpes simplex 2, but it is really just a different form of the same disease, and one can cause the other. Some people have sub-clinical, subtle outbreaks and can shed the virus even when they are asymptomatic, which is one reason this disease has become so prevalent.

Herpes can be effectively treated by a combination of diet, stress reduction and herbal medicine or by drug therapy. Although allopathic medicine says there is no cure, it is possible to go years between outbreaks with management using natural therapeutics.

For all types of herpes, including shingles, consider a program of HRP-C (CA) VS-C (US) for three months, at 6 – 9 per day. Dosage is dependant upon your size, the severity of condition, personal immune status, and lifestyle. HRP-C is a Chinese formulation developed by a Chinese medical doctor, to address Herpes virus, AIDS, and all other viral stressors, which include the common cold and flu. It helps increase overall immunity, and detoxify the liver and eliminate heavy metals. It is also very effective for Candida and other yeast/ parasitic infections.

For regular or periodic herpes, the above dosage of HRP-C can gradually be lowered after 3 months, until a maintenance dose keeps herpes under control. This dosage will be different for everyone, dependent on their size, other aspects of lifestyle and overall health. During times of stress, which can exacerbate an outbreak, the dosage should be increased. If tingling is felt, which can signal an outbreak, taking full dosage will ward off an outbreak or minimize it.

L-Lysine (US) , an essential amino acid, can also be taken at a dosage of three 500mg. capsules per day during an outbreak, and one per day as maintenance. Use some thought when supplementing one particular amino acid for long term, as all amino acids work in synergy. If however, you have some other symptoms of l-lysine deficiency, such as a feeling of helplessness, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, anemia or depression, maintenance with l-lysine may help alleviate these symptoms. L-lysine can be found in fish, chicken, eggs, garbanzo beans and comfrey.

For External Relief: HRP-C /VS-C in liquid glycerine form can be applied to sores. Tei Fu Oil  or  Tei Fu Massage Lotion, a blend of essential oils, is helpful for pain and itch relief and to help sores heal more quickly.

Silver Shield Gel also destroys viruses, decreases inflammation and speeds healing. This would be highly recommended for use in any opening, such as eyes, ears, vaginal, cervical, etc.

Contact author for detailed Fact sheets on any of the products we have used professionally since 1985.  Ordering via Canada and US is different, so why not have the expert help you with personal service?


The Ultimate Healing System by Donald LePore, ND
Your Nature, Your Health by S. Dharmanada, PhD
Lorene Benoit, BEd, CHC, MHH
June Cobb, Herbalist/ Chinese Herbal Educator
Christopher Scipio, Homeopath/Herbalist


To discuss if this program is right for you, please contact our office. First 10 mins. of email inquiry or phone consult is free. We will set up a wholesale account so you can obtain the same professional therapeutic quality herbs we have used since 1985.

Success with Staph Infection and Oregon Grape

Hello Lorene and Helga. Helga thank you so much for your phone call. It meant a lot to me.
My hands have not cleared completely but a Dr. Shaw (Dr of internal medicine) told me that the silver and Oregon grape stopped the infection on sores  from getting worse.
I have been diagnosed with Porphyria cutanea tarda. My father and brother had the same thing. I went to hospital today and had 3 ltrs of blood removed from my body. This procedure will take place every 2 weeks.  My body lacks the ability to rid itself of iron.  When sores appeared they got infected with staph.  So I was misdiagnosed from beginning. They feel that menopause  along with me using tanning booth all summer awakened this condition. I had 10 times normal iron levels in my blood.
I have never been to tanning salon before and must say I will NEVER again. thankfully my liver was only mildly inflamed.
Can you recommend a good liver cleanse?
No words can thank you for all your help. I love oregon  grape!!  Because of it doctor could write me a note saying I was not infectious. Then I went back to work. I will keep you updated.

Thank you!!!    P.L., BC

NSP Quality by Design Makes the Difference

There IS a difference between brands of health supplements. That’s not an opinion, it’s a fact based on consistent, reproducible scientific evidence. And user feedback – see a few examples below.

Did you know that the raw materials returned by NSP to its suppliers are sold to other supplement manufacturers, who do not do their own quality control ?

Are you paying for fillers? NSP Products are well known for their strict demand of pure product from the grower to you. They have a direct relationship with all their suppliers, farmers and wild crafted harvesters from every corner of the globe – so they can get the best quality with highest active ingredients. The source can change as climate or other conditions change, which is why they conduct over 150 meticulous tests with every batch they receive, even from 40 year suppliers.

NSP also tests every phase of the production process up to the finished product. No other company has this ability or history! Please watch this 3 minute video (wait 5 secs. to skip the ad), and see how this process makes a difference!

Maybe you are spending less or more for brand “C” , but you can’t tell the quality from reading the label. What is your health worth?   Do you want  peace of mind to know that every Nature’s Sunshine product is potent and pure?  Don’t gamble with your health or your money.

In our years of clinical practice we have seen consistent results with NSP. Here are a few that stand out above and beyond:

  • LBS, a Lower Bowel formula,  that really works short and long term to get your bowel functioning properly
  • Magnesium – different combinations for bowel, muscle relaxer, bone health
  • Capsicum to stop bleeding and disinfect deep cuts or puncture wounds
  • Oregon Grape to eliminate staph infections faster than prescription antibiotics with NO side effects
  •  Cranberry Buchu to treat and prevent bladder infections
  • Skeletal Strength for healthy bones
  • Women’s Formula to  regulate menses, decrease cramping and overall just balance whacky hormones
  • F.E. (Flash Ease) to help balance out menopausal symptoms
  • EverFlex with Devil’s Claw and Hyaluronic Acid for joint support
  • Tei Fu Oil for immediate first aid for sore throats, stuffy nose or sinus, motion sickness, breath freshener, insect bites and stings, nuasea, headache – yes! all this in a tiny bottle that lasts forever!
  • Paw Paw Cell Reg (Asimini triloba) the herb that inhibits rampant cell growth – stronger and safer natural chemotherapy.

These are just a few examples – take a look for yourself at some of the hundreds of health products available from Nature’s Sunshine Products.

Contact our office for specifics and or check here to make sure you get a discount membership, so YOU can get herbs from the same reliable source as the professionals. And, if you want to earn some income by helping others help themselves, please consider NSP as an amazing  business. We are here to support you.