Tag Archives: NSP

NSP Silver Guard and Gel for eliminating thrush

C”s mouth was full of thrush, we cleaned as best as we could with a swab and water, and gave her NSP Silver Guard Liquid to swallow, then put the NSP Silver Shield Gel in her mouth. Two hours later she was trying to spit something out, so we got another swab and what came out was the whole lining of skin from her mouth. We kept applying twice a day, in 2 days all the thrush was gone. BL from Vancouver, BC

Lorene Benoit’s comments: Both Silver Guard Liquid and Silver Gel are great for all mouth sores, ulcers, gum inflammation, pyrohhea, absecces and tooth decay (both prevention and treatment).  Although Health Canada has insisted we label the Silver Guard as Mouthwash, everyone realizes it is exactly the same product that we also  take internally. It has been proven to  kill over 600 strains of bacteria, virus and fungus.






May Health Newsletter


    May, 2012

For information to help you achieve optimum health, please contact our office:

Phone:       250-748-6802

Email:       TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com  ** please check that you have this email**

Website:    www.NaturalPathRemedies.com

Address:    5175 Bills Road · Duncan, BC V9L 6S7


Lorene Benoit’s book contains lifestyle tips for optimum health, as well as specifics for Cancer: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

Upcoming or recent programs, recording?

Ongoing special for books, which offers excellent tips for health prevention, as well as solutions for cancer. Buy 3 get 1 free. Contact our office.


 Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link:

Paw Paw Program Upgrade

At Nature’s Sunshine 35th Canadian Health and Herbal Conference, Oct. 2011, I attended an excellent lecture from Jay P. Vanden Heuvel, PhD, ND on natural approaches to cancer. This was an affirming lecture, as everything he mentioned is included in my book, plus some extra helpful tips.


Chlorophyll is the green matter in plants referred to as “the blood of plant life” for it closely resembles the red content of the blood of humans.  Chlorophyll is on sale from now until June 30th.

Kidney Stones: Causes, Prevention and Emergency Treatment

Kidney stones can be the cause of great pain and distress.  Symptoms could include pain originating in the middle back and radiating around to the front lower abdominal area.

Questions & Answers

Added to our bog’s new Q&A category since last newsletter:

Q & A Natural Laxatives– question

Q&A Natural Laxatives– answer

Yes, these can help build long term health!


Success Stories

Tei Fu Oil – an amazing first aid kit in a tiny bottle!



Tick Removal:

This email has been circulating as coming from a nurse who discovered a safe, easy way to remove ticks where they automatically withdraw themselves when you follow her simple instructions.

“Apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball and swab it for a few seconds (15-20); the tick will come out on its own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away.  This technique is much less traumatic for the patient and easy. It works in those places where it’s sometimes difficult to get to with tweezers: between toes, in the middle of a head full of dark hair, etc.”

Some websites do not agree with this, and still feel that needlepointed tweezers that are able to grab the tick right around the neck where the tick has entered the skin, then pulling straight out is the best way to remove.


Member Specials

  For Canadians, the current six week campaign offers a selection of natural products to support the glandular system. Until July 15th, you can have 10 % off or buy 3 get 1 free. This is in addition to any member discount. Consider Adrenal Support, Flax Hull Lignans or Maca to ensure your optimum health. Chlorophyll is also on sale! To receive the campaign via email, which is 14 pages full of useful information and testimonials, email our office with “Campaign #4”  in subject line.

We have a new price list as of June 1st, 2012. The first 8 products I looked up are all less expensive, due to the strength of our Canadian dollar the last couple of years! How many companies do you know that LOWER their prices, while maintaining their Quality, Integrity and Service?

Order by calling our office 250-748-6802 to help you locate a local Herb Specialist, or if you are a member call NSP at your country’s toll free number.

For information on joining Nature’s Sunshine to receive a 10-30% discount on products or for a great business opportunity please refer to the links below:


Member Benefits to You

Follow this link to find out how and why…

Member Benefits for Nature’s Sunshine with Benoit & Associates Health Education

As well as business ideas for those so inclined to add a few dollars to their monthly income or to make a full time career of creating health….more to come in June.

 Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details. 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.

Watch this 3 minute video: http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit


Business Coaching and Brilliant Body

There is ongoing coaching to help others start their own business using the Brilliant Body CD’s! Last live dinner class in Cowichan Valley for this session is June 14th. The whole CD with all 10 Power Points is available for only $30 through our office.  Phone the office anytime for help!

Political Scene

New information shows that a court order revealed the American company PG and E (BC Hydro’s equivalent) admitted that Smart Meters emit 14000 bursts of radiation per day, or every 6 seconds, up to 190,000 per day. Although actual data might be sent out only a few times a day, radiation is sent out thousands of times in order to keep the meters active and communicating.  This is from one meter in your home, and not including all the surrounding meters. Also, smart meter radiation provides at least 50x more full body radiation exposure than a cell phone, and 100x higher than a level internationally recognized as “Extreme concern”. This information is from the Santa Cruz Public Health authority which has no vested interest other than public health!

Professor Glen Chase can be heard explaining this in exact scientific detail at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXNfMesF3Vo
Could it be that Hydro customers in BC are being misled?!


Gold Nugget # 1

 “A simple shift of one little thing powered by your commitment is what’s going to create a lot of magic in your life, focusing on little things, little choices, little changes. That will ground and put into work in your life what you’re learning here in your mind and your consciousness.”   – Gay Hendricks

Gold Nugget # 2

“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one.”      -Elbert Hubbard



Please check out this comment by Bonnie, on our website blog, with a cautionary tale on vaccinations:


We were a family that did not believe in the safety or efficacy of vaccines. Our Vancouver doctor even suggested that we do some research before we decide to vaccinate our daughter. When we moved to Vancouver Island, we were coerced into getting her vaccinated for school, at the  age of 5.

The DPT vaccine changed our previously healthy, happy daughter. She screamed for days, turned a pasty grey colour, her hands and feet were freezing all the time. Once the screaming subsided, she turned emotionally cold, stopped talking and interacting. She actually shrank physically in size and mind. The doctor would not acknowledge a vaccine reaction or submit an adverse report, so we now understand why there are not more reactions reported.

We tried everything for years, including nutrition, play therapy and counseling. Finally at age 12 an Anthroposophical Doctor diagnosed her with Asperger’s-type Autism, and we finally learned how to help her. Improvements were gradual, and she is now fine, however not the outgoing personality before this one vaccine.

Needless to say we have not touched vaccines again for her or any of our family.


Video Picks

 12-year-old teaches us something in a couple of minutes that adults need to know concerning Canadian banks: http://soc.li/cMJ9GEM

How does a 100 year old rule, formulated by an Italian economist, affect your family’s survival? In this video, Lisa explains the Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 Rule, and applies it to food storage, survival skills, and more.

five survival tips from Survival Mom

Serving you in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education


Ph/Fax    250-748-6802                  Email:    TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com

Website: www.NaturalPathRemedies.com

Member Benefits for Nature’s Sunshine with Benoit & Associates Health Education

How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

You can receive discounts from 20-25% on therapeutically potent,  professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements, leaders in the industry since 1972.

*  Plus Free Shipping & handling to your door.

*  Plus extra weekly and monthly specials

*  Plus reduced consultation fees.

Ask to become  a member under our Benoit & Associates Health Education NSP Family.  You are entitled to  free calls or emails up to 10 minutes  every month to help you choose your personal health program.*

* We are very generous with our time, but  for detailed or multiple questions and complex health issues , please book a consultation to ensure we can properly assess your situation and help you choose the best approach and a program specific to you.

We provide paid education sessions worldwide,(fees in above link), for all who wish to achieve better health through nature’s healing gifts,  including other practitioners of natural health

Rates are very reasonable, as per the previous link. Note that we offer a discount for members in our group. If you are a member with another sp0nsor, please choose the first option on fee schedule. We will still work with you! 

 Benefits of Membership

Great education including Free webinars, Fact sheets, and conference calls with professionals and  specials for the  superior products for which Nature’s Sunshine has been renown since 1972 .

There is no obligation, flexible autoship, no minimum, no hassles!

Order what you want, when you want! 

What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office or phone 250-748-6802, with your name, phone number and 2 times available Mon – Thurs. mornings, 9:00 am – noon PST for personalized service and to choose which membership best suits you.
  • Memberships are free in CA, US and Mexico, when you place any order
  • Go to www.naturessunshine.com; choose your country and use Lorene Benoit, Account  # 1143615 as your referral  to receive discount and the benefits for your country, plus our professional support.
  • OR contact us with your details .
  • We can place your initial order for you with no charge – old fashioned personal service!


A few facts about Nature’s Sunshine Products:

Exceeds pharmaceutical standards, has lead the health industry since 1972

Vast product line used by professionals world wide

– products to complement existing lines

– full Fact Sheets on every product, with latin names, quantities, all ingredients – nothing hidden; everything  tested; all products  approved by Health Canada or FDA.

– ask for NSP professionals and author’s list – many well known authors such as Dr. Jack Ritchason, Louise Tenney, Lorene Benoit, Mark Pedersen, Steven Horne, AHG, have been involved, some for more than 40 years.

Website, educational support for more than 40 countries worldwide.

–  a keen network of people interested in natural health

–  ongoing conference calls and webinars for herbal and health education,

–  marketing and business building available for those who choose to help others and earn while learning – NO obligations or pressure!


Contact us before you order from Amazon or EBay, which is illegal, based on NSP policy and motto of  “Quality, Service and Integrity”. An unknown seller cannot provide Service or Integrity, which we can. NSP has provided the professional Quality, exceeding pharmaceutical standards,  since 1972.

 Read a few more facts on quality.


If you are interested in sharing health with others…

Most generous marketing plan –  If you are interested in sharing health with others,  contact Benoit & Health Associates at 250-748-6802.

Since 1990 we have helped people at all levels of health education to build their own business!



Thank you! What a difference

Thank you so much. I feel amazing today;the progress since I’ve seen you is incredible!  The combination of Nature’s Sunshine Products you gave me is divine, they must be angel picked.  I’m inspired with making new food choices, life is great. Also appreciate  all the information you emailed, and the time you spent with me and my husband.

Thanks, DP, BC

(Transcribed & verified via phone.)

Products used were: Noni (Morinda), Lobelia, Slippery Elm and Vit. E, along with lifestyle recommendations of dietary change, exercise and emotional clearing to deal with healing crisis.