Tag Archives: nature’s sunshine

Success Stories: Lungs, Excema, Digestion and Business

Please Note:
To get more information or to order any natural products mentioned,

please CONTACT  Lorene Benoit Health Education, or an NSP Consultant who referred you to this site. We can make sure you get:

  • the best supplement for you
  • the best price – 20-25% discount with NO obligations
  • free shipping & handling
  • professional advice


M.N.  had not been feeling well for 5 days:

cold moving into her lungs which are susceptible to bronchitis.  Started on Lobelia that night and 2 doses the next day as well as rubbing it on her chest, throat and ears (she has had tinnitis for years, too).
She started feeling better in less than 24 hrs with just 3 doses!

Lara B. had poor digestion and severe eczema on hands for years.

She started Cat’s Claw Combination 2-3x a day, Protease Plus 1-3x/day on an empty stomach, daily super food shake with Collatrim, Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic, Flax Hull Lignans, berries, spinach and Solstic Energy.  Did separate bowel, kidney, liver cleanses and went off all grains, legumes dairy, sugar and night shades.  Digestion improved in 2-3 weeks and eczema cleared up in 8 weeks.  10 months later she is still following the diet and super food shake 1x/day.  Eczema and digestion is 98% better as long as this protocol is followed.


Lucy T. Dec 2000 – I was so unwell I couldn’t even focus to cook…..major depressive disorder, 3rd stage adrenal exhaustion, severe cognitive loss.

Sept 2001, I started Chinese Medical School and in May 2003 , I became an Associate with Nature’s Sunshine Products. I was attracted to their Chinese formulas, a perfect adjunct to my shiatsu.  I have learned so much and love being able to inspire others improve their health because of these world-class pharmaceutical grade herbs and nutrition!

I have seen so many people repair their bodies and benefit with NSP’s Life – saving therapeutic supplements. I am also living proof; it has changed my health, my career and my life !


I thank all those who share their successes with me. If you want to share your natural health success,based on NSP products, dietary changes as suggested in Lorene Benoit’s book:  The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally,  or a consultation with Lorene Benoit, please comment on our blog under the appropriate topic, or contact our office with your specifics. Believe in your ability to heal with the gifts nature has given us!



Q & A: Cancer of bladder recurring and prevention


Paw Paw and its effects on bladder cancer: I have just started taking Paw Paw Cell Reg after being diagnosed with high-grade bladder cancer. Am not able to find much on the internet about its uses with Bladder CA. I was diagnosed with lung cancer 5 years ago, treated with chemo and radiation, and took graviola.

Tumor shrunk in 4 months from the size of a grapefruit to 2.9 cms. Continued the use of graviola for a year after with no recurrence. Now I have a second type of cancer. The small tumor I had in my bladder was removed 3 weeks ago, but I’m being told there are frequent recurrences with this disease, sometimes by muscle-invasive tumors, which would mean removal of the bladder.
I’m hoping to kill the cancer cells before recurrence with the held of Paw Paw. Do you know how soon Paw Paw actually begins to work or show effectiveness? As of now I have no tumors to shrink… just cells to kill.
My next question still is… since bladder cancer can be a lifetime recurring cancer, how do you know when it’s okay to stop taking it? McLaughlin says he doesn’t recommend using it as a maintenance, but more like an antibiotic… am also wondering if there is any possibility cells can also develop an MDR to Paw Paw with long term use.
Thanks very much for any help.                                  Doug M


Unfortunately we see this often – cancer treated with any or all of the BIG 3, especially chemo, then another cancer appears down the road. Whether it has been caused by the toxicity of the first treatment, or is just a reflection that the immune system is not keeping on top of daily cell metabolism, is a moot point. This clearly emphasizes the importance of looking at balancing the entire body to prevent recurrence.

Paw Paw can work quickly – some have noticed a difference in energy levels within several days, for others it can take a month. However, if graviola worked in the past for you, then I suspect Paw Paw will work even better, as it is much more effective.

You are smart to keep on top of this to prevent any further tumor growth. As you are using Paw Paw Cell Reg (US name), this IS the correct species and reparation that has undergone all the research, and had the results.

You also need to look at other aspects of your lifestyle which may be allowing the recurrence. These are all explained in my book, The Paw Paw Program, as we find a person has much more success when they do more than just take herbs, even quality ones Like Paw Paw.

I would appreciate knowing from who you are purchasing the Paw Paw Cell Reg – this IS the correct, tested brand. This is the person who should be answering any future your questions, as part of the policy with Nature’s Sunshine Products is Quality, SERVICE and Integrity. If you are purchasing off Amazon, you are not going to get service.

For any future orders, please contact our office directly, then we can also support you, as well as ensuring you get it at direct cost from the NSP Company. (This person has since ordered the book and become one of our members for direct ordering and discount.)

To answer your second question, “when it’s okay to stop taking it?”,  I will ask you one back: what tests are your doctors using to decide whether you have cancer, whether you need chemo, or how your progress is doing? I would use these parameters, PLUS, even more importantly, HOW DO YOU FEEL? There is no problem taking Paw Paw until all symptoms are gone and you get a clear bill of health. My book addresses how to take for further prevention or re-occurance.

The lifestyle suggestions in my book are also designed to help you achieve and maintain optimum health and prevent other chronic conditions.

As far as dosage, the book explains that if you can split dosage every 6 hours, this is even more effective.

And no, in over 30 years there is no research to suggest cancer cells become  MDR resistant to Paw Paw, as it is not toxic like chemotherapy; it just interrupts ATP production, DNA and RNA replication.

Q&A: Paw Paw and Contra-Indicated Medications and Supplements


Can you take the paw paw if you are taking thyroid medicine?  Pat L.


I do not focus on a lot of contraindications for the Paw Paw program. And, to be clear, I refer to the only to the Asimina triloba species of Paw Paw, as this is the plant with the research and results.  There are some websites which list herbs one must not take with Paw Paw. These websites do not return emails or calls requesting research or even  explanations for their statements. If they do not or cannot back up their statements with research, I don’t pay much attention.

As mentioned in my book,  The Paw Paw Program, thyroid “stimulators” are not recommended when following a program using Paw Paw. This may be based on statements similar to one by Dr. Duarte, October, 2008: “You shouldn’t take thyroid stimulators as well, things like 7-Keto or DHEA. These tend to stimulate thyroxin production.”

Understanding the mechanism of action of Paw Paw, we do not want to intentionally stimulate the thyroid when on the Paw Paw program.

HOWEVER, if someone is taking synthroid,  natural porcine thyroid prescription, or a herbal supplement for hypothyroidism, they need to stay on this, to help maintain  normal thyroid function critical for overall health, so one cannot just stop. If the thyroid is removed or destroyed by radioactive treatments, some form of thyroid supplementation is essential for life. This is different than taking high doses of thyroid stimulating herbs, when not needed.

Even if one is taking these thyroid medications or herbs, the benefits from the Paw Paw program still outweigh other options, such as toxic chemotherapy.

Most other supplements are fine, but please be sure to do FIRST the basic 4 as listed in the program in Benoit’s book, rather than too many others that may not enhance the overall effect. Once one is comfortable with the basic 4 components of the program, Paw Paw, Minerals, Omegas and Enzymes, then other herbs may be added to increase overall immunity or to address specific concerns and to ensure optimal functioning of all body systems. Some of those most recommended are in a past article Paw Paw Program Upgrade. Two of these include, Essiac Tea Concentrate and Pau D’Arco. Remember, cancer is not just a lump or tumor;  it is a reflection of the overall health of the entire body functioning as a unit, with optimization of the immune system.

UPDATE 2018:

You may also want to read Can I Take? (with Paw Paw). 

Please contact our office if you would like to order Paw Paw or other health supplements. Besides the best price,  we offer a direct account with discount and our support and personalized service.

Buying “Paw Paw Cell Reg” from Amazon is NOT advisable under ANY circumstances–even if it appears to be the same product. We have heard reports of tampered product, outdated product, or even fake product. In the words of one communication from the manufacturer–when you buy from Amazon, Ebay, and the like, you are essentially buying from an electronic yard sale.



Cataracts occur on the second level underneath the outer lens. Cataracts cloud your vision, distort your view, and make it difficult to read and focus. They cannot be helped with glasses.

Fortunately, the condition can be prevented and improved, especially in earlier stages. They can also be improved naturally, but it requires patience as it often takes up to 6 months. Cataracts are blamed on aging; which really means the body becomes nutritionally deficient causing cellular degeneration. Studies have shown that anti-oxidants found in herbs, including beta carotene, vitamins C and E show a reduction of up to 80% in cataract formation. Healing occurs in three stages.

1st stage: stop the degeneration of lens and growth of cataract

2nd stage: tissue will start to receive nutrients to change and repair- at this stage it may seem as if no progress is being made, this is where patience is needed

3rd stage: period of regeneration



Silver Guard  is a nano-particle silver solution that is effective for cataracts. 1-2 drops Silver solution directly in the eyes 1- 4 times per day. Drinking silver internally 1 tsp. once or twice per day can speed up the process.

PS. Do not be put off by Canadian Health authorities labeling it as a mouthwash – a technicality – and you can read about the benefits and successes of Silver in past articles .

With Silver Guard, you can expect improvement in eyesight very quickly, especially if you have very dry eyes or bacterial or viral infection.

Cataracts that are very progressed are more difficult to reverse, but the surface of the eyes and the clarity of the lens can be improved with silver use.

And lastly, the old time expression “here’s spit in your eye” has meaning, as saliva has enzymes which can help dissolve deposits.


For nutritional support, all of the following are recommendations to increase the healing vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and phytochemicals know to improve eye and overall health. The first one, Perfect Eyes is specifically for eyes. The next 3 are options for general optimal health. Many people will take cycle these for 1 month each and see and feel which one works best for them.

           Perfect Eyes: 2 capsules 2 times a day This blend is excellent for eye health, especially             Macular Degeneration. This product contains bilberry, eyebright, lutein and other anti-oxidants .

            Super Trio: contains powerful Antioxidants, Omega 3s and a complete balanced vitamin and mineral formula.  1-2 packagse per day, depending on how good your diet is, meaning lots of real food. (See Optimum Diet).

            Thai Go  (Zambroza  in CA : delicious, liquid anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory packed with healing nutrition         

            Grapine High Potency – 40 mg. Proanthocyanidin may be added according to weight

dosage: 1 mg. per pound weight for saturation 10 -14 days, then half this for maintenance

Please ask for Fact Sheets with detailed information for the above suggestions and discuss a program specific to your needs with a qualified natural health practitioner familiar with these supplements. Or contact us at TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com for personalized consultation and to order any products.

As with all conditions, clean living, healthy diet, exercise, and reduced stress are all important.

References: Ultimate Healing Systems by Donald Lepore, ND.

                     Prescription for Longevity by Dr. James Scala

                    American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) Garry F. Gordon MD, DO

                     A Fighting Chance by Dr. Gordon Pedersen

                     The Paw Paw Program by Lorene Benoit, MHH, BEd

Please contact us directly at TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com to order any of the professional products mentioned. We can offer you support, as well as discounts on direct orders. There is no charge to place orders for you, consults under 10 mins. are free.


Aug Sept, 2013 Natural Health Newsletter



August –  October 2013

Sorry for length of this – with our daughter’s wedding this summer, lots of relatives and  a huge garden, newsletters  were not the priority – so this has LOTS of info for you! 

And a special photo part way through, you’ll enjoy!


Our policy has always been “No charge to fill or refill orders or set up memberships (less than 10 minutes). Anything over 10 minutes by phone OR email, PLEASE Book Appointment“. For the last twenty years we have been very generous with time, often not charging for 1/2 hour+ calls, or in depth emails.  However, due to increased volume via the web,  in fairness to those who DO pay for consultations  and  to enable us to continue to offer a valuable service, we will start following our policy.

To continue to help you, here are 3 suggestions:

  1. Please use the Search bar in upper right corner of our blog to see if your answer is already on our blog  before contacting us.
  2. Once on  our blog, Vcita is an easy way to contact us for a simple question, or to book a phone consultation. If you include your phone number it is often faster for us to call you, as some emails take much longer to answer. Lorene has been doing many phone consultations worldwide and they are very effective. Complicated health issues that have been chronic for years cannot be properly addressed in 10 minutes.
  3. Lorene Benoit’s book contains a multitude lifestyle tips for optimum health, in addition to understanding Cancer: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.     The 2nd Edition includes excellent tips for health prevention, the 4 Pillars of health, dietary suggestions, recipes and more, that are designed to help everyone move toward better health.

Ongoing special for books, Buy 3 get 1 free, or 15% discount for our members.  Contact our office directly via web, email or phone with payment info and address for faster delivery than via our website, and to take advantage of any discounts.



Our blog articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link, so you can read those of interest to you:

Health Update for North Americans and knowing what is in those supplements you take – University of Guelph Study: Are Your Supplements What You Think?

We have several articles about Vaccination dangers and effectiveness on our website blog, with references for  the FACTS, not myths about immunizations. This latest is important to educate yourself  before the next round of flu shots is promoted.  Vaccine Myth – another one bites the dust!

The Women’s Healthy Living and Eating Study over 7.3 years found some interesting results: Soy and Breast Cancer

Many people are becoming aware of the effectiveness of Paw Paw for cancer, but make sure you are getting the right plant and correct part of the plant that has undergone the 30+ years of research: Which part of the Paw Paw is best for rampant cell growth?    and

Q&A – Paw Paw vs Graviola, & Cordyceps

There ARE safer options for breast health that do not involve unnecessary surgery. PLEASE read about this study, one of many. Mammograms – Physical AND Emotional Damage – make your decision wisely

These two success stories arrived just after Dr. McLaughlin, world reknowned Paw Paw researcher came to Canada to share his research: PAW PAW SUCCESS STORIES

Below are two  Questions and Answers added as a blog since the last newsletter. 

Q&A – Recurring Bladder Infections

Q&A -Paw Paw Program and Chemotherapy

Some  questions will be put on our blog anonymously, to help others.


new product  which so many people can use! Pain Relief, available in a spray and towelettes.

We already have reports in – Pain Relief WORKS within minutes, so far on headaches, sciatic pain, backaches, arthritis and  gout.

Call to order, or online go to: Nature’s Sunshine and see how to get free shipping and free products using the new Sunshine Rewards to help you achieve your Habit of Health.

For US and other countries, please contact us for assistance or go to Nature’s Sunshine World Wide and choose your country in top right. Use Sponsor #313939 or 309344 for discount AND support.


Free Educational Webinars

Nature’s Sunshine Canada has been offering FREE  Feature Product webinars with Marcia Cota and Canadian Practitioners.  Topics presented to date: Daily Nutrition – Super Trio, Colostrum, Chlorophyll, Stress Formula. The Power Points can be viewed, downloaded  and shared with people who can benefit from this information. Go to Nature’s Sunshine Canada: >Members>Featured Products> Download Presentation >PPT and voila!

If you would like to listen to these live and be able to ask questions, call Milly 1-877-257-4372 ext. 3919 and ask to be notified via email of next webinar.  All participants will be entered in a draw for a basket of assorted NSP products.


100_2763A special tribute to Cha Cha – my Mother’s ‘cat with character’ that blessed us with his and my Mother’s spirit the last two years. He loved to join me in the garden and get his drink at the sink. He passed peacefully just  before his 17th Birthday.



We have had a few courses since the last newsletter: Herbal Medicine Wheel;  Calendula workshop where we made oils, tincture and cream; and a Herbal First Aid Kit, both for home and travel. Please let us know if you would like to host a course in your area!


Success Stories

We encourage you to share your stories with others on our website or via email. Success stories can be read at:



Compass Zyto Feedback Assessment 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.

Watch this 3 minute video : http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit, and contact our office to find how to purchase yours or locate someone near you with this amazing tool.


 Business Coaching and Brilliant Body

We offer ongoing coaching to help others start their own business using the Brilliant Body CD’s!  The package includes 10 Power Points, covering ten systems of the body: Digestive, Hepatic, Intestinal, Circulatory, Immune, Nervous, Respiratory, Urinary, Glandular and Structural, plus all the tools to educate yourself and others on how your body works – all this for only $25.

Phone the office anytime for help!



For Canadians, we offer 6 wk. Campaign specials  10 % off or buy 3 get 1 free on selected seasonal herbs. The current six week campaign runs October 16th to November 30th. Any of the specials can be ordered by calling our office 250-748-6802 , or call NSP at 1-800-265-9163. If not a member, just use our Sponsor # 309344 to receive the discount. Click here for the Catalogue,or look on Nature’s Sunshine Canada website home page.

Also don’t forget the Facebook Friday special for members – just sign in > Members> Facebook Fan Friday Specials  NSP Canada website Friday morning and see what the FREE product is that you get with a $50 order! Liking them on Facebook also helps NSP become the family name it deserves to be!


How does Membership Benefit You?

 Click here to find out how  NSP Membership benefits you?

You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.


Members receive great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials.

Non-members can access webinars on the US website.  Go to www.nspwebinars.com to view webinars in our archive and won’t be required to log-in.



Handle every Stressful situation like a dog.
If you can’t eat it or play with it,
Piss on it and walk away


Medical Political Scene

Drug Maker Eli Lilly Suing Canadians for $500 Million

by SumOfUs.org 

Last month, Eli Lilly, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in North America, filed a lawsuit against Canadian taxpayers for $500 million dollars. On what basis is an American corporation suing us for such an outrageous sum you ask? The $4.3 billion dollars Eli Lilly earned in profit in 2011 was not enough for the pharmaceutical giant.

Under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), a company can sue another NAFTA country if that nation’s laws affect its expected future profit. In this case, Eli Lilly is “losing profit” because Canadian regulators dared to act within Canadian laws and rightly denied patents on two of Eli Lilly’s expensive drugs.

These lost-profit lawsuits by profit-hungry corporations have to stop — otherwise, we will see the beginning of copycat lawsuits by foreign companies against Canadians. Speak out now against Eli Lilly and tell it to stop profit-motivated lawsuits like this one.

What can you do? Tell Eli Lilly to drop its ridiculous $500 million dollar lawsuit against Canadians at http://action.sumofus.org/a/eli-lilly/5/5/?akid=2008.

Merck vaccine developer admits vaccines routinely contain hidden cancer viruses derived from diseased monkeys

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/041963_vaccines_cancer_viruses_Dr_Maurice_Hilleman.html#ixzz2fowWgk5U


Video Pick: Breastfeeding

 We’ve heard a lot of thoughtful, impassioned arguments from moms who have to defend their rights to breastfeed in public, but we’ve never come across anything quite as powerful as this.

Hollie McNish, a published U.K. poet and spoken word artist, posted a video entitled “Embarrassed” on YouTube on July 4, that slowly but surely became a viral sensation.

McNish’s edgy, rap-like stanzas describe what it feels like to be publicly shamed into hiding out in toilet stalls to breastfeed her daughter.


Serving you in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

A special for anyone who got to the end of this Newsletter!  Mention the name of  our beloved cat and get a free 15 minute consultation.

Ph/Fax    250-748-6802

Email:    TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com

Website: www.NaturalPathRemedies.com



Osteopenia? Osteoporosis ? Tips for Increasing Bone Density – Part 1


I’d like to share with you results that Nature’s Sunshine Science Director shared with us a couple of years ago at the Canadian Annual Herbal Conference,  that shows results for a super food truly beneficial for bone mineral density.  Nature’s Sunshine introduced Nature’s Gold in October of 2005.  An NSP Manager shared  her bone density test results taken 5 years apart and after one year taking the Nature’s Gold.


Measurement                   Before Nature’s Gold           After 1 Yr. on N.G.

Bone Density Spine L2-L4              0.988 g/cm2                 1.165 g/cm2

Compared to young adult                     – 18%                     -3%

Age of subject                                      57 yrs.                    62 yrs.

Bone age                                             64 yrs.                    49 yrs.

State of bone                                   Osteoporotic            Normal  compared                                                        – risk of fracture           to young adult


These results show that at age 57, this person has the bones of a 64 yr. old, that she was osteoporotic and in danger of developing fractures. Five years later, after one full year on Nature’s Gold, at the age of 62, this person had the bones of a 49 year old! 
Now these are incredibly dramatic results, with none of the side effects of the strongly promoted alendronate type drugs, i.e. Fosamex. (see separate article on Osteoporosis Tips Part 2).

Besides increasing bone mineral density, Nature’s Gold has also shown positive results for increase in lean muscle mass.

Other  Research and Benefits of Nature’s Gold

Nature’s Gold was first developed as chicken feed, and it produced amazing results.  The chickens had a weight increase due to a healthier appetite.  They grew heavier but leaner, had more protein and muscle mass, and there were significant improvements in their heart strength, bone density and red and white blood cell counts.

Now those are all excellent indicators of improved health, so the question became, will these results translate into humans?  And the answer is yes, absolutely!

Intestinal Healing

One of the biggest benefits we have seen is an immediate improvement in intestinal health.  The cells that line the intestine are among the fastest-growing in our bodies, and good intestinal health depends on this regeneration.  The problem is that after the age of 25 or so, this regeneration slows down and the intestine is actually starting to die off.

Nature’s Gold keeps the intestinal regeneration extremely high which leads to a host of  benefits.

Nutritional Assays of Nature’s Gold Benefits

The abundance of beneficial nutrients in Nature’s Gold is generally not found in the standard modern diet.

Because of its unbeatable digestibility, Nature’s Gold can transport more amino acids and nutrients into our cells. Giving our cells the essential nutrients they need enables our bodies to heal and get rid of toxins effectively.  When you’re driving nutrients in, you’re driving toxins out. This increases the overall efficiencies of the body, and you’ll find that your herbs and supplements actually become more effective.

Nature’s Gold also has dramatically increased Superoxide Dismutase levels over normal barley. SOD is a very powerful antioxidant enzyme that helps neutralize free radicals and prevent cell damage that can lead to moderate and severe health concerns.

Nature’s Gold comes in two formulations. Many people start with Nature’s Gold I and increase to Nature’s Gold II (denser nutrient) for the 2nd container. Please note that one should start gradually; we suggest 1/2 tsp. daily, increasing each week up to 2 Tablespoons, to avoid eliminating toxins too quickly, which can cause discomfort.

Nature’s Gold is easy to take, in a shake or smoothie, sprinkled in yogurt , muesli, or on fruit, or taken straight in water or juice.

Those with celiac start very slowly. Due to organic barley being the source, it cannot be classsed as gluten free. However,  as this is made from the sprouts of barley, some improvement in bowel condition is usually noticed within 3 months, or sooner, for most intestinal challenges.

Of course other calcium supplementation options are available, these will be covered in Part 2.

Of course, one must take into account overall health principles and lifestyle recommendations. In Lorene Benoit’s 2nd Edition of her book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally, she details this in a chapter , The 4 Pillars of Health. Included in her book are tips for  exercise – essential for preventing osteoporosis, and healthy diet suggestions, with recipes, emotional health and Super Foods.

Should you wish to have wholesale access any of the same quality supplements we have used over 23 years to help thousands of people achieve optimum health, please email our office at TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com, or contact us via our website.



Ear Infections recurring – specific tips and dosages for children

Question and Answers in same text:

Hi Lorene,
I would like to send you a very warm thanks for being so responsive to our needs today by sharing your knowledge and products. I connected with M. tonight to receive the herbs for my child. We are so grateful to have an alternative to antibiotics.
We’ve read the information you attached and I have a couple questions I’m wondering if you can help to clarify:
1) Can you confirm that we should mix the Lobelia and CBG (1:5 ratio) and give half the adult dosage internally (J. is 27 lbs)?
Mixing the two is not essential; it just makes it easier for internal administration, as you are just giving one preparation, instead of 2. As I now know Junior’s size, I would do it more as a 1:6 ratio – a little Lobelia goes a long way.
2) When you say internally, do you mean orally? Or do you mean drops in the ear?
Good question – actually both. The oral dose is as I suggested (I copied the original email at end of this one). In the ears, just 2 drops is required. If infection is active, I would administer both via mouth and ear, 3-4 times a day.
Lobelia is also good to apply externally 1-2 drops along the bone behind the ear – rub in direction from top of ear down toward the throat lymphatic glands. This is helpful to stop pain and drain mucous via the lymphatics.
Once infection “seems” better , I would continue 2x/day for at least 1 month, then 1x/day for another 2 months to make sure ALL infection is truly gone, not just in remission to come back stronger.
This is what happens with synthetic antibiotics, with added problem that the strains mutate and often return in a stronger form, so doctors either try another antibiotic or have to do stronger doses to have any effect. This is why ear infections keep re-occurring, eventually leading to ear tubes. Read Hear This About Your Ear: Infections and Tinnitus.
Our goal is to completely eradicate it and return the health of the ear, so he is not susceptible. Be sure to read other NB instructions at end.
3) If the dosage is meant to be taken orally, would it be okay to put it in his smoothie in the morning?
Yes, anyway you can get it into him is fine. Remember that you can add 1 tsp – 1 Tbs. of very hot, almost boiling water to the herbs, and let sit about 1 min. to allow alcohol to evaporate, then add it to juice or whatever. If breastfeeding, some mothers find getting the alcohol out, then squirting it with a dropper into the mouth and immediately follow with the breast also works.
4) I have been adding a natural kids immune booster and probiotics to his smoothies in the mornings. Is it okay to continue these while using the CBG/lobelia?
If they are good formulas, without sweeteners or other chemicals, this should be no problem. I have worked with the 300 formulas, herbs and supplements I know work for the last 24 years, so it is sometimes difficult to comment on other products, as it is impossible to check out the Quality and Potency  on all companies.
And yes, if a good product, probiotics are very important when one has used chemical antibiotics.The one I use with children very successfully is Sunshine Heroes Bifidophilus.
After the icky antibiotics he’s taken, he’s not much of a fan for cooperating anymore:) Thanks once again for your guidance. Warmly, L & D.
I can understand this! So here is one of the most important questions you need to ask:

N.B. What conditions are present that are making him susceptible to the infections?

Does he consume  dairy, sugar or wheat? These are the three prime offenders in all mucous-type infections in children.
It will almost always be something he is exposed to that causes the imbalance and lowers natural immunity, which allows inflammation and sets the stage for bacteria or viruses to live. So start with these three culprits, then if the situation does not improve, look at chemical shampoos or soaps, chlorine in swimming pools, or it could just be the same infection returning. This is why in both natural medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is advised to treat a condition 3  months, plus 1 month for each year the condition has been chronic.
Lastly, I want to offer encouragement: This may seem like a long time, but if it has been recurring already for 3 years, this investment in long term health will be well worth it!
I have had adults with recurring ear infections that have affected their lives for 60 years. In 6 months they are infection free. One man had them so frequently that for several years it prevented surgery to fix a torn ear drum. In 6 months, he was able to have his surgery and get his hearing back!
You can also gain some other tips from past articles on my website blog:


From previous email the suggested , general dosages are:
infants, under 20 pounds:             use approx. 1/3 adult dose listed on bottle.
between 20 – 80 pounds weight:  use 1/2 dosage
over 80 lbs:                                        use adult dosage

During acute stage use at least recommended dosage on bottle – up to double or triple. For maintenance, use 1/2 up to full dosage depending on how long condition has been recurring.

Lobelia used to be IN the CBG, but due to Health Canada regulations, it is now sold separately. Once you have both bottles, you can add Lobelia to the CBG bottle, (ratio of 1:5 or 1:6) so you only have to deal with one, and both can be used internally.
Canadian prices for 59 ml (2 oz) bottle: Lobelia $25.00; CBG $39.24 –  I can offer a member discount in many countries, if you contact me.


Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

These are some very basic recommendations which have helped those with MS.

Super Oil – 3-4 per day. (90 per bottle)

Other healthy oils such as cold pressed olive oil, coconut oil on salads and veggies are good – at least 2 Tbs. /day.

RE-X is helpful for relaxing and nourishing for nerve support. 6/day (100 per bot)

Adrenal Support – 2 per day  (60 per bottle)- contains B complex, plus you need adrenal support for your thyroid and for the stress. Most with MS test better on this than Stress Formula.

Any heat conditions,  red face, burning parts of body, etc.  IF-C, the Chinese formula for clearing heat rising. 8 per day (100 per bottle)

With an NSP member number, you can access all the fact sheets on www.naturessunshine.ca to understand benefits. For the US, products are available at Nature’s Sunshine.com. Call our office for product equivalents. Anyone may use Account #309344 to request a discount direct account.

Other tips essential for your health:

  • ensure bowels are working  minimum one good movement per day, preferably 2-3 x/day
  • chiropractic or physiotherapy work can help make sure no nerve impingement is going on
  • massage, especially on spine to relax nerves – Helichrysum essential oil is very good for nerves; also  Lavender
  • drink lots of pure water for bowels, hydration and brain function
  • fill yourself with healing love and light every day – take time for yourself.

This quote from Louise Haye in her book, Heal Yourself, may be helpful:

MS may relate to: mental hardness, hard-heartedness, iron will, inflexibility, f ear

So check if anything at all is going on in any area of your life where this may be affecting you.An affirmation she gives is:

“By choosing loving, joyous thoughts, I create a loving, joyous world. I am safe and free.  “

Below are references copied from well -respected health texts;  according to which self care is not happening and this may need your attention.

Any comments in ( ) are mine, the others are direct quotes.

From Prescription for Nutritional Healing, p.246 – 247

“ MS is a progressive, degenerative disorder of the nervous system. Its symptoms include a staggering gait, blurred vision, dizziness, numbness, breathing difficulties, weakness, tremors, slurred speech, bladder and bowel problems, emotional problems and paralysis.

… the underlying cause is unknown, however, stress and malnutrition often proceed the onset of symptoms. As in so many degenerative disorders, a strong immune system is essential.

A well balanced diet is of great importance. All food eaten should be organically grown (no chemicals) including fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds (raw), and nuts, fertile eggs and cold-pressed oils. Plenty of raw sprouts.

Massage, exercise, especially swimming, and keeping mentally active are extremely valuable in bringing about remission of symptoms. Exercises that may increase body temperature can decrease the function of the nerves involved, and make symptoms worse. Exercises in cool water help by supporting the body’s weight.. Stretching exercises help to prevent muscle contractures.

The family (and Friends) of an MS sufferer must learn about the disease. Emotional support is essential. (But so is physically healthy support essential!)

Fibre is important for avoiding constipation. Periodically take warm, cleansing enemas with the juice of a fresh lemon.

Avoid extremely hot baths, showers, and overly warm surroundings, as these may trigger an attack.

Do not consume sugar, coffee, chocolate, salt, highly seasoned foods, processed, canned foods.” (These are all irritating to the nervous system and therefore increase stress; deplete vitamins, especially C and B complex, bind up minerals that could be used for healing.)

Short fasts are helpful. (This is also mentioned in the Breuss Cancer Cure).

From Nutritional Almanac, p. 273 – 275

The cause of the disease is still unknown, although it has been seen to follow malnutrition, emotional stress and infections. Helpful nutrients mentioned are lecithin, magnesium  (50 mg /day for spasms, bladder, weakness & twitching),  B6-50mg & other B Vits.( found in complex and Super Oil , Vitamins C, D, E, & Zinc. Nutrients and other natural ingredients have been found to slow or even prevent the advancement of MS.

A diet rich diet high in seed oils, fish, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, vitamin & mineral supplements and very limited in saturated fats, sugar, and processed and refined foods is beneficial.

High fiber diet is important for constipation, with adequate amounts of water and a diet high in unrefined roughage foods.

Increase in essential fatty acids..found in oils. These are important for the development and integrity of the brain and spinal cord.

“Avoid chocolate, spicy foods, coffee and salt. Alcohol and smoking should also be avoided. Alcohol interferes with unsaturated fatty acid conversion, destroys various B vitamins and worsens MS symptoms. (These are already nutitritional deficiencies which all MS people need to address.)

Smoking adversely affects a diet high in unsaturated fatty acids, lowers blood levels of Vitamin C, and temporarily worsens MS symptoms.(Smoking increases stress, not relieves it)

Both references list rest, avoiding fatigue, getting gentle exercise, such as SWIMMING.

A good reference for general suggestions…

that promote health for all people, including diet as suggested in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

Sugar and cancer connection is well explained in this book. Eliminating sugar, in fact, is critical to optimum health and prevention of all chronic conditions, diseases and early detection! As well, extensive dietary recommendations are given to help people understand how to eat better. Some recipes are also included.

MS – possible misdiagnosis and Lyme?

Recently there has been considerable information about Lyme disease being misdiagnosed  as MS. A quick internet search seems to support this, so it may be wise to consider this. The challenge is, that in some parts of Canada, (BC for sure), the medical association is still not really recognizing the existence of Lyme, (unbelievable denial!) so definitive testing is usually done via the US. Recommend to check this site for more information:


How to Choose Quality Herbs & Supplements?

According to Stanford Research Institute 80% of all consumers are very interested in improving their personal health.  The public is inundated with thousands of well meaning health companies trying to sell them products.  The internet is loaded with various health products, Alive and other health  magazines are full of advertisements and all ads are very convincing. Each company presents statements to convince us their products are the best.

Consequently we are providing you with seven guidelines to help you select the  health  products that will work for you. These 7 guidelines are in addition to the basic fact that “the proof is in the pudding”. By this I mean, we get results. In our business helping many thousands of people, plus in personal and family life we have had consistent results the last 30 years using these products. The following guidelines just help explain why. If you choose not to use Nature’s Sunshine Products to access the same quality supplements and herbs we do in our business, at least use these guidelines to help you choose wisely from other sources.

1. The product company must provide lab research as does Nature’s Sunshine. NSP has a team of dedicated Research and Development scientists to provide us  the largest range of the finest vitamin, and herbal supplements in the world. Latin names to correctly identify herbs are a must.

2. Does the company have a long standing reputation?  Nature’s Sunshine has over 41 years of operation behind it. It is the oldest company of encapsulated herbs in the North America, and still the most respected in herbal circles. Many of the top Nature’s Sunshine distributors have been a part of the Nature’s Sunshine company for over 35 years. This is unheard of in the industry of direct selling.

3. Nature’s Sunshine conducts over 600 different testing procedures in Microbiology, Herb and Purity testing, foreign material testing and quality testing. Nature’s Sunshine places into your hands the the finest quality herbs and nutritional supplements.  NSP motto is Quality , Service and Integrity:  Pure, Potent and Proven

4.  Nature’s Sunshine has a long list of success stories to prove its efficacy. Many NSP Associates are professionals with published books to back their successes. One example is Lorene Benoit’s excellent book to understand causes, cure and prevention of cancer: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally”.

5.  Nature’s Sunshine has designed a holistic approach to wellness using the body system approach. It is a simple thing to do to go to www.naturessunshine.com  and complete the Health Analysis  on the home page to determine the supplements individualized for your body. Send your results to our office, at TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com for a free follow-up to this questionnaire.

6.  No other company offers such a vast variety of education as does Nature’s Sunshine and its dedicated distributors: webinars, teleconference calls. Resource Centre, Library of  Fact Sheets and product education. Courses are offered world-wide.

7.  Each day at the Nature’s Sunshine headquarters 5 million capsules and tablets are produced, for world-wide distribution. This gives you some idea as to how popular these products really are and the number of people that use them daily.

November 2012 Natural Health Newsletter


November, 2012

For information to help you achieve optimum health, please contact our office; all contact information at end of newsletter.

Lorene Benoit’s book contains lifestyle tips for optimum health, as well as specifics for Cancer: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

This book offers excellent tips for health prevention, as well as solutions for cancer. Buy 3 get 1 free. Contact our office.




Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link:

Dr Judy reveals the Benefits of Crystal Free CoQ10… I was amazed at how much more absorbable and effective this COQ10 is. NSP is one of only three companies in the world that has this superior type…….  CoQ10 – crystal free liposomal research

Q&A: Supplements to aid conception…  Q & A: Aids to getting pregnant

Q&A: Excess iron in blood. Covers some tips on liver health & cleansing…..                Q & A : Porphyria cutanea tarda

Curing a Staph infection with Oregon Grape…. Do herbs often work more effectively than prescription antibiotics?   Success with Staph Infection and Oregon Grape

Is there really a difference between brands of health supplements, and how do you know?… NSP Quality by Design Makes the Difference

Take the hassle out of Christmas shopping while giving a gift of health. Some popular choices from over 300 quality products from Nature’s Sunshine… Herbal Gifting 2012 ideas for health!


Zyto Compass is an extremely efficient, inexpensive biofeedback analysis to help you achieve excellent health.



Business Coaching- starting this Monday with NSP Success Week

Starting November 12, join us for four FREE live webinars that will help you be SUCCESSFUL as you share NSP with others! Register for one day or all 4 days!

Use the daily link to join webinar OR a phone and daily PIN to participate by telephone.

Each day will be a different live seminar, offered at 2 different times:

Pacific Mountain Central Eastern
First Live Webinar 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 noon 1:00 pm
Second Live Webinar 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:00 pm

 All webinars will be recorded and available in the webinar archive at www.nsprc.ca


 Monday, November 12

How to Build Instant and Immediate Rapport with Your Prospects with Tom “Big Al” Schreiter     

1-712-432-0453                      PIN 7876408*

1:00pm EST https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/748284657

5:00pm EST https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/459539001

We’re excited to have Tom “Big Al” Schreiter back!  If you missed Convention, this is a great opportunity to experience what other NSP managers are raving about!  MOST PEOPLE love his a fun, relaxing style and you’ll take away tips and strategies you can implement right away!


 Tuesday, November 13

 Social Media Part 1: Facebook Pinterest and Twitter for Beginners 1-712-432-0453                      PIN 1447483*

1:00pm EST https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/833902680

5:00pm EST https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/877261577

Every day, millions of people are active on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. The potential for building your business using social media is obvious. But for some who haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet, starting can be a daunting process. Dan Bischoff, our resident social media pro, will share his expertise and help you get started. Learn why starting in social media is   simple, and can bring quick results. We’ll discuss:

1.  The latest trends in social media to help with your business
2.  How to set up profiles on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest
3.  How to like, post, share, retweet, hashtag, and more
4.  Social media best practices


Wednesday, November 14

 Social Media Part 2:  Using Facebook Pinterest and Twitter to Effectively Build Your Business

1-712-432-0453                      PIN 8067844*

1:00pm EST https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/165655753

5:00pm EST https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/178706512

It’s one thing to have a Facebook or Twitter account. It’s something completely different to use social media as a way to grow your business. Forty-seven percent of people say Facebook has the greatest impact on purchase behavior because of social proof, credibility and word of mouth. Join us in this webinar if you’re interested in driving your Nature’s Sunshine business through social media. We’ll discuss:

1.  How to increase your followers and fans
2.  How to identify your true audience and make them happy
3.  How content is central to social media
4.  Tools to help you be more efficient
5.  The Dos and Don’ts of social media


Thursday, November 15

New Products 2012 – A Chance to See What You Missed at Conference!

New products are always one of the highlights of our annual Health Conference. If you missed Conference this year, here is your chance to see first hand the new product introductions. If you attended Conference, this is your chance for a second look at the product introductions. You may pick up something you missed the first time around!

1:00 pm EST https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/405155570

5:00 pm EST https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/834216874

We’ll discuss: Revamped Sunshine Heroes line
Added potency to Zambroza, EverFlex tablets, and CoQ10


Plan now for 37th Annual Health Conference 2013 in Vancouver, BC

We plan on having at least 50 of our NSP group attend this amazing educational and fun event! Set your goals now to be there September 26-28, 2013

The Annual Health Conference is NSP Canada’s major yearly event, attracting 100’s of NSP Members from across Canada for three days of education, relationship building, celebration, and recognition.

Conference highlights include expert speakers in alternative health and top trainers in business development. Workshops and new business and product announcements add to the excitement Conference brings. For many NSP Managers, it was through attending an Annual Health Conference that they became inspired to achieve new heights of success.

The above is from the NSP website, home page, see: NSP Conference 2013

See the Conference Qualifications pdf for ways you can earn a travel allowance to Conference and start planning to attend now.


Education Local:

Home Herbal First Aid

Learn to understand and feel confident in the uses of herbal first aid treatments. We will learn remedies for common colds, flu, cuts, burns, fever, diarrhea, cramps, and more. Will look at sources and costs to prepare your own herbal first aid kit.

Tues. Jan. 15th – 7 pm.   Register with Island Savings Centre: 250-748-PLAY


Chinese Herbal Constitutional Formulas and Five Element Theory

This course will cover:

  • Basic philosophy, yin & yang, constitutional nature
  • 5 element theory and practical: what is your constitution
  •  4 extra constitutions
  • 16 Chinese herb formulas and how they can help balance  your life on the physical, mental and emotional levels
  • Each participant will complete a questionnaire for personal evaluation and time for questions    and answers.

Lorene Benoit, MHH, CHC has worked with these NSP Chinese Constitutional Formulas for 18 years. Come ask questions and learn more in depth how this ancient knowledge can help bring balance to your physical and emotional well being.

Wed. January 23rd,  9:30 am- 4:00 pm in Duncan

Investment: $75. $10 discount paid by Jan. 15th.

Register with our office: 250-748-6802


 For Canadians, we have 6 wk. Campaign specials offering 10 % off or Buy 3 get 1 free on selected seasonal herbs. The current six week campaign offers a good selection of products from Oct. 16th to Nov. 30th. Watch for the new campaign starting Dec. 1st.

Consider the MC or Mega Chel, Magnesium Complex, and Magnesium Malate to ensure your optimum health.  Any of the specials can be ordered by calling our office 250-748-6802 to help you locate a local Herb Specialist, or if you are a member call NSP at your country’s toll free number.

MC (Mega Chelation) – High-Potency, mega-nutrient, vitamin and mineral supplement designed to support the circulatory system. MC contains a variety of natural chelating substances.

• Contains butcher’s broom, plus adrenal, spleen and thymus substances (bovine),and Ginkgo biloba.


Magnesium Complex – The Mega-Health Mineral complex using two of the best-absorbed forms of this important mineral:magnesium citrate and magnesium malate.

• Helps metabolize carbohydrates, protein and fats.
• Supports the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth.
• Helps with proper muscle function.

Essential for strong bones – research in last 15 years has shown that the 2:1 Cal – Mag ratio is not ideal and that we should be taking these minerals in at least equal mg.


Magnesium Malate – Magnesium Plus Malic Acid – A complex of malic acid and magnesium malate, combining the best for fibromyalgia and other generalized muscle pain.

• Supports the structural system.
• Helps with proper muscle function.

The NSP Canadian website has a webinar and Power Point presented by Dr. Kim Balas on the Canadian NSP Resource Centre  teaching about Garlic, Liquid Calcium-Magnesium and Magnesium Malate. Log in using your Membership # and PIN and learn!


How does Membership Benefit You?

 Click here to find out how  NSP Membership benefits you?

 You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

Members receive great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials.

Members can access recorded sessions at: NSP resource Centre


Success Stories

Added this month: Curing a Staph infection with Oregon Grape…h Do herbs often work more effectively than prescription antibiotics?   Success with Staph Infection and Oregon Grape

We encourage you to share your stories with others on our website or via email. Success stories can be read at:











Here is a link sure to make you giggle, the gift is in what the mind sees: listen to his laugh!



“If you’ve had a bad experience in the past, one of the things that will help you to ask yourself, “If the same circumstance were presented to me today with this awareness, would I do exactly the same thing?” Absolutely not. With this awareness you would respond to a condition differently. The only way you got this awareness is because of what happened in your past. Pasts are reverent, thankful, kind. Practice kindness to the parts of you that brought you to here.


Video Pick

 Bernie Siegel – Why Loving Your Life Really Matters – an empowering message, especially for those who are dealing with illness, less than 3 mins.



Serving you in health,

Benoit&Associates Health Education
Ph/Fax    250-748-6802                                               EmailTakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com                                                              Website: www.NaturalPathRemedies.com