Tag Archives: nail fungus

Fungus Among Us – Athlete’s Foot and Nail Fungus

We have been asked if there are natural solutions to these two problems which afflict many people of all ages, and the answer is yes! Whether it is  athlete’s foot, the painful, burning, blistering,  and cracking under and between toes; or whether it is nail fungus on the hands or feet, there IS help naturally.  Nail fungus may result in yellowing, thickening or separation of nails.

Both of these are  fungal and or yeast infections, which place a strain on your body’s immune system,  and should not be ignored. Treating these conditions naturally is important  because many of the OTC (Over The Counter) and prescription drugs for these conditions can be very toxic to the liver.  For many people the fungus/yeast is systemic, meaning it is in various body systems such as bowel and may also need internal herbal treatment. Some suggestions can be found here: Candida/Yeast

For more specifics, or help with ordering a program for you, please contact us

The main challenge is that you MUST be persistent with these treatments, meaning twice daily until the condition is gone. If you have had it for months or years, it can take several months. If it is recent, you will usually see results within 1 – 2 weeks. Here are the external protocols we have found to be very effective.


Nail Fungus

Step #1  Soak affected feet or hands in hot salt water. This is easy to do while reading, watching TV or eating. 10 – 15 minutes  in water as warm as you like with roughly 1 tsp. salt to 4 cups/1 litre hot water. A more pleasant way to do this is  walking in the water at a warm tropical beach, but if this is not an option, the former will work. If your nails are very hardened and thickened, judicious scraping with a nail file under the nail after soaking  will help reduce thickness and make nails more open to the next 2 steps.

Step #2  Apply Tei Fu Oil  to the affected nails. It only takes a couple of drops of this multi-purpose essential oil blend, which will penetrate better after the soaking. Try to get it under the nails.

Morning and evening is best for steps 1 & 2. Then after evening treatment add step #3:

Step #3  Fill finger or toe cott (purchased at any drugstore) with Silver Gel – usually 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. depending on size of finger or toe, and roll it over the affected appendage and leave on overnight. This will allow the nail to soak in the Silver Gel for an extended period of time, so the silver can eliminate the fungus. In the morning remove and start over with step #1 or if you do not have time for soaking, just wash, dry and apply Tei Fu Oil (Step #2).

Although this may seem like a lot of time and trouble, once you get into the routine, you will find it easy to keep up and the results will be well worth it. If you miss step 1, the soaking, you can still do #2 and #3, but all 3 steps work the best. Anything is better than nothing! If you do not see results within one month, please contact our office. As mentioned in into above, some people have systemic yeast/fungus and may need internal herbal treatment.


Athlete’s Foot

Step #1  Soak affected feet or hands in hot salt water. This is easy to do while reading, watching TV or eating. 10 – 15 minutes  in water as warm as you like with roughly 1 tsp. salt to 4 cups/1 litre hot water. A more pleasant way to do this is  walking in the water at a warm tropical beach, but if this is not an option, the former will work.

Step #2  Apply the Silver Gel generously under and between the toes. Wear clean dry cotton socks, or bare feet so your feet can breathe.

Repeat Steps 1 & 2 morning and evening. If no time for step #1, still do Step #2, applying the Silver Gel.

To get your hands and feet on Tei Fu Oil, Silver Gel, or Candida Cleanse:

  • Phone our office at 250-748-6802
  • Phone 1-800-223-8225 US or 1-800-265-9163 CA  and use  referral or Sponsor #1143615 to get a discount of 20 – 25%,  FREE Shipping, plus our professional support.
  • email us at Lorene@NaturalPathRemedies.com
  • or go directly to www.takethenaturalpath.mynsp.com choose your country and order directly, using Referral or Sponsor #1143615 to get a discount of 20 – 25%,  FREE Shipping, plus our professional support.