Tag Archives: MSM

Q & A: Glucosamine and knee health


Hi Lorene,  A quick question for you , if you would be so kind.  I have a friend who has had knee replacement surgery that did not turn out very well.   My question is, will glucosamine help his other leg from degenerating to the point of surgery ?   I know you can’t state categorically that it will; but what do you think of its ability to prevent degeneration in an older person ??  Is it worth trying, and for how long ?
Thanks much for the advice. All the best, D & M


Yes, I think it can help, depending on quality and type of glucosamine. My results with NSP Glucosamine (CA) / Glucosamine (US)  have been very good. This formula also contains Cat’s Claw, Uña de gato,  which is an excellent anti-inflammatory, so is especially effective when there is pain.

Glucosamine stimulates production of cartilage in joints.  In some people, natural production of glucosamine slows with age, leaving cartilage unable to retain water and function as a shock absorber. This inability to create glucosamine is considered a major factor in the development of osteoarthritis. Benefits of taking glucosamine are reported to be cumulative, providing greater results the longer taken.

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Links for product recommendations that we know work change frequently. Please contact us for up to date recommends, as well as 20-25% discounts with Free S/H, PLUS our support.

An Italian study determined glucosamine treatment for inflammatory disorders proved
10-30 times better than treatment with a leading drug (indocin), due to the drug’s
extremely high toxicity . Inflammatory disorders, such as osteoarthritis, often require
long-term treatment.

The other supplement that I feel is very good for all structural parts of the body, is Collatrim (CA) /Collatrim(US). Collagen is the main fibrous protein of connective tissue in tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bone and skin. Collatrim Plus is an easy to take powder, which when taken before bed, also helps people sleep better, and “lose while you snooze”.

For more tips on Weight Loss, see Weight Loss Archives.

One other formula which contains Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Devil’s Claw and Hyaluronic Acid, is  Everflex  (CA) / Everflex (US). Different strokes for different folks….

For results from a current challenge, one would take at least 3 months full dosage, to effect change. For ongoing prevention and maintenance, one would continue to take, but at a lower dose. The optimum dosage may depend on many things, so paying attention to one’s body is very important.

As you know clean diet, like the one in Paw Paw Program, hydration and movement are all essential to any healing process.

Please have your friend contact you, or email me if she/he wishes to try any of these products. Lorene@NaturalPathRemedies.com