Tag Archives: Milk Thistle

Understand the Risk Benefit of any treatment

All medical treatments involve some risk, whether surgery, radiation, prescriptions, or injections. A reliable tool to help one choose what choices you make for your optimum health is to understand the risk to benefit ratio.

A risk–benefit ratio (or benefit-risk ratio) is the ratio of the risk of an action to its potential benefits. This is supposedly used in clinical drug trials, for example, to ensure that the physical risk is not disproportionate to the benefits. When the physical risk is minimal they must determine what psychological and social risks there may be. Risk benefit ratio is is important to determine to enable educated choices.

Example: ” What the data shows”

New mortality data from the UK government Office of National Statistics from January 1, 2021 to January 31, 2022:

This analysis shows clearly that the Covid vaccines kill more people than they save for all age groups. In other words, they shouldn’t be used by anyone. The younger you are, the less sense it makes.

Anyone can validate the data and methodology. The results make it clear that the Covid vaccines should be halted immediately.  ALL mRNA injections (covid shots) are neither safe nor effective. Research confirms this for the 4 main covid shots and also the newer inoculations by Novavax and Medicago.

Risk/benefit determination from the UK data shows that for all ages, the vaccines kill more people than they save. A value of 18.8 means we kill 18.8 people from the vaccine to save 1 life from Covid.

This means is if you are 20-24 years old, the vaccine kills 18.8 people for every person it saves from dying from Covid. The younger you are, the more nonsensical vaccination is. The cells with * means that the vaccine actually caused more Covid cases  to happen than the unvaccinated.

Here’s the result of the analysis.

Figure 1. Risk/benefit determination from the UK data shows that for all ages, the vaccines kill more people than they save.
A value of 15 means we kill 15 people from the vaccine to save 1 life from Covid.


Direct link to UK govt. Statistics: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/deathsbyvaccinationstatusengland



This chart from Canadian Government statistics May 1- June 5th, 2022 is very clear. There is no benefit. Even the W.H.O is admitting ineffectiveness of injections, masking and lockdowns to end Covid.



Ref: Trudeau Panics as 90% Covid Deaths are Fully Vaccinated:  https://expose-news.com/2022/06/22/trudeau-panics-9-in-10-covid-deaths-fully-vaccinated/

See stats from US, Europe & Canada and watch this one minute video:
Justice for The Vaccinated
More references to educate yourself:





Protection for your own immunity

Learn about protection and immune support from the spike proteins, which are now ubiquitous. Doctors, live blood analysts, coroners, and funeral directors performing embalming, are all seeing clots and foreign bodies in blood , heart and arteries of the vaccinated. These are caused by ongoing damage by spike proteins.
NutriBiome Bacillus — take one every morning upon getting up, or one before bed. On empty stomach is better utilized.
Milk Thistle concentrate   -support your liver, which is critical for your immune system. Recommended one – two per day with a meal.
MC/Maximize Circulation  to support your cardiovascular system.
Zambroza /Thai Go for cardiovascular, immunity and potent anti-oxidants.
As links change often, please contact the author to help you choose and source quality supplementation at best prices. 

Herbal Doctrine of Signatures

In herbal medicine, this is called The Doctrine of Signatures. Looking at a plant will often give clues as to the medicinal uses it offers us.  A good example is Hawthorne (Crataegus oxyacanthoides).

The berry looks very like our heart  and Hawthorne is a “thinking herb” for our heart – if the heart beat is too fast, it will calm it down; if it is too weak, it will strengthen and speed up the muscle. As a cardio-tonic it will help regulate both low and high blood pressure. 

Another example is Milk Thistle (Silibum marianum) – the spiky spines protect the plant, just as Milk Thistle protects our liver.

Colours, shapes and smells are all clues that ancient humans used to understand the active benefits of God’s pharmacy.  Herbs are concentrated powerhouses of nutrition, and common fruits and vegetables are actually first degree herbs that can be and should be consumed daily for our better health.

Chapters 6 and 7 of Lorene Benoit’s book, The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus SApproach To Cancer…The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally” includes extensive dietary recommendations critical to optimum health and prevention of chronic conditions. Here are some pictures to help you remember why these are so good for our health!

A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye… and YES, science now shows carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes.

Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart has four chambers and is red. All of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopine and are indeed pure heart and blood food.

Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.

Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums.  Even the wrinkles or folds on the nut are just like the neo-cortex. We now know walnuts help develop more than three (3) dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function.

Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys.
Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and many more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% calcium. If you don’t have enough calcium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones, thus making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.
Avocadoes, Eggplant and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female – they look just like these organs. Today’s research shows that when a woman eats one avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight, and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this?  It takes exactly nine (9) months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (mo dern science has only studied and named about 141 of them).
Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the mobility of male sperm and increase the numbers of Sperm as well to overcome male sterility. 
Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics.
Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries
Oranges, Grapefruits, and other Citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.
Onions look like the body’s cells. Research shows onions clear waste materials from all of the body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes. Garlic also helps eliminate waste materials and dangerous free radicals from the body.

Manataka American Indian Council

Q&A: Hepatitis C


What would you suggest a person take for Hep C?  My husband  was diagnosed 6 years ago.  We’ve done well with our program, however the Doc still wants him to do the Interferon to kill the Hep C Virus. He did 2 Tiao He cleanses in December, then a Candida cleanse, then a Bod E Cleanse.  His blood work that just came back was the best ever! Took a month to build, then another Tiao He, and now another Bod E Klenz. When he’s not cleansing he takes Concentrated Milk Thistle Extract, Maca, Greenzone, Omega Oils, Probiotics, Mineral Chi, Liquid Chlorophyl and various other things as needed. Just wondering what might kill the Hep C Virus??  submitted by DS, BC.
HRP-C and/or LYM-X  and ???


I think your husband is doing an excellent program! It is a general rule of thumb that any cleansing should be balanced by double of building, toning. So doing a 10-15 day Tiao He Cleanse,(US),  followed by a builder such as Milk Thistle Time Release Concentrate  (US & CA) for double the length of time is smart.
Dieter’s Cleanse (US) is safe to take longer term as it already has the 2:1 ration of build and cleanse built into the 30 day package. It is NOT just for dieting, as it is an excellent whole body cleanse and build program. If one needs to lose weight you will; if you don’t carry excess weight, you just lose toxins.

For Canadians contact the author to order the above two US cleanses, or for an excellent whole body cleanse which can be tailored to suit you.

Two other packaged cleanses available in both US and Canada (and many other countries) are Candida Clear (US & CA) and Para Pak (CA)/ Para Cleanse (US).
HRP-C  (called VS-C in US) is an excellent Chinese combination that can be taken to strengthen and balance the immune system, while helping the liver to detoxify. It was created by a Chinese medical doctor specifically for viruses, so is an excellent choice for ongoing maintenance of hepatitis, shingles, herpes, AIDS and Mononucleosis to name a few.

 I would think very carefully before undergoing interferon treatment, as the toxic side effects can be devastating. Remember what is supposed to be the medical maxim: DO NO HARM. I would add to this, “why fix it if it isn’t broken?” Sometimes doctors feel a need to prescribe treatment, even when someone is well, as they are not trained to understand how people can heal themselves naturally.
Lastly, I would make sure that in addition to using this excellent herbal program, you are both following the extensive dietary and lifestyle recommendations given in Lorene’s book: The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

The easy to read explanations help people understand how to eat better, why it is critical to eliminate sugar, pH balance, stress and emotions, and exercise. All the four pillars of health are covered  that are so critical to optimum health and prevention of all chronic conditions and diseases.
Keep up the progress and keep us posted. It is always encouraging to see people taking positive steps for their better health and life!

Q & A : Porphyria cutanea tarda

I have been diagnosed with Porphyria cutanea tarda. My father and brother had the same thing. I went to hospital today and had 3 ltrs of blood removed from my body. This procedure will take place every 2 weeks.  My body lacks the ability to rid itself of iron.  When sores appeared they got infected with staph, which thanks to your and Helga’s help I cleared up with Oregon Grape.  So I was misdiagnosed from beginning. They feel that menopause  along with me using tanning booth all summer awakened this condition. I had 10 times normal iron levels in my blood.
I have never been to tanning salon before and must say I will NEVER again. thankfully my liver was only mildly inflamed.
Can you recommend a good liver cleanse?

No words can thank you for all your help.



An excellent liver cleanse is the Tiao He Pak – Tiao He, means Balance and Harmony in Chinese. This  is a whole body cleanse that also addresses bowels, lymphatic and kidneys – all systems that need to be eliminating to help the liver function better.

As your condition is excess iron, you may want to consider the Heavy Metal Detox formula for 2-3 months after. As you are probably getting iron levels monitored regularly,  you will be able to see empirical improvement, and even more important feel improvement.  In addition to, or after this,  Milk Thistle Standardized Extract– 1 or 2 per day will be a good liver support overall.

The Oregon Grape that was so successful for your staph infection is also an excellent aid for liver, skin and digestion. It is a good one to keep on hand, should any skin condition flare up in future.

Other helpful information concerning your liver can be found on our previous blog:

Genral healthful tips, including diet, exercise, pH balancing, some recipes can all be found in my book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

Your condition is chemically complex, as all minerals have interactions and protagonist actions with each other, and rather than picking apart what is and is not functioning in the liver, anlayzing what pathways and chemical reactions are or are not working, the natural approach is to nourish and support the liver. IT knows what to do, and given the proper support, it will do it. The fact that this is genetically inherited should not dissuade you from healing it, as biogenomics science is showing that environment is much more powerful than genetics. This means YOU have the ability to change your past and your future!

Nature’s Sunshine has many liver aids, so please keep in touch so we can help you find the best ones for you.

Spring Cleansing for improved health!

Spring has sprung and we hope that some of you are feeling it. Flowers coming up, rivers running high, all the signs of nature are upon us. More differences obviously for those of us more northerly, but even in southerly climes, the differences can be  noticed when you take the time to look, smell or feel.

The beauty of spring is the time for renewal and new growth. For our bodies, it is also one of the best times to clean out accumulated toxins from the winter, which for many is a time of less activity and heavier eating.

Just as your car needs regular oil changes, your body needs regular cleansing.  The liver is a major detoxifying organ in the body, as well as being responsible for enzyme production, energy levels, glucose storage and release, hormonal balance, emotional states and hundreds of other functions.

Clean intestines facilitate proper nutrient absorption and waste elimination. Time proven tradition has shown that spring  cleansing improves digestion and utilization of nutrients, increases energy and strengthens the immune system. Spring cleansing helps ensure better health in the upcoming season, just as does fall cleansing prepare for the next change of season.

Cleansing can be as simple as cleaning up your diet, and undertaking a raw foods feast, or as complicated as fasting and doing enemas. The addition of herbs that have been  traditionally used for cleansing greatly makes any cleanse more effective. Some of the cleanses we have worked with for years are combinations of herbs which are designed to offer whole body cleansing, including liver, kidneys, colon, lymphatic, blood and cellular level.

The packs make it easy for anyone to do, without having to take time off or starve. A few that we continue to use are listed below. If you would like more information on any of these, or how to get them, no matter what part of the world you live in, please contact our office: takethenaturalpath@gmail.com.

You may be surprised at how reasonably priced they are, and as they come from a company that has been around since 1972, their quality is by design, not by accident, and is a given.

Tiao He PAK (CA)  and  Tiao He Cleanse (US) : a 10 – 15 day cleanse that nutritionally benefits the liver, bowels, kidneys and cleanses blood at the cellular level. Contains 3 formulas and 3 single herbs.

DETOX BASICS  CA & US: a 30 day cleanse which includes Berberin for balancing glucose metabolism., Milk Thistle for liver & enhanced glutathione production, Turmeric, probiotics and more.

Dieter’s Cleanse (US only) : a 14 day program that both builds and cleanses in the proper ratio of two to one. Because it contains many anti oxidants and minerals, it can be used longer term for weight loss. Enhances digestive and intestinal  function; balances glands, weight-metabolism and blood sugar.

Parasite Cleansing is also recommended 1- 2x/s per year. NO matter where you live, chances are about 95% that you have parasites. Herbs such as Wormwood, (Artemisia), Black Walnut, Paw Paw are available in several products and Paks.

LBS II: A lower bowel formula that is beneficial for ongoing building and cleansing of bowel tone and function..  The longer you use it, the less you need it – proof that it works! It is one combination in both of the above packages, but as so many people need this on an ongoing basis, it is also available as a stand-alone formula.

If you feel  weak or depleted, your are wiser to build your body a month or more before cleansing. An excellent herbal aid to do this is :

Energy-V : energy booster to increase overall well being, stamina and energy. Includes adaptogenic herbs which help the body adapt to stress.   Contains bee pollen, gingko, kelp, licorice, siberian ginseng, yellow dock, barley grass, rosehips, schizandra and capsicum.

Good health to you – now go out and find yourself an unsprayed patch of nettles or dandelion greens to eat while cleansing!

NOTE:                                  Product Links change frequently.
Please take advantage of our offer to help you choose the best product for you, PLUS place your first order to ensure you get 25% discount and Free S/H to your door. No charge.  Free 10 mins. consultation.
It’s your health and your life; let a professional help you get it and keep it on track. Contact us via the website  for personal service.