November, 2012
For information to help you achieve optimum health, please contact our office; all contact information at end of newsletter.
Lorene Benoit’s book contains lifestyle tips for optimum health, as well as specifics for Cancer: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally
This book offers excellent tips for health prevention, as well as solutions for cancer. Buy 3 get 1 free. Contact our office.
Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link:
Dr Judy reveals the Benefits of Crystal Free CoQ10… I was amazed at how much more absorbable and effective this COQ10 is. NSP is one of only three companies in the world that has this superior type……. CoQ10 – crystal free liposomal research
Q&A: Supplements to aid conception… Q & A: Aids to getting pregnant
Q&A: Excess iron in blood. Covers some tips on liver health & cleansing….. Q & A : Porphyria cutanea tarda
Curing a Staph infection with Oregon Grape…. Do herbs often work more effectively than prescription antibiotics? Success with Staph Infection and Oregon Grape
Is there really a difference between brands of health supplements, and how do you know?… NSP Quality by Design Makes the Difference
Take the hassle out of Christmas shopping while giving a gift of health. Some popular choices from over 300 quality products from Nature’s Sunshine… Herbal Gifting 2012 ideas for health!
Zyto Compass is an extremely efficient, inexpensive biofeedback analysis to help you achieve excellent health.
Business Coaching- starting this Monday with NSP Success Week
Starting November 12, join us for four FREE live webinars that will help you be SUCCESSFUL as you share NSP with others! Register for one day or all 4 days!
Use the daily link to join webinar OR a phone and daily PIN to participate by telephone.
Each day will be a different live seminar, offered at 2 different times:
Pacific |
Mountain |
Central |
Eastern |
First Live Webinar |
10:00 am |
11:00 am |
12:00 noon |
1:00 pm |
Second Live Webinar |
2:00 pm |
3:00 pm |
4:00 pm |
5:00 pm |
All webinars will be recorded and available in the webinar archive at www.nsprc.ca
Monday, November 12
How to Build Instant and Immediate Rapport with Your Prospects with Tom “Big Al” Schreiter
1-712-432-0453 PIN 7876408*
1:00pm EST https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/748284657
5:00pm EST https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/459539001
We’re excited to have Tom “Big Al” Schreiter back! If you missed Convention, this is a great opportunity to experience what other NSP managers are raving about! MOST PEOPLE love his a fun, relaxing style and you’ll take away tips and strategies you can implement right away!
Tuesday, November 13
Social Media Part 1: Facebook Pinterest and Twitter for Beginners 1-712-432-0453 PIN 1447483*
1:00pm EST https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/833902680
5:00pm EST https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/877261577
Every day, millions of people are active on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. The potential for building your business using social media is obvious. But for some who haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet, starting can be a daunting process. Dan Bischoff, our resident social media pro, will share his expertise and help you get started. Learn why starting in social media is simple, and can bring quick results. We’ll discuss:
1. The latest trends in social media to help with your business
2. How to set up profiles on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest
3. How to like, post, share, retweet, hashtag, and more
4. Social media best practices
Wednesday, November 14
Social Media Part 2: Using Facebook Pinterest and Twitter to Effectively Build Your Business
1-712-432-0453 PIN 8067844*
1:00pm EST https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/165655753
5:00pm EST https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/178706512
It’s one thing to have a Facebook or Twitter account. It’s something completely different to use social media as a way to grow your business. Forty-seven percent of people say Facebook has the greatest impact on purchase behavior because of social proof, credibility and word of mouth. Join us in this webinar if you’re interested in driving your Nature’s Sunshine business through social media. We’ll discuss:
1. How to increase your followers and fans
2. How to identify your true audience and make them happy
3. How content is central to social media
4. Tools to help you be more efficient
5. The Dos and Don’ts of social media
Thursday, November 15
New Products 2012 – A Chance to See What You Missed at Conference!
New products are always one of the highlights of our annual Health Conference. If you missed Conference this year, here is your chance to see first hand the new product introductions. If you attended Conference, this is your chance for a second look at the product introductions. You may pick up something you missed the first time around!
1:00 pm EST https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/405155570
5:00 pm EST https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/834216874
We’ll discuss: Revamped Sunshine Heroes line
Added potency to Zambroza, EverFlex tablets, and CoQ10
Plan now for 37th Annual Health Conference 2013 in Vancouver, BC
We plan on having at least 50 of our NSP group attend this amazing educational and fun event! Set your goals now to be there September 26-28, 2013
The Annual Health Conference is NSP Canada’s major yearly event, attracting 100’s of NSP Members from across Canada for three days of education, relationship building, celebration, and recognition.
Conference highlights include expert speakers in alternative health and top trainers in business development. Workshops and new business and product announcements add to the excitement Conference brings. For many NSP Managers, it was through attending an Annual Health Conference that they became inspired to achieve new heights of success.
The above is from the NSP website, home page, see: NSP Conference 2013
See the Conference Qualifications pdf for ways you can earn a travel allowance to Conference and start planning to attend now.
Education Local:
Home Herbal First Aid
Learn to understand and feel confident in the uses of herbal first aid treatments. We will learn remedies for common colds, flu, cuts, burns, fever, diarrhea, cramps, and more. Will look at sources and costs to prepare your own herbal first aid kit.
Tues. Jan. 15th – 7 pm. Register with Island Savings Centre: 250-748-PLAY
Chinese Herbal Constitutional Formulas and Five Element Theory
This course will cover:
- Basic philosophy, yin & yang, constitutional nature
- 5 element theory and practical: what is your constitution
- 4 extra constitutions
- 16 Chinese herb formulas and how they can help balance your life on the physical, mental and emotional levels
- Each participant will complete a questionnaire for personal evaluation and time for questions and answers.
Lorene Benoit, MHH, CHC has worked with these NSP Chinese Constitutional Formulas for 18 years. Come ask questions and learn more in depth how this ancient knowledge can help bring balance to your physical and emotional well being.
Wed. January 23rd, 9:30 am- 4:00 pm in Duncan
Investment: $75. $10 discount paid by Jan. 15th.
Register with our office: 250-748-6802
For Canadians, we have 6 wk. Campaign specials offering 10 % off or Buy 3 get 1 free on selected seasonal herbs. The current six week campaign offers a good selection of products from Oct. 16th to Nov. 30th. Watch for the new campaign starting Dec. 1st.
Consider the MC or Mega Chel, Magnesium Complex, and Magnesium Malate to ensure your optimum health. Any of the specials can be ordered by calling our office 250-748-6802 to help you locate a local Herb Specialist, or if you are a member call NSP at your country’s toll free number.
MC (Mega Chelation) – High-Potency, mega-nutrient, vitamin and mineral supplement designed to support the circulatory system. MC contains a variety of natural chelating substances.
• Contains butcher’s broom, plus adrenal, spleen and thymus substances (bovine),and Ginkgo biloba.
Magnesium Complex – The Mega-Health Mineral complex using two of the best-absorbed forms of this important mineral:magnesium citrate and magnesium malate.
• Helps metabolize carbohydrates, protein and fats.
• Supports the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth.
• Helps with proper muscle function.
Essential for strong bones – research in last 15 years has shown that the 2:1 Cal – Mag ratio is not ideal and that we should be taking these minerals in at least equal mg.
Magnesium Malate – Magnesium Plus Malic Acid – A complex of malic acid and magnesium malate, combining the best for fibromyalgia and other generalized muscle pain.
• Supports the structural system.
• Helps with proper muscle function.
The NSP Canadian website has a webinar and Power Point presented by Dr. Kim Balas on the Canadian NSP Resource Centre teaching about Garlic, Liquid Calcium-Magnesium and Magnesium Malate. Log in using your Membership # and PIN and learn!
How does Membership Benefit You?
Click here to find out how NSP Membership benefits you?
You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.
Members receive great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials.
Members can access recorded sessions at: NSP resource Centre
Success Stories
Added this month: Curing a Staph infection with Oregon Grape…h Do herbs often work more effectively than prescription antibiotics? Success with Staph Infection and Oregon Grape
We encourage you to share your stories with others on our website or via email. Success stories can be read at:

Here is a link sure to make you giggle, the gift is in what the mind sees: listen to his laugh!
“If you’ve had a bad experience in the past, one of the things that will help you to ask yourself, “If the same circumstance were presented to me today with this awareness, would I do exactly the same thing?” Absolutely not. With this awareness you would respond to a condition differently. The only way you got this awareness is because of what happened in your past. Pasts are reverent, thankful, kind. Practice kindness to the parts of you that brought you to here.
Video Pick
Bernie Siegel – Why Loving Your Life Really Matters – an empowering message, especially for those who are dealing with illness, less than 3 mins.
Serving you in health,
Benoit&Associates Health Education
Ph/Fax 250-748-6802 EmailTakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com Website: www.NaturalPathRemedies.com