This Newsletter was started in early December. Unfortunately my time since then has been focused with my Mother, who after 13 trying days in hospital, left her tired body Christmas Day.
Audrea Benoit’s philopsophy was to live, laugh and love. She lived the Golden Rule, and helped many people throughout her life.
She had a very active life right up to 87 years + because she remained drug free until 85 years old. She was a firm believer in herbs, (one of my staunchest supporters), good diet and exercise. Watching her final experiences in the hospital and with the North American Drug Ceremony, makes me more determined than ever to help people learn how to take control of their lives and their health naturally. My mother was an avid Line Dancer, teaching ‘til almost 86, so from her and our office, New Year’s Wishes for you
Dance as if no one were watching,
Sing as if no one were listening
And live every day as if it were your last.
For more information or help achieving your optimum health, please contact our office:
Phone: 250-748-6802
Email: TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com
Website: www.naturalpathremedies.com
Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally
http://www.naturalpathremedies.com/blog/natural-solutions-for-cancer-the-paw-paw-program/ Read recent addition of an interview about my book with Wise Women: http://bit.ly/twp6ly.
We are offering a New Year’s special on Lorene’s book, which offers excellent tips for health prevention, as well as solutions for cancer until Jan. 31st. of buy 3 get 1 free. Contact our office to take advantage of the special.
Our blog offers ongoing and varied health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link to full article by clicking on title:
Healthy Gift Giving:
Consider a gift of health anytime of the year. This offers an easy way for hassle free shopping. For Associates consider that you can buy wholesale from your own business! This was posted pre-Christmas but think of great gifts all year round.
Brain Health, Stress and Overload
Information Fatigue Syndrome, is a new ‘Syndrome’ which many people are experiencing. Some symptoms include increased anxiety, sleeplessness, less leisure time and less enjoyment when we do take leisure due to multi-tasking, and our brain always working.
Fungus Among Us – Athlete’s Foot and Nail Fungus
Whether it is athlete’s foot, the painful, burning, blistering, and cracking under and between toes; or whether it is nail fungus on the hands or feet, there IS help naturally.
To Immunize or not to Immunize?
To Immunize, or not to Immunize? That is the question.
Jumping on a mini-trampoline or “rebounding”, as it is sometimes called, is an exercise that has all the benefits of aerobic exercise plus more.
If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about, ask us on our blog and we will our best to answer in a timely manner.
We are connected with many professionals offering classes and conference calls great ways to learn more about your health……so let’s find out more about what’s upcoming…..
Brilliant Body is a CD course with 10 Power Points presented by health experts to teach you about your body, how it works, with natural supplements and tips to heal and maintain health.
To obtain or share this valuable information to empower you in your journey to health, contact our office. Entire course available for only $25 ! An invaluable investment in your health, PLUS an amazing tool to share as a business. We have a limited number available for $20.
Brilliant Body Dinner Classes in Duncan, Vanc. Island continue in 2012.
Thurs Jan 12th Respiratory and Immune – dedicated to Audrea Benoit
Thurs Feb 9th Circulatory, cardio health
Thurs Mar 15th Hepatic, Liver and Detoxing
Thurs Apr 12th Urinary, Bladder
Thurs May 10th Glandular: Why Hormones SOOOO Important to Health!
Thurs June 14th Structural: Bones, Joints, Collagen, Muscles
Call to register. Health Class only $15 per person. Discounts and certification available.
Click here for more information
Free Webinar: Get Healthy, Stay Healthy: 8 Causes of Disease and the Super Trio with Lorene Benoit Wed. Jan 25th – 9 pm EST: www2.gotomeeting.com/register/446682345
Cross Canada Tour by Dr. Jay Vanden Heuvel speaking on:
Energy How to Get it and How To Keep It
I heard “Dr. Jay” at Convention this October and I highly recommend him as a speaker! He has his PhD and lectures world wide. He is clear, concise and full of experience both with NSP herbs and the business.
These lectures are well worth the $10 – please let people know in any of these areas. You can register directly with NSP if a member and bring guests. If not a member, register with our office for any location.
Nanaimo Feb 5th
Vancouver Feb 6th
Kelowna Feb 7th
St. Albert Feb. 8th
Winnipeg, Feb.9th
Toronto Feb. 10th
Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details.
Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.
Watch this 3 minute video : http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit
Here is what JL. had to say about the compass:
I was blown away with the accuracy of the Zyto Compass report.
I had been diagnosed with IBS and it picked up on that as the major concern, needing UC3-J badly. Also picked up that I need cleansing, and the osteoarthritis in my knees needs some more herbs.
Business Coaching
There is a great need for those who wish to earn and learn, while helping others.
We offer ongoing coaching to help others start their own business. First step in Brilliant Body CD! Locals are encouraged to stay for the last half hour of our dinner classes. Phone the office anytime for help!
Member Specials
How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?
You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.
What do you need to do?
- Contact our office by email, phone or website
- Memberships are free in most countries when you place an order.
- Go to www.naturessunshine.com; choose your country and use sponsor
# 309344 to receive discount
All the great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials.
Success Stories
Power up Your Day with a Smoothie!
What’s with all the smoothie rage? Superior nutrition can be accomplished regardless of age or sex, and the results can be noticeable within as little as two weeks! Experience a healthier immune system, more positive outlook, greater energy and longer life expectancy. Combining healthy eating, regular exercise, pure water, fresh air and super nutritional products in a shake will make for optimal health.
For those times when you don’t feel like preparing a nutritious meal, or need an extra boost, shakes are the answer to get the nutrition your body needs, without all the calories. A well-balanced shake provides protein for muscles, alkalinizing and oxygenating to help healthy cell repair and inhibit rampant cell growth, fibre for regular bowel movements, vitamins and minerals.
In my book The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer
p. 203 ( p.205 1st printing), a basic recipe for smoothies are given along with a description of healthful ingredients.
Political Scene
This is the first fire and explosion in B.C. which we are aware of caused by Smart Meters. Other both BC and other areas smart meter incidents include: burnt out appliances and medical devices, damaged wiring, and property damage surrounding meters.
Numerous adverse health incidents continue to be reported, including occupants who were unaware that a radiating spy meter had been installed.
[Health – BC] Smart meters an uncontrolled experiment on public health in B.C. – Lab rats right to call for referendum by Geoff Olson – The Vancouver Courier – December 08, 2011: http://www.vancourier.com/Smart+meters+uncontrolled+experiment+public+health/5832735/story.html
I’ve learned…. That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.
Video Pick
An 8 minute video that may change your perspective on child birth
Yours in health,
Benoit & Associates Health Education
Here to serve you…….
Ph/Fax 250-748-6802
Email: TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com
Website: www.naturalpathremedies.com