Tag Archives: lobelia

Digestion, Breathing & Lymphatic Swelling Improve with Paw Paw Program

Mar 12, 2021

Hi Lorene,

You said there was info on your site about what we seem to experience every 3 weeks or so. He hasn’t wanted to eat all day but of course because of his weight he has pushed through. Here we were trying to decide how to make supper easier on him. Roasted split chicken breast with baked sweet potato and steamed brussel sprouts seemed far from hitting the mark! As soon as I opened your email I went right to your site and read “Crisis Management: Healing Crisis or Disease?”

You described exactly how this suddenly comes on, elevated temperature, he calls it flu-ish. You should have seen his face when I told him you said don’t eat if you’re not hungry and when you do eat, eat fruit! His face lit up, “I could eat an apple!” I fixed him a good sized half a bowl of apple, blueberries, pineapple and a little kiwi. I can’t believe how quickly he was able to eat it! And got a good night sleep too!

L and D

April 24, 2021

Hi Lorene,
I just had to send you this quick note. If you remember our last conversation, March 30, D. had just seen his chiropractor the previous Saturday. She had found a lymph node on the left side of his neck that was bigger. You instructed me to rub a little Lobelia into it and talk to it thanking it for doing such a good job removing waste from his system. Like Jesus said to talk to the mountain in Mark 11:23. Well this morning he saw her again and it felt perfectly normal!
Thank you so much for all you do for us!

L and D


Notes from Lorene Benoit:

These are heart warming testimonials as D has had ongoing health issues since Nov. 2015, with surgeries to remove several organs, including left upper quadrant abdominal mass; left kidney, left adrenal gland, spleen, 1/4 of pancreas, and  periaortic lymph nodes. 

His diagnosis was Oncocytic Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma (ACC). From April, 2016 to Dec, 2020 he under went treatments with 7 types of  chemo /immuno therapies,  2 rounds of 3 week radiation.  There were breaks in chemo treatment  when he would be hospitalized, unable to eat, and too sick to tolerate more. 

They started researching alternatives Jan, 2021 and started Paw Paw Program end Feb. 2021.

As a committed couple, they have worked on diet and lifestyle improvement, are fully committed to a natural program and prayer. Other positive benefits in the first two months of  in D’s healing journey have been:

  • no longer  needing an inhaler and drugs for coughing and breathing issues,
  • stomach discomfort is gone,
  • several other medications have been discontinued,
  • he is enjoying meals, and eating healthier
  • improved sleep, and
  • happier.

After 5 years of medical cancer therapies, this is quite remarkable improvement  in less than 2 months! Our bodies were created to heal when given the optimum tools provided by nature and the Creator.

Thank you for sharing L&D, as others can see there ARE healthier options for helping the body heal from ALL conditions!

The concepts and ideas presented in Benoit’s book, Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer, The World IS Round and Cancer CAN be Treated Naturally, apply to all dis-eased conditions, not just cancer.


Lobelia – Is it in Your First Aid Kit ?

I Love Lobelia! I wish it would be in every home’s first aid kit.

It is an indigenous  North American annual plant…..

… in the same family as the beautiful flower garden border, but the medicinal species is Lobelia inflata.   It is sometimes called Indian Tobacco because the American Indians smoked it for various benefits. One of the most studied active ingredients is a plant alkaloid called lobeline.




Lobelia is among the most beneficial herbs for the respiratory system.

Lobelia Inflata is a third degree medicinal herb. It has so many positive actions that Dr. John Christopher has a whole chapter in his “School of Natural Healing” textbook dedicated to lobelia.  Some of  the following properties make it one of the essential herbs to have on at hand in every home:

Deobstruant: Lobelia has the ability to remove obstructions, and is a very effective expectorant. This makes it effective in loosening and helping with expectoration of mucous, especially in the respiratory tract and stomach.  It is a very good respiratory stimulant and broncho-dilator.

Lymphatic: It helps to cleanse and stimulate movement of lymph fluid, thus aiding this important part of our immune system, a critical part of our body’s natural waste disposal.

Nervine:  Lobelia is one of nature’s strongest relaxant nervine herbs. Because of its ability to relax the sympathetic nervous system, it has been used effectively for nervous excitement, hysteria, relaxing  tight colon (spastic constipation, IBS), hiatal hernia, diaphramatic tension and pain.

Antispasmodic:  stops spasms so is useful for muscle spasms, cramps, convulsions, seizures, irregular heart beat,  bronchial spasms such as in asthma, coughs, COPD.

Analgesic, Anodyne:  effective for painful conditions such as teething, earache, muscle and joint inflammation, kidney or gall bladder stones, stiff neck, injuries. Helps eliminate pain and toxins of poisonous bites and stings. Apply externally, as well as taking internally.


Stop smoking:     Medical Claim approved by Health Canada:

Lobelia can help quit smoking, by helping to reduce the body’s craving for nicotine and easing withdrawal symptoms”. One of Lobelia’s active constituents is lobeline, which has a similar chemical composition to nicotine. This makes Lobelia very effective for those wishing to stop smoking, as lobeline helps fill the nicotine receptor sites which create cravings, without any addictive effect or weight gain. Lobelia  can help reduce cravings and decrease  nicotine withdrawal-induced depression.

Take a few drops (up to .5ml)  under tongue, hold 30 seconds. Repeat, as needed, up to 20 times per day.

Doing a cleanse, such as the Detox Basics (30 day) , can help make the shift to a positive lifestyle.

References: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24682499/


This is the Lobelia inflata we have used professionally for 35 years with all ages, from young children with whooping cough,  to 85 year seniors with COPD. It is also available in capsule form in US.

 Internally – In liquid extract form a few drops of Lobelia can be squirted or dropped under the tongue. A calibrated dropper can be used adult dosage is .5ml. (1/10 tsp.) taken in repeated dosages for desired effect or up to one teaspoon at once for a deeply relaxing effect. For children or alcohol contraindication, pour some boiling water over Lobelia alcohol extract and let sit one – two minutes until alcohol evaporates.

Much has been written of Lobelia as toxic – the main result of an excess is emesis, as Lobelia is also prized as an emetic. Once a person has vomited, and the offending substance removed, whether it be poison, mucous, etc. a person will feel the better for it.

Externally: rub a couple of drops on the affected area. For teething, one drop can be rubbed on the gums. For ears: aches, congested, tinnitus: 2 drops in ear; lie down opposite side.

“Lobelia is the most powerful diffusive stimulant known in herbal medicine. After taking a dose it instantly permeates the whole system, removing obstructions wherever found and restoring a healthy action wherever needed. When taken inwardly, it acts like intelligence. Give lobelia and it will find the disease and assist nature to overcome it.”                                       Dr. John Christopher

Please contact us to get personal, professional assistance for CA or US. We can also set up a free discount account with no obligation for you,  with the company whose products we have trusted for our health since 1985.  No charge .



Q&A : Lung Healer – LH-C for Flu Virus or Colds?


Hi Lorene:
1. Would you use this Chinese remedy for a flu virus and/or cold? 

2. How does a person know without a blood test? 

3. Can you use this remedy to build up immunity for winter?

Thanks. L.W.


1. Absolutely; I would use LH-C, (US: Lung Support TCM),  dosage 1capsule 3x/day, especially if any illness is affecting the lung area. Also keep in mind Lobelia, (US: Lobelia Essence), if there is coughing or pain. Use .5 ml – 3 – 5 x/day as needed. Lobelia can be applied externally as well, just a couple of drops over lung spots.

See separate write-up on Lobelia, as every household would benefit from having this on hand.

If it was more stomach related, (vomiting, nausea), I would probably tend more toward the Chinese anti-viral formula, HRP-C (2 or 3 – 3x/day for 100 count), (US: VS-C at 1 x 3/day for 30 count TCM), either liquid or capsules. 

2.  I think you know if you are sick. Whether viral or bacterial is not such an issue, as the herbs will help with both, by supporting your body’s natural immune system. Keep in mind that most doctors prescribe antibiotics without doing any blood tests, or if they do test, they prescribe drug(s) BEFORE they get the results. They also prescribe, even if viral is suspected, knowing that the drugs don’t work on viruses; but in this case they may claim it is to treat secondary infections, whether you have them or not.

3.  LH-C definitely helps support and strengthen lungs to prevent most lung challenges, including infection; COPD /emphysema, prevention with broken rib; collapsed lung; respiratory allergies, to name a few.

Dr. Versendaal taught that lungs were 80% of our immune system, so I definitely believe strengthening lungs supports our overall health. This is a particularly good time of the year to work on this, as autumn is the time of year to treat the Metal element to balance lung and colon. I have used LH-C anytime of the year, but now is most effective.

Allergies, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis

I have so many successes with LH-C, that it is one of my favourite NSP products. A few that come to mind are:

  • I have had it turn around pneumonia that has been resistant to drug based antibiotics for weeks, within 24 hours; allergies and asthma improve, and prevention of recurring lung infections.
  • COPD and asthma – people dependant on chemical puffers and nebulizers have greatly improved their lung function – and decreased their drug dependency – often within weeks, by using LH-C and Lobelia.
  • allergies to pollen, dust, molds – improved by using LH-C and Lobelia

On the emotional side, LH-C is also very helpful for releasing grief.

LH-C and Lobelia, are two herbals I travel with every winter, as this is the time of year, so many people come down with lung related issues. I have several articles about Lobelia, but you can check out multiple uses in #6 on this one: Herbal First Aid.

Please let me know if there is anything else. with which I can help.

To order any of these, please contact me; I can do it for you, or order on any of the product links above. You can also phone toll free, and ask to become a free member for 20-25% discounts with FREE Shipping). Please be sure  Lorene Benoit is your sponsor, Account  #1143615. This will give you professional assistance.

CA: 1-800-265-9163

US: 1-800-223-8225

Tinnitus and blocked middle ear


Hi there, I have been suffering from tinnitus in one ear for a couple of years but recently an ear examination showed that my middle ear is likely blocked but I have tried everything and nothing has worked, just wondering if you have any ideas?



A little difficult to answer, as you say you have tried everything and nothing has worked. I do not know if you mean everything doctors or natural health practitioners have suggested?

Has an ear specialist determined if the  middle ear is blocked with wax, mucous,  a  growth,  inflammation, or a physical deformity of the ear bones?  Knowing this could certainly make a difference in treatment options.

A few things I would suggest for any of the first 4 causes are Lobelia and CBG internally.  Lobelia is a de-obstruant, pain reliever and anti- inflammatory, with some natural anti- microbial action.  CBG contains herbs that help break down mucous, as well as fight infection, which may be an underlying cause of inflammation. It could also be help with possible allergic reactions, but again, determining the allergen is important for complete resolution.

You may have some relief with proper ear candling. If one treatment provides some relief, you would benefit from several, using 2 drops of essential oils of Lavender and Tea Tree after each session. If one treatment does not help, you would still feel better from it.

If it is a structural problem, then corrective surgery may be required.

Sorry, but this is all I can offer with the information you have given me. Should you wish more detail, please consider a mini session of 20 minutes, and we may be able to resolve this long term issue.

Natural healing is not a ” here take this pill” fast fix. It is doing detective work to determine the cause and remove this to the solution. Please get in touch  again if you are interested in trying any of the herbs I suggested, as I can get you quality products from the supplier I have used since 1990, at the best prices.

Previous articles under the archives of  Ears and Hearing may help you.

Thank you and all the best.

Herbal First Aid Kit

For years many people have asked us, “What do you use in your house and when travelling to keep so healthy and avoid the medical route and drugs ?” I have finally put this  article, published years ago in some herbal magazines,  on my own website!

With this kit in your home and mini kit for travelling+ (also see Travel First Aid Kit at end), you will have tools on hand to treat most health challenges!

MORE INFO on any product or personal health issues?  Please Contact Lorene Benoit .   As product links, names (different in US and Canada), and availability all change, contacting Lorene is best option. We can also help you order any of these, receive the best prices and personal assistance!



Herbal First Aid Suggestions by Lorene Benoit                                           BEd, MHH CHC, CI, CRA

1. Tei Fu Oil+

One drop internally:

  • respiratory and sinus congestion / infection
  • sore throat, cough
  • mental alertness
  • breath freshener
  • nausea, motion sickness

1-4 drops topically:

  • sore muscles
  • muscle spasms and cramps/ Charlie horses
  • headaches (on temple and at back of neck)
  • bites and stings
  • bruises
  • cold sores


  • respiratory and sinus congestion and infection

* Tei Fu Massage Lotion also relieves pain, injuries, arthritis and relax muscles, but for traveling light, the pure oil can be used internally, plus added to any healthy carrier oil for massage!

2. Peppermint Oil+

One drop internally:

  • settles upset stomach / nausea
  • dispels gas from intestinal system, digestive aid
  • promotes mental alertness

One drop topically:

  • canker sores / cold sores (stings then numbs);
  • bites and stings
  • headaches (on temple and at back of neck)
3. Tea Tree Oil+
  • natural antiseptic, antifungal and disinfectant
  • promotes healing of cuts, burns, scrapes, and bruises and sunburn
  • stimulates rapid growth of healthy tissue
  • internal douche and enema for yeast infections
  • kills head lice, add to NS concentrate & use as shampoo
4. Garlic ( NSP High Potency Tablets)
  • natural antibiotic in high potency odor controlled tablet
  • fights viral and fungal infections
  • helps lower blood pressure
  • improves circulation
  • helps expel parasites

Fresh garlic can be used in the following ways:

  • in ears to fight ear infections
  • on chest for respiratory congestion (use oil, salve or herbal poultice as barrier to prevent skin burning)
  • on wounds to prevent infection
5. Aloe Vera Gel+
  • burns and sunburns
  • scrapes, minor injuries
  • chapped skin
  • diaper rash
  • combine with NSP Lavender EO to speed healing, lessen inflammation
6. Lobelia+
  • bronchial dilator, healthy “puffer” substitute for asthma
  • opens lymphatic channels/ helps swollen lymph nodes
  • relaxes spasms: bronchial, stomach, bowel, muscles, uterine, heart
  • relaxes nerves and helps reduce pain
  • helps induce vomiting when taken in larger doses; allays vomiting in very small doses – Lobelia is truly a “thinking” herb
  • fills nicotine receptor sites to help stop smoking
  • Anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial: especially effective for microbes involving respiratory system.
7. Capsicum (Cayenne Pepper)+
  • stimulates blood flow
  • normalizes blood pressure, whether high or low
  • helps body to expel mucous
  • high Vit. C content helps colds
  • takes pain away for sore throat if gargled, then swallowed
  • helps for physical shock in accident victims
  • helps stop severe bleeding and hemorrhaging, externally and internally

Tei Fu Oil/ Lobelia/ Capsicum can be combined topically to relieve pain and relax muscles for subluxated neck and arthritis.

8. AL-J
  • allergies
  • respiratory decongestant- helps clear and strengthen lungs & bronchioles
  • helps settle stomach and digestion
  • pneumonia and other respiratory infections – combine with Oregon Grape or # 12
9. Licorice Root
  • promotes stamina and endurance by feeding adrenals to balance them and enable production of natural cortisone
  • helps stabilize blood sugar
  • prevent mood swings, and dizziness
  • helps overcome sugar cravings
  • helps drug and alcohol withdrawal
  • soothing & healing  for ulcers
  • helps with anorexia
  • mild decongestant and expectorant for dry cough
10. Probiotics+

Lorene works with 5 excellent probiotics: Probiotic Eleven, Bacillus Coagulans+, Bifidophilus Flora Force, Acidophilus Bifidophilus & Children’s Probiotics. 

Email her for a comparison chart or book a consultation to set up your specific program. All quality probiotics help rebuild Microbiome and: 

  • keep colon in optimum working order by ensuring probiotic bacterial growth
  • contain prebiotics to ensure growth of probiotics (pro life)
  • renew friendly flora which is destroyed by antibiotics, external environmental toxins & internal toxins
  • help control yeast levels
  • help keep bowel elimination working properly, which elevates immune response
11. Liquid Chlorophyll
  • natural deodorizer to help eliminate odour and toxins from the inside out: smelly feet , bowel movements, and bad breath
  • blood builder: increases oxygen and hemoglobin  levels in blood / helps anemia
  • good drink during labour, provides energy and minerals
  • disinfects injuries to help them heal, good for fighting infections
  • helps alkalize blood stream from acidic food, stress & toxins
  • contains no calories, sugar or chemicals, inexpensive, and tastes great!
12. Echinacea & Golden Seal
  • Combination makes this formula a powerful infection fighter / antiseptic / immune stimulant combination


  • non-specific immune stimulating effect to help body contain infection
  • helps to produce white blood cells and antibodies

Golden Seal

  • tones gastro/intestinal/lung and stomach- KING of mucous membranes
  • helps improve digestive and all liver functions
  • diabetics – helps lower blood sugar levels (if used by hypoglycemics, add Licorice Root or use Oregon Grape)
  • topically helps heal injury, infections for cuts, scrapes, abcesses

(also see Oregon Grape – is comparable to Golden Seal, less expensive and not endangered)

Echinacea / Golden Seal combined with Capsicum and Lobelia

  • dilute with water and gargle for sore throat, then swallow
13. HRP-C (CA) / VS-C (US)+
  • builds natural immunity to combat all viruses, fungus, parasites and candida
  • helps draw out impurities from liver
  • helps detoxify heavy metals (post dental amalgam removal, vaccines, metal toxicity)
  • One of the BEST for all viruses, including Herpes, Shingles, Colds, Flus
14. Vitamin C:   Time Release 1000mg capsules or 500mg/ tablets or Vit C with Zinc Lozenges
  • neutralizes toxins and chemical poisonings, including mercury
  • free radical scavenger, antioxidant
  • increases immunity;  helps prevent and get over colds, flu
15. Silver Guard, Silver Shield, Silver Gel+, Silver Solution 18-24 ppm
Contact Lorene Benoit to determine best for you.
  • All can be internally and externally safely to kill over 600 bacteria viruses and molds
  • All benefits of colloidal silver but many times more effective
  • Cannot overdose (no blue skin argylosis with these!)
  •  great anti-infection for everything from airborne to digestive and parasitical
  • See many uses & testimonies for Silver
16. Ginger+
  • relieves upset stomach, indigestion, cramps, flatulence, and diarrhea
  • stimulates circulation to help relieve pain and inflammation
  • relieves motion sickness, morning sickness, and nausea
17. Pau D’Arco Lotion
  • relieves itching and pain
  • helps with acne, eczema,psoriasis
  • poison ivy
  • snakebites
  • wounds
  • boils, fungal infections,
  • hemorrhoids
  • Can add Authentic Essential Oils for additional healing
18. Cascara Sagrada (Sacred Healing Bark)
  • herbal laxative, works by increasing peristalsis
  • stimulates secretions in the entire digestive system including the liver, gallbladder, stomach and pancreas
  • promotes the growth of friendly bacteria in the colon
  • the longer you use it, the less you need – the opposite of OTC drug laxatives
  • Lorene’s preferred use in in formulas such as LBS or LB-X.
19. Passion Flower
  • herbal sedative that induces relaxation
  • relieves muscle tension and anxiety
  • relaxes smooth muscles of digestive tract
  • helps treat stress, headaches due to nervous tension, and insomnia
  • Many people choose to use in formula such as HPV, which combines Passion Flower with Hops and Valerian.

Travel First Aid  Kit

For travel to tropical or overseas destinations, we take the following:

  • #1 Tei Fu
  • #2 Peppermint
  • #3 Tea Tree
  • #5 Aloe Vera Gel
  • #6 Lobelia
  • #7 Capsicum (can just take 10 capsules – a little goes a long way)
  • #10 Probiotics- Bacillus Coagulans requires no refrigeration
  • #13 HRP-C or VS-C for infection
  • #15 Silver Gel &/or Liquid
  • #16 Ginger


  • Digestive Enzymes (CA) / Food Enzymes (US) take 1 with each meal unless meal is just peeled fruit. The  HCl acid, pancreatin, and other enzymes help destroy parasites and to prevent intestinal disorders of all types including Montezuma’s Revenge, Thai Trots & other traveller’s food poisoning.
  • One of the following for diarrhea, constipation, colic:

UC3-J  (Slippery Elm, Marshmallow, Plantain, Bugleweed, Rose Hips, Chamomile), OR Slippery Elm OR Psyllium Hulls Combotake as needed. More effective to open capsules and make tea, or bulk Psyllium Hulls Combo.

  • You can also use any of the above as a drawing poultice – open capsule and add enough water to make paste. Hemorrhoids, take as above or as suppository. Promotes growth of intestinal bacteria.
  • Can be used for constipation, as added fibre taken with lots of water.
  • Activated Charcoal (US)– food poisoning, parasites, intestinal cramps. Adsorbs toxins and takes them out via the bowel. Take 2-3 capsules as needed.

The following are additional possibilities, but the above 13 items usually cover everything and all fit into a small pouch. Small ziplock baggies and film canisters work well. You likely won’t use them all – keep them well stored in your Travel First Aid Kit and they will be on hand when you need them and ready for your next trip. Also useful to have on hand for home use.

  • AD-C – Chinese formula to restore Chi – Jet Lag, Swelling, Pain, Anti-Depressant

Take 1 every 2 hours going, take 2 every two hours on return flight to prevent or lessen jet lag. Also used for any “blocked chi” conditions, including headaches, muscle or joint pain, swellings, especially with sudden onset.

  • Lavender Essential Oil – anti-inflammatory, useful for burns, sores, relaxant promotes sleep, anti-microbial (good choice for spritzer). Other Oils in KIT are wonderful for First Aid – zip lock them!

*Special note Silver Guard: 1 large bottle of the Silver 473 ml. unopened in packed luggage, can be used upon arrival- 1 tsp/1 capful each per day. You can also put some in a spray bottle (under 100 ml) to take on the plane and spray to breathe and protect your throat while enroute to prevent “Germ-laden airplane air sickness”, as I call it. If you don’t want to do the spray, the gel can also be dabbed in the nostrils to prevent airborne bugs; the tube is 85 ml, so you can take it on plane in a zip lock baggie.The Gel is wonderful for any kind of rashes, sun burn or wounds.

To order any of these, please Contact Lorene Benoit  for best prices and personal assistance. Lorene will help you order, and can book a private class to ensure you are confident in how to use these.

Q & A Nerve Pain


Do you know of a treatment for nerve pain (feet and ankles)
EH from YT



Nerve pain or neuralgia, can have many causes, and of course natural healing is not just about symptomatic relief, but getting to the root of the problem.

Are nerves being impinged or pressured in some way from a structural accident, posture or degeneration? For example a vertebral challenge, misplaced vertebra or bulging disk can put pressure on a nerve. If there is a physical or structural challenge, then this needs to be addressed for full resolution.

A restriction in circulation or injury can cause inflammation, and loss of nutrition reaching a nerve. This must be rectified to prevent degeneration of a nerve. As mentioned in The Paw Paw Program, Chapter 1 – “inflammation is the Root of All Evil”; it  affects all dis-ease conditions, including those that involve pain.

So without more detail, which would require a consultation,  it is  difficult to answer this more completely, but do seek out the cause.

From a pain reduction point of view, here are several formulations that we have used successfully over the past 25 years that can help with inflammation and pain in general, and nerve pain specifically. Herbs will also provide the nourishment necessary for  nerve  repair.

The following are some of the best anti-inflammatories from the herbal kingdom, some pain killers, and some topical applications which can all offer relief.

Please read these over and select two of the internal remedies, plus one topical. Try them conscientiously for at least one month. The beauty of this approach is that the herbs will have no negative side effects as most drugs do, and your body will benefit in some way from the added nutrition. You can see ingredients and benefits on these links, but links change, so please Contact us for up to date info and to get the best discount direct prices, plus free shipping. Personal service, no obligation.

Internal use taken orally to relieve inflammation and heal nerves:

Inflammation: Turmeric Curcumin  – concentrated standardized curcuminoid complex  (same name CA an US)

Nerve healing:

Stress Pack (CA)     Nervous System Pack (US)

Nerve health, tingling, vegetarians, digestion, memory:

Liquid Methyl B12 Plus (CA)  Liquid B12 Complete (US)


External use applied on skin to relieve inflammation and heal nerves:


Tei Fu Massage Recovery Lotion: increases circulation;  helps relieve inflammation and pain; excellent for arthritis, sore muscles, sports injuries

Please contact us for current links to the professional products we have used since 1985, and to receive professional, personalized service with discounted prices.


Note: We adhere to the NSP policy and motto of  “Quality, Service and Integrity”. Ordering online (Amazon or EBay), is illegal, as an unknown seller cannot provide Service or Integrity, which we can. NSP has provided the professional Quality, exceeding pharmaceutical  standards,  since 1972.Ordering through our office will give you the best price and best service.


Success Stories: Lungs, Excema, Digestion and Business

Please Note:
To get more information or to order any natural products mentioned,

please CONTACT  Lorene Benoit Health Education, or an NSP Consultant who referred you to this site. We can make sure you get:

  • the best supplement for you
  • the best price – 20-25% discount with NO obligations
  • free shipping & handling
  • professional advice


M.N.  had not been feeling well for 5 days:

cold moving into her lungs which are susceptible to bronchitis.  Started on Lobelia that night and 2 doses the next day as well as rubbing it on her chest, throat and ears (she has had tinnitis for years, too).
She started feeling better in less than 24 hrs with just 3 doses!

Lara B. had poor digestion and severe eczema on hands for years.

She started Cat’s Claw Combination 2-3x a day, Protease Plus 1-3x/day on an empty stomach, daily super food shake with Collatrim, Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic, Flax Hull Lignans, berries, spinach and Solstic Energy.  Did separate bowel, kidney, liver cleanses and went off all grains, legumes dairy, sugar and night shades.  Digestion improved in 2-3 weeks and eczema cleared up in 8 weeks.  10 months later she is still following the diet and super food shake 1x/day.  Eczema and digestion is 98% better as long as this protocol is followed.


Lucy T. Dec 2000 – I was so unwell I couldn’t even focus to cook…..major depressive disorder, 3rd stage adrenal exhaustion, severe cognitive loss.

Sept 2001, I started Chinese Medical School and in May 2003 , I became an Associate with Nature’s Sunshine Products. I was attracted to their Chinese formulas, a perfect adjunct to my shiatsu.  I have learned so much and love being able to inspire others improve their health because of these world-class pharmaceutical grade herbs and nutrition!

I have seen so many people repair their bodies and benefit with NSP’s Life – saving therapeutic supplements. I am also living proof; it has changed my health, my career and my life !


I thank all those who share their successes with me. If you want to share your natural health success,based on NSP products, dietary changes as suggested in Lorene Benoit’s book:  The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally,  or a consultation with Lorene Benoit, please comment on our blog under the appropriate topic, or contact our office with your specifics. Believe in your ability to heal with the gifts nature has given us!



3 Medical Challenges and Healthy Alternatives for Lungs, Diabetes and Vaccines

Feb. 2021: references, details added:

Note: Links frequently change and we can’t always keep up with them. For ANY health recommendations, such as products we have personally and professionally used since 1985, CONTACT US. We can email links, fact sheets, advice. First free 10 mins. no charge, and no charge to help you get the best products at 20-25% discount PLUS Free shipping to your door. Consults available for more complex cases.


Just 2 Months’ Exposure to Anticholinergics (AC’s)* Affects Cognition

Physicians “absolutely” over-prescribe ACs, said Dr. Boustani, Indiana University Center for Aging Research. Patients might push for these drugs in the belief that if they simply take a pill, their symptoms will go away. Also, physicians typically don’t have the time to discuss medication alternatives with individual patients. “They take the easy way out, which is to just simply spend 10 seconds writing a prescription,” said Dr. Boustani.

AC’s are used for a variety of conditions including:

Respiratory (with most seniors with COPD and asthma), urogenitary, gastrointestinal, dizziness and insomnia (shorterm only) . The results highlight the importance of limiting prescriptions for ACs in older adults. All too often, said Dr. Boustani, patients continue to take AC medications even when they’re not working.

*A list of common prescribed and over the counter AC’s at end of article.

Lorene Benoit questions how is one to know if cognitive impairment in seniors is being caused by, or worsened by the long term use of these medications when Mild Cognitive Impairment has been noted after only 2 -3 months of use. Many seniors are on these medications, compounded by having  several of them combined, for long term, usually years or until death do them part! How often is declining cognition being brushed off as natural aging, or dementia? Plus, some of these medications are prescribed for children with rapidly developing brains!

Healthy Natural  Approaches for Respiratory use of AC’s

When possible, physicians should substitute AC medications with those that have fewer cognitive adverse effects or with nonpharmacologic alternatives, said Dr. Boustani.

Benoit offers even safer, natural alternatives be considered. For breathing and respiratory  distress caused by COPD, asthma, or other respiratory conditions like bronchitis, congestion and coughs, Lobelia is safe, effective and inexpensive.

Lobelia Inflata is a third degree medicinal herb. It has so many positive actions that Dr. John Christopher has a whole chapter in his “School of Natural Healing” textbook dedicated to lobelia.  Some of  the following properties make it one of the essential herbs to have on at hand in every home.

Medicinal properties include:

Nervine:  Lobelia is one of nature’s strongest relaxant nervine herbs. Because of its ability to relax the sympathetic nervous system, it has been used effectively for nervous excitement, hysteria, relaxing  tight colon (spastic constipation, IBS)

Antispasmodic:  stops spasms so is useful for muscle spasms, cramps, convulsions, irregular heart beat,  bronchial spasms such as in asthma, coughs,

Analgesic, Anodyne:  effective for painful conditions such as teething, earache, muscle and joint inflammation, kidney or gall bladder stones, stiff neck, injuries. Helps eliminate pain and toxins of poisonous bites and stings. Apply externally, as well as taking internally.

Deobstruant: Lobelia has the ability to remove obstructions. This makes it effective in loosening and helping with expectoration of mucous, especially in the respiratory tract and stomach.  It helps to cleanse and stimulate movement of lymph fluid, thus aiding this important part of our immune system and body’s natural waste disposal.

Stop smoking:Medical Claim approved by Health Canada: Lobelia can help quit smoking, by helping to reduce the body’s craving for nicotine and easing withdrawal symptoms”. One of Lobelia’s active constituents is lobeline, which has a similar chemical composition to nicotine. This makes Lobelia very effective for those wishing to stop smoking, as lobeline will fill the nicotine receptor sites which create cravings, without any addictive effect or weight gain – a few drops under tongue, hold 30 seconds. Repeat up to 20 times per day, as required. Doing a cleanse, such as the Tiao He Pak (10-15 days), or Bod-E Klenz (30 days), can also help reduce cravings and make the shift to a positive lifestyle.

With these benefits, Lobelia should be in every person’s home 1st Aid Kit.

Other formulas that aid a weakened respiratory system is the Chinese formula LH-C.   Lung Healer – Chinese have kept many people off drugs and helped to heal lungs, not just address symptoms.

AL-J is another formula for allergies affecting respiratory system. It contains a blend of herbs well known for healing such as mullein, horseradish, fenugreek and boneset.

For other conditions for which ACs may be prescribed, there are a multitude of healthy herbs that have history of proven effectiveness that date back thousands of years.

References: Medscape: http://www.medscape.com

Alzheimer’s & Dementia. Published online November 26, 2012

Dr. John Christopher, “The School of Natural Healing


Actos medication for Diabetes Class Action Law Suit

Actos is used to improve blood sugar (glucose) control in adults with type 2 diabetes. It is prescribed to patients who have trouble regulating their blood sugar with diet and exercise alone. It may be used alone or with other medicines, including insulin and metformin.

However, long-term use of Actos is linked to a number of serious health complications, including heart failure, macular edema, lactic acidosis, bone fractures, and most recently bladder cancer. It is the link to bladder cancer that is leading more than 3,000 former Actos users to file lawsuits against Takeda Pharmaceuticals, the maker of the drug.

Reference: Aubrey Hayes     Public Outreach Drug Watch

ahayes@drugwatch.com     www.drugwatch.com

Healthy Natural  Approaches for Diabetes and Insulin Resistance

Safer herbal alternatives are GlucoReg, which has herbs traditionally used to control blood sugar mechanisms and Chromium GTF. Also dietary changes must be undertaken.

Recommendations in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally are helpful.

Her book explains the sugar and disease and inflammation connection. As well, extensive dietary recommendations are given to help people understand how to eat better. Some recipes are also included. Eliminating sugar, in fact, is critical to optimum health and prevention of all chronic conditions, including diabetes and cancer!

Other options are the raw food approach, as shown in this 4 minute video part way through the May, 2011 newsletter.


Vaccines Linked to a Host of Chronic Illnesses

While the preceding mainstream articles dance around the theories of autism causation, vaccination is never mentioned as a possible “environmental” factor in the etiology of autism. Vaccines are linked not only to autism, but to many chronic conditions that used to be rare in children. The producers of the new documentary The Greater Good, provide a catalogue of over 200 studies that raise serious concerns about vaccine side effects.

References: Vaccine Risk Awareness Network


* A list of common prescribed and over the counter AC’s :

List of common prescribed anticholinergics
  • atropine (Atropen)
  • belladonna alkaloids.
  • benztropine mesylate (Cogentin)
  • clidinium.
  • cyclopentolate (Cyclogyl)
  • darifenacin (Enablex)
  • dicylomine.
  • fesoterodine (Toviaz)

In addition to prescription anticholinergics, commonly used over-the-counter (OTC) anticholinergics are: antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, doxylamine, and dimenhydrinate.


Healthy Natural  Approaches for Immunity

See our past archives on Vaccines, specifically, Safe Vaccine Alternatives, and Immune Tips.

Ear Infections recurring – specific tips and dosages for children

Question and Answers in same text:

Hi Lorene,
I would like to send you a very warm thanks for being so responsive to our needs today by sharing your knowledge and products. I connected with M. tonight to receive the herbs for my child. We are so grateful to have an alternative to antibiotics.
We’ve read the information you attached and I have a couple questions I’m wondering if you can help to clarify:
1) Can you confirm that we should mix the Lobelia and CBG (1:5 ratio) and give half the adult dosage internally (J. is 27 lbs)?
Mixing the two is not essential; it just makes it easier for internal administration, as you are just giving one preparation, instead of 2. As I now know Junior’s size, I would do it more as a 1:6 ratio – a little Lobelia goes a long way.
2) When you say internally, do you mean orally? Or do you mean drops in the ear?
Good question – actually both. The oral dose is as I suggested (I copied the original email at end of this one). In the ears, just 2 drops is required. If infection is active, I would administer both via mouth and ear, 3-4 times a day.
Lobelia is also good to apply externally 1-2 drops along the bone behind the ear – rub in direction from top of ear down toward the throat lymphatic glands. This is helpful to stop pain and drain mucous via the lymphatics.
Once infection “seems” better , I would continue 2x/day for at least 1 month, then 1x/day for another 2 months to make sure ALL infection is truly gone, not just in remission to come back stronger.
This is what happens with synthetic antibiotics, with added problem that the strains mutate and often return in a stronger form, so doctors either try another antibiotic or have to do stronger doses to have any effect. This is why ear infections keep re-occurring, eventually leading to ear tubes. Read Hear This About Your Ear: Infections and Tinnitus.
Our goal is to completely eradicate it and return the health of the ear, so he is not susceptible. Be sure to read other NB instructions at end.
3) If the dosage is meant to be taken orally, would it be okay to put it in his smoothie in the morning?
Yes, anyway you can get it into him is fine. Remember that you can add 1 tsp – 1 Tbs. of very hot, almost boiling water to the herbs, and let sit about 1 min. to allow alcohol to evaporate, then add it to juice or whatever. If breastfeeding, some mothers find getting the alcohol out, then squirting it with a dropper into the mouth and immediately follow with the breast also works.
4) I have been adding a natural kids immune booster and probiotics to his smoothies in the mornings. Is it okay to continue these while using the CBG/lobelia?
If they are good formulas, without sweeteners or other chemicals, this should be no problem. I have worked with the 300 formulas, herbs and supplements I know work for the last 24 years, so it is sometimes difficult to comment on other products, as it is impossible to check out the Quality and Potency  on all companies.
And yes, if a good product, probiotics are very important when one has used chemical antibiotics.The one I use with children very successfully is Sunshine Heroes Bifidophilus.
After the icky antibiotics he’s taken, he’s not much of a fan for cooperating anymore:) Thanks once again for your guidance. Warmly, L & D.
I can understand this! So here is one of the most important questions you need to ask:

N.B. What conditions are present that are making him susceptible to the infections?

Does he consume  dairy, sugar or wheat? These are the three prime offenders in all mucous-type infections in children.
It will almost always be something he is exposed to that causes the imbalance and lowers natural immunity, which allows inflammation and sets the stage for bacteria or viruses to live. So start with these three culprits, then if the situation does not improve, look at chemical shampoos or soaps, chlorine in swimming pools, or it could just be the same infection returning. This is why in both natural medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is advised to treat a condition 3  months, plus 1 month for each year the condition has been chronic.
Lastly, I want to offer encouragement: This may seem like a long time, but if it has been recurring already for 3 years, this investment in long term health will be well worth it!
I have had adults with recurring ear infections that have affected their lives for 60 years. In 6 months they are infection free. One man had them so frequently that for several years it prevented surgery to fix a torn ear drum. In 6 months, he was able to have his surgery and get his hearing back!
You can also gain some other tips from past articles on my website blog:


From previous email the suggested , general dosages are:
infants, under 20 pounds:             use approx. 1/3 adult dose listed on bottle.
between 20 – 80 pounds weight:  use 1/2 dosage
over 80 lbs:                                        use adult dosage

During acute stage use at least recommended dosage on bottle – up to double or triple. For maintenance, use 1/2 up to full dosage depending on how long condition has been recurring.

Lobelia used to be IN the CBG, but due to Health Canada regulations, it is now sold separately. Once you have both bottles, you can add Lobelia to the CBG bottle, (ratio of 1:5 or 1:6) so you only have to deal with one, and both can be used internally.
Canadian prices for 59 ml (2 oz) bottle: Lobelia $25.00; CBG $39.24 –  I can offer a member discount in many countries, if you contact me.


Q & A: Tremors


A quick question for you, I have been diagnosed with essential tremors, do you know if there is anything that will help it?


Yes, in my opinion, there is ALWAYS something that can be done to help improve any condition when you work with the laws of Nature. This is not a “take this pill and you’ll be better” type of question. I do not work like medical doctors – I try to find the cause and remediate it, not medicate the symptoms.

To enable this, I would need some history, when, how long, past incidences, medical tests done, diet, stress factors, etc., which would require a phone or Skype consultation of at least 1/2 hour, at a very reasonable fee.

Without a consultation, based on general knowledge, you would very likely get some relief with  a herb called Lobelia to calm the nerves, and relax the muscles, plus the Stress Pak to support  and nourish the nervous system, as it a given there is nervouse system involvement. You could try these two things for one month, and see what improvement there is, then have a discussion to see what results are and make further recommendations from there, based on your results.

Please contact me with phone number if you would like to get these delivered to your house, by the same herbal supplier I have used the last 24 years.

The other general suggestion concerns chiropractic to make sure there is no subluxation (displacement of vertebrae) that could be causing pressure or irritation to your nerves. Let me know if I can be of further assistance in helping to solve this.

For any health issues, I also recommend people follow the general health suggestions undre the Chapter, The Four Pillars of Health, in my book:  The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally. Recommendations for cancer also relate to most chronic conditions., so this book can also be used as a health guide. Contact our office directly if you would like to order your copy. Or in Winnipeg, Radiance Books on Corydon carries it.

Hope this helps!