Tag Archives: Ivermectin

Healing Crisis: Hering’s Law of Cure and Herxheimer Reaction

A healing response or crisis may happen when people shift from a drug based approach which suppresses symptoms, to a natural approach whereby the body truly heals itself.

As the body is fed the nutrition it requires for healing via better diet, herbs, vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, quality protein and essential fatty acids, it will start to clear out accumulated toxins and return from a state of dis-ease, to a state of ease and balance.

Sometimes on this upward path to better health, there will be downward dips, where the body decides to undertake a major cleansing. The traditional healing crisis can be identified by copious elimination from any channel the body can utilize. Some examples are excess phlegm or drainage from any body orifices, including nose, sinus, lungs, ears, vagina, penis, or colon; suppuration from wounds, pimples, or abscesses, coughing, foul smelling stool or urine, high fever and/or profuse sweating.

One of the main difference between healing crisis and disease crisis is the timing. A healing crisis will most often happen when one is feeling quite well, then wham! It hits you. It is often short lived – if managed properly one should push through it within a couple of days. Energy will usually return quickly afterwards. In contrast, when one is getting sick, this will more likely appear with a gradual decrease in vitality, may last longer, and may not release as many toxins, although a disease crisis can also release.

Dr. Constantine Hering, a German Homeopathic doctor (1800-1880) stated the following basis of healing, which has become known as Hering’s Law of Cure: “All cure starts from within out, from the head down and in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared or been suppressed”. Based on this law, the symptoms of a chronic disease:

  • disappear in definite order, going in reverse and taking about one month for every year the symptoms have been present.
  • move from the more vital organs to the less vital organs; from the interior of the body towards the skin.
  • move from the top of the body downward.

The Herxheimer Reaction is another type of short-term (from days to a few weeks) detoxification of the body. It is often associated with rapid Candidiasis or yeast die-off once one undertakes an effective program. As the body detoxifies, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea or other symptoms. This is a normal – and even healthy – reaction that indicates that parasites, fungus, viruses, bacteria or other pathogens are being effectively killed off. The biggest problem with the Herxheimer reaction is that people stop taking the supplement or medication that is causing the reaction, and thus discontinue the very treatment that is helping to make them better. Although the experience may not make you feel particularly good, the Herxheimer Reaction is actually a sign that healing is taking place. The Herxheimer Reaction is an immune system reaction to the toxins (endotoxins) that are released when large amounts of pathogens are being killed off, and the body does not eliminate the toxins quickly enough. Simply stated, it is a reaction that occurs when the body is detoxifying and the released toxins either exacerbate the symptoms being treated or create their own symptoms. The important thing to note is that worsening symptoms do not indicate failure of the treatment in question, in fact, usually just the opposite. Taking enzymes between meals can be an effective way to lessen this reaction. Extra rest, exercise, clean water, an alkalizing diet, and a positive outlook by knowing you are on a better path to long term healing, will all help you.

For effective Candida herbal and enzyme programs, supported by professional dietary counselling, please contact us.

For effective tips on handling both healing crisis and dis-ease crisis, refer to Crisis Management

ADDEND  Jan. 2025:  Please see the 21 minutes video a fellow practitioner sent in comments below. It is a GREAT Summary of the process of Natural Healing, explaining parasites, virus, gems, healing crisis, and toxic drugs.



Please Just ask WHY?


John Carpay,  President of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom explains very succinctly Canada’s Darkest Hour – Police State. The first 7 mins. are NB


It does not matter  which political party rules. Overall there have been lies, corruption, and more death caused by government measures taken than by any virus. Deaths by suicide, drug overdose, and medical treatments denied or unavailable.

Why is it still considered a pandemic when respiratory mortality from Covid is almost HALF than any of the five years pre covid ?
This chart from Statistics Canada shows this clearly, for anyone who will look:


Average deaths per year respiratory  2015 to 2019:  …  25,246
TOTAL COVID “related” deaths: Jan. 2020-Oct. 2021..  28,203 – 21 mos.
The higher number is for  21+ MONTHS , not 12 months. Read those govt. stats again.  A 10 yr. old can figure out this is almost half. 
Pandemic or Plandemic? Conspiracy theory or FACT?   Think….Ask!

In addition, the Stats Canada official website says in every yearly stat from 2015 to 2019: “The number of deaths is expected to increase (yearly), driven by two factors. Canada’s population is both growing (a larger population generates more deaths) and aging. Seniors account for a larger share of the population, and mortality rates increase with age.”

Even though the Canadian government stated this obvious conclusion, it seems nobody is listening and the fear and panic continue as the deaths from lock downs, mandates and injections of experimental genetic, immune altering drugs continues. Injections that are now being forced on 5 year old children who are not affected by COVID!

Why the emphasis on cases?

When survival rate is 99.97? And the test is considered unreliable? And the CT rate (# of cycles) continues to exceed W.H.O recommended rate of 25. As of last report BC was still using 35-45 CTs. Due to lack of transparency and communication, this info is difficult to get, but Dr. Hoffe printed excellent factual charts.

Why are less expensive, less dangerous and more effective approaches being denied?
Why are medical experts being censored and threatened –

If any MD treating COVID, scientist, or virologist  mentions safer, cheaper or more effective treatment options?

Why are some countries –

giving every citizen Vit. D and having their COV and other flu rates decrease? Or going back to normal, no testing, no lock downs, no panic,  and having COV rates decrease?

Why are they having to FORCE the vaccine on people if it is safe, OR if it is effective?

Neither safety or efficacy are apparent. If it were, govt,. would not have to be forcing workers to give up their careers, creating more pressure  on  the medical and other care systems in CA than already exists.

Why, if vaccine did protect people are they so concerned about the unvaccinated? Blaming variants being spread by non-jabbed, versus side-effects of spike proteins causing  lowered immune systems is absurd . Enjoy some insightful comedy to show just how absurd:




What About Ivermectin?

One of the darkest results of increased government and non-elected politicians governing Canadians’ medical choices, is the banning of any safe treatment. After 1 1/2 years, of researching and speaking to doctors in CA and Mexico, I am sticking my neck out even further onto the chopping block of democfarcy (not a typo) to provide this summary. Take it or leave it.  Ivermectin is widely used by physicians worldwide.

There are now well more than 51 studies from around the world, with 50 showing clear benefit and one showing neutral. (early 2021)

Experts worldwide have called for the global and systematic use of Ivermectin to prevent and treat COVID-19. Physicians have written about the profit motive by regulatory agencies and Big Pharma to block cheap, safe, and effective treatments like Ivermectin and HCQ in favor of experimental and perhaps more dangerous and arguably less effective vaccines and medicines like Remdesivir.

Remdesivir received FDA Emergency approval for “possible benefits”.  Remdesivir costs $2340-3,150  US  per patient. Recent research showed it increased Cov deaths via kidney damage causing pulmonary edema plus  liver damage. The choice of Ivermectin is a no-brainer, say many doctors.

Ivermectin costs about $2 per dose. It is safer than Tylenol or most vitamins, says Dr. Pierre Kory of the Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance

FLCCC,is  a group of expert physicians promoting access and information through a nonprofit organization. Dr. Fred Wagshul, a Yale-educated physician, a pulmonary specialist and director of the Lung Center of America, is a founding member of the FLCCC Alliance.

Dr. George Fareed, former Harvard professor, and also a member, advocates combination therapy of Ivermectin with HCQ in outpatient cases. For the benefit of physician readers, the specific doses are provided in this link.


This systemic review of Ivermectin studies, published in the Journal of Antibiotics, shows how effective this inexpensive drug is for treating just about every virus that has “plagued” humans and animals the last 50 years. From about review:

“Antiviral effects of ivermectin on RNA viruses such as Zika, dengue, yellow fever, West Nile, Hendra, Newcastle, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Chikungunya, Semliki Forest, Sindbis, Avian influenza A, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.”


A systematic review of all related evidences since 1970,  show a strong antiviral effect of Ivermectin  to effectively reduce viral RNA synthesis, viral RNA protein expression, and mature virion formation in infected cells .Doctors worldwide have been proving it works for COVID (COronaVaccine IDentification). This would mean less serious cases and less deaths. They are censored, penalized and denigrated for their treatment successes.

WHY would they want to prohibit this inexpensive treatment?”

For Health Canada, FDA, W.H.O, or any CDCs, to deny its effectiveness is nothing short of criminal. There are more criminal cases ongoing worldwide than any other time in modern history, including after the holocoaust of WW11.

Ivermectin Wins in Court Again: For Human Rights (this is in US – CA may not have any more Human Rights) 

As a herbalist and natural health practitioner since the 1980’s, I do not recommend drugs to heal the body. Ivermectin  may be one exception I might make,  only because there so much  misinformation and lack of true science with COVID, and that this drug has such a long track record of efficacy and safety, which very few drugs do.

Please see below under NATURAL OPTIONS. Contact our office directly to access any of these supplements in CA or US.

See full Protocols for both Prevention and Treatment from:

FLCCC Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance 

Dr.Code of Canadian Health Alliance

For high-risk individuals and for Post Covid Exposure prevention:                                                  0.2 mg per kg 2 doses 48 hours apart, then one dose every two weeks.

Early outpatient treatment: 0.2 mg per kg once daily for minimum two days, maximum 5 days ; in other words: stop when recovered, at between 2 and 5 days.
Hospitalized or in ICU: 0.3 mg per kg daily for five days.

Merk Manual on Ivermectin (stromectol) – (most technical)




For many of us who have not used pharmaceuticals for treatment of illness, we know there are many natural options. Personally our family has not used drugs since 1974. We have dealt with pneumonia, pertussis ( whooping cough), chicken pox, acute flu, bronchitis, sinus, ear and tonsil infections to name a few infectious conditions; plus normal life occurrences such as cuts, lacerations with tools, other injuries, parasite infections, ringworm,  pet illnesses and injuries, all drug free. We have confidence natural works – without side effects, and often faster and more effectively  than a prescription.

Exceptions? Yes, for a broken bone, car accident – go to emergency.

As Cov is a flu, we swear by treatment with natural herbal antibiotic and  antiviral formulas, that have worked for us and our clients for over 30 years. These can be found under previous articles. As links sometimes stop working, please contact our office for assistance in procuring the formulas that we have used successfully since pre-1990.

Proven Natural Solutions for Flu, Colds and other viral conditions:

Coronavirus Perspective and 7 Simple Natural Aids

Lung Healer – LH-C for Flu Virus or Colds?

Herpes cold sores – gone!  HRP-C works for all viruses.

Pine Needle Protection For Viral Transmission

Tips to Make the Avian Flu Fly Away (and other infections)

Crisis Management- Healing Crisis or Disease?

For all of the above articles, be sure to read comments, which offer many insights from other practitioners and clients.

For assistance in any health matters, please contact our office. 

Canadian Doctors & Nurses- Why NOT to be Afraid of COVID

If you have an open mind, this 11 minute video is brief, excellent information from 10 different Canadian doctors.
Canadian Doctors Speak Out – Why NOT to Be Afraid of Covid – Safe Alternatives

I applaud all of these medical professionals for stepping up and out of the box of fear to share their views and successes. They know that they do this at the risk of condemnation from their medical boards, College of Physicians, or employers. There are thousands of doctors world-wide doing the same. These Canadian doctors add their voices to the growing masses that are questioning and asking for science to be reinstated.

These are doctors who take their Hippocratic Oath seriously: “Do No Harm“.

More than a year after the the start of what was alleged to be a pandemic, science is still being censored whenever it does not agree with the political/economic/pharmaceutical agenda. If you are not yet aware of any agenda, you can easily look up Agenda 2020, Agenda 2030, or links in my past COVID articles, dating back to Mar 14, 2019.

Of course these agendas have been branded as “conspiracy theories”, even though they are supported with official government documentation, and even though most  “theories” have already happened, or are in the process of happening, according to planned timeline. Any medical professional presenting research that contradicts the WHO directives has been branded as heretic, quack, and numerous other derogatory names.

If you are afraid to accept that there may be another approach that does not involve living in fear, then ignore this. It will be different than what you  read or hear on mainstream media.

If this makes sense to you after listening, then you have to decide what you are going to do about what you learn. Your decision  may affect the history of humankind moving forward.

Equally compelling is this longer video with four nurses, 2 Canadian,  2 American, sharing  their in-depth front line experiences  working with COVID in hospitals; fact versus fiction.

Please learn why harm is being caused to children by current covid meausures, please listen to these doctors, 21 min. :

Protecting Our Children From Harm

Summary take home points:

  • 99.997% survival rate for children – far lower than seasonal flu
  • pyschological, physical, social, emotional, and intellectual damage caused by masking and social distancing
  • at 16 mins, you can learn about covid  experimental injection risks – ESPECIALLY children