Information Fatigue Syndrome, is a new ‘Syndrome’ which many people are experiencing. Some symptoms include increased anxiety, sleeplessness, less leisure time and less enjoyment when we do take leisure due to multi-tasking, and our brain always working.
The CEO of Google says, “Every 2 days we are creating as much information as we did from dawn of civilization to 2003“. This from TV, email, You Tube, texting, Facebook, radio …. think about that – it’s an amazing fact!
It is just one of the challenges putting us into information overload stress and in my practice, we are experiencing and seeing more of it with clients. However, according to Dr. Amen, expert on brain plasticity, we can be proactive to keep our brains healthy into old age, as research shows brains CAN increase their function at any age or stage of this game of life.
To help keep the brain healthy we can nourish our brain, body, spirit and soul. Some tips to do this are detailed in the 4 Pillars of Health section included in my book, The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer. The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.
To nourish our brain and our body we need phyto-nutrients available in fruits and vegetables. Let these guys dance around in your life!

Herbs are nutritionally dense powerhouses to add nutrition to your life. Supplemetns that are specific for the brain are Gingko Biloba, Gotu Kola and Omega 3.
Gingko Biloba is nick-named the tree of long life and longevity. It feeds the brain and enhances memory. We use the slow release Gingko that is standardized and potent.
The second outstanding brain herb is Gota Kola, which is traditionally used to sharpen thinking, rejuvenate the brain, enhance memory, and overcome fatigue.
Super Omega 3 provides EPA and DHA support better brain development, higher IQ, greater alertness and calmness of mind.

Stress reduction is critical as part of our 4 Pillars. What helps you relax, so you CAN shut off your brain? How about a nice bath with NSP Concentrate and Lavender oil? The NSP concentrate helps emulsify the Essential Oils, gives some luxuriant bubbles, and leaves you and the bathtub squeaky clean. It’s biodegradable, so is clean for the environment, sewage or septic.
Avoid Multi Tasking
Multitasking, so often considered a mark of mastery in the modern age, isn’t quite what we think it is.
“Multitasking,” as it’s used in common parlance, is somewhat of a misnomer: rather than performing multiple tasks simultaneously, the brain actually switches rapidly between tasks. And task-switching is an expensive habit that gobbles up extra processing power, rendering any attempt to “multitask” less efficient than simply concentrating on one task at a time.
A 2009 study from Stanford discovered that frequent multitasking hurts cognitive performance. People labeled as “heavy media multitaskers”—those who consumed several forms of media at once, like texting while listening to music—were worse at attention tests. They also floundered on challenging working memory tests and scored lower on a task-switching assessment. The researchers postulated that frequent exposure to irrelevant stimuli made these “heavy” users less adept at filtering interference .
For more information on the 4 Pillars of Health to help with your brain function, contact our office to order Lorene Benoit’s Paw Paw Program book. Your questions and comments are welcome on our blog! or 250-748-6802.
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