Update July 27, 2021:
I hear daily of more and more side effects from this Human Experimental Jab.
From those vaccinated: skin rashes, sores, neurological dusyfunction, tremors, pain, post menopausal women bleeding , stroke….
From those unvaccinated who are in close contact with the vaxxed: blood clotting, skin irritations, petachia, allergic reactions, death….
For many of these people, especially Canadians, they are not reporting the side effects for a variety of reasons. Several have been unable to find a doctor who will admit (or even know) that the symptoms are a side effect; other medical professionals will not take the time to complete the onerous report. Many doctors’ reports have been rejected.
If you have symptoms or know someone who does, PLEASE
Report adverse events here .
This is REALLY for the good of all.
This site lists several places you can report even if you cannot find a doctor to report for you, (which they are leaglly bound to do).
Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Canada
- as of July 23, 2021 – 10,161 adverse events – did you hear about this in the news or govt. propaganda?
Read my original post below to know more potential side effects. Can one really still say the “risks outweigh the benefits” for a disease with a 99. 997 % survival rate???
Please watch this video of Canadian Doctors, who join worldwide medical warnings about experimental serum injection “vaccine”.
At minimum, please listen to the first 2 ER doctors, Trozzi and Phillips, speaking 13-26 mins. The entire video is full of scientific evidence you are not seeing or hearing from TV or radio. Then ask yourself WHY not?
The adverse event reporting system, and doctors being censored is disturbing.
Deaths reported to VAERS from flu & covid shots:
Per year flu : 20 – 30 deaths out of 195 million shots.
In 6 months COVID : 5,343 deaths out of 310 million shots.
“December 14, 2020, through June 14, 2021”. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html:
The CDC says that these figures “likely are an undercount.”
In “normal” times, all covid injections would have been stopped months ago!
Dr. Malthouse explains difference between “relative risk reduction” and “absolute risk reduction” and how the numbers are spun to increase the appearance of effectiveness.This injection does not prevent transmission, nor infection!
Side effects in Children
All these risks are greater than those of covid for this age group, which is essential ZERO. Concerning children getting the vaccine for an illness that rarely affects them, please read more:
Risks of infertility…..

Additional side effects reported for adults
At the end, Dr. Trozzi clearly explains why there will be so many negative effects in the future, explaining antibody dependant enhancement , decreased capillillary function, and more. All for a “vaccine” that clearly states it does not prevent transmission or infection.
This UK guide states it clearly. Do Canada and US give you this informed consent info? Does the Vax eliminate masks, lockdowns or continued restrictions? How soon and how often will the “booster shots” and “new variants” require you to inject again?

Pine Needle Oil – Protection
Consider educating yourself from organizations that promote true scientific evidence, not censored propaganda.
Consider supporting:
Canada Health Alliance
Take Action Canada
Vaccine Choice Canada
In the US, there are many worthwhile educational groups to support.
America’s Front Line Doctors
Children’s Health Defense
National Vaccine Information Center
More References:
Professor Luc Montagnier stated in a recent interview that epidemiologists know, but remain “silent” about the phenomenon known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE). This has caused “ a 240% increase in Covid deaths in care homes immediately after COV vaccines. It is clear that the new variants are created by the antibody- mediated selection due to the vaccination.”
- European Medicines Agency: 7,766 DEAD 330,218 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”
- Lawyers and Medical Experts worldwide say they have all the evidence they need to convict WHO, CDC, PHE, Bill Gates and World Leaders of ‘Crimes against Humanity’
- Dr. Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at Yale University: At Least 60% Of All New COVID-19 ‘Cases’ Are Occurring In People Who Were Already Vaccinated
- Truth Seeker UK: predicts the 3rd wave is and will continue to be caused by those who got the jab