Tag Archives: Dr. Hugo Rodier

Member Benefits for Nature’s Sunshine with Benoit & Associates Health Education

How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

You can receive discounts from 20-25% on therapeutically potent,  professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements, leaders in the industry since 1972.

*  Plus Free Shipping & handling to your door.

*  Plus extra weekly and monthly specials

*  Plus reduced consultation fees.

Ask to become  a member under our Benoit & Associates Health Education NSP Family.  You are entitled to  free calls or emails up to 10 minutes  every month to help you choose your personal health program.*

* We are very generous with our time, but  for detailed or multiple questions and complex health issues , please book a consultation to ensure we can properly assess your situation and help you choose the best approach and a program specific to you.

We provide paid education sessions worldwide,(fees in above link), for all who wish to achieve better health through nature’s healing gifts,  including other practitioners of natural health

Rates are very reasonable, as per the previous link. Note that we offer a discount for members in our group. If you are a member with another sp0nsor, please choose the first option on fee schedule. We will still work with you! 

 Benefits of Membership

Great education including Free webinars, Fact sheets, and conference calls with professionals and  specials for the  superior products for which Nature’s Sunshine has been renown since 1972 .

There is no obligation, flexible autoship, no minimum, no hassles!

Order what you want, when you want! 

What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office or phone 250-748-6802, with your name, phone number and 2 times available Mon – Thurs. mornings, 9:00 am – noon PST for personalized service and to choose which membership best suits you.
  • Memberships are free in CA, US and Mexico, when you place any order
  • Go to www.naturessunshine.com; choose your country and use Lorene Benoit, Account  # 1143615 as your referral  to receive discount and the benefits for your country, plus our professional support.
  • OR contact us with your details  and we will do it for you, no obligation.
  • We can place your initial order for you with no charge – old fashioned personal service!


A few facts about Nature’s Sunshine Products:

Exceeds pharmaceutical standards, has lead the health industry since 1972

Vast product line used by professionals world wide

– products to complement existing lines

– full Fact Sheets on every product, with latin names, quantities, all ingredients – nothing hidden; everything  tested; all products  approved by Health Canada or FDA.

– ask for NSP professionals and author’s list – many well known authors such as Dr. Jack Ritchason, Louise Tenney, Lorene Benoit, Mark Pedersen, Steven Horne, AHG, Dr. Kim Balas, Dr. Hugo Rodier, Dr. Jerry McLaughlin, have been involved, some for more than 40 years.

Website, educational support for more than 40 countries worldwide.

–  a keen network of people interested in natural health

–  ongoing conference calls and webinars for herbal and health education,

–  marketing and business building available for those who choose to help others and earn while learning – NO obligations or pressure!


Contact us before you order from Amazon or EBay, which is illegal, based on NSP policy and motto of  “Quality, Service and Integrity”. An unknown seller cannot provide Service or Integrity, which we can. NSP has provided the professional Quality, exceeding pharmaceutical standards,  since 1972.

 Read a few more facts on quality.


If you are interested in sharing health with others…

Most generous marketing plan –  If you are interested in sharing health with others,  contact Benoit & Health Associates at 250-748-6802.

Since 1990 we have helped people at all levels of health education to build their own business!



Soy controversy

There are many controversial views about soy and soy products.

This article was updated December, 2018.                                           Truth stands the test of time.

The negative talk about soy usually relates to it being indigestible and its phyto estrogens promoting early puberty, sterility in males,  estrogen receptive breast cancer, depressing thyroid function.

The positive side refers to it being a viable, environmentally green protein source,  and its phyto estrogens helping with menopausal symptoms and preventing breast and other cancers.

Our take on soy uses the same approach that we encourage our clients to embrace concerning ALL  natural health issues:

1. Do your research and try to find out who has paid for the research you are reading – this is not always easy to determine and untangling sponsorship connections can take some time!

2. Look at historical perspectives from whatever part of the world this plant (or herb,  product, diet, etc.) originates from.

3. Pay attention to YOUR body if you implement something new. Learning to listen to your body will tell you more than anything else.

This being said, these are our additional thoughts concerning soy:

  • People have to be moderate in their consumption of soy – we do not need a 1/2 lb. slab of tofu – look at how Japanese have traditionally used small pieces in soups and stir fries
  • Avoid over consumption of sugar laden soy products, milks and yogurts filled with guar gum and other fillers and thickeners – not a Japanese staple
  • Fermented soy products DO add other benefits – miso is one of the most nutritious
  • Understand that phyto estrogens are not hormones. Only animals have hormones. Phyto estrogens are plant (phyto) estrogens. They act beneficially in the body by filling hormonal receptor sites, which prevents the body from utilizing more potent or toxic hormones, such as the type of estrogen that does promote ER breast cancer, and chemical hormones, called xeno estrogens. So most people experience positive results.
  • In our office we used a non-GMO soy isolate based protein powder for more than 20 years. Our clients loved this product and after so many years, not one had any thyroid issues; many experienced most of the benefits listed below.
  • It has become more difficult to obtain reasonable quantities of non GMO soy based protein at competitive prices, plus people have been unduly scared off with soy misinformation. Nature’s Sunshine has replaced soy proteins with other excellent protein blends. Three favorites available in both Canada and US are:   In.Form Metabolic Age Support Pea Vanilla Shake, which is vegan, gluten free and contains phytosterols; IN.Form Metabolic Age Support Whey, and Nature’s Harvest, containing protein, vitamins, minerals and vegetables. In the US many people also love the Love and Peas Sugar Free.
  • Some of the benefits that any quality protein supplement will provide for people are:
  1. weight management
  2. endurance and energy for athletics
  3. balancing blood sugar levels for both hypo and hyper glycemia
  4. reducing negative hormonal symptoms of menopause and andropause

On pages 203 -204 of Lorene Benoit’s book:  The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally, a recipe for Super Shakes is given, which can include this SynerProtein.

For more information, and personal advice for supplements specific for YOU,  or to order  from our same supplier at wholesale discount, please contact our office.

Should you wish a document of soy related research which has helped form this opinion, we will gladly share a multi-page reference list gratefully provided by Dr. Hugo Rodier, Board Certified MD  PLUS Nutritional and Integrative Doctor. Just email us and ask for “Dr. Rodier’s Soy Research”.