Tag Archives: Diabetes

3 Medical Challenges and Healthy Alternatives for Lungs, Diabetes and Vaccines

Feb. 2021: references, details added:

Note: Links frequently change and we can’t always keep up with them. For ANY health recommendations, such as products we have personally and professionally used since 1985, CONTACT US. We can email links, fact sheets, advice. First free 10 mins. no charge, and no charge to help you get the best products at 20-25% discount PLUS Free shipping to your door. Consults available for more complex cases.


Just 2 Months’ Exposure to Anticholinergics (AC’s)* Affects Cognition

Physicians “absolutely” over-prescribe ACs, said Dr. Boustani, Indiana University Center for Aging Research. Patients might push for these drugs in the belief that if they simply take a pill, their symptoms will go away. Also, physicians typically don’t have the time to discuss medication alternatives with individual patients. “They take the easy way out, which is to just simply spend 10 seconds writing a prescription,” said Dr. Boustani.

AC’s are used for a variety of conditions including:

Respiratory (with most seniors with COPD and asthma), urogenitary, gastrointestinal, dizziness and insomnia (shorterm only) . The results highlight the importance of limiting prescriptions for ACs in older adults. All too often, said Dr. Boustani, patients continue to take AC medications even when they’re not working.

*A list of common prescribed and over the counter AC’s at end of article.

Lorene Benoit questions how is one to know if cognitive impairment in seniors is being caused by, or worsened by the long term use of these medications when Mild Cognitive Impairment has been noted after only 2 -3 months of use. Many seniors are on these medications, compounded by having  several of them combined, for long term, usually years or until death do them part! How often is declining cognition being brushed off as natural aging, or dementia? Plus, some of these medications are prescribed for children with rapidly developing brains!

Healthy Natural  Approaches for Respiratory use of AC’s

When possible, physicians should substitute AC medications with those that have fewer cognitive adverse effects or with nonpharmacologic alternatives, said Dr. Boustani.

Benoit offers even safer, natural alternatives be considered. For breathing and respiratory  distress caused by COPD, asthma, or other respiratory conditions like bronchitis, congestion and coughs, Lobelia is safe, effective and inexpensive.

Lobelia Inflata is a third degree medicinal herb. It has so many positive actions that Dr. John Christopher has a whole chapter in his “School of Natural Healing” textbook dedicated to lobelia.  Some of  the following properties make it one of the essential herbs to have on at hand in every home.

Medicinal properties include:

Nervine:  Lobelia is one of nature’s strongest relaxant nervine herbs. Because of its ability to relax the sympathetic nervous system, it has been used effectively for nervous excitement, hysteria, relaxing  tight colon (spastic constipation, IBS)

Antispasmodic:  stops spasms so is useful for muscle spasms, cramps, convulsions, irregular heart beat,  bronchial spasms such as in asthma, coughs,

Analgesic, Anodyne:  effective for painful conditions such as teething, earache, muscle and joint inflammation, kidney or gall bladder stones, stiff neck, injuries. Helps eliminate pain and toxins of poisonous bites and stings. Apply externally, as well as taking internally.

Deobstruant: Lobelia has the ability to remove obstructions. This makes it effective in loosening and helping with expectoration of mucous, especially in the respiratory tract and stomach.  It helps to cleanse and stimulate movement of lymph fluid, thus aiding this important part of our immune system and body’s natural waste disposal.

Stop smoking:Medical Claim approved by Health Canada: Lobelia can help quit smoking, by helping to reduce the body’s craving for nicotine and easing withdrawal symptoms”. One of Lobelia’s active constituents is lobeline, which has a similar chemical composition to nicotine. This makes Lobelia very effective for those wishing to stop smoking, as lobeline will fill the nicotine receptor sites which create cravings, without any addictive effect or weight gain – a few drops under tongue, hold 30 seconds. Repeat up to 20 times per day, as required. Doing a cleanse, such as the Tiao He Pak (10-15 days), or Bod-E Klenz (30 days), can also help reduce cravings and make the shift to a positive lifestyle.

With these benefits, Lobelia should be in every person’s home 1st Aid Kit.

Other formulas that aid a weakened respiratory system is the Chinese formula LH-C.   Lung Healer – Chinese have kept many people off drugs and helped to heal lungs, not just address symptoms.

AL-J is another formula for allergies affecting respiratory system. It contains a blend of herbs well known for healing such as mullein, horseradish, fenugreek and boneset.

For other conditions for which ACs may be prescribed, there are a multitude of healthy herbs that have history of proven effectiveness that date back thousands of years.

References: Medscape: http://www.medscape.com

Alzheimer’s & Dementia. Published online November 26, 2012

Dr. John Christopher, “The School of Natural Healing


Actos medication for Diabetes Class Action Law Suit

Actos is used to improve blood sugar (glucose) control in adults with type 2 diabetes. It is prescribed to patients who have trouble regulating their blood sugar with diet and exercise alone. It may be used alone or with other medicines, including insulin and metformin.

However, long-term use of Actos is linked to a number of serious health complications, including heart failure, macular edema, lactic acidosis, bone fractures, and most recently bladder cancer. It is the link to bladder cancer that is leading more than 3,000 former Actos users to file lawsuits against Takeda Pharmaceuticals, the maker of the drug.

Reference: Aubrey Hayes     Public Outreach Drug Watch

ahayes@drugwatch.com     www.drugwatch.com

Healthy Natural  Approaches for Diabetes and Insulin Resistance

Safer herbal alternatives are GlucoReg, which has herbs traditionally used to control blood sugar mechanisms and Chromium GTF. Also dietary changes must be undertaken.

Recommendations in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally are helpful.

Her book explains the sugar and disease and inflammation connection. As well, extensive dietary recommendations are given to help people understand how to eat better. Some recipes are also included. Eliminating sugar, in fact, is critical to optimum health and prevention of all chronic conditions, including diabetes and cancer!

Other options are the raw food approach, as shown in this 4 minute video part way through the May, 2011 newsletter.


Vaccines Linked to a Host of Chronic Illnesses

While the preceding mainstream articles dance around the theories of autism causation, vaccination is never mentioned as a possible “environmental” factor in the etiology of autism. Vaccines are linked not only to autism, but to many chronic conditions that used to be rare in children. The producers of the new documentary The Greater Good, provide a catalogue of over 200 studies that raise serious concerns about vaccine side effects.

References: Vaccine Risk Awareness Network


* A list of common prescribed and over the counter AC’s :

List of common prescribed anticholinergics
  • atropine (Atropen)
  • belladonna alkaloids.
  • benztropine mesylate (Cogentin)
  • clidinium.
  • cyclopentolate (Cyclogyl)
  • darifenacin (Enablex)
  • dicylomine.
  • fesoterodine (Toviaz)

In addition to prescription anticholinergics, commonly used over-the-counter (OTC) anticholinergics are: antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, doxylamine, and dimenhydrinate.


Healthy Natural  Approaches for Immunity

See our past archives on Vaccines, specifically, Safe Vaccine Alternatives, and Immune Tips.

Cancer and Sugar Connection

One common factor that links obesity, candida,  diabetes and cancer is insulin resistance. Science is beginning to realize that  insulin resistance is involved in all inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis (inflammation of joints), Alzheimers (inflammation of brain cells), atherosclerosis (inflammation and hardening of the arteries).

Overuse of sugar is linked to all inflammation. This article will explain some of the research behind sugar consumption specifically relating to cancer.

According to Lewis Cantley, director of the Cancer Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center at Harvard Medical School, as much as 80 percent of all cancers are “driven by either mutations or environmental factors that work to enhance or mimic the effect of insulin on the incipient tumor cells,” Gary Taubes reports, adding:

“As it was explained to me by Craig Thompson, who has done much of this research and is now president of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, the cells of many human cancers come to depend on insulin to provide the fuel (blood sugar) and materials they need to grow and multiply. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor (and related growth factors) also provide the signal, in effect, to do it.

The more insulin, the better they do.

Some cancers develop mutations that serve the purpose of increasing the influence of insulin on the cell; others take advantage of the elevated insulin levels that are common to metabolic syndrome, obesity and type 2 diabetes.  Some do both.

Thompson believes that many pre-cancerous cells would never acquire the mutations that turn them into malignant tumors if they weren’t being driven by insulin to take up more and more blood sugar and metabolize it.”

Some cancer centers, such as the Cancer Centers of America, have fully embraced this knowledge and place their patients on strict low-sugar, low-grain diets. But conventional medicine in general has been woefully lax when it comes to highlighting the health dangers of this additive.

It’s quite clear that if you want to avoid cancer, or are currently undergoing cancer treatment, you absolutely MUST avoid all forms of sugar!

Dr. Lustig’s work and his You Tube lecture alone have OVER one million views., even though it’s 90 minutes long. His research proves sugar is a “toxin”. His stance has nothing to do with calories in various sweeteners,: “It’s a poison by itself,” he says.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM&feature=player_embedded

“If Lustig is right, then our excessive consumption of sugar is the primary reason that the numbers of obese and diabetic Americans have skyrocketed in the past 30 years,” the NYT says. “But his argument implies more than that. If Lustig is right, it would mean that sugar is also the likely dietary cause of several other chronic ailments widely considered to be diseases of Western lifestyles — heart disease, hypertension and many common cancers among them.”

In Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally, the direct link to sugar and cancer is clearly expressed. One example is on page 83, where she presents a chart showing the sugar connection with cancer. She also makes dietary suggestions that are easy to follow,  and includes a chapter with some simple recipes to help people transition out of sugar and into a healthier, satisfying way of eating.

For optimum health, not just for cancer, but those conditions listed in the opening paragraph, follow healthy lifestyle recommendations as suggested in Benoit’s book. You can order on the above link, by calling the office at 250-748-6802, or by emailing directly to TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com.

May Health Newsletter


** May, 2011 **

For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office by phone: 250-748-6802 email: takethenaturalpath@gmail.com
Website www.naturalpathremedies.com

Check the articles added to our blog since the last newsletter:
Two short Youtube videos about my book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer.

Parasites, Pets and People

Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome

If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about, ask me on my website blog and I will do my best to answer.

We are also connected with many professionals offering classes and conference calls great ways to learn more about your health…… let’s find out more about what’s upcoming…..

Education local and worldwide – colour coded, so you can quickly browse through to see which are of interest….

Local Upcoming Dinner Classes:

Tue.June 14th: Hormones for Men and Women

Lake Cowichan:
Wed. May 25th: Herb Walk Honeymoon Bay Wildflower Reserve
Classes again next September – Let us know what topic interests you!

Compass Group Assessment Classes
Come to find out an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health. Watch this 3 minute video

Assessments in group setting – fun and informative –only $25, repeats $20, then $10
– call office to pick a date for your own Compass Home Party – you get a free assessment, plus $50 in free product.

Education Worldwide:

Business Coaching
-if you are interested in earning while you learn, let us know. We have brief meetings after monthly dinner classes and can set up one on one coaching to help you earn some extra cash, while helping yourself and others to health!
We are always looking for more people to train as herbal specialists. The world is in need!

Our Annual Herbal Intensive, July  15th – 18th,  is a great place to start. Ask for the poster for details.

Webinars on the amazing Brilliant Body Systems. If you have not watched these yet, they are well done, very informative and with the CD anyone can present professional education to friends and family anywhere! Great training available free and online to all members; contact us or NSP to find them on website.

Dental advisory about cone beam new technology.

Please warn your friends and family about this travesty–especially those who have kids headed to their first orthodontist appointment. But this warning is for everyone–not just kids. If your dentist wants to x-ray your teeth, ask what technology is being used. If it is, “cone-beam CT scan,” say you don’t mind taking the extra half-hour for the digital camera–or that you’re willing to skip the special effects altogether.

Monthly Specials For Members
– see below how to become a member and why you may want to do this!

May special for new members – free Digestive Enzymes PLUS free small Silver Guard with $75 order – if you have been thinking of it, now is the time! Call our office.
Til mid June “We Miss You Special” for expired members – free S/H and free small Silver Guard with a $50 renewal order.

How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?
• You can receive discounts from 10 – 40% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

What do you need to do?

• Contact our office by email, phone or website
• Memberships are free in most countries when you place an order.
• Go to TakeTheNaturalPath.myNSP.com choose your country ; use sponsor #1143615
to receive discounts and free shipping – or just contact us.

Free education, resource centre, fact sheets, webinars and professional conference calls.

Video Picks

As diabetes is North America’s No.1 pandemic, please watch this 4 min. video. Although not everyone has the ability to do this on their own, this video proves you can control, prevent and reverse diabetes: http://www.rawfor30days.com/RawFor30/2011_rd_action.html

Food Matters – YES IT DOES!
If your time is short, just go to 12:25 minutes and listen to a few minutes from Andrew Saul, PhD Therapeutic Nutrition Specialist. Here are other doctors explaining why and how 94 % of medical doctors do NOT know anything about nutrition, proper eating, and why supplementation is essential: http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/food-matters/

Political Scene

Natural Health products are under the most severe threat of extinction since 35 years I have been in this field. Canadians are encouraged to continue to write the Minister of Health, the Prime Minister, and your MP to tell them you want access to natural health products. NOW is a good time. Visit  http://nhppa.org/ to educate yourself before it is too late.

You can also help by getting signatures for Canadian Health Charter petition.

Interesting Stats: deaths per year from adverse reactions of properly prescribed Drugs in various countries:
US: 106,000
UK: 10,000 Compare this to deaths from car accidents – 3,500 and from Prostate Ca – 9,000 (I wonder how many of these are from the cancer treatment?)
Canada: 1/10 of US generally, meaning 10,000+

Compare to this proven, not alleged, deaths from vitamins, minerals, herbs or other natural products: 0 – that’s ZERO. In all of the above countries.Whenever we ask Health Canada to release their purported adverse reactions to NPNs, they refuse to follow freedom of information regulations.


Did you know you can use an eyedropper to put Silver Guard directly in the eyes for infection like pink eye (infectious conjunctivitis), redness, and to help prevent cataracts? So what’s an eyedropper you ask? A clumsy ophthalmologist.
The tip is for real, though.

Spiritual and Emotional

Never under-estimate what one person can accomplish……

Recently a 98 year-old lady named Irena Sendler passed away.
During WWII, Irena, got permission to work in the Warsaw Ghetto, as a Nurse. She had an ‘ulterior motive’. As a German, she KNEW what the Nazi’s plans were for the Jews. Irena smuggled infants out in the bottom of the tool box she carried in the back of her truck. She had a dog that she trained to bark when the Nazi soldiers let her in and out of the ghetto. The soldiers of course wanted nothing to do with the dog and the barking covered the kids/infants noises.
During her time doing this, she managed to smuggle out and save 2500 kids/infants from the gas chambers.
She was caught, and the Nazi’s broke both her legs, arms and beat her severely.
Irena kept a record of the names of all the kids she smuggled out and kept them in a glass jar, buried under a tree in her back yard.
After the war, she tried to locate any parents that may have survived and reunited the family. Most had been gassed. Those kids she helped got placed into foster family homes or adopted.

Last year Irena was up for the Nobel Peace Prize … She was not selected.
Al Gore won, for a slide show on Global Warming.

She died, being nursed by one of the children she saved. It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War. In memory of the millions around the world who were/are murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated. It is imperative to make sure the world never forgets these past atrocities, because there are others who continue to do it today.

Raising Healthy Children

A Super Shake in the morning helps children to focus in school. You need good nutrition for the brain to work! GreenZone, SynerProtein Powder and fruit with water make a quick and simple meal in a minute. TNT (Total Nutrition Today is also a great way to add vitamins, minerals and fibre and it tastes great, so can be used if you don’t have fruit on hand – we like to add some SynerProtein or NutriBurn Whey Protein to TNT.
This drink can also be taken as a school snack; just shake before use!
Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day for both children and adults.

Please contact our office for full fact sheets or to order these products.

Yours in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education
Here to serve you…….

Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome X

Diabetes is without question the fastest-growing chronic disease in North America. More than 2 million Canadians currently have the disease.

Twenty years ago, metabolic syndrome was almost an unknown idea among conventional practitioners. Today it is recognized as the precursor to full-blown diabetes. This is gratifying because it means conventional medicine accepts the idea that diabetes develops over time — it doesn’t just appear overnight.

The diagnosis of metabolic syndrome is made when three or more of five disorders are present in the patient: high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, high blood sugar, high blood pressure and an above-average waistline.

Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are basically the same thing. They begin with the same faulty cell signalling that, over time, causes metabolic disorders and damage, and eventually, degenerative diseases.

New research is confirming what herbalists and natural practitioners have known for millennium – that we can use specific natural ingredients to sort out the mixed-up cell signalling that occurs in metabolic syndrome and reverse the problem.

Please check out these suggestions on TakeTheNaturalPath.MyNSP.com   Choose Canada or US in top right corner.

Contact us for professional assistance to set up a member account with 20-25% discount and free shipping to you door!

Chromium with GTF – Glucose Tolerance Factor helps the body to utilize glucose effectively

P14: a pancreas support combination, containing 14 different herbs that aid the pancreas in digestion, insulin production and secretion; also helps lower blood sugar levels.

Gluco Reg: blood sugar combination designed to help people overcome insulin resistance. Gymnema, Banaba, Bitter Melon, Fenugreek, Chromium, Vanadium

Ultimate GreenZone: Protein, fats and carbs in ratio of 40-30-30 helps keep blood sugar levels balanced, prevents sugar cravings, maintains energy. GreenZone is a source of super dense greens nutrition.

NutriBurn Whey, Nature’s Harvest,  Love & Peas  protein belnds: helps balance blood sugar levels.

SuperTrio – an easy daily supplement to ensure you meet your daily needs. Contains Omegas which helps prevent inflammation, diabetes, decrease carb and sugar cravings.

A full Fact Sheet on any of these products is available from Benoit & Associates Health Education. Ph: 250-748-6802, or email in Contact.


Some explanations of common terms:

Hypoglycemia is a condition of low blood sugar. Reactive hypoglycemia is when the drop in blood sugar happens 2-5 hours after eating. As Dr. Kharrazian, known for his revolutionary book on the thyroid, points out: “Reactive hypoglycemia is an early stage of insulin resistance… and can lead to diabetes.” He also explains how hypoglycemia is related to many forms of hypothyroidism and sluggish pituitary function. (4)

Insulin resistance happens when an ongoing release of insulin is released in response to high blood glucose (sugar). This excess insulin causes inflammation of the cell membranes, making them less able to accept insulin, which transports glucose into the cells.  We then lose energy as we have no fuel. We run out of gas, so to speak. Remember this is all due to excess sugars in the diet.

Some symptoms of insulin resistance:

  • sleepy after meals
  • weight gain, especially around belly
  • hungry all day, even after large meals
  • hormonal imbalances such as breast for men and facial hair for women
  • irritability or foggy thinking if you miss a meal
  • dependence on caffeine to make it though the day
  • difficultly falling asleep at night and sluggish in morning

The last 3 symptoms also point to adrenal exhaustion which is related to insulin resistance and hypoglycemia.

May Health Newsletter, 2010


For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office by phone:  250-748-6802

email: takethenaturalpath@gmail.com

Website www.naturalpathremedies.com

Professional Product Discount Ordering: http://takethenaturalpath.mynsp.com/

Health Tips


Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter:

Super Foods and Smoothies how everyone can easily ramp up their nutrition

Super Antioxidant Foods – to enhance longevity – a must if you are healing serious health conditions!

Spring Cleansing – May is not too late to receive the benefits

Vitamin B12 – who needs to supplement this vitamin?

Paw Paw Programfor renegade cell growth and more


To read these articles, go to:

www.naturalpathremedies.com – click on Blog on the left hand side. Tip: to read the entire article, click on the title of the article.

If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about, ask via a comment on the blog and we will do my best to answer.

Lorene  continues to teach the Untold Truths –excellent information in these mini courses, written and recorded by professionals in the field. “Transform Your Health – Transform Your Shape” teaches us how the body metabolism works and covers topics of Diabesity, Estrogen Dominance, Revving up Metabolism, plus how Stress Toxicity and Emotions can all affect Weight Challenges.  Course taught locally June 8th – see below.

Ongoing scientific studies suggest that the average person needs supplementation to not be deficient and to add healthy, quality years to our lives.

The Untold Truth Series are wonderful teaching tools for both personal and family use AND for business purposes, if you want to help others learn how to take control of their own health and better life.

If anyone would like to purchase these courses, the CDs are $5 and the entire course, which includes a 50 – 65 page booklet, summary pamphlets suitable for sharing, questionnaire and product suggestions are available for $15 – 25 & S/H if applicable. Please contact our office. Topics available are:

Estrogen Overload– dealing with hormonal shifts and imbalances

Colon Health – know how critical this organ to health

Transform Your Shape – understand blood sugar and Weight Management

Running on Empty –- nutritional deficiency and the Standard American Diet

Stressed Out – factors involved and effective management tools

Diabetes Epidemic – cause, prevention and natural treatment

Heart Health – factors involved in healthy heart and cardiovascular system

You Won’t Believe What’s Inside You – whole body cleansing

ABC of Raising Healthy Children

11 Elite Ingredients – one Amazing Blend: Zambroza (Thai Go)

Traditional Chinese Medicine – Eastern Remedies for Western Ailments

Sweet Death with 250 page book  $25/$20

8 Causes of Disease–  common health issues and daily health solutions

The professionals that write and record these courses all agree that there is ample proof indicating we need a wide range of vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids, and anti-oxidants on a daily basis. Due to modern living, pollution and food sources it has become next to impossible to meet our needs with a healthy diet alone, and definitely not with the SAD = Standard American Diet.


Call our office to know what specials are being offered this month on professional quality health supplements.

Many of our classes and conference calls are also good ways to learn more about your health……so let’s find out more about what’s upcoming…..


Education available world wide and  free!


Nature’s Sunshine continues to offer excellent natural health education via conference calls and webinars. Best is – it’s free!

These calls are usually the 3rd Wednesday of each month, 8:30 – 9:30 pm EST

Contact our office for the call numbers, or if you have an NSP discount membership, ask to receive the VIP Update and Educate via email or fax, so you will know when and what training is available.


Cancer Healing Conference Call – You are invited to include your friends to listen to

“The Paw Paw Program for Cancer Healing”

When: most Monday evenings at 6 pm PST – to register call our office 250-748-6802 – if no answer, just leave your name and ph # – we will contact you to register.

Agenda for the calls cover:

What is cancer, Injury and Candida, Recent research, Case studies, Healthy recipe, Q&A

Donna Roth teaches and thinks much the same way I do about cancer – my book will include the joint research we did in her book, plus more detail – coming soon….



Education Available locally on Vancouver Island


Medicine Wheel Workshop:  July 9th –  1:00 – 4:00 pm


4 elements Medicine Wheel Garden in preparation for annual Herbal Intensive starting next day July 10th.

If you would like to have fun and learn about healing herbs and the 4 elements Medicine Wheel, join us in this free work exchange workshop! Participants are asked to come prepared for garden work; herbal teas will be provided.


12th Annual Herbal Intensive: July 10 – 12th 9:00 am – 4 pm

The Cowichan Valley supports a lush growth of plants that have been traditionally used for medicinal purposes, as well as for food. We will study indigenous, wild, and some cultivated botanicals, with an experienced  Master Herbalist working more  than 25 years. In this 3 day Intensive you will learn:

  • introduction to botanical terms
  • plant families and identification
  • medicine wheel & plant energy
  • ethical harvesting
  • drying and storage
  • doctrine of signatures

You will also learn how to prepare and apply herbs in a practical and fun “hands on” setting:

  • Poultices, fomentations and compresses
  • Infusions (teas) and decoctions, juices
  • Sweat baths, inhalations
  • Herbal oils and salves
  • Enemas and douches
  • Tinctures, herbal vinegars
  • Preparations for eyes, teeth, sinus and nose
  • Glycerites, syrups and more…


Your Investment: Early Bird Special: If you pay before June 15th, save $100 and pay only $375; after June 15th $475.  Includes 3 full days of instruction, including healthy lunches each day and samples. Participants are also encouraged to join the Friday afternoon Medicine Wheel workshop for free.

Reiki Wellness in Valleyview Centre, Cobble Hill 250-743-8122

Valleyview Centre #42, (beside DrumRoasters), Cobble Hill

Zyto Compass Classes Thursday May 27th 6-8 PM $25.00


For anyone who has had their initial assessment and would like a follow up they are welcome to come 1/2 hour before or after the class to have their next assessment.  (Please call to pre-book). If you are not sure what a Zyto Compass assessment is, come to find out an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.  Watch this 3 minute video : http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit

Reiki Wellness now also has their own Compass assessment tool, so you can call them directly to book an assessment.
Special Health Classes: Transform Your Health & Your Shape

6:00 – 8:00 PM.                   Tuesday June 8th


Diabetes and other Sugar Challenges

Tuesday July 13th
Call ASAP to reserve a seat as space is limited. (Zyto Compass assessment available before or after class)

$20 per class includes samples of health products, handouts and life changing education!



Benoit Health Top Video Picks of the Month


I watch many (too many?) health related videos weekly. These are a couple that I recommend you take the time to view – short, informative, to the point and promote the same teaching as our office.


Gluten Sensitivity – Dr. Hyman has a good 7 minute videos on Utube : very informative, explains how and why gluten has a negative effect on many people. Not just those who have diagnosed celiac, but many chronic conditions such as  osteoporosis, arthrtitis, Mulitple Sclerosis, auto-immune conditions, plus mental conditions including depression and autism. The simple solution is to eliminate all gluten from your diet for 3 – 4 weeks, then introduce and pay attention. It is worthwhile looking at:



Food Matters: how to change our health – this is a 3 minute trailer for the movie Food Matters, which will greatly impact how and what you eat.


The Zyto Compass is helping many people to accurately choose supplements suited for their specific needs based on their current reading of 76 biomarkers. This company and the founder, Dr. Vaugn Cook,  also offers webinars to better understand this too. It has also helped others who are wanting to do business helping others find better health.

If you would like to know more about using this tool to help develop business, for the personal health care of your family, or to find someone in your part of the country who can offer you an assessment, please contact our office. You may also watch a 3 minute Compass video: http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit


Success Stories


You Don’t have to Have Lupus or Be Diseased . Just Make a Decision Says Lynn

Ten years ago Lynn was diagnosed with Lupus and was given 2 years to live.

“My whole life ended and I went into a deep depression. I was hospitalized to a psych ward for a period of 3 months. I was totally overwhelmed and I broke down.” For years Lynn’s life was totally consumed by doctors. Visits to doctors’ offices were her entire social life.

“I was letting the doctors tell me what to do. I was living on borrowed time. All I did was make appointments with doctors and sit around in the waiting rooms to see doctors. I shaved my legs daily to see doctors. I was up to visiting 15 doctors a week. I was very timid and I was lost. I was bitter. Why is my life shutting down? ”

No one could give Lynn an answer. Then one day she made a decision – a decision that changed her life. Someone had told her about an expert herbalist and she decided to visit her for a consultation. The consultation discovered that Lynn was very deficient in many different minerals, enzymes , and essential fatty acids. On July 31/06 Lynn started on her new adventure.

“I decided I would do exactly what the herbal specialist said I should do. I taped the instructions to my fridge and I stuck to the program.

Every day Lynn took the following Nature’s Sunshine herbal program:

Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic 3 oz a day

1 Tbs. GreenZone Super Food

LIV-C 12 capsules a day

Super Oil 4 capsules a day

Colostrum 4 a day

No sugar, pop, wheat, yeast products. A diet of vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, hormone free meat or poultry, eggs. Plenty of pure water for hydration and to help with flushing of toxins. Chlorophyll added for extra nutrition and alkalizing.

At the end of August/2006 Lynn visited her liver specialist who did a liver enzyme test for her. The results showed the liver enzymes to be down to normal for the first time in 10 years. The doctor couldn’t believe it and so he did another liver test just in case there was an error in the testing procedures. Once again the liver test showed the enzyme levels to be perfectly normal. All other blood tests showed everything to be in the normal range. The blood pressure came down from 180/110  to 127/85.  The doctor was absolutely amazed and told Lynn she wouldn’t have to see him for another 6 months. Lynn also weaned off 5 of her 7 medications- the anti malaria drugs, the blood pressure meds, the diuretics, the potassium and the arthritic pain drugs.

Today Lynn rarely has any pain. The cramps she would have in the liver and the ribs every time she ate have gone. Her leg cramps decreased dramatically. She rarely gets headaches any more and her sugar cravings are gone. The anxiety attacks, stress and depression are gone. Her sporadic menstrual cycle is normal now.

“I learned I had to speak for myself and do it myself. I was letting the doctors tell me what to do. I changed my eating habits. I changed my shopping habits from cookies and potato chips to fruits and vegetables. I get excited when I cook now. I discovered how my intestinal tract works. I feel younger today then I did 10 years ago.”  Lynn’s advice is to gain knowledge about yourself and to do it yourself.

How many quality years do you have left? What are you waiting for?

For herbal consultations contact Lorene Benoit 250-748-6802 or call Lorene for a herbal specialist close to your home.




Spiritual, Emotional or Humour


Weight loss tip?    “When I buy cookies I eat just four and throw the rest away. But first I spray them with Raid so I won’t dig them out of the garbage later. Be careful, though, because Raid really doesn’t taste that bad.”                                                                                             – Janette Barber


If you would like a beautiful power point presentation on Happiness, please contact our office via email, with “Happiness is PP” in subject line.

Business Tips

More and more workers will continue to leave the work force and start their own part-time networking business. Why? They are bored or frustrated with their present jobs. Industry experts estimate that 40% of all sick days occur on Fridays and Mondays. This estimate confirms the workers’ desire to leave a boring workplace environment. If you like health, enjoy helping others, and are interested, contact us.

Please comment and  congratulations if you have read through to the end! You are a herbal warrior!!

Yours in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Here to serve you…….