Tag Archives: detox

Healing Crisis: Hering’s Law of Cure and Herxheimer Reaction

A healing response or crisis may happen when people shift from a drug based approach which suppresses symptoms, to a natural approach whereby the body truly heals itself.

As the body is fed the nutrition it requires for healing via better diet, herbs, vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, quality protein and essential fatty acids, it will start to clear out accumulated toxins and return from a state of dis-ease, to a state of ease and balance.

Sometimes on this upward path to better health, there will be downward dips, where the body decides to undertake a major cleansing. The traditional healing crisis can be identified by copious elimination from any channel the body can utilize. Some examples are excess phlegm or drainage from any body orifices, including nose, sinus, lungs, ears, vagina, penis, or colon; suppuration from wounds, pimples, or abscesses, coughing, foul smelling stool or urine, high fever and/or profuse sweating.

One of the main difference between healing crisis and disease crisis is the timing. A healing crisis will most often happen when one is feeling quite well, then wham! It hits you. It is often short lived – if managed properly one should push through it within a couple of days. Energy will usually return quickly afterwards. In contrast, when one is getting sick, this will more likely appear with a gradual decrease in vitality, may last longer, and may not release as many toxins, although a disease crisis can also release.

Dr. Constantine Hering, a German Homeopathic doctor (1800-1880) stated the following basis of healing, which has become known as Hering’s Law of Cure: “All cure starts from within out, from the head down and in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared or been suppressed”. Based on this law, the symptoms of a chronic disease:

  • disappear in definite order, going in reverse and taking about one month for every year the symptoms have been present.
  • move from the more vital organs to the less vital organs; from the interior of the body towards the skin.
  • move from the top of the body downward.

The Herxheimer Reaction is another type of short-term (from days to a few weeks) detoxification of the body. It is often associated with rapid Candidiasis or yeast die-off once one undertakes an effective program. As the body detoxifies, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea or other symptoms. This is a normal – and even healthy – reaction that indicates that parasites, fungus, viruses, bacteria or other pathogens are being effectively killed off. The biggest problem with the Herxheimer reaction is that people stop taking the supplement or medication that is causing the reaction, and thus discontinue the very treatment that is helping to make them better. Although the experience may not make you feel particularly good, the Herxheimer Reaction is actually a sign that healing is taking place. The Herxheimer Reaction is an immune system reaction to the toxins (endotoxins) that are released when large amounts of pathogens are being killed off, and the body does not eliminate the toxins quickly enough. Simply stated, it is a reaction that occurs when the body is detoxifying and the released toxins either exacerbate the symptoms being treated or create their own symptoms. The important thing to note is that worsening symptoms do not indicate failure of the treatment in question, in fact, usually just the opposite. Taking enzymes between meals can be an effective way to lessen this reaction. Extra rest, exercise, clean water, an alkalizing diet, and a positive outlook by knowing you are on a better path to long term healing, will all help you.

For effective Candida herbal and enzyme programs, supported by professional dietary counselling, please contact us.

For effective tips on handling both healing crisis and dis-ease crisis, refer to Crisis Management

ADDEND  Jan. 2025:  Please see the 21 minutes video a fellow practitioner sent in comments below. It is a GREAT Summary of the process of Natural Healing, explaining parasites, virus, gems, healing crisis, and toxic drugs.



Warnings on Natural Products – should you worry?


Sorry to have to ask about this but pretty important for my health.

I was going to start Para Pak tomorrow, full moon as you suggested.

HOWEVER I read the “Risk Information” and it would appear not many (if anyone) should take the supplements. One of the reasons I want to take this is I am quite sure my issue is parasites. I have taken a course of Wormwood and digestive enzymes and had some relief thought this might clear every thing up. I still have diarrhea although I get to sleep all night now YAY!!! The Risk Info warns against taking Para Pak if you have that. Can you give me some guidance? Have you ever read the Risk Info? It’s extensive!!! Do you have clients who’ve taken it? Are they house bound for the entire time?



Not a problem to ask this, as yes, it is important. I do get this question once in awhile, and finally found the time to write  a post on it.

Yes, we have used this product, Para Pak for 20- 25 years, at least, with very good results.
Nothing has changed in all those years. EXCEPT unHealth Canada warnings. Every time they want to make work for themselves, get a raise, get bonuses, or please the BIg Pharma lobbyists (Millions of $ of bribes every year), they apply new regulations, new warnings, new fake “adverse effects”. They have never been capable if divulging any details, medical reports to show any evidence of any harm from herbs or other natural supplements.

There has been one I can remember in 30+ years. A “natural” supplement approved by unHealth Canada, was found to contain a diet drug. It was pulled.It was not from a reputable company like Nature’s Sunshine, which has the been the leader in Quality since 1972.
There has never been one proven death nor serious side effect in Canada from approved natural health products that are from quality sources.
Compare this to hundreds of drugs that are pulled every year due to serious side effects, including death.  There  more than 100,000 documented  adverse events every year from pharmaceuticals.  Many millions more since Covid. You were unfortunately one victim of this corrupt system. And you know how hard it is to get a doctor to submit one of those adverse reaction reports, right?
This constant change costs the health food industry and therefore the consumers inordinate price increases in natural products, which are our birthright.In Canada, Bill C-37, clauses 500-504 are just another example. Millions of Canadians have responded to this, and it will likely become  an election issue.

Rather than testing product suppliers like they used to, they just blanket all products with Risk warnings.
Luckily, I have the fact sheet from 2004 for this exact SAME product, which I sent you.

You will notice there are NO warnings. Every  2 or 3, or 5 years,  the warnings increase. And you are absolutely right – if people believe these cautions, no one would take any natural supplement.
Hmmm…..do you wonder if that is the idea behind this?
If people ever read the counter-indications for any pharmaceutical, they would never take a drug either, which would be a good thing. Unfortunately this door doesn’t swing both ways. I find this puzzling when one looks at any warnings on pharmaceuticals. Most include multiple serious adverse effects, and many conclude with, “….and may cause death”. Doesn’t seem to stop anyone.
And you well know,  who lobbies, rather bribes, unHealth Canada? Of Course, pharmaceuticical companies. They do not want any competition.
The good news is – more people are learning – latest surveys say at least 74% Canadians are using natural health products. These are the wise ones who question and discern.

Somewhat like mainstream news – believe the opposite.


PS     If you get  “housebound”, from this, or any other detox or cleanse, just slow down the dosage -and  please contact us if you have any further questions.

If anyone reading this would like to join the majority who know the benefits of herbs and other natural health products, please contact us to get you started with professional expertise since 1983.

We have used Nature’s Sunshine Products since 1985, and can ensure that you get results. If you use our sponsor #1143615, you get our support to choose best products for your conditions, in addition to 20-25% discount and free S/H. As I do not find their website first time freindly, we do not charge to get your first order figured out.

November December 2014 Newsletter




November – December, 2014


May the joy of the season  inspire love, peace, and kindness in your life and all the lives you touch in circles of family,  friends and community.  With an open heart and questioning mind, may you create abundance, health, and happiness in 2015. 

We are grateful that we can share with you a life passion for teaching how to take more control of your life through questioning and seeking the gifts of nature.  


Our passion is for Education! Our blog offers ongoing health information:


 Paw Paw Talk Shows are recorded here 

Lorene has been interviewed by various professionals about her book, The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach To Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

Based on 35 years experience, the history of herbs, four pillars of health, dietary and lifestyle recommendations in this book are relevant to ALL chronic health conditions. 

These interviews cover the basics of her book, PLUS, depending on the host, healing tips to help you achieve optimum health.

Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link, so you can access those of interest to you:


IN.FORM To Transform Your Health!

Finally! a professional 13 week Coaching Program that will change your life – both personally and for those who choose, a worthwhile business opportunity helping others.


Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

one woman’s results of lowering cholesterol within one month.


Herbs ARE Effective – Science Recognizes 5000+ Years History

a brief look at Curcumin benefits,  far-reaching effects of stress, GMO’s Vit.C instead of vaccines?


Question & Answer: Paw Paw for other conditions

including moles, warts, parasite cleanse….


The Most Important Organ – Really?

The truth inside and out.


Why Detoxify?

….for disease prevention AND healing, DETOXIFY  liver, kidneys, lymphatic and bowels NOW AND OFTEN!


Anxiety and Mood Disorders

We continue to get positive feedback with Zerenity CA / Anxiousless  US . This scientific formula is helping people relax, thinking more clearly, sleep better and “go with the flow. A great alternative to  Zoloft, Prozac, Ritalin, and other drugs that are rampant with side effects.


Garcinia Cambogia and Weight Loss   (updated)

Weight Loss is more about a lifestyle change and understanding what creates health than a “diet”. The new INFORM 13 week coaching program is helping people throughout North America understand this AND make tremendous improvements in their lives. If you are interested in either improving your health OR helping others do the same, please contact us for more information.


We answer many questions worldwide….

High volume dictates that for complex health issues, an appointment is required. For a no cost obligation to see if you wish to work with Lorene Benoit toward better health,the first 10 minutes are free whether by email, phone or Skype: lorenebenoithealth.  Phone number, especially within North America,  is often more effective than email. Fees after 10 minutes are very reasonable.  Lorene has been helping many people worldwide to better health for 35 years.

Other options to help you are :

Use the Search bar in upper right corner of our blog for answers.
Lorene Benoit’s book contains lifestyle tips for optimum health and disease prevention, in addition to understanding Cancer: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally. Chapters include the 4 Pillars of health, dietary suggestions, and recipes designed to help everyone move toward better health.

Ongoing special for books: buy 3 get 1 free, or 15% member discount. Email or phone with payment info and address for faster delivery and discounts.

Anytime there is something we can help with, please

  • Contact our office or phone 250-748-6802, with your name, phone number and 2 times available Mon – Thurs. mornings, 9:00 – 11.:30 am PST
  • email: TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com


More Free Education via Webinars

Nature’s Sunshine offers FREE webinars with some of North America’s best Natural Health Experts. Share this valuable information with others who can benefit from this information.

Worldwide, anyone can access webinars on the US website, without being a member. Go to www.nspwebinars.com.

In Canada, go to Nature’s Sunshine >Members> Webinars. Make sure  you are registered as a VIP to receive the weekly Update and Educate so you can know when live webinars are scheduled.

  • Memberships are free with an order in most countries.
  • Go to www.naturessunshine.com; choose your country, then use sponsor #313939 CANADA  or #309344  CANADA to receive discount and the benefits of our professional support. OR contact us with your details and we can place your initial for you with no charge – old fashioned personal service! 
  • Contact us before you order from Amazon or EBay, as they  cannot provide Service or Integrity, which we can. NSP has provided the professional Quality, exceeding pharmaceutical standards,  since 1972.


Compass Zyto Biofeedback

The Compass is an extremely efficient, inexpensive biofeedback tool that measures your biomarkers and gives you the perfect health program!

Watch this 3  minute video:


Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends to find out what are the best supplements for you! Contact our office.for details.


Video Pick

In a mere 8 min. 30 sec. three top scientists–cardiologist, epidemiologist, environmental researcher–will tell you why many people have been fighting so hard for so long to make the perils of Smart Meters, Cell phones & other EMF radiation over-load brought to public awareness.  You can’t get a quicker education than this:




There are always  specials and training in every country to help you stay healthier AND save money. To take full advantage of specials and free education,  Call NSP  Canada at 1-800-265-9163, NSP US at 1-800-223-8225 or look on the Nature’s Sunshine website for your country. Or again, contact the experts for personalized service.

  Create the health, happiness and life you envision!


The Most Important Organ – Really?

One day the body got together and decided to have a board meeting. Here’s what went on behind closed doors.

There was an intensive discussion to determine WHO WAS THE MOST          IMPORTANT PART OF THE BODY.

The BRAIN was the first to speak. “Without me nothing would be          accomplished.”

The HEART spoke up. “Without me pumping blood to your brain, you could   not function.”

The ARMS laughed. “You’re both wrong; without me to put food in the          mouth, nothing would work.”

The STOMACH said, “Without me, your food would not digest.”

The LUNGS bellowed back. “Without me, you couldn’t breathe.”

The EYES blinked, “Without me, you could not see.”

The KIDNEYS snorted, “Without me, you could not detoxify and eliminate.”

Then the COLON meekly spoke up, “I am important. You need me to          eliminate all of the garbage from your systems.”

Everyone one laughed and made fun of him.

“How can you be as important as we are? You are just a smelly old sewer.”

The poor colon- his feelings were hurt! He turned away and thought, “I’ll          show them. HE SHUT DOWN!

Then he sat back and watched what happened.

The BRAIN was stupefied and could not concentrate on anything.

The HEART’S beat was weak and irregular; it was too tired to pump oxygen.

The ARMS were weak, heavy and couldn’t move.

The LUNGS- their breathing was shallow. They couldn’t get enough oxygen because the heart was too tired to send them fresh blood or take away the carbon dioxide.

The KIDNEYS quit – urine started backing up, the legs started swelling, the skin developed a rash and the back hurt.

Then the COLON looked around and decided it was time to call another          meeting. It wasn’t too lively this time, but everyone was in totally agreement.


A healthy body eliminates via the colon 2-3 times daily – if you are not doing this, you can kickstart your health with a detox program now. This Why Detoxify article will explain more about why this is so critical to all health and healing.

In Lorene Benoit’s book,   The Paw Paw Program – A Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer”, she teaches people to understand the importance of keeping the colon in good health, for all disease prevention, including  cancer.


Spring Cleansing for improved health!

Spring has sprung and we hope that some of you are feeling it. Flowers coming up, rivers running high, all the signs of nature are upon us. More differences obviously for those of us more northerly, but even in southerly climes, the differences can be  noticed when you take the time to look, smell or feel.

The beauty of spring is the time for renewal and new growth. For our bodies, it is also one of the best times to clean out accumulated toxins from the winter, which for many is a time of less activity and heavier eating.

Just as your car needs regular oil changes, your body needs regular cleansing.  The liver is a major detoxifying organ in the body, as well as being responsible for enzyme production, energy levels, glucose storage and release, hormonal balance, emotional states and hundreds of other functions.

Clean intestines facilitate proper nutrient absorption and waste elimination. Time proven tradition has shown that spring  cleansing improves digestion and utilization of nutrients, increases energy and strengthens the immune system. Spring cleansing helps ensure better health in the upcoming season, just as does fall cleansing prepare for the next change of season.

Cleansing can be as simple as cleaning up your diet, and undertaking a raw foods feast, or as complicated as fasting and doing enemas. The addition of herbs that have been  traditionally used for cleansing greatly makes any cleanse more effective. Some of the cleanses we have worked with for years are combinations of herbs which are designed to offer whole body cleansing, including liver, kidneys, colon, lymphatic, blood and cellular level.

The packs make it easy for anyone to do, without having to take time off or starve. A few that we continue to use are listed below. If you would like more information on any of these, or how to get them, no matter what part of the world you live in, please contact our office: takethenaturalpath@gmail.com.

You may be surprised at how reasonably priced they are, and as they come from a company that has been around since 1972, their quality is by design, not by accident, and is a given.

Tiao He PAK (CA)  and  Tiao He Cleanse (US) : a 10 – 15 day cleanse that nutritionally benefits the liver, bowels, kidneys and cleanses blood at the cellular level. Contains 3 formulas and 3 single herbs.

DETOX BASICS  CA & US: a 30 day cleanse which includes Berberin for balancing glucose metabolism., Milk Thistle for liver & enhanced glutathione production, Turmeric, probiotics and more.

Dieter’s Cleanse (US only) : a 14 day program that both builds and cleanses in the proper ratio of two to one. Because it contains many anti oxidants and minerals, it can be used longer term for weight loss. Enhances digestive and intestinal  function; balances glands, weight-metabolism and blood sugar.

Parasite Cleansing is also recommended 1- 2x/s per year. NO matter where you live, chances are about 95% that you have parasites. Herbs such as Wormwood, (Artemisia), Black Walnut, Paw Paw are available in several products and Paks.

LBS II: A lower bowel formula that is beneficial for ongoing building and cleansing of bowel tone and function..  The longer you use it, the less you need it – proof that it works! It is one combination in both of the above packages, but as so many people need this on an ongoing basis, it is also available as a stand-alone formula.

If you feel  weak or depleted, your are wiser to build your body a month or more before cleansing. An excellent herbal aid to do this is :

Energy-V : energy booster to increase overall well being, stamina and energy. Includes adaptogenic herbs which help the body adapt to stress.   Contains bee pollen, gingko, kelp, licorice, siberian ginseng, yellow dock, barley grass, rosehips, schizandra and capsicum.

Good health to you – now go out and find yourself an unsprayed patch of nettles or dandelion greens to eat while cleansing!

NOTE:                                  Product Links change frequently.
Please take advantage of our offer to help you choose the best product for you, PLUS place your first order to ensure you get 25% discount and Free S/H to your door. No charge.  Free 10 mins. consultation.
It’s your health and your life; let a professional help you get it and keep it on track. Contact us via the website  for personal service.