Tag Archives: CT Scans

Pancreatic Cancer growth halted

Dear Lorene!

I have good news about my mom. The mass in her pancreas has not enlarged since it was found last year. And mom said that  her pain in the sides has significantly decreased. Because of mom’s condition nothing more invasive than CT can be done to diagnose more precisely the condition of the mass. Mom has been using Paw Paw since November 2015, she is using 12 pills a day. Her question is  if she should keep using 12  a day or if she can reduce the dosage. I really appreciate your support and advice about it.


Thank you to both of you for sharing these results. It can help others. This is excellent news in 10 months! It is probably in her favor that the doctors do not want to do anything more invasive – if nothing is broken, don’t fix it!
One CT scan per year is acceptable, more than that is excess radiation
If she is feeling well, she may choose to continue at the same dosage of Paw Paw, to not only stop growth, but to start to decrease the mass. The beauty of the chemotherapeutic effect of Paw Paw, Asimina triloba, is that it is self regulating in dosage. Should your Mom start to feel any nausea, cramping or continual diarrhea, THEN she can decrease by 1 per day. This would indicate she is needing a lower dose. 
Feel free to get back to me after her next scan, or if anything changes. For now, all sounds very good! Congratulations to both of you for the time & effort you are making to educate yourself and take control over your own health. 
Knowing that Nature’s Sunshine has herbs powerful enough to effect this improvement, think how important it is to benefit from their therapeutic grade products for everyday health!
Even a simple, complete nutritional approach such as that found in Super Trio is basic health insurance from which everyone can benefit. You can’t afford to not afford the basics!
Contact us if you would like assistance determining a basic health & wellness program for you!

Studies Show Radiation Increases Cancer Risk

Updated Aug. 20, 2020:

It is  well established that exposure to ionizing radiation can trigger mutations and other genetic damage that can contribute to rampant growth of  normal cells. This article presents studies on Breast Cancer, but radiation affects all cells.

So it seems amazing how mainstream medicine and governing Health departments  contunally dismiss the idea that medical imaging tests from mammograms to CT scans do not play a role in causing breast cancer. Take this example from the web site for Cornell University’s Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors:

In answer to the question “Is ionizing radiation a cause of breast cancer?”, the Cornell experts say “Yes ….. female breast tissue is highly susceptible to radiation effects.” But then they disregard the possible hazard from mammography x-rays saying the risk …”should not be a factor in individual decisions to undergo this procedure. The same is true for most diagnostic x-ray procedures.”

If that’s not confusing enough, they turn around and state: “Nonetheless, unnecessary radiation exposures should be avoided and continued vigilance is required to ensure that the benefits associated with specific procedures outweigh the future risks.”

Risk – benefit ratios are often overlooked in pharmaceutical medicine.


Why radiation increases risk of breast cancer

Common sense suggests there is plenty of reason to be worried about radiation causing breast cancer. And now there’s a new reason to be concerned. Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have discovered that radiation exposure can alter cells’ micro-environment (the environment surrounding cells). And that greatly raises the odds that future cells will become cancerous.

The reason is that signals from a cell’s micro-environment, altered by radiation exposure, can cause a cell’s phenotype to change by regulating or de-regulating the way a cell uses its genes. The result can be a cell that not only becomes pre-cancerous but that passes this pre-malignant condition on to future cells.

“Our work shows that radiation can change the micro-environment of breast cells ….. a much greater potential to be cancerous,” stated Paul Yaswen, cell biologist and breast cancer research specialist with Berkeley Lab’s Life Sciences Division.

“Many in the cancer research community have been slow to acknowledge and incorporate in their work the idea that cells in human tissues are not independent entities, but are highly communicative with each other and with their micro-environment,” he added.

To find out what radiation exposure does to the cellular environment and how it could impact the future of cell behavior, the Berkeley Lab scientists grew normal breast tissue in culture dishes for about a week. Then they zapped each set with a single treatment of a low-to-moderate dose of radiation and compared the irradiated cells to sets of breast cells that had not been irradiated.

The published results showed that four to six weeks after the radiation exposure, the normal breast cancer cells showed premature cell senescence (aging & deterioration).

The researchers pointed out that the levels of radiation used in their experiments were not as much as a woman would be exposed to during a single routine mammogram but were comparable to those a woman could receive during a CT scans or radiotherapy “and could represent sources of concern.”

Women are often pushed to get annual mammograms, raising their overall radiation exposure through the years. Mammographies are referred to in Lorene Benoit’s book:  The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturallyon pages 34-35.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor is  a good starting point anytime radiation techniques are recommended.

A 2008 report from JAMA  found that the start of screening mammography programs throughout Europe has been associated with increased incidence of breast cancer: http://www.naturalnews.com/024901.html.

A Johns Hopkins 2015 study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute that concluded radiation exposure from mammograms could trigger malignancies in women at risk for genetic breast cancer has since been retracted, likely due to BIg Pharma & funding pressure.

ALL Electro Magnetic Frequencies and Radiation (EMF and EMR)  are causing health challenges, including wireless, smart meters, and cell phones. The cumulative effect is that we are creating a microwave within which we are being baked!

This  2015 Canadian Parliamentary Report on “RF and EM Radiation and Health of Canadians” is one of many worldwide. The full Standing Committee Report  presented major concerns  with respect to Safety Code 6, considered by hundreds of scientific experts to be grossly outdated – even in 2015. Now, in 2020, with advent of more radiation from thousands of satellites radiating the earth, 5G, 6G and 7G, this is more troubling, yet none of the recommendations from this report have been followed up by government. ie. they are NOT protecting citizens. Some Concerns from the Expert Panel:

  • there should have been a biologist on the panel,[11] 
  • the panel had insufficient expertise in epidemiology.”[12]
  • “the panel was conflicted”[13] 
  • the panel did not have adequate time to do a full review of the data, they therefore relied on reviews of other people and did not do a detailed evaluation of the studies,”[14] ,which led them to false conclusions.
  • “some of the experts [on the panel] are known to advise the telecom industry. This is a serious potential conflict of interest.”[15]

The science is clear as many countries become aware – it’s people like you who need to insist our health be taken into consideration above profits!


Conclusions: Our studies indicate that ionizing radiation can promote the outgrowth of epigenetically altered cells with pre-malignant potential.

Cancer Screening and Prevention, Mammograms, PSA

Mammograms – Physical AND Emotional Damage – make your decision wisely


Cancer Screening and Prevention, Mammograms, PSA

Cancer Screening at What Cost?

A recent article in the Globe and Mail regarding the risks and benefits of Cancer Screening. “ The advantages to screening have been exaggerated.” states Dr Brawley.


In Canada an expert panel said that women over 40 do not need routine mammography screening . The reason being that the value of mammography has been decisively unproven. Many experts say that it is of no value period. In one Danish study women between 55 and 74 who had regular mammograms had a 1% annual decrease in breast cancer mortality. But women who were unscreened had a 2% annual decrease in breast cancer mortality. In other words you were less likely to die from breast cancer if you did not participate in the annual mammogram screening. Dr. Gotzche concluded if “screening were a drug it would have been withdrawn . You don’t market a drug that harms so many people for such uncertain benefits. “

Furthermore the article continues to state that the screening picks up harmless cancers that never would have been a problem . Instead of saving lives screening creates an avalanche of over diagnosing and needless treatments. For example out of 2100 women, 690 would have detected a false positive result , 75 would have to undergo unnecessary biopsies and needless surgeries.


Now let’s address prostate PSA tests. These same experts state that men should not have PSA tests at all. The test does not save lives and it does inflict devastating harm on men whose cancer would have otherwise been benign . Between 1986 and 2005 1 million men were treated for prostate cancer because of the PSA test. At least 5000 men died  due to the harm from the surgeries. 70. 000 men suffered needless serious complications and 300,000 suffered impotence and incontinence. The expert group states that the PSA test is harmful and expensive, with the annual cost in the USA being $3 billion. So why is the PSA test still administered?  The drug companies continue peddling the tests for financial gain. Richard Ablin the founder of PSA is devastated, “ I never dreamed that my discovery four years ago would lead to such as profit driven public health disaster. ”

For updated research concerning Prostate Cancer, Over-Treating and Over-Treatment , please check the Jan, 2025 Update in this article:

Q& A: Prostate CA, Paw Paw, Vit. C & Selenium


Biopsies, Cat Scans (CT’s)

Positive tests, whether accurate or not, usually lead to more injurious tests: biopsies, CT scans (radiation promotes cancer growth) and CT scans involve high doses,  equivalent to hundreds of Xrays. Add to this the negative emotional havoc  caused by fear and anticipation of these procedures. IF, on the other hand, one is very anxious about their health, the tests may help allay fears. Just be sure you want them, and are not just doing what  the doctor says. Take part in your decision making.

Because cancer always starts from an injury it makes no sense to inflict your breasts, prostate, or any other organs to an injurious type of test. It simply aggravates the problem. It makes no sense to submit to unproven prostate tests that serve no purpose except to expose you to surgical procedures that cause harm and inflict injury. In cancer there is cell replication and the law of nature states that cells do not randomly replicate. There must be a reason for cell replication to take place and that reason is that there is an injury. This is explained in more detail in my book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally”.

So here is the wisdom of this all. It is imperative that we should provide our cells on a daily basis with all the essential building blocks  so that any inconsequential injuries may be repaired well before they get to the mutated point. What do we do ? We feed our bodies not with daily junk food but with high dense nutritious super foods .  Herbs are nature’s answer to do this. One way to nourish our cells is to give them a Smoothie every day loaded with:

Mineral Chi Tonic for the minerals lacking in today’s foods

Power Greens which is a concentrated source of alkalinizing vitamins and minerals which are easily assimilated as they are from food sources, including spirulina, amaranth, barley grass, bee pollen, chlorella, and 30 other herbs and super foods.

Collagen bioavailable collagen peptides & amino acids from 100% grass-fed, pasture raised cows. Helps maintain health, strength and youthfulness of all tissue structures, including skin and joints.

Flax Hull Lignans which bind the harmful xenoestrogens produced by Candida and which feed cancer.

Colostrum known to bind harmful lectins, which can plug up the blood stream . Lectins are found in all grains. Collagen promotes healthy growth of tissue, bone & catiledge.

Super Omegas from tested fish sources.

In Lorene’s book, The Paw Paw Program, there is an entire chapter about herbs and supplements that have been sued for millennium for abnormal cell growth and healing. Pau D’Arco/Taheebo Tea, Essiac (E-Tea), Ashwaganda, Astragalus, Periwinke, Yew, Mistletoe, the list is extensive, and the history shows evidence that these work – for different people, in different countries, for different cancers and other conditions.

Other herbs and supplement in capsule, liquid and powder form are available to meet specific needs, but the above can be helpful for most people. For specific programs, or information on products we have used professionally since 1985, please contact our office.

For any who may chose to direct order, become a member for free and receive a discount by using our Referral number 1143615.

January, 2013 Natural Health Newsletter



January, 2013

As we enter this New Age and time, we wish for everyone a peaceful vision of humanity and world-wide health. May you thrive with an attitude of gratitude for what you have, and the vision to create what you need, to make your life whole. We thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter and hope that it offers a least one nugget of information or inspiration on your journey!

For information to help you achieve optimum health, please contact our office; all contact information at end of newsletter.

Lorene Benoit’s book contains lifestyle tips for optimum health, as well as specifics for Cancer: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

Second Edition and third printing will be ready by March 1st.  An expanded table of contents will make this book an even better reference, updates on some clients.  Program is the same, as we continue to have very good success with the program as it is!

You can order this edition now, or  Buy 3 get 1 free, by contacting our office.



Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Only one article has been added since the last newsletter, other than local courses announcements. We spent one lovely month in Bali, studying medicinal plants, Balinese massage, and their gentle culture, then 1 week in Malaysia and have been concentrating on the 2nd Edition of Paw Paw book and catch-up since then. This one article is worth the short read:

22 Reasons why Arginine Plus can Improve YOUR Health – email for this print out to learn how this amino acid can have powerful influences on your heart and arterial health, sexual response, energy and immune system.

Canadian Love Your Heart Tour

Speakers: Dr. Jay P Vanden Heuvel, Ph.D

Toronto, ON Tues, Feb 19th 7-9 pm

St. Albert, AB Wed, Feb 20th 7-9 pm

                 Laurence Smith, Author

Kelowna, BC  Mon, Feb 18th 7-9 pm

Nanaimo, BC Tues, Feb 19th  7-9 pm

Parksville, BC Wed, Feb 20th 7-9 pm

Vancouver, BC Thurs, Feb 21st  7-9 pm

If you register for these lectures in advance this lecture is FREE. Please call for details of location.

There will be Super Shake Stations to provide you brain with an energy boost, free give-aways and a new product introduction. For the love of your heart, be there if you can!


Compass Group Assessment Classes  can be arranged starting end of March, 2013. Call office for details. 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.

Watch this 3 minute video: http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit


Business Coaching and Brilliant Body Course

After teaching a health class in Malaysia for a 20 year veterans of NSP and their friends, they  ordered the Brilliant Body CD’s, which are an incredible learning tool!

Course includes 10 Power Points, each covering one system of the body: Digestive, Hepatic, Intestinal, Circulatory, Immune, Nervous, Respiratory, Urinary, Glandular and Structural, plus all the tools to educate yourself and others on how your body works – all this for only $25.



Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian technique for solving spiritual, emotional, mental or any type of problem. By addressing any negative situation with these 4 phrases, we can free our minds from past memories and restore the purity of our hearts and clean up repetitive issues that keep surfacing from our subconscious mind.

“If we can accept that we are the sum total of all past thoughts, emotions and words, deeds and actions and that our present lives and choices are colored or shaded by this memory bank of the past, then we begin to see how a process of correcting or setting aright can change our lives, our families and our society.” Mormah Nalamaku Simeona

The 4 phrases are: I am Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Love You, Thank You.


For Canadians, the 6 wk. Campaign specials offer 10 % off (yes! 10% additional to your member discount) or buy 3 get 1 free on selected seasonal herbs. The current six week campaign runs January 16th to February 28th. Any of the specials can be ordered by calling our office 250-748-6802 to help you locate a local Herb Specialist, or if you are a member call NSP directly 1-800-265-9163.

For a full list look on Nature’s Sunshine Canada website home page.

Consider MC or MegaChelation formula for Circulatory Health.

This formula also serves as an excellent formula for  meeting all your Daily Nutritional needs: Add Omega 3’s to this and you have immediate Natural Health Insurance.

Stress is one of our biggest health challenges in North America, and Adrenal Support is one of our best formulas to help cope with stress.

NSP  US and NSP CA  offer weekly specials, just call Order Dept. to ask what they are:

NSP  US  1- 800-223-8225

NSP CA   1-800-265-9163

Be sure to use referrer or sponsor #1143615 to get special pricing, plus our expert assistance!


Medical Scene

Runaway Use of Radiation Harming Patients

Dr. Eric Topol, author of The Creative Destruction of Medicine, has this to say about Americans being “overcooked” with damaging radiation.

  • one CT angiogram of the heart is 16 mSv, that is equivalent to 800 chest x-rays
  • A typical nuclear scan, at 41 mSv, and performed annually on many cardiology patients is equivalent to 2000 chest x-rays.

But patients aren’t told this, nor are any safety measures in place to record accumulated exposures. Safer diagnostics such as ultrasounds and MRIs are under-used. The following 3 minute video gives more information.



Why are a “wise man” and a “wise guy” opposites?


Video Pick

Two Ted Talks are competing for this month, and as I never did a newsletter in December here are two exceptional ones. Both of them represent Great inspiration for the new humanitarian path of the world that started since Dec 21/12 .

A love story between Iran and Israel:

Nipun Mehta explaining  “Design for Generosity”  is an amazing 18 minutes on the power of Giftism.


Political – BC Smart Meters

 The Coalition to Stop Smart Meters and Citizens for Safe Technology Society would like everyone who has had a wireless smart meter installed, and wants it removed, to advise those volunteering for Ctizens for Safe Technology.

To do so, e-mail dsnoble@shaw.ca with a short and simple statement to that effect, and put “REMOVE METER” in the subject line. A list will be made to present to the BC Utilities Commission and to the Politicians responsible for Hydro to demand an Opt-out. Talk about it with friends and wherever you get a chance. For more info : http://www.citizensforsafetechnology.org/

How does Membership Benefit You?

Click here to find out how  NSP Membership benefits you?

You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

Members receive great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials.

Members can access recorded sessions at: NSP resource Centre

Delivery of NSP products change:

NSP is constantly exploring new ways to provide you and your customers with excellent service. In Canada, effective February 23rd we will no longer require a signature to receive your Nature’s Sunshine parcels via Purolator.  We understand that many of you have an active lifestyle and do not have the time to wait for your order.

Any questions? Simply call our Customer Service department at 1-800-265-9163.


Success Stories

We encourage you to share your stories with others on our website or via email. Success stories can be read at:



Serving you in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Ph/Fax    250-748-6802                  Email:    TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com

Website: www.NaturalPathRemedies.com