Tag Archives: covid vaccine effective

Conspiracy or Rational Theory? Health Related?

I have been called a Conspiracy Theorist (CT) many times over the last 40 years, due to some of my views on natural and wellness versus pharmaceutical disease modification.

Certainly have heard this term more since my 2nd Covid post Apr, 2020, the Plandemic.  Pretty sure you will agree these have all become reality, and are all now facts, not theory. Conspiracy Theorist is now supposedly a very negative name to be called. Now millions of  Canadians have been and continue to be called this.

But what happens when conspiracy “theories” become facts?

Think back to just a few of  these “Conspiracy Theories”, which are now Conspiracy FACTS:
  • Chem trails – for more than 25 years these were  a CT – spouted by tin foil hat wearers. The last 5 or more years it is a recognized FACT, with govt. admitting they have been doing this for years , but with a new name: geo-engineering. For our own protection, of course.
  • It was a CT that the Covid Plandemic outcomes would be a Cashless Society (CBDC) and Digital Global control (WEF can now tell every country what to do during the next plandemic)? – now FACTS!
  • Lockdowns  and travel restrictions were a CT – certainly never in a democratic country – did they become a FACT?
  • Medical injections as population control – do you know more than usual dying suddenly, unexpectedly, or terminally ill,  especially younger people 30-50 yrs. from MrNA injections, or choosing MAID (Medically Assisted Injection Death)? FACT
  • Medical professionals can not choose what they feel are best  treatment for their patients – this  is now true – all CA medical professionals must now follow govt. political protocols or lose their license, be jailed, fined, and client office records (supposedly private) can be confiscated without warrant. No theory – FACT, unless enough pressure is applied to repeal this nasty Bill 36 in BC. FACT
  • The covid mRNA vaxxine was not effective. This has been proven true beyond a doubt; now even by the CDC: Outbreak at CDC Conference Bigger than Reported.
  • The Covid mRNA vaxxine was not safe! One of many thousands of reports:                  5 Millions Adverse Events Reported by Pfizer
  • Canada now is offering Covid vaccine damages – this will cost taxpayers Billions, unless they decide to sue manufacturers, as some countries are now doing. Otherwise Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca continue to profit while more people die – FACT not THEORY.
  • You can decide whether the above examples are  conspiracy or not, but they are definitely not theory; they were predictions that are now FACTS.
  • This is RATIONAL THINKING, based on political, medical, scientific,  and historical knowledge.

On the other side we have government predictions to keep us in fear and panic mode:

  • many related to “Climate Crisis”: oceans rising and flooding us all ( pre 1990 predictions), Arctic Ice disappearing, Global Cooling, Global Warming, oceans rising and flooding, oceans sinking. When all these proved to be incorrect, the term “Climate Crisis” and “Climate Change” became the terms to cover whatever nature does.
  • How many of these predictions have come true?
  • Malaria coming to NA for the next plandemic,
  • Leprosy on the rise in NA
  • crop failure and food shortages
  • drought
  • fires

Most of these that do come to pass are because  they are controlled and caused by geoengineering, bio-engineering – and if you consider this a CT – read : Ravaging Earth and Her Populations, Druthers, July 2023,  page 6. No theories here, just facts that date back to HAARP project started in 1990. While you’re reading, be sure to notice the Space Fence surveillance system.

Government  thinks they can change the course of nature. Climate and nature fluctuations have occurred since the beginning of the earth:  droughts, floods, ice ages, volcanoes, earthquakes, warming, cooling. These fluctuations have always been around – and they have NOT been caused by humans!

Read: NASA FACTS on climate change:


The govt solutions are always more taxes, more regulations, more restrictions. They can’t control their own finances; how do they possibly think they can control Nature?

Solutions and what has this to do with Health?

ALL of this relates to health: our personal health (and choices to attain and maintain health); the health of the air,  water, earth, and spirit – the traditional energetic  four elements of the medicine wheel that dates back to early Greek times and some variation of integrated into  almost every culture.

Let’s get back to the garden,  growing our own food;  learning nature’s medicine for self care; respecting the earth’s bounty, and building community with like minded rationalists!

Also learn to speak out when government is not acting in the best interests of these principles: practice saying,  “I Do Not Consent

Blessings to all those who can figure this out and stand up for their God given rights.

Gratitude to those who are Rational Thinkers! 

Enough venting; these pictures speak a million words.

How about defining what it really is?


Rational Theorist

I am proud to be a Rational Theorist!

If you want to check out the validity of my other  “conspiracy aka RATIONAL theories” on Covid since it began, you can check how many are now facts:  Covid 19

Below is one simple,  important Rational step for everyone concerned about Global domination of every country, including CA & US, formerly considered free and democratic.
Going digital and cashless IS a big threat; the last straw to total control of every person.

There are so many good sites for reliable, science based, statistical health analysis that anyone can learn from – at least those that have not been censored. Contact me if you need help finding the facts.

Each human has choice. You can choose to be Rational.