Tag Archives: COPD

Q&A : Lung Healer – LH-C for Flu Virus or Colds?


Hi Lorene:
1. Would you use this Chinese remedy for a flu virus and/or cold? 

2. How does a person know without a blood test? 

3. Can you use this remedy to build up immunity for winter?

Thanks. L.W.


1. Absolutely; I would use LH-C, (US: Lung Support TCM),  dosage 1capsule 3x/day, especially if any illness is affecting the lung area. Also keep in mind Lobelia, (US: Lobelia Essence), if there is coughing or pain. Use .5 ml – 3 – 5 x/day as needed. Lobelia can be applied externally as well, just a couple of drops over lung spots.

See separate write-up on Lobelia, as every household would benefit from having this on hand.

If it was more stomach related, (vomiting, nausea), I would probably tend more toward the Chinese anti-viral formula, HRP-C (2 or 3 – 3x/day for 100 count), (US: VS-C at 1 x 3/day for 30 count TCM), either liquid or capsules. 

2.  I think you know if you are sick. Whether viral or bacterial is not such an issue, as the herbs will help with both, by supporting your body’s natural immune system. Keep in mind that most doctors prescribe antibiotics without doing any blood tests, or if they do test, they prescribe drug(s) BEFORE they get the results. They also prescribe, even if viral is suspected, knowing that the drugs don’t work on viruses; but in this case they may claim it is to treat secondary infections, whether you have them or not.

3.  LH-C definitely helps support and strengthen lungs to prevent most lung challenges, including infection; COPD /emphysema, prevention with broken rib; collapsed lung; respiratory allergies, to name a few.

Dr. Versendaal taught that lungs were 80% of our immune system, so I definitely believe strengthening lungs supports our overall health. This is a particularly good time of the year to work on this, as autumn is the time of year to treat the Metal element to balance lung and colon. I have used LH-C anytime of the year, but now is most effective.

Allergies, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis

I have so many successes with LH-C, that it is one of my favourite NSP products. A few that come to mind are:

  • I have had it turn around pneumonia that has been resistant to drug based antibiotics for weeks, within 24 hours; allergies and asthma improve, and prevention of recurring lung infections.
  • COPD and asthma – people dependant on chemical puffers and nebulizers have greatly improved their lung function – and decreased their drug dependency – often within weeks, by using LH-C and Lobelia.
  • allergies to pollen, dust, molds – improved by using LH-C and Lobelia

On the emotional side, LH-C is also very helpful for releasing grief.

LH-C and Lobelia, are two herbals I travel with every winter, as this is the time of year, so many people come down with lung related issues. I have several articles about Lobelia, but you can check out multiple uses in #6 on this one: Herbal First Aid.

Please let me know if there is anything else. with which I can help.

To order any of these, please contact me; I can do it for you, or order on any of the product links above. You can also phone toll free, and ask to become a free member for 20-25% discounts with FREE Shipping). Please be sure  Lorene Benoit is your sponsor, Account  #1143615. This will give you professional assistance.

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US: 1-800-223-8225

3 Medical Challenges and Healthy Alternatives for Lungs, Diabetes and Vaccines

Feb. 2021: references, details added:

Note: Links frequently change and we can’t always keep up with them. For ANY health recommendations, such as products we have personally and professionally used since 1985, CONTACT US. We can email links, fact sheets, advice. First free 10 mins. no charge, and no charge to help you get the best products at 20-25% discount PLUS Free shipping to your door. Consults available for more complex cases.


Just 2 Months’ Exposure to Anticholinergics (AC’s)* Affects Cognition

Physicians “absolutely” over-prescribe ACs, said Dr. Boustani, Indiana University Center for Aging Research. Patients might push for these drugs in the belief that if they simply take a pill, their symptoms will go away. Also, physicians typically don’t have the time to discuss medication alternatives with individual patients. “They take the easy way out, which is to just simply spend 10 seconds writing a prescription,” said Dr. Boustani.

AC’s are used for a variety of conditions including:

Respiratory (with most seniors with COPD and asthma), urogenitary, gastrointestinal, dizziness and insomnia (shorterm only) . The results highlight the importance of limiting prescriptions for ACs in older adults. All too often, said Dr. Boustani, patients continue to take AC medications even when they’re not working.

*A list of common prescribed and over the counter AC’s at end of article.

Lorene Benoit questions how is one to know if cognitive impairment in seniors is being caused by, or worsened by the long term use of these medications when Mild Cognitive Impairment has been noted after only 2 -3 months of use. Many seniors are on these medications, compounded by having  several of them combined, for long term, usually years or until death do them part! How often is declining cognition being brushed off as natural aging, or dementia? Plus, some of these medications are prescribed for children with rapidly developing brains!

Healthy Natural  Approaches for Respiratory use of AC’s

When possible, physicians should substitute AC medications with those that have fewer cognitive adverse effects or with nonpharmacologic alternatives, said Dr. Boustani.

Benoit offers even safer, natural alternatives be considered. For breathing and respiratory  distress caused by COPD, asthma, or other respiratory conditions like bronchitis, congestion and coughs, Lobelia is safe, effective and inexpensive.

Lobelia Inflata is a third degree medicinal herb. It has so many positive actions that Dr. John Christopher has a whole chapter in his “School of Natural Healing” textbook dedicated to lobelia.  Some of  the following properties make it one of the essential herbs to have on at hand in every home.

Medicinal properties include:

Nervine:  Lobelia is one of nature’s strongest relaxant nervine herbs. Because of its ability to relax the sympathetic nervous system, it has been used effectively for nervous excitement, hysteria, relaxing  tight colon (spastic constipation, IBS)

Antispasmodic:  stops spasms so is useful for muscle spasms, cramps, convulsions, irregular heart beat,  bronchial spasms such as in asthma, coughs,

Analgesic, Anodyne:  effective for painful conditions such as teething, earache, muscle and joint inflammation, kidney or gall bladder stones, stiff neck, injuries. Helps eliminate pain and toxins of poisonous bites and stings. Apply externally, as well as taking internally.

Deobstruant: Lobelia has the ability to remove obstructions. This makes it effective in loosening and helping with expectoration of mucous, especially in the respiratory tract and stomach.  It helps to cleanse and stimulate movement of lymph fluid, thus aiding this important part of our immune system and body’s natural waste disposal.

Stop smoking:Medical Claim approved by Health Canada: Lobelia can help quit smoking, by helping to reduce the body’s craving for nicotine and easing withdrawal symptoms”. One of Lobelia’s active constituents is lobeline, which has a similar chemical composition to nicotine. This makes Lobelia very effective for those wishing to stop smoking, as lobeline will fill the nicotine receptor sites which create cravings, without any addictive effect or weight gain – a few drops under tongue, hold 30 seconds. Repeat up to 20 times per day, as required. Doing a cleanse, such as the Tiao He Pak (10-15 days), or Bod-E Klenz (30 days), can also help reduce cravings and make the shift to a positive lifestyle.

With these benefits, Lobelia should be in every person’s home 1st Aid Kit.

Other formulas that aid a weakened respiratory system is the Chinese formula LH-C.   Lung Healer – Chinese have kept many people off drugs and helped to heal lungs, not just address symptoms.

AL-J is another formula for allergies affecting respiratory system. It contains a blend of herbs well known for healing such as mullein, horseradish, fenugreek and boneset.

For other conditions for which ACs may be prescribed, there are a multitude of healthy herbs that have history of proven effectiveness that date back thousands of years.

References: Medscape: http://www.medscape.com

Alzheimer’s & Dementia. Published online November 26, 2012

Dr. John Christopher, “The School of Natural Healing


Actos medication for Diabetes Class Action Law Suit

Actos is used to improve blood sugar (glucose) control in adults with type 2 diabetes. It is prescribed to patients who have trouble regulating their blood sugar with diet and exercise alone. It may be used alone or with other medicines, including insulin and metformin.

However, long-term use of Actos is linked to a number of serious health complications, including heart failure, macular edema, lactic acidosis, bone fractures, and most recently bladder cancer. It is the link to bladder cancer that is leading more than 3,000 former Actos users to file lawsuits against Takeda Pharmaceuticals, the maker of the drug.

Reference: Aubrey Hayes     Public Outreach Drug Watch

ahayes@drugwatch.com     www.drugwatch.com

Healthy Natural  Approaches for Diabetes and Insulin Resistance

Safer herbal alternatives are GlucoReg, which has herbs traditionally used to control blood sugar mechanisms and Chromium GTF. Also dietary changes must be undertaken.

Recommendations in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally are helpful.

Her book explains the sugar and disease and inflammation connection. As well, extensive dietary recommendations are given to help people understand how to eat better. Some recipes are also included. Eliminating sugar, in fact, is critical to optimum health and prevention of all chronic conditions, including diabetes and cancer!

Other options are the raw food approach, as shown in this 4 minute video part way through the May, 2011 newsletter.


Vaccines Linked to a Host of Chronic Illnesses

While the preceding mainstream articles dance around the theories of autism causation, vaccination is never mentioned as a possible “environmental” factor in the etiology of autism. Vaccines are linked not only to autism, but to many chronic conditions that used to be rare in children. The producers of the new documentary The Greater Good, provide a catalogue of over 200 studies that raise serious concerns about vaccine side effects.

References: Vaccine Risk Awareness Network


* A list of common prescribed and over the counter AC’s :

List of common prescribed anticholinergics
  • atropine (Atropen)
  • belladonna alkaloids.
  • benztropine mesylate (Cogentin)
  • clidinium.
  • cyclopentolate (Cyclogyl)
  • darifenacin (Enablex)
  • dicylomine.
  • fesoterodine (Toviaz)

In addition to prescription anticholinergics, commonly used over-the-counter (OTC) anticholinergics are: antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, doxylamine, and dimenhydrinate.


Healthy Natural  Approaches for Immunity

See our past archives on Vaccines, specifically, Safe Vaccine Alternatives, and Immune Tips.

Rebounding: Mini-Trampoline Exercise

Mini- Trampoline Exercise

Jumping on a mini-trampoline or “rebounding”, as it is sometimes called, is an exercise that has all the benefits of aerobic exercise plus more. It causes less stress on the skeletal system because the trampoline takes most of the stress. It tones and strengthens every cell in the body, cleanses the entire system of toxins and poisons, and uses the force of gravity in an acceleration/deceleration effect in the body.

The majority of people including the elderly, blind, physically and mentally handicapped, babies, and even people in wheelchairs are able to use a mini-trampoline. A baby can be held while someone is jumping, people in wheelchairs can put their feet on the trampoline while someone else jumps.

“Jump on a trampoline 3x a day for 2-5 minutes each time and start slow”, states Dr. Jenner.

Tones and Strengthens every cell

Jumping on a trampoline increases the gravitational pull on the body. At the top of the bounce the body becomes weightless for a split second. At the bottom of the bounce the body receives as much as 2 G’s force. This increased pull causes the cells to tone and strengthen themselves. Bones become denser, all muscles organs and tissues become stronger.

Acceleration/ Deceleration Cleansing Effect

The lymphatic system of the body has three times more fluid than blood. It acts as the vacuum cleaner or garbage collector of the body. It also is the immune system of the body. This fluid (the same fluid that fills blisters) bathes the cells in nutrients, as well as removing debris and toxins. It flows through the body in a system of tubes with one way valves. Dr. Corwin West claims trapped protein gets in the valves and that rebounding is the best way to circulate the Lymphatic System.

The bottom of the bounce causes increased pressure and closes the valves. In the middle of the bounce the valves open and at the height of top of the bounce fluids begin to flow. As the body descends (deceleration) the fluid flows pulling waste matter away from the cells to be eliminated by lymph fluids. All cells in the body are helped by this cleaning process.

Lymphatic Herbal Aids

LYM- MX: The lymphatic system needs to function properly to fulfill its role as an able partner of the immune system. LYM-Mx supports drainage through the lymphatic system.

Contains: Beta-Carotene 1250 IU, Vitamin C 50 mg, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCl) 2.5 mg, Vitamin D3 100 IU, Magnesium (magnesium oxide) 12.5 mg. In a base containing: Cliver’s herb, alfalfa herb, chamomile flowers, Echinacea purpurea root, Parthenium integrifolium root, Siberian ginseng root, yarrow flowers, lecithin, garlic bulb, CoQ10, sodium copper chlorophyllin.

Lobelia is another amazing herb for the lymphatic system, besides being nature’s strongest herbal relaxant. As a de-obstruant, lobelia helps to remove congestion from lymphatic system as well as thinning mucous, which makes it excellent for asthma, coughs, COPD  and other respiratory complaints. Lobelia is also one of the best herbs to help people stop smoking. Email our office for full fact sheets or articles on this herb, or to order any products! TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com.

References:  “How to Herb Book” by Velma. J Keith;    Benoit & Associates Health Education; Dr. John Christopher