Tag Archives: cold sores

Shingles and Herpes

NOTE: Links change, names change, climate changes, and unHealth Canada constantly changes regulations, so please contact us for personal assistance to get most current info. We do not charge for 10 mins. or to place an order at discounted prices. 


Shingles is a latent form of the Herpes or Varicella Zoster Virus, reactivated from previous chicken pox, or contracted when one does not have the natural immunity developed from exposure. The virus lies dormant in the nerve cells adjacent to your spinal cord and can reactivate under various conditions.  Known triggers for reactivation are: STRESS, which can be from emotional causes or from a physical cause such as trauma or injury. Stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, or other illness can all weaken the immune system.

Shingles appear as a painful rash and/or itching blisters, running in a band or belt, usually confined to one side of the body or face. This can be accompanied by fever, aches, and general malaise. Although shingles is not contagious itself, the rash gives off the varicella zoster virus, which could cause someone who comes into contact with it to develop chicken pox.

Allopathic medical treatment prescribes medications to treat  the symptoms of shingles. These may be antivirals or corticosteroids in severe cases. The drugs can be expensive,  may or may not work depending on how soon they are started, do not help ward off future attacks, and carry the risk of side effects or potential drug interactions associated with every prescription.

One natural regime, which is outlined below, has produced excellent results with acute shingles attacks and rashes of many types, including those caused by severe drug reactions, such as man-made antibiotics.

IF-C is a Chinese herbal formula developed by Dr. Sabuti Dharmananda for relieving and clearing all conditions of excess heat, including rashes, pain, head-aches and sinus infections. In Chinese terminology, these conditions are classed as “heat-rising”. For maintenance after the acute episode, some people will follow-up with HRP-C (CA) VS-C (US), which is explained below under Herpes. This formula is available both in capsules and liquid.

Dosage at which people have had success: every 3 – 4 hours (4 –6 times) /day

IF-C (US) and IF-C (CA)     4 capsules
InFlammation, InFection Chinese formula that clears and relieves excess heat

Stress Formula  (CA) / NutriCalm  (US)   2 Tablets
Contains balanced B complex, C, plus calming herbs Hops, Valerian and Passion Flower to relax the nervous system

Burdock (US)   4 capsules  OR  Oregon Grape Extract (CA & US)   2 ml.
Both are gentle blood and liver cleansers with specific soothing and healing properties for the skin.

Take full dose until pain and inflammation is noticeably less. Results will depend on the person, the length and severity and condition, but relief may be noticed within the first two days. Three days after symptoms decrease, you can reduce frequency to every 3 times/day, then several days later decrease dosage by half, but still 3 times per day. Consult with a qualified natural health consultant to aid you, or contact us for personal assistance in placing an order at discounted prices.

Read further for external aids for enhanced healing, pain and  itching.



Besides shingles, there are many other types of herpes virus, which affect a very large percentage of the population, up to 60%. Herpes simplex 1, cold sores, can occur on any part of your body including nose, elbows, fingers, stomach, or anus. Genital herpes is called Herpes simplex 2, but it is really just a different form of the same disease, and one can cause the other. Some people have sub-clinical, subtle outbreaks and can shed the virus even when they are asymptomatic, which is one reason this disease has become so prevalent.

Herpes can be effectively treated by a combination of diet, stress reduction and herbal medicine or by drug therapy. Although allopathic medicine says there is no cure, it is possible to go years between outbreaks with management using natural therapeutics.

For all types of herpes, including shingles, consider a program of HRP-C (CA) VS-C (US) for three months, at 6 – 9 per day. Dosage is dependant upon your size, the severity of condition, personal immune status, and lifestyle. HRP-C is a Chinese formulation developed by a Chinese medical doctor, to address Herpes virus, AIDS, and all other viral stressors, which include the common cold and flu. It helps increase overall immunity, and detoxify the liver and eliminate heavy metals. It is also very effective for Candida and other yeast/ parasitic infections.

For regular or periodic herpes, the above dosage of HRP-C can gradually be lowered after 3 months, until a maintenance dose keeps herpes under control. This dosage will be different for everyone, dependent on their size, other aspects of lifestyle and overall health. During times of stress, which can exacerbate an outbreak, the dosage should be increased. If tingling is felt, which can signal an outbreak, taking full dosage will ward off an outbreak or minimize it.

L-Lysine (US) , an essential amino acid, can also be taken at a dosage of three 500mg. capsules per day during an outbreak, and one per day as maintenance. Use some thought when supplementing one particular amino acid for long term, as all amino acids work in synergy. If however, you have some other symptoms of l-lysine deficiency, such as a feeling of helplessness, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, anemia or depression, maintenance with l-lysine may help alleviate these symptoms. L-lysine can be found in fish, chicken, eggs, garbanzo beans and comfrey.

For External Relief: HRP-C /VS-C in liquid glycerine form can be applied to sores. Tei Fu Oil  or  Tei Fu Massage Lotion, a blend of essential oils, is helpful for pain and itch relief and to help sores heal more quickly.

Silver Shield Gel also destroys viruses, decreases inflammation and speeds healing. This would be highly recommended for use in any opening, such as eyes, ears, vaginal, cervical, etc.

Contact author for detailed Fact sheets on any of the products we have used professionally since 1985.  Ordering via Canada and US is different, so why not have the expert help you with personal service?


The Ultimate Healing System by Donald LePore, ND
Your Nature, Your Health by S. Dharmanada, PhD
Lorene Benoit, BEd, CHC, MHH
June Cobb, Herbalist/ Chinese Herbal Educator
Christopher Scipio, Homeopath/Herbalist


To discuss if this program is right for you, please contact our office. First 10 mins. of email inquiry or phone consult is free. We will set up a wholesale account so you can obtain the same professional therapeutic quality herbs we have used since 1985.

HRP-C and VS-C work for all viruses

This original testimonial was posted in 2012, but the times they are a changing, and I have updated tor these “unprecedented” times.

Herpes cold sores – gone!

I had a herpes cold sore that I had been grappling with for 2 weeks, using -l-Lysine  (US ) and several other nutritional supplements.  After taking the Chinese course, I went home & took HRP-C (CA) or VS-C (for ViruS US).  After 8 capsules the cold sore was gone, completely gone!  I thank my teacher for the reminder that this is the best formula for ALL viruses! … T.N., Chemainus, BC, Oct. 2012


Viral Protection? Balancing Natural Immunity?

It’s helpful to know protective tools whether you  have been been injected or not with what is being called a covid “vaccine”. To promote this, the govt. changed the definition of a vaccine. To be clear,  but this injection is an  experimental gene technology is a first of its kind, and research results are showing that immunity is nowhere near as effective or lasting as we were told.

Not to mention the unreported side effects: “I Am NOT Misinformation”.                              See end of this article for additional supporting medical references.

Natural Protective Aids

We keep both these formulas on hand:
Canada: HRP-C  and Cat’s Claw
US:           VS-C     and   Una de Gato

Both are anti-viral/ anti-bacterial formulas and both can safely be taken long term.  We keep these  as part of our home pharmacy.

Anytime any cold, flu symptoms  appear, we can quickly give the body the nutritional aid it requires to prevent or mediate challenges and return to a healthy state quickly.
We take HRP-C / VS-C –  2-3 caps 3 times/day (100 per bottle) or 2.5 ml liquid extract  3 times/day.

IN US there is also a VS-C TCM concentrate, which would be 1/3 dosage.

Cat’s Claw / Una de Gato: 1-2 caps 3 times/day.

Most people notice an improvement within 24 hours.

HRP-C or Cat’s Claw Combination can also be taken as a prophylactic, or preventative in smaller dosages.

For further protective steps, read: Pine Needle Protection for Viral Transmission, which includes NB facts on the Benefits  of PACs in High Potency Grapine:, especially for heart, strokes, circulation and brain.


As  many viruses affect the respiratory system – lungs, bronchials, sinus, we also keep these two on hand to have when needed:

CA: LH-C and Lobelia

US: Lung Support TCM Concentrate and Lobelia


For suggestions to follow during a health or disease crisis, please read :           Crisis Management
Additional Medical and Science Based  References.

Specific antibodies created by these shots are much more short lived than predicted.  At the same time, they  weaken the innate immune system’s ability to produce antibodies for other viruses, such as all the “variants” developing. Nothing new, that’s what viruses do, including every annual flu variant – they mutate for their own survival.

The major difference between natural antibodies and artificially produced antibodies is their ability to adapt to be effective. if you are around those who have taken the Experimental Jab, or if you have been convinced/coerced to take it, you may choose to protect yourself, as many are doing.

There are too many reports of adverse reactions, not only from  those who have received the jab, but also those who come into contact with them. This can no longer be denied.  Doctors and scientists worldwide are warning people, at great risk to their own financial and personal health.

This 28 min. video includes doctors from 10+ different countries each speaking concisely about their reasons for concern: https://awakecanada.org/

Can also viewed on Rumble: Urgent warnings of Covid 19 Vaccine

At 20 mins. Dr. K Brogan quotes: “This is penetration of Body, Mind and Spirit by the State.”

Do you trust GMO, bio-lipid nano-particles being promoted by pharmaceutical companies, who make billions, yet have NO liability? If you still do, please read: Just Ask Why?

Please, educate yourself before allowing this clot shot to enter the bloodstream of your children! This is NOT a reversible decision; make it out of LOVE, not FEAR.


As always, Contact us to help you order any products we have used since 1985 at direct discount. Professional service with a HUMAN being.



January Health Newsletter

BENOIT & ASSOCIATES HEALTH EDUCATION NEWSLETTER                                                                                                               *January, 2012**

Our wishes are that 2012 will be a year of health, happiness and love for you and those whose lives connect with you! Systems throughout the world are undergoing shifts and changes; keeping physically, emotionall and and mentally balanced will help us all to work towards the higher goals of humanity, caring and sharing.

For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office:

Phone:        250-748-6802

Email:          TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com

Website:      www.NaturalPathRemedies.com


Benoit’s book blog: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally


Check out recent addition of an interview about my book with Wise Women: http://bit.ly/twp6ly

Ongoing special for books, which offers excellent tips for health prevention, as well as solutions for cancer. Buy 3 get 1 free. Contact our office.



Something new I have struggled with and learned on my computer: if when you click on a link to get a product Fact sheet, or any pdf on any site, you should have the choice to open or save it, by adjusting your settings on your browser under Preferences. Learning this has saved me a lot of frustration of saving documents  I wanted to look at, but not necessarily keep.

Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link on the title.

Weight Loss Tips /Insulin Resistance

I am often asked, “What do you recommend for weight loss?” This is not a simple answer, because there are many variables. Weight gain can be due to glandular imbalance, improper or too much eating, lack of activity, emotional outlook, poorly functioning digestion or eliminative systems, Candida, or any combination of these.

Free Webinars: The 8 Causes of Disease with Lorene Benoit, MHH, Jan.25th, 2012

This was presented for NSP Canada wide Jan. 25th, but unfortunately  there was a glitch in the recording, so it will need to be re recorded to be put on the www.nsprc.ca website, available to all members. New webinars are added to this site monthly, so check it out regularly for some what amazing free education.


 Interesting tidbit about Healthy Beverages

Why Coke is not a healthy substance to put inside your body:

 1.  In some states highway patrol carries two gallons of Coke in the trunk to remove blood from the highway after a car accident.

2.  You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of coke and it will be gone in two days.

3.  Coca-Cola can clean toilets, remove stains from vitreous china, remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers, clean corrosion from car battery terminals, loosen a rusted bolt, clean truck engines. For some of these jobs, we prefer to use natural products such as NSP Concentrate or Nature’s Fresh.

4. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8.  It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days. To carry Coca Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for Highly Corrosive materials.

Think before you drink !   7-up now also contains synthetic caffeine. Besides the deleterious effects of this on your body, all pop acidifies your body, stresses your insulin metabolism and depletes your minerals, especially calcium and magnesium. Sugar free drinks with aspartame are no better, as they destroy your brain and nerves.

Maybe you will choose healthier options like Zambroza , Chlorophyll or any of the Solstic beverages, Green Tea, E-Tea, Licorice.



Another infant dies within 1 week of multiple vaccines. Studies have been stating that vaccines are causing children to die for many years.

The Pourcyrous study was the first to examine the impact of multi-vaccinations on the immature brain. It is clear from the results of this study that the more vaccines a child has, the larger impact the vaccines have on the child’s brain.

Results of either a single vaccine or multiple vaccines:

–         Abnormal elevation of CRP level occurred in 85% of infants administered multiple vaccines and up to 70% of those given a single vaccine.

–         -16% of infants had vaccine-associated cardio-respiratory events within 48 hours post immunization.

–         Other incidents: severe intraventricular hemorrhage, and  gastroesophageal reflux (GER)

This study has had so much impact that it has now being quoted in papers and books on adverse reactions to vaccines and SIDS worldwide.

Yet another vaccine is to be added to babies vaccine schedule, the Meningitis B vaccine , we to ask ourselves how many infant deaths will it take before action is taken?

This article has been written in memory of Stacy Sirjacobs and the many hundreds of babies who have lost their life after receiving what the governments tell us are ‘safe vaccines’.

For details: http://vactruth.com/2012/01/19/baby-dies-after-first-shots/


Dr. Jay VandenHeuvel is speaking across Canada on Energy – How to Get It and Keep It

Feb. 5th            2-5 pm             Nanaimo

Feb. 6th            7-9:30              Vancouver

Feb 7th             7-9:30              Kelowna

Feb 8th             7-9:30              St. Albert

Feb 9th             7-9:30              Winnipeg

Feb 10th           7-9:30              Toronto

Dr. Jay is an excellent speaker with expertise and a flair for teaching you how to improve your health naturally. Please contact NSP directly if a member, or your NSP Specialist, as this is an excellent opportunity open to the public. Only $10 if registered in advance; $15 at the door. Carpool and make a fun afternoon of it if coming from afar; he is worth it!!!

Dr. Jay also lectures worldwide, so if you are in the US, please contact us for his schedule.

Local Education

Power Point Presentation on Paw Paw Book, Feb. 8th  6 – 7:30 pm at Cowichan Valley Regional Library  Questions with the author.

Brilliant Body monthly dinner class at White Spot, Feb. 9th

5:45 – 7:45 pm  

Circulatory System: discussing cardiovascular health, chelation, cholesterol, heart and hypertension

For a full description of the Brilliant Body Courses, available to anyone on CD and ongoing locally until June, go to: Brilliant Body.


Ongoing coaching to help others start their own business using the Brilliant Body CD’s!  Stay for the last half hour of our dinner classes. Phone the office anytime for help!

Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details. 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.

Watch this 3 minute video : http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=lbenoit


Specials on Immune Builders

 For Canadians the first six week campaign offers a good selection of immune support products until February 15th, 10 % off or Buy 3 get 1 free. Consider the Super Trio, SilverGuard, and HRP-C to ensure you are not subject to the winter colds and flus. HRP-C is also known as VS-C in the US and some other countries.

See success stories on these 3 products below.

Order by calling our office 250-748-6802, or if you are a member call NSP for your direct discount.


How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

 You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

 What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office by email, phone or website
  • Memberships are free in most countries when you place an order.
  • Go to www.naturessunshine.com; choose your country and use sponsor

# 309344 OR #313939 to receive discount

 All the great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials.


Lorene’s  book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach To Cancer

Talk Shows and local Power Point presentations

Here are some links to a few of the many talk shows ongoing about The Paw Paw Program. If you would like the full list, just email our office at TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com and we’ll send it to you. Have a listen!


Feb. 8th  6 – 7:30 pm at Cowichan Valley Regional Library – Power Point Presentation and Questions with the author.

Feb. 10th 2012 10 – 11:30 am  PST    Dr. Rose      www.blogtalkradio.com/icdrrose

Feb. 24th, 2012  9:30- 10:30 am  PST  Hollis Chapman     http://blogtalkradio.com/hollischapmanshow


Nov. 4th     Hollis Chapman     http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hollischapmanshow/2011/11/04/natural-healing-nutrition-herbs-and-nutritional-supplement

Special offer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHkC2Ytwv_I

Dec 6th     Alicia D.Cramer                  write-up:      http://wausauhypnotherapy.podbean.com/2011/12/06/lorene-benoit-interview-on-preventing-and-healing-cancer/

audio recording:       http://wausauhypnotherapy.podbean.com/mf/web/zn4zwa/Lorene.mp3

Success Stories

HRP-C/ VS-C : I have been taking 1 or 2 capsules a day keep my cold sores away. If I do feel the tingling of one oncoming, usually if I am undergoing a lot of stress, by taking 6-9 spread throughout the day, I can avoid an outbreak. MS, BC

 SilverGuard and Silver Gel:

I love these products! A capful a day keeps the germs away. I find it great to gargle; as close to 6 minutes as I can, and voila! Sore throat is gone. I have also applied the gel to the back of my throat and this also works overnight.  MB, CO

 Super Trio:

I love the fact that I can get my daily nutrition insurance in one little packet of 3 pills. Super Trio has increased my energy, and I am not catching all the “bugs” that neighbours seem to be getting. VB, AB










Video Picks

 Check out this inspiring movie taken from the new book, Stepping Up, by          John Izzo:     http://www.bkconnection.com/stepping-up/

The Story of Broke (2011)


Serving you in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education