Tag Archives: children’s acetaminophen

The Truth About Vaccines

UPDATE:  Jan. 2025

Original post was  almost 8 years ago, so some links will have changed. The ideas and truths presented in my posts have not.

Submit comments or questions at the end of this article, or contact the author for assistance or further education.

Be assured that if I learn new information that contradicts any of my previous research,  I will correct this. Unlike most government officials, I  accept the fact that science changes. Science should always be about questioning and proving, or disproving , theories. One must always be open to new research. One must always question who is paying for the research? Or is it WHO? and for what purpose? The benefit of mankind, or the financial gain of a 1% minority?

Because of the disastrous results of the COVID injections,  more research on vaccines continues to come to light. Daily I receive VALID information that affirms my beliefs and what I have posted and taught about vaccine choices since 1985.  Here are 3 articles of relevant research  from this morning.

1. Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Serious and Irreversible Neurological, Developmental, and Immune-Related Health Risks, by Nicolas hulscher, MP, via Courageous Discourse.

https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-serious “Four Studies Reveal the Grave Consequences of Childhood Hyper-Vaccination.


When studies compare vaccinated to unvaccinated children, they find serious and irreversible neurological, developmental, and immune-related health risks (in the vaccinated). This is likely one of the primary reasons that prevents Big Pharma and our regulatory agencies from conducting such studies — their flawed business model of pushing inadequately tested injections would collapse as parents learn the true risks of vaccination. It’s important to remember that ALL of the routine childhood vaccines were licensed WITHOUT proper long-term, placebo-controlled trial.”

  •  as of 2024 Canada has increased childhood schedule to 29 different toxic injections up to 12 months! Each one contains toxic adjuvants such as heavy metals, chemicals, foreign cells from human embryos and other animals that are disclosed. What other ingredients are not disclosed?


2. “There is no known example of a drop in measured infant or child mortality temporally associated with the rollout of a childhood vaccination programme.

Independent studies suggest that, contrary to dogma, excess infant mortality (not averted infant mortality) is associated with vaccine programme rollouts and maintenance. Using yearly infant all-cause mortality rate directly, I estimate approximately 100 million vaccine-rollout-associated infant deaths 1974-2024 worldwide, with the caveat of concomitant largescale economic transformations. I conclude, overall, that the longstanding industry of infant vaccination programmes is a baseless fraudulent enterprise of exploitation.”

Denis Rancourt Ph.D https://correlation-canada.org/opinion-childhood-vaccination-mortality-averted/ 


3. Alberta’s COVID-19 pandemic data review further evidence of mismanaged crisis, A key recommendation in the report is the call to discontinue the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines 

“ The Task Force raises concerns about the long-term safety and efficacy of these vaccines, citing authoritative sources such as Health Canada, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization, and the manufacturers’ protocols and results. The lacking scientific evidence for the efficacy of face masks and vaccines in preventing the transmission of the virus is clearly laid out.”

Dr. Claus Rinner via Toronto Sun https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/rinner-albertas-covid-19-pandemic-data-review-further-evidence-of-mismanaged-crisis


From 2017:

Having just watched the 4th Episode of this excellent series, The Truth About Vaccines, I strongly encourage YOU to watch as much as you can.  This is especially important if you are a pregnant woman, a parent, a senior,  work in the health care system, a doctor, a scientist or someone who cares about YOUR health.                                                                      UPDATE: NO LONGER  EASILY ACCESSIBILITY.

Lorene has been teaching and writing about the vaccination myth since 1985. This series collects research from many North American medical experts that may be shocking  to anyone who has never questioned vaccinations, while supportive of everything she has been teaching. Please see other articles on this website under Vaccine Archives, which also include safe ways of creating  strong immunity using wholistic approach with natural healing.

The Truth About Vaccines series presents studies from NA and around the world. Just to touch on a few  interesting FACTS from this one episode:

  • The US recommends 26 vaccines by age 1 and has the 34th worst infant mortality rate of first world nations, versus Iceland which requires 12 vaccines by 1 yr. and has lowest infant mortality rate. Canada mandates 15 vaccines by 1 yr.
  • UPDATE: as of 2024 Canada has increased childhood schedule to 29 different toxic injections up to 12 months!


  • In a 2009 study,  Iceland had an autism rate of 1 in 2,000 , while the US had 1 in 150.
  • In the 1970’s autism rates in US were 1 in 10,000. They are now 1 in 45.
  • There is a direct correlation with increase in number of vaccines to increase in autism, allergies , ADHD and other challenges that are affected by lowered immunity, such as childhood cancers.
  • The Cochrane Collaboration is one of North America’s most respected independent, NON-PROFIT research groups of doctors & scientists. After conducting meta-analysis of years of flu vaccine studies they concluded that of 100 people thought to have the ‘flu’, only 7 actually did have the flu. Therefore pandemics and epidemic warnings promoting vaccinations are false.
  • Their review concluded that, “Of all the research and studies on flu vaccines in childhood, elderly or those who work on them, none  proved the flu vaccine to be safe OR effective.”
  • UPDATE: The Cochrane Review was “bought out” in 2016 by 1.5 million dollar grant from Bill & Melinda Gets Foundation.


  • Pediatricians in the US are paid $400 bonus per child by Blue Cross/Blue Shield, IF they comply with full vaccination schedule. In other words, if they do NOT convince all parents to vaccinate their children they are financially penalized.
  • This episode covers flu, DPT (Diptheria, Pertussis Tetanus), HIB (Haemophilus Influenza B) vaccine for meningitis, Hep B, polio, pneumococcal…..
  • HIB vaccine contains peanut oil and is linked to the increase in peanut allergies
  • Synthetic Vitamin K injections given at birth to prevent a rare anti-clotting disease called VKDB contains aluminum, benzyl alcohol & propylene glycol & has been linked to an increase in childhood cancers. It could be effectively replaced with a safe, natural form of Vit. K taken orally.
  • The dangers of giving children acetaminophen /Tylenol, especially to counter-act the brain-inflammatory screaming common after vaccination – watch for research just released from Harvard and Duke Universities about the dangers of Tylenol. 
  • Research shows the link between acetaminophen and autism and also explains why boys have a higher rate of autism due to the magnifying effect of testosterone on acetaminophen

You may wish to read Safe Vaccine Alternatives and take control of your health and those of your loved ones. Infants and the elderly are particularly prone to vaccine damage, due to more sensitive systems.

Also be aware of research linking  5 years of Flu shot to TEN Times  increase in Alzheimers, explained in Vaccine Myth Needs to Die with the common, heavily promoted Flu Shot.

More Reference Links: 

Vaccination Research: Websites and Books

Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute

Age of Autism, Thimersol