Tag Archives: Bought movie

Vaccines, autism & brain immuno-excito-toxicty

UPDATE Aug/2024:

Since the covid vax genocide, more info on the truth of ALL vaccines has been researched. The bottom line is that NO vaccines, including all childhood vaccines are safe.

This chart from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System  (VAERS), clearly shows the lack of studies for safety. Studies for effectiveness are basically non-existant.   VAERS is a government agency, which openly admits only about 1% of adverse events are reported, either because parents are not aware, or doctors refuse to submit a report for fear of reprimand from those who pay them.


UPDATE Mar/2019:

An informative 2 minute+ video excerpt from the movie BOUGHT, presents  3 Doctor’s summaries of challenges with the current vaccination of children. A few pertinent quotes:
M.D.Patrick Gentempo:
“Even if individual vaccines might be safe, imagine now combining all these, put together into a little infant that’s just born,  total of 26 of them in it’s first 18 months of life and you’re playing with real fire here.”

Toni Bark, M.D.:
“Giving the HPV vaccine which lasts 3-5 years to a new born? Are they going to have sex before they are 5?   There is a disconnect here. … giving somebody, day one of life, a vaccine that’s never been tested on infants, can’t even legally be tested on newborns, makes zero sense unless it’s lining your pocket.” 

Incidence of cervical cancers has risen since widespread use of HVP vaccine. Sweden, UK, France and US doctors, oncologists and surgeons have all reported  these same conclusions, yet vaccine makers continue to promote the life saving propaganda and force these on the market, targeting juvenile females with fear and false advertising.

Tim O’Shea D.C.:
“In 1993 we were spending three billion dollars on vaccines in the entire world. By the year 2000 it was about twenty billion dollars a year globally that we were spending on vaccines. You have to  follow the money and you can  see how processes and procedure in our culture can be bought.”

Original Article : July/ 2015

This lecture  is critical to watch, especially for new parents who are smart enough to question the medical immunization issue versus building lifelong health.

The Central Mechanism By Which Vaccines Induce Autism – The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development: Dr. Russell Blaylock addressing  the National Autism Association (NAA).

It is a difference between weakening or strengthening the immune system NATURALLY and for life. If you do not have 1 hour and 9 minutes  to listen to the entire presentation, invest at least 4 minutes to watch minutes 38 – 42.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX6l8-EQGYQ

Oops… yet another great video censored, as is most science that does not support Vaccine agenda. But, you can still read a 4 pg. report: Excessive Vaccination and Autism Research

Here are some important highlights from Dr. Blaylock’s research. You can make up your own mind to decide who you believe. Big Pharma making the billions, or a doctor whose livelihood was destroyed when he presented truthful warnings?

“When vaccine toxins are injected they stimulate systemic immunity that causes the microglia of the brain to increase inflammatory cytokines and glutamates within minutes.

This process of priming of microglial begins in utero with  the recommended flu shot for the mother, (LB: H1N1, Avian, whatever is “chosen” as this year’s fear mongering money maker),  is increased with the Hep B shot at birth, then further placed on over-drive with each subsequent vaccine injected, which in the US now amount to 26 vaccines by age 1 yr.  

This brain inflammatory process is happening during the most intense period of brain development of the child. The accumulative effect causes an enormous secretion of inflammatory cytokines and glutamate which can and has caused death, SIDS, encephalitic crying caused by brain inflammation.

With frequent vaccinations causing repeated brain inflammation  the accumulative effect can cause adult disorders including seizure, behavioral problems, OCD and depression throughout life. Through this constant brain stimulation, the brain is never able to heal.”



“Human  immune stimulation during pregnancy is a danger to the unborn child.

There is NO science to support the frequently postulated scare tactic that a pregnant mother is at  a greater risk than any other population. But there IS repeated research showing a 7-14 times higher incidence of autism and  schizophrenia due to immuno-excito toxic response, which is not healthy to the fetus.”

Common toxins in vaccines such as mercury, ethyl mercury, (thimersol IS a mercury derivative) and aluminum, are all powerful microglial stimulators. These adjuvant toxins are cumulative and no studies have ever been done on their additive effect when 5 or 6 different vaccines are given at the same time, and in such frequently repeated dosages.



Death after Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination: Causal or Coincidental? warns that their may be a causal link to death due to neurological autoimmune vasculitis (simplified:  brain inflammation) that needs further evaluation. I, as a parent, or a young woman would not choose to inject this into any young woman’s blood stream.

Further References and Research:

Vaccine reference websites


Lorene Benoit has seen, over the past 45 years in health education,  the results of medical immunizations for ALL ages, as well as the health of children and adults who refuse vaccines. She offers many safe, natural alternatives that work more effectively than  chemical, toxic poisons that alter immunity and brain function.

Contact her office for your personalized program; free 10 minutes to judge for yourself. 

Benoit is author of  The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer  – a book on natural health, which includes a wealth of information on healthy lifestyle to build immunity. It includes diet, emotional, exercise, recipes and more that are essential to incorporate for healing of all conditions, including cancer.


Shingles and Herpes

NOTE: Links change, names change, climate changes, and unHealth Canada constantly changes regulations, so please contact us for personal assistance to get most current info. We do not charge for 10 mins. or to place an order at discounted prices. 


Shingles is a latent form of the Herpes or Varicella Zoster Virus, reactivated from previous chicken pox, or contracted when one does not have the natural immunity developed from exposure. The virus lies dormant in the nerve cells adjacent to your spinal cord and can reactivate under various conditions.  Known triggers for reactivation are: STRESS, which can be from emotional causes or from a physical cause such as trauma or injury. Stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, or other illness can all weaken the immune system.

Shingles appear as a painful rash and/or itching blisters, running in a band or belt, usually confined to one side of the body or face. This can be accompanied by fever, aches, and general malaise. Although shingles is not contagious itself, the rash gives off the varicella zoster virus, which could cause someone who comes into contact with it to develop chicken pox.

Allopathic medical treatment prescribes medications to treat  the symptoms of shingles. These may be antivirals or corticosteroids in severe cases. The drugs can be expensive,  may or may not work depending on how soon they are started, do not help ward off future attacks, and carry the risk of side effects or potential drug interactions associated with every prescription.

One natural regime, which is outlined below, has produced excellent results with acute shingles attacks and rashes of many types, including those caused by severe drug reactions, such as man-made antibiotics.

IF-C is a Chinese herbal formula developed by Dr. Sabuti Dharmananda for relieving and clearing all conditions of excess heat, including rashes, pain, head-aches and sinus infections. In Chinese terminology, these conditions are classed as “heat-rising”. For maintenance after the acute episode, some people will follow-up with HRP-C (CA) VS-C (US), which is explained below under Herpes. This formula is available both in capsules and liquid.

Dosage at which people have had success: every 3 – 4 hours (4 –6 times) /day

IF-C (US) and IF-C (CA)     4 capsules
InFlammation, InFection Chinese formula that clears and relieves excess heat

Stress Formula  (CA) / NutriCalm  (US)   2 Tablets
Contains balanced B complex, C, plus calming herbs Hops, Valerian and Passion Flower to relax the nervous system

Burdock (US)   4 capsules  OR  Oregon Grape Extract (CA & US)   2 ml.
Both are gentle blood and liver cleansers with specific soothing and healing properties for the skin.

Take full dose until pain and inflammation is noticeably less. Results will depend on the person, the length and severity and condition, but relief may be noticed within the first two days. Three days after symptoms decrease, you can reduce frequency to every 3 times/day, then several days later decrease dosage by half, but still 3 times per day. Consult with a qualified natural health consultant to aid you, or contact us for personal assistance in placing an order at discounted prices.

Read further for external aids for enhanced healing, pain and  itching.



Besides shingles, there are many other types of herpes virus, which affect a very large percentage of the population, up to 60%. Herpes simplex 1, cold sores, can occur on any part of your body including nose, elbows, fingers, stomach, or anus. Genital herpes is called Herpes simplex 2, but it is really just a different form of the same disease, and one can cause the other. Some people have sub-clinical, subtle outbreaks and can shed the virus even when they are asymptomatic, which is one reason this disease has become so prevalent.

Herpes can be effectively treated by a combination of diet, stress reduction and herbal medicine or by drug therapy. Although allopathic medicine says there is no cure, it is possible to go years between outbreaks with management using natural therapeutics.

For all types of herpes, including shingles, consider a program of HRP-C (CA) VS-C (US) for three months, at 6 – 9 per day. Dosage is dependant upon your size, the severity of condition, personal immune status, and lifestyle. HRP-C is a Chinese formulation developed by a Chinese medical doctor, to address Herpes virus, AIDS, and all other viral stressors, which include the common cold and flu. It helps increase overall immunity, and detoxify the liver and eliminate heavy metals. It is also very effective for Candida and other yeast/ parasitic infections.

For regular or periodic herpes, the above dosage of HRP-C can gradually be lowered after 3 months, until a maintenance dose keeps herpes under control. This dosage will be different for everyone, dependent on their size, other aspects of lifestyle and overall health. During times of stress, which can exacerbate an outbreak, the dosage should be increased. If tingling is felt, which can signal an outbreak, taking full dosage will ward off an outbreak or minimize it.

L-Lysine (US) , an essential amino acid, can also be taken at a dosage of three 500mg. capsules per day during an outbreak, and one per day as maintenance. Use some thought when supplementing one particular amino acid for long term, as all amino acids work in synergy. If however, you have some other symptoms of l-lysine deficiency, such as a feeling of helplessness, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, anemia or depression, maintenance with l-lysine may help alleviate these symptoms. L-lysine can be found in fish, chicken, eggs, garbanzo beans and comfrey.

For External Relief: HRP-C /VS-C in liquid glycerine form can be applied to sores. Tei Fu Oil  or  Tei Fu Massage Lotion, a blend of essential oils, is helpful for pain and itch relief and to help sores heal more quickly.

Silver Shield Gel also destroys viruses, decreases inflammation and speeds healing. This would be highly recommended for use in any opening, such as eyes, ears, vaginal, cervical, etc.

Contact author for detailed Fact sheets on any of the products we have used professionally since 1985.  Ordering via Canada and US is different, so why not have the expert help you with personal service?


The Ultimate Healing System by Donald LePore, ND
Your Nature, Your Health by S. Dharmanada, PhD
Lorene Benoit, BEd, CHC, MHH
June Cobb, Herbalist/ Chinese Herbal Educator
Christopher Scipio, Homeopath/Herbalist


To discuss if this program is right for you, please contact our office. First 10 mins. of email inquiry or phone consult is free. We will set up a wholesale account so you can obtain the same professional therapeutic quality herbs we have used since 1985.

Q & A: MDS – Chlorophyll Benefits & Research



My dad has MDS  (myelodysplasia) with immature red blood cells. My gut tells me Chlorophyll can help him. We got him to try the capsules; he felt better but when went to the Dr.
His blood counts were down & he has to do a transfusion and now he thinks it didn’t help. The fact that he felt better, I think it helped, perhaps replaced his bad blood cell function to some extent?
I feel like the Docs are trapped in their approved box that and they are pushing for a chemo drug next. I think they will kill him faster and its more a money thing than a healing thing. 100% waiver…your thoughts?
Any good references you can send me to I can show him? My angels are screaming Chlorophyll.



Yes, I agree with you about both things:

1) Your Dad would be wise to  pay attention to how he feels – blood tests can be erroneous, test levels can be affected by who takes them, what time of the day, what he ate within the last 24 hrs., what lab, several other factors. How he feels is essential. Feeling better,  even as a state of mind, will positively affect his physical well being.

2) Doctors do have an agenda for which they have been exceptionally well trained – 7-10 years –  learning how to prescribe drugs to treat symptoms. Well intentioned, but not always the best for healing. Anyone who doubts this just needs to watch any or all of BOUGHT Movie- (try googling it to see online),  one of the best done summaries of our North American medical business.

I also feel the The Paw Paw program would benefit him, as Paw Paw chemotherapeutic actions are more powerful and SAFER than drug chemo. IF he does decide to take the chemo, please have him take Paw Paw with it to mitigate negative effects and enhance any benefit.

Re chlorophyll research: Please read this specific article on Chlorophyll Benefits, as well as the Chlorophyll Archives showing it’s use with some other conditions. Chlorophyll research showing health benefits to humans and pets is abundant on the internet.I have listed some specific benefits and reference at end to help.

Chlorophyll from Nature’s Sunshine has been a top selling product since 1972 – that would not happen if it was not of benefit to thousands of people. It is difficult to find a healthier beverage that is good for everyone and so inexpensive!

We offer it in several forms: the capsule offers approximately the equivalent of 3 tsp. of regular liquid Chlorophyll and 1 tsp of Extra Strength, available only in US. Please contact our office to get the best price, as well as support.

Chlorophyllin is the active part of NSP chlorophyll that contains  the nutritional value of raw chlorophyll, but is more easily absorbed. As a nutritional supplement, chlorophyllin has been extensively researched for its detoxification, antioxidant, antimutagenic, and tonic properties. Here is some research:

Protection against mutagens/carcinogens*
Testing for more than 20 years has established chlorophyllin as an antimutagenic /anticarcinogenic agent able to quench major free radicals, such as the superoxide radical, hydrogen peroxide, singlet oxygen, and even the most dangerous reactive hydroxyl radical and this at very low doses.
“Taking chlorophyll chlorophyllin or eating green vegetables, like spinach, that are rich in chlorophyll may be a practical way of reducing the risk of liver cancer and other cancers caused by environmental triggers.”—Thomas Kensler, PhD.

Chlorophyllin had an ability to bind or ‘sandwich’ certain classes of chemical mutagens and carcinogens. These included polyaromatic hydrocarbons found in tobacco smoke, some heterocyclic amines (cooked meat mutagens), and aflatoxin chemicals suspected or known to cause human lung, colon, or liver cancer.”—George S. Bailey, Ph.D. OSU Distinguished Professor, Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology

The risk of liver, colon, stomach, and lung cancer which include the leading causes of cancer death in the US and the world, may easily be cut in half by appropriate daily intake of simple, safe, inexpensive chlorophyll derivatives.“—Dr. Richard C. Heimsch

Chlorophyllin is as effective as green tea catechins in combating mutagens and carcinogens in the colon. It is speculated that chlorophyllin’s antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic mechanisms are a combination of antioxidant activity and the formation of complexes that bind to and inactivate mutagens/carcinogens. — The Linus Pauling Institute and Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, Oregon State University

Chlorophyllin’s antioxidant properties fight inflammation, a
major contributor to conditions such as cancer, heart disease and
arthritis. —  Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School Of Public Health

Natural Health Newsletter Jan – Feb.2015



January – February, 2015


We are grateful to share with you a life passion of teaching how to take more control of your life through questioning and seeking the gifts nature offers.  

Our blog offers ongoing health information:


 Paw Paw Talk Shows are recorded here 

Lorene has been interviewed by various professionals about her book, The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach To Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

Based on 35 years experience, the history of herbs, four pillars of health, dietary and lifestyle recommendations in this book are relevant to ALL chronic health conditions. 

These interviews cover the basics of her book, PLUS, depending on the host, healing tips to help you achieve optimum health. Contact us to book an interview or for more information. 

Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link, so you can easily access those of interest to you:


Herbal Doctrine of Signatures

Looking at a plant will often give clues as to the medicinal uses it offers us….includes a short, informative video.


Vitamin D and your health

Recent research shows the majority of those living North of Tropic of Cancer and South of Tropic of Capricorn are deficient, especially during winter months. BENEFITS of Vit. D are many, including…..


Q&A: Chronic Throat Irritation

Looking for the root cause of illness, especially chronic…..


Traumatic Brain Injury and Progesterone

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) affect more people each year than breast cancer, prostate cancer and HIV combined. Falls, football, hockey and car accidents all contribute to deaths from TBI’s. Preliminary clinical studies show…..


Q & A: Paw Paw and bird mite bites

I read something about Paw Paw, Asimina triloba for mites and lice….


Q & A Paw Paw use & Conflicting Dosage

I am overwhelmed and confused…….


Video Picks:  – BOUGHT – a must see

This video if so worthwhile, I encourage you to invite 50 friends or family to watch it with you!  A perfect mix of data, research and personal stories. I believe there is only 1 week left to watch it for free, but it would be worthwhile to purchase as well. It contains information that is critical for everyone interested in their health to understand and act accordingly.  You can find it online.

Video Pick #2

In a mere 8 min. 30 sec. three top scientists–cardiologist, epidemiologist, environmental researcher–will tell you why many people have been fighting so hard for so long to make the perils of Smart Meters, Cell phones & other EMF radiation over-load brought to public awareness.  You can’t get a quicker education than this:



Personalized Healthy Aging Preventive Program


 Lorene Benoit, author of the Paw Paw Program and natural health teacher for 35+ years, will offer a series of special educational sessions for those who are interested in aging with optimum health for enjoyment of life.  These will consist of  2 group sessions via conference call,  followed by one personal session via Skype, email or phone to suit.

Do you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, GERD, circulatory problems, constipation or IBS, arthritis, diabetes, thyroid challenges?  Have you started on the North American Drug Ceremony,  with medications that will increase your toxic load every year; adding more side effects? This does not need to be your future.

Cost for all 3 sessions is worth over $300. Lorene will be offering a limited number of spaces for this series at a special discount price of $125.

Dates are scheduled to suit  for the 2 group sessions and one  1/2 hr. private session.

To register, contact office .


More Free Education via Webinars

Nature’s Sunshine offers FREE webinars with some of North America’s best Natural Health Experts. Share this valuable information with others who can benefit from this information.

Worldwide, anyone can access webinars on the US website, without being a member. Go to www.nspwebinars.com.

In Canada, go to Nature’s Sunshine >Members> Webinars. Make sure  you are registered as a VIP to receive the weekly Update and Educate so you can know when live webinars are scheduled.

  • Memberships are free with an order in most countries.
  • Go to Nature’s Sunshine Products – Lorene’s site ; choose your country, then use sponsor #1143615 CANADA  or #1143667  CANADA to receive discount and the benefits of our professional support.
  • OR contact us with your details and we can place your initial for you with no charge – old fashioned personal service! 
  • Contact us before you order from Amazon or EBay, as they  cannot provide Service or Integrity, which we can. NSP has provided the professional Quality, exceeding pharmaceutical standards,  since 1972.


Compass Zyto Biofeedback

The Compass is an extremely efficient, inexpensive biofeedback tool that measures your biomarkers and gives you the perfect health program!

Watch this 3  minute video:


Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends to find out what are the best supplements for you! Contact our office.for details.


We answer many questions worldwide….

High volume dictates that for complex health issues, an appointment is required. For a no cost obligation to see if you wish to work with Lorene Benoit toward better health,the first 10 minutes are free whether by email, phone or Skype: lorenebenoithealth.  Phone number, especially within North America,  is often more effective than email. Fees after 10 minutes are very reasonable.  Lorene has been helping many people worldwide to better health for 35 years.

Other options to help you are :

Use the Search bar in upper right corner of our blog for answers.
Lorene Benoit’s book contains lifestyle tips for optimum health and disease prevention, in addition to understanding Cancer: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally. Chapters include the 4 Pillars of health, dietary suggestions, and recipes designed to help everyone move toward better health.

Ongoing special for books: buy 3 get 1 free, or 15% member discount. Email or phone with payment info and address for faster delivery and discounts.

Anytime there is something we can help with, please

  • Contact our office or phone 250-748-6802, with your name, phone number and 2 times available Mon – Thurs. mornings, 9:00 – 11.:30 am PST
  • email: TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com



There are always  specials and training in every country to help you stay healthier AND save money. To take full advantage of specials and free education,  Call NSP  Canada at 1-800-265-9163, NSP US at 1-800-223-8225 or look on the Nature’s Sunshine website for your country. Or again, contact the experts for personalized service.

  Create the health, happiness and life you envision!