Tag Archives: Avian flu

Move over Birds – The Monkeys May Take Over….

It seems that Monkey Pox might be chosen as the next Plandemic. (post April, 2020)

And  just 2 weeks ago, we were led to believe it would be the Avian Flu. 

Whichever WHO (World Health Organization)  and UN (United Nations) choose for another World Health Emergency never fear, herbs are here.

They have been for millennium, and guess why? They work?

Check out some older posts under the heading Immune Tips: https://www.naturalpathremedies.com/blog/category/healthy-solutions/tips-for-immunity/

Take your pick;  there are many options that work. The name of the disease is not  important – build your immunity and your body will do what it needs to do to keep you healthy!

If you need assistance, contact our office, and leave your phone number and time zone for fastest response. Since 1985, Lorene has offered education, not obligation.

Money Pox    What Is It ?

If you need to understand more, this 19 min. news cast explains How They Will Control All of Us.    At  3 minutes the World Health Organization prepping to declare another World Health Emergency. Remember that CA and US have agreed to follow whatever they say. This will enable them to force the next vaccine, lock downs,  control via vaccine cards (starting in 5 EU countries Sept. 2024) , digital currency, and hardships to further effect their  “You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy” Plan.

Do not fall for this again!  ENOUGH is ENOUGH! 
Educate, Do Not Consent, Speak Out for Yourself and Future Generations!


Tips to Make the Avian Flu Fly Away (and other infections)

UPDATED August, 2024:

Looks like the Avian flu will be our next plandemic. Be prepared for another onslaught of fear based propaganda.

“They” have had years since my 2009 post to ensure the avian flu will transmit to other species, in their biolabs. They have had 15 YEARS to refine their media propaganda campaigns.

They will use this as a great excuse to further reduce our REAL food supply,  already happening with chickens and eggs;  turkeys and cows, and spend yet more billions of YOUR taxpayers’ money to enrich Big Pharma and global  control over chemical food, every human activity and every personal choice.

If you are not aware of any of  this, or who “they” is, just read a few my many research articles on the Convid/ Covid) Plandemic, since Mar 2020.  Time for everyone to protect any freedoms for future generations. Learn to say “I DO NOT CONSENT“, and stick to your convictions. Trust the real science, your common sense, and not the govt talking heads.

UPDATED Jan, 2020:

Tips to Make the Avian Flu Fly Away applies to ALL infectious conditions, viral and bacterial, including CoronaVirus, SARS, Swine, all varieties of “Flu” , Colds, Rhinovirus, MRSA, Strep, and any other “epidemic” threatening to wipe out human existence and frighten us into injecting more vaccine toxins into our already overloaded bodies.

Natural healing works to bring the body into balance and maintain our natural immunity, which is our best defence. It will not weaken our system, nor contribute to creation of anti-biotic resistant mutations, which is what has happened with pharmaceutical overuse and misuse.

Herbs that worked during the 1800’s plague;  Chinese anti-viral herbs that have worked for 5,000 years, like VS-C  (liquid or capsules) in US ;  HRP-C – liquid or capsules in CA; and adaptogens such as Astragalus; plus improved processing of products like ionic Silver, will continue to  work to our benefit.

Original post Oct 18, 2008
Five inexpensive and SAFE suggestions for those who are worried about any seasonal infections:

1. Drink 1 capful  (about 4 ml) of NSP Silver Shield Liquid per day. If you have researched and can find another fully lab-tested, certified nano particle silver solution that has a solid track record, then use this.

2. Use NSP Silver Shield Liquid in a spray bottle to:

  • inhale
  • sterilize hands
  • take a swig, gargle  and hold 6 minutes, then swallow, at the first sign of any throat irritation
  • Silver Shield Liquid can also be put into nasal spray bottles (available at our office), to help get it farther into nasal passages and for sinus related conditions
  • Silver Shield is far more effective than Colloidal Silver  – learn the difference.

3. Take 1-4 per day of Nature’s Sunshine quality Vitamin D3. How much? This depends!Up to 10,000 IU per day, depending on your outdoor activities, diet, age, latitude, and state of immune function. Multiple research confirms the beneficial role of Vit. D3 in treatment and  prevention of Cancer, Diabetes, MS, osteoporosis, depression, immune function…..to name a few.  Click on search bar in top right of blog for more research on Vit. D3 or contact Lorene for assistance.

4. And from one of Dr. Pedersen’s webinars for doctors and other health professionals, who are likely people to come in contact with this flu and many other infections on a daily basis:
Dab some NSP Silver Shield Gel in each nostril 1-3 times a day; it keeps your mucous membranes naturally moist. In addition,  the Silver will kill inhaled contaminants. We always use this when flying or in any crowded, enclosed area for hours, such as schools, shopping malls, parties…..

5. Check out my “TIPS TO BALANCE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM” …..comments welcome!

Remember – whether our body is a good host to germs, viruses and any pathogens is up to us! This is all dependant upon our diet, stress levels, and seasonal cleansing to help keep it clean and pure so we do NOT provide a good host.

Should all the above measures not all be in place and you do find yourself sick, please check out CRISIS MANAGEMENT on our website.

Be healthy, happy and wise!

Note re links:
Links change more often than we would like;  please contact Benoit Health Education to ensure you get the right product at the best price….PLUS free S/H to your door. No obligations,; just great education! You can also call our office 250-748-6802 and leave a message. A real woman will return your call.


original post 2009
updated: Dec. 2024



The immune system is more complicated than many of our other organ systems.

For one thing, it isn’t located in just one area, or a few organs, like the digestive or urinary systems. It is throughout our body. It consists of several levels of defence.  Some of these are:

–        Mucous membranes, such as those lining the respiratory and intestinal tracts,  which form mechanical barriers to pathogens and other harmful invaders.

–        Skin with the acid mantle that inhibits bacterial growth

–        Cilia- tiny little hairs that trap and move contaminants to locations where they can be removed or destroyed

–        Enzymes, and Gastric juices, such as HydroChloric (HCl )  Acid, which destroys pathogens in the stomach. A good example of this is that when we travel to tropical destinations where different bugs, such as dysentery, can cause whatever particular ailment is connected with that region, be it Mexican Montezuma’s Revenge, or Thailand Trots.

HCl Acid , such as is found in NSP’s full spectrum Digestive Enzymes, or Protein Digestive Aid, helps us to avoid these problems.As many people over the age of 20 years are deficient in HCl Acid, these supplements give the extra boost needed to kill of bugs that enter through food and water. Our family won’t go travelling tropical without them. OK – back to more levels of our immune system.

–        Tears and saliva contain enzymes to destroy microorganisms.

–        Lymphatic system  transports  white blood cells (WBC’s) where they are needed, act as a back lane garbage collector for bacteria, viruses, and undigested proteins. Lymph nodes, which are strategically located throughout our body, are like filtering stations where toxins are dumped for purification and breakdown.

–        Bone marrow creates WBCs.  They then travel to different parts of the body to mature and differentiate into Lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, or basophil, B Cells or T cells.   Each cell performs different important functions to protect our immunity. These cells are vigilant for our health 24/7, comparable to our Department National Defence, except we don’t have to pay taxes to keep them going and updated! We don’t even need to give them orders, they figure it out for themselves when they are balanced. We do need to pay them in other ways though, if we expect them to carry out their functions effectively.

–      Colon or small and large intestines –when in good health, they help digest, assimilate nutrients, absorb vitamins and minerals, contribute to healthy hormone production, balance ou microbiome, in addition to being essential to eliminate toxins and waste from our entire system.


These are some of the essential things we can do to help all components of the immune system do their jobs.

1. Feed our immune system properly.                                                                                                 When we fill our bodies with wholesome food and pure water, our body can produce healthy cells. This means ensuring that our diet provides the complete myriad of vitamins, macro minerals, like Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sulphur, trace minerals like Selenium, Chromium and about 74 others, amino acids, which are the building blocks that come from proteins, all the phytochemicals that science is just begun to identify such as lutein, xeanthanine, several hundred flavonoids, etc. etc.

If this sounds all too complicated – it is! That’s why I personally don’t believe that scientists are ever going to be able to reproduce what nature has already provided us – because they will never be able to do it in the same way! That’s why those of us who work in this field of natural health and with Nature’s Sunshine, all believe in the power of herbs and nutrition, which take care of providing us with this natural complex chemical cocktail.

Even though we may eat a healthy diet, full of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, we must understand that we may not get all the nutrients due to the fact that many of our growing soils have become depleted of minerals. Therefore the crops are lacking and this is why we supplement to get our necessary requirements.

We may also not be digesting foods efficiently due to lack of enzymes, or due to problems assimilating the nutrients, which can be caused by a number of conditions, such as Irritable Bowel, Leaky Gut, inadequate villi action in the small intestines.etc.

Our family uses daily maintenance to meet our full needs of  antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and omega 3s to support our health! This is considered our daily maintenance. Then we supplement with herbs that address any specific conditions we are facing. These change with many lifestyle factors.


2. Provide time for immune system to do its job and rebuild.                                                 This includes physical, mental emotional and spiritual rest and relaxation. This down time is when our body can focus energy on attacking invaders and building healthy new cells with the nourishment we just mentioned in #1. Recent studies show most  North Americans are chronically sleep deprived. Regular bed time hours, calming music or reading before bed, as opposed to stimulating TV shows, will help children and adults  fall into their refreshing slumberland more easily. Herbs are there to help those who need it.

It is also important for everyone to have some free time, that is unscheduled time. With children especially, “daydreaming time” , where they don’t have to be at a lesson or scheduled lesson or activity, provides them with time to assimilate the lessons they are been given in life.


3. Exercise is essential for healthy immunity.                                                                             Because the lymphatic system,is a crucial part of the immune system. The lymphatic fluid is only moved through the action of muscular movements. Even 15 minutes of exercise increases oxygen flow and increases WBC cell in your blood!

In all aspects of natural healing, we need to look at balance. For the immune system this means building up or stimulating an under-active or weakened immune system OR, calming an over-active or stressed immune system.

Under-active or weakened  means your system does not mount an effect defence against invaders to which we are all exposed, every breathing moment of our lives. We can call these invaders by many different names: germs, bacteria, viruses, micro-organisms, fungi, parasites, yeasts, or pathogens.  For simplicity sake I am going to refer to all of the above as germs.

A critical point to understand is that it is not a matter of not being exposed to these germs when someone sneezes on us – it is fact that we are continuously exposed to germs. They are in our air, water, and food – they’re here, they’re there – they’re everywhere, as the saying goes! The important part is that our body’s immune system can effectively manage them, so they do not overwhelm us.

Think of germs as flies looking for something to eat – if they find it in our house (body) they stay – if they don’t they go looking for a house (body) where they will find some junk to eat. They are not the cause of the disease – they are the agent that is attracted to clean it up. So those runny noses, fevers, diarrhea, coughs, even vomiting are all attempts to rid the body of accumulated toxins.


4. Herbs help immunity in two ways:                                                                                                           One is to keep the immune system strong, so it does not allow the germs to get the upper hand. Secondly, if the germs do start to do their clean-up work, herbs can aid them to do it faster , while making it more comfortable for us to get through the cleansing disease process.

On the other end of the pendulum, we have an over-active immune system, one which is attacking itself. This can result in illnesses such as Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. In this case, the natural treatment is to work with herbal adaptogens, which help the body adapt to stress and bring it back into balance. This is where the Chinese Tonics excel.

We’re now going to look at some of the protocols our Associates have found to be the best to help the immune system do what it has to do.

Astragalus is a herb with a long tradition of strengthening and balancing immunity. It does this by supporting T-cell function by increasing the bone marrow reserves of WBC. According to Dr. Jack Ritchason, Astragalus also increases interferon levels and the levels of antibodies in our blood. Studies have shown that it has doubled the life of cancer patients being treated by chemo and radiation, and as it supports the adrenals, it aids in recovery from illness and surgery. Astragalus can be effective for both under and over immune systems, as it is a tonic adaptogen herb. You will hear a fair bit about this herb tonight. Besides being available as a single herb,  it is also in some of the following combinations.

Another immune supporting combination is Nature’s Sunshine Cat’s Claw Combination. This herbal blend combines the best known immune enhancers from 3 continents: Cat’s Claw (Una de Gato) from South America, Echinacea from North America, and again Astragalus, from Asia. Cat’s Claw combo, in addition to some of the uses of Astragalus mentioned previously, has a particular affinity for the intestinal tract, and is therefore helpful for conditions of candida, diverticulitis and colitis.

Garlic has been known and used by Russian medical doctors for centuries, earning it the name “Russian penicillin”. It can effectively treat bacterial and fungal infections, expel parasites, worms and vampires. (see if anyone is listening to you). Nature’s Sunshine has never made an odourless garlic, as they feel odourless is useless, and they have the history and diagnostic lab tests to prove it! They have figures out an ingenious way to keep the potency without the negative effects of the infamous’garlic breath’. Each tablet is coated with a chlorophyll coating that only breaks down in the pH of the small intestine- thus reducing odor on the breath, yet maintaining the potency. One tablet of this High Potency Garlic is the equivalent of one large, fresh clove of garlic, picked at its optimum strength.

Herbasaurus Elderberry Plus is one of the most popular products for boosting immunity for children. Like some children’s supplements, it is in a tasty, chewable tablet – even the shape of a dinosaur. Unlike most children’s chewables though, it has no artificial coloring, artificial flavoring, artificial sweeteners, or chemically based coatings.

Elderberries contain potent antioxidants, promotes perspiration to help alleviate fever and has a specific affinity for the respiratory system. It is combined with astragalus, which you’ve now heard for the third time, as well as Reishi mushroom. Reishi inhibits bacteria and helps the immune system combat viruses.

HRP-C is a Chinese anti-viral formula that was developed to deal with major viruses such as Herpes and AIDS. It is very effective against these, as well as the viruses that cause common colds and flus. Both glycerine extracts and capsules are available for all ages.

Silver Guard Liquid and Silver Gel are incredible products that are capable of killing just about every microbe known – within 6 minutes of contact. INCLUDING H1N1; ALL SWINE, AVIAN AND OTHER FLUS! See other articles and testimonials about these on the blog, or email for peer reviewed studies: takethenaturalpath@gmail.com

In our office we work with many other supplements to help balance the immune system. We use over 200 other products that can help deal with specific challenges, but the ones I have mentioned will help the majority of people get on the right track to a more balanced immune system.

If you have any immune challenges, or are concerned about the upcoming flu season, or considering dangerous alternatives such as the vaccine, PLEASE, do yourself a favour and  contact Benoit Health Education first!
Product links change more often than we would like;  we can ensure you get the right product at the best price…. like 25% discount, PLUS free S/H to your door.
No obligations,; just great education! You can also call our office 250-748-6802 and leave a message. A real woman will return your call.


For an entire book relating to healthy immune system and conquering all disease, including cancer, naturally, check out Lorene’s book:  The Paw Paw Program.


Let’s do a quick review of what we have covered:

The immune system needs to be balanced, that means, not under or over active. Some of the most important considerations to achieve this are:

  1. Diet
  2. Rest, relaxation, stress reduction
  3. Exercise
  4. Herbal aids to balance immunity


For children:

Daily Maintenance: The chewable products for children are one of the easiest ways to keep your child healthy.  These include Elderberry for immune strengthening,  balanced Multi Vitamin and Mineral to help meet everyday needs,  and Children’s Bifidophulus, which gives your children the correct species of probiotics, for healthy intestinal function. There are also healthy, delicious drinks like chlorophyll, Solstice Nutrition, Nature’s Harvest and all the Liquid herbals to choose from.

First sign of any infection: Silver Shield Liquid or HRP extract .

For adults:

Daily Maintenance, plus at least one bottle of  Astragalus or Cat’s Claw Combination for everyday immune balancing, increase in energy and for dealing with everyday stress.

First sign of any infection: Silver Shield Liquid or HRP-C – have them on hand!

Health and Blessings from our office to your home!