Tag Archives: athletes foot

Fungus Among Us – Athlete’s Foot and Nail Fungus

We have been asked if there are natural solutions to these two problems which afflict many people of all ages, and the answer is yes! Whether it is  athlete’s foot, the painful, burning, blistering,  and cracking under and between toes; or whether it is nail fungus on the hands or feet, there IS help naturally.  Nail fungus may result in yellowing, thickening or separation of nails.

Both of these are  fungal and or yeast infections, which place a strain on your body’s immune system,  and should not be ignored. Treating these conditions naturally is important  because many of the OTC (Over The Counter) and prescription drugs for these conditions can be very toxic to the liver.  For many people the fungus/yeast is systemic, meaning it is in various body systems such as bowel and may also need internal herbal treatment. Some suggestions can be found here: Candida/Yeast

For more specifics, or help with ordering a program for you, please contact us

The main challenge is that you MUST be persistent with these treatments, meaning twice daily until the condition is gone. If you have had it for months or years, it can take several months. If it is recent, you will usually see results within 1 – 2 weeks. Here are the external protocols we have found to be very effective.


Nail Fungus

Step #1  Soak affected feet or hands in hot salt water. This is easy to do while reading, watching TV or eating. 10 – 15 minutes  in water as warm as you like with roughly 1 tsp. salt to 4 cups/1 litre hot water. A more pleasant way to do this is  walking in the water at a warm tropical beach, but if this is not an option, the former will work. If your nails are very hardened and thickened, judicious scraping with a nail file under the nail after soaking  will help reduce thickness and make nails more open to the next 2 steps.

Step #2  Apply Tei Fu Oil  to the affected nails. It only takes a couple of drops of this multi-purpose essential oil blend, which will penetrate better after the soaking. Try to get it under the nails.

Morning and evening is best for steps 1 & 2. Then after evening treatment add step #3:

Step #3  Fill finger or toe cott (purchased at any drugstore) with Silver Gel – usually 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. depending on size of finger or toe, and roll it over the affected appendage and leave on overnight. This will allow the nail to soak in the Silver Gel for an extended period of time, so the silver can eliminate the fungus. In the morning remove and start over with step #1 or if you do not have time for soaking, just wash, dry and apply Tei Fu Oil (Step #2).

Although this may seem like a lot of time and trouble, once you get into the routine, you will find it easy to keep up and the results will be well worth it. If you miss step 1, the soaking, you can still do #2 and #3, but all 3 steps work the best. Anything is better than nothing! If you do not see results within one month, please contact our office. As mentioned in into above, some people have systemic yeast/fungus and may need internal herbal treatment.


Athlete’s Foot

Step #1  Soak affected feet or hands in hot salt water. This is easy to do while reading, watching TV or eating. 10 – 15 minutes  in water as warm as you like with roughly 1 tsp. salt to 4 cups/1 litre hot water. A more pleasant way to do this is  walking in the water at a warm tropical beach, but if this is not an option, the former will work.

Step #2  Apply the Silver Gel generously under and between the toes. Wear clean dry cotton socks, or bare feet so your feet can breathe.

Repeat Steps 1 & 2 morning and evening. If no time for step #1, still do Step #2, applying the Silver Gel.

To get your hands and feet on Tei Fu Oil, Silver Gel, or Candida Cleanse:

  • Phone our office at 250-748-6802
  • Phone 1-800-223-8225 US or 1-800-265-9163 CA  and use  referral or Sponsor #1143615 to get a discount of 20 – 25%,  FREE Shipping, plus our professional support.
  • email us at Lorene@NaturalPathRemedies.com
  • or go directly to www.takethenaturalpath.mynsp.com choose your country and order directly, using Referral or Sponsor #1143615 to get a discount of 20 – 25%,  FREE Shipping, plus our professional support.

Candida Albicans / Yeast Infections

Note: due to frequent changes to meet FDA & Health Canada regulations,  as well as NSP’s strict Quality controls, products and links change, so……
Please contact us for personal assistance and product details, plus to help you get discount ordering, and free shipping.


Candida albicans is a form of parasitic yeast which thrives in warm-blooded animals. Candida normally populates the bowel, vagina and mucous membranes. In those with healthy immune systems, it is kept in balance by friendly bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidophilus bacteria. If the balance is upset, the Candida proliferates.

As it multiplies in a hospitable environment, this single cell can rapidly develop into new strains, which is why target- specific drugs have limited effect. Researchers have identified multiple species of Candida, including C. parapsilosis, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, and C. dubliniensis. Canvas bulgeris as a secondary fungus that can cause many of the symptoms that accompanies Candida albicans.

Researchers who follow the polymorphic philosophy, believe that these are forms of the same organism as it progresses through different stages. It is known that Candida albicans can change its structure and metabolism into a fungal form, with a mass of filaments that can penetrate into surrounding tissue. These filaments are called mycelium. These mycelium can penetrate the lining of the colon, where Candida overgrowth usually begins, and enter the bloodstream. This is how Candida can spread to other organs and systems. When it enters the blood stream, it can travel to any weaker areas of the body, creating infectious – type responses.

At this stage it is now considered to be “systemic yeast infection”. At this  systemic stage, it can severely affect your health.  As the fungi multiply they also produce toxins which circulate in the blood stream & cause all kinds of sickness & illness,  known also as Candidiasis.



Candida ferments glucose, maltose, sucrose, and lactose to produce gas, acids, ethanol alcohol, as well as acetaldehydes, which can inactivate our body’s enzymes. These and other toxic by-products produce an intoxicated effect if they reach high levels in the blood.  Symptoms can be so far reaching that until a few years ago allopathic doctors refused to believe that Candida could be responsible for so many diverse symptoms and refused to recognize its dangerous potential. The symptoms will often fall under one or more of the following categories:

Allergies: partially due to the inactivation of enzymes and therefore the body ends up absorbing incompletely digested dietary proteins. Allergies can range from food sensitivities, to debilitating environmental hypersensitivities. Chemical reactions, pet allergies, continuous nasal congestion or drainage, dark circles under eyes are some examples.

Gastrointestinal: digestive and intestinal problems: 3Bs: belching, burping and bloating, gas, fatigue after meals, diarrhoea or constipation or both, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut.

Immune deficiency: yeast infections, thrush or mouth sores, frequent infections: ears, tonsils, bronchitis, diaper rash, bladder infections, vaginal or rectal burning or itching, discharge.

Nervous system: difficulty concentrating, poor coordination, mood swings, depression (both unipolar and bipolar), hyperactivity, poor attention span, mental confusion and anxiety.

Skin: constant skin problems, pimples on cheeks, rashes, athlete’s foot, ringworm, cradle cap, jock itch, psoriasis.

Nutritional deficiencies and imbalances: cravings for junk foods & sugar, dry mouth or throat, fatigue, difficulty getting pregnant, PMS problems including menstrual cramps.

Nails, Toenail fungus: read Fungus Among Us for specific solutions to this common yeast challenge, including athlete’s foot..



Antibiotics: promote the growth of Candida by killing friendly intestinal bacteria that control Candida, plus destroy Vit B and K.

Birth control pills: weaken the immune system, alter hormones, release toxins & destroy folic acid, Vitamins C, B6, B2, B12, B1 and E.

Cortisone and other steroid hormones: suppress immune system and destroy Vit A, B6, D, C, zinc and potassium.

Hormones: Progesterone suppositories produce a hormonal imbalance & cause yeast infections. Repeated pregnancies can increase changes in hormonal balance.

Sex:  partners can re-infect each other, so both should follow treatment to eliminate Candida.

Stress: weakens overall immunity, making it a prime target for opportunistic yeast infections.

Diet: Just like the yeast you may use for baking bread, Candida grows rapidly on sugar and flour. Too much acid-forming foods such as meat, poultry, eggs or farmed fish create an imbalanced pH.  Antibiotics and hormones are fed and injected into cattle, chicken and turkeys. Aim for a diet of 80% alkaline, (vegetables of every color and shape) and 20% acid forming foods.

Mold in your environment.



As with all health challenges, the Four Pillars of Health need to be considered:

1. Nutrition

Follow a healthy diet, which may also be called a Candida Diet. Think of this not as a restriction diet until Candida is gone, but rather as life-long dietary changes that promote ongoing health and build the immune system. Look at broadening your healthy food choices, rather than as an elimination diet. Eliminate causes listed above – replace drugs and improve health with herbs.

Specific recommendation for yeast, fungal and candida can be found here: Optimum Diet

2. Exercise

Energy begets energy. Choose a form of exercise that suits your lifestyle, your interests and level of health, then stick with it and enjoy it.

3. Emotional

Think positively as you begin taking the steps to improve your own health and you will reap the benefits. As you cleanse your body physically, you will find it easier to cleanse emotional toxins.

4. Supplementation

Herbs, enzymes and probiotics work on a two step approach.

First, the climate or environment of the body needs to be changed to eliminate Candida overgrowth, while increasing the friendly bacteria. You do not want to be a good host to Candida and you do want to create an environment that is a great host to the friendly bacteria.

Second, herbs are used to nourish and balance, plus strengthen the weakened body and immune system.

Once the situation is under control, maintenance programs promote strong immunity and are highly recommended.


  • *Artemisia Combination: Artemisia and Elecampane are specific herbs for aiding the body to eliminate the Canvas bulgeris fungus. Caprylic Acid, from coconut, is a fungicidal for Candida albicans.
  • *Caprylic Acid Combination
  • *Herbal Pumpkin
  • *Candida Clear 14 day Herbal Detox:  is available from US, and available to CA members via Sunshine Direct. It contains the above 3 combinations, plus Enzymes. Contact us to personalize  your  cleanse.
  • Yeast Fungal DeTox:  herbal combination designed to eliminate yeast and support overall health
  • Black Walnut: specific for Candida, helps rebuild a low thyroid, eliminate other parasites.
  • HRP-C: Chinese immune boosting formula for virus, fungal and yeast infections.
  • High Potency Garlic: enteric coated with chlorophyll, low odour, full potency.
  • Pau D’Arco (Taheebo): immune booster, inhibits yeast, viral & parasitic infections.
  • Cat’s Claw with Astragalus and Echinacea: anti-yeast and immune booster
  • Paw Paw (Asimina triloba) is also an excellent anti-fungal herb. This herb is powerful enough to be effective for cancer, as written in my book,The Paw Paw Program – A Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer”
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force or Probiotics 11: 2 per day upon arising with  1 cup of water,  plus 2 tsps. Chlorophyll  for added benefit.
  • Digestive Enzymes: 1-2 with each meal, OR Protease Plus between meals.

All of the products listed in this article have complete Fact sheets, as well as the advice of trained herb specialists.

Herbal supplements should be accompanied by dietary change, adequate water intake, and daily bowel movements.

N.B. The bowels must move regularly (2 healthy BMs/day) for optimum health. If necessary add Psyllium Hulls Combo with LBS or Cascara to achieve this. Hydrated Bentonite helps to adsorb toxins and carry them out through the bowel as Candida is eliminated and will help prevent too serious a “die off reaction”.

For chronic Candida follow a maintenance/prevention for 5 days a month, after you have cleared it up. Suggested is to take 4 per day of any of the above formulas, or one of the Paks.

If you can do this around full moon, it will be more effective. Doing it 5 days/month means that one set of herbs will last for 5 months, so this is a worthwhile investment.


For optimum nutrition:

  • Power Greens added to shakes or smoothies helps provide dense nutrition, and alkaline body pH that one could get from 5-8 servings of green vegetables.


For full fact sheets on any products, or to receive Candida Dietary Suggestions, please contact Benoit & Associates Health Education
OR ph: 250-748-6802 for free 10 min. meet & greet