The following foods are some super anti-cancer foods. Choose as many as possible in their raw state, where appropriate. Consult a health practitioner to further personalize for Blood Type or address allergies. These foods are used for their ability to provide super nutrition and phyto chemicals.
TASTY NUT MILK: Puree blanched almonds in the blender with water. Sweeten the milk and cereal with stevia or xylitol. Avoid drinking coffee.
CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES: broccoli, cauliflower, mustard greens, brussel sprouts, cabbage. They contain indoles, which are used to destroy inactive estrogen in the bloodstream. Particularly important for estrogen related cancers like breast cancer. Indoles are in Nature’s Sunshine Essentials Garden Formula, SynerPro formulas and GreenZone.
VITAMIN C FOODS and supplements: Rose Hips, Vit. C complex 500mg.
GARLIC: Not only is it high in allicin, which kills bacteria, fungi, and intestinal parasites, but it contains 32 sulphur compounds, which are also anti-cancerous. High Potency odour controlled garlic is effective, as is raw, organic garlic.
TOMATOES: source of a potent anti-oxidant called lycopene.
ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS: in cold-pressed, organic flax oil, and NSP Super Oil, and Super Omega 3 necessary for the formation of healthy cell membranes. The EFAs work with the iron in chlorophyll rich foods (GreenZone, Chlorophyll) to make hemoglobin. It is hemoglobin that transports oxygen throughout the body. Fungus cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment.
BASIC SALAD DRESSING: Dr. Johanna Budwig’s Blend 1 tbsp. of cold-pressed organic flax oil into ½ cup or so of low-fat cottage cheese. May add ground garlic or horseradish.
For creamy Italian-add pure, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar and Italian seasoning. For
Thousand Island-add a bit of lemon juice, tomato juice, chopped boiled egg.
RAW NUTS, SEEDS, soaked or sprouted. Grind or chew until liquid for proper absorption.
WHOLE GRAINS: Quinoa, amaranth, millet, buckwheat. Slow cook in a thermos to preserve nutrients. (Before bed at night, place a serving of whole grain in a good thermos. Fill thermos with boiling water. Cover. Shake. Leave overnight. In the morning the grain is soft and ready to eat.) Try to eat grains that are more alkaline and suit your Blood Type.
LEGUMES, (PULSES): Must be well cooked so you can digest them. Try to eat grains that are more alkaline and suit your Blood Type.
ALL FOODS SHOULD BE ORGANIC IF POSSIBLE. Use no food with refined flour, oil, deep-fried foods, sugar, cured foods. All feed fungus.
USE PURIFIED WATER, not tap water. Fluoride & chlorine create toxins in the body. Add Chlorophyll, with a pleasant natural, spearmint flavour, to help you drink more water, while adding nutrition.
Green Tea (one capsule extract makes a very strong cup) is super high in antioxidants, including ellagic acid. E Tea is also available in a capsule for a stronger, easier to get the blood purifying benefits of Essiac Tea. Zambroza is a delicious, high anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory nutritious beverage. See for more info; contact Benoit & Associates Health to receive discount.