Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

Hello Lorene:

I have been intending to get back to you to let you know that I received the NSP products. Mixing the LO-Clo with water wasn’t working for me so I began mixing it with my steel cut oats along with fruit and yogurt and I am enjoying it very much.

The amazing thing is that I just came from my Dr. appointment and my cholesterol has gone down to 3.1 from 8 a couple of months ago. It is the lowest it has ever gone, after only 1 month on the LoClo. I showed the Lo-Clo to my doctor and she said to keep doing what I am doing as she was very impressed.

I did take  lipator sporadically the past couple of months, but because of the leg cramps it was causing I didn’t take them on a regular basis. I will now only take the Lo-Clo along with my exercise program, water and healthy eating and I am feeling great. I have another blood test scheduled for the third week in February where my Dr. will check magnesium levels, cholesterol etc. etc.. I will let you know how it is all working for me. I am so happy you chose to visit the Island View. Thank you for all your help.

Have a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year.


Dear Pat,

Thank you sharing this good news. Good of you to be creative about taking the LOClo with oatmeal.

Some people do not like taking it with water. One trick is to just put a small amount of water 1/4- 1/2 cup, stir & drink immediately. Then follow with another cup of water, and swish it around to get all the goodness of the herbal formulation from the glass into your stomach!

This is a sign of a good quality product is that it absorbs a lot of water, and thickens quite quickly, with no added unnatural thickeners. QUALITY is paramount, which is why we have been using Nature’s Sunshine since 1985. They work and are affordable!

3 thoughts on “Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

  1. Thanks Lorene,
    I could never tolerate statins. I am on Repatha now; a bimonthly injection. It seems to be working. I am on a plan so I don’t pay the very high cost of the drug. After 2 heart attacks and 5 stents, I am cautious about too much fat in my diet.
    In the last long while I have been dealing with VERY high blood pressure; like 195/115. I have no idea what is causing this other than what I am feeling about the world situation. It is depressing. It does cause me anxiety.
    Most of the Rx prescribed this last year have caused me much grief and sickness. I am trying some herbal stuff now as well as the few Rx I do tolerate.
    Do you have any suggestions for some herbal approaches?
    I do not drink or smoke. I got rid of high salt processed foods, I am on the treadmill most days for 1 hour at 2.2 mph 8% incline and am not out of breath.
    I will check out your URLs below.
    My best wishes to you and your family for a much better year ahead. The pendulum has swung fully to the left. Now it is moving back. Hoping we can keep it in the center for a little while longer so we can find our balance again.
    Much change is imminent. We are in a third world war[flux] .
    Stay sane and balanced.
    Best wishes,

  2. Hi M,
    For me to provide intelligent answers to an email with this much information is not possible in 10 mins, which I offer for free. So the delayed response reflects my time available between consults, teaching and and research. I hope they will still be relevant for you, and that by posting this, your experience can help others.
    My comments are in italics, after yours.

    I could never tolerate statins. I am on Repatha now; a bimonthly injection. It seems to be working. I am on a plan so I don’t pay the very high cost of the drug. After 2 heart attacks and 5 stents, I am cautious about too much fat in my diet.
    In the last long while I have been dealing with VERY high blood pressure; like 195/115. I have no idea what is causing this other than what I am feeling about the world situation. It is depressing. It does cause me anxiety.

    Most of the Rx prescribed this last year have caused me much grief and sickness.
    There isn’t a drug in the world that does not have side effects. That is the beauty of the pharma business – each drug leads to another; one may get relief but NOT HEALING, and increased sales are built in, that is why it is BIG pharma.
    If you look up side effects of Repenta, yes, High Blood Pressure is right up there. So then your Dr. (well trained drug salesperson) will prescribe an antihypertensive, which will disrupt your water and potassium levels, so you may also need a diuretic and potassium drug. Circulatory/heart usually sells a combo of 3 to 4 different drugs.

    I am trying some herbal stuff now as well as the few Rx I do tolerate.
    Do you have any suggestions for some herbal approaches?

    Yes, the LoClo from this article is still the easiest solution that I have found successful the last 25 years for cholesterol. One does not want your cholesterol levels too low. The medical profession is finally being forced to recognize that much of their previous beliefs about the dangers of cholesterol are being continually disproved, and that too low levels of cholesterol are more damaging to health.
    Please read this article from 2017, which explains some of what I mean.
    I am not suggesting you will get Alzheimer’s, but you need to know the side effects and why.

    In the above article, you can learn about Homocysteine and High Blood Pressure and how to balance with Methylated B 12, 6, and 9.

    I learned about homocysteine being a primary factor in cardiovascular health over 30 years ago from Nature’s Sunshine research. Back then, Cdn. doctors did not even seem to be aware of this and tests were not available. I think they are now, but for some bizarre reason, altho a simple blood test, you may still have to pay for them.

    So yes, there are many natural herbs and supplements that if good quality, they work.

    I do not drink or smoke. I got rid of high salt processed foods, I am on the treadmill most days for 1 hour at 2.2 mph 8% incline and am not out of breath.

    Your lifestyle is excellent for health promotion. Just to clarify about salt, I hope you are distinguishing between processed salt (bad) and natural salt, which is full of absorbable minerals. This article will explain more about salt, toward the end: https://www.naturalpathremedies.com/blog/candida-and-optimum-health-diet/

    My best wishes to you and your family for a much better year 2025. The pendulum has swung fully to the left. Now it is moving back. Hoping we can keep it in the center for a little while longer so we can find our balance again.
    Much change is imminent. We are in a third world war[flux] .
    Stay sane and balanced.
    Best wishes.

    And thank you Michael for the enlightening things you send, sound healing, jokes= we all need to breathe deeply and do what we can.

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