Q & A: Bladder, Bowel, and cramping


Hello there….re products
 1- bwl -bld  –looks like it may cover bladder ?(bld) as well as bwl, but nothing mentioned.
2 – what do you suggest for
           a)trigger finger and for
           b) leg cramps beside lots of h2o and exercise. There is an Amish apple cider vinegar  product ( only from USA) and a homeo product in stores here.
 Thanks,  Bette


BWL BLD – stands for Bowel Build.  Having the bowels work properly and be clean does have an effect on the bladder, but this formula really has nothing to do with bladder (good guess, tho’).
Cornsilk is good for bladder incontinence; Cranberry Buchu good for treatment & prevention of bladder infections; Uva Ursi good for toning and tightening, bladder cystitis.
You will find other helpful articles about Bladder in the archives. Many topics are listed down the right hand side of my website research blog.

For both trigger finger and leg cramps, one may need more Magnesium. I work with 3 types, Magnesium tablets, Magnesium Complex and Magnesium Malate. For this challenge, most people find that Magnesium tablets work best.
Apple cider vinegar is a good source of some minerals, especially Potassium, which can be good for cramps and spasms. Rather than ordering from the US, you may find just adding 1-3 Tsp. (5-15 ml.) pure, unpasteurized apple cidre vinegar to 1 cup room temperature or warm water and take your Magnesium, plus 1 Calcium Magnesium if needed,  with this. If this does not bring needed relief, please contact  me; there are other options. But I always like to start with the simplest first. 
Hope this helps Bette. Congratulations on having taken a proactive approach to natural health. Along the way you have helped many others. You have been a loyal Nature’s Sunshine user since the early 90’s and still going strong at a good, old age! Keep it up. 

2 thoughts on “Q & A: Bladder, Bowel, and cramping

  1. thank you. -for trigger finger and leg cramps I am using the things suggested as well as Art -A for fingers. Also am watching amount of water consumed and taking some at bedtime.- with magnesium.
    Just thought I would like a non liquid for leg cramps as convenience when not at home.
    I have recently started using Therapeutic Touch and find it helpful for relief of cramps on waking.
    Having trouble mastering your website research blog.

  2. Hi Bette, Yes, the ART-S is a wonderful formula – original by Dr. Paavo Airola. And lots of water is NB. I find the capsules convenient, but if anyone you know wants liquid, then Essential Liquid Minerals is a complete trace mineral supplement, containing 74 Trace Minerals.
    Re website navigation – let’s set up a time – when you have my website open and call me – it will be simple to show you.

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