
Update Nov. 23, 2020:  Apologies that several of the links have been censored. Surpised? Science no longer seems to be based on a discussion of theories or hypothesis that need to be proven. It has been mandated by government that only their highly paid experts are correct, even when they can’t prove it scientifically – just censor all the other proof and don’t ask questions! That is NOT the science I was brought up with.

I continue to receive at least 30 COV references daily. Many well researched with medical, scientific, technological credentials; others coming from the voice of citizens who are seeking the truth outside of main government-fed media. They add evidence for the two theories presented in my previous COV blogs regarding agendas behind this Plandemic, plus a third which is likely.

My apologies this is long. It has been very difficult to try and sort through hundreds to find the most concise, well documented sources. I have been compiling this since April 2nd, and more come in daily from different sources, as more of the public are awakening to the many lies we are being fed.

As of April 11th, the deaths worldwide from COVID are are still a fraction compared to many other causes. It is unfathomable that this has shut down the world with consequences that are mind boggling – and nothing to do with COVID deaths. Many CA & US health professionals are coming forward to tell the truth about the Canadian and US health care systems NOT being overwhelmed, death certificates being mandated to state COVID, even when it is not the primary cause. To confirm these statements, any online search or some references below, will help those who choose to seek the truth.

These following April 11th stats are from: – go down to 8th heading: HEALTH.

COVID 108,822 deaths in 5 months compared to causes listed here in only 3 months :

298,891 Suicides – 3 times MORE than COVID ! Very likely to increase rapidly with the recession and depression being created by world government now.

135,555 Seasonal flu deaths – in 3 months; we are barely getting close to that with COVID in 5 months.

1,393,356 Deaths caused by smoking – why has the world not been shut down or cigarettes banned?

468,559 Deaths caused by HIV/AIDS in 3 months = isn’t it also contagious?

Apr 9th, Canadian Federal government predicted 11,000 COVID-19 deaths in a best-case scenario. As of Ap. 11th, there were 653 deaths, with 80% of those over the age of 70, and most of them already in care homes, too sick to care for themselves due to several co-morbidities.

Please note that I am not advocating that this means the elderly should die – I am getting very close to that ‘elderly’ age myself. This just puts COVID in perspective with other common causes of death in elderly, including pneumonia; high blood pressure and ACE inhibitors; diabetes; COPD; multiple pharma drug use. Thankfully, due to my following natural health principles and using herbs for 40+ years, I do not consider myself in that susceptible category. If I end up dying from COVID, (for real, not assumed), I will have to eat my words, right? But if I do get sick, I would hopefully follow my own recommendations from past posts:

Coronavirus Perspective and 7 Simple Natural Aids or:

Tips to Make the Swine Flu Fly Away (and other infections)

Having this knowledge and herbal resources readily available helps remove fear and instils rational thinking.

Doctors still waiting for feared surge of COVID-19 patients in Canadian ICUs: …”almost 78 per cent of the Ontario’s ventilator capacity …. was still available. Quebec was reporting just under 200 COVID-19 patients in the ICU as of Friday, out of an expanded capacity of 1,000 available critical care beds, said D’Aragon.

Keeping these stats in mind, let’s look with an open mind at these 3 underlying agendas, which all tie together, and which have been planned for at least a decade and are now happening under the guise of this Plandemic.

  1. Mandated Vaccination
  2. Public surveillance and total control of people via chips and 5G
  3. Cashless society based on new global digital currency system

What we, the public, the taxpayers, all the people being affected by these draconian restrictions of rights, can choose to do is demand honesty of our politicians, plus integrity from our paid researchers and health officials.

We can no longer be sheople, agreeing with unscientific, illogical measures that enrich the rich, impoverish the poor, and deny constitutional rights of FREEDOM in health care, speech, travel, access to food, education and commerce. Bad things happen when good people do nothing.

What could happen if people are not aware and allow it:

1. Mandated Vaccines

March/2020 quote by Bill Gates: “The question of which businesses should keep going is tricky. Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested or once we have the vaccine, who has received the vaccine”. Who can travel, work or go to school, who can leave their house to buy food…..Interesting that COVID could mean Certificate Of Vaccine I.D.?

Note that “who has recovered” means those who are exposed to COVID, and will develop a life long natural immunity. Most experience minor symptoms, similar to what people experience with the annual flu, or are asymtomatic. The more ‘social isolation’ and ‘social distancing’, our new vocabulary, is enforced, the less natural immunity will happen. Two outcomes of decreased herd immunity? The longer this illness will cause problems and the more $ vaccine profits will be made, especially when mandated and forced on people.

Gates has been recorded since 2009 saying that he can lessen world population with vaccines. Young girls in at least 4 countries have been sterilized via ‘humanitarian’ vaccination campaigns. WHO has admitted knowledge of these. What else can and will be injected in vaccines? (RFI chips: #3 agenda)


No lockdown here: Sweden defends its more relaxed coronavirus strategy Mar 30, 2020

Blowing the Whistle on COVID – 19 Vaccine – the Vaccine Unicorn, immune pathology caused by other respiratory vaccines, MRNA vaccine never been successful since the 1990’s.

The 9 min. video on this has been censored.

 13 Studies Reveal How Social Distancing (i.e. Social Isolation) Can Increase Mortality Social isolation via quarantining individuals can increase their risk of infection from viruses, according to a JAMA trial.

Vaccine Archives – articles from years of research

Vaccine Choice Canada

National Vaccine Information Centre US

Collectively held medical beliefs today will profoundly affect the future course of civilization. Empowering you with evidence supporting informed consent and health around medical matters, has probably never been more relevant. 

2. 5G

I do not say that 5G causes Coronavirus, as there IS a coronavirus that was in a Wuhan Lab, (not in bat soup). Several MDs and virologists have explained how viruses invade cells that have been affected by RF-EMF. It has been well known for years that 5G has multiple damaging effects on all life, especially affecting human immune, glandular and nervous systems.

Scientists (hundreds) recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry.

Are those exposed to Corona virus made more susceptible when exposed to 5G? If unknown, why is 5G installation not being stopped until it IS known? It is almost impossible to get info on when & where 5G is planned for installation. We know it is being installed throughout US, and maybe CA, while the isolation policy is in effect. Why is this installation considered an “essential service”? Groups of citizens demanding upgraded Safety Codes and moratoriums on 5G have been unable to get responses from any govt. levels. Or, they have been told the very outdated Safety Codes are fine.

In early 2019, public protests worldwide were underway, with some countries already banning 5G. List of Cities and Countries that have banned 5G . Protests increased in 2019 – perfect time for a plandemic to divert protests, and get on with the installations while people are told to stay home.

YOU can ask your local, provincial /state and federal elected reps to help you stop this, once you understand the health implications.


March 6, 2020 in Cardiology Magazine. … frequently reported effects of the coronavirus disease on the cardiovascular system, including “arrhythmias, hypotension, tachycardia, and a high proportion of concomitant cardiovascular disease in infected individuals.” These are also classic effects of exposure to radio waves.

One of the most concise explanations of Corona virus to 5G is Dr. Cowan’s 10 min. video.

5G is also a method of crowd control, what Chinese are using for facial recognition, a huge privacy threat, and our biggest environmental climate crisis threat. If you are not aware of the negative impact of 5G , learn why some countries have banned 5G .


3. Cashless Society- Digital Currency

A 3rd agenda is the next step toward a cashless society, implications of which G.Edward has warned about for over 30 years, and which we have been gradually getting indoctrinated by everything monetary – banking, shopping, paying bills – being online. We now see cash becoming more rare, as ‘they’ say money may be contaminated with the virus. This ties in with the gold standard, One World digital currency systems, control of economy and people by who else but the super elite who are masterminding this plandemic. Griffin was of course labelled a conspiracy theorist 30 years ago, and yet most of his teachings have come true.

Actually, now that I think back 35 years, I was labelled as a conspirator and sometimes a witch, when I promoted natural health and herbs. Hmmm. Now the govt. approves natural supplements, at great expense to the consumer, but all supposedly to protect us. Chem trails were considered a conspiracy theory for 20+ years – only to have government recently admit that yes, they have been spraying us for years, but they have relabelled it ‘Geo-engineering ‘and claim it is necessary for the climate crisis, to protect us. So the term conspiracy theorist seems to be anyone who does not believe in government policy that controls mainstream thinking, mainstream media, mainstream lifestyle, and now mainstream panic and behavioural change.

References that tie in all three agendas:

Former Vodafone Boss Explains 5G Corona Virus & Cashless /digital currency, and why the Vaccines will be necessary to implement the agendas with the chip. 22 mins. long. At the very least listen from 17 – 22 mins. to help you understand.

Griffin interview from April, 2019: a bit long, but you can get summary of 5G dangers from 3-8 mins. Cashless society explanation and how this ties into 5G starts at 12 mins. – note politics with China vs. USA; 24 hr. surveillance and 5G crowd control, as has been used for years by Military.

Another source tying these 3 agendas together is this 30 min. video with history of ‘philanthropist’ Bill Gates, who is lauded for giving away $35 Billion, yet his net worth never decreases. He makes more money than he gives by investing in Vaccines and other drugs to reduce population, while buying up stocks intentionally lowered by this Plandemic. This Youtube is a prime target for radical censorship; title is “Look Who’s Coming to the Rescue”. Gates states that gatherings should not be allowed until everyone is vaccinated (with the vaccine from which he will makes more billions). He also speaks about every person being ‘marked’ in some way to prove vaccination.

Other noteworthy References out of hundreds:

The Microwave Injured Masses – Canary Warnings About 5G and Covid-19

Swiss Doctor reports why Italy’s rates are so poor; insights on Wuhan and other countries.

  • actual mortality rate for Wuhan now calculated at 0.4-0.12% – lower than annual flu
  • detailed stats plus insights of several other countries
  • Manufacturer of the Covid19 test kit states that it should only be used for research purposes and not for diagnostic applications, as it has not yet been clinically validated. Many reports and scientific papers have mentioned this about the tests.
  • Reference:

Germany – more than 80% of fatalities are elderly – over 60 years old – and more than 75% had underlying diseases present such as cardiovascular, diabetes and tumors.

Italian National Health Institute ISS: the average age of the positively-tested deceased in Italy is currently about 81 years. 10% of the deceased are over 90 years old. 



Citizens Reporters Seeking Truth about Medical Crisis, is it real? Conclusion: consider turning off TV….. if video below does not play, you can view it on youtube (if not censored): : several articles, plus a David Ike interview.

My Summary:

More vaccines = more metals in our body = more susceptibility to 5G electrical sickness = more money for pharma. Vaccines contain mercury & aluminum, plus dead microbes & viruses. Plus they will contain tracking chips to enable the new digital currency to control you.

Although we are supposed to have freedom of speech, many non main stream, dissenting videos have been censored. I could have my website shut down just by posting my views. We are now at as great a risk of losing democracy, as what frightened us into entering WWII. The public is being convinced to snitch on neighbours, reminiscent of Hitler’s brain washing and utilizing the Divide and Conquer principle. What does this do to community cohesiveness? Will you feel safe in your own neighbourhood or be able to trust your friends?

We can have a chip implanted to protect us from identity theft; to purchase goods or services and protect us from losing our cash; to protect children if kidnapped,(they can be traced as they do with micro-chipped pets); to protect and help identify us when travelling. We can also have a vaccine to allegedly protect us from every disease; have censorship to protect us from opposing, but sometimes rational, logical thinking points of view. We can constantly have wifi everywhere, faster Internet of everything with 5G, and more surveillance. None of this is conspiracy theory, it is all real, is underway already in some countires and coming soon to a country you live in. With all this big brother protection, there will be no need to ever think again about standing up for our own rights.

So if you wish to call me a conspiracy theorist, that is your choice. We all should have choice. If you have stuck with me to the end of this article, you will know, as I believe, that via my ‘un-conventional’ teaching since 1987, my website research blog, and my book, 3rd Edition of The Paw Paw Program – A Natural Approach to Cancer, I have helped thousands of forward thinking people to better health, happiness and lifestyle. I will gladly unsubscribe anyone who does not want to be open to any of my views, but my wish for everyone the last 40 years is that people learn to take control of their health through education of the powerful gifts and principles of natural healing. Now it is about learning to take control of your life though education and awareness.

Let us not allow govt. to divide and separate us. In these times we need to resist the internet of everything, and increase human interaction.

Seek knowledge, share it to expand awareness in others who are willing to be open to moving away from fear. One can act more rationally when coming from a place of wisdom and compassion, rather than from fear or intimidation.

As you raise your awareness, you can raise your vibration. Joining with others in this higher vibration of love is what will be required to resist the controllers

Easter is a time of awakening. Love and joy to each and everyone of you.


18 thoughts on “Plandemic?

  1. Very awesome info Lorene I think everyone should read this and wake up to what really is going. We need more truths brought to the light. Thank you for your hard work . WAKE UP!!!

  2. Hi Lorene-so grateful for this email & the links to substantiate concern & qualified references. I feel exactly the same & can’t believe how easily people have been sucked into the fear vortex of the plandemic. I will be sharing your information with the hope that some
    sheople will begin to awaken to what is at hand. I look forward to your future correspondence.

  3. Thank you Lorene, although the future is more terrifying than the present by the sounds of it. I hope our grandkids will have a chance to enjoy good health and freedom. I hope we can give help to our bodies to support them through the insult of forced medication. What do you think of massive Vit C for protection? How we get over the chip I can’t imagine. I am still going through your links, and appreciate the length of time and thoroughness you have gone to. I am forwarding your communication to folks who may still be open.
    Re compulsory sterilization, a link to Wikipedia might be good, as it gives a lot of information.
    Best of wishes and thankyou.

  4. Thank you Paula. For someone who is politically aware (for years!) and also health conscious, your praise is meaningful to me.

  5. Thank you Karen. U.S. govt.must be realizing via social media that more & more people are NOT buying it anymore. They are acting appropriately by moving towards getting society opened again.

    One doctor even responded to Dr. Fauci’s ‘conspiracy theory’ name-calling by reminding him that stats change when money is implicated, as hospitals get paid $13,000 more IF they claim a patient has COVID (even IF no positive test), and $39,000 more if they are put on a ventilator! In addition, more doctors are saying ventilators make patients worse, and giving oxygen is better.

    More comes out daily about the inconsistencies in this Plandemic, such as coroners and medical employees being mandated to state COVID on death certificates, even when it is nowhere near the cause of death, in order to increase #s of deaths!

    References, a few of hundreds:

    N.B. This interview is SO INFORMATIVE! -in a few minutes Dr. Jensen explains mandated inaccurate death certificates, building natural immunity, AND rational thinking!Dept.of Health Inflating COVID-19 via Death Certificates – Dr. Jensen –

    Is Protocol-Driven COVID-19 Ventilation Doing More Harm Than Good?
    Medicine Net: explains difference ventilator & oxygen

    1 of many: NYC Officials Now Counting Deaths of Those Who ‘Never Tested Positive’ in Coronavirus Totals

  6. Your comment much appreciate Caroline! The U.S. Government seems to have finally called “cheat” on Bill Gates and W.H.O. about their falsified numbers, mandates for false death certificates, all creating panic and economic and social distress. Several medical and govt. have alluded to the conflict of interest with both of those corporations making billions off the proposed forced vaccine. IF people allow it. Remember:
    COVID = Certificate Of Vaccination I.D.

  7. I have come to the same conclusions with all my own reading and research. Thanks for all the links, it helps in sending to other people. Some very scary things going on right now. We need to take back our power. I only hope there will be enough of us. Thanks Lorene for all you do.

  8. Lorene, I appreciate so much all the work, time, energy and research gone into your teachings. This whole P L A N demic / SCAM / LIES makes me so angry and very sad that Dark State would be so UTTERLY EVIL. A friend today said to me, “The government of Canada would have nothing to gain and everything to lose by participating in this scam.” Really! Having control over the masses is what most governments would love to conquer. Very impressive Sweden did not jump into the hype and doesn’t have many deaths either. It’s very interesting how many doctors/seniors homes/hospitals are falsifying Death Certificates. How can so many professionals lose their ethics and be so fooled into believing they’re doing good towards this cause? How many stinky agendas are actually out there? Rather than call you a conspiracy theorist, I call you a P.O.T. M. “Possibility of Truths Messenger”. Keep up the good work!

  9. Thanks Ricia, you have eyes and ears open to see and hear the truth. I think more people are starting to realize that with all the censorship (FB, twitter, websites, youtube), there must be something big bro doesn’t want us to hear. I also think the govt. is realizing we are not all just a bunch of dummies and they are having to start to listen to their tax payers and voters.
    This is one good news moving in this direction, from Quebec:
    The Quebec government has suggested that reopening schools and daycares could be a way to both kick-start its economy and slow the transmission of COVID-19 in the province.

    Quebec’s public health director, Horacio Arruda, told a news conference last Friday it was “very excessively rare” for children to develop severe symptoms from COVID-19. Allowing them to catch the virus and become immunized would help the wider society, he said.

    “Because the more children will be, in my opinion, naturally immunized by the disease, the less they will become active vectors with older people,” Arruda said.
    THIS makes sense!

  10. Thank you Karen. More people are coming to the truth. All you have to do is look at the numbers and stats. The most scary is that those we pay to run the country (and world) don’t seem to be able to do this!

  11. Thank you for all your hours of research, thoughts and leadership, Lorene! For 20 years, in my professional health practice, people who take responsibility for their own health, and a healthy immune system, are the wise ones. Their health proves it. There is so much we can do to prevent illness, no matter what name you call it. It is time to become aware as a province, country, and globe, that big business and big pharma cannot heal us. In fact, harm is in the fear of the constant messages and caustic drugs. And devastation to the economy. The more I have studied, the simpler true health becomes. Wake up people!

  12. Thank you, Lucia. Yes, it does take a lot of time and I hope my summary can save others the hundreds of hours of research it took for me to draw my conclusions. You are obviously one of the awakened ones. Congrats on having an open mind to look outside mainstream media, plus some common sense to question.

    We can all become researchers with the same access to the internet that professionals and ‘experts’ have. For example, checking today, the total number of deaths in B.C. in almost 2 months is 87, out of more than 5 million people. Median age is 86 yrs. old.
    Deaths WORLDWIDE from Communicable disease in 3.5 months = 3,976,319
    Deaths WORLDWIDE from COVID in 5.5 months = 177,641

    Why have we not isolated everyone and shut down the economy for these other diseases. Check out other causes of death worldwide, and put COVID in perspective!

  13. In reply to Paul S..
    Very informative. Thank you for sharing.

    There is SO MUCH online research available from experts who are not being paid by government and big pharma. It is brave of these experts to come forward against the mainstream. I am sure many of them will suffer dearly in their professional capacity, but be enriched spiritually and emotionally. People just need to stop listening to mainstream to understand we are being duped for other reasons; some of which I mention.

  14. Hi Lorene thank you for your hours of research. this is truly amazing. I’m going to share this information with so many people to open your blog up so they can read for themselves. I can’t believe everything that is going on and how many people including my own family/friends is falling for this BS. They keep telling us to stay in the house and don’t go outside. No, we are living our lives the same. I’m enjoying working in our yard, getting the garden beds ready, cleaning out the strawberries and getting the soaker hoses in for summer watering. My family is getting over weight, being glued to WI-FI, tablets, TV and they don’t go outside. I’m outside most days and we continue on as normal.

    My husband and I watched the news tonight and what the news said, majority of the COVID19 deaths are seniors, in Care Homes.

    Come on let’s get people back to work, kids back to school and go back to a better normal. Let the healing of our country to begin now. Wake up everyone!!

  15. You are welcome Terri, and thank you for sharing. More people need to question and learn the truth, which they won’t get glued to their TV set!

    And you are right – last time my husband checked the stats for BC, there were 83 deaths, out of population of more than 5 MILLION. The median age was 86 yrs. and about 70% were in care homes, meaning too sick to be able to care for themselves. For this small amount, far less than almost every other cause of death, the economy of an entire province is shut down? Not to mention the consequent higher loss of life due to people not getting elective surgeries, transplants, not going to ER when maybe they should, increased depression and other mental challenges, etc. etc.

    You understand, and more people are starting to get it. Don’t get down on those who are not willing to be open. Truth shall prevail.

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