Please Just ask WHY?


John Carpay,  President of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom explains very succinctly Canada’s Darkest Hour – Police State. The first 7 mins. are NB

It does not matter  which political party rules. Overall there have been lies, corruption, and more death caused by government measures taken than by any virus. Deaths by suicide, drug overdose, and medical treatments denied or unavailable.

Why is it still considered a pandemic when respiratory mortality from Covid is almost HALF than any of the five years pre covid ?
This chart from Statistics Canada shows this clearly, for anyone who will look:

Average deaths per year respiratory  2015 to 2019:  …  25,246
TOTAL COVID “related” deaths: Jan. 2020-Oct. 2021..  28,203 – 21 mos.
The higher number is for  21+ MONTHS , not 12 months. Read those govt. stats again.  A 10 yr. old can figure out this is almost half. 
Pandemic or Plandemic? Conspiracy theory or FACT?   Think….Ask!

In addition, the Stats Canada official website says in every yearly stat from 2015 to 2019: “The number of deaths is expected to increase (yearly), driven by two factors. Canada’s population is both growing (a larger population generates more deaths) and aging. Seniors account for a larger share of the population, and mortality rates increase with age.”

Even though the Canadian government stated this obvious conclusion, it seems nobody is listening and the fear and panic continue as the deaths from lock downs, mandates and injections of experimental genetic, immune altering drugs continues. Injections that are now being forced on 5 year old children who are not affected by COVID!

Why the emphasis on cases?

When survival rate is 99.97? And the test is considered unreliable? And the CT rate (# of cycles) continues to exceed W.H.O recommended rate of 25. As of last report BC was still using 35-45 CTs. Due to lack of transparency and communication, this info is difficult to get, but Dr. Hoffe printed excellent factual charts.

Why are less expensive, less dangerous and more effective approaches being denied?
Why are medical experts being censored and threatened –

If any MD treating COVID, scientist, or virologist  mentions safer, cheaper or more effective treatment options?

Why are some countries –

giving every citizen Vit. D and having their COV and other flu rates decrease? Or going back to normal, no testing, no lock downs, no panic,  and having COV rates decrease?

Why are they having to FORCE the vaccine on people if it is safe, OR if it is effective?

Neither safety or efficacy are apparent. If it were, govt,. would not have to be forcing workers to give up their careers, creating more pressure  on  the medical and other care systems in CA than already exists.

Why, if vaccine did protect people are they so concerned about the unvaccinated? Blaming variants being spread by non-jabbed, versus side-effects of spike proteins causing  lowered immune systems is absurd . Enjoy some insightful comedy to show just how absurd:


What About Ivermectin?

One of the darkest results of increased government and non-elected politicians governing Canadians’ medical choices, is the banning of any safe treatment. After 1 1/2 years, of researching and speaking to doctors in CA and Mexico, I am sticking my neck out even further onto the chopping block of democfarcy (not a typo) to provide this summary. Take it or leave it.  Ivermectin is widely used by physicians worldwide.

There are now well more than 51 studies from around the world, with 50 showing clear benefit and one showing neutral. (early 2021)

Experts worldwide have called for the global and systematic use of Ivermectin to prevent and treat COVID-19. Physicians have written about the profit motive by regulatory agencies and Big Pharma to block cheap, safe, and effective treatments like Ivermectin and HCQ in favor of experimental and perhaps more dangerous and arguably less effective vaccines and medicines like Remdesivir.

Remdesivir received FDA Emergency approval for “possible benefits”.  Remdesivir costs $2340-3,150  US  per patient. Recent research showed it increased Cov deaths via kidney damage causing pulmonary edema plus  liver damage. The choice of Ivermectin is a no-brainer, say many doctors.

Ivermectin costs about $2 per dose. It is safer than Tylenol or most vitamins, says Dr. Pierre Kory of the Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance

FLCCC,is  a group of expert physicians promoting access and information through a nonprofit organization. Dr. Fred Wagshul, a Yale-educated physician, a pulmonary specialist and director of the Lung Center of America, is a founding member of the FLCCC Alliance.

Dr. George Fareed, former Harvard professor, and also a member, advocates combination therapy of Ivermectin with HCQ in outpatient cases. For the benefit of physician readers, the specific doses are provided in this link.


This systemic review of Ivermectin studies, published in the Journal of Antibiotics, shows how effective this inexpensive drug is for treating just about every virus that has “plagued” humans and animals the last 50 years. From about review:

“Antiviral effects of ivermectin on RNA viruses such as Zika, dengue, yellow fever, West Nile, Hendra, Newcastle, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Chikungunya, Semliki Forest, Sindbis, Avian influenza A, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.”


A systematic review of all related evidences since 1970,  show a strong antiviral effect of Ivermectin  to effectively reduce viral RNA synthesis, viral RNA protein expression, and mature virion formation in infected cells .Doctors worldwide have been proving it works for COVID (COronaVaccine IDentification). This would mean less serious cases and less deaths. They are censored, penalized and denigrated for their treatment successes.

WHY would they want to prohibit this inexpensive treatment?”

For Health Canada, FDA, W.H.O, or any CDCs, to deny its effectiveness is nothing short of criminal. There are more criminal cases ongoing worldwide than any other time in modern history, including after the holocoaust of WW11.

Ivermectin Wins in Court Again: For Human Rights (this is in US – CA may not have any more Human Rights) 

As a herbalist and natural health practitioner since the 1980’s, I do not recommend drugs to heal the body. Ivermectin  may be one exception I might make,  only because there so much  misinformation and lack of true science with COVID, and that this drug has such a long track record of efficacy and safety, which very few drugs do.

Please see below under NATURAL OPTIONS. Contact our office directly to access any of these supplements in CA or US.

See full Protocols for both Prevention and Treatment from:

FLCCC Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance 

Dr.Code of Canadian Health Alliance

For high-risk individuals and for Post Covid Exposure prevention:                                                  0.2 mg per kg 2 doses 48 hours apart, then one dose every two weeks.

Early outpatient treatment: 0.2 mg per kg once daily for minimum two days, maximum 5 days ; in other words: stop when recovered, at between 2 and 5 days.
Hospitalized or in ICU: 0.3 mg per kg daily for five days.

Merk Manual on Ivermectin (stromectol) – (most technical)



For many of us who have not used pharmaceuticals for treatment of illness, we know there are many natural options. Personally our family has not used drugs since 1974. We have dealt with pneumonia, pertussis ( whooping cough), chicken pox, acute flu, bronchitis, sinus, ear and tonsil infections to name a few infectious conditions; plus normal life occurrences such as cuts, lacerations with tools, other injuries, parasite infections, ringworm,  pet illnesses and injuries, all drug free. We have confidence natural works – without side effects, and often faster and more effectively  than a prescription.

Exceptions? Yes, for a broken bone, car accident – go to emergency.

As Cov is a flu, we swear by treatment with natural herbal antibiotic and  antiviral formulas, that have worked for us and our clients for over 30 years. These can be found under previous articles. As links sometimes stop working, please contact our office for assistance in procuring the formulas that we have used successfully since pre-1990.

Proven Natural Solutions for Flu, Colds and other viral conditions:

Coronavirus Perspective and 7 Simple Natural Aids

Lung Healer – LH-C for Flu Virus or Colds?

Herpes cold sores – gone!  HRP-C works for all viruses.

Pine Needle Protection For Viral Transmission

Tips to Make the Avian Flu Fly Away (and other infections)

Crisis Management- Healing Crisis or Disease?

For all of the above articles, be sure to read comments, which offer many insights from other practitioners and clients.

For assistance in any health matters, please contact our office. 

Success with Uterine, Colon and Liver Cancer

September 2013 Eloise developed a severe stomach ache. Many appointments  finally resulted in an operation on the small colon. In the process, a growth was discovered in the uterus, which turned out to be malignant cancer.

A complete hysterectomy was done, to be followed up with chemo. Before starting chemo the oncologist wanted a pet scan, and this uncovered a mass in the large intestine: a different cancer resulting in the removal of 3 feet of colon.

We commenced with chemo, but it resulted in side effects that hospitalized Eloise for nine days. The surgeon and oncologist argued over whether the side effects were the result of the two surgeries or the chemo. The oncologist however, resumed a lesser chemo schedule every three weeks for five months. At the end of the chemo a CT scan revealed no new tumors.

After six months had passed a new scan revealed a growth on the liver. Another surgery that resulted in 15% of the liver being removed. The liver surgeon also discovered tumours on the peritoneum, which he removed, and found to be metastatic cancer.

The oncologist now declared Eloise to be stage four terminal. His prognosis now was to extend life as much as possible with nothing more definitive. Eloise was scheduled for chemo every week for 26 weeks. After three weeks she was again hospitalized for four days and then sent to a skilled nursing facility for two weeks for recovery. Near the end of her stay she met with the oncologist and said no more chemo – I choose death.

She had weighed 150 pounds in September 2013 and now weighed only 97 pounds. The oncologist now declared her remaining life span to be from two months to less than a year. He urged us three different times to go home and contact hospice. This was January 15, fifteen months after we first learned Eloise had cancer.

The next day I was on the Internet searching alternative cancer treatments. I spent several eight hour days learning about Paw Paw trials at Purdue University, Wayne State University, and Ford Cancer Clinic Screening and Treatment Centre of Nevada. These were conducted primarily by by Dr. McLaughlin, with assistance from  Dr. James Forsythe and other researchers. I sent for your book, The Paw Paw Program.

I immediately started Eloise on Paw Paw Cell Reg, six pills a day. I also gave her Thai Go, (Zambroza in CA and some countries), Protease Plus Enzymes and Green Tea Concentrate. During the next year we repeated CT scans with no evidence of cancer.

We now do the same treatment every three months for a one month period. With a scan every six months. Four years have passed since her “ death sentence “. We are 87 years old.

L. Benoit’s comments:

This testimonial arrived by mail  December 2019 from Gerald Hallman husband of Eloise Hallman from Arkansas. Thank you Gerald for taking the time to let us know of your success! My apologies it too so long to post.

Our Paw Paw Program has helped thousands prove that The World IS Round and Cancer CAN be Treated Naturally – thus the title – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach.

The suggestions in Benoit’s 284 page book, are based on her experience working with natural health since the early 1980’s. It is written for everyday people to understand and follow, yet with enough references for the most medical and scientific inquirer.

It contains historical and current uses and properties of many herbals, dietary, nutritional and lifestyle  recommendations that are critical and consistent for improving ALL health conditions, not just cancer. 

You can read more about the book here: The Paw Paw Program – A Natural Approach to Cancer.

Benoit’s  book can be ordered on the above page for US. For CA and other countries, please contact via email for best prices. 

There is a wealth of free information in  archived articles under Cancer Archives.

Please contact Lorene Benoit for assistance with any health challenges, via this website, or directly at .


Pine Needle Protection for Viral Transmission

Pine Needle Oil  for Viral Protection

There are many references that active ingredients in Pine Needle can help protect from health damaging side effects caused by the phenomena known as spike protein , or prion transmission via the COrona Virus IDentification jabs.

The benefits of Pine Needle are derived from various chemical constituents, including shikimic acid and proanthocyanidins (PACS) – sometimes called pycnogenols.

Pine and other coniferous trees have been used historically for scurvy, colds and flus, due to this high  (PACS) content.

The active ingredients can be extracted from the needles via infusion (hot water tea),  or  an espresso machine which adds pressure for stronger extraction.
Note: If you choose to collect your own needles, please check references to ensure you are correctly identifying the pine species, and not using possibly toxic or endangered trees, such as the Yew.

Authentic  Pine Needle Oil  is an easy alternative to access the healing properties. This is also the solution for those who do not have access to, or time to make their own pine needle tea.

Pine Needle Oil  can be diffused, massaged into lungs, chest, neck area, or the soles of the feet; worn in an aroma pendant; or even a drop placed on a collar or kerchief.  I do not recommend taking it internally for many reasons.

Pine Needle Authentic Essential Oil …… has historically been used the following ways for these conditions:

Physical Benefits
• Adrenal gland insufficiency (M)
• Asthma (D; I; M)
• Bronchitis (D; I; M)
• Cleansing solutions (H)
Colds & flu (B; D; I; M)
• Muscle & joint pain (C; M)
• Poor circulation (B; M)
Respiratory infections (D; I)

Emotional Benefits
• Apathy (B; D; I)
• Anxiety (B; D; I)
• Emotional weakness (B; D; I)
• Mental fatigue (B; D; I)
• Negative thoughts (B; D; I)

Abbreviations for uses:

B for bath; C for cream, gel or lotion; CC for cold compress; D for diffusion; H for household; HC for hot compress; I for inhalation; M for massage; S for shampoo.

If you consent to masking, you are advised to place a drop of Pine Needle Oil on your mask at each use. Before you don a mask, historically used for slavery, you  may want to educate yourself on the negative physical, psychological, and sociological effects of masking.

Needles (and twigs) are sources of pine essential oils (EOs), used to treat respiratory infections based on their antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and analgesic potential . EOs are mixtures of natural complex substances mainly categorized into monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and their oxygenated derivatives and are synthesized as secondary metabolites.


Why Do You Need Protecting?

It’s helpfull to know these protective tools  if you are around those who have taken the Experimental Jab, or if you have been convinced/coerced to take it.

There are too many reports of adverse reactions, not only from  those who have received the jab, but also those who come into contact with them. This can no longer be denied.  Doctors and scientists worldwide are warning people, at great risk to their own financial and personal health.

This 28 min. video includes doctors from 10+ different countries each speaking concisely about their reasons for concern:

Can Also ve viewed on Rumble: Urgent warnings of Covid 19 Vaccine

At 20 mins. Dr. K Brogan quotes: “This is penetration of Body, Mind and Spirit by the State.”

Do you trust GMO, bio-lipid nano-particles being promoted by pharmaceutical companies, who make billions, yet have NO liability?

Other Protective Aids
We also keep  HRP-C CA/ VS-C US  and/or Cat’s Claw CA/ Una de Gato US Combinations on hand.  Both are anti-viral/ anti-bacterial formulas and both can safely be taken long term.  We keep these  as part of our home pharmacy. Anytime any cold, flu symptoms  appear, we can quickly give the body the nutritional aid it requires to prevent or mediate challenges and return to a healthy state quickly.


This information on Pine Needle Oil also reminded us of the benefits of High Potency Grapine,  which we used  for over 20 years with excellent results. This is extracted from a combination of Pine Bark and Grape seed.  The proanthocyanidins (PACS)   in Grapine are  highly bioavailable,water-soluble  flavonoids with unparalleled antioxidant activity. They are  found to be 50 times stronger than vitamin E and 20 times stronger than vitamin C .

 Benefits  of PACs in  Grapine:

  • Grape seed extract helps to relieve the symptoms related to chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), such as sensation of swelling, heaviness and tingling of the legs. This is commonly experienced post Cov  genetic injections, (incorrectly called vaccines ), and is causing clotting, thrombosis, myocarditis, (inflammation of the heart muscle), strokes and heart attacks.
  •  PACs are capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier and can remain in the bloodstream up to 72 hours to protect the brain and central nervous system against free radical damage.
  • Grapine improves cardio-vascular function, sinus infections, and any condition that benefits from strong antioxidants.

References for benefits of pine oil: Shikimic acid shows efficacy as an antiviral molecule that also inhibits viral replication in the body.

If you need more education and scientifically validated references to understand  this plandemic to implement Agenda 2030 or the supposed solution via ongoing genetic altering injections, please read past articles on this site:

Covid articles since Mar, 2019, many of which include vax references

Consider that each posting takes at least 30 hours of research, and is a summary of more than 100 articles. I do my best to ensure that references come from reputable sources. Use your own powers of critical thinking.Follow references that have been censored from govt. sponsored mainstream media.


  • Does it make sense?
  • If the vaccine does protect from infection why are the protected so afraid of the unvaccinated?
  • Why are countries with high vaccination rates experiencing high outbreaks of COV, variants and deaths?
  • why is a medical experiment being forced on people worldwide?

US Center for Disease Control: 3,486 DEATHS – 86,080 Injured in the U.S. through April 17, 2021 Following COVID Injections in 4 Months: More Vaccine Deaths Recorded Than the Past 15 Years of  ALL Vaccines COMBINED!

European Medicines Agency: 7,766 DEAD 330,218 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

Unvaccinated Getting Sick Being Around the Covid Vaxxed

Update July 24th, 2021:

Many health practioners are finding natural herbal aids to help protect from spike protein transmission: hibiscus, fennel seed, dandelion leaf, star anise among a few of them. Nature always has a remedy for challenges caused by man.

Bottom line is keep your immune system healthy and strong – all the same principles that are in my book for healing disease apply to maintaining optimum health:  “The Paw Paw Program – A Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer- The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Healed Naturally” .

Be joyous and keep your vibrations high through love and respect for all life. 

Join healthy like minded people who are willing to spend the time to read and listen to real scientific investigation*; who question and use common sense, even when this may not be the easy route. Worldwide freedom rallies will inspire and uplift you.

  • *That’s why the scientific method exists: you cross-check facts and information, peer review articles, discuss theories with experts on congresses and seminars, conduct discussions in academia.      With current censorship, WHY is this NO longer allowed? 

Decide on Your Future Health

Update July 27, 2021:

I hear daily of more and more side effects from this Human Experimental Jab.

From those vaccinated: skin rashes, sores, neurological dusyfunction, tremors, pain, post menopausal women bleeding , stroke….

From those unvaccinated who are in close contact with the vaxxed: blood clotting, skin irritations, petachia, allergic reactions, death….

For many of these people, especially Canadians,  they are not reporting the side effects for a variety of reasons. Several have been unable to find a doctor who will admit (or even know) that the symptoms are a side effect; other medical professionals  will not take the time to complete the onerous report. Many doctors’ reports have been rejected.

If you have symptoms or know someone who does, PLEASE

Report adverse events here .

This is REALLY for the good of all.

This site  lists several places you can report even if you cannot find a doctor to report for you, (which they are leaglly bound to do).

Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Canada
  • as of July 23, 2021 – 10,161 adverse events – did you hear about this in the news or govt. propaganda?

Read my original post below  to know more potential side effects. Can one really still say the “risks outweigh the benefits” for a disease with a 99. 997 % survival rate???


Please watch this video of Canadian Doctors, who join worldwide medical warnings  about experimental serum injection “vaccine”.

At minimum, please listen to the first 2 ER doctors, Trozzi and Phillips,  speaking 13-26 mins. The entire video is full of scientific evidence you are not seeing or hearing from TV or radio. Then ask yourself WHY not?

The adverse event reporting system, and doctors being censored  is disturbing.

Even though Canadian doctors’ adverse event reports are being rejected, the mounting number events is already more than any approved vaccine in history. Note that  this injection is NOT approved; it is only ‘authorized for emergency use’.


Were you aware that the drug manufacturers have not disclosed what the ingredients are….and don’t have to until late 2022 (Moderna) and 2023 (Pzfizer), at which time trails may be completed?   explained @ 30 mins.
In the US, the VAERS ( Vaccine Adverse Effect Report System) Covid ‘vaccines” have more side effects reported than any other vaccine in history.  Plus VAERS states only 1-10% events are even reported.


Deaths reported to VAERS from flu & covid shots:

Per year flu :                20 – 30  deaths out of 195 million shots.

In 6 months COVID :   5,343  deaths out of 310 million shots. 

“December 14, 2020, through June 14, 2021”. 

US CDC:  In 4 months, to April 17:  3,486 DEATHS – 86,080 Injured in the U.S: More Vaccine Deaths Recorded Than the Past 15 Years COMBINED.

The CDC says that these figures “likely are an undercount.”

In “normal” times, all covid injections would have been stopped months ago!

Anyone with effects from first vaccine are strongly advised that effects will be worse with subsequent injections, and that future shots should NOT be taken.

Dr. Malthouse explains  difference between “relative risk reduction” and  “absolute risk reduction”  and how the numbers are  spun to increase the  appearance of effectiveness.This injection  does not prevent transmission, nor infection!

Side effects in Children

Reported Canadian “trial” in children aged 12-15 yr. olds in “trial” – only followed for 1 wk after shot; (could be  long term, who knows?)
90.7% – pain at site of injection (also many “weird rashes” )
77.5% – systemic fatigue – can’t get out of bed
75% –    headaches
49.2% – chills
42.2% – muscle pain
20? % – fever
20.2% – joint pains

All these risks are greater  than those of covid for this age group, which is essential ZERO. Concerning children getting the vaccine for an illness that rarely affects them, please read more:

Risks of infertility…..

will not be known for years, but are very high due to antibody cross  reactivity, found that serum  materials travels to placenta, ovaries, and adrenal glands .

Additional side effects reported for adults

In addition to all those listed above for childrens’ “trial”, Dr. Hoffe @ minute 35….submits complaints from his long term patients including Bells Palsy, (painful neurological facial drooping),  confusion, pain, paralysis, lack of mobility, and death…..

At the end, Dr. Trozzi clearly explains why there will be so many negative effects in the future, explaining antibody dependant enhancement , decreased capillillary function, and more. All for a “vaccine” that clearly states it does not prevent transmission or infection.

This UK guide states it clearly. Do Canada and US give you this informed consent info? Does the Vax eliminate masks, lockdowns or continued restrictions? How soon and how often will the “booster shots” and “new variants” require you to inject again?


One also has to consider the health challenges that vaccinated persons are transmitting to unvaccinated people via spike protein transmission, inaccurately named ‘viral shedding’ as with approved vaccines.


Pine Needle Oil – Protection
There are many references that active ingredients in Pine Needle Essential Oil, and Pine Needle Tea can help protect from health damaging phenomena of these jabs.

Consider educating yourself from organizations that promote true scientific evidence, not censored propaganda.

Consider supporting:

Canada Health Alliance
Take Action Canada
Vaccine Choice Canada


In the US, there are many worthwhile educational groups to support.

America’s Front Line Doctors
Children’s Health Defense
National Vaccine Information Center


More References:

Professor Luc Montagnier stated in a recent interview that epidemiologists know, but remain “silent” about the phenomenon known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE). This has caused “ a 240% increase in Covid deaths in care homes immediately after COV vaccines. It is clear that the new variants are created by the antibody- mediated selection due to the vaccination.”

  • Truth Seeker UK: predicts the 3rd wave is and will continue to be caused by those who got the jab


Protect Your Children

Did you know:

  • Canada has started to entice 12 yr. olds with free ice cream to get COVID vaccines without parental knowledge or consent?
  • The US has begun injecting 3 year olds with the  COVID Experimental Injections ?

This lifelong, irreversible medical harm is being done for a disease that has a 99.997% survival rate for children under 12 years. This injection:

  • is not approved in any country….an experiment only ‘authorized’ for emergency use (EUA)
  • trial results are not  expected until 2023; then approval must be applied for
  • affects natural innate immune system for life
  • already has a higher incidence of death and adverse reactions than any approved vaccine in history, according to CDC and VAERS govt. reports
  • has no liability from manufactureres or any health professionals



It is time for all parents and grandparents to become informed. Time to start asking why you have not been hearing any of this on mainstream media? Truths that more medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, phsycologists, virologists are speaking out daily, as the plandemic continues to take its toll, not from the virus, but from govt. actions.

Please listen to this second Canadian Doctors Speak Out video:

Protecting Our Children From Harm

These doctors focus on why and how we must immediately protect our kids. They outline the uselessness and harm behind the current Covid measures being forced on our children.

Benoit’s summary/ take home points:

  • 99.997% survival rate for children – far lower than seasonal flu
  • pyschological, physical, social, emotional, and intellectual damage caused by masking and social distancing
  • at 16 mins, you can learn about covid  experimental injection risks – ESPECIALLY for children

You may choose to join Canadian Health Alliance to get accurate, medical based truths.

For more facts and science based information on Vaccines:

Vaccine Choice Canada

Natural Path Remedies Vaccine Research


 Adverse Reactions and how to Report?

To see a few of effects experienced and why more will surely follow, read these letters by Dr. Hoffe, written to Minister of Health BC, Dr.  Bonnie Henry.

In Canada, ONLY a healthcare provider can report adverse event, and many are refusing to acknowledge or report, including  BC. govt. “vaccine specialist”.

Worldwide, but certainly in Canada, doctors who speak against covid handling or vaccine dangers are being warned to stop asking for scientific evidence and not to question any regulations.

Even with these obstacles, reported events are higher than any vaccine or drug in history – which would have resulted in their immediate withdrawal for unacceptable danger to the public. Why not with  this Experimental Injection?

In US, Healthcare providers are required by law to report to  VAERS.

A US citizen damaged can now report on their own , and this info is offered:  If you need further assistance with reporting to VAERS, please email or call 1-800-822-7967.

Gate’s Vaccine History & What Will YOU Do Next?

Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fuelled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans. He has self appointed himself to save the world by depopulation, sterilization, and now genocide. Read some facts then decide if this is Fact or  alleged Conspiracy Theory – that  term over-used by all paid quack watchers and trolls.

A quick look at Gate’s  philanthropic vaccine  history.


Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialled back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped tremendously.


During Gates’  MenAfriVac campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates’ operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Approximately 50 of the 500 children vaccinated developed paralysis.

South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for the drug makers.” Nelson Mandela’s former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates’ philanthropic practices as “ruthless and immoral.”


The Gates Foundation funded a phase 3 trial of GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,949 children.

Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO saying, “We must make this the decade of vaccines.” A month later, Gates said in a Ted Talk that new vaccines “could reduce population”.


The Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died.

Indian government investigations charged that Gate’s funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls.

Also in 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a “tetanus” vaccine campaign. Independent labs found a sterility formula in every vaccine tested. After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade.  Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines.


The World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.

A study (Morgenson et. al. 2017) showed that WHO’s popular DTP vaccine is killing more African children than the diseases it prevents. DTP-vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of children who had not yet received the vaccine. WHO has refused to recall the lethal vaccine which it forces annually upon tens of millions of African children.

Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of steering WHO’s agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases: clean water, hygiene, nutrition, and economic development.

The Gates Foundation only spends about $650 million of its $5 billion dollar budget on these areas. He has diverted agency resources to serve his personal philosophy that good health only comes in a syringe.

2020 – now

In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, and PATH, Gates funds and financially benefits from one or more private pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines. Although he donated $50 million to 12 pharmaceutical companies to speed up development of a coronavirus vaccine, he becomes richer daily.


The Cost of Freedom – How does this affect You?

 Our freedom, privacy, and way of life has now been under siege for 15 months. These losses increase daily in many parts of the world. And unlike the violent rise of a malevolent dictator, these changes are happening quietly and peacefully right under our noses. Too many people are gradually being put to sleep, or slowly  being boiled to death like a frog; silently unaware of impending danger.

If we want to protect our freedoms, the time to act is NOW.

The powers that be – billionaires, the tech and pharmaceutical industries, and governments around the world – have used fear as a means to seize the very freedoms that define our society. Many of us are at the mercy of these authorities. Businesses are failing, citizens are hurtling towards financial , physical and emotional ruin, as constitutional rights continue to  be stripped.

The drastic oppression we currently face did not come with a bang. It came swiftly and softly as the world was fooled into believing that the sacrifice of our God-given rights was the only way to save humanity. “Do your part” by giving up your childrens’ futures.  It’s time to fight back, no matter the personal cost.

For years, some people have peacefully protested and fought for our freedoms. Years before that too many died for those freedoms, we have now lost – and not to a foreign invasion!

Many are protesting and fighting to take our health into our own hands and resist fascist laws and censorship of information. They’ve written their representatives and rallied against proposed bills that would essentially force parents to inject their children with whatever drugs Merck, Gates, and the CDC deem “necessary.” And while these measures continue to be important, the time has come for more drastic measures.

The political arena has become a veritable cesspool of corruption and misinformation. The bodies that were created to protect us have been infiltrated by special interest groups that care more about power, money, and control than the well-being of real people.

Fear has been fully weaponized, and it will cost us exactly those ideals enshrined in the US Declaration of Independence: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and supposedly in the Canadian Constitution, which Trudeau has put on the backburner.


The time has come for civil disobedience

Practicing safe habits as a virus spreads is important. Supporting your immune system, practicing proper hygiene, and taking care of those most vulnerable among us is of paramount importance. But the oppressive measures taken against us has already caused far more damage than this virus ever has or will.

Many countries use Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine as both prophylactic and early treatment with excellent success. CA & US have all but outlawed these inexpensive, safe drugs in favour of expensive, ineffective ones. They also are sending people home from ERs and telling them to come back when they are having trouble breathing!  When did this become effective medicine?

The inevitable conclusion to this chapter of our history will be a bargain: comply with government orders and they will return  your freedom they took away.

But conditional freedom is no freedom at all. And it’s time we sent that message loud and clear. It is time to stop swallowing the false promises, and cliches such as ” we are all in this together” ,”take a shot for the common good”, or  “do your part”.

So please, write and phone your government representatives. Spread the truth even if you are mocked. Remember these actions when the time comes to vote . But most importantly, it’s time to start practicing civil disobedience, and peacefully saying, “I do not consent”.

Join in Peaceful Freedom Rallies and Marches. Listen to some of the thousands of N.A. and worldwide medical professionals who are speaking out, at great risk and loss to their professional and personal lives.

Your right to freely exercise your religion is enshrined in both US and CA constitutions. No emergency order or CDC mandate can take that from you.

You have the right to peaceably assemble.

You have the right to free speech.

You have the right to be secure in your person, home, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures.

And you have the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The governments of many countries have crossed a line that they cannot uncross. They have taken freedom hostage. And  they now offer experimental injections as the terms for its release. It is of paramount importance that we do not accept their terms. They are already talking about boosters every six months. Then it can be as often as ‘they” decide to make another billion dollars.

What will You Do?

Will you demand freedom?

Will you demand autonomy over yourself and your family? Choice in health care is paramount. Forced vaccinations now, forced chemotherapy, forced sterilization, forced surgery next?

Will you demand that those elected to represent you return to their intended role as public servants rather than omnipotent overlord?

Will you continue to submit to communist surveillance?

Will you or have you already submitted to their serum injection?  Will you do it again? Have you heard of the unprecedented numbers of deaths and adverse events for both vaccinated and those who come in contact with the vaccinated?  If not, why not? Look on the CDC and VAERS sites. Why is this not on mainstream news? How can you protect you and your loved ones? Question and demand answers!

Please read Human Experimental Injection and research reliable medical experts. Many references arelisted in archived Vaccine articles, found under Categories on right hand side of blog.  (scroll down, as this article will appear first). Keep an open mind and be prepared to unlearn and re-learn.

Will you continue to pay taxes that end up in the pockets of corrupt businessmen? Do you know how many top govt. leaders are enriching themselves via COVid mandates? Whether it through investments in pharmaceuticals, vaccine research, sign companies that are mandated for all businesses,  PCR tests, or disposable earth-polluting  masks mandated by the billions, they get richer, while middle class disappears ???

Will you continue to forfeit your rights to travel freely, worship freely, and pursue happiness?

*Will you be obedient and complacent and  let this happen so that future children will  never know what freedom once was?

It’s time that we end the vicious cycle of corrupt politics and the intervention of private industries on our governing bodies. It’s time that we stand tall against the wave of tyranny that is upon us and declare that we will not go quietly.

If you are not clear on who the “powers that be” are; what is corrupt, or who and why this is happening now, for how long it has been planned, or other critical information you will not have received on mainstream news (TV, radio, newspapers), please refer to past  Covid articles written since mid March, 2020. Click under topics on right hand side of blog. Scroll down, as this article will appear first, to see all articles that relate to this topic. 

I research all credentials for every reference. 15 months later, I have found no scientific or medical evidence that does not support the views presented. If you don’t like my research do your own, but you cannot depend on mainstream, govt. funded sources.  If something has been censored on You tube or FB, it is likely a truth the govt. wants censored -not because it isn’t truth, rather because it does not fit the Reset plan underway. Search for that topic elsewhere….Bitchute, High Wire….

If you are unable to actively do any of the above, consider donating to groups that are doing this for the benefit of humanity and a free future in a natural, non-robotized world, where humans can interact with other humans.

In gratitude to these long-time warriors for truth, from which this article was adapted and updated: 

Research Blog TIPS:

For more information on any topic, for example COVID 19, Immunity, AromatherapyCancer, Vaccines, click under topics on right hand side of blog. By scrolling down, you can see all articles that relate to this topic. 

You can also use the search bar in top right to search someting specific, i.e. Gall Bladder, Kidney, bone health, candida, diet……..

Digestion, Breathing & Lymphatic Swelling Improve with Paw Paw Program

Mar 12, 2021

Hi Lorene,

You said there was info on your site about what we seem to experience every 3 weeks or so. He hasn’t wanted to eat all day but of course because of his weight he has pushed through. Here we were trying to decide how to make supper easier on him. Roasted split chicken breast with baked sweet potato and steamed brussel sprouts seemed far from hitting the mark! As soon as I opened your email I went right to your site and read “Crisis Management: Healing Crisis or Disease?”

You described exactly how this suddenly comes on, elevated temperature, he calls it flu-ish. You should have seen his face when I told him you said don’t eat if you’re not hungry and when you do eat, eat fruit! His face lit up, “I could eat an apple!” I fixed him a good sized half a bowl of apple, blueberries, pineapple and a little kiwi. I can’t believe how quickly he was able to eat it! And got a good night sleep too!

L and D

April 24, 2021

Hi Lorene,
I just had to send you this quick note. If you remember our last conversation, March 30, D. had just seen his chiropractor the previous Saturday. She had found a lymph node on the left side of his neck that was bigger. You instructed me to rub a little Lobelia into it and talk to it thanking it for doing such a good job removing waste from his system. Like Jesus said to talk to the mountain in Mark 11:23. Well this morning he saw her again and it felt perfectly normal!
Thank you so much for all you do for us!

L and D


Notes from Lorene Benoit:

These are heart warming testimonials as D has had ongoing health issues since Nov. 2015, with surgeries to remove several organs, including left upper quadrant abdominal mass; left kidney, left adrenal gland, spleen, 1/4 of pancreas, and  periaortic lymph nodes. 

His diagnosis was Oncocytic Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma (ACC). From April, 2016 to Dec, 2020 he under went treatments with 7 types of  chemo /immuno therapies,  2 rounds of 3 week radiation.  There were breaks in chemo treatment  when he would be hospitalized, unable to eat, and too sick to tolerate more. 

They started researching alternatives Jan, 2021 and started Paw Paw Program end Feb. 2021.

As a committed couple, they have worked on diet and lifestyle improvement, are fully committed to a natural program and prayer. Other positive benefits in the first two months of  in D’s healing journey have been:

  • no longer  needing an inhaler and drugs for coughing and breathing issues,
  • stomach discomfort is gone,
  • several other medications have been discontinued,
  • he is enjoying meals, and eating healthier
  • improved sleep, and
  • happier.

After 5 years of medical cancer therapies, this is quite remarkable improvement  in less than 2 months! Our bodies were created to heal when given the optimum tools provided by nature and the Creator.

Thank you for sharing L&D, as others can see there ARE healthier options for helping the body heal from ALL conditions!

The concepts and ideas presented in Benoit’s book, Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer, The World IS Round and Cancer CAN be Treated Naturally, apply to all dis-eased conditions, not just cancer.


Lobelia – Is it in Your First Aid Kit ?

I Love Lobelia! I wish it would be in every home’s first aid kit.

It is an indigenous  North American annual plant…..

… in the same family as the beautiful flower garden border, but the medicinal species is Lobelia inflata.   It is sometimes called Indian Tobacco because the American Indians smoked it for various benefits. One of the most studied active ingredients is a plant alkaloid called lobeline.




Lobelia is among the most beneficial herbs for the respiratory system.

Lobelia Inflata is a third degree medicinal herb. It has so many positive actions that Dr. John Christopher has a whole chapter in his “School of Natural Healing” textbook dedicated to lobelia.  Some of  the following properties make it one of the essential herbs to have on at hand in every home:

Deobstruant: Lobelia has the ability to remove obstructions, and is a very effective expectorant. This makes it effective in loosening and helping with expectoration of mucous, especially in the respiratory tract and stomach.  It is a very good respiratory stimulant and broncho-dilator.

Lymphatic: It helps to cleanse and stimulate movement of lymph fluid, thus aiding this important part of our immune system, a critical part of our body’s natural waste disposal.

Nervine:  Lobelia is one of nature’s strongest relaxant nervine herbs. Because of its ability to relax the sympathetic nervous system, it has been used effectively for nervous excitement, hysteria, relaxing  tight colon (spastic constipation, IBS), hiatal hernia, diaphramatic tension and pain.

Antispasmodic:  stops spasms so is useful for muscle spasms, cramps, convulsions, seizures, irregular heart beat,  bronchial spasms such as in asthma, coughs, COPD.

Analgesic, Anodyne:  effective for painful conditions such as teething, earache, muscle and joint inflammation, kidney or gall bladder stones, stiff neck, injuries. Helps eliminate pain and toxins of poisonous bites and stings. Apply externally, as well as taking internally.


Stop smoking:     Medical Claim approved by Health Canada:

Lobelia can help quit smoking, by helping to reduce the body’s craving for nicotine and easing withdrawal symptoms”. One of Lobelia’s active constituents is lobeline, which has a similar chemical composition to nicotine. This makes Lobelia very effective for those wishing to stop smoking, as lobeline helps fill the nicotine receptor sites which create cravings, without any addictive effect or weight gain. Lobelia  can help reduce cravings and decrease  nicotine withdrawal-induced depression.

Take a few drops (up to .5ml)  under tongue, hold 30 seconds. Repeat, as needed, up to 20 times per day.

Doing a cleanse, such as the Detox Basics (30 day) , can help make the shift to a positive lifestyle.



This is the Lobelia inflata we have used professionally for 35 years with all ages, from young children with whooping cough,  to 85 year seniors with COPD. It is also available in capsule form in US.

 Internally – In liquid extract form a few drops of Lobelia can be squirted or dropped under the tongue. A calibrated dropper can be used adult dosage is .5ml. (1/10 tsp.) taken in repeated dosages for desired effect or up to one teaspoon at once for a deeply relaxing effect. For children or alcohol contraindication, pour some boiling water over Lobelia alcohol extract and let sit one – two minutes until alcohol evaporates.

Much has been written of Lobelia as toxic – the main result of an excess is emesis, as Lobelia is also prized as an emetic. Once a person has vomited, and the offending substance removed, whether it be poison, mucous, etc. a person will feel the better for it.

Externally: rub a couple of drops on the affected area. For teething, one drop can be rubbed on the gums. For ears: aches, congested, tinnitus: 2 drops in ear; lie down opposite side.

“Lobelia is the most powerful diffusive stimulant known in herbal medicine. After taking a dose it instantly permeates the whole system, removing obstructions wherever found and restoring a healthy action wherever needed. When taken inwardly, it acts like intelligence. Give lobelia and it will find the disease and assist nature to overcome it.”                                       Dr. John Christopher

Please contact us to get personal, professional assistance for CA or US. We can also set up a free discount account with no obligation for you,  with the company whose products we have trusted for our health since 1985.  No charge .



Canadian Doctors & Nurses- Why NOT to be Afraid of COVID

If you have an open mind, this 11 minute video is brief, excellent information from 10 different Canadian doctors.
Canadian Doctors Speak Out – Why NOT to Be Afraid of Covid – Safe Alternatives

I applaud all of these medical professionals for stepping up and out of the box of fear to share their views and successes. They know that they do this at the risk of condemnation from their medical boards, College of Physicians, or employers. There are thousands of doctors world-wide doing the same. These Canadian doctors add their voices to the growing masses that are questioning and asking for science to be reinstated.

These are doctors who take their Hippocratic Oath seriously: “Do No Harm“.

More than a year after the the start of what was alleged to be a pandemic, science is still being censored whenever it does not agree with the political/economic/pharmaceutical agenda. If you are not yet aware of any agenda, you can easily look up Agenda 2020, Agenda 2030, or links in my past COVID articles, dating back to Mar 14, 2019.

Of course these agendas have been branded as “conspiracy theories”, even though they are supported with official government documentation, and even though most  “theories” have already happened, or are in the process of happening, according to planned timeline. Any medical professional presenting research that contradicts the WHO directives has been branded as heretic, quack, and numerous other derogatory names.

If you are afraid to accept that there may be another approach that does not involve living in fear, then ignore this. It will be different than what you  read or hear on mainstream media.

If this makes sense to you after listening, then you have to decide what you are going to do about what you learn. Your decision  may affect the history of humankind moving forward.

Equally compelling is this longer video with four nurses, 2 Canadian,  2 American, sharing  their in-depth front line experiences  working with COVID in hospitals; fact versus fiction.

Please learn why harm is being caused to children by current covid meausures, please listen to these doctors, 21 min. :

Protecting Our Children From Harm

Summary take home points:

  • 99.997% survival rate for children – far lower than seasonal flu
  • pyschological, physical, social, emotional, and intellectual damage caused by masking and social distancing
  • at 16 mins, you can learn about covid  experimental injection risks – ESPECIALLY children

Health of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children – Is There A Difference?

The Public have been asking for this study for decades…..finally…..

Dr. Paul Thomas,  a pediatrician for 35 years,  published a study Nov. 2020  titled “Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination” in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. His study showed unvaccinated children in his practice were significantly healthier than those who were vaccinated.

His medical license was revoked Dec. 2020. Unfortunately  scientific inquiry and medical research have been increasingly censored, or labelled conspiracy, since 2020.*

His study involved a comparison  of 3,324 children Dr. Paul had seen in his practice from 2008 to 2019.  Of  these children 2,763 had been vaccinated with between 1 and 40 vaccines, while 561 had received no vaccines. The study revealed a clear curve:  the more vaccines a child received, the more chronic diseases they developed.

To summarize, this study showed that:

  • 5% of unvaccinated children had chronic health issues, while 50% of those vaccinated did.
  • 0% of those unvaccinated had diabetes, versus 10% of those vaccinated had diabetes.

The data compiled on these and many other diseases is quite compelling. You can read the full report on link in first sentence of this article.

The “official” stance on vaccines is that they are safe and effective. The “claim” is that the benefits of vaccination far outweigh any side effects caused by the vaccines . This is called the Risk- Benefit ratio.

The Childrens’ Health Defence compiled a  collection of over 50 other studies….

These are published studies done by respected Medical researchers: many from  PubMed; others from Journal of Translational Science, Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, The Lancet, plus Nederlands researchers.

The  charts in this study  make it very easy to see the differences in health, comparing individuals who were vaccinated with those who were not. This raises serious questions about whether the risks ARE acceptable for the alleged benefits.

Hopefully it will cause you to pause and question if the risks are acceptable for  you, or your loved ones,  before you decide to take the next jab “to protect you”.

There are natural ways to maintain and regain a healthy immune system. Some articles that you may wish to look at are below. For any questions or specific assistance, or information about any broken links, many caused by censorship, please contact the author.

References and Further Research:

Safe Vaccine Alternatives

Canadian Doctors Speak Out – Why NOT to Be Afraid of Covid – Safe Alternatives – 11 minutes

Tips to Make the Flu Fly Away – and other Infections

Crisis Management

What About Polio?

Safety & Effectiveness of MMR and Flu Vaccines?

Vaccine Choice Canada

Vaccines Research, Websites, Books

* Not too surprisingly, but very unfortunately for truth seekers, Dr. Thomas’ study was quickly debunked by writers who are paid by several organizations to defame and dispute anything that does not fit the current political/medical/economic point of view. Read the studies provided here and make your own decisions and choices.

I prefer to think many people DO still have working brains and they should have the choice to read studies and decide what is valid. The SAME world wide research is available to EVERYONE on the internet – this is how science is supposed to evolve – by sharing theories and research!

What is now too often labelled “Conspiracy Theory” becomes accepted science years later….. round earth; chem trails (now labelled geoengineering), black holes , computers that fit into your hand (cell phones?), space ships, somatids, nano-particles, were all at one time a conspiracy theory, remember?