Is Your Immune System Out Of Balance? Inflammation?


  • Inflammation is created by your immune system
  • Acute or Chronic inflammation is an out of balance immune system
  • Learn how can you balance the immune system quickly, effectively and naturally


What is Inflammation? 

Your immune system’s response to damage from threatening elements or triggers is inflammation.

Whenever your body is subject to threatening elements or triggers, it may counter these attacks with inflammation, which is one of the body’s normal defence mechanisms.

When your cells or body is injured or deficient  for whatever reason, the immune system-inflammatory response moves immediately into action.  White blood cells rush to the scene of the damage  and begin  to destroy the damaged cells or invaders, while sending out chemical signals for help.

The body may produce histadine, fibrinogen, bradykinins and other chemicals as a result of these signals. All play their role (such as fibrinogen helping to clot blood).

Inflammatory processes can become counter-productive when these are over-produced or do not  stop once the healing is accomplished. This can result in over-active or hyper immunity. 

In summary: In a healthy person, the inflammatory process rids the body of this damaged, toxic or -weak  tissue. When this is process is continuous,  a chronic inflammatory process can result.  That is called chronic inflammation.


Inflammation – the good, the bad, the ugly

When it works as it’s supposed to, inflammation is good for your health – it’s a needed response to an negative. When the body fails to “turn off” the immune system – inflammation switch, it goes into an “always on” state. At this point, it’s out of balance, and your immune system has lost its ability to distinguish healthy tissues from diseased tissues and may start to attack healthy cells.

The other side of imbalance is when an overworked inflammatory response results in an under-active system and it is unable to offer any defence.

Inflammation  can exist anywhere in your body, including multiple sites at the same time. The symptoms often are those of continuing aches, soreness,fatigue, depression, hormone imbalances,  swelling and stiffness wherever it’s happening in the body.

When in balance, inflammation is the body’s own natural method of eliminating or reducing the stress from physical, chemical or toxic imbalances. Inflammation includes heat, fever,  loss of fluid, swelling, edema, allergies, tissue damage, muscle pain, joint pain and stiffness. Your immune system is at the root of all inflammation.

Cholesterol and Heart Health

For example, current research believes inflammation, not high cholesterol, contributes to plaque formation in blood vessels, as well as the formation of blood clots and heart attack or stroke or heart disease.    Dr. Stephen Sinatra (cardiologist) & Dr. John Bowden (Nutritionist)   informed that high cholesterol is not the culprit;  so DO continue eating those good fats like butter, cream, eggs, beef, cheese, avocados and shrimp. This part of keto diet reminds me of the Dr. Atkin’s healthy heart approach more than 30 years ago. At the time he was highly ridiculed, even though his results with his patients were impressive.

Current and past studies that have been suppressed to not interfere with the  cholesterol lowering drug marketing myth. Linking  heart disease to stress, inflammation and a diet high in carbohydrate rich foods that convert to sugar in the body have been ignored for decades by the big pharma medical model.

Lorene Benoit’s approach to this is to increase better fats like olive, coconut, borage, omega 3‘s, chia seed, flax oils and not overdo the animal fats. If you ARE going to eat animal fats, do yourself a health favour and use only wild, organic or purchase from local farmers whose sites you can visit. You need to avoid the chemical contamination that comes with any animal products raised in commercial big farma factories that use GMOs, fertilizers, antibiotics, growth hormones, and over-all inhuman treatment which affects the end product, as much as you possibly can!

Cholesterol is very important for the body, especially for  the brain, hormone production and the prevention of disease.  ” The Great Cholesterol Myth, Why lowering your cholesterol won’t prevent heart disease” is one book that explains this in detail.  Summary is to stop avoiding good fats and instead eat them in moderation. Treat trans fats, refined carbs and simple sugars like the enemies that they are. Reduce the amount of processed foods you’re eating and substitute them with fresh whole foods instead.

Diet changes are important!

For a complete guide to healthy lifestyle and optimum diet, consider Lorene Benoit’s book to heal all conditions and achieve optimum Health: “The Paw Paw Program”.

Staying healthy and feeling your best every day depends on a well-functioning immune system. That’s not so easy, given the world in which we live. Our immune systems are bombarded on a daily basis by challenges.  Recognizing these can help us minimize those we can control.

The four types of inflammation triggers are:
    • Trauma or injury, (including accidents, surgery, vaccinations*, drug reactions)
    • Emotional stress
    • Toxins from inside or outside of your body
    • Nutritional Deficiencies in elements critical for life
Some specific common triggers are:
  • A poor diet, which can rob our immune system of the nutrition it needs to work well.
  • The daily effects of stress from today’s high-pressured, fast-paced lifestyle that have been shown to lower immunity over time.
  • Viruses, bacteria, parasites, chemicals and pesticides that are present in our food, water, air, drugs, vaccinations, household products, EMF & 5G radiation.
  • Aging, which may be associated with a decline in immunity, making us more susceptible to the damaging effects of environmental health threats and stress.


” Those who fail to take the time to be healthy will ultimately have to take the time to be sick.”          

  – Dr. James Chappell


Aids to help balance the immune system quickly and effectively??

Learn what foods & herbs  are anti inflammatory. Benoit’s book, “The Paw Paw Program” details many of these. Anti-oxidants are at the top of the list. A delicious drink called Zambroza (CA) and Thai Go  (US) combines many of the strongest  anti-inflammatory anti-oxidants and other phyto-nutrients ….i.e PRO LIFE! This helps:

  • Increase your body’s natural ability to protect against health threats, such as pollutants and chemicals
  • Includes essential nutrients that help nourish and support the function of powerfully protective immune cells, such as Helper T-cells and Natural Killer T-cells.  A full list of ingredients is at the end of this article.
  • Promote healthy energy levels, helping you feel your best every day
  • Reduce fatigue and tension
  • Naturally maintain health and wellness—even under the most stressful circumstances

To order this delicious, natural immune system balancing drink contact Benoit Health Education. You will receive personalized business from a health professional for over 40 years, PLUS 20-25% discount, PLUS free S/H to your door.

NOTE: Links & ordering discounts change, please contact us for assistance.

Zambroza (CA)        Thai Go  (US)

Nature’s Sunshine Zambroza is a combination of 14 of the most recognized healthful fruits and extracts gathered from around the world. Zambroza’s ingredients are rich in bioflavonoids, polyphenols and antioxidants. Zambroza has been independently tested by New Brunswick Laboratories to deliver a high ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value. Among Zambroza’s key ingredients is mangosteen, fruit and pericarp (peel), which contain the greatest known supply of highly-researched, polyphenolic compounds called xanthones. Other ingredients of note are açai berry, pomegranate, blueberry, and wolfberry (goji berry).

Please free free to contact our office if you have any questions.

* For scientific information on covid injections, (and much more), please listen to Dr.Vernon  Cole           three and 1/2 minutes from 12:30 – 16:00:


” The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in  the care of the human  frame, in diet, and in  the cause, and prevention of disease.”  – Thomas Edison


Benefits of a Consultation with Benoit Health Education

Hi Lorene,
Thank you so much for that appointment! I feel much better knowing that I can do something about these (relatively minor) ailments – and knowing WHAT to do!
You are a lifesaver – over and over again!
Also great to chat about the current happenings. I need to get out of my cave and become more involved – since community is the only thing that we can ultimately fall back on!
And talking to people like you and Alain is really uplifting, and a big reminder that it is important to surround yourself with like-minded people!

Liver, Iron Overload and Constipation

Hi Lorene!
As you know I have been given the run around of being diagnosed with lymphoma or leukemia, or excessive iron overload in my liver, heart,causing me lots of apprehension.

So I had an MRI a week ago. My Dr called today and said there is now only a trace of iron overload and to get on with my life!!!!   Yeh, good thing I am not a fretful person.

I have religiously taken LIV-C and I KNOW that’s what has strengthened my liver. I am glad I have some herbal knowledge because without that where would I be headed to?
So that’s my testimonial!!! Only thing is those herbs constipate me so I occasionally depend on LBS. Gotta keep the system going.
Hugs, S. H.

Lorene’s comments:

Thanks for sharing this success !  It helps others understand herbs really DO work to heal, not just mediate symptoms as drugs are designed to do. Having medical tests as proof is a good thing.
LIV_C is an amazing Chinese liver formula for excess (yang) liver, so very likely why it helped balance your iron levels.
And I wouldn’t worry about taking LBS – ( Lower Bowel Support). This formula contains good liver herbs  too, which I am sure you know, but reminders never hurt….
The other important factor to remember with herbal laxatives is that they tone the bowel, so your own peristalsis improves.  So the longer you use them, the less you need. Exactly the opposite of chemicals ones, which tend to create dependency
CONTACT: Benoit Health to get full fact sheets on LIV-C or LBS, as well as discounted prices and free shipping. Don’t trust your health to Amazon or other online suppliers – trust an educated herbalist or other trained natural health practitioner.
If you prefer do-it-yourself, check out this website:
Choose your country at top R, then product search just below that. Product names may differ in CA and US.

What in the World is Really Happening?

If you only have 2 minutes to understand WHY you do not want to consent to govt. promoted injections, implants OR consenting to digital ID, you can forward to 12 minutes in this informative, and entertaining video.

BUT, if you want to really understand what is happening globally, viral bio-weapons, genetic injections, and all forms of fear, please watch the whole 15 minutes. And no, not conspiracy theory – proof that is recorded from Davos World Economic Forum. We have seen many of these before, but JP does an amazing job of pulling them together for an EASY to UNDERSTAND explanation, for anyone with ears, eyes willing to listen and watch.

Awaken with JP.
Look for video Mar 05, 2022: “Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World?”

How is this “hacking of humans” to happen? Digital ID connected with cell phones, 5G, satellites is one way, as in China with their social credit system. Implanted chip ID, such as is in Sweden is one way. Covid as a tool to get the world jabbed to “bio-hack humans”, as explained by Dr. Harari is another.

Read what Rudolf Steiner, philosopher and educator predicted in 1917 re: vaccine to disconnect humans from Spirit.

“In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit.
As today, people are vaccinated against this disease or that disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune to being subjected to the “madness” of spiritual life. He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.”

Now you may understand why I have devoted the last 2 years of my life trying to educate people about this plandemic, one tool being used for the end goal.
(For more info, see all past posts: Covid Archives)

I have lost some long time friends and clients with these posts, but telling the truth for the good of humanity is worth it, for our future and especially that of our children and grandchildren.

The bonus of this work has been the building and nurturing of many new friendships; building new community and new person-oriented systems with people who understand what is at stake; building trust; and sharing LOVE, not fear.

Come join the “fringe minority” and be uplifted!

This video says it all. Note that most people at this event have travelled up to 4 hours to get to Victoria. It is a government town, so has many workers and retirees who depend on govt. so they won’t stand up for freedom. But these who do show up are committed to gaining freedom for ALL Canadians, now and in future!

Foot Fungus


Hi Lorene,

I thought I read somewhere that Paw Paw and Pau D’Arco were good to cure foot fungus…I wanted to use the Pau D’Arco cream with some Paw Paw capsules opened and mixed in for my husband’s athletes foot, but now can’t find the info…can the Paw Paw and Pau D’ Arco cream be used for this? Thanks, K

Hi K,
Absolutely. Mix enough Paw Paw capsules into a small quantity of Pau D’Arco Lotion – just keep stirring – with a toothpick works well – until you get consistency that works for you to apply.
 I will also send you 2 articles from my web that explains another option more for stubborn nail fungus, and dietary recommendations.
He is also encouraged to check out diet which can contribute to fungus, candida, etc. 


Thank you so much!! He started feeling relief with the cream almost instantly!


Q&A: How to access Chinese anti-viral formula

Many people have asked this question after watching  the video “I Am Not Misinformation.”

The Chinese herbal formula we have used for 25+ years is called HRP-C in Canada, and VS-C in others.

Outside of North America, please look at the list of herbs in the links and seek similar sources from a local herbalist.

Within North America, you can use the above links to order online, or for personal, professional contact us by phone, 250-748-6802, or web contact to help you order this directly, with a discount and free shipping.

See more details for ingredients and availability in other countries in Comments below.

Kudos to an educated RCMP officer

Royal Canadian Mounted Police have for years been prided as Canadian law enforcers. This officer with 21 years service is leaving over a  basic Constitutional Right that Canadian totalitarian government is denying him, and many others.

Let us hope that more RCMP will side with supporting Canadians’ rights, rather than allegiance to a Queen who, alive or dead, does not respect us as men,  women, or children.

He is standing up for freedom. He offers excellent warnings about Turdope’s demonic plan to inject every child in CA; the rest of the world is the same.

Like this man, I personally know many unjabbed people with the flu. It’s flu season. Yes,  it’s contagious, like the flu, like a cold. They get over it, without testing, without going to a doctor or the hospital. Most of those unjabbed have the trust to treat naturally. See  Crisis Management for tips.

Many of those jabbed end up in hospital and are having a harder go of it. Depends on whose stats you believe.

I agree with Corporal Richard Mehner’s worldwide stats, and have previously checked mortality rate in Canada for ALL respiratory conditions  from 2015 – 2021. It concurs with his world stats.


He has done some excellent research, and I encourage you to read his parting letter.

Then decide what YOU will do in 2022 to stop this tyranny.

One of the easiest is DO NOT CONSENT.  If everyone stopped testing, this plandemic would be over.

Other references and relevant articles:

Stand up for your children! Probably why most of the anarchist protesters have grey hair – THEY are standing up for their grandchildren.

 Cov Perspective and  Seven Natural Aids

All articles I have written on the plandemic since March, 2020 can be found here:

This includes articles on Quercetin, Ivermectin, HRP-C.

Contact us via this website or phone office 250-748-6802 for personal, professional assistance.

I Am Not Misinformation

“I Am Not Misinformation” can be viewed on the following channels.
It is an excellent video produced on Vancouver Island by Truth Seekers who wish to regain a humanity we are on the verge of losing.
Feel free to re-post to non-discriminating, sites that are open to truth and science.
Vimeo, YouTube, Facebook all censor.
CoV injection side effects have been completely denied, at least in Canada. This video presents the story not being told to the public.
“I Am Not Misinformation” presents what is being censored by mainstream media; denied by health authorities and penalizing/demonizing any medical professionals who attempt to practice the Hippocratic Oath  “Do No Harm“.


If you have supporting comments that are personal, accurate or scientific  evidence based,  please feel free to post in comments.


Worldwide divisiveness and discrimination has been created..

over an experimental genetic injection that is being forced on all individuals, whether susceptible or not, to an illness that has too many unanswered questions.

Most people are finally starting to question the effectiveness of this jab. And rightfully so; with boosters being planned every few months, more people need to. 


Millions worldwide are protesting for lost rights and a return to scientific evidence-based medicine versus politically money driven propaganda.


The long term effects of this experimental injection are not completely known, but immune effects, such as  ADE  and hormonal deficiencies are suspected. ADE means Antibody Dependant Enhancement, such as happened with  RSV and Measles vaccines.


The immediate and short term  side effects ARE REAL for more and more people daily: cardiac events, mycocarditis, neural degeneration, paralysis, vision, hormonal, weakened immunity, COVID,  to name a few.


Many care workers who were exposed for more than a year and had strong natural immunity, got COVID post jab, as their natural immunity was compromised. More are now catching the variants; more jabs, more variants, more jabs planned, more money….


In countries such as UK and US, where reporting has been allowed, these injections have caused more side effects in 6 months, than ALL vaccines combined since the first vaccine ever made.


CONTINUE Learning and Take Action to Protect our Children -our  future humanity
Be assured this experiment is planned for infants, even though there is NO danger to children under 12, at least not from COVID.
To continue learning the truth, please read Lorene’s past articles, dating back to Mar. 2020:


As I have spent 21 months studying this issue, I feel I have done my part to enlighten. I am handing the torch of education and action to those organizations that have dedicated workers supported by fundraising  and who are doing an excellent job of presenting science based medicine worldwide to the growing millions who are seeking truth.


My focus will return to helping those in need, which will increase with this onslaught to our innate immune system.


Do Your Own Research….from trusted sites
I encourage you to join those who truly care about survival of humans – you are needed now to protect the children and any hope for freedom in the future. Fear creates an inability to think clearly.  Canadians, and many US States have been hypnotized and numbed into accepting a totalitarian regime since March 2020, when “2 weeks to flatten the curve” began “for the good of all”. Millions protest worldwide, as people realize  we need to take back the power, to regain humanity and fair governance.


Learning with Humour

For those who find the truth a little heavy, you can still learn it with a sense of humour by watching JP who covers most topics :

Up-to-date medical, evidence based  information, along with suggested actions can be found at many websites NOT govt. approved….here are a few:


Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom


Front Line Covid Care Alliance

PLEASE,  Just Ask WHY?
For the first time in history the ineffectiveness of a medicine is being blamed on those who refuse to take it.

 If you need more……..Further recent references:

Japan is now labeling Covid vaccines to warn of dangerous and potentially deadly side effects such as myocarditis. Japan is reaffirming its commitment to adverse event reporting requirements to ensure all possible side effects are documented.

Japan’s health authority’s efforts are in stark contrast to the measures taken by other countries, such as Canada, who harass and deny  physicians’ attempts to file Adverse Event Reports.

Instead, all levels of Canadian governments from regional to federal, coerce citizens to take the injection via threats to livelihood; social services;  the right to work or travel;  access to  facilities paid for by your own tax dollars, education, and now even essential services such as groceries and medical services.

Bribes are being used to propagate fear and misinformation and to implement  financial and social penalties to truth seekers, who choose to protect their natural innate immune systems, which are proven to be superior.

Side effects are downplayed or outright denied, and information concerning injection ingredients, such as aborted fetal cells and limited trial results are suppressed. Money is instead invested in more boosters and more drugs to “flatten the curve”.

Fact: The US FDA has recently approved a new medication for myocarditis in children.

A recent, excellent interview with Dr. Cole – some parts are very medically technical; but he presents enough fast and furious FACTS that anyone can get some NB info from it. Please be sure to hear his credentials at beginning.

Note the injection is not really the end game; complete control of every human via vax passes is. Do your research.

Contact the author if you wish assistance using natural health to increase your innate  immunity or for any health issues you want to resolve, not mediate with drugs.

2 More Studies on Turmeric Curcumin

The ancient Indian spice turmeric strikes again!

Learn why Turmeric is effective in neutralizing SAR-CoV-2, for many of the same reasons it is also effective for renegade cell growth, aka cancer.

1. Turmeric Root and Its Bioactive Ingredient Curcumin Effectively Neutralize SARS-CoV-2 In Vitro

The application of turmeric root in herbal medicine has a very long history.

Its bioactive ingredient curcumin shows a broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity. In the present study, we investigated the antiviral activity of aqueous turmeric root extract, the dissolved content of a curcumin-containing nutritional supplement capsule, and pure curcumin against SARS-CoV-2.

Turmeric root extract, dissolved turmeric capsule content, and pure curcumin effectively neutralized SARS-CoV-2 at subtoxic concentrations in Vero E6 and human Calu-3 cells. Furthermore, curcumin treatment significantly reduced SARS-CoV-2 RNA levels in cell culture supernatants. Our data uncovers curcumin as a promising compound for complementary COVID-19 treatment. Curcumin concentrations contained in turmeric root or capsules used as nutritional supplements completely neutralized SARS-CoV-2 in vitro.










2. This study finds turmeric extract selectively and safely killing cancer stem cells in a way that chemo and radiation can not.

A groundbreaking new study published in the journal Anticancer Research reveals that one of the world’s most extensively researched and promising natural compounds for cancer treatment: the primary polyphenol in the ancient spice turmeric known as curcumin, has the ability to selectively target cancer stem cells, which are at the root of cancer malignancy, while having little to no toxicity on normal stem cells, which are essential for tissue regeneration and longevity.

Titled, “Curcumin and Cancer Stem CellsCurcumin Has Asymmetrical Effects on Cancer and Normal Stem Cells,” the study describes the wide range of molecular mechanisms presently identified by which curcumin attacks cancer stem cells (CSCs), which are the minority subpopulation of self-renewing cells within a tumor colony. These cells  are capable of producing all the other cells within a tumor, making them the most lethal, tumoriogenic of all cells within most, if not all, cancers.

Because CSCs are resistant to chemotherapy, radiation, and may even be provoked towards increased invasiveness with surgery, they are widely believed to be responsible for tumor recurrence and the dismal failure of conventional treatment.

The study identified the following 8 molecular mechanisms by which curcumin targets and kills cancer stem cells:

  • Down-regulation of interleukin-6 (IL-6): IL-6 is classified as a cytokine (a potent biomolecule released by the immune system) and modulates both immunity and inflammation. It’s over expression has been linked to the progression from inflammation to cancer. Curcumin inhibits IL-6 release, which in turn prevents CSC stimulation.
  • Down-regulation of interleukin-8 (IL-8): IL-8, another cytokine, is released after tumor cell death, subsequently stimulating CSCs to regrow the tumor and resist chemotherapy. Curcumin both inhibits IL-8 production directly and indirectly.
  • Down-regulation of interleukin-1 (IL-1): IL-1, a family of cytokines, are involved in response to injury and infection, with IL-1 ? playing a key role in cancer cell growth and the stimulation of CSCs. Curcumin inhibits IL-1 both directly and indirectly.
  • Decrease CXCR1 and CXCR2 binding: CXCR1 and CXCR2 are proteins expressed on cells, including CSCs, which respond to the aforementioned cytokines in a deleterious manner. Curcumin has been found to not only block cytokine release, but their binding to these two cellular targets.
  • Modulation of the Wnt signaling pathway: The Wnt signaling pathway regulates a wide range of processes during embryonic development, but are also dsyregulated in cancer. Curcumin has been found to have a corrective action on Wnt signaling.
  • Modulation of the Notch Pathway: The Notch signaling pathway, also involved in embryogenesis, plays a key role in regulating cell differentiation, proliferation and programmed cell death (apoptosis), as well as the functioning of normal stem cells. Aberrant Notch signaling has been implicated in a wide range of cancers. Curcumin has been found to suppress tumor cells along the Notch pathway.
  • Modulation of the Hedgehog Pathways: Another pathway involved in embryogenesis, the Hedgehog pathway also regulates normal stem cell activity. Abnormal functioning of this pathway is implicated in a wide range of cancers and in the stimulation of CSCs and associated increases in tumor recurrence after conventional treatment. Curcumin has been found to inhibit the Hedgehog pathway through a number of different mechanisms.
  • Modulation of the FAK/AKT/FOXo3A Pathway: This pathway plays a key role in regulating normal stem cells, with aberrant signaling stimulating CSCs, resulting once again in tumor recurrence and resistance to chemotherapy. Curcumin has been found in multiple studies to destroy CSCs through inhibiting this pathway.

As you can see through these eight actions, curcumin exhibits a rather profound level of complexity, modulating numerous molecular pathways simultaneously.

Conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy is incapable of such delicate and “intelligent” behavior, as it preferentially targets fast-replicating cells by damaging their DNA , regardless of whether they are benign, healthy or cancerous cells. This includes fast replicating cells such as the stomach lining which are essential for us to digest food to gain nutrition for healing!  Curcumin’s selective cytotoxicity targets the cancer stem cells.

Curcumin and Normal Stem Cells

Normal stem cells (NSCs) are essential for health because they are responsible for differentiating into normal cells that are needed to replace damaged or sick ones. If curcumin were to kill normal cells, like radiation and chemotherapy, it would not provide a compelling alternative to these treatments.  The study addressed this point:

“The safety of curcumin has been long established, as it has been used for centuries as a dietary spice. The question arises as to why curcumin does not seem to have the same deleterious effects on normal stem cells (NSCs) as it does on CSCs. There are several possible reasons that curcumin has toxic effects on CSCs, while sparing NSCs.”
The study offered three potential explanations for curcumin’s differential or selective cytotoxicity:
  • Malignant cells take in much more curcumin than normal cells. This is similar to properties of Paw Paw Cell Reg  (Asimina triloba), as explained in Benoit’s book, “The Paw Paw Program“.
  • Curcumin alters the microenvironment of cells in such a way that is adverse to CSCs and beneficial to NSCs.
  • Curcumin may not only directly attack CSCs, but may encourage them to differentiate into non-lethal, more benign cells.

Concluding Remarks

This study adds growing support to the idea that safe, time-tested, natural substances are superior to synthetic ones. Given the evidence that a safe and effective alternative may already exist, chemotherapy, radiation and even surgery may no longer be justified as the first-line standard of care for cancer treatment.

In fact, a significant body of evidence now implicates these treatments in worsening prognosis, and in some cases driving cancer stem cell enrichment in tumors.

Radiotherapy, for instance, has been found to induce cancer stem cell-like properties in breast cancer cells, essentially increasing their malignancy and tumoriogenicity by 30 fold.  This is hardly progress when one considers the role that CSCs play, especially in contributing to post-treatment secondary cancers.

Turmeric and its components are not FDA approved drugs, and by definition the FDA will not allow an unapproved substance, natural or synthetic, to prevent, treat, diagnosis or cure a disease.  This means that you will not be seeing it offered by an oncologist as an alternative to chemotherapy or radiation any time soon.  This does not, however, mean that it does not work.

There are  over 1500 citations from the National Library of Medicine’s database MEDLINE on Turmeric Research, showing that curcumin and related turmeric components possess significant anti-cancer activity.
Please contact our office to order quality and potent turmeric, 50:1 extract.  One of Nature’s Sunshine Turmeric Curcumin capsules contains the potency of 10 – 200 capsules of other brands, as tested by independent labs.
NSP has not been leader in herbs since 1972 without good reason!

Quercetin – One of Many



Quercetin is one of many powerful flavonoids that are part of a larger classification collectively termed phytonutrients.

Phyto = plant and nutrients = nutrients.

Phytonutrients  contain phytochemicals, meaning plant-derived molecules that are highly physiologically active. These are what our body needs to  survive and thrive.

Phytotherapy means using phytonutrients for therapeutic purposes. For example, this article explains the mechanics of why Phytotherapy is effective  for hormonal balance, and the difference between using chemicals for hormonal balance.

Pages 175-180 of “The Paw Paw Program – A Natural Approach to Cancer” by Lorene Benoit, MHH, CHC, discusses many phytonutrients.

Some commonly known phytochemicals/phytonutrients:

Carotenoids, organosulfur compounds,  indole 3 carbinols,  well-known vitamin anti-oxidants, such as A, C and E,  polyphenols and flavonoids.

Flavonoids are a large group of naturally occurring phenolic compounds. Some of these are: xanthones, carotenoids, lycopene, lutein,  quercetin, rutin, anthocyanins, anthocyanidines,  proanthocyanidines, curcuminoids, indole 3 carbinols (I3C’s), astaxanthin, diindolymethane (D2M), ascorbigins, glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, betulinic acid, resveratrol, lignans, epigallocatechin, acylfloroglucinols.

As you can see from above list, Quercetin is just one of many  phytonutrients.  It is a pentahydroxyflavone having the five hydroxy groups placed at the 3-, 3′-, 4′-, 5- and 7-positions. This chemical identification is not as important to me, as knowing that quercetin is one of the most abundant flavonoids in vegetables, fruit and wine.

 These foods are some of the best sources of dietary flavonoids, including quercetin:

  • Onions
  • Kale
  • Parsley
  • Tea
  • Red Wine
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Blueberries
  • Cherries
  • Pomegranate
  • Tomatoes
  • Red grapes
  • Mangosteen
  • Olives
  • gogi berries
  • Soybeans. LB note: Make sure non GMO: Soybeans come in a variety of different forms and are the best source of isoflavones.

PLUS:  herbs are powerhouses of concentrated phytonutrients. A few that are high in quercetin are: gingko biloba, garcinia, acai, hawthorn, grapeseed, Buckthorn, Yellow Loosestrife .

For example, Yellow Loosestrife or  Lysimachia vulgaris contains the following active ingredients and substances: The dried leaves and flowers contain tannins, flavonoids (rutin, myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol), triterpene saponins and benzoquinones. The whole plant contains vitamin C which explains its uses in the past as a remedy for scurvy.

Take away:

 All phytochemicals have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. There are MANY known that have been chemically documented, and likely many not yet identified or named. Different ones feed different organs of the body, which is why we need them all.

The medical paradigm is isolating ingredients versus the natural paradigm of using whole foods and plants. These are more easily identified and assimilated by the body. This is why I use mostly herbs for supplementation purposes. Most vitamins and minerals should also include herbs or foods in their bases for the same reasons.

This is why I recommend eating a rainbow of colours of vegetables and fruits daily.


As all phytonutrients are important for our health, if I am taking supplement to obtain a higher level of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits than what I can get from my diet, I feel one of the best supplemental sources is Zambroza (CA), or Thai Go (US)- 2 pack .

ORAC, (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, is explained on P. 266 of Benoit’s book. This is a measurement of how many free radicals can be neutralized by an anti-oxidant. ORAC can be accurately measured by independent labs.

It is the ORAC level that will determine how much anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory  benefit will happen to help prevent free radical damage and exert a healthful benefit on your cardiovascular system – i.e. the heart muscle and all blood vessels that feed the heart and deliver nutrients to the body.

Zambroza/ Thai Go has a combination of high phytonutrients plants that show the highest ORAC level of just about any supplement available on the market. It remains my choice to supplement all my phytochemical levels,  including all the flavonoids and polyphenols. By having a combination of 13 plants, fruits and herbs, with the highest phyto nutrient content, I know this includes quercetin., in addition to so many others.

One of the main ingredients is Mangosteen. This is one of the most powerful sources of xanthones. The fruit and pericarp of the Garcinia mangostana,  possess a wide spectrum of pharmacologic properties, including antioxidant, anti- tumor, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral activities.

Health Benefits of xanthones:

Beneficial effect on heart, liver, circulation, inflammation, and immunity.  Xanthones from mangosteen extracts have been shown to act as natural chemo-preventive agents. All  bioflavonoids enhance Vit. C absorption and help maintain collagen and capillary walls. This means powerful immune and cardiovascular support.



More scholarly articles on xanthones in mangosteen