Natural Approach To Cancer: Paw Paw- 3rd Edition

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Can cancer, like many diseases,  be prevented ?

ISBN 3rd Edition       978-0-22850-309-5      Jan, 2020

ISBN 2nd Edition      978-1-77084-299-1      May, 2013
ISBN 1st Edition        978-1-77084-119-9      October, 2010



Written by Lorene Benoit, author, consultant and natural health teacher for more than 40 years, this book presents a comprehensive natural program for understanding cancer, preventing cancer and working with cancer.

Benoit emphasizes that the protocols for prevention and treatment of conditions such as cancer, also apply to promotion of overall health and prevention of all disease.

 Dr. McLaughlin’s endorsement of Benoit’s books states:

“This book offers an excellent explanation of a safe, effective and affordable program for cancer that can be a Godsend for those dealing with cancer or other chronic conditions.”

Lorene Benoit’s expertise offers a wealth of information about a complete Paw Paw program that has helped many with cancer, and other health conditions. The book includes background, research, and all instructions for the paw paw program as a natural solution for cancer. Included are optimal diet,  pH, supportive supplementation, treatment options, lifestyle suggestions, and nutritional information essential to healing ALL DISEASE, and promoting OPTIMUM HEALTH, as well as case studies and success stories.

Most, if not all,  of the approaches used in this book have been confirmed in all the successful natural protocols highlighted in the Bollinger series of The Truth About Cancer, (TTAC).

The Paw Paw Program  is outlined here,  with specific program dosages and components.

The book answers a lot of the questions that have been asked by those following the program since 2004! It is professionally done, with charts, illustrations, and references, making it easy to understand.

Please click links below for ongoing education on Benoit’s Research Blog:

Cancer articles

May more under these categories:

Success  Stories 

Questions & Answers 

You can use the search bar in top right for specific topics.

The understanding of causes such as infection, inflammation, natural immunity relates to ALL disease conditions, especially those considered chronic and age related. The extensive dietary and lifestyle recommendations found in this book will help people to attain and maintain better health for all conditions. 



This book began in April, 2005, when Benoit wrote the script, “A Complementary Approach to Cancer“, for a series of cross Canada Health Classes to teach people about Paw Paw, a herb used as part of a natural program for cancer.

The 2nd Edition released May 2013, with updated success stories, statistics, recommendations and new recipes chapter. This 284 page book offers a program that works, is affordable, and can be combined with medical treatments, if one chooses, but has proven it’s effectiveness as a complete program.

3rd Edition released 2020 has updated research, references, stats, and health program.

To order The Paw Paw Program book or any therapeutic nutritional formulations you learn about on this website, PLEASE  contact Benoit Health Associates to ensure you get the correct products, discount pricing and support, not available via many online sources. We believe in personal support.

There is no charge to help place your first order – old fashioned personal service!

We also provide paid consultations  worldwide, as we are willing to support all who wish to achieve better health through nature’s healing gifts. See Consult – an Investment in Your Health . 

Dr. Jerry McLaughlin….

The world ‘s foremost researcher of Paw Paw, shared his research  on a Western Canada tour, June 2013. We had an inside summary of 30 years of extensive research with  Paw Paw,  including  detailed studies that showed  extract of Asimina triloba twigs were:

  • 10, 000 times stronger for drug resistant breast cancer than adriamyacin
  • 300 times stronger than Taxol, with less weight loss, on leukemic cells
  • same effectiveness as cisplatin on ovarian cancer, at lower dose, with less weight loss and less side effects

Paw Paw extract was used in Dr. J. Forsythe’s clinical study with 94 people diagnosed Stage 4 terminal. A cross section of 10 of these cases are presented in the book, p. 111-119. Many of these patients were still alive after a year and a half of using Paw Paw, rather remarkable with terminal medical prognosis.

After 40 years of research we know that Paw Paw, used as directed and as part of a program to strengthen and balance the body, IS very effective.

about Lorene Benoit….

is a Natural Health Consultant and Educator, who founded Benoit & Associates Health Education Services in 1989. Her qualifications are Bachelor of Education in Biology and Physical Education, Masters of Holistic Healing, Certified Herbal Consultant, Iridologist, Contact Reflex Analyst, plus certifications for Live Blood Analysis, Western and Chinese herbs, Nutrition, Massage and Energy Healing.

She has taught throughout North America, from 5 to 500 people, both practitioners and clients, from workshops to her annual 4 day Herbal Intensive every summer on her herbal acreage on Vancouver Island. She was the Canadian Instructor for Tree of Light Institute US, for both  Masters of Holistic Health and Certified Herbal Consultant programs for 10 years.

She has authored for health publications since mid 1980’s, plus written booklets on Muscle Testing, Vaccinations and Chinese Herbs. Benoit has been featured and interviewed on radio and TV programs on a variety of topics.

Her passion is teaching health in everyday language! This book was written to offer help to anyone dealing with cancer, as well as to help understand causes and incorporate preventative lifestyle changes. For practitioners, this book is a must to save  time and help  clients understand what causes cancer and how to work with natural solutions for cancer.

For consultation, interview, more information and to order, please contact:                     Benoit & Associates Health Education

Office phone: 250-748-6802     email:

NB:  Contact us before you order from Amazon or EBay, which is not recommended, as they do not offer support.  The motto of NSP is Quality, Service and Integrity. An unknown seller cannot provide Service or Integrity, which we can. NSP always provides the Quality. A trained professional herbal consultant can provide support.

YOUR HEALTH is worth it. We also ensure you get best direct discounts and free shipping.

Useful references:

Some comments on the Paw Paw Program book.

Talk Shows interviewing Lorene Benoit.

Lorene has been interviewed on many talk shows. The link above has most of these recordings.

Cancer articles


These two videos give you more information.

This one by Shaw TV:

This 1st attempt with my Assistant – apologies for quality


216 thoughts on “Natural Approach To Cancer: Paw Paw- 3rd Edition

  1. Hello Lorene
    I ordered your paw paw book and you followed up with a nice email offering help with the program. Thanks so much – I have a quick question. Can high alkaline kangen water be taken when on the paw paw program or will it interfere ?
    Thanks for the info I really appreciate it.

  2. Hi Maria,
    Your book will hopefully arrive by the end of this week, but I will answer this question now.
    Yes, alkaline water is listed on p. 72 of my book under other Beneficial Health Aids. None of these interfere with the Paw Paw Program.

    Please note that I do not recommend taking very alkaline water 15-30 minutes minutes before meals or 1 -2 hr. after, as you do not want to neutralize your acidic stomach enzymes, which are necessary for both digestion and mineral assimilation. I hope this helps. Remember to contact us if you choose to follow the program, as we can get you a personal account for wholesale pricing and make sure you get the correct program for you!


  3. Thanks Lorene for the information it is very appreciated – could you tell me how long one would need to wait after taking the paw paw to drink the kangen high alkaline water ?
    Thanks and best regards,

  4. For just taking Paw Paw, I do not think this is as much of a concern, NSP’s capsules are formulated to dissolve very easily. Maybe wait 10 mins. It is more for food that there is a concern.

  5. I’m glad I found Paw Paw and your book. It has been very helpful to me! I am eating the healthy foods you suggested, I was already eating most of those great foods anyway so good to know I was on the right track!

    Cat’s Claw (not everyday) now as well as Mangosteen (NSP’s Thai Go which contains Mangosteen & 12 other superior anti-oxidants). I take Milk Thistle and other natural supplements mentioned in your book for good immune benefit.

    I had my labs a few weeks ago and everything was good (except LDL was high due to chemo for a year.) I am hoping this will correct now that I’m off chemo and taking plant sterols and stenols and eating a healthy diet. RBC and WBC fine too. All my liver enzymes are normal for which I am thankful since the colon cancer had spread to my liver. That was almost 31 months ago.

    I know healthy eating, living, and exercising has made a big difference! And I am hoping the Paw Paw will do the rest! This product is truly an answer to prayer! I truly do feel good! I do anything I want. Travel, exercise, walking up and down hills and going to the gym, all my housework. I am the “Media Lady” for my church.

    This is quite a journey and not for the faint of heart! But I know it is all helping and I see a much longer future than the surgeon told me and my family! In fact he gave me only 3-6 months to live. That was in April 2014! Guess I’m a fighter! My faith has made a difference and I am so glad you bring that up in your book!

    Again, thank you for all your help ! your book has been a great help !

  6. You are very welcome Dianne. It is encouraging to everyone to hear how natural healing is helping so many live a longer, more quality life!

  7. Yes, I’m going to order two more books, one for us and one to have on hand for anyone else who may need it. (By the way, I showed the kiwi spoon trick to my 11 year old yesterday. Amazing! How did we not know that before?!)

    Even just browsing through your book–it’s so gentle, so positive, so full of good information.

    Our friend had a really rough weekend after his first chemo on Friday. We want him to do this program so, so badly, as we have seen the results with Grandma. Crossing our fingers that he calls you.

  8. Hi,

    I have small nodules on my thyroid. Doctors told me it’s fine now and we will just keep an eye on them to see if they increase. After listening to many of Jerry McLaughlans YouTube videos I would like to know if Paw Paw Cell would be good to take to reduce them and get rid of nodules. Don’t know if it’s a type of “cancer” or would it be good to take as a preventative. Even though he does not recommend it as it is akin to like taking antibiotics.

    Jina – Australia

  9. I do not consider taking Paw Paw akin to taking antibiotics. I agree one should NOT take prophylactic antibiotics. I think you mean is it OK to take Paw Paw preventatively? And the answer to that is YES. In this case, you DO have abnormal cell growth, whether the nodules are benign or cancerous, so I think you may get results with Paw Paw. If you wish to discuss further, consider emailing your phone number for free 10 min. IF you do decide to order Paw Paw, please do nOT do it via Amazon, or you will never know who your support person is – certainly no one at Amazon!

  10. Dear Lorene,

    I am very glad I found you and your book. By chance I ran into PawPaw on the net, but have applied the program according to your book and we are very happy.

    Our father, 73 years old, developed almost two years ago a tumor in his bladder. He was scheduled for surgery and Chemo but we decided to try natural alternatives. He has been treated with Chlorine dioxide and some supplements and it went quite well. The tumor receded. The program was stopped about after taking it 4 months. Last year in June a Scan didn’t show any sign of the tumor anymore. In August his symptoms of pain in his bladder and urinary tract returned, as well as blood in the urine. We believe the first treatment was stopped too early. The program with the Chlorine dioxide didn’t work well and at the end of last year the tumors grew substantially.

    We started with your PawPaw program mid January exactly as it is in the book with some supplements helping the liver detox and some trace elements as well as deacidification with Natron and giving Melatonin. He takes 7 PawPaw during the day 3 x 2 and 1 at night.

    The first Ultra sonic scan in December showed two seriously grown tumors in his bladder. After two weeks into the program another scan showed no tumors anymore!! This was amazing. Now after being two months on the program, we have here and there still some traces of blood (last time a week ago, so after 7 weeks of taking the program) and necrotic tissue in the urine. He is well and feels very fit. The iron being added later on to the program helped him substantially in gaining energy.

    Thank you!

  11. Thank you Lutz for sharing this. It offers encouragement to others that YES, THe World IS Round and Cancer CAN be Cured Naturally. In our consultations you have also been very diligent about getting super nutrition into you father-in-law, and following other positive aspects of the program as suggested in my book.
    I wish your whole family continuing good health.

  12. Thanks for the check-up email. My wife, Connie is also better – the CA Profile test shows much improvement.

    Yes your book was very helpful. Great intro to achieving wellness the natural way, no matter what the condition. One of the main problems with trying the natural way is that medical doctors here are highly skeptical and negative about it. Your book was one of the things that gave us confidence to try the natural way.

    Thanks and regards

  13. I received your book today. Let me tell you its wonderful!. I am so glad I found you.
    I am reading everything. My husband is taking the Paw Paw 6 a day, plus the Colostrum and Green zone.
    Also the Chemo every night and radiation every morning. I really hope he can heal. My faith in God and the products is strong.
    I will let you know via e-mail when we can arrange a second consultation.
    It was a pleasure to meet you over the phone.
    Sincerely, AN, CA

  14. Following the suggestions in book will be a helpful part of his healing. The suggestion in it are helpful for ALL health conditions. Let me know if I can be of further assistance.

  15. We had a Skype Appointment at 31. of July 2017 with Lutz Kaiser., my natural practitioner in Germany.
    I have a question about the ingestion of Paw Paw. I took 3 capsules of Paw Paw and 3 of the enzymes. I reduced to 2 capsules of Paw Paw and 2 of the enzymes because of strong bloating and slight headache. It is a little bit better, but I still have awful bloating. I eat Gluten free and less sugar, but fruits. Should I reduce the Paw Paw to 1 capsule per day?
    Can you tell me what your thoughts are ?
    Regards Heike

  16. Hello Heike,
    It is very unlikely the enzymes would cause bloating as they help with digestion, although we take them between meals to enter the bloodstream. You are taking these on an empty stomach, correct? The usual signs that one is taking too much Paw Paw is nausea or diarrhea. But then everyone is different. So to experiment with the dosages for several days or a week IS probably your best way to figure out if it is one of these herbal products or not.

    Gluten free is good. Less sugar is also good, NO sugar is better. The only fruits I recommend for this condition are berries, as they have lower glycemic index & less of an insulin response, plus contain more nutrition. Other fruits should be taken only in very small quantities, AND eaten separate from other foods to avoid bloating, so this may be the guilty part.

    One more suggestion, if none of the above help, is to add a good pre-probiotic.
    Lutz & Diana are both very knowledgeable on the nutritional end, so either of them may have something to comment on this.
    All the best. Lorene

  17. Hi thks I’ve just seen the invoice and will pay today. Could u pls give me yr thoughts on Mcp – modified citrus pectin…we’ve been using paw paw and turmeric with mum (advanced pancreatic cancer) and got the ca19-9 markers from 24,000 to 18,000 in a week. Then it stayed there the 2nd week on same protocol and not sure why? So we introduced mcp but I’m not sure we should use or not with paw paw? Does it stop the paw paw going in maybe? im feeling uneasy about it, many thks for your thoughts

  18. It does cost $10-15 more to send to UK, but we offer a discount on the book to help compensate. Total cost would be $43 US, including shipping to UK. We can send you a Pay Pal invoice, which can be paid by credit card.
    Please just email you full address, if you would like us to get this mailed ASAP.

  19. I have not used MCP, as the program we use has been very successful, and I don’t like to overwhelm people with supplements.I believe adding tumeric is good, as there has been lots of research about it’s anti-carcinogenic attributes. This article on Curcumin explains why I use this tumeric, with a short video.

    As far as contraindications for Paw Paw, please read this article, Can I Take with Paw Paw? . In a nutshell, as long as it does not increase ATP production, OR interfere with absorption of Paw Paw, I do not see problem. It sounds like the MCP May be interfering with absorption, as pectin is designed to absorb (toxins) isn’t it? Again, not a product I have used, so I do not feel qualified to comment.

    In my book, and on my website, you will see why we use the PROGRAM we do with Paw Paw. After more than 10 years, we are still getting good results.

  20. The paw paw with Herceptin and one law dose of chemo first round killed my breast tumor size of 1.20 cm. Had CT scan and ultersound, can’t find mess. No surgery no radiation. It’s been one year. My question is, Can I take paw paw just a bottle? I’m not sure there are or aren’t cancer in my body…


    Tia Kim

  21. As explained in my book, and perhaps several places on my website, Paw Paw can be taken as a preventative, or maintenance program for those who have had cancer or a history in their family. There are a couple of different ways to do this. You can ask the person from whom you are purchasing the Paw Paw – if they are not knowledgeable, then please contact me: Lorene@NaturalPathRemedies, with your phone number, full name, address & time zone, and I can phone with specifics. I offer a personalized service. First 10 minutes free, then paid consultations as listed on this page:

  22. I diagnosed above cancer in April, 2016. I went Mexico for natural treatment for 3 weeks in June, 2016. Went Surgeon doctor on August 2016 and had ultrasound, she told me cancer got bigger and spread. Had mg & ultrasound and biopsied one limp. Dr. told me that original tumor grew to 1.25 cm fm .92, two small dots (think that cancers) one limp node is positive. Drs told me that cancer may spread bone and other place so surgen Dr refused to surgery and forced me to do Bone CT Scan and whole body CT scan. The scans are clear, I don’t even have LN cancer (Dr didn’t give me a report. I got this copy later at the clinc. Oncology told me I have treat chemo which I’ve been refused. I finally started to get Herceptin. She kept asked to get chemo for better result. Mexican patient told me to try paw paw so I took paw paw with Herceptin and one type (lowest dose)of chemo. I noticed that tumor shrunk and didn’t felt any tumor after one around chemo. Dec, 2016 I had heart issues (I think related side effect from Herceptin ) and had chest CT scan, reported no mess. After 2 days had ultrasound and can’t find any tumors. Clear clear. but RDr & Surgeon Dr screamed at me to do surgeries and radiation, if not the cancer will come back. I did not listen to them. I changed my life style and do lots of natural protocol. I think I’m ok. My question, can I take paw paw now just one month? I’m not sure whether cancer came back or not.. I felt a little lump at same place where original tumor was… I’m not sure that is lump or muscle .. afraid to see dr and other mmg etc. So I though I would take paw paw just one bottle… I know paw paw killed breast tumor.. and I 100% believe paw paw cures and kills the cancer tumor. Thanks. ps. How can I order the book?

  23. Thank you for sharing your story HKalone! I think it helps others to know that the medical profession does NOT have all the answers and that when we care about our health, we are wise to question and make educated choices. And yes, as Paw Paw, Asimina triloba, has been researched to be at least 10,000 times more effective than 2 common pharmaceutical chemotherapeutics, cisplatin and vincristine, with NO side effects, we see very effective results.

    To answer your questions:

    1. “can I take paw paw now just one month? I’m not sure whether cancer came back or not.. I felt a little lump at same place where original tumor was… I’m not sure that is lump or muscle”.

    Yes, in fact we encourage those who have had cancer to continue a maintenance program. As with yeast or candida, once a person has this condition once, they seem to be more prone to recurrence, especially if they have not changed the internal environment of the body. Intestinal microbial health, what is now being called the MICROBIOME is an essential part of our immune system, and we often recommend maintenance of 1 or 2 Probiotic Eleven per day. In addition, as explained in my book, one can take Paw Paw Cell Reg in small daily dosage, OR do the full program 2-4 weeks four times per year – we treat this like an abnormal cellular cleansing or re-programming for healthy cells.

    2) You can order my book, in the top R corner of The Paw Paw Program book page, or by emailing me directly at

    Please be aware that due to time constraints, I encourage people who choose to order health products via Amazon should contact their Amazon seller for questions about what they purchase, not our office.

  24. You should have received it by now. Please get back to me as we can guide you for best results,as well as helping you get the correct program at the best prices.

  25. Hi Lorene, I received the Paw Paw Program book. Thank you!
    I think, I chose to do 4 times per year program. I’m going to take 6/per day for 2 weeks and taking off for 1 week, and 6/per day for 2 weeks again. Then I will return to program after 3 months. Is this correct?



  26. Yes Tia Kim, this is a good schedule for Paw Paw Program maintenance. I hope you are taking the whole program as outlined in The Paw Paw Program, and on our website, not just Paw Paw. As you now have the book, you will see it is a comprehensive program involving all aspects of health, NOT just taking a pill!

    Should you ever wish to consult with Lorene to ensure other aspects of your healing are all in place to keep you cancer free, please do so! Also remember that we can establish a direct wholesale account for you with the same company Lorene has used since 1990 – best prices and not taking your chances with illegal products and lack of support via Amazon.

    Fees are listed here:

  27. My wife had a breast lump which, after a biopsy they called intraductal papilloma in one breast. It appears that the biopsy and/or mammogram caused a blood clot. She changed her diet and has been taking several nutrients which should help. However, the lump appears to either be getting larger, or a blood clot caused it to appear larger.
    Would paw paw possibly help this situation.

  28. Sorry to hear about the challenge caused by medical procedure; unfortunately that happens more often than we would wish. Dietary changes can be good IF they follow those set out in my book and on my website. Have you read: Of course more detail in the book. If you are interested, you can order it on line, or if you contact us directly, we can email you a PayPal invoice.

    And yes, we feel Paw Paw is a natural chemotherapy that is effective without side effects. The program Lorene works with is designed to correct issues causing renegade cell growth, such as inflammation, infection, circulation, elimination and nutrition. Email if you wish a free 10 minute consult to see if you and your wife wish to proceed.

  29. Hi Lorene, if Protease is an enzyme for proteins, would you take it prior to a meal without protein?

  30. Protease IS an enzyme for digesting protein. It can be taken just before OR with meals for this purpose.

    However, with the Paw Paw Program, we take Protease Plus between meals, on a relatively empty stomach for a different purpose. This is outlined in Lorene’s book, Pages 96 – 97, 99, 102 and 126, and 255, as well as in this article on our website: Paw Paw Program Specifics.

    Hope your travels are going well.

  31. ??. I live in Ukraine. Doctor NSP consultant has appointed treatment for ovarian cancer (relapse). I accept Pau D’Arco 5 capsules 3 times a day, ? tea 3 capsules 3 times a day, SC Formula 1 ??psule 3 times a day. Started to take a Paw Paw. The daily dose was recommended to increase to 10-12 capsules per day and Protease 2-3 ???sule 2 times a day.
    I have some important questions for you:
    1. Is it possible to combine with Paw Paw turmeric and powder from grape seeds and peel?
    2. combine with Japanese green tea Matcha?
    3. Combine with protocol Badwig (cottage cheese and linseed oil, flax seeds).
    4. therapeutic fungi (beta glucan, ahcc, shiitake…).
    5 how about a combination with artemisin and magnesium.
    I’m afraid to neutralize the action of Paw Paw by other additives.
    Than to strengthen action Paw Paw and to accelerate convalescence.
    Thank you for being and helping.

  32. Hi Alina, I did answer this briefly in a personal email. For me to answer in more detail it would be in your best interests to book a consultation. As you are in Russia, we have made arrangements to get the pdf of the Paw Paw Program to you.

  33. I did purchase your book, and I have read 2 thirds of it. It is REALLY good!
    I have read more than 1000 hours on the Internet about cancer, but I did get some new aha information in your book !
    Thank you, and thank you also for answering my questions, to help me find herbal sources to Sweden.
    Best regards LG

  34. I did buy this book. LOVE the recipes btw! If you have more of them to share please do. Gluten free bread ones (pancakes, I miss them) would be great as well. Love your version of the flax bread. I haven’t tried the sweets yet but may do the walnut cake later this month.


  35. Just about any recipe with natural ingredients can be used, as long as the ONLY sweetener is xyltiol or stevia, or limited amounts of a dried fruit such as dates. The idea is to lessen sweet cravings, thereby lessening excess glucose that feeds abnormal cell growth.

  36. Hi! Just watched episode 7 of The Truth About Cancer (TTAC). Fabulous!! Reinforces why we do the work we do.

    So many of the ideas presented by the Asian experts healing Cancer are mentioned in your book written in 2010! Your book shows your understanding of leading edge healing. We have to be like Christopher Columbus and think outside the box!! Now I know why you chose that title.

    I have worked in Sri Lanka, Mexico,the states and Canada. Certainly my time in other countries taught me how backwards our own country was in health care. Backwards is the wrong word – how much we are controlled by big pharma is more accurate. There IS a cure for all disease!

    Thank you Lorene again for your book and your hard work to further this message.
    And always the personal support from you and your friendship means so much to me. Love Teri

  37. Thank you Teri. Praise coming from someone with your expertise and experience is truly appreciated.

    I too, was thrilled to see my teachings being shared by so many world healing experts: the causes of cancer, the emotional healing, German New Medicine, many of the herbs, the diet, exercise, etc. If confirms everything I believe and that why my book has helped so many, not just with cancer, but with regaining health in all conditions.

    You are correct about us in North America being controlled by big pharma. One of the doctors called it “medical terrorism”.
    My sincere wish is that people continue to wake up to smell the roses, and walk around the piles of BS.

  38. The recent Truth About Cancer, Asian series by Ty & Charlene Bollinger, has confirmed that our approach works! Most of the research presented in this series has been in Lorene Benoit’s book, published in 2010, and her teaching since prior to 2008. From diet, pH, pleomorphism, herbs, emotions, sugar and oxygen connection, cellular energy and so much more -11 years later- the research continues to support why our program works. Many of these approaches are available in all Asian countries. One doctor stated: “Medical terrorism is being practiced in North America with the limited options available to patients.”

  39. Hello,
    Is there anyway paw paw can be applied topically for squamous cell carcinoma? Is there a cream you would recommend?
    Also would like to order your book – do you deliver to Australia?

    Many thanks

  40. Hello Emma,

    Yes we have used Paw Paw externally for many types of abnormal cell growth, including basal, squamous, melanoma, warts, and keratosis. The capsules can be opened and added to silver gel, pau d’arco lotion or any good natural salve or ointment.

    As for a book to Australia, you have 3 options:

    1.Mailing from CA is $22-24, so I give some discount on book. Total would be $48 USD. It may take up to 2-3 wks. We can send you a PayPal for this option or #3.

    2.Contact New Zealand Nature’s Sunshine, who ordered my books, as that may be cheaper and faster for you. I believe they also have Paw Paw if AU does not. Contact
    Your book looks great, it’s very well done. A credit to you!
    We will notify our customers the book is available, and we may need to order more in larger volumes. Many thanks.”

    Patrick Fahy ND; Managing Director
    Nature’s Sunshine Products New Zealand

    3. If you sign a for personal use only waiver, I can email you a pdf of the book for $20 US.

    Th article may be helpful:
    Paw Paw for Other Conditions.

    Please get back to us with your choice. If you are not getting the results you expect, feel free to book a consultation. Lorene has helped many worldwide.
    Thank you and all the best!

  41. Dear Lorene,

    Thank you so much for replying so quickly and for the advice – reading about the excellent results achieved with this miracle product gives me great hope in treating a particularly stubborn skin cancer lesion. I have ordered Natures Sunshine Paw Paw and would be grateful to get a PDF copy of your book.

    Thanks again

  42. Hi Brent, this article, Can I Take with Paw Paw? will help address that question more completely than I can in 10 minutes. In addition to the article, B17 and apricot kernels may not both be necessary, as they preform the same function, i.e. sources of B17.
    I have also answered your question submitted via my blog questions.
    Lots of free inforamtion on my blog, but if you would like to set up a Skype consult, or phone if you wish to call a number I can provide, please let me know. Consult fees are here.
    Also, please be aware that NSP New Zealand now has my book, The Paw Paw Program for sale. I am pleased to hear they were able to get the Paw Paw Cell Reg for you so quickly.

  43. Hi I was wondering if paw paw can be used for a glioblastoma brain tumor??
    And exactly what brand would u use??

  44. The only effective and tested brand I have use is Paw Paw Cell Reg from Nature’s Sunshine. IF you call my office mornings 9:00 -10:00am PST, I can help you order and if you choose, set up a direct discount account for you to be sure you get the product that has been tested. 250-748-6802. Or use this link for Paw Paw Cell Reg

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