Natural Approach To Cancer: Paw Paw- 3rd Edition

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Can cancer, like many diseases,  be prevented ?

ISBN 3rd Edition       978-0-22850-309-5      Jan, 2020

ISBN 2nd Edition      978-1-77084-299-1      May, 2013
ISBN 1st Edition        978-1-77084-119-9      October, 2010



Written by Lorene Benoit, author, consultant and natural health teacher for more than 40 years, this book presents a comprehensive natural program for understanding cancer, preventing cancer and working with cancer.

Benoit emphasizes that the protocols for prevention and treatment of conditions such as cancer, also apply to promotion of overall health and prevention of all disease.

 Dr. McLaughlin’s endorsement of Benoit’s books states:

“This book offers an excellent explanation of a safe, effective and affordable program for cancer that can be a Godsend for those dealing with cancer or other chronic conditions.”

Lorene Benoit’s expertise offers a wealth of information about a complete Paw Paw program that has helped many with cancer, and other health conditions. The book includes background, research, and all instructions for the paw paw program as a natural solution for cancer. Included are optimal diet,  pH, supportive supplementation, treatment options, lifestyle suggestions, and nutritional information essential to healing ALL DISEASE, and promoting OPTIMUM HEALTH, as well as case studies and success stories.

Most, if not all,  of the approaches used in this book have been confirmed in all the successful natural protocols highlighted in the Bollinger series of The Truth About Cancer, (TTAC).

The Paw Paw Program  is outlined here,  with specific program dosages and components.

The book answers a lot of the questions that have been asked by those following the program since 2004! It is professionally done, with charts, illustrations, and references, making it easy to understand.

Please click links below for ongoing education on Benoit’s Research Blog:

Cancer articles

May more under these categories:

Success  Stories 

Questions & Answers 

You can use the search bar in top right for specific topics.

The understanding of causes such as infection, inflammation, natural immunity relates to ALL disease conditions, especially those considered chronic and age related. The extensive dietary and lifestyle recommendations found in this book will help people to attain and maintain better health for all conditions. 



This book began in April, 2005, when Benoit wrote the script, “A Complementary Approach to Cancer“, for a series of cross Canada Health Classes to teach people about Paw Paw, a herb used as part of a natural program for cancer.

The 2nd Edition released May 2013, with updated success stories, statistics, recommendations and new recipes chapter. This 284 page book offers a program that works, is affordable, and can be combined with medical treatments, if one chooses, but has proven it’s effectiveness as a complete program.

3rd Edition released 2020 has updated research, references, stats, and health program.

To order The Paw Paw Program book or any therapeutic nutritional formulations you learn about on this website, PLEASE  contact Benoit Health Associates to ensure you get the correct products, discount pricing and support, not available via many online sources. We believe in personal support.

There is no charge to help place your first order – old fashioned personal service!

We also provide paid consultations  worldwide, as we are willing to support all who wish to achieve better health through nature’s healing gifts. See Consult – an Investment in Your Health . 

Dr. Jerry McLaughlin….

The world ‘s foremost researcher of Paw Paw, shared his research  on a Western Canada tour, June 2013. We had an inside summary of 30 years of extensive research with  Paw Paw,  including  detailed studies that showed  extract of Asimina triloba twigs were:

  • 10, 000 times stronger for drug resistant breast cancer than adriamyacin
  • 300 times stronger than Taxol, with less weight loss, on leukemic cells
  • same effectiveness as cisplatin on ovarian cancer, at lower dose, with less weight loss and less side effects

Paw Paw extract was used in Dr. J. Forsythe’s clinical study with 94 people diagnosed Stage 4 terminal. A cross section of 10 of these cases are presented in the book, p. 111-119. Many of these patients were still alive after a year and a half of using Paw Paw, rather remarkable with terminal medical prognosis.

After 40 years of research we know that Paw Paw, used as directed and as part of a program to strengthen and balance the body, IS very effective.

about Lorene Benoit….

is a Natural Health Consultant and Educator, who founded Benoit & Associates Health Education Services in 1989. Her qualifications are Bachelor of Education in Biology and Physical Education, Masters of Holistic Healing, Certified Herbal Consultant, Iridologist, Contact Reflex Analyst, plus certifications for Live Blood Analysis, Western and Chinese herbs, Nutrition, Massage and Energy Healing.

She has taught throughout North America, from 5 to 500 people, both practitioners and clients, from workshops to her annual 4 day Herbal Intensive every summer on her herbal acreage on Vancouver Island. She was the Canadian Instructor for Tree of Light Institute US, for both  Masters of Holistic Health and Certified Herbal Consultant programs for 10 years.

She has authored for health publications since mid 1980’s, plus written booklets on Muscle Testing, Vaccinations and Chinese Herbs. Benoit has been featured and interviewed on radio and TV programs on a variety of topics.

Her passion is teaching health in everyday language! This book was written to offer help to anyone dealing with cancer, as well as to help understand causes and incorporate preventative lifestyle changes. For practitioners, this book is a must to save  time and help  clients understand what causes cancer and how to work with natural solutions for cancer.

For consultation, interview, more information and to order, please contact:                     Benoit & Associates Health Education

Office phone: 250-748-6802     email:

NB:  Contact us before you order from Amazon or EBay, which is not recommended, as they do not offer support.  The motto of NSP is Quality, Service and Integrity. An unknown seller cannot provide Service or Integrity, which we can. NSP always provides the Quality. A trained professional herbal consultant can provide support.

YOUR HEALTH is worth it. We also ensure you get best direct discounts and free shipping.

Useful references:

Some comments on the Paw Paw Program book.

Talk Shows interviewing Lorene Benoit.

Lorene has been interviewed on many talk shows. The link above has most of these recordings.

Cancer articles


These two videos give you more information.

This one by Shaw TV:

This 1st attempt with my Assistant – apologies for quality


218 thoughts on “Natural Approach To Cancer: Paw Paw- 3rd Edition

  1. Thank you very much. I received your book yesterday Jan 8, 2021. I look forward to reading it and getting back with you a time to consult.

    D is so thankful for your call and plan. He said that explains why he always feels stuffed. Today is our first day no eating between meals. What a load off his shoulders! Thank you again, D and L

  2. Do you have experience working with Paw Paw with regards to Prostate Issues?

  3. Yes. Should you wish to discuss, best is to phone my office 250-748-6802. I offer free 10 mins. for you to decide if you would like to work with me or for a qucik question. More in depth does require a consultation.

  4. Have diagnosed prostate cancer stage 2 , 51 do not want surgery or radiation
    What is the protocol for paw paw 6x daily with meals , corn silk , hibiscus leaf extract

  5. Michael, Please accept my apologies. Obviously had some website issues, as I did not receive this message from you.
    I am attaching a relevant post of the program. I always start people on the basic program first, then will add other supplements as needed for specifics. Here is the link:
    HIbiscus is a great herb, especially for heart, cholesterol, and general inflammation, nut it would not be my first choice for prostate.
    If you are still wanting any guidance, please email me directly until I can this glitch fixed:

  6. Dec. 28/ 2020:
    Started following Paw Paw Program: plus ABCD recommendations from Lorene’s consult

    May 12/21:
    I am reaching out to let you know that I have followed the Paw Paw plan for three months with a week off in between months.
    My C-125 marker was a 36 at the beginning of December and as of May 11 it is a 6 on the normal range of 0-35.

    I feel much better and continue to steadily lose weight following your nutrition advice and integrating super foods that prevent cancer.

    I am very grateful for your assistance. Cher R.

  7. hi, i am a 36 year old women who was diagnosed a year ago with esophageal cancer which started in my 3rd trimester of my pregnancy. It has been a year since my chemo and radiation therapy have ended. I have had 2 clear scans and scopes so far, which i am thrilled about. What would be a good maintenance program for me to follow to make sure the cancer does not return, i have read that if there is no cancer cells paw paw can be dangerous to consume for long term use?

  8. From page 107 of my book, The Paw Paw Program.”once cancer is cleared, it is recommended to either continue a low daily dose Paw Paw to keep abnormal cell growth controlled, OR follow the basic program 2-4 times per year, using Paw Paw at 6/day ((average). Remember that Paw Paw is self-regulating based on your need and tolerance level.”

    I have has some clients us Paw Paw long term for years with no negative side effects. Client #2 in my book used Paw Paw as needed from 2010 to 2017, when she passed at 90+ yrs. of age, pg.121-123.

    I have not heard of Paw Paw being dangerous for long term use, nor have I seen results of this since working with it since 2004.

    Give our office a call 250-748-6802, if you need any further assistance. I can help you deal with any side effects you may have had from the chemo & radiation, as well as programs to help you maintain a strong immune system to keep you well.

  9. Thank you for your email with the key to products and price list! This is helpful.

    I’m enjoying the book! I’m on the board of a non profit that supports people with cancer by creating community around them and raising funds to support them with added expenses.

    I’ll book a time for a consult to see how we can get your info out to those people we serve.

    Thank you!

  10. Hi Lorene,
    Thank you for answering my questions from the other day.
    Moni is taking 2 paw paw every 6 hours with no side effects. Should she keep increasing until she feels symptoms of nausea.?

    When would you be available for the follow-up appointment?

    Received the books. Thank you!
    I greatly appreciate the wealth of information in your fantastic book.


    Submitted (via email) by Doris Lee

    A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer…
    By Lorene Benoit, MHH, CHC, CRA

    I was most impressed with the clarity and use of “layman’s language”, the small sized book, with easy to read larger print for old eyes, and even little cartoons to break the monotony! I learned so much about cancer that I hadn’t heard about and statistics I didn’t understand! I never knew it was a fungus that feeds on sugar and yeast! I just knew it was a deadly disease that required chemotherapy that made you lose your hair or radiation that sapped your body energy, leaving a person unable to live normally. We are all quite familiar with surgery, possible infections and blood clots, which I wanted none of!! I had only ever had surgery for appendicitis when I was 17 years old. I am now 80 years old and was booked for hip replacement which I wanted done to regain my mobility and life.

    My youngest son urged me to get the hip done to restore my `quality of life`, and not to have the radiation he had about 10 years ago. I told this to my daughter, Alexis Gilchrist, who is studying herbology, and she said, `Yes! and then you can go on the Paw Paw Program! “ (Which I knew nothing about – so she gave me one of Lorene Benoit`s books to read).

    The information made so much sense to me that it took no time to make my personal decisions! I ordered the necessary herbs to cleanse, build my body and immune system and ones to clean out the cancer cells that may have been left after 3 biopsies. (There were none found in 19 lymph glands tested). I have now had my hip replaced and home doing very well. I believe the herbal build up made me so much healthier that my body responded so well with absolutely no pain that even the doctors were surprised!!!

    I was so pleased with the information in the book that I gave it to 3 friends of mine who are retired nurses. They also thought it very good and factual. 2 of the 3 said they were going to buy copies. I intend to continue sharing mine so people will have opportunity to learn as I did from it.

    P.S. It encouraged me to pursue more reading, i.e. Ronald Gdanski, B.A., author of `CANCER, Cause, Cure, and Cover-up“. P.P.S. The head radiologist was upset when I phoned and refused radiation, so she said we then should have hormone therapy, when I asked what that was, she said, `The Tamoxofen that we talked about!`. I had already told her I wouldn`t take Tamoxofen as I wanted the hip surgery done first. Then she threatened me with a double mastectomy! I told her I would call her if I needed it. I am taking the Paw Paw program and doing very well! Thank you very much for writing the book! What an eye-opener!

    Sincerely, Doris Lee

  12. My husband was feeling good and more positive now. He was also much cheerier and happy to feel so much more energy also. We both also loved your good humour in your book. Cheers, excellent book.

  13. Thank you and so glad to hear this has worked so well for your husband. Natural health pays off. Get in touch if I can be of further assistance.

  14. What would really be ideal is to be able to buy Paw paw in Canada. So crazy. Paw paw trees grow in South western Ontario. My cousin thinks they originated during the civil war. The soldiers had the fruit and the seeds dropped. Possible.

    Absurd that Canadians have to pay the extra shipping, customs, and tax, plus the current outrageous US dollar exchange.

  15. I agree completely!

    It would be great to be able to purchase Paw Paw Cell Reg in Canada again. Unfortunately,unHealth Canada decided not to grant as NPN (Natural Products Number, similar to a DIN for drugs), after 12 -15 years of safe and effective use, with NO adverse events.

    One could only wish they would apply some SCIENCE to the CONVID injections, which have been proven neither safe NOR effective, but somehow approved. It makes one wonder if it is science or money involved $?$?$.

    It was not for lack of NSP spending tons of $ with the approval process! They had to eventually give up and luckily, were able to get it approved in the Sunshine Direct program, which allows us to order from NSP US.

    I have never heard of this species of Paw Paw growing in CA. Dr. McLaughlin tested about 300 Annonaceous plant species from US and Central and South America.The one NSP uses is from a plantation in Indiana. Asimina triloba is the species that proved to have the necessary active acetogenins in his 30 YEARS of research.

    The bark of the Asimina triloba twigs must be harvested at the right time…which can only be determined by lab testing. Then one would have to have the million dollar labs, similar to what NSP has, to prepare the standardized end product.

    It would be great if a good source could be found here, so open to hearing more. Any contacts? I would pass that info onto NSP corporate.

    In the meantime, we are stuck with ordering via NSP US Sunshine Direct. This is unfortunate as unHealth Canada’s continual assault on natural products severely penalizes the Canadian economy, plus puts Canadians at risk of online ordering inferior and untested supplements.

    It’s a lose-lose situation caused by Cdn. government overreach limiting the health care options for Canadians!

  16. Since I have more time to read, while recovering from this health setback, I am re-reading your book and enjoying it so much. It is so packed full of info that I can’t believe you wrote this 25 years ago! I will be passing it on to another friend who is taking chemo for cancer.

    I found reference in your book to the Iodine specialist Dr. David Brownstein about why you can’t live without iodine. I just finished listening to a webinar on nutrition by him. I am trying to source out the iLugal iodine…seems it is expensive online. I am amazed at your reference from that long ago about this Dr.

    I love all of your book’s contents…. Gleaning some new healthy recipes. And Thinking more positive from your inspiration notes. You are truly a warrior for health and women and family and the planet.

    I feel so grateful to have you as a friend (of course, Alain as well). I know this Word is used so often and may sound trite but I only have a few people that follow similar path as you and that I can talk to understanding each other. It would be lovely if the world could change better for us while we’re here but I won’t be seeing a lot of that it is exciting to see a shake up and change though for the better . That is the hope for me.

  17. Thank you so much for your praise L. Having clients who appreciate and follow recommendations for improved health are what all practitioners/healers hope for. You have also contributed a lot with your research and use of other healing modalities. You are also helping many others by sharing your herbal knowledge and successes!It is a pleasure to have you “on my team”!

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