Q&A – Scleroderma, Dermatomyositis


I have been recently diagnosed with scleroderma and dermatomyositis. I have been trying to control my symptoms with diet, but the Drs are now telling me that my heart is being damaged from the muscle disease and I have to start taking some extremely strong medication which has a side effect of causing cancer. I, of course, do not want to go that route so I am wondering if you have any suggestions that might help.
Thank you for your time. CJ



Dear CJ,
Sorry to hear about your health challenges. What the docs have to offer is totally unacceptable – choose between heart damage or cancer? No thank you!

There ARE safer and better options. For something this complex, a free 10 minutes or quick email will not likely be of much benefit, but if you send your phone number, I will contact you to see what we can do.  After that it is $1 per  minute, minimum $25. We offer these reasonable fees, as we feel good health should be accessible to everyone.

I will also email you a questionnaire to complete before our 10 mins. and you can either email it back to me, or give me the totals when we speak.

Both of these conditions, in fact most dis-ease, including cancer,  involve inflammation and immunity. This is well explained in my book. It is packed with easy to understand life style suggestions including diet, food choices, pH, recipes, exercise, emotional health and stress, so this could be an invaluable aid to help you  “work with diet”. You can read about it and order on this Paw Paw Program page.

The one general suggestion I would make for inflammation and immunity that helps SO MANY conditions is Zambroza (Canada)and Thai Go (US). With 13 herbs blended for maximum effectiveness, many people get very quick results with many conditions including those you have, fibromyalgia, arthritis, MS and cancer. Please let me know if you would like to try two months of this, as I know you would feel the difference. We can discuss getting this for you at the best price once you email your phone number and we talk.

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