Category Archives: Questions and Answers

Health questions answered by Lorene Benoit.

Q & A : Porphyria cutanea tarda

I have been diagnosed with Porphyria cutanea tarda. My father and brother had the same thing. I went to hospital today and had 3 ltrs of blood removed from my body. This procedure will take place every 2 weeks.  My body lacks the ability to rid itself of iron.  When sores appeared they got infected with staph, which thanks to your and Helga’s help I cleared up with Oregon Grape.  So I was misdiagnosed from beginning. They feel that menopause  along with me using tanning booth all summer awakened this condition. I had 10 times normal iron levels in my blood.
I have never been to tanning salon before and must say I will NEVER again. thankfully my liver was only mildly inflamed.
Can you recommend a good liver cleanse?

No words can thank you for all your help.



An excellent liver cleanse is the Tiao He Pak – Tiao He, means Balance and Harmony in Chinese. This  is a whole body cleanse that also addresses bowels, lymphatic and kidneys – all systems that need to be eliminating to help the liver function better.

As your condition is excess iron, you may want to consider the Heavy Metal Detox formula for 2-3 months after. As you are probably getting iron levels monitored regularly,  you will be able to see empirical improvement, and even more important feel improvement.  In addition to, or after this,  Milk Thistle Standardized Extract– 1 or 2 per day will be a good liver support overall.

The Oregon Grape that was so successful for your staph infection is also an excellent aid for liver, skin and digestion. It is a good one to keep on hand, should any skin condition flare up in future.

Other helpful information concerning your liver can be found on our previous blog:

Genral healthful tips, including diet, exercise, pH balancing, some recipes can all be found in my book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

Your condition is chemically complex, as all minerals have interactions and protagonist actions with each other, and rather than picking apart what is and is not functioning in the liver, anlayzing what pathways and chemical reactions are or are not working, the natural approach is to nourish and support the liver. IT knows what to do, and given the proper support, it will do it. The fact that this is genetically inherited should not dissuade you from healing it, as biogenomics science is showing that environment is much more powerful than genetics. This means YOU have the ability to change your past and your future!

Nature’s Sunshine has many liver aids, so please keep in touch so we can help you find the best ones for you.

Q & A: Excess Uterine Bleeding


A  lady I am going to see  has dysfunctional uterine bleeding. I am going to suggest women’s formula and give her some education about this before she goes and has a hysterectomy. Do you have any extra advice? I feel like this type of topic will be very reoccurring.  MF from NS

You’re right – hysterectomy is a huge topic. Dr. Christine Northrup states that 1 in 3 North American women have hysterectomies by age 60! That is an appalling number, with up to half  of these removals being unnecessary; one of the crimes of our North American society. In some cases it may be necessary, but this is not a decision to be taken lightly, as the after effects of this surgery for many women can be worse than the problems that led to the surgery. In my clinical practice, I have saved a few uteruses from unnecessary removal.

For dysfunctional uterine bleeding, do you mean menorrhagia, or excess bleeding? If so, then yes Woman’s Formula is a good start. I would also add LIV-C as in Traditional  Chinese Medicine, Liver – as part of the Wood element, controls the flow of blood. As this is excessive flow, LIV-C is the excess/yang formula to bring balance and harmony. In fact, the name of the formula in Chinese is TIAO He, translating as “Balance and Harmony”.

It is also important to determine what is the cause of the bleeding – have fibroids been diagnosed? I am glad you mentioned about educating her first. The emotional pillar is a very important  when considering reproductive and menopausal issues. For example, fibroids indicate stagnation or blockage (again Chinese), and one needs to look where there may be stagnation in life.

All of the four pillars of health need to be considered, as suggested in my book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.  I am not in any way suggesting cancer –  all recommendations for treatingcancerare the same as those for optimum health, and I cover these extensively in the book.

If she is peri-menopausal, she probably is estrogen dominant, and may need more progesterone to balance, then you may consider Wild Yam/Chaste formula. But I would start with Woman’s Formula and LIV-C, then evaluate after 2-4 weeks. With herbs one will often see improvement within the week when you choose the correct formulations. And if no immediate improvement is noticed, you will still be adding nutrition that the body needs.



Q& A: Prostate CA, Paw Paw, Vit. C & Selenium

Added info: Jan, 2025: at end of the Q&A


Good Day,   I recently started Paw Paw after reviewing the research. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2008, had a prostatectomy, but my psa is rising this summer. It is currently at 16.5.

I have altered my diet eliminating sugar, relying on proteins and greens and taking other supplements. I feel great but here is my question…
Some prostate cancer formulas (e.g. prosticaid) contain vitamin C and selenium which appear to be a no-no for integration with paw paw. Do you have any experience with this or any opinion?
Thank you for your time and all the work you contribute on this subject.
PP, Ph.D, Clinical Psychologist, CA


In our opinion, there is no problem with Vit. C 500 mg. /day or less, nor with the recommended daily dosage, 50mcg. Selenium. Very high dosages of some anti-oxidants will interfere with the ATP inhibitory action of Paw Paw, which is why they are counter-indicated. We realize  some websites list others, but often do not provide research to back their statements. Our proof is from our successes with clients.
A supporting product that many men use with Prostate Cancer is Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens)Concentrate , which has no Vit. C, Selenium or other counter-indicated actions with Paw Paw, yet offers excellent nutrition  for the prostate. Many men over 40 years of age also use Men’s Formula, which also contains Gingko and Nettle, for ongoing prostate support and prevention.
If you do not already have it, Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally contains many answers and explanations at to why the program works, as well as case studies, research, recipes and more. You can order via an email, or on the above link.

For further information on health products we have worked with professionally since 1985,  or If we can be of more assistance, please contact our office to set up a private consultation.



Covid has helped a lot of people realize that the medical “professionals” are not to be trusted without question! Research into the PCR tests show us that they  inaccurate, were primarily a huge money maker, plus a fear mongering tactic.

My article from 2013 ago warned about Mammograms, PSA and other screening tests.  The PSA , Prostate Specific Antigen, has been questionable since the 1990’s. This particular article presents compelling research into why.

Prostate Cancer: Over-Testing and Over-Treatment

Q & A: Thyroid Cancer and Paw Paw Program


I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and am having surgery in September, 2012.
I will be getting my whole thyroid removed. The doctor told me I will be on synthroid for the rest of my life. I would like to know what I have to take for herbal meds to make me feel normal and healthy again. I am 49 year old weight is 159 lbs.  I believe I am a healthy person as my medical report came back as very good. Except for the cancer. I will be going for radiation as well in about 6 weeks time. Please help me get my mental health, physical health and spiritial health back on track. I have read the book (Paw Paw, the Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer) which I found very interesting and informative. Thank You!!! So my questions are:
1) what and when can I take the Paw Paw program after my surgery. What should I take for my cancer after surgery and before and after the dreaded radiation? I don’t want this cancer to flare up elsewhere in my body.
2) Do I take anything with and when I have radiation?
3) Are any of the herbal meds going to affect my thyroid medication?
4) Where I live fresh or organic fruits and vegetables are very hard to get. Our closest city is 3 hours away.
5) I was taking curcumin 95% 2 x 2 a day. and also taking 1 tbsp of Vital greens 1 x day. I stopped taking them 7 days before my surgery. The doctors told me to go off all medication prior to surgery.
Please help me with this health issue that took over my body, mind, and spirit:
Thank You very much and can’t wait to hear from you!
( GW from CA)


1) Post-surgery: You can start taking the Paw Paw as soon as you are eating after surgery. Follow the recommendations in the book to continue to destroy any cancer cells AND to prevent cancer flare up elsewhere. Certainly post surgery, taking high levels of anti-oxidant immune boosting herbs, such as Zambroza, called Thai Go in the U.S., speed recovery. Also be sure to get your bowels moving within 12-24 hours. If needed, herbal supplements such as LB are very safe and effective, much more so than chemical formulations like Senekot, generally used in hospitals. Both the above are liquid, and can be started as soon as one is able to consume any liquids.

2)  Please determine your need for radiation  by asking the ” Questions to Ask Your Doctor” in my book. Other than the fact that this is probably ‘accepted medical protocol’, how can they determine you will definitely need radiation until they have completed the surgery? Perhaps the surgery will be completely effective, and they are only do this as a prophylactic (preventative) measure, which is very questionable.  Please ask the questions first, as this will determine your long term health outcome. If you do decide to have radiation, then yes, I would continue the Paw Paw program. In addition, there are some natural aids to lessen the side effects of radiation. We could set up a phone consultation to discuss this before you make your decisions.

3) No, none of the herbs in the basic Paw Paw Program will affect your thyroid medication, synthroid.

4) One has to do the best that one can with what is available. Again, we can cover some of this in a phone consult, as I may have some suggestions, such as sprouting to obtain organic greens, no matter where you live, sources to get you set up to accomplish this easily.

5) Pre-surgery: Most doctors do ask people to stop all supplements before surgery, as a few such as higher dosage Vit. C , Gingko Biloba, Red Clover, may thin the blood and there is a concern of excess bleeding. As herbs and supplements are not their area of expertise, they feel safer and save time doing research by requesting stopping of ALL.  Some say 24 hours ahead, some say 3 days, yours is being very cautious with 7 days.

Get a good night’s sleep pre-surgery and visualize a positive outcome! Imagine yourself coming out of surgery with a great report that all was successful.

We look forward to answering any more specific questions on an individual basis. Contact our office at 250-748-6802 to arrange a time.

Vaccination Research, Websites and Books

updated Nov. 2020

Excellent References:

Vaccine Choice Canada (formerly Vaccination Risk Awareness Network).  Excellent articles, vaccine schedules, ingredients, and links to science based facts; this organization is dedicated to research. Those who do research, want CHOICE. They are worth joining!

Think Twice has stories and articles to help parents make choice to vaccinate or not.   and

VacLib provides extensive research  plus  links to forms for avoiding vaccinations.

Dr. Tenpenny’s lecture on Vaccines 101 for The Wellness Way, Feb.2018 was still available, as of Nov. 2020, but removed during Covid truth censorship.   She explains safety, effectiveness, trials, ingredients, and a few financial facts which help us understand WHY: 

  • vaccine business increased from $5 to $54 BILLION in 16 years
  • vaccines used as  a”lost leader” to get people into the trillion dollar drug business required for treating vaccine side effects, including auto immune diseases,(PMR,CFS,MS, etc.) asthma, allergies, ADD, excema, ear infections, diabetes
  • Vaccine makers are exempt from lawsuits since they lobbied to have this law passed in 1986. However, by 2017 U.S. taxpayers have paid damages of $ 3.2 Billion in vaccine injury claims, which is estimated to be less than 10% of actual injuries.

Unfortunately chart with CDC statistics, showing ineffectiveness of vaccines, and how all diseases including Polio, decreased BEFORE vaccines, has been removed.

National Vaccine  Information Center – one of largest groups in North America with excellent charts to see  mercury, formaldehyde, antibiotics, MSG amounts in each vaccine.  Sorry, this site  has also been taken down by covid censorship.

Vaccine inserts information, statistics re: vaccinated children having up to  500% MORE disease, theory.

Dr. Mercola – Barbara Fisher Loe interview  13 minute video outlines challenges with children’s health due to increased vaccination.  – sorry –  during Cov censorship, YOU Tube removed most videos designed to teach parents about vaccine truths. You can search these experts online as they continually seek other ways to disseminate the truth.

Canadians for Health Freedom: their site for flu vaccines side effects reporting. Sorry – this site has also been shut down, making it more difficult to report Adverse Vaccine effects.

One can still report directly to Canadian Govt: Report a Side Effect, as many doctors will not. This can be for vaccines, drugs, and medical devices. 

Vaccine Safety Website – Dr. B. Classen. Peer reviews – another website censored! Getting medical truth from those NOT paid bu govt. is  tricky, since Covid.


Good Reference Books:

The Medical Mafia by Dr. Guylaine Lanctot

Vaccinations, Are they Really Safe and Effective? Emerging Viruses- Dr. Horowitz

A Shot in the Dark- Coulter and Fisher

Vaccinations, Behavioural Problems I Childhood – Dr. Viera Scheibner

Immunization – The Reality Behind the Myth by Walene James

Vaccinations: Are They Really Safe and Effective? by Neil Z. Miller

Universal Immunization-Medical Miracle or Masterful Mirage? Dr. R. Obomsawin

Vaccinations – 100 Years of Orthodox Research Shows That Vaccinations Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System by Dr. Viera Scheibner

Just a Little Prick by Hilary Butler

Vaccinations and Immunization Issues”  76 page cerlox bound Booklet compiling articles from many doctors, parents and Vaccination research groups, $12. to order contact:

Benoit&Health Associates,, or

There are many healthful ways to build and challenge the immune system naturally, rather than poisoning it by injecting toxins directly into the bloodstream, which ultimately weakens the body. Please see other posts on this blog, or contact the author of the The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally



Q & A – Natural Treatment for diarrhea


Hi Lorene, I took part in your annual herbal course last year – I attended with my good friend P.H. – it was a lot of fun and we learned so much from you!!  I think I remember you talking about something natural, I’m pretty sure it was an herb, that works really well for diarrhea, perhaps it was a Nature’s Sunshine product, but I can’t recall what it was. As my son is preparing for a trip to Cuba next week, taking with him herbs for digestion and parasites, I was hoping you might be able to help me come up with something he could take with him, just in case. I truly appreciate any help at all you can give me, Lorene!!

Warm regards, Lila


Three natural products we always take when traveling are Slippery Elm, Psyllium Hulls Combination and Activated Charcoal. The Slippery Elm and Psyllium Hulls Combination will work for both diarrhea and constipation, depending on how much water you take them with. They are healing and soothing to the intestinal tract, and help absorb excess liquid.
The Activated Charcoal, which is only available in the US and Mexico, is highly absorbent, so has been used for ages to help with chemical poisoning (as in drug overdoses), severe diarrhea, food poisoning and for severe gas, cramping or  bloating.
Both Slippery Elm and Charcoal may also be used topically as a poultice to help pull the meanness out of insect and spider bites.

Q&A: Vaginal Infections


 I have a question about the silver sol usage for vaginal yeast infection problems and would like to know how to use silver sol  and how much it will cost on a monthly base. We much appreciate your time. KG


Yes, Silver Gel has been used successfully for vaginal infections, as research has shown that Silver Gel can kill candida albicans, as well as hundreds of other bacteria  including streptococcus, staphylococcus, salmonella, plus viruses such as Influenza A and Hepatitis B.

Two ways to treat the vaginal infection are: insert the Liquid Silver Guard, about 2 ounces and hold for 12 minutes. Or apply to Silver Gel to a natural fiber tampon and insert into the vagina. The Gel may also be applied with a vaginal syringe, or if you do not have this a squeeze bottle or anything clean with no sharp surfaces. Using a finger may also have some results, although it is best if approximately 1/2 tsp. can be inserted once or twice per day.

To answer your question on cost, this would depend on what country you are in, whether you are a member, and how many Silver Gel tubes you purchase at once. I would estimate that 1 tube would last one month, using 1 tsp. per day. It would definitely be less expensive than any prescription drug, which in our opinion does not work as effectively and frequently causes side effects.

If a person is sexually active, the partner should be treating for Candida as well, or re-infection may occur. In addition follow lifestyle and dietary suggestions,such as those recommended  in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

Refer to a previous article on Candida to understand more about underlying conditions, causes, symptoms and diet.

If you want to order Silver Gel or Silver Guard, at discount prices direct to your home, please contact our office at 250-748-6802 or email: If you prefer to order online at, select country of your choice and use sponsor #309344 to open your own account and receive a discount. There is no charge for membership with an order and no obligations.



BI POLAR Natural Aids

Links for products change, and new products for conditions are developed , so please contact the author for assistance, or to order.

We have a friend recently diagnosed with Bi-Polar and he wants
to heal it the natural way… I am researching it for him as I’d like
to see him go that way instead of with what the doctor wants him to take.
Any info you could share would be most appreciated, thank you! DL


Many respected medical doctors have used proper nutrition to treat emotional and psychological conditions, as well as physical. From Dr. Linus Pauling, nobel prize winner, to Dr. Abram Hoffer (co-authors of the extensive book OrthoMolecular Medicine) are just two of many. OrthoMolecular Medicine  means using vitamins and minerals in therapeutic dosages. Dr. Abram Hoffer was medical advisor of a Mental Institution in Saskatchewan and had far better results treating schizophrenic patients with nutrition than drugs. He also had promising results with cancer patients using a nutritional protocol. Besides being an acclaimed author and running a busy medical, practice Dr. Hoffer lectured internationally for many years, to Medical practitioners and students, so it is surprising to hear some doctors say, “ nutrition is not proven or researched”.


Researchers do not definitively understand some conditions, such as Bipolar. Theories range considerably, with no proven hypotheses. A shortage of lithium in the brain is one, just as a shortage of serotonin has been hypothesized to cause depression. More recent research throws considerable doubt on both of these theories.  A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry  from U. Michigan, 2000, reports “in those with bipolar disorder, two major areas of the brain contain 30 percent more cells that send signals to other brain cells.” This report theorizes that “the extra signal-sending cells may lead to a kind of over-stimulation, which makes sense considering the symptoms of bipolar disorder”. Researchers are quite certain that the neurotransmitter system is at least part of the cause of bipolar disorder, but further research is still needed to define its exact role.


Most scientists concur that  psychological disorders are usually caused by multiple interacting  factors,  including biological, (heredity or genetic tendency) and psychological.  One of the best researched current explanations is  the “Diathesis-Stress Model.” The word diathesis means, in simplified terms, a bodily condition that make a person more than usually susceptible to certain diseases. Thus the Diathesis-Stress Model says that “each person inherits certain physical predispositions that leave him or her vulnerable to problems that may or may not appear, depending on what kinds of situations that person confronts” (Bernstein et al., 2000). Durand and Barlow define this model as a “hypothesis that both an inherited tendency and specific stressful conditions are required to produce a disorder” (2000).

A manic or depressive incidence is usually triggered by a stressful life event or issues in the person’s environment. This may include the loss of something or someone, a loved one, job, home; to any change such as the birth of a child, a new job or home, a move, or threatening life situations. Remember that what is a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual stressor to one person may not be to another.  Once the disorder is triggered and progresses, “it seems to develop a life of its own. Once the cycle begins, a psychological or pathophysiological process takes over and ensures that the disorder will continue” (Durand & Barlow, 2000).

We know that stress can be approached naturally via the Four Pillars of Health as described in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program. To briefly outline,  the four pillars are listed below, with some specifics relating to BiPolar:
  • DIET: superior nutrition through improved diet, much like that recommended in the book. A diet that is beneficial for treatment and prevention of cancer is the same diet that helps improve everyone’s overall health.
  • EMOTIONAL HEALTH: especially stress reduction techniques, including meditation, yoga, relaxation, energy clearing,  counselling
  • EXERCISE:  to stimulate our “feel good” neurotransmitters, chemicals and hormones
  • HERBS and SUPPLEMENTS: some that we have had positive experience with for bipolar are:


Daily Maintenance suggestions:
Stress Formula  or  Nervous Support Pak (US) – includes B vitamins, relaxing nervine herbs, or
Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic – to help regulate Chi or energy flow, plus providing trace mineral nutrition
Super Omega 3‘s to support the nervous system – at


In times of Manic or Depressive phases, add:
STR-C – (STRess Chinese)  a Chinese constitutional formula that calms an agitated mind – this one specifically to help calm a manic phase
AD-C – (AntiDepressant Chinese) A Chinese constitutional formula that clears stagnant Chi to help relieve depression


Therapeutic essential oils of  Ylang ylang, Rose Geranium, and Lemon have also been used as an effective aids.


As people with this condition can be helped with natural supplementation,  this is preferable to drug treatment, as all drugs have toxic side effects.  Besides the drug negative effects, many do not address the underlying causes, exacerbate the condition and may cause complications due to their addictive nature. In a crisis, if drugs are required, work at bringing the body back into balance for long term health.


For more information, personal consultations, or to order any of the above products to your home contact Benoit & Associates Health Education at or 250-748-6802.


Water – How Much To Drink?


There has been a lot of contr0versy about how much water a person needs to drink daily. What is your opinion?

JV, from AZ


How much water you should drink every day?

A recent National newscast stated that we did not need to drink water unless we are thirsty, but the problem is that many people do not recognize thirst and mistake it for hunger.  On this show some medical doctor stated we get enough in our fruits and vegetables. But other Doctors, such as Dr. Batamanghelidj, author of Your Body’s Many Cries for Water,  state otherwise. Macrobiotic theory does not promote excess water drinking. Their diet is well balanced in yin and yang, with adjustments for where they live, what season, consists of many more vegetables than a  Standard American Diet (SAD) and does not have excess yin and yang of sugar salt and coffee. From my clinical experience, many diets are deficient in fruits and vegetables. So obviously how much water is a controversial subject!

What I advise my clients is to divide their body weight in pounds by 1/2 and that equals the number of ounces of water needed per day. For example for a 150 lb. person  divided by 2 = 75 oz. per day. This is just a  guideline figure to be adjusted to suit you. Adjust according to YOUR level of activity, temperature, age and your diet. Pay attention to your body, keep in mind the  9 points below,  know the signs of dehydration and listen to your body!

 The Importance of Water

#1.    75% of North Americans are chronically dehydrated. (Likely applies to half the world population)

#2.    In 37% of North Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is mistaken for hunger.

#3.    Even MILD dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism as 3%. Water is necessary for digestion, circulation, hormonal reproduction, elimination, brain electrical activity, in fact most metabolic processes necessary for life.

#4.    One glass of water shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University  of Washington study.

#5.    Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue. Confusion, headaches and fuzzy thinking may be relieved by a glass of water.

#6.    Some research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. This amount of course should depend on a number of factors I list above.

#7.    A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.

#8.    Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

#9.     In people over age 50, the body’s thirst sensation diminishes and continues diminishing with age. Many senior citizens suffer symptoms of dehydration, which can affect thinking and moods.


This article is also in Benoit & Associates June, 2012 Health Newsletter.


Q&A Natural Laxatives – a good solution


Do you have something I can take every day instead of the laxatives I am on? I have been diagnosed with a tortuous bowl, and can not go without laxatives, I am taking senna, or senokot as it’s called, seems I have to wait months for more testing. Let me know………………cheers



Thank for contacting us with this question. Yes, There are a couple of herbal formulations that would be more effective than senekot, and would also offer longer term  healing. The challenge with senekot is that it is a synthetic compilation of a natural herb called senna. Unfortunately the other additions are all mostly toxic: D&C Yellow No. 10 Aluminum Lake, FD&C Yellow No. 6 Aluminum Lake, lecithin, polyethylene glycol, polyvinyl alcohol, talc, and titanium dioxide.

I would encourage you to look at the full fact sheets on these two herbal combinations, LBS II and BWL BLD (stands for Bowel Build) , then   make a choice. Either will help; the LBS might be better to get things moving if constipation is a problem; the BWL BLD can be better if there is alternating constipation and diarrhea. There is also one very similar to LBS, which is in Liquid extract form LB. Nature’s Sunshine has about 20 formulas to help the bowel function better, so keep in touch until we get the best plan for you. Call our office to order any of these!

For any chronic condition, you will want to follow lifestyle recommendations concerning diet, adequate water intake, exercise and emotions, as explained in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally