Category Archives: Questions and Answers

Health questions answered by Lorene Benoit.

Q&A – Scleroderma, Dermatomyositis


I have been recently diagnosed with scleroderma and dermatomyositis. I have been trying to control my symptoms with diet, but the Drs are now telling me that my heart is being damaged from the muscle disease and I have to start taking some extremely strong medication which has a side effect of causing cancer. I, of course, do not want to go that route so I am wondering if you have any suggestions that might help.
Thank you for your time. CJ



Dear CJ,
Sorry to hear about your health challenges. What the docs have to offer is totally unacceptable – choose between heart damage or cancer? No thank you!

There ARE safer and better options. For something this complex, a free 10 minutes or quick email will not likely be of much benefit, but if you send your phone number, I will contact you to see what we can do.  After that it is $1 per  minute, minimum $25. We offer these reasonable fees, as we feel good health should be accessible to everyone.

I will also email you a questionnaire to complete before our 10 mins. and you can either email it back to me, or give me the totals when we speak.

Both of these conditions, in fact most dis-ease, including cancer,  involve inflammation and immunity. This is well explained in my book. It is packed with easy to understand life style suggestions including diet, food choices, pH, recipes, exercise, emotional health and stress, so this could be an invaluable aid to help you  “work with diet”. You can read about it and order on this Paw Paw Program page.

The one general suggestion I would make for inflammation and immunity that helps SO MANY conditions is Zambroza (Canada)and Thai Go (US). With 13 herbs blended for maximum effectiveness, many people get very quick results with many conditions including those you have, fibromyalgia, arthritis, MS and cancer. Please let me know if you would like to try two months of this, as I know you would feel the difference. We can discuss getting this for you at the best price once you email your phone number and we talk.

Q&A: Hepatitis C


What would you suggest a person take for Hep C?  My husband  was diagnosed 6 years ago.  We’ve done well with our program, however the Doc still wants him to do the Interferon to kill the Hep C Virus. He did 2 Tiao He cleanses in December, then a Candida cleanse, then a Bod E Cleanse.  His blood work that just came back was the best ever! Took a month to build, then another Tiao He, and now another Bod E Klenz. When he’s not cleansing he takes Concentrated Milk Thistle Extract, Maca, Greenzone, Omega Oils, Probiotics, Mineral Chi, Liquid Chlorophyl and various other things as needed. Just wondering what might kill the Hep C Virus??  submitted by DS, BC.
HRP-C and/or LYM-X  and ???


I think your husband is doing an excellent program! It is a general rule of thumb that any cleansing should be balanced by double of building, toning. So doing a 10-15 day Tiao He Cleanse,(US),  followed by a builder such as Milk Thistle Time Release Concentrate  (US & CA) for double the length of time is smart.
Dieter’s Cleanse (US) is safe to take longer term as it already has the 2:1 ration of build and cleanse built into the 30 day package. It is NOT just for dieting, as it is an excellent whole body cleanse and build program. If one needs to lose weight you will; if you don’t carry excess weight, you just lose toxins.

For Canadians contact the author to order the above two US cleanses, or for an excellent whole body cleanse which can be tailored to suit you.

Two other packaged cleanses available in both US and Canada (and many other countries) are Candida Clear (US & CA) and Para Pak (CA)/ Para Cleanse (US).
HRP-C  (called VS-C in US) is an excellent Chinese combination that can be taken to strengthen and balance the immune system, while helping the liver to detoxify. It was created by a Chinese medical doctor specifically for viruses, so is an excellent choice for ongoing maintenance of hepatitis, shingles, herpes, AIDS and Mononucleosis to name a few.

 I would think very carefully before undergoing interferon treatment, as the toxic side effects can be devastating. Remember what is supposed to be the medical maxim: DO NO HARM. I would add to this, “why fix it if it isn’t broken?” Sometimes doctors feel a need to prescribe treatment, even when someone is well, as they are not trained to understand how people can heal themselves naturally.
Lastly, I would make sure that in addition to using this excellent herbal program, you are both following the extensive dietary and lifestyle recommendations given in Lorene’s book: The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

The easy to read explanations help people understand how to eat better, why it is critical to eliminate sugar, pH balance, stress and emotions, and exercise. All the four pillars of health are covered  that are so critical to optimum health and prevention of all chronic conditions and diseases.
Keep up the progress and keep us posted. It is always encouraging to see people taking positive steps for their better health and life!

Q&A: Menopause, Peri-menopause, FSH


Hello. I am a healthy female & will be 52 this June. my FSH level is 104 & have not had a period since Sept. Is this considered post-menopause? Thank you. MC



FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland,  to prepare female ovarian cells for fertilization. In men, FSH stimulates sperm division.  Secretion of all our hormones is based on complex interactions, so  FSH levels are connected with progesterone,  estrogen (primarily estradiol) , LH (Lutenizing Hormone) , Inhibin B, and GnRH (Growth Regulating Hormone).

If you were younger and these levels were this high, it could be an indication of infertility or other challenges.  At age 52  it is normal  for FSH to increase, as we are coming to the end of child bearing years.

Ranges are:

  • Women who are menstruating: 4.7 – 21.5 mIU/ml
  • Postmenopausal: 25.8 – 134.8 mIU/ml

You are more likely still in the stage called peri-menopause, as it has only been 4 months since your last period. Post menopause  generally means  menstruation has ceased for more than one year.

During peri-menopause, hormone levels, menstruation, hot flashes and moods may vary considerably. The better health you are in overall, the less you will be affected.

My website blog has several articles on Hormonal Health, which could benefit you as you begin this news stage of life. General healthful lifestyle recommendations are also covered in detail in my book:

The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.  Extensive dietary recommendations and some recipes  are given to help people understand how to eat better.  Eliminating sugar,  is critical to optimum health and prevention of all chronic conditions, diseases. These recommendations, with particular attention to keeping the liver and glandular system healthy will help ensure an easy menopause.

Many women are helped by a combination of herbs known as Women’s Formula. There are several formulas; some women prefer the Wild Yam and Chaste Tree combination, but there is ALWAYS something that works!

Please contact us if you are interested in obtaining any of the above. We encourage people to use the same quality herbs we have used  for 24 years in our consulting office. Thanks for contacting us!

Q & A: Cancer of bladder recurring and prevention


Paw Paw and its effects on bladder cancer: I have just started taking Paw Paw Cell Reg after being diagnosed with high-grade bladder cancer. Am not able to find much on the internet about its uses with Bladder CA. I was diagnosed with lung cancer 5 years ago, treated with chemo and radiation, and took graviola.

Tumor shrunk in 4 months from the size of a grapefruit to 2.9 cms. Continued the use of graviola for a year after with no recurrence. Now I have a second type of cancer. The small tumor I had in my bladder was removed 3 weeks ago, but I’m being told there are frequent recurrences with this disease, sometimes by muscle-invasive tumors, which would mean removal of the bladder.
I’m hoping to kill the cancer cells before recurrence with the held of Paw Paw. Do you know how soon Paw Paw actually begins to work or show effectiveness? As of now I have no tumors to shrink… just cells to kill.
My next question still is… since bladder cancer can be a lifetime recurring cancer, how do you know when it’s okay to stop taking it? McLaughlin says he doesn’t recommend using it as a maintenance, but more like an antibiotic… am also wondering if there is any possibility cells can also develop an MDR to Paw Paw with long term use.
Thanks very much for any help.                                  Doug M


Unfortunately we see this often – cancer treated with any or all of the BIG 3, especially chemo, then another cancer appears down the road. Whether it has been caused by the toxicity of the first treatment, or is just a reflection that the immune system is not keeping on top of daily cell metabolism, is a moot point. This clearly emphasizes the importance of looking at balancing the entire body to prevent recurrence.

Paw Paw can work quickly – some have noticed a difference in energy levels within several days, for others it can take a month. However, if graviola worked in the past for you, then I suspect Paw Paw will work even better, as it is much more effective.

You are smart to keep on top of this to prevent any further tumor growth. As you are using Paw Paw Cell Reg (US name), this IS the correct species and reparation that has undergone all the research, and had the results.

You also need to look at other aspects of your lifestyle which may be allowing the recurrence. These are all explained in my book, The Paw Paw Program, as we find a person has much more success when they do more than just take herbs, even quality ones Like Paw Paw.

I would appreciate knowing from who you are purchasing the Paw Paw Cell Reg – this IS the correct, tested brand. This is the person who should be answering any future your questions, as part of the policy with Nature’s Sunshine Products is Quality, SERVICE and Integrity. If you are purchasing off Amazon, you are not going to get service.

For any future orders, please contact our office directly, then we can also support you, as well as ensuring you get it at direct cost from the NSP Company. (This person has since ordered the book and become one of our members for direct ordering and discount.)

To answer your second question, “when it’s okay to stop taking it?”,  I will ask you one back: what tests are your doctors using to decide whether you have cancer, whether you need chemo, or how your progress is doing? I would use these parameters, PLUS, even more importantly, HOW DO YOU FEEL? There is no problem taking Paw Paw until all symptoms are gone and you get a clear bill of health. My book addresses how to take for further prevention or re-occurance.

The lifestyle suggestions in my book are also designed to help you achieve and maintain optimum health and prevent other chronic conditions.

As far as dosage, the book explains that if you can split dosage every 6 hours, this is even more effective.

And no, in over 30 years there is no research to suggest cancer cells become  MDR resistant to Paw Paw, as it is not toxic like chemotherapy; it just interrupts ATP production, DNA and RNA replication.

Q&A: Paw Paw and Contra-Indicated Medications and Supplements


Can you take the paw paw if you are taking thyroid medicine?  Pat L.


I do not focus on a lot of contraindications for the Paw Paw program. And, to be clear, I refer to the only to the Asimina triloba species of Paw Paw, as this is the plant with the research and results.  There are some websites which list herbs one must not take with Paw Paw. These websites do not return emails or calls requesting research or even  explanations for their statements. If they do not or cannot back up their statements with research, I don’t pay much attention.

As mentioned in my book,  The Paw Paw Program, thyroid “stimulators” are not recommended when following a program using Paw Paw. This may be based on statements similar to one by Dr. Duarte, October, 2008: “You shouldn’t take thyroid stimulators as well, things like 7-Keto or DHEA. These tend to stimulate thyroxin production.”

Understanding the mechanism of action of Paw Paw, we do not want to intentionally stimulate the thyroid when on the Paw Paw program.

HOWEVER, if someone is taking synthroid,  natural porcine thyroid prescription, or a herbal supplement for hypothyroidism, they need to stay on this, to help maintain  normal thyroid function critical for overall health, so one cannot just stop. If the thyroid is removed or destroyed by radioactive treatments, some form of thyroid supplementation is essential for life. This is different than taking high doses of thyroid stimulating herbs, when not needed.

Even if one is taking these thyroid medications or herbs, the benefits from the Paw Paw program still outweigh other options, such as toxic chemotherapy.

Most other supplements are fine, but please be sure to do FIRST the basic 4 as listed in the program in Benoit’s book, rather than too many others that may not enhance the overall effect. Once one is comfortable with the basic 4 components of the program, Paw Paw, Minerals, Omegas and Enzymes, then other herbs may be added to increase overall immunity or to address specific concerns and to ensure optimal functioning of all body systems. Some of those most recommended are in a past article Paw Paw Program Upgrade. Two of these include, Essiac Tea Concentrate and Pau D’Arco. Remember, cancer is not just a lump or tumor;  it is a reflection of the overall health of the entire body functioning as a unit, with optimization of the immune system.

UPDATE 2018:

You may also want to read Can I Take? (with Paw Paw). 

Please contact our office if you would like to order Paw Paw or other health supplements. Besides the best price,  we offer a direct account with discount and our support and personalized service.

Buying “Paw Paw Cell Reg” from Amazon is NOT advisable under ANY circumstances–even if it appears to be the same product. We have heard reports of tampered product, outdated product, or even fake product. In the words of one communication from the manufacturer–when you buy from Amazon, Ebay, and the like, you are essentially buying from an electronic yard sale.


Q&A: Malaria pills/vaccine – safe alternatives?


Hi Lorene,

My sister and I are taking off to the Pacific side of Costa Rica in January and we’re trying to make a decision whether or not to get the Malaria pill treatment/vaccine. We both really don’t want to go that route, but because of the severity of Malaria and the fact that it isn’t always curable, we need to either make that choice or know our other options. I thought you’d be the perfect person to ask if you have any informational references, websites, or personal experience you could share, as we would always prefer to go the natural route. If you have a moment, any information would be very much appreciated.

Hope you are well and life is bountiful… my Mom says hello Thanks for your time.


Glad that you are questioning. I have several Vaccination articles, all of which you can read on Vaccine archives: .

From my 30 years of research into vaccines, I have never been convinced that their effectiveness outweighs their possible side effects.

In this article,, you will see what we use as safe alternatives to vaccines. We usually take HRP-C and or Olive Leaf extract with us, and always Silver Gel.

On a personal level, we have never done vaccines, even when traveling extensively in Costa Rica, Thailand, Bali, Fiji. We keep our immune system healthy, and carry a herbal first aid kit. As this does not appear to be on my website blog, I will email you this separately. Some people we know have done the malaria pills and got sick from them; said they would not do it again.

For Malaria, your best prevention is to not get bitten by mosquitoes, so screens on windows and/or bed nets are important, especially if you are in the jungle. Most well travelled, tourist areas spray to control.

A natural insect repellant, which you can make with Lavender and Tea Tree Oil in Aloe Vera Gel is good to have. It also doubles as healing for sunburns, cuts, rashes or other wounds.

For more research, this article lists many good websites:

If one of you is still concerned, there are also homeopathic Malaria “vaccines”, but we have never felt the need to use them; so if still concerned check them out – a better option, in my opinion, than medical vaccines. Hopes this helps!


Which part of the Paw Paw is best for rampant cell growth?


Hi there, I am thinking about ordering your book but before i do i have a question. Ive been doing some research on paw paw trees being a cancer cure and everything i found was talking about a certain type being the one that cures cancer. The type is the papaya located on the golden coast. I live in southern Illinois where the paw paw strain is asimina triloba. I was wondering if i took the stems and leaves and boiled them for two hours, then extract the liquid and drink it,would it have the same healing properties? To tell you the truth i am boiling the leaves as we speak as my father brought me the leaves today from the woods. Im a 24 year old male and to my knowledge i do not have cancer. However i am all about prevention. Please email me back, this is a subject that has kept me up night and day with frustration because i cant find the answers  I’m looking for. Thank you for your time and i look forward to your response, sincerely, eli.


Yes, Asimina triloba is the correct species of Paw Paw that has been shown scientifically to inhibit rampant cell growth. However there are many other factors involved that have been discovered in  over 30 years of research. From my book,  The Paw Paw Program, A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer, Dr. McLaughlin’s videos and the  links below, you will see that not only what part of the correct species is used in critical, as is what time of the year it is harvested and how it is processed. The end product is standardized and tested for efficacy, purity, potency and quality with equipment that very few herbal companies can afford; which is why we have used Nature’s Sunshine products in our health business more than 23 years. Please read these two past posts:

Paw Paw, Graviola and Cordyceps

The following chart is from Dr. Jerry McLaughlin’s research slides, showing what concentration in ppm is required from each plant part to achieve a lethal rate of 50% in brine shrimp assays.
Brine Shrimp Lethality and %  Yields from plant parts of Asimina triloba
Plant Part Extracted                 LC50 in ppm      % age yield
Twigs                                       0.042 (0.20-0.09)        1.78
Unripe fruit                               0.060 (0.03-0.08)       5.11
Root wood                                 0.060 (0.03-0.08)         1.27
Seed                                        0.065 (0.03-0.10)     4.03
Stem bark   (7-88 )                     0.077 (0.04-0.12)         2.71
Stem bark  (10-90)                      0.102 (0.06-0.15)          1.96
Root bark                                   0.135 (0.09-0.21)          2.72
Stem, wood, & leaves                 0.202 (0.14-0.31)          1.6
Stem wood                                   4.86 (0.37-11.93)          0.9
Leaves                                        53.6 (33-82)               4.36
From this chart you can see that the leaves require an average of 53.6 ppm to achieve the same effectiveness as only .042 ppm of the twig preparation. The bark of the twigs harvested at their peak, determined by testing, is also a very renewable source of biomass.
Graviola and soursop tea and fruit are fine foods, but have little of the active ingredients s that make Paw Paw, Asimina triloba effective in stopping reproduction of cancer cells.
And yes, I agree that taking Paw Paw as directed for  prevention is a good idea, especially for those with a genetic predisposition to cancer and those who have had previous cancers. Paw Paw is also a very effective anti-parasitical and as parasites are responsible for multiple health issues, a seasonal parasite cleanse is an excellent health regimen. In the US. Paw Paw is part of a 10 day Para Cleanse; in other countries, we often suggest the addition of Paw Paw to Para Pak.
We hope this answers your questions! Please contact our office to order either the Paw Paw Program book or Paw Paw. We can help you get the correct product at member prices, as well as offering support by answering questions such as these. Should you choose to purchase elsewhere, then please direct your questions to your supplier. This helps us to maintain exceptional service to our clients and members.

Q&A – Paw Paw vs Graviola, & Cordyceps


Some questions: can I take Paw Paw with Cordyceps Sinensis (1 cap per day bought from HTerra)? What about the recommended dose of Paw Paw per intake for a transplanted kidney patient? (had been 7 years on dialysis and then 8 years since the transplant).
The cholesterol is a bit high and taking Graviola 50 drops 4 times a day (200 drops per day of tincture), it was working pretty good reduction of 50% or more but had a regression (big inflammation of the neck). Can swallow without problem.

Thank you for your help. PZ


Cordyceps is good for the immune system, therefore I see no contra-indications to use with Paw Paw.  A US formula by NSP called Immune Stimulator contains Cordyceps, Reishi, Maitake and other immune strengthening factors and complements the Paw Paw Program as mentioned in my book:  The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

I cannot comment on the company you mentioned, as we have used Nature’s Sunshine Products the last 23 years because of their quality and the results we get. If you are using other products, please do your research; here are some things to check:   7 Tips to Choose Quality Herbs & Supplements.

I do not see a connection between cholesterol and graviola, as lowering cholesterol is not one of the properties for which this herb is known. Perhaps better diet is making positive changes in your cholesterol levels.

As for graviola effects on decreasing rampant cell growth, it is great that you have seen results. If the positive changes have stopped , please refer to this past article comparing Graviola (Brazilia Paw Paw) with Asimina triloba, the Paw Paw species that has had all the research. We recently were fortunate enough to host Dr. Jerry McLaughlin. He presented his thrity years of research, which clearly demonstrates how much more effective Asimina triloba Paw Paw is to Brazilian Paw Paw, or Graviola.

As the Paw Paw extract he developed is the one with all the research and results, this is the one we use. It comes in a capsule form, but for anyone who might have trouble swallowing it , the capsules can be opened and taken as a tea. We have even used it via feeding tube with success in late stage cases.

Concerning dialysis, as explained in my book, Paw Paw we use is self limiting, so take to level of discomfort, nausea or diarrhea and then decrease to comfortable level. Your body will guide you if you listen to it!

We hope this has answered all your questions. Please contact us directly via phone, 250-748-6802, or email,,  if you wish assistance in setting up a wholesale account with the same supplier we have used, or if you have further questions to be answered via a phone consultation.


Q&A – Recurring Bladder Infections

This was a response to a comment on a previous blog entry on Bladder Infections.  I felt this is a challenge that many women deal with, so deemed it important enough to address in more detail.


I was at my doctor and I have yet another infection (she didn’t say what it was but sending me to a bladder specialist).  I have been doubling up on my probiotics and taking the Cranberry Buchu for a couple of weeks now but still have it.  The doctor didn’t even offer antibiotics which totally surprised me.
Is there anything else I can try?  Its not a urine infection as there is no urge to pee and it doesn’t hurt or sting…it feels like really bad period cramps and it must be bladder or she wouldn’t be getting me to see the specialist.             CW


NOTE: Please contact Lorene directly if links do not work.

In our experience, Cranberry Buchu is excellent for PREVENTING bladder or urinary tract infections, as the Buchu makes the mucous membrane of urethra and bladder lining slippery, so bacteria cannot adhere, and the cranberry acidifies, which you need for the bladder.

I have a female client in her 80’s who suffered bladder infections regularly for over 50 years. Since she cleared up her infection, and takes 1-2 Cranberry Buchu capsules every day as a preventative, she has not had one in over 7 years, so for most people it works. She considers this WELL worth not getting the infections that plagued her for years.

However, I don’t feel this alone will get rid of infection once it is established. Stronger herbals with antibiotic actions, such as Golden Seal Echinacea liquid  or capsules or Silver Guard (also available 4x larger size for less than 3Xs price: used as a douche and internally may be required.

heck out our past blog on Bladder Infections for more tips on prevention.

From the pain you are describing and the fact that you have been referred to a specialist, you may be dealing with a kidney stone, so read this past article on Kidney Stones, a kidney infection or cystitis.

If you wish us to pursue this further, while you are waiting to see the specialist, feel free to set up a consultation, or while you are waiting try a double dosing of either of the Golden Seal-Echinacea. Like most herbal antibiotics, there will be no negative side effects as with chemical antibiotics,and you will likely feel improvement no matter what the diagnosis.

Your probiotics are a good idea for preventative health, and to help re-establish friendly bacteria AFTER chemical antibiotics, but again, they do not necessarily treat an existing infection. Make sure you are taking probiotics on an empty stomach for best effect, and that you keep them either refrigerated or in freezer – depending on how many you take and how long one bottle lasts.

Also, we work with 5 different pro-biotic  and pre-biotic formulas. Three of the most popular are: Bacillus Coagulans , Bifidophilus Flora Force,  or ProBiotic 11. Read benefits of each of these and perhaps  change up whichever one you are using, just to give your body the full range.

Along with the herbs, clean up the diet, eliminate ALL sugar, drink plenty of pure water, (more than your recommended ½ oz. per pound of body weight), add fresh lemon, lime and or Chlorophyll to help alkalinize the blood, and get adequate rest. Many suggestions for healthful lifestyle including diet, stress, exercise and recipes are in my book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.


Products linked are CA; please contact us for US prices. Contact Lorene Benoit for free 10 minutes assistance in choosing your optimum supplements. We will place orders for you so you can get best discount and free shipping,  for you at no charge – personal, professional service!

We have used these products successfully both personally and professionally since 1985. For many reasons – primary one? They work!

Paw Paw Program and Chemotherapy – Q&A


Just wondering what your experience is with the Paw Paw program when someone is also on Chemo?
My client has been told not to take anything but Collatrim. 

Doc says:

Omega 3 is a strong antioxidant and harmful during chemo;
protease has anti platelet effects ?
chinese mineral tonic, flax hull and paw paw increase the risk of bleeding and blood clots which the chemo also does.
They said as soon as chemo is over to get back on any program that is helpful for my health.


Open minded oncologists who take any time at all to look at the research will not veto ANY of these supplements. Rather, they should be embracing them for the health of the patient.

Some truth about a couple of the doctor’s comments:

Protease Plus increases the flexibility of red blood cells, not bleeding.

Omega 3s inhibit platelet aggregation, so in very high quantities could cause increased bleeding. Chemotherapy, on the other hand, can damage platelets and thus bleeding, but the dosages of Omegas recommended on Paw Paw program would have little effect.

In more than 8 yrs. of researching Paw Paw I have never seen ONE scientific review to support : “paw paw increase the risk of bleeding and blood clots”.

First, those two effects are contradictory – it either promotes bleeding OR it promotes clotting – not both because they are opposite physiological functions! I hope the doctor didn’t really say this.

Secondly, have your client ask doctor for research to support his statements.  The public NEEDS to help make doctors responsible for their comments and treatments. Especially when results indicate that the medical approach is NOT working as presented by most doctors. It is worthwhile reading  this article about the research presented in the Truth About Cancer Global Quest, which contains this information:

“One of the truths about cancer is that medically approved treatments of surgery, chemo and radiation experience a dismal rate for 5 year survival, averaging 2.1%. Yes 2.1 %!  (stats from US Journal of Oncology).”

Thirdly, have client show him Lorene Benoit’s  book, The Paw Paw Program, or ask him to watch Dr. McLaughlin’s videos, all free on-line, which summarize 30+ yrs. research, and  prove that Paw Paw is not only more effective than many chemotherapeutic agents, but also HELPS chemo to do it job better because of its effects on the MDR pump. This is explained more fully in the book and on some of the videos.

It is unlikely the doctor is aware of any of this research or he would be encouraging the patient to take it concurrently. Doctors that negate supplements do so for the simple reasons that they do not understand them nor have the time to study them. Doctors that DO take the time to look outside the medical box become famous like Deepak Chopra, Andrew Weil, Hugo Rodier, Christian Northrup, Ray Strand….

Make sure your client is familiar with the “Questions to Ask Your Doctor” in my book, The Paw Paw Program; go equipped to get the best care and take control of your own health.

Please refer to this relevant article: Are Vitamins Safe? Who To Believe?

Bottom line:

If there is a safe, natural herb that has proven more effective in killing cancer cells than synthetic chemotherapy, without damaging side effects and without destroying healthy cells or the immune system, PLUS it helps the chemo be more effective, why would I NOT take it, other than because of fear instilled by someone who has done no research on natural healing in general, or specifically on this program?

For another perspective  on cancer  I highly recommend reading “The Medical Mafia” by Dr. Guylaine Lanctot, if you can find the book. The Trilogy of Lies, part Three:  Cancer Is A Mystery, pgs. 145-163 is particularly enlightening. ISBN 0-9644126-0-8