Category Archives: Questions and Answers

Health questions answered by Lorene Benoit.

Q & A: Paw Paw and bird mite bites



I saw something about paw paw and external mites. I have been afflicted with bird mites for 9 months now. Trying everything I can. I’m still getting 2 or 3 bites a day, but it is much better than when it started. Any suggestions you can give will be so appreciated!  JC


I have not worked with bird mites before, but based on research and fact that Paw Paw has been used historically as a pesticide and for lice as a shampoo,  I would think that by taking the Paw Paw Cell Reg internally for one bottle ( 1 to 1.5 months) may make your blood inhospitable to the mites.

Assuming that you own the birds hosting the mites, you might also try adding a very small amount to their water or feed, and or opening a capsule and sprinkling some on their feathers. Please let me know how this works.

Please get back to us to order your Paw Paw Cell Reg, for best price and ongoing support, or use the previous link to order directly.

Q & A Paw Paw use & Conflicting Dosage


I’m really overwhelmed and confused about the Paw Paw Program and haven’t received your book yet. I’ve tried to pay for it and your site won’t respond to it.

Reading some of your information on the site about dosage is not consistent with the other sites, and what you told me. One site also said do not take any of these products more than a month, especially the paw paw. So, what is what???? I did receive one bottle of paw paw today from nature sunshine . Still not sure how much and when to take capsules due to conflicting info. JF



Hi JF.
The Paw Paw Program book was just mailed 3 days ago at night.  To arrive in US, it will be at least 1 week, as I think I mentioned on our free introductory consult.
Sorry about your confusion;  I know it can be overwhelming. I cannot speak for what other sites are saying. Our program is based on research from Dr. Jerry McLaughlin. Many sites are not or the writers have not studied with him recently, or seen all his research,  as I have.
I think this is clear in his recent endorsement of my book: “This book offers an excellent explanation of a safe, effective and affordable program for cancer that can be a Godsend for those dealing with this or other chronic conditions.”
What is on my website, especially Paw Paw Program – Dose & Specifics and what we discussed via phone and what is in my book will be consistent. And you are correct, this may not be what FDA says on the bottle either – trained herbalists will adjust dosages to suit the person.
As per paying on my website – you just need to click on the PayPal invoice I sent you, and fill in your credit card info. IF this does not work, order it via my website, and we will instruct sender to ignore it, so we don’t send out another one. Hope this helps.

Q & A: Rosacea


Is there anything you are aware of that causes rosacea? How would you treat rosacea? J.L. 



Rosacea is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition which principally affects the face. Rosacea causes facial redness and produces small, red, pus-filled pustules (bumps). The condition worsens with time if left untreated. It can be mistaken for acne or psoriasis or some other skin allergy. 

Causes can be several, including  infection by a parasite that is a type of mite known as demodex, that infest the hair follicles and sebaceous ducts. (Dr Mark Dahl, Chairman of the Department of Dermatology at the University of Minnesota Medical School).

Another link is to Helicobacter  pylori bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. Herbal ULC-R or HP Fighter is very successful at eliminating this challenge, when taken for at least 3 bottles.

One of my Nature’s Sunshine Consultants had rosacea over ten years ago and in her research she found that the major cause of rosacea is inefficient protein digestion. This would result in undigested protein fermenting, creating toxins and causing inflammation.

The supplements that she took to cure her rosacea were:


Protein Digest Aid , Vit E & Selenium,and Essential Fatty Acids  EFA’s) such as Super Oil,  containing Flax,  Evening Primrose Oil, Salmon oil, lecithin (only available in  Canada) or Super Omega 3 , available in most countries.

Black walnut liquid tincture, especially effective for parasitic infections including mites, ringworm, lyme, and staph infections.


Apply the following 1-3 times per day:

Silver Gel or Aloe Vera Gel with Essential Oils (EOs): 2 drops Lavender, 1 drop Tea Tree Oil and 1 drop Eucalyptus.  Other Essential oil used successfully – any combination of which can be added are:  1 drop Oil of Oregano – very good anti-parasitic;  1 drop Helichrysum – prevents scarring; 1 drops Chamomile – anti-inflammatory and healing; and/or  2 drops Rose Geranium – hormonal balancing. These drops of EOs would be for one application, roughly 1/2 – 1 tsp., so you could make a larger batch for convenience. Nature’s Sunshine’s EOs are all  therapeutic quality and have so many uses in the Home Beauty and First Aid  kit. Contact us for full list and prices.

At the very least, just use Silver Gel, as this will helps with both inflammation and healing.

Others have used Black walnut liquid tincture externally, especially effective for mites, ringworm, lyme bites, staph and other parasitic infections.

You should see results within the month. Please contact our office to order any of the above, so you can be guaranteed quality products at the best price, with our professional support. If you decide to order direct, please use Canadian account # 309344 to get discount, but let us offer you personal service via our contact above or phone 250-748-6802.



Q & A: Making Herbal Salve & Sun Screens


How are you doing? Over here (in Holland) everything is going great. A lot of nice warm days.

I am still usisng herbal preparations learned at your Intensive 2011!
I wanted to make my own sunscreen and after sun lotion. I searched the internet for recipes, a lot of possibilities, but a lot of ingredients. I remembered you didn’t use that much. I can only remember you used aloe vera and lavender or mint oil?
Do you have a recipe?

My Mom is also wanting to make some more of that great salve you sent us. I have looked at my notes, but need some clarification on oils used, how long, what temperature? Can you help?



I am so thrilled to see others across Canada and Europe, who have taken my Herbal Intensives using the knowledge and making their own herbal preparations AND teaching others!  It is very empowering to have this knowledge and to be able to not only avoid toxic skin products, but to help your family as the primary care-giver for most health challenges!

Sorry, but as you may remember I don’t use recipes much. As you found, they are often too picky, require too many ingredients, and have so many different options it is enough to boggle the mind, get hung up in analysis paralysis and not make anything!

In my courses, I have people make many different preparations using general guidelines, so they understand the basics and the process. Then they can experiment and be empowered to use what is available to them. This is what I call wild-crafting, based on what you have available, and knowing that nature changes from year to year. The results can be exceptionally healing, as both you, your Mom and hundreds of others have seen & experienced.

For professional herbal consulting, in which I want the same recipe, same measurements, dosages and strengths, every time,  I use Nature’s Sunshine. They have several million dollar labs and equipment to test for active chemicals, potency, purity and to adjust for nature’s differences. Their quality is exceptional, which is why I have used it as the mainstay of myworldwide professional consulting.

I still feel it is good to know how to make you own preparations for your own use, so here are some reminders. Having had the 3-4 days experience, this should bring it all back to you.



You are right, I mixed St. John’s Wort oil with Aloe Vera Gel, either by blending the fresh plant, or purchasing a good quality Aloe Vera Gel.  And yes, Lavender essential oil is good to add – mint might be too strong for the skin. Other essential oils that are good for the skin are: Patchouli and Geranium, and Rose Bulgaria. I have used the Nature’s Sunshine essential oils and often 1-3 drops is enough – a little drop of a quality, therapeutic oil can be amazing. This oil is also beneficial if you happen to overdo the sun, which you should try to avoid, but it can happen.

The St. John’s Wort oil is made by infusing the flowers & top few leaves in an oil, by placing them in a glass jar in sunny window 2 – 6 wks. until it turns quite red. Make sure the plant material is covered in oil so there is no spoilage. As far as carrier oil used to extract the herbal principles, you can use olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, sunflower seed, almond, apricot are all OK. Then strain. This oil can also be used in the Salve preparation.

You can also infuse some flowers this way, such as wild rose petals, calendula or bergamot. These are not the same therapeutic value as essential oils which require expensive equipement to get the essence of the flowers and herbs, but they can add some aroma and healing properties.

Note on Sun exposure

Of course, use common sense in sun exposure – we try to avoid too much between 11am – 3pm and cover up when in the sun for extended periods. Your sun exposure should relate to the latitude and consequent strength of the sun; time of year; and your skin pigmentation.

The first two S’s of the Slip, Slap and Slop campaign, which I believe originated in Australia are good: Slip on some protective clothing, Slap on a Hat. These 1st two are the most important. The 3rd – slop on sunscreen is not good! Unless it is a natural sunscreen. To slop on a bunch of toxic chemicals, then add heat to this, is creating a toxic stew on your skin – the largest organ of your body. It is very absurd. In Australia studies found that as sunscreen sales increased, so did melanoma rates!

Common sense will always win out about chemical non-sense.



Specific for your questions:

How much oil? Use enough oil to make sure all herbs are immersed or covered – this will depend of type size of pot.

Oven for 8-12 hours 100-150degrees? – the lowest temperature the better, under 120 degrees is best; a low heat crock pot can also be used. This is the quick oil method. You can also use the slower sun-infused method as with St. John’s Wort oil above if you plan several weeks in advance.

Herbs to use:

We use any or all of these herbs from our garden and yard, many of which you can probably find growing around your area. I have given latin names which are always best to use for correct identification:

Mullein   – Verbascum thapsus 
Plantain (ribwort) – Plantago lanceolata or Plantago ovatum
Comfrey leaves or root – Symphytum species
chickweed (has to be dried a bit more, as it is pretty juicy) Stellaria media
Calendula (petals only – dried 24hrs.) Calendula officionalis
St. John’s Wort – Hyericum perfolatum
Yarrow flowers or leaves – Achilles millefolium
Burdock leaves – Arcticum lappa

Remember they can be dried for 1 day before putting them in oil, to avoid water being in oil. The drier herbs (plaintain) may not need this step. If you do have water in the oil after straining, try to boil it off, or otherwise eliminate it, or your oil or salve will not last as long.

Then do you remember the proportions of beeswax to solidify the oil into a salve?

Approximately 28 grams beeswax to 300 – 450 ml. oil or for the Americans, 1  ounce to 11 – 16 ounces. The more beeswax the stiffer the salve.

Let me know how it goes!

And for others reading this, please contact us if YOU would like to experience making your own herbal preparations OR to order any of the NSP products at a direct discount price!

Q & A Nerve Pain


Do you know of a treatment for nerve pain (feet and ankles)
EH from YT



Nerve pain or neuralgia, can have many causes, and of course natural healing is not just about symptomatic relief, but getting to the root of the problem.

Are nerves being impinged or pressured in some way from a structural accident, posture or degeneration? For example a vertebral challenge, misplaced vertebra or bulging disk can put pressure on a nerve. If there is a physical or structural challenge, then this needs to be addressed for full resolution.

A restriction in circulation or injury can cause inflammation, and loss of nutrition reaching a nerve. This must be rectified to prevent degeneration of a nerve. As mentioned in The Paw Paw Program, Chapter 1 – “inflammation is the Root of All Evil”; it  affects all dis-ease conditions, including those that involve pain.

So without more detail, which would require a consultation,  it is  difficult to answer this more completely, but do seek out the cause.

From a pain reduction point of view, here are several formulations that we have used successfully over the past 25 years that can help with inflammation and pain in general, and nerve pain specifically. Herbs will also provide the nourishment necessary for  nerve  repair.

The following are some of the best anti-inflammatories from the herbal kingdom, some pain killers, and some topical applications which can all offer relief.

Please read these over and select two of the internal remedies, plus one topical. Try them conscientiously for at least one month. The beauty of this approach is that the herbs will have no negative side effects as most drugs do, and your body will benefit in some way from the added nutrition. You can see ingredients and benefits on these links, but links change, so please Contact us for up to date info and to get the best discount direct prices, plus free shipping. Personal service, no obligation.

Internal use taken orally to relieve inflammation and heal nerves:

Inflammation: Turmeric Curcumin  – concentrated standardized curcuminoid complex  (same name CA an US)

Nerve healing:

Stress Pack (CA)     Nervous System Pack (US)

Nerve health, tingling, vegetarians, digestion, memory:

Liquid Methyl B12 Plus (CA)  Liquid B12 Complete (US)


External use applied on skin to relieve inflammation and heal nerves:


Tei Fu Massage Recovery Lotion: increases circulation;  helps relieve inflammation and pain; excellent for arthritis, sore muscles, sports injuries

Please contact us for current links to the professional products we have used since 1985, and to receive professional, personalized service with discounted prices.


Note: We adhere to the NSP policy and motto of  “Quality, Service and Integrity”. Ordering online (Amazon or EBay), is illegal, as an unknown seller cannot provide Service or Integrity, which we can. NSP has provided the professional Quality, exceeding pharmaceutical  standards,  since 1972.Ordering through our office will give you the best price and best service.


March – April, 2014 Natural Health Newsletter




March – April, 2014


My waking thoughts of gratitude this morning were for our chickens and how I love the energy they bring…..although they aren’t as easy to train as some pets, they give us eggs, help fertilize our organic vegies and herbs, and provide never-ending entertainment. Stories of chickens doing backflips, kissing cats, climbing trees……entertaining!

I hope you, like the chickens digging about for some morsel of nourishment, find something of use in this newsletter!


Two quotes to start:

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” Jiddu Krishnamurti

“That’s why I choose not to be well adjusted to the normal. I am well adjusted to achieving so much more in life, including the best health possible for myself, my loved ones, and those who choose to follow this path with me. ”             Lorene Benoit


Education and Upcoming Courses

Lorene will be presenting two courses: Winnipeg, May 3rd, and Berwick, Nova Scotia, May 6th. Please see details onUpcoming Courses.

Each month Lorene does interviews about her book, The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach To Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.
These interviews, of course depending on the host, cover the basics of the book, PLUS a lot of healing information related to achieving optimum health for everyone. Most Paw Paw Talk Shows are recorded here for your convenience.


Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link, so you can access those of interest to you:

Success with Fibroids, Endometriosis, Energy, Excema, Stress and Memory

Q&A Immunity, Adrenals and Anxiety

Talk Shows about Paw Paw Program

Lupus, Cleansing, Super Shakes and Energy!

Hormones Make You Happy

Paw Paw Program – dose & specifics

Q & A: Actinic Keratosis and Paw Paw


Our passion is for education. We answer many questions we receive daily. High volume dictates that for detailed responses and complicated health issues, an appointment is required for more than 10 minutes. Consultations can be done in person, by phone, email, or Skype (send us an invite : lorenebenoithealth)

Include your phone number as it can be faster than email. Lorene has been doing many phone consultations worldwide and they are very effective.

Other options to help you are :

Use the Search bar in upper right corner of our blog for answers.
Lorene Benoit’s book contains lifestyle tips for optimum health and disease prevention, in addition to understanding Cancer: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally. Chapters include the 4 Pillars of health, dietary suggestions, and recipes designed to help everyone move toward better health.

Ongoing special for books: buy 3 get 1 free, or 15% discount for our members. Email or phone with payment info and address for faster delivery and and discounts.

Anytime there is something we can help with, please contact us via:

website: Contact Form
email: or
phone: 250-748-6802


Free Educational Webinars

Nature’s Sunshine offers FREE webinars with some of North America’s best Natural Health Experts.

In Canada, go to Nature’s Sunshine: under Members. Make sure  you are registered as a VIP to receive the weekly Update and Educate so you can listen in to live webinars. Share this valuable information with others who can benefit from this information.

Worldwide, anyone can access webinars on the US website, without being a member. Go to to view webinars.


Compass Zyto Biofeedback

The Compass is an extremely efficient, inexpensive biofeedback tool that measures your biomarkers and gives you the perfect health program!

Watch this 3 minute video :

Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends to find out what are the best supplements for you! Contact our office.for details.



There are always  specials to help you stay healthier AND save money. To take full advantage of them, become a VIP to receive the Update and Educate emails, or faxes. Call NSP at 1-800-265-9163.
Specials are always on the Nature’s Sunshine Canada website .

If you are not a member, consider it – free, discounts and our support – why not? Use our Sponsor # 309344 to take advantage of the best therapeutic quality supplements available since 1972..

Sending gifts of health anywhere in North America is easy-no post office hassles! Click here for herbal gift ideas.

Also don’t forget the Facebook Friday special for Canadian members – just sign in NSP Canada website Friday morning > Members> Facebook Fan Friday Specials  and see what the FREE product is that you get with a $50 order! Liking them on Facebook also helps NSP become the family name it deserves to be!


How does Membership Benefit You?

Click here to learn member benefits !


Business Coaching

We offer ongoing coaching to help others start their own business. If you are committed to learning about health and helping others, phone our office to see how you can join our team who help others and earn while they learn.



Q&A Immunity, Adrenals and Anxiety


Briefly, my immune system is extremely compromised..20 yrs ago I was diagnosed with contact dermatitis.Hospitalizations, specialists, cortisone oral, topical, intravenous.allergy tests inconclusive. After years of trying all forms of therapies, this year I researched and put myself on a wholesome eating plan. 3months later internally I feel better, however my main concern right now is fatigue!!  As I believe my skin and gut problems are my stress response, I wondered if adrenal system is compromised?? I am an anxious person.



With the history you mention, yes it is quite likely that you are experiencing adrenal exhaustion. You have made some good choices, as far as diet improvement and understanding the connections between the different challenges you are having.

I do cover diet very completely in my book, The Paw Paw Program, as I consider Diet the #1 Pillar for all healing.

In addition to diet, the other pillars discussed in my book are emotions, exercise, and supplementation – all important. As far as supplementation is concerned, there is a new product, at this point only available in the US, but hopefully will be in Canada by June, called Anxiousless. I have heard  excellent results with this product.

For nutritionally supporting and rebuilding adrenals , we have used a formulation called Adrenal Support. Please contact our office, or phone us, 250-748-6802 (yes old fashioned, but efficient and personable) if you would like to order either of these. That way you can be sure to get therapeutic quality nutritionals direct from same company we have used for 25 years, get a discount, as well as our continued support.

Q & A: Actinic Keratosis and Paw Paw


I have actinic keratosis all over my body , would paw paw be beneficial to me and clear up my skin? Please put me on your list for free monthly Natural Health Newsletter.  Cathy


Yes Cathy, as actinic keratosis is abnormal cell growth, Paw Paw, Asimina triloba,  would help. For best results, one could take small internal dosages (2- 8 per day) as well as applying Paw Paw directly to the skin surfaces affected.

One way to do this is to open capsules of Paw Paw and mix them with Silver Shield Gel, which also will help to  stop inflammation and promote healing of the lesions. If there are particular spots which can be covered with a bandage, this will hold the herbs onto the affected area longer, but if it is a larger area, just try to apply at least 3 times per day.

Another option is to mix the Paw Paw with Black Ointment, which is available via the US Nature’s Sunshine Products. Please contact our office, or 250-748-6802,  to help you place this order and get a free member account which will offer you a discount, ensure you get the correct products, and involve our support. I can also send you a more detailed Fact sheet on any of these products.

In addition, excess sun exposure is to be avoided, and general dietary and lifestyle recommendations as fully explained in my book, The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally, would enhance bringing the body into balance for healing.  

The book includes the complete Paw Paw Program for health, plus the sugar and cancer connection .

Hope this helps; look forward to helping you on your journey to optimum health.


Q & A – Paw Paw, myeloma, chemo & other herbs



My husband has multiple myeloma.  We have been trying to avoid conventional regime. His is very aggressive. Some success and some not. He is 50 so may have high (IL-6 overexpression). Wondering about Paw Paw to help keep the cancer cells from being resistant to herbs, Vit C etc. Thanks. Jennifer


Absolutely, I know Paw Paw helps in all types of cancer. I would not say it stops cancer from being resistant to herbs though. In fact, I feel it is THE most effective herb available that I know if in my 35 years herbalism, and the science testing supports this. Perhaps you meant that Paw Paw inhibits chemo resistance? This is explained in my book and on the website.
The book can be ordered fastest and least expensive, by emailing us directly with all necessary information and payment, or you can order on the above site via PayPal.
this depends on dosage of Vit. C
If you wish 10 free minutes by phone, you need to send me your ph # as I am out of the country and do not have a number for you to call me. No charge, I have a computer phone which will come up as a California#. 9:30 PST is good for me.

Q&A: Gall Bladder


Hello Lorene, I have been having a gall-bladder issue for almost a year along with other problems, and I am wondering if you would be able to help?  Please also put me on your list for free natural health newsletter.  FD, BC



Yes, we could, as we have helped others with Gall bladder issues.  Of course, every case is different and I would need more detail about issues you are having.

Some general tips may be found on my website blog under Liver article archives; especially the last one, as challenges with gall bladder start with the liver:  and also involve bowel function – i.e. are you having minimum of one healthy bowel movement per day?

There is a Gall bladder flush, but I would need more information specific to your health to recommend this. We can schedule a free 10 min. appointment to see if this may help  and if you wish  to work with us toward your improved health; for more in-depth issues, it is in your best interests to book an appointment.

Here are two general formulas that may benefit you, but there is a lot more that can be done in addition to taking  herbs:
The healthful changes that one should undertake to improve ALL health conditions are very clearly explained in my book:  The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally. As well, extensive dietary recommendations are given to help people understand how to eat better. Some recipes are also included.
Please contact us if you wish to obtain either of these formulas or the book, and thank you for contacting us – we are here to help!