Category Archives: Questions and Answers

Health questions answered by Lorene Benoit.

Q &A: Bursitis and Hemorrhoids


Hi Lorene,
Pls how can I help someone struggling with thigh bursitis and hemorrhoids


Hi LN,
Nice to hear from you. Glad to see you are still helping others learn the benefits of herbal and other forms of natural health.
I have never heard of bursitis in the thigh, as it means inflammation of bursa, which are only at joints.
See good pictures here:


But there is obviously other inflammation, which has lead to this “diagnosis”.
For inflammation, the ART-A formula would be great, maybe with some added Turmeric Curcumin to speed up healing of inflammation and therefore, pain. NSP’s Turmeric is much more potent than most on the market.


Nature’s Sunshine just taught a webinar on ART-A, which I think I sent to you recently. It contains a lot of herbs for inflammation, pain and structural healing.

And of course, looking at lifestyle, including diet, body posture, or activities that are aggravating is important.


Externally, Tei Fu Massage lotion has helped people for over 40 years, with muscular and joint  pain, as well as headaches and  stiff neck.


Hemorrhoids  means one has to get the bowel working properly. Constipation and consequent straining are usually involved, causing the rectal tissue to get pushed outward and irritated.


So either Bowel Build or LBS11 can help regulate bowel movements.  If the bowel is already moving EASILY 2x/day, without straining, then maybe a small amount of Psyllium Combo to help soften the stool and make it easier to eliminate. But only use fibre if bowel peristalsis is already working.


Plus, ensure enough water or other healthy liquid intake. 1/2 body weight in pounds equals how many ounces required per day. ie. 150 pounds divided by 2 = 75 ounces daily.
More if very hot weather or lots of exercise.


Hope this helps. If not, a consultation would be a good idea to get some necessary background and details. You know there is always causative factors. Our job is to help a person figure them out.
Be well!




Anyone wanting assistance with finding quality products are best to contact me, or their NSP trained Health Consultant.

Why Paw Paw and many health supplements are not available in Canada

From a 30 year client and student of natural health:

What would really be ideal is to be able to buy Paw Paw Cell Reg in Canada. So crazy. Paw paw trees grow in South western Ontario. My cousin thinks they originated during the civil war. The soldiers had the fruit and the seeds dropped. Possible.

Absurd that Canadians have to pay the extra shipping, customs, and tax, plus the current outrageous US dollar exchange.

My response:   I agree completely!

It would be great to be able to purchase Paw Paw Cell Reg in Canada again. Unfortunately, unHealth Canada decided not to grant an NPN (Natural Products Number, similar to a DIN for drugs), after 12 -15 years of safe and effective use, with NO adverse events.

One could only wish they would apply some SCIENCE to the CONVID injections, which have been proven neither safe NOR effective, but somehow are still approved, after hundreds of thousands of reported adverse effects, up to and including “sudden, unexplained death”.  It makes one wonder if it is science or money involved $?$?$.

It was not for lack of NSP spending tons of $ with the approval process! They had to eventually give up and luckily, were able to get it approved in the Sunshine Direct program, which allows us to order from NSP US.

I have never heard of this species of Paw Paw growing in CA.  Dr. McLaughlin tested about 300 Annonaceous plant species from US and Central and South America. The one NSP uses is from a plantation in Indiana. Asimina triloba is the species that proved to have the highest levels of necessary active acetogenins in his 30 YEARS of research.

The bark of the Asimina triloba twigs must be harvested at the right time…which can only be determined by lab testing. Then one would have to have the million dollar labs, similar to what NSP has, to prepare the standardized end product.

It would be great if a good source could be found here, so open to hearing more. Any contacts? I would pass that info onto NSP corporate.

In the meantime, we are stuck with ordering via NSP US Sunshine Direct. This is unfortunate, as unHealth Canada’s continual assault on natural products severely penalizes the Canadian economy, plus puts Canadians at risk of online ordering inferior and untested supplements.

It’s a lose-lose situation caused by Cdn. government overreach limiting the health care options for Canadians!

Q & A: Hormones and Acne


Thank you for taking time to look into this for me!

Ever since I started on the IUD I have had acne, mostly located around my jaw and mouth, with a little scattered on my forehead. I’ve tried lots of cleaners and moisturizers but nothing helps. It does fluctuate throughout the month, depending on when my cycle is it gets worse right before.

I’m on the IUD to help with my period as it has always been extremely heavy flow with cramps. As well as for birth control. Period used to last for 7-11 days. It would be a heavy flow with a supersize tampon that I had to change every hour or two for the first 4/5 days and then just normal after that. Still using tampons frequently though.

Last year my doctor prescribed minocycline. I took that pill every day for three months as prescribed, my face cleared up completely but once that ran out it came back. My doctor said if it was acne it would come back, but if it was just a skin infection it would stay away. So I have acne.

Last week she prescribed a medicated cream that I could take indefinitely,. I have to call to ask what was in it as I don’t remember the drugs but I didn’t end up buying it. It was $260 for the bottle that would last possibly two months. I’m still willing to try this but wasn’t expecting that cost and would like to go a more natural route if possible.
She did mention that it might be due to high estrogen levels in me but didn’t speak to extensively on that.

I’m happy to do blood work or anything like that if you need. Look forward to hearing your thoughts and if you have any questions I’m happy to answer !
Thank you



Due to the cyclic nature of the acne, it definitely sounds hormonally driven, rather than caused by infection, which can be another major factor in acne and other skin conditions. 

A hormonal balance like this is often improved within 3 months with Women’s Formula. Have you ever used it? One would usually use 2- 3x = 6/day for 1st bottle. Often one will notice at least some improvement in this time. Then next bottle can be decreased to 2 x 2= 4 day.  

Yes, the medication minocycline is for acne. It can relieve symptoms but does not address the cause, which is why it returned when you stopped. Antibiotics also destroy your gut bacteria, or microbiome,  and can lead to Candida / yeast infection, which can also contribute to acne.  Long term use of antibiotics is very detrimental to health. After 40 years consulting, I have never met a person who is sick because they have a deficiency of antibiotics. That applies for most drugs.

The pricing for this drug  is ridiculous! Likely in the range of 300 – 400 % mark-up, as with many drugs. Also, please look up the side effects, and send me the link. This should help your decision. 

Going natural is a smart decision on your part, especially if you are looking to bring your hormones into balance for optimum long term health.

Re the doctor suggesting it might be estrogen. Back to the Women’s Formula. If given the tools, your body will balance the hormones you need, whether it be estrogen, progesterone or testosterone. I will email you some separate Fact sheets on this formula.

In addition, diet is always a factor. I think with your lifestyle, you probably know the culprits of too much sugar, bad fats or processed carbs. A quick reference to see how on track your diet is can be found here: Optimum Diet. 

Drinking Chlorophyll – at least 10 ml. per day re-mineralizes your body, balances pH, and provides gentle cleansing.

Other topical aids for acne are: washing with a natural , non chemical soap to which you add a couple of drops of tea tree oil.  The moisturize with Pau D’Arco Lotion, which is excellent for all skin conditions. The other option is Silver Gel. A little goes a long way for both of these products.

Dietary suggestions are covered in more detail in The Paw Paw Program book, will give you more detail. This book is for all health, not just Cancer treatment and prevention.

Please contact us to help you get the correct formula as links can change. Plus we can make sure you receive  20 – 25% discount; Free Shipping, plus our consulting expertise at discount. We will place 1st order for you at no charge.


Q&A: Anti Aging – Fountain of Youth?


I would like to know if there is a herb or substance I can take to improve my muscle tone and perhaps muscle size.  I don’t really expect to recover my youth.  But would like to add anything to my routine of regular exercise and good diet, that may help my muscle tone and/or size ?
So now that you have picked yourself up off the floor from laughter; maybe  you could make a suggestion of a herb,  or a hormone,  or maybe a plastic surgeon (just kidding) that  could help.
Please don’t take this too seriously, but – HELP !!!!!  (just kidding again)  Thanks much, all the best, D


No joke D, your concerns are shared by most people over 60, myself included.
Many magic fountain of youth formulations have been touted for years; I have never known any of these to be scientifically backed. However, there are certain things I believe help, which I personally use; some of them for years. The evidence and research is solid, and I have seen positive results during my 40 years of helping people.


I take Melatonin, Collagen powder and Skeletal Strength every night before bed.
I sleep like a baby and so far, touch wood, have none of the aches and pains that many in their 70’s have to deal with.

* Melatonin Extra

Melatonin has many advantages, in addition to helping many people sleep more soundly, Sleep is when the body rebuilds and regenerates all cells, including organs and bones.
 As explained on p. 63 of my Paw Paw Program book. Melatonin is not only an essential hormone, from which other hormones can be created; but a potent anti-oxidant; it slows abnormal cell growth; and is critical for natural healing processes.

* Collagen

Collagen that I use contains effective peptides derived from grass-fed, pasture-raised cows, leading to substantial beauty & wellness benefits.  A quality processed Collagen contains premium collagen peptides. Studies have shown that when collagen hydrolysate is taken orally, it is absorbed as di- and tripeptides (two or three amino acids) typically rich in hydroxyproline. These smaller peptides are able to  reach target tissues like skin or cartilage where they help support collagen-producing cells (fibroblasts).

  • Supports healthy skin, hair and nails
  • Supports joints, bones, and gut health
  • Promotes elasticity and hydration
  • Offer a clean, effective source of pure protein
  • Aid in promoting and maintaining a more youthful appearance

* Skeletal Strength

Skeletal Strength is the ultimate combination of more than 20  vitamins, minerals and specially chosen herbs for enhanced nutritional support, known to support  your bones & healthy teeth. Plus it’s great for what’s NOT in there… For example, our calcium citrate is free of pesticides, animal derivatives, allergens and gluten. It’s also Kosher and Halal certified. Our vitamin D3 is non-GMO and allergen-free.

  • Vital for Bones, Muscles, Ligaments, Tendons, and Skin
  • Provides nutrients for proper structural system function
I follow the dietary suggestions in my book. Plus there are a few healthy recipes. No matter what diet you choose to follow, keto, vegan, intermittent fasting, blood type, always includes more  low carbohydrate vegetables and fruits. Here are 2 or 3 other articles that deal more specifically with diet. 

In my 284 page book I cover the 4 Pillars of Health. Two more Lifestyle Pillars are:

  • Exercise -to build muscles, one must use them! Weight bearing exercises are essential for building the bone matrix – i.e. flexible and strong bones.
  • Stress – destroys many nutrients, in addition to affecting our emotional & mental health.  Managing stress is important.

All pillars of health are essential for healthy aging.

To order my book for detailed why’s and hows, including a few recipes. Canadians save money if you contact me to order this book. US clients can order using PayPal button in top R of this page:  Paw Paw Program

*Should you choose to purchase any product recommendations

Links change frequently so please contact Lorene if I can be of assistance to you in your natural health journey. I can help you get the best product, 20-25% discount, plus Free Shipping, with no obligation.


Note that someone will receive a commission when you purchase any health supplement, whether the company, some unknown Amazon seller, or me. If you go through me, or an associate who works with me, you will get professional support in addition to the discounts and Free S/H.


Warnings on Natural Products – should you worry?


Sorry to have to ask about this but pretty important for my health.

I was going to start Para Pak tomorrow, full moon as you suggested.

HOWEVER I read the “Risk Information” and it would appear not many (if anyone) should take the supplements. One of the reasons I want to take this is I am quite sure my issue is parasites. I have taken a course of Wormwood and digestive enzymes and had some relief thought this might clear every thing up. I still have diarrhea although I get to sleep all night now YAY!!! The Risk Info warns against taking Para Pak if you have that. Can you give me some guidance? Have you ever read the Risk Info? It’s extensive!!! Do you have clients who’ve taken it? Are they house bound for the entire time?



Not a problem to ask this, as yes, it is important. I do get this question once in awhile, and finally found the time to write  a post on it.

Yes, we have used this product, Para Pak for 20- 25 years, at least, with very good results.
Nothing has changed in all those years. EXCEPT unHealth Canada warnings. Every time they want to make work for themselves, get a raise, get bonuses, or please the BIg Pharma lobbyists (Millions of $ of bribes every year), they apply new regulations, new warnings, new fake “adverse effects”. They have never been capable if divulging any details, medical reports to show any evidence of any harm from herbs or other natural supplements.

There has been one I can remember in 30+ years. A “natural” supplement approved by unHealth Canada, was found to contain a diet drug. It was pulled.It was not from a reputable company like Nature’s Sunshine, which has the been the leader in Quality since 1972.
There has never been one proven death nor serious side effect in Canada from approved natural health products that are from quality sources.
Compare this to hundreds of drugs that are pulled every year due to serious side effects, including death.  There  more than 100,000 documented  adverse events every year from pharmaceuticals.  Many millions more since Covid. You were unfortunately one victim of this corrupt system. And you know how hard it is to get a doctor to submit one of those adverse reaction reports, right?
This constant change costs the health food industry and therefore the consumers inordinate price increases in natural products, which are our birthright.In Canada, Bill C-37, clauses 500-504 are just another example. Millions of Canadians have responded to this, and it will likely become  an election issue.

Rather than testing product suppliers like they used to, they just blanket all products with Risk warnings.
Luckily, I have the fact sheet from 2004 for this exact SAME product, which I sent you.

You will notice there are NO warnings. Every  2 or 3, or 5 years,  the warnings increase. And you are absolutely right – if people believe these cautions, no one would take any natural supplement.
Hmmm… you wonder if that is the idea behind this?
If people ever read the counter-indications for any pharmaceutical, they would never take a drug either, which would be a good thing. Unfortunately this door doesn’t swing both ways. I find this puzzling when one looks at any warnings on pharmaceuticals. Most include multiple serious adverse effects, and many conclude with, “….and may cause death”. Doesn’t seem to stop anyone.
And you well know,  who lobbies, rather bribes, unHealth Canada? Of Course, pharmaceuticical companies. They do not want any competition.
The good news is – more people are learning – latest surveys say at least 74% Canadians are using natural health products. These are the wise ones who question and discern.

Somewhat like mainstream news – believe the opposite.


PS     If you get  “housebound”, from this, or any other detox or cleanse, just slow down the dosage -and  please contact us if you have any further questions.

If anyone reading this would like to join the majority who know the benefits of herbs and other natural health products, please contact us to get you started with professional expertise since 1983.

We have used Nature’s Sunshine Products since 1985, and can ensure that you get results. If you use our sponsor #1143615, you get our support to choose best products for your conditions, in addition to 20-25% discount and free S/H. As I do not find their website first time freindly, we do not charge to get your first order figured out.

Q & A: Paw Paw Cell Reg and Basal Cell Carcinoma


Cell Reg – 2 brief questions

Hello! First time writer here. 1. Is there anything Cell-Reg should
NOT be taken with, for example melatonin, Vitamin C, etc? 2. Do you
have any experience with using Cell-Reg with Basal Cell Carcinoma?
Thank you!


Charles, these articles may help you re: contraindications.
 I especially recommend Melatonin, and include reasons why in my book, The Paw Paw Program.


And yes, good results with all Cancers, including basal cell. This usually involves external application of Paw Paw Cell Reg in a carrier, such as Silver Gel, Pau D’Arco Lotion or Aloe Vera Gel. One may also choose to add Frankincense EO.
Depending on the severity, one may want to also do the internal program.


You are welcome to call the office 250-748-6802 for free 10 mins. consultation about how to use it for this condition, plus how to get the correct quality products, at discounted price.  Best time is 9-10:00 am PST Tuesday or Wednesday.Lorene an usually get back to you within 48 hours.
PS. Great that you included your phone number, as Lorene already contacted you due to  your email reply being rejected.

Foot Fungus


Hi Lorene,

I thought I read somewhere that Paw Paw and Pau D’Arco were good to cure foot fungus…I wanted to use the Pau D’Arco cream with some Paw Paw capsules opened and mixed in for my husband’s athletes foot, but now can’t find the info…can the Paw Paw and Pau D’ Arco cream be used for this? Thanks, K

Hi K,
Absolutely. Mix enough Paw Paw capsules into a small quantity of Pau D’Arco Lotion – just keep stirring – with a toothpick works well – until you get consistency that works for you to apply.
 I will also send you 2 articles from my web that explains another option more for stubborn nail fungus, and dietary recommendations.
He is also encouraged to check out diet which can contribute to fungus, candida, etc. 


Thank you so much!! He started feeling relief with the cream almost instantly!


Q&A: How to access Chinese anti-viral formula

Many people have asked this question after watching  the video “I Am Not Misinformation.”

The Chinese herbal formula we have used for 25+ years is called HRP-C in Canada, and VS-C in others.

Outside of North America, please look at the list of herbs in the links and seek similar sources from a local herbalist.

Within North America, you can use the above links to order online, or for personal, professional contact us by phone, 250-748-6802, or web contact to help you order this directly, with a discount and free shipping.

See more details for ingredients and availability in other countries in Comments below.

Ulcer Remedies


Good to talk with you the other night. Do you have matula tea for treatment of H-pylori? Maybe I need to talk with you as I believe some probiotics are in order as well. Have been positive for the pylori test and doctor recommended a pak of antibiotics. Took one day of it and it is not for me!!!





Good idea to go natural, as pharma antibiotics may temporarily fix some symptoms, but have the potential to cause more problems in the long run. Sounds like you already noticed some negative side effects from the antibiotics.

Here is a brief reference to this challenge:  North American Drug Ceremony

No, I have not used matula tea. An herbal formula that many have used very effectively for many years for ulcers is ULC-R   (ULCeR). As the online link says very little, I am providing some additional education.

Researchers agree that gastric ulcers, once thought to be caused by stress and related excess acid, are actually caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria. H. pylori infection is also thought to be responsible for other gastrointestinal disorders including gastric cancers.

Nature’s Sunshine spent two years of intensive research evaluating the properties of various herbs to create this unique natural formula designed to have a strong inhibitory action against the growth of Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

Pau D’Arco (Tabebuia avellanedae) bark concentrate, Clove (Eugenia aromatica) flowers concentrate, Elecampane (Inula racemosa) root extract, all help inhibit the activity of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, while safely leaving friendly bacteria uninhibited in the intestinal tract. This protects your microbiome.

This brief article also refers to Elecampane.

  • DGLE (deglycyrrhizinated licorice root extract) helps soothe stomach irritation and associated discomfort caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
  • DGLE and Capsicum (Capsicum annuum) promote healing.
  • The formula helps alleviate inflammation.
  • Unlike prescription or over-the-counter antacids, it does not cause unwanted side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, or possible liver damage

If your condition has been ongoing for more than a few months, which is likely if you are at the stage of having it medically diagnosed, I would suggest doing the ULC-R for 3 months, beginning high dosage of 1 capsules 3-4 times daily, then gradually decreasing dosages, depending on your results. If you need assistance to help monitor this, please consider a consultation – if this is only challenge a mini of 20 mins. may be enough.

The probiotic I would do for one bottle is Nutribiome Bacillus Coagulans, 1 capsules twice daily, then 1 bottle of Probiotic Eleven, 1 capsule twice daily.

Please contact me if you would like assistance to order these or monitor as your condition improves.

Note: links in this article are for NSP Canada products. Please contact me for US product names, links and prices, or to order with discount under Ac#1143615.

We offer personal service to help you gain and maintain optimum health.

Paw Paw Program – dose, specifics & actions

Suggested recommendations for The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally  by Lorene Benoit, MHH, CHC, BEd, CI.

Refer to “Natural Approach” for philosophy, explanation and more detail of this condition.

Refer here for updated availability of Paw Paw Cell Reg .

* To order any of these therapeutic nutritional formulations, PLEASE  contact Benoit Health Associates to ensure you get the correct, quality controlled products at discounted pricing. You will also be eligible for ongoing support and discounted  consultation fees. There is no charge for placing orders, or setting up accounts. 

We can offer support and expertise, which you will not receive if you order from Amazon EBay or other online sources. We offer phone, email and Skype consultations – one initial 10 mins. free to decide if you choose to follow this program; also free to place orders.   Reasonable fees apply thereafter; discounted price for those with membership in our support group.

Note: some products link only to US, if they are the same as Canadian products. We can send you CA prices & product #s. Where products have different names or formulas, we have attempted to include links for both countries. We offer personal service to help you on your healing journey,  so give us a call or contact through website for assistance.

Basic Paw Paw Program
Paw Paw (Asimina triloba)– works by these  mechanisms:
  1. The acetogenins in Asimina triloba modulate the production of ATP, the energy supply,  in the mitochondria of abnormal cells. It does not affect ATP production elsewhere.
  2. Decreases blood vessel supply (anti- angiogenesis) to abnormal cells.
  3. Depletes  DNA and RNA necessary for cell reproduction and division to abnormal cells.  #1,2,3 all lead to increased apoptosis, or cancer cell death.
  4. Limits the ATP dependent efflux pump gylcoprotein function, which can cause cancer cells to become chemo resistant (MDR). Therefore Paw Paw can enhance effectiveness of pharmaceutical chemo.
  5. Paw Paw is anti-viral, anti-parasitic, and cleans out the mutant fungal cells.

The Paw Paw Program book explains in more details and why it affects abnormal cells and not healthy cells. This is one of the main advantages over pharmaceutical chemo, which damages ALL cells.

Take with  meals: + see specifics:

Start with 1 capsule – 4X a day, then increase by 1 capsule per day up to tolerance level.  If you experience some nausea or diarrhea, then back down dosage by 1  capsule, to comfortable level. For some people who are very sensitive, 4/day may be too much. You can start more gradually, with 1 per day, 2 next day, up to your optimum chemotherapeutic dosage.

The ideal is to take it roughly every 6 hours to maintain constant inhibition of cells growth. Do the best you can with timing without stressing; some with breakfast, lunch, dinner and one dosage during the night. Sleep is critical for healing, so have capsule(s) ready, and take IF you are awake during night. Food is not necessary.

The dosage every 6 hours is based on research by Dr. Jerry McLaughlin and Dr. Jay Vandenheuvel to ensure a continuous supply of Paw Paw to inhibit abnormal cell reproduction.

Some people have required up to 16  (4 X 4 times/day, some only 4 per day (1 x 4).  Everyone’s body and rampant cell growth is unique – your body will determine correct dosage for you. This is what makes Paw Paw, Asimina triloba one of the only self-regulating, effective and safe chemotherapeutic.

 Super Omega 3  or  Super Oil  (CA only):

Super Omega 3 provides high level DHA and EPA, source of  anti inflammatory prostaglandins; helps maintain healthy cell membranes; plus many other health benefits for nervous, structural and circulatory systems. Super Oil provides a balanced supply of Omega 3,6 and 9s.

Super Omega 3’s:  1- 2X day OR Super Oil: 1-3X day


The rest of program is best taken separate from meals, on an empty stomach:

1/2 – 1 hr. before meal or 1 1/2 hr. after meal

Protease Plus – enzymes break down chitin (hard protective coating) of cell membrane of abnormal cells to allow Paw Paw and natural immune cells to do their work. Also digests fibrin debris in blood. The ‘plus’ is that besides proteolytic enzymes, Protease also contains a full spectrum of plant-derived trace minerals.

Protease is not being used in the usual way, with meals  to digest food protein, which is why it is be taken between meals for this program.

2-3 capsules / 2 x day between meals, on empty stomach– morning, mid noon, or bedtime.

Note, in US. Protease High Potency is available. It contains 180,000 HUT, versus 60,000 HUT in Protease Plus, so dosage can be reduced to 1 capsule / 2x day between meals.

Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic – provides all trace minerals, plus healing adaptogenic herbs to decrease stress (supports adrenals), build immune system, as well as provide building blocks for enzyme production and healthy cell regeneration and increased energy.

2 T ( 30 ml= 1 oz.)  1-2 X day – can take straight, or mix with water. Can take this with Paw Paw and Super Oil at meals, or some people find it more effective pick me up, energy booster to drink between meals.

*  This basic program of  4 essential herbs, minerals, enzymes and EFAs is less than $200.00 dollars to start, with discounts up to 35% available for continuing orders. We suggest people start with this basic program, and once they are comfortable with this, a personal education session can be helpful to determine specifics needs for each person. It can be very beneficial to book this within 2-3 weeks of starting the basic program, at which time any questions concerning additional support , diet and other treatment options can be discussed.


Other additional nutritional aids which can speed healing are discussed in more detail in Paw Paw Program Upgrade:

Pau D’Arco capsules (Tabebuia heptaphylla): an anti-cancer herb with a long tradition, from South America. This herb has anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Also available Liquid TExtract in US.

E-Tea or Essiac Tea: a traditional North American Native remedy, consisting of slippery elm, burdock, turkey rhubarb and sheep sorrel. These herbs purify blood and reduce inflammation. Nature’s Sunshine has made this formula in an easy to use, more potent capsule form. E-Tea is also a pleasant tasting beverage.

Silver Guard(CA)or Silver Shield (US)can be used to quickly decrease all microbial load that may be contributing to cancer groth as explained in the Paw Paw Program book. in 1985 Dr. Becker, MD, noted that with sufficient silver ions the body produces stem cells, via “Bredig’s process”. Silver Shield is a potent silver ionic solution that stops growth of almost all microbes, including fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Dr. Pedersen’s Silver protocol is in the book.

Cat’s Claw (CA) /  Una de Gato (US) combination –  Cat’s Claw/Una de Gato is a traditional herb that has been the Peruvian cancer herb of choice for centuries. Includes Echinacea and Astragalus, to cleans and strengthen the immune, intestinal and lymphatic systems; help counteract effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

Zambroza or Thai Go ( 2- 25 ox bottles in US )– one of nature’s strongest anti-oxidants and immune enhancers, contains high dosages of phytonutrients, anti-inflammatory, energy booster. See more on this therapeutic blend below.

2T (1 oz = 30 ml) daily – can be doubled.  Delicious straight, hold in mouth, savour and swallow; or can be mixed with water for a healthful, delicious beverage.

Please refer to the book for  case studies and testimonials from those who have successfully used this basic program, as well as the amazing report on case studies conducted by Dr. Forsythe with terminal cancer patients . Methods of action and properties, based on Dr. Jerry McLaughlin’s extensive research for over 30 years, is included.

This program is designed to be part of a comprehensive program, in conjunction with corrective diet, emotional clearing, appropriate exercise, proper elimination and other natural health and life building aspects. It is suggested that you seek the advice of a qualified natural health care practitioner to assist in the optimal selection of a program for you and to monitor your results. This professional can work with others with whom you choose to share your healing journey. The author is available for consultations via email, Skype or phone.

NOTE: sometimes web links change – please contact us if you encounter a challenge, as we are here to help! 

Basic dietary recommendations are critical for health:

* No sugar and no wheat – In 1931 Otto Warburg received a Nobel Prize for proving that fermentation of sugar causes cancer.

Substitute sugar and wheat with high quality foods that provide healthy protein, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and oils. The only acceptable sweeteners are xylitol, agave and stevia.

Details are extensively covered in the Paw Paw Program, including Food Choices Chapter 6 – Road To Wellness;  Chapter 7 – Food Choices for Optimal Health;  Recipes in Chapter 10 and more interspersed throughout the stories.

In a nutshell, from p. 104: “The basic diet should consist of:

  • vegetables of every colour of the rainbow, raw, steamed, stir fried or baked;
  • sprouted, soaked and ground nuts and seeds;
  • organic animal protein;
  • limited  low glycemic fruit – berries are best choice”

see articles:  Super Anti-Oxidant Foods and Super Foods & Shakes.

Drinking plenty of good liquids is critical. To enhance pure water, drink Chlorophyll ES (US)  / Chlorophyll  (CA) , E-Tea, which is Essiac Tea in a convenient capsule form – instant tea with proven healing abilities or Green Tea Extract – again simply open a capsule and add hot water for high Anti-oxidant health benefits.

Depending on the individual and the specific diagnosis, other supplements may be recommended. Super Food Supplements can offer simple solutions to increase nutrition levels for healing and repair. There are many healthful natural supplements that have been used with cancer effectively; some are listed below, the others in a chapter of the book.

For best effects, please do not add other products that may interfere with the mechanism by which this program has been effective.

This program is not counter-indicated with orthodox medical treatment…

…such as surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. Paw Paw will enhance the effectiveness and decrease the negative side effects of these approaches. The program is designed to enhance the natural healing abilities of your body, rather than ‘fight’ any particular disease.

For an explanation of why Paw Paw should be used if one chooses chemotherapy, please read the author’s  book, The Paw Paw Program,  and/or these 2 Q&A’s : Paw Paw and Chemotherapy and Paw Paw & Chemo & Surgery.

Some clients notice a difference within 1 week. For others, they may not notice anything for more than a month. It depends on you, your body and your cancer. When you commit to this program, it is to your financial benefit to become a member with Benoit Health Education, for both  discounts and support.

Some of the optional suggestions that can be used in conjunction with the Paw Paw Program are briefly listed below. Again, it is best to discuss your program with a qualified natural health practitioner, so all that all aspects of your particular case are taken into account, and so that you are not taking more than you need or conflicting supplements. The following are some that are helpful to anyone that wants to increase overall nutritional status to work with any disease condition.

However, we recommend just starting with the basic program of 4 essential supplements and the diet, then consulting for your specifics.

Chlorophyll ES (US)  / Chlorophyll  (CA) : a pleasant spearmint oil flavoured alfalfa extract to add to water – it is highly nutritious, alkalizing and delicious. No calories, chemicals or sweeteners, very inexpensive.

Astragalus: used extensively in China and recently US and Canada as an adjunct to both medical and natural immune system protocols.

Concentrated Flax Hull Lignans (CA) / Flax Seed Oil with Lignans (US): Health Sciences Institute has an article outlining research for use of concentrated lignan as effective in increasing apoptosis, or mutant cell death. (Ask for article). Effectiveness shown in trials especially with hormonal cancers, such as breast and prostate.

Artemisia Wormwood (Artemisia vulgaris) has been used in Chinese medical institutions for years with success for cancer treatment and as an anti-parasitic. Combined with several other anti-parasitics, and anti-oxidants, including tumeric, ginger, garlic, clove, mugwort and elecampane.

Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) Liquid or capsules: has a long history as destroying parasites, including worms, flukes, ringworm, yeasts, as well as supplying organic iodine for the thyroid. Parasites and cancer cells cannot survive in a body with adequate iodine levels.

Green Tea Extract: proven to contain anti-cancer properties. One capsule makes 1 strong cup of powerful anti-oxidant tea.

Colostrum: contains powerful immune modulators such as immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, leukocytes, cytokines, interleukin-10. The PRPs (Polyproline rich polypeptides) balance an overactive immune system and stimulate and underactive immune system.

Melatonin Extra: a potent anti-oxidant, helps stimulates immune system; may also prevent and slow tumour growth. Melatonin should be taken in evening to help induce sleep.

Zambroza or Thai Go ( 2- 25 oz bottles in US ): proven, by independent lab tests, to be the strongest anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant on the market. Mangosteen, Wolfberry/Gogi Berry, and Sea Buckthorn, have been used for centuries in Asia as remedies for many inflammatory conditions, including circulatory conditions, (inflammation of blood vessels and heart muscle), arthritis (inflammation of joints), fibromyalgia (inflammation of muscles), as a few examples. Also contains green tea, blueberry, 4 different grape parts, raspberry, apple pectin to complete this synergistic formula.

Once cancer is cleared, it is recommended to continue Paw Paw at low daily dose to keep abnormal cell growth controlled, or at least 1- 2 bottles per year at 4 per day. This also helps with parasites, fungus and viruses. For added protection, add the Protease plus. Maintain optimal nutrition!

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