Category Archives: Herbal Wisdom

Move over Birds – The Monkeys May Take Over….

It seems that Monkey Pox might be chosen as the next Plandemic. (post April, 2020)

And  just 2 weeks ago, we were led to believe it would be the Avian Flu. 

Whichever WHO (World Health Organization)  and UN (United Nations) choose for another World Health Emergency never fear, herbs are here.

They have been for millennium, and guess why? They work?

Check out some older posts under the heading Immune Tips:

Take your pick;  there are many options that work. The name of the disease is not  important – build your immunity and your body will do what it needs to do to keep you healthy!

If you need assistance, contact our office, and leave your phone number and time zone for fastest response. Since 1985, Lorene has offered education, not obligation.

Money Pox    What Is It ?

If you need to understand more, this 19 min. news cast explains How They Will Control All of Us.    At  3 minutes the World Health Organization prepping to declare another World Health Emergency. Remember that CA and US have agreed to follow whatever they say. This will enable them to force the next vaccine, lock downs,  control via vaccine cards (starting in 5 EU countries Sept. 2024) , digital currency, and hardships to further effect their  “You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy” Plan.

Do not fall for this again!  ENOUGH is ENOUGH! 
Educate, Do Not Consent, Speak Out for Yourself and Future Generations!


Omega 3’s: Concussions, Hormones, Skin, Nerves, Heart, Immunity & More…

I am currently teaching the Brilliant Body Course online.  Omega 3 was coming up in so many body systems: Circulatory, Nervous, Immune, Glandular/Endocrine, and Structural.

It reminded of the importance of Omega 3 and I thought it was time to add some additional notes about this critical supplement in which many people are deficient.

Omega 3 been part of our Daily Insurance program for decades, available as Super Trio. This convenient Pack consists of Super Omega 3, Super Vitamins and Minerals, and Super N-TOX ( a super Anti-oxidant), conveniently packaged as 60 packets with 1 of each. Great for busy people and those not following a specific natural health regime.

Omega 3 is  also part of the Basic 4 supplements for the Paw Paw Program for Cancer.

Then I saw this article on the importance of Omegas for  Concussions in the June issue of   The Herbal Collective. I have expanded upon this article and hope you will add this important reminder of care for head injuries to the long list of benefits of Omegas.

Who gets concussions?

Out of the 3 to 4.5 million concussions every year, nearly 2,000,000 are children
aged nineteen or younger who are treated in emergency rooms for sports and recreational-
related head trauma.
The list for sports-related brain trauma includes soccer, hockey, lacrosse, wrestling,
playgrounds, bicycles, baseball,football, skateboards, horse-back riding, and falls.

Symptoms of Concussion

According to CDC, the most common symptoms of concussion are headaches,
brain fog, fatigue, lack of energy, personality and mood changes, anxiety, irritability, and a type of vertigo called BPPV  ( Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo).
Sometimes symptoms may not be readily apparent for days or even a couple of weeks.

The Essential Fats Protocol:

How do omegas help treat brain injury? “The brain is made of fat and about 30
percent of that fat is what are called omega-3 fatty acids, (Super Omega 3)”, says Udo Erasmus, author of ” Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill”.

“We’ve learned if we saturate the brain with what it is made of, we can create the nutritional foundation making it possible for the brain to heal itself.”
Erasmus says most people do not get enough Omega 3 fatty acids which come from cold water fish like salmon,  nuts and seeds like flax and chia seeds and walnuts.

Following a concussion, Udo recommends 3 grams of a balanced omega 3-6-9 oil  (Super Oil) in the morning noon, and night which will supply 9 grams of combined bioactive essential fatty acids daily. This nutritional support should continue for at least a week, or until  symptoms abate, whichever is longer, at which time supplementation should continue at gradually reduced dosages.

In my experience, many people do get more Omega 6, and 9’s via their diet, so are more deficient in the Omega 3’s, so we often see the need for Super Omega 3, which is 1000 mg. from quality tested sources. It contains a balance of EPA and DHA.

Additional benefits of essential fatty acids as reported by CDC:

*Improve heart rate and rhythm
*Reduce triglycerides and high blood pressure
*Lessen the effects of chronic inflammation on the heart and blood vessels
*Reduce the risk of angina, heart attack, and stroke
* Provide the body with more energy, help stabilize the weight or aid in weight loss                * Enhance the immune system                                                                                                                             * Prevent and reduce inflammation                                                                                                                  * Provide more nourished and healthy skin.
* Omega 3 fatty acids are an integral part of cell membranes throughout the body (thus      required for healthy cellular regeneration)
* Provide a starting point for making hormones                                                                                       *Omegas have important benefits for the heart, brain and metabolism                                *Considered specific for nervous conditions such as MS, Parkinsons, Dementia, including Alzheimer’s.

More information on Omega 3’s and Emotional Health, Depression: (

Sources of Omega 3 as Daily Insurance:                                              (

To order Quality Herbs or health supplements, call

Benoit & Associates Health Education: 250-748-6802

or order via this website:       NB:  make sure this Sponsor Ac# 1143615 comes up, so you get our support, full discounts, and reduced consultation rates.  Or call us for free 10 min. consultation or to place your 1st order at no charge: 250-748-6802.  You will get a real person, no AI robots.

Lorene Benoit, MHH, BEd, CHC, CRA, NSP #1143615

AUTHOR OF:  The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The Worls IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – R. Buckminster Fuller

To understand current N.American and Global state of affairs, decline in health , loss of freedoms of choice of personal health, work, speech, travel, please look & listen to sources other than those creating the havoc. Thousands of reliable references on these sites:

Kudos to an educated RCMP officer

Royal Canadian Mounted Police have for years been prided as Canadian law enforcers. This officer with 21 years service is leaving over a  basic Constitutional Right that Canadian totalitarian government is denying him, and many others.

Let us hope that more RCMP will side with supporting Canadians’ rights, rather than allegiance to a Queen who, alive or dead, does not respect us as men,  women, or children.

He is standing up for freedom. He offers excellent warnings about Turdope’s demonic plan to inject every child in CA; the rest of the world is the same.

Like this man, I personally know many unjabbed people with the flu. It’s flu season. Yes,  it’s contagious, like the flu, like a cold. They get over it, without testing, without going to a doctor or the hospital. Most of those unjabbed have the trust to treat naturally. See  Crisis Management for tips.

Many of those jabbed end up in hospital and are having a harder go of it. Depends on whose stats you believe.

I agree with Corporal Richard Mehner’s worldwide stats, and have previously checked mortality rate in Canada for ALL respiratory conditions  from 2015 – 2021. It concurs with his world stats.


He has done some excellent research, and I encourage you to read his parting letter.

Then decide what YOU will do in 2022 to stop this tyranny.

One of the easiest is DO NOT CONSENT.  If everyone stopped testing, this plandemic would be over.

Other references and relevant articles:

Stand up for your children! Probably why most of the anarchist protesters have grey hair – THEY are standing up for their grandchildren.

 Cov Perspective and  Seven Natural Aids

All articles I have written on the plandemic since March, 2020 can be found here:

This includes articles on Quercetin, Ivermectin, HRP-C.

Contact us via this website or phone office 250-748-6802 for personal, professional assistance.

2 More Studies on Turmeric Curcumin

The ancient Indian spice turmeric strikes again!

Learn why Turmeric is effective in neutralizing SAR-CoV-2, for many of the same reasons it is also effective for renegade cell growth, aka cancer.

1. Turmeric Root and Its Bioactive Ingredient Curcumin Effectively Neutralize SARS-CoV-2 In Vitro

The application of turmeric root in herbal medicine has a very long history.

Its bioactive ingredient curcumin shows a broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity. In the present study, we investigated the antiviral activity of aqueous turmeric root extract, the dissolved content of a curcumin-containing nutritional supplement capsule, and pure curcumin against SARS-CoV-2.

Turmeric root extract, dissolved turmeric capsule content, and pure curcumin effectively neutralized SARS-CoV-2 at subtoxic concentrations in Vero E6 and human Calu-3 cells. Furthermore, curcumin treatment significantly reduced SARS-CoV-2 RNA levels in cell culture supernatants. Our data uncovers curcumin as a promising compound for complementary COVID-19 treatment. Curcumin concentrations contained in turmeric root or capsules used as nutritional supplements completely neutralized SARS-CoV-2 in vitro.










2. This study finds turmeric extract selectively and safely killing cancer stem cells in a way that chemo and radiation can not.

A groundbreaking new study published in the journal Anticancer Research reveals that one of the world’s most extensively researched and promising natural compounds for cancer treatment: the primary polyphenol in the ancient spice turmeric known as curcumin, has the ability to selectively target cancer stem cells, which are at the root of cancer malignancy, while having little to no toxicity on normal stem cells, which are essential for tissue regeneration and longevity.

Titled, “Curcumin and Cancer Stem CellsCurcumin Has Asymmetrical Effects on Cancer and Normal Stem Cells,” the study describes the wide range of molecular mechanisms presently identified by which curcumin attacks cancer stem cells (CSCs), which are the minority subpopulation of self-renewing cells within a tumor colony. These cells  are capable of producing all the other cells within a tumor, making them the most lethal, tumoriogenic of all cells within most, if not all, cancers.

Because CSCs are resistant to chemotherapy, radiation, and may even be provoked towards increased invasiveness with surgery, they are widely believed to be responsible for tumor recurrence and the dismal failure of conventional treatment.

The study identified the following 8 molecular mechanisms by which curcumin targets and kills cancer stem cells:

  • Down-regulation of interleukin-6 (IL-6): IL-6 is classified as a cytokine (a potent biomolecule released by the immune system) and modulates both immunity and inflammation. It’s over expression has been linked to the progression from inflammation to cancer. Curcumin inhibits IL-6 release, which in turn prevents CSC stimulation.
  • Down-regulation of interleukin-8 (IL-8): IL-8, another cytokine, is released after tumor cell death, subsequently stimulating CSCs to regrow the tumor and resist chemotherapy. Curcumin both inhibits IL-8 production directly and indirectly.
  • Down-regulation of interleukin-1 (IL-1): IL-1, a family of cytokines, are involved in response to injury and infection, with IL-1 ? playing a key role in cancer cell growth and the stimulation of CSCs. Curcumin inhibits IL-1 both directly and indirectly.
  • Decrease CXCR1 and CXCR2 binding: CXCR1 and CXCR2 are proteins expressed on cells, including CSCs, which respond to the aforementioned cytokines in a deleterious manner. Curcumin has been found to not only block cytokine release, but their binding to these two cellular targets.
  • Modulation of the Wnt signaling pathway: The Wnt signaling pathway regulates a wide range of processes during embryonic development, but are also dsyregulated in cancer. Curcumin has been found to have a corrective action on Wnt signaling.
  • Modulation of the Notch Pathway: The Notch signaling pathway, also involved in embryogenesis, plays a key role in regulating cell differentiation, proliferation and programmed cell death (apoptosis), as well as the functioning of normal stem cells. Aberrant Notch signaling has been implicated in a wide range of cancers. Curcumin has been found to suppress tumor cells along the Notch pathway.
  • Modulation of the Hedgehog Pathways: Another pathway involved in embryogenesis, the Hedgehog pathway also regulates normal stem cell activity. Abnormal functioning of this pathway is implicated in a wide range of cancers and in the stimulation of CSCs and associated increases in tumor recurrence after conventional treatment. Curcumin has been found to inhibit the Hedgehog pathway through a number of different mechanisms.
  • Modulation of the FAK/AKT/FOXo3A Pathway: This pathway plays a key role in regulating normal stem cells, with aberrant signaling stimulating CSCs, resulting once again in tumor recurrence and resistance to chemotherapy. Curcumin has been found in multiple studies to destroy CSCs through inhibiting this pathway.

As you can see through these eight actions, curcumin exhibits a rather profound level of complexity, modulating numerous molecular pathways simultaneously.

Conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy is incapable of such delicate and “intelligent” behavior, as it preferentially targets fast-replicating cells by damaging their DNA , regardless of whether they are benign, healthy or cancerous cells. This includes fast replicating cells such as the stomach lining which are essential for us to digest food to gain nutrition for healing!  Curcumin’s selective cytotoxicity targets the cancer stem cells.

Curcumin and Normal Stem Cells

Normal stem cells (NSCs) are essential for health because they are responsible for differentiating into normal cells that are needed to replace damaged or sick ones. If curcumin were to kill normal cells, like radiation and chemotherapy, it would not provide a compelling alternative to these treatments.  The study addressed this point:

“The safety of curcumin has been long established, as it has been used for centuries as a dietary spice. The question arises as to why curcumin does not seem to have the same deleterious effects on normal stem cells (NSCs) as it does on CSCs. There are several possible reasons that curcumin has toxic effects on CSCs, while sparing NSCs.”
The study offered three potential explanations for curcumin’s differential or selective cytotoxicity:
  • Malignant cells take in much more curcumin than normal cells. This is similar to properties of Paw Paw Cell Reg  (Asimina triloba), as explained in Benoit’s book, “The Paw Paw Program“.
  • Curcumin alters the microenvironment of cells in such a way that is adverse to CSCs and beneficial to NSCs.
  • Curcumin may not only directly attack CSCs, but may encourage them to differentiate into non-lethal, more benign cells.

Concluding Remarks

This study adds growing support to the idea that safe, time-tested, natural substances are superior to synthetic ones. Given the evidence that a safe and effective alternative may already exist, chemotherapy, radiation and even surgery may no longer be justified as the first-line standard of care for cancer treatment.

In fact, a significant body of evidence now implicates these treatments in worsening prognosis, and in some cases driving cancer stem cell enrichment in tumors.

Radiotherapy, for instance, has been found to induce cancer stem cell-like properties in breast cancer cells, essentially increasing their malignancy and tumoriogenicity by 30 fold.  This is hardly progress when one considers the role that CSCs play, especially in contributing to post-treatment secondary cancers.

Turmeric and its components are not FDA approved drugs, and by definition the FDA will not allow an unapproved substance, natural or synthetic, to prevent, treat, diagnosis or cure a disease.  This means that you will not be seeing it offered by an oncologist as an alternative to chemotherapy or radiation any time soon.  This does not, however, mean that it does not work.

There are  over 1500 citations from the National Library of Medicine’s database MEDLINE on Turmeric Research, showing that curcumin and related turmeric components possess significant anti-cancer activity.
Please contact our office to order quality and potent turmeric, 50:1 extract.  One of Nature’s Sunshine Turmeric Curcumin capsules contains the potency of 10 – 200 capsules of other brands, as tested by independent labs.
NSP has not been leader in herbs since 1972 without good reason!

Lobelia – Is it in Your First Aid Kit ?

I Love Lobelia! I wish it would be in every home’s first aid kit.

It is an indigenous  North American annual plant…..

… in the same family as the beautiful flower garden border, but the medicinal species is Lobelia inflata.   It is sometimes called Indian Tobacco because the American Indians smoked it for various benefits. One of the most studied active ingredients is a plant alkaloid called lobeline.




Lobelia is among the most beneficial herbs for the respiratory system.

Lobelia Inflata is a third degree medicinal herb. It has so many positive actions that Dr. John Christopher has a whole chapter in his “School of Natural Healing” textbook dedicated to lobelia.  Some of  the following properties make it one of the essential herbs to have on at hand in every home:

Deobstruant: Lobelia has the ability to remove obstructions, and is a very effective expectorant. This makes it effective in loosening and helping with expectoration of mucous, especially in the respiratory tract and stomach.  It is a very good respiratory stimulant and broncho-dilator.

Lymphatic: It helps to cleanse and stimulate movement of lymph fluid, thus aiding this important part of our immune system, a critical part of our body’s natural waste disposal.

Nervine:  Lobelia is one of nature’s strongest relaxant nervine herbs. Because of its ability to relax the sympathetic nervous system, it has been used effectively for nervous excitement, hysteria, relaxing  tight colon (spastic constipation, IBS), hiatal hernia, diaphramatic tension and pain.

Antispasmodic:  stops spasms so is useful for muscle spasms, cramps, convulsions, seizures, irregular heart beat,  bronchial spasms such as in asthma, coughs, COPD.

Analgesic, Anodyne:  effective for painful conditions such as teething, earache, muscle and joint inflammation, kidney or gall bladder stones, stiff neck, injuries. Helps eliminate pain and toxins of poisonous bites and stings. Apply externally, as well as taking internally.


Stop smoking:     Medical Claim approved by Health Canada:

Lobelia can help quit smoking, by helping to reduce the body’s craving for nicotine and easing withdrawal symptoms”. One of Lobelia’s active constituents is lobeline, which has a similar chemical composition to nicotine. This makes Lobelia very effective for those wishing to stop smoking, as lobeline helps fill the nicotine receptor sites which create cravings, without any addictive effect or weight gain. Lobelia  can help reduce cravings and decrease  nicotine withdrawal-induced depression.

Take a few drops (up to .5ml)  under tongue, hold 30 seconds. Repeat, as needed, up to 20 times per day.

Doing a cleanse, such as the Detox Basics (30 day) , can help make the shift to a positive lifestyle.



This is the Lobelia inflata we have used professionally for 35 years with all ages, from young children with whooping cough,  to 85 year seniors with COPD. It is also available in capsule form in US.

 Internally – In liquid extract form a few drops of Lobelia can be squirted or dropped under the tongue. A calibrated dropper can be used adult dosage is .5ml. (1/10 tsp.) taken in repeated dosages for desired effect or up to one teaspoon at once for a deeply relaxing effect. For children or alcohol contraindication, pour some boiling water over Lobelia alcohol extract and let sit one – two minutes until alcohol evaporates.

Much has been written of Lobelia as toxic – the main result of an excess is emesis, as Lobelia is also prized as an emetic. Once a person has vomited, and the offending substance removed, whether it be poison, mucous, etc. a person will feel the better for it.

Externally: rub a couple of drops on the affected area. For teething, one drop can be rubbed on the gums. For ears: aches, congested, tinnitus: 2 drops in ear; lie down opposite side.

“Lobelia is the most powerful diffusive stimulant known in herbal medicine. After taking a dose it instantly permeates the whole system, removing obstructions wherever found and restoring a healthy action wherever needed. When taken inwardly, it acts like intelligence. Give lobelia and it will find the disease and assist nature to overcome it.”                                       Dr. John Christopher

Please contact us to get personal, professional assistance for CA or US. We can also set up a free discount account with no obligation for you,  with the company whose products we have trusted for our health since 1985.  No charge .



Ulcer Remedies


Good to talk with you the other night. Do you have matula tea for treatment of H-pylori? Maybe I need to talk with you as I believe some probiotics are in order as well. Have been positive for the pylori test and doctor recommended a pak of antibiotics. Took one day of it and it is not for me!!!





Good idea to go natural, as pharma antibiotics may temporarily fix some symptoms, but have the potential to cause more problems in the long run. Sounds like you already noticed some negative side effects from the antibiotics.

Here is a brief reference to this challenge:  North American Drug Ceremony

No, I have not used matula tea. An herbal formula that many have used very effectively for many years for ulcers is ULC-R   (ULCeR). As the online link says very little, I am providing some additional education.

Researchers agree that gastric ulcers, once thought to be caused by stress and related excess acid, are actually caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria. H. pylori infection is also thought to be responsible for other gastrointestinal disorders including gastric cancers.

Nature’s Sunshine spent two years of intensive research evaluating the properties of various herbs to create this unique natural formula designed to have a strong inhibitory action against the growth of Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

Pau D’Arco (Tabebuia avellanedae) bark concentrate, Clove (Eugenia aromatica) flowers concentrate, Elecampane (Inula racemosa) root extract, all help inhibit the activity of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, while safely leaving friendly bacteria uninhibited in the intestinal tract. This protects your microbiome.

This brief article also refers to Elecampane.

  • DGLE (deglycyrrhizinated licorice root extract) helps soothe stomach irritation and associated discomfort caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
  • DGLE and Capsicum (Capsicum annuum) promote healing.
  • The formula helps alleviate inflammation.
  • Unlike prescription or over-the-counter antacids, it does not cause unwanted side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, or possible liver damage

If your condition has been ongoing for more than a few months, which is likely if you are at the stage of having it medically diagnosed, I would suggest doing the ULC-R for 3 months, beginning high dosage of 1 capsules 3-4 times daily, then gradually decreasing dosages, depending on your results. If you need assistance to help monitor this, please consider a consultation – if this is only challenge a mini of 20 mins. may be enough.

The probiotic I would do for one bottle is Nutribiome Bacillus Coagulans, 1 capsules twice daily, then 1 bottle of Probiotic Eleven, 1 capsule twice daily.

Please contact me if you would like assistance to order these or monitor as your condition improves.

Note: links in this article are for NSP Canada products. Please contact me for US product names, links and prices, or to order with discount under Ac#1143615.

We offer personal service to help you gain and maintain optimum health.

North American Drug Ceremony

No, this is not about ahuayasca, kava kava or cacao ceremonies. It is about our death ceremony for legal drugs that plagues our modern advanced society.

The drug ceremony started as a crude ritual back in the days when doctors started using mercury & arsenic to heal, which gradually took over from herbs and other natural forms of healing. In more recent years, it has been developed into a science. It usually takes from 10 to 15 years. However modern scientific advancements can shorten or lengthen this time to manage their profit margins.

It starts with one benign aspirin for a simple headache. When the one aspirin will no longer cover up the headache, take two. After a few months, when two aspirin will no longer cover up the headache, you take one of the stronger pain killers.

By this time, it becomes necessary to take something for the ulcers that have been caused by the aspirin. Now that you are taking two medicines, you have a good start.

After a few months, these medications will disrupt your digestive and liver function; cholesterol will rise and you can get some statin drugs. Plus probably some antacid medications, which will further disrupt your digestion and nutrient absorption, but it will temporarily decrease your “heartburn”. It will also lower function of your first line of immune defense.

If a good infection develops, you can take some antibiotics. These may damage your red blood corpuscles and spleen so that you develop anemia. Another medication is then taken to” fix” the anemia. The antibiotics also destroy your Gastro-intestinal  micro-biome, causing severe gut issues, such as leaky gut syndrome.

Or, if all your symptoms do not match this syndrome,  and especially if you have intolerable pain levels, you may be diagnosed with an auto-immune condition, such as FM, RA, or PMR. A couple of prescriptions can “help” these symptoms. New syndromes  or diseases are continually discovered, as more drugs are being developed to treat them.

All these medications will put such a strain on your kidneys, your blood pressure might rise. It is now time to take some anti-hypertensives, which usually come in tandem with diuretics, and potassium pills to compensate for mineral loss the diuretics cause. When these destroy your natural resistance to disease, you can expect a general flair-up of all your symptoms. Diabetes or pre-diabetes is likely by now, with several drug combos to add to the mix.

The next step is to cover up all of these symptoms with pain killers and add an anti-depressant, as you will be quite depressed by now. When the kidneys finally give up, you can take another drug, or 2 or 3,  or start dialysis. Some poisons will build up in your system, but you can keep going quite a while this way.

By now the drugs will have your body systems so confused, they won’t know what they are supposed to be doing, but it doesn’t really matter. If you have followed every step as directed, you can now start to plan your  last Celebration of Life Ceremony!

The average senior takes 3-10 drugs daily; if in a care home; this will likely increase to 11-15. This game is played by practically all Americans, except for the few ignorant souls who follow nature.

Original by Dr. L.L, updated by Lorene Benoit Health Education.




Happy Earth Day – my newest intern herbalist Holt

What a great way to celebrate Earth Day. Preparing some Elecampane, Inula helenium, root with my 4 1/2 month old grandson. Start ’em young is my motto. He is one healthy herbal baby!

Our 5 yr. old neighbour, Ember, was helping dig jerusalem artichoke tubers, also known as sunchokes, (Helianthus tuberosus) – a great source of natural inulin, when we came across this forgotten elecampane plant with some very healthy roots!

Elecampane is such a wonderful herb for lung conditions and parasites. There are more uses of course, but I want to get this posted while it is still Earth Day, so that will have to do for now.

Nature’s Sunshine uses this herb in these formulas: Artemisia Combination and Caprylic Acid Combination. Both of these combinations are part of the Candida Clear Pak and the Para Pak.

Elecampane is also part of the ULC-R formula for ulcers. Elecampane kills helicobacter pylori bacteria, which is a cause of ulcers, and can lead to more serious stomach issues  if not correctly addressed.

Contact us for wholesale pricing and help order any of these products.

Q&A Hot Flashes and Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla)


Thanks again for sharing the lovely photo of you and your grandson!

On another note, I wonder what you might know about Alchemilla Vulgaris (Lady’s Mantle) to treat hot flashes – they’ve been coming and going. My friend gave me a small bottle with extract. I’ve done quite a bit of research – including on your site – where nothing came up, but I can’t seem to figure out whether it’s really worth trying it out… especially since I’ve been told by quite a few people that my liver is weak and needs more support (I’m starting ginger compresses for that) and I read that alchemilla may have deleterious effects on my liver. So confusing! Any thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks!  A


You are welcome….Grandson Holt  is a charmer and a healthy herbal baby!
Re: your question:
Lady’s Mantle is a wonderful herb; I don’t believe it is bad for the liver, (would like to see that research!), but it is also not my first choice for hot flashes, which I do feel ARE related to liver health.

Alchemilla vulgaris  works more with kidney, fluid energy. I have used this herb for conditions like vaginal discharge, and menstrual flooding as it has drying, toning, strengthening properties. I have made boluses for vaginal insertion, as well as used tincture with good results. As well as for purulent wound healing.
Sorry I just have not had time to enter much of my collected articles on individual herbs – maybe a retirement project? In my experience, Matthew Wood, Rosemary Gladstar  or Susun Weed would be reliable sources for herbal info –  they probably all have good websites.
Ginger on the other hand, is definitely good for liver, and as a stimulant herb, can be good for cooling, and is anti-inflammatory. The other two herbs I rely on for hot flashes are Black Cohosh, Cimicifuga racemosa,  and Dong Quai,  Angelica sinensis. I use these in combination called Flash Ease.
Also there is an excellent Chinese formula which works on balancing hormones and supporting liver function. As I know you are in Bali and cannot access many of the formulas I use, here are links for these products in N.A. .  Liver Balance (US) and    BP-C (CA).
You may be able to find similar formulas using these herb in Bali. If you can find a local herbalist, she or he may know local herbs which will be well suited to where you are presently living.  If not, let me know if anyone coming to visit wants me to order for you to bring . Shipping to Bali might be reasonable, if capsules were taken out of the bottle and sent via any special way you might know.
Other simple techniques for hot flashes are drinking lots of lemon in water, very cooling; wetting your hair before you go to bed, using a cold cloth. or ice pack during night, uncovering your feet….. but liver and hormonal balance are the biggies for sure.
If you wish more detail, feel free to book a follow-up consultation.
You may find more tips in these articles on website , which have Menopause tags: . (Found via Search bar in top right corner of Research Blog. )

All the best – you have managed lots of healing miracles, including your amazing writing of the Healing Pilgrimage on the El Camino, so trust you will do well with this.


Herbal First Aid Kit

For years many people have asked us, “What do you use in your house and when travelling to keep so healthy and avoid the medical route and drugs ?” I have finally put this  article, published years ago in some herbal magazines,  on my own website!

With this kit in your home and mini kit for travelling+ (also see Travel First Aid Kit at end), you will have tools on hand to treat most health challenges!

MORE INFO on any product or personal health issues?  Please Contact Lorene Benoit .   As product links, names (different in US and Canada), and availability all change, contacting Lorene is best option. We can also help you order any of these, receive the best prices and personal assistance!



Herbal First Aid Suggestions by Lorene Benoit                                           BEd, MHH CHC, CI, CRA

1. Tei Fu Oil+

One drop internally:

  • respiratory and sinus congestion / infection
  • sore throat, cough
  • mental alertness
  • breath freshener
  • nausea, motion sickness

1-4 drops topically:

  • sore muscles
  • muscle spasms and cramps/ Charlie horses
  • headaches (on temple and at back of neck)
  • bites and stings
  • bruises
  • cold sores


  • respiratory and sinus congestion and infection

* Tei Fu Massage Lotion also relieves pain, injuries, arthritis and relax muscles, but for traveling light, the pure oil can be used internally, plus added to any healthy carrier oil for massage!

2. Peppermint Oil+

One drop internally:

  • settles upset stomach / nausea
  • dispels gas from intestinal system, digestive aid
  • promotes mental alertness

One drop topically:

  • canker sores / cold sores (stings then numbs);
  • bites and stings
  • headaches (on temple and at back of neck)
3. Tea Tree Oil+
  • natural antiseptic, antifungal and disinfectant
  • promotes healing of cuts, burns, scrapes, and bruises and sunburn
  • stimulates rapid growth of healthy tissue
  • internal douche and enema for yeast infections
  • kills head lice, add to NS concentrate & use as shampoo
4. Garlic ( NSP High Potency Tablets)
  • natural antibiotic in high potency odor controlled tablet
  • fights viral and fungal infections
  • helps lower blood pressure
  • improves circulation
  • helps expel parasites

Fresh garlic can be used in the following ways:

  • in ears to fight ear infections
  • on chest for respiratory congestion (use oil, salve or herbal poultice as barrier to prevent skin burning)
  • on wounds to prevent infection
5. Aloe Vera Gel+
  • burns and sunburns
  • scrapes, minor injuries
  • chapped skin
  • diaper rash
  • combine with NSP Lavender EO to speed healing, lessen inflammation
6. Lobelia+
  • bronchial dilator, healthy “puffer” substitute for asthma
  • opens lymphatic channels/ helps swollen lymph nodes
  • relaxes spasms: bronchial, stomach, bowel, muscles, uterine, heart
  • relaxes nerves and helps reduce pain
  • helps induce vomiting when taken in larger doses; allays vomiting in very small doses – Lobelia is truly a “thinking” herb
  • fills nicotine receptor sites to help stop smoking
  • Anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial: especially effective for microbes involving respiratory system.
7. Capsicum (Cayenne Pepper)+
  • stimulates blood flow
  • normalizes blood pressure, whether high or low
  • helps body to expel mucous
  • high Vit. C content helps colds
  • takes pain away for sore throat if gargled, then swallowed
  • helps for physical shock in accident victims
  • helps stop severe bleeding and hemorrhaging, externally and internally

Tei Fu Oil/ Lobelia/ Capsicum can be combined topically to relieve pain and relax muscles for subluxated neck and arthritis.

8. AL-J
  • allergies
  • respiratory decongestant- helps clear and strengthen lungs & bronchioles
  • helps settle stomach and digestion
  • pneumonia and other respiratory infections – combine with Oregon Grape or # 12
9. Licorice Root
  • promotes stamina and endurance by feeding adrenals to balance them and enable production of natural cortisone
  • helps stabilize blood sugar
  • prevent mood swings, and dizziness
  • helps overcome sugar cravings
  • helps drug and alcohol withdrawal
  • soothing & healing  for ulcers
  • helps with anorexia
  • mild decongestant and expectorant for dry cough
10. Probiotics+

Lorene works with 5 excellent probiotics: Probiotic Eleven, Bacillus Coagulans+, Bifidophilus Flora Force, Acidophilus Bifidophilus & Children’s Probiotics. 

Email her for a comparison chart or book a consultation to set up your specific program. All quality probiotics help rebuild Microbiome and: 

  • keep colon in optimum working order by ensuring probiotic bacterial growth
  • contain prebiotics to ensure growth of probiotics (pro life)
  • renew friendly flora which is destroyed by antibiotics, external environmental toxins & internal toxins
  • help control yeast levels
  • help keep bowel elimination working properly, which elevates immune response
11. Liquid Chlorophyll
  • natural deodorizer to help eliminate odour and toxins from the inside out: smelly feet , bowel movements, and bad breath
  • blood builder: increases oxygen and hemoglobin  levels in blood / helps anemia
  • good drink during labour, provides energy and minerals
  • disinfects injuries to help them heal, good for fighting infections
  • helps alkalize blood stream from acidic food, stress & toxins
  • contains no calories, sugar or chemicals, inexpensive, and tastes great!
12. Echinacea & Golden Seal
  • Combination makes this formula a powerful infection fighter / antiseptic / immune stimulant combination


  • non-specific immune stimulating effect to help body contain infection
  • helps to produce white blood cells and antibodies

Golden Seal

  • tones gastro/intestinal/lung and stomach- KING of mucous membranes
  • helps improve digestive and all liver functions
  • diabetics – helps lower blood sugar levels (if used by hypoglycemics, add Licorice Root or use Oregon Grape)
  • topically helps heal injury, infections for cuts, scrapes, abcesses

(also see Oregon Grape – is comparable to Golden Seal, less expensive and not endangered)

Echinacea / Golden Seal combined with Capsicum and Lobelia

  • dilute with water and gargle for sore throat, then swallow
13. HRP-C (CA) / VS-C (US)+
  • builds natural immunity to combat all viruses, fungus, parasites and candida
  • helps draw out impurities from liver
  • helps detoxify heavy metals (post dental amalgam removal, vaccines, metal toxicity)
  • One of the BEST for all viruses, including Herpes, Shingles, Colds, Flus
14. Vitamin C:   Time Release 1000mg capsules or 500mg/ tablets or Vit C with Zinc Lozenges
  • neutralizes toxins and chemical poisonings, including mercury
  • free radical scavenger, antioxidant
  • increases immunity;  helps prevent and get over colds, flu
15. Silver Guard, Silver Shield, Silver Gel+, Silver Solution 18-24 ppm
Contact Lorene Benoit to determine best for you.
  • All can be internally and externally safely to kill over 600 bacteria viruses and molds
  • All benefits of colloidal silver but many times more effective
  • Cannot overdose (no blue skin argylosis with these!)
  •  great anti-infection for everything from airborne to digestive and parasitical
  • See many uses & testimonies for Silver
16. Ginger+
  • relieves upset stomach, indigestion, cramps, flatulence, and diarrhea
  • stimulates circulation to help relieve pain and inflammation
  • relieves motion sickness, morning sickness, and nausea
17. Pau D’Arco Lotion
  • relieves itching and pain
  • helps with acne, eczema,psoriasis
  • poison ivy
  • snakebites
  • wounds
  • boils, fungal infections,
  • hemorrhoids
  • Can add Authentic Essential Oils for additional healing
18. Cascara Sagrada (Sacred Healing Bark)
  • herbal laxative, works by increasing peristalsis
  • stimulates secretions in the entire digestive system including the liver, gallbladder, stomach and pancreas
  • promotes the growth of friendly bacteria in the colon
  • the longer you use it, the less you need – the opposite of OTC drug laxatives
  • Lorene’s preferred use in in formulas such as LBS or LB-X.
19. Passion Flower
  • herbal sedative that induces relaxation
  • relieves muscle tension and anxiety
  • relaxes smooth muscles of digestive tract
  • helps treat stress, headaches due to nervous tension, and insomnia
  • Many people choose to use in formula such as HPV, which combines Passion Flower with Hops and Valerian.

Travel First Aid  Kit

For travel to tropical or overseas destinations, we take the following:

  • #1 Tei Fu
  • #2 Peppermint
  • #3 Tea Tree
  • #5 Aloe Vera Gel
  • #6 Lobelia
  • #7 Capsicum (can just take 10 capsules – a little goes a long way)
  • #10 Probiotics- Bacillus Coagulans requires no refrigeration
  • #13 HRP-C or VS-C for infection
  • #15 Silver Gel &/or Liquid
  • #16 Ginger


  • Digestive Enzymes (CA) / Food Enzymes (US) take 1 with each meal unless meal is just peeled fruit. The  HCl acid, pancreatin, and other enzymes help destroy parasites and to prevent intestinal disorders of all types including Montezuma’s Revenge, Thai Trots & other traveller’s food poisoning.
  • One of the following for diarrhea, constipation, colic:

UC3-J  (Slippery Elm, Marshmallow, Plantain, Bugleweed, Rose Hips, Chamomile), OR Slippery Elm OR Psyllium Hulls Combotake as needed. More effective to open capsules and make tea, or bulk Psyllium Hulls Combo.

  • You can also use any of the above as a drawing poultice – open capsule and add enough water to make paste. Hemorrhoids, take as above or as suppository. Promotes growth of intestinal bacteria.
  • Can be used for constipation, as added fibre taken with lots of water.
  • Activated Charcoal (US)– food poisoning, parasites, intestinal cramps. Adsorbs toxins and takes them out via the bowel. Take 2-3 capsules as needed.

The following are additional possibilities, but the above 13 items usually cover everything and all fit into a small pouch. Small ziplock baggies and film canisters work well. You likely won’t use them all – keep them well stored in your Travel First Aid Kit and they will be on hand when you need them and ready for your next trip. Also useful to have on hand for home use.

  • AD-C – Chinese formula to restore Chi – Jet Lag, Swelling, Pain, Anti-Depressant

Take 1 every 2 hours going, take 2 every two hours on return flight to prevent or lessen jet lag. Also used for any “blocked chi” conditions, including headaches, muscle or joint pain, swellings, especially with sudden onset.

  • Lavender Essential Oil – anti-inflammatory, useful for burns, sores, relaxant promotes sleep, anti-microbial (good choice for spritzer). Other Oils in KIT are wonderful for First Aid – zip lock them!

*Special note Silver Guard: 1 large bottle of the Silver 473 ml. unopened in packed luggage, can be used upon arrival- 1 tsp/1 capful each per day. You can also put some in a spray bottle (under 100 ml) to take on the plane and spray to breathe and protect your throat while enroute to prevent “Germ-laden airplane air sickness”, as I call it. If you don’t want to do the spray, the gel can also be dabbed in the nostrils to prevent airborne bugs; the tube is 85 ml, so you can take it on plane in a zip lock baggie.The Gel is wonderful for any kind of rashes, sun burn or wounds.

To order any of these, please Contact Lorene Benoit  for best prices and personal assistance. Lorene will help you order, and can book a private class to ensure you are confident in how to use these.