Category Archives: Immune Tips

CoQ10 – crystal free liposomal research

After 40 Years of Research Dr Judy Reveals the  Benefits of Crystal Free CoQ10

for Heart, Parkinson’s,  Immunity, and Anti-Aging


Most people seek a supplement that will offer anti-aging and immune boosting. In the search for that one well researched vitamin,  we just learned about how the new CoQ10 may be one of your solutions.

CoQ10 is one product that benefits the entire body by increasing energy production. It specifically targets the  the heart,  nerves, lungs and muscles. Everyone has heard of the benefits of CoQ10 and you may already be taking it.  Dr. Judy is the world’s foremost authority and we were fortunate to hear his presentation at our 2012 Health Convention in Toronto.

He  documented scientific evidence shows that the new SIBR Research Crystal Free CoQ10, developed as a result of his 40 years of research, is at least 6 times more powerful and up to 800% more absorbable than crystal CoQ10 that is generally on the market.  67 generations of studies were required to develop this product and Nature’s Sunshine is the only easily accessible company in the world that carries this new highly absorptive CoQ10 product.

CoQ10 is a vitamin like substance found in all living organisms in nature. It was discovered by Fredrick Crane at the Enzyme Research Center at the U of Wisconsin. It was isolated from beef heart mitochondria which are the energy producing organelle of each body cell. In 1958 the chemical structure of CoQ10 was defined by Dr Karl Folkers. A Nobel Prize was awarded to Sir Peter Mitchell in 1978 for his work on how the cell makes energy and the essential role of CoQ10 in this process.

There are three functions and three forms of CoQ10 in nature: Ubiquinone,  Semi-ubiquinone and Ubiquinol.

This new SIBR Reserach CoQ10 is highly absorbable due to its tri-lipid crystal free formulation, which is made from all natural products.Because the body cannot absorb a crystal, this accounts for the higher absorption levels, again up to 800% better.

CoQ10 is not absorbed in the blood stream as it is too large and lipophilic (dissolved in fats). It is absorbed in the small intestine and diffuses into the lymph vessels and is then transported to the blood stream via the subclavian vein.

Concerning CoQ10 levels in humans, there are 3 distinct groups of people:

1) Groups having normal CoQ10 levels = 75% of the population. At age 65, as CoQ10 declines naturally,  this group begins to have low energy and increasing illness.

2) Groups with low levels of CoQ10 = 15%  of the population. This group always appears to be frail and are known to harbour early onset of diseases.

3) Groups with high levels of CoQ10 = 10% of the population. This group age slowly, have late onset of diseases and experience  infrequent age related degenerative conditions. Therefore CoQ10 is an excellent anti-aging product.

Dr. Judy found that CoQ10 deficiencies are proportional  to the severity of  disease. With supplementation of SIBR Research Crystal Free CoQ10, these diseases will reduce and can in many cases reverse the normal course of the disease. Clinical effectiveness of CoQ10 has been proven in:

  • Low energy – 6 fold increase in energy using Crystal Free CoQ10 at  lower dosages than the common crystal CoQ10.
  • Congestive heart failures (CHF) – in Japan CoQ10 was listed as a drug and 12 million people were using it.  After it was declared a natural product, 34 million people were using it. It was clinically shown to reduce the severity of CHF from Class 4 to Class 1 within a year with a dose of 150 mg a day.
  • Hypertension – SIBR Research Crystal Free Co Q10 is the vitamin that provides energy to the smooth muscles in the vascular system. As little as 100mg/day resulted in significant reductions of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, without the addition of hypertensive drugs.  This is great news as blood pressure medications , along with their long list of side effects, were reduced significantly and even discontinued in clinical studies.
  • Parkinson’s studies were done in 2006 in early onset Parkinson. With as little as 250 mg a day “we have been able to stop the progression of Parkinson and almost completely arrest the development of the disease through six years. In older, more severe patients, we have been able to stop the progression, increase the physical ability and improve the mental capacity in many of these elderly patients. ….These responses do not come overnight but  take several months to be fully manifested.” In summary,  a study from 1968-2009 stated: ” In well established Parkinson’s disease patients, the effectiveness of using the old CoQ10 dry powder products was no better than that of a placebo. In studies using the new High Absorption CoQ10, the effectiveness of the CoQ10 is much improved due to the better absorption and higher blood levels of CoQ10. “
  • Muscle ataxia is a disease of the muscles having their origins in the central nervous system. “When these patients are supplemented with SIBR Research Crystal Free CoQ10 they regain the tone and strength in their legs. They again have the strength to stand and to walk. Again this response is not fast, but takes several months to be manifested. This appears to be related to the times it takes to build up the peripheral and brain CoQ10 levels in order to build up the skeletal muscle mitochondria and to recondition the skeletal muscles.”
  • Immunity Studies done in the 70’s and 80’s found that people with low immunity also had a low count of CoQ10. Energy is essential for the body cells to make immune system elements. SIBR Research Crystal Free CoQ10 stimulates the synthesis of T cells cytotoxins that the body injects into cancer cells and prevents them from developing.
  • Cancers have become the major cause of death in the Canadian population. The estimated number of deaths due to cancer this year is estimated to be 75, 700 .In the 1980’s studies indicated that SIBR Research Crystal Free CoQ10 would stop the growth of  leukemia, virus, tumours. A specific cancer research study discovered that there was a specific protein called g-protein that is essential for the synthesis of CoQ10. In the stem cell line of animals the g protein was able to stop the growth of cancers cells.” Some companies tried to make the g- proteins synthetically to be used as a chemotherapy to control cancer growths. They have failed and made nothing but a good rat poison. This g-protein is the “grandfather” of CoQ10. Thus when a cancer patient takes SIBR Research Crystal Free CoQ10 it is broken down to the g-protein in the liver and then circulated through the body thus stopping the growth of cancer cells. 87% of cancer patients have low plasma CoQ10. Cancers are infrequent in populations with high CoQ10. CoQ10 has been shown to stop the growth of cancer cells in animals and man. CoQ10 is broken down in the liver to a G-protein which stops and prevents the growth of cancer cells. CoQ10 is used in Europe and other parts of the world as a means of preventing adverse side effects of chemo and radiation therapy for the treatment of cancers. Many of the patients using CoQ10 do not have nausea, arrhythmia, fatigue, weight loss or hair loss associated with chemo or radiation therapy.                                                                                                                                                                                **Note in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally, CoQ10 is not indicated for cancer programs at the same time as taking Paw Paw, due to their opposing actions on the ATP cycle. One can alternate a program of Paw Paw and CoQ10; ask your natural health practitioner about this option.
  • Statin drugs – cholesterol lowering Statin drugs are supposed to carry a warning that if they have low energy, fatigue, muscle cramps or heart failure, one should take CoQ10 and see your physician. Adverse affects of statin drugs  limit quality of life and survival as they deplete CoQ10.
  • Cardiac arrhythmia – poorly absorbed CoQ10 reduced arrhythmia by about 1/3. A study done in 2010 showed that the new crystal free CoQ10 can reduced the arrhythmia almost completely.
  • Surgical recoverieshospital stays were shortened by as much as 1/2 and recovery time lessened after heart bypass surgeries with the addition of the crystal free tri-liposomal C0Q10

Dr. William Judy says that for any system on the body to function properly energy is required. This includes heart, lung, kidney, liver, brain, sensory, gastrointestinal, reproductive, endocrine, immune,  lymphatic and blood production  functions. Without energy they will break down with resulting illness and death. “SIBR Research Crystal Free CoQ10 is required to synthesize energy and help the patient return to health.”

He further states, “Our bodies are bombarded daily with environmental pollutants, superoxides and free radicals that stress our body and cause inflammatory processes to occur.”  Inflammation and how this relates to ALL diseases, including diabetes, alzheimer’s, arthritis, and most chronic degenerative conditions as explained in The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally,

“By its role as a potent antioxidant crystal free tri-liposomal C0Q10 can protect the body from these stressors.  Supplementing with SIBR Research new CoQ10 will protect patients from any illnesses caused by pollutants including bacteria, and viruses, superoxides  and free radicals.”

To order your SIBR Research Crystal Free CoQ10 please  contact our office. via website, or phone 250-748-6802.

If you wish to order online, from the same company that provides our professional products, go to  Nature’s Sunshine Products worldwide, choose your country, and  use Cdn. #1143615 as your sponsor, to have professional support.

CoQ10 SIBR Research Crystal Free CoQ10 Notes from Dr Wm Judy at NSP Cdn. Convention Oct. 2012-10-29


Success with Staph Infection and Oregon Grape

Hello Lorene and Helga. Helga thank you so much for your phone call. It meant a lot to me.
My hands have not cleared completely but a Dr. Shaw (Dr of internal medicine) told me that the silver and Oregon grape stopped the infection on sores  from getting worse.
I have been diagnosed with Porphyria cutanea tarda. My father and brother had the same thing. I went to hospital today and had 3 ltrs of blood removed from my body. This procedure will take place every 2 weeks.  My body lacks the ability to rid itself of iron.  When sores appeared they got infected with staph.  So I was misdiagnosed from beginning. They feel that menopause  along with me using tanning booth all summer awakened this condition. I had 10 times normal iron levels in my blood.
I have never been to tanning salon before and must say I will NEVER again. thankfully my liver was only mildly inflamed.
Can you recommend a good liver cleanse?
No words can thank you for all your help. I love oregon  grape!!  Because of it doctor could write me a note saying I was not infectious. Then I went back to work. I will keep you updated.

Thank you!!!    P.L., BC

Pneumonia and Lung Healer-Chinese

Paul has had pneumonia every year for 20 years – usually in November. Lorene Benoit recommended that after the antibiotics he was on again, he take LH-C  to build up his lungs so they do not keep re-infecting, along with Lobelia to clear the congestion, thin the mucous and stop the coughing.

Within a couple of days he finally started feeling better. Since then, a few months now, whenever he gets congestion he takes 10 drops of Lobelia and it works like a miracle – he coughs up a bunch of stuff and is good to go. He is going to sstart on some LH-C again to hopefully prevent another infection this year.

PS, Mill Bay, BC

HRP-C and VS-C work for all viruses

This original testimonial was posted in 2012, but the times they are a changing, and I have updated tor these “unprecedented” times.

Herpes cold sores – gone!

I had a herpes cold sore that I had been grappling with for 2 weeks, using -l-Lysine  (US ) and several other nutritional supplements.  After taking the Chinese course, I went home & took HRP-C (CA) or VS-C (for ViruS US).  After 8 capsules the cold sore was gone, completely gone!  I thank my teacher for the reminder that this is the best formula for ALL viruses! … T.N., Chemainus, BC, Oct. 2012


Viral Protection? Balancing Natural Immunity?

It’s helpful to know protective tools whether you  have been been injected or not with what is being called a covid “vaccine”. To promote this, the govt. changed the definition of a vaccine. To be clear,  but this injection is an  experimental gene technology is a first of its kind, and research results are showing that immunity is nowhere near as effective or lasting as we were told.

Not to mention the unreported side effects: “I Am NOT Misinformation”.                              See end of this article for additional supporting medical references.

Natural Protective Aids

We keep both these formulas on hand:
Canada: HRP-C  and Cat’s Claw
US:           VS-C     and   Una de Gato

Both are anti-viral/ anti-bacterial formulas and both can safely be taken long term.  We keep these  as part of our home pharmacy.

Anytime any cold, flu symptoms  appear, we can quickly give the body the nutritional aid it requires to prevent or mediate challenges and return to a healthy state quickly.
We take HRP-C / VS-C –  2-3 caps 3 times/day (100 per bottle) or 2.5 ml liquid extract  3 times/day.

IN US there is also a VS-C TCM concentrate, which would be 1/3 dosage.

Cat’s Claw / Una de Gato: 1-2 caps 3 times/day.

Most people notice an improvement within 24 hours.

HRP-C or Cat’s Claw Combination can also be taken as a prophylactic, or preventative in smaller dosages.

For further protective steps, read: Pine Needle Protection for Viral Transmission, which includes NB facts on the Benefits  of PACs in High Potency Grapine:, especially for heart, strokes, circulation and brain.


As  many viruses affect the respiratory system – lungs, bronchials, sinus, we also keep these two on hand to have when needed:

CA: LH-C and Lobelia

US: Lung Support TCM Concentrate and Lobelia


For suggestions to follow during a health or disease crisis, please read :           Crisis Management
Additional Medical and Science Based  References.

Specific antibodies created by these shots are much more short lived than predicted.  At the same time, they  weaken the innate immune system’s ability to produce antibodies for other viruses, such as all the “variants” developing. Nothing new, that’s what viruses do, including every annual flu variant – they mutate for their own survival.

The major difference between natural antibodies and artificially produced antibodies is their ability to adapt to be effective. if you are around those who have taken the Experimental Jab, or if you have been convinced/coerced to take it, you may choose to protect yourself, as many are doing.

There are too many reports of adverse reactions, not only from  those who have received the jab, but also those who come into contact with them. This can no longer be denied.  Doctors and scientists worldwide are warning people, at great risk to their own financial and personal health.

This 28 min. video includes doctors from 10+ different countries each speaking concisely about their reasons for concern:

Can also viewed on Rumble: Urgent warnings of Covid 19 Vaccine

At 20 mins. Dr. K Brogan quotes: “This is penetration of Body, Mind and Spirit by the State.”

Do you trust GMO, bio-lipid nano-particles being promoted by pharmaceutical companies, who make billions, yet have NO liability? If you still do, please read: Just Ask Why?

Please, educate yourself before allowing this clot shot to enter the bloodstream of your children! This is NOT a reversible decision; make it out of LOVE, not FEAR.


As always, Contact us to help you order any products we have used since 1985 at direct discount. Professional service with a HUMAN being.



Vaccine Myth needs to Die!

April, 2021 Update:

Video link by Drs. Null and Humphries stating “there will never be a safe vaccine” has been censored; no surprise. However, this article referencing Dr. Gary Null may help you:  THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINES MIGHT JUST SAVE YOU FROM DISABLING COMPLICATIONS

11 mins. interview by Dr. Suzanne Humphries has been censored. Check bit chute – you will see many informative videos by this brave doctor.


If the flu vaccine actually worked, out of 100 people vaccinated, how many would be protected from the flu?


Zero to 4 – to see the mathematical calculations to prove this, please visit

The CDC (Centre for Disease Control) has reported measles outbreak in 100% vaccinated populations. Obviously there is NO scientific evidence to support the fact that vaccinations prevent flu. Hand washing has a higher rate of success, with less side effects and considerably less cost.

Is it any wonder that only 30 – 34% of doctors, nurses and other health care workers get annual flu shots? They are educating themselves! Could those in charge of forcing edicts which affect the physical and financial welfare of citizens also spend some time educating themselves? Those in office need to spend some time questioning the expensive vaccine myth – one hour of  research would help them see why those who educate themselves do want to risk their health on questionable, myth ridden, fear mongering flu shots.

As Dr. Humphries so succinctly states, “If the vaccines were so wonderful, why are they needing to be forced on the public? History books show that the people who were vaccinated were the sickest.  It is blazingly clear that much of what is taught in medical school is enormously limited.”  Please make intelligent choices and state your views to your provincial, state and federal employees, who are supposed to be protecting you! !

There is not a shred of evidence to support the myth that vaccines prevent disease. In fact, research shows the opposite is true.

The FACTS are that besides low efficacy, a few other reasons for not wanting the flu or any other vaccine might include:

  • The two publicly-funded vaccines in Canada, Fluviral and Vaxigrip both contain thimersol. For those who may not be aware, that is mercury – the cause of the Mad Hatter’s Disease – remember Alice in Wonderland? Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, world leading immunogeneticist, states that getting the annual  flu shots for 5 consecutive years increases chances of getting Alzheimers by 10 times. Not surprisingly, he has been blacklisted and his research labelled an ‘urban myth’ by the ‘experts’ promoting vaccines.
  • Neuroscientists at UBC recently published several scientific papers that question vacccine safety due to thimersol.  This published study discusses negative effects on brain and immunity for children.  It is particularly relevant for the ever-increasing number of childrens’ vaccines being promoted. If one follows the CDC recommendations, a 6 months old infant will receive more vaccines than anyone over 35 has received in their lifetime. (CDC profits from vaccines.)
  • The first syndrome to be clearly correlated with the influenza vaccination was the Guillain-Barre paralysis (1977). That’s right – since 1977, and not with a few research papers, in a few countries, but over thousands! Only one year later, researchers discovered that neurological complications were not at all restricted to this one syndrome; on the contrary, they found a good number of post-vaccination neurological affections.
  • ALL charts that show mortality from ALL communicable diseases, including Tuberculosis, Polio, Scarlet Fever, Whooping Cough, Measles, Tetanus,  Small Pox, from 1860 to present clearly indicate that these diseases ALL decreased in 78 – 98% before the introduction of vaccines. Several also show an increase in death after vaccinations!
  • Of the 2769 flu outbreaks reported in Canada in 2009/10, 95.4% occurred in schools. Why are Health Care workers being targeted?

As health care workers and the general public become more educated and question both the safety AND efficacy of vaccinations, is this the only way the government can respond, forcing the vaccine with penalties to workers? Wearing masks, no work, no pay? Mandatory vaccinations are imposed in some US states; every person needs to fight this to prevent noxious, poisonous substances from being forced into our bloodstreams!

The Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms guarantees freedom of religion or conscience and the right to “security of the person”. Canadian Medical Law affirms the right to exercise Informed Consent and to refuse invasive medical procedures based on risk assessment. Forced vaccination violates basic rights as a Canadian citizen. Pretty sure it does in the US too.

It is time for some real research, some real facts. I willingly offer to provide websites, medical journals, charts and references to any interested, and would greatly welcome any response to this.

Two other excellent non-profit sites for your research are: and . It is time to dispel the many assumptions and myths upon which immunization theory and practice are based as they have been proven false in their application.

For a full page of excellent vaccine websites, stay tuned:

For SAFE, EFFECTIVE ways to prevent flu and other diseases, read:   and



Gotta love your liver!

It is largest organ in your body, performing over 500 different and essential functions, without even being reminded. A few amazing facts about your liver. It  weighs about three to four pounds , has an amazing ability to regrow even if only 20% is left, and performs more than 500 functions to keep your life flowing smoothly!

Among its many functions, the liver:
  • Filters harmful waste products and toxins from the blood and distributes them for elimination via the bowels, kidneys, skin, lungs and lymph
  • Regulates and secretes substances important in maintaining your body’s function and health – glucose is a good example
  • Liver metes out glucose, or stores it for later use, thus controls our energy levels
  • Produces cholesterol and special proteins to help carry fats through the body
  • Produces bile to help break down and digest fats
  • Is critical in digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates
  • Produces enzymes and amino acids – such as glutathion
  • Metabolizes and helps balance of hormones
  • Assimilates and stores fat-soluble vitamins, such as Vit. A , D and E
  • Processes hemoglobin , thus is involved in anemic challenges

Your liver is really one intelligent, giant filter, screening all of the nutrients, drugs, medicines, chemicals, hormones and preservatives we intake daily. We need to take care of this hard-working organ. Stress, diet, environmental toxins, alcohol and overeating can wreak havoc on your liver. Some symptoms of a tired, overworked and congested liver may be:

  • Low Energy right up to Exhaustion
  • Allergies  and Chemical Sensitivities
  • Anemia
  • Anger or Depression
  • Bloating, Belching, Burping ( the 3 B’s)
  • Constipation and Diarrhea
  • Eczema, Acne, Hives, Rashes and Itchy Skin
  • Headaches, especially migraines
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Inability to Tolerate Cold or Heat
  • Nausea
  • Menstrual challenges including PMS, painful menses, and menopausal challenges
  • Muscle Pain
  • Weight Gain or Weight Loss

To help the liver, and other eliminative organs such as lymph, colon and kidneys function optimally, we need to nourish the liver with  super nutrition every day, plus help it with seasonal detoxification. A few suggestions for detoxification follow:

Please note: links for products have been removed for several reasons.

  1. First, we encourage you to contact our professional services to help you choose the best products for you, plus some are not in stock.
  2. We ensure you get the lowest price, plus free shipping to your door within days!
  3. You can look up full product details and price options by searching on this website – – choose country  flag top R corner.
  4.  Lorene offers 10 mins. consultation, plus placing orders with full discounts at no charge.

  • Allow your bodies to sweat., do not clog sweat pores with anti-perspirants, use Crystal Clear natural deodorant.
  • Help your body to detoxify by doing a 10- 30 day herbal overall body cleanse at least 2X/year. Tiao He Pak is an excellent choice for overall body cleansing, 10-15 days. For added weight loss, use the Detox Basics, a balanced 30 day cleanse.
  • Use fibre in your diet.
  • Drink lots of water, with Chlorophyll, fresh lemon or lime, or herbal teas
  • Add mineral and antioxidant supplements to help neutralize stage 1 detox free radicals, Super Trio is an excellent daily nutritional supplement providing all essentials.
  • Decrease toxins your body comes in contact with.  Every small bit helps. Use natural products for house cleaning, such as NSP Concentrate Cleaner and Nature’s Fresh Enzyme Spray, and use natural personal products on your body.
  • Include exercise in your daily regime
  • Deal effectively with your emotions and strive to have an Attitude of Gratitude!

Many suggestions for healthful lifestyle including diet, stress, exercise, recipes are in my book:

 Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

 Contact the author online, or for suggestions on healthy detox programs and support specific to you! Worldwide Consultations are available for more complex health issues.



Rebounding: Mini-Trampoline Exercise

Mini- Trampoline Exercise

Jumping on a mini-trampoline or “rebounding”, as it is sometimes called, is an exercise that has all the benefits of aerobic exercise plus more. It causes less stress on the skeletal system because the trampoline takes most of the stress. It tones and strengthens every cell in the body, cleanses the entire system of toxins and poisons, and uses the force of gravity in an acceleration/deceleration effect in the body.

The majority of people including the elderly, blind, physically and mentally handicapped, babies, and even people in wheelchairs are able to use a mini-trampoline. A baby can be held while someone is jumping, people in wheelchairs can put their feet on the trampoline while someone else jumps.

“Jump on a trampoline 3x a day for 2-5 minutes each time and start slow”, states Dr. Jenner.

Tones and Strengthens every cell

Jumping on a trampoline increases the gravitational pull on the body. At the top of the bounce the body becomes weightless for a split second. At the bottom of the bounce the body receives as much as 2 G’s force. This increased pull causes the cells to tone and strengthen themselves. Bones become denser, all muscles organs and tissues become stronger.

Acceleration/ Deceleration Cleansing Effect

The lymphatic system of the body has three times more fluid than blood. It acts as the vacuum cleaner or garbage collector of the body. It also is the immune system of the body. This fluid (the same fluid that fills blisters) bathes the cells in nutrients, as well as removing debris and toxins. It flows through the body in a system of tubes with one way valves. Dr. Corwin West claims trapped protein gets in the valves and that rebounding is the best way to circulate the Lymphatic System.

The bottom of the bounce causes increased pressure and closes the valves. In the middle of the bounce the valves open and at the height of top of the bounce fluids begin to flow. As the body descends (deceleration) the fluid flows pulling waste matter away from the cells to be eliminated by lymph fluids. All cells in the body are helped by this cleaning process.

Lymphatic Herbal Aids

LYM- MX: The lymphatic system needs to function properly to fulfill its role as an able partner of the immune system. LYM-Mx supports drainage through the lymphatic system.

Contains: Beta-Carotene 1250 IU, Vitamin C 50 mg, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCl) 2.5 mg, Vitamin D3 100 IU, Magnesium (magnesium oxide) 12.5 mg. In a base containing: Cliver’s herb, alfalfa herb, chamomile flowers, Echinacea purpurea root, Parthenium integrifolium root, Siberian ginseng root, yarrow flowers, lecithin, garlic bulb, CoQ10, sodium copper chlorophyllin.

Lobelia is another amazing herb for the lymphatic system, besides being nature’s strongest herbal relaxant. As a de-obstruant, lobelia helps to remove congestion from lymphatic system as well as thinning mucous, which makes it excellent for asthma, coughs, COPD  and other respiratory complaints. Lobelia is also one of the best herbs to help people stop smoking. Email our office for full fact sheets or articles on this herb, or to order any products!

References:  “How to Herb Book” by Velma. J Keith;    Benoit & Associates Health Education; Dr. John Christopher



What to Do When You Have Become a Statistic and

Suggestions to Avoid Becoming One

Newly Diagnosed: Consider consulting with a Natural Health Consultant to help you undertake the following suggestions.  Cancer can be prevented; it can also be reversed.  It will require some lifestyle changes and some effort on your part.  Two important things to know:  (1) people do heal cancer with herbal treatments and other alternative cancer therapies, time proven remedies and (2)  know and believe that you can beat this disease.  Have positive hope, no matter what the prognosis is.  Your body is designed to heal itself and become healthy again but it needs full help from you.

An active role in your therapies will help.  Remember, it’s your body and your call.

  • Remove all toxic chemicals from your food, drinks, air, and home as well as hygienic products.  Stop adding more toxins into your body.  There is much you can do – talk to your Natural Health Care practitioner for ideas as to how and what you can do.  STOP smoking, alcohol, coffee, tea, pop, all refined sugars, are step # one.
  • Balance pH levels of acid and alkaline – greens are your main ally for this. In winter if good quality is not available, use a super balanced formula such as Green Zone.
  • Oxygenate and strengthen your blood with Liquid Chlorophyll, macro and trace minerals, EFAs, and other suggested natural supplements. (These are all part of the Paw Paw Program (see other Cancer entries)
  • If you are strong enough, a variety of cleanses may be suggested for you.  Example:  Liver/Blood, Bowel, Parasite, Lymphatic, Yeast or Heavy Metal Cleanses.
  • Add a natural bowel stimulant with or without fiber if you are not eliminating at least one bowel movement a day.  Two – three is better.  LBS II is an excellent peristalsis aid.
  • Exercise daily to move your lymphatic system.  Your lymph moves only when you do. 10 – 15 minutes two or three times a day will help.
  • Build your Immune System with herbal support such as  Astragalus, Colostrum and Silver Guard (silver sol) all powerful aids for the immune system.
  • Learn how to nourish the body without feeding the cancer cells. Super foods will make a difference.
  • Reduce stress in your life or at the very least, learn how to support your body when under a lot of stress.
  • Your body needs rest to heal.  Take rest breaks during the day and sleep for minimum 8 hours at night.
  • Drink lots of pure water.  6 – 10 glasses a day is usually a good rule to follow, based on weight and activity.  Hot water and herbal teas are also good.  Water helps flush out the toxins from your body.
  • Detoxify, build, detoxify, build – pay attention to your body to know which to do when.
  • MOST IMPORTANT:  This is the easy part.  Follow the Paw Paw program as per directions to start and increase only on the advice of your Natural Health Care Practitioner.  Depending on your cancer, you may be required to take this for 4 months – a couple of years.  Maintenance and prevention are recommended, as all people develop cancerous cell growth and we need to keep it under control.  For those who have had cancer, this is highly recommended. For more information about Paw Paw, ask your NHC.  Paw Paw is an integrative cancer approach, so can be used along with Allopathic Medical Therapy; in fact it can enhance chemotherapy effectiveness.
  • Insure your body has sufficient mineralsChinese Mineral Chi or Essential Liquid Minerals are both excellent natural sources of minerals and suggested for a long time.
  • Take Protease Plus Enzymes to help metabolize protein and help breakdown cancer cells.
  • Super Oil will help with your “internal electrical wiring”, and rebuilding healthy cell membranes.
  • Support your body with Zambroza, the strongest blend of antioxidants known to date.
  • Support the area of the body where the cancer is.  You may want to add herbs specific to your type of cancer. For example, for cancer of the prostate, support with Saw Palmetto Extract, Liver with a liver formula, as your NHC recommends.

Your Food:

  • Stay away from “white” foods.  Refer to Super Antioxidant Foods in Paw Paw book.
  • Do not drink cold water with your meals.  If you must drink with your meals, have hot or warm herbal teas, to stimulate not shut down digestion.
  • Choose organic, especially for any animal foods, which should be used sparingly.
  • Avoid dairy foods, except yogurt and butter.  Goat’s milk products are better or dairy alternatives, such as almond, barley, soy or brown rice milk.
  • Do not use the microwave.
  • Do not eat refined sugar products. Learn to recognize different names for sugar.
  • Do not eat refined wheat products; in fact no wheat at all is better!
  • Do not use canned vegetables.
  • Do Not Use chemical cleaners.
  • DO wash all fruits and vegetables in Nature’s Sunshine Concentrate.  Use it in your bath or shower, as shampoo and as your household cleaning agent.
  • DO eat as much raw or slightly steamed organic vegetables as possible. See: Super- Anti Oxidants Foods handout for suggestion, or go over these with your NHC.
  • DO read labels on food.  Know and understand how many toxins are in what is available as “food” today, including artificial sweeteners such as aspartame.
  • Healthy supplements and snacks are available to take to build your body:

§  TNT Bars: contains minimal dairy, this is a Zone balanced bar with protein, carbs and necessary fats

§  SynerProtein Powder: non GMO soy isolate with cruciferous vegetables and phytonutrient concentrate

§  Green Zone Powder super alkalinizing, spirulina and 32 other super foods concentrated

§  TNT Powder (Total Nutrition Today) – fiber, vitamins and minerals

One of the most informative books is The Paw Paw Program : A Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer: The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally” . Your copy can be ordered on this blog via PayPal, or contact the author’s office directly at or 250-748-6802.

The Paw Paw program is an integrative cancer approach, meaning that it is not counter-indicated with orthodox medical treatment, such as surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. It can enhance the effectiveness and decrease the negative side effects of these approaches. This program is designed to enhance the natural healing abilities of your body, rather than ‘fight’ any particular disease. It is one part of a comprehensive program, including corrective diet, emotional clearing, exercise as required, proper elimination and other natural health and life building aspects.

Remember, cancer can be beaten!  Believe it!  Be proactive in your cure – do not leave it all up to the medical community – work with them to help yourself.

Cancer is considered a lifestyle condition. The healthy lifestyle suggestions in this book will go a long way in prevention of all disease.

Safe Vaccine Alternatives

Take responsibility to create better health for you and all loved ones!

The first and most important thing to say about vaccination is you don’t have to do it.

The fact is it wouldn’t occur to a lot of us to even investigate vaccinations, particularly before we experience contraindications. More recently, however, there are more and more people taking responsibility for their health. You may find the following material conflicts with messages you have been given from the allopathic medical field. Statistics are often misrepresented by inaccurate reporting and recording; making it difficult to know the truth.

The intent of this information is to remind you that you are responsible for your own health. Secondly, it is to remind you that you are more of an expert on the subject of your self and your body than any other person or group of people – it is your decision as to what is best for you. The point is you have the right and the responsibility to determine your own action.

For those new to the concept that it is your decision whether or not to vaccinate, please be aware that The Exemption for Conscience was passed on December 14, 1984. Previous to this, mandatory vaccination was practiced in Canada. Although today it is no longer mandatory to have your children vaccinated, “social marketing” is the means of imposing vaccination. The selling of an idea to the point that it becomes your own idea, even if it goes against your conscience, is what social marketing is about.


All drugs, prescription or over the counter, have some toxic side effects. Herbs have thousands of years use as safe, natural and effective!  Herbs have been used since the birth of humankind and still stand the test of time.


For a Healthy Immune System:

Follow the Four Pillars of Health: Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Emotional. More detail on these are in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A Natural Approach to Cancer , which also addresses healing most other chronic health conditions.



Avoid sugar, food additives, chemicals, colourings, caffeine and junk food; they suppress immune function.

Keep the body clean (internally and externally). Cleanse spring and fall.

Eat a well-rounded diet of wholesome natural foods. Foods for the immune system are foods closest to their natural state: vegetables, fruits, some whole grains (sprouted), nuts and seeds.

Herbs are concentrated powerhouses of nutrition: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and all the phytochemicals that scientists will never finish discovering.

Herbs promote optimum health when used on a daily basis according to your needs and the seasons. Quality herbs used properly are also safe remedies when you are sick.

Avoid using antibiotics and synthetic drugs, as they are toxic to humans. If you feel antibiotics are necessary, replace colonic bacteria with good quality probiotics.

Reduce meat, egg and processed grains. These foods contribute to mucous production. Change the last “a” in pasta to “e” and what do you get?  Paste!

Get regular moderate exercise.

Practice deep abdominal breathing.

Seek clean air and sun. Don’t smoke. Avoid inhaling second-hand smoke.


Mental, Spiritual and Emotional:

Maintain a positive mental attitude. Research has shown that a positive mental attitude and having goals, plans, dreams, hope and faith result in a stronger immune system.

Stress is a major cause of a suppressed immune system. Learn to reduce it where possible and where not, manage it effectively.

Develop loving relationships with other people that build up your self worth.

Cry and let go of a loved one; grieve, feel your feelings. Learn to express anger constructively and in safe ways. People who suppress their feelings may be prone to having a hiatal hernia, which leads to digestive system breakdown and overall health challenges.

Keep educating yourself and ask questions.

The above four aspects of our health cannot be separated,  if one hopes to achieve optimum health.

If you have already had vaccinations……..

or if after researching about immunizations, you still decide to use them, the following herbs and combinations can help counteract some of the negative effects. These formulations also help keep the immune system strong and healthy, thus providing a safe alternative to vaccines:

HRP-C (CA)  / VS-C (US) to kill viruses and remove toxins, especially from the liver. This can be used as successful treatment for ALL viruses, including herpes; as well as taken as a preventive during cold/flu season.

Heavy Metal Detox to cleanse blood of mercury, formaldehyde, and other toxins in vaccines. Supports the liver and provides essential minerals.

Cat’s Claw Combination with Astragalus and Echinacea to kill bacteria and infections; helps lymphatic drainage.

Golden Seal & Echinacea as Goldenseal can help the body kill Hepatitis B virus from the vaccine.

Oregon Grape as natural antibiotic and immune system strengthener. A specific for staph infections with special affinity for skin conditions.

Silver Guard has research to show it can kill over 600 strains of bacteria and viruses. Once in the blood, it can help prevent most infectious pathogens. Labelled as a mouthwash due to Health Canada absurdity, it is #1 for infection. By all means use it as a mouthwash to prevent tooth and gum infection, but then swallow it so it can continue promoting health throughout your body.


As links frequently change, you can contact author……..

for full ingredient lists on any above products, as well as hundreds of other professional, quality supplements. You can also find full ingredient lists on Benoit’s NSP website:

Choose your country in top right corner. Member #1143615.

For a list of excellent websites to continue your education on vaccines, go to “Vaccine Research Websites“.

Some of the comments below relate to to other useful research relating to vaccines, or after-effects.


What do you need to do next ?

To learn more or order any of the above formulations:

  • Contact our office or phone 250-748-6802, with your name, phone number and 2 times available Mon – Thurs. mornings, 9:00 – 11.:50 am PST for old fashioned personal service!
  • Go to; choose your country and Lorene Benoit should come up as your sponsor # 1143615.

You will  receive discount and the benefits of our professional support.  We can place your initial order for you at no charge.


original post 2009
updated: Dec. 2024



The immune system is more complicated than many of our other organ systems.

For one thing, it isn’t located in just one area, or a few organs, like the digestive or urinary systems. It is throughout our body. It consists of several levels of defence.  Some of these are:

–        Mucous membranes, such as those lining the respiratory and intestinal tracts,  which form mechanical barriers to pathogens and other harmful invaders.

–        Skin with the acid mantle that inhibits bacterial growth

–        Cilia- tiny little hairs that trap and move contaminants to locations where they can be removed or destroyed

–        Enzymes, and Gastric juices, such as HydroChloric (HCl )  Acid, which destroys pathogens in the stomach. A good example of this is that when we travel to tropical destinations where different bugs, such as dysentery, can cause whatever particular ailment is connected with that region, be it Mexican Montezuma’s Revenge, or Thailand Trots.

HCl Acid , such as is found in NSP’s full spectrum Digestive Enzymes, or Protein Digestive Aid, helps us to avoid these problems.As many people over the age of 20 years are deficient in HCl Acid, these supplements give the extra boost needed to kill of bugs that enter through food and water. Our family won’t go travelling tropical without them. OK – back to more levels of our immune system.

–        Tears and saliva contain enzymes to destroy microorganisms.

–        Lymphatic system  transports  white blood cells (WBC’s) where they are needed, act as a back lane garbage collector for bacteria, viruses, and undigested proteins. Lymph nodes, which are strategically located throughout our body, are like filtering stations where toxins are dumped for purification and breakdown.

–        Bone marrow creates WBCs.  They then travel to different parts of the body to mature and differentiate into Lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, or basophil, B Cells or T cells.   Each cell performs different important functions to protect our immunity. These cells are vigilant for our health 24/7, comparable to our Department National Defence, except we don’t have to pay taxes to keep them going and updated! We don’t even need to give them orders, they figure it out for themselves when they are balanced. We do need to pay them in other ways though, if we expect them to carry out their functions effectively.

–      Colon or small and large intestines –when in good health, they help digest, assimilate nutrients, absorb vitamins and minerals, contribute to healthy hormone production, balance ou microbiome, in addition to being essential to eliminate toxins and waste from our entire system.


These are some of the essential things we can do to help all components of the immune system do their jobs.

1. Feed our immune system properly.                                                                                                 When we fill our bodies with wholesome food and pure water, our body can produce healthy cells. This means ensuring that our diet provides the complete myriad of vitamins, macro minerals, like Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sulphur, trace minerals like Selenium, Chromium and about 74 others, amino acids, which are the building blocks that come from proteins, all the phytochemicals that science is just begun to identify such as lutein, xeanthanine, several hundred flavonoids, etc. etc.

If this sounds all too complicated – it is! That’s why I personally don’t believe that scientists are ever going to be able to reproduce what nature has already provided us – because they will never be able to do it in the same way! That’s why those of us who work in this field of natural health and with Nature’s Sunshine, all believe in the power of herbs and nutrition, which take care of providing us with this natural complex chemical cocktail.

Even though we may eat a healthy diet, full of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, we must understand that we may not get all the nutrients due to the fact that many of our growing soils have become depleted of minerals. Therefore the crops are lacking and this is why we supplement to get our necessary requirements.

We may also not be digesting foods efficiently due to lack of enzymes, or due to problems assimilating the nutrients, which can be caused by a number of conditions, such as Irritable Bowel, Leaky Gut, inadequate villi action in the small intestines.etc.

Our family uses daily maintenance to meet our full needs of  antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and omega 3s to support our health! This is considered our daily maintenance. Then we supplement with herbs that address any specific conditions we are facing. These change with many lifestyle factors.


2. Provide time for immune system to do its job and rebuild.                                                 This includes physical, mental emotional and spiritual rest and relaxation. This down time is when our body can focus energy on attacking invaders and building healthy new cells with the nourishment we just mentioned in #1. Recent studies show most  North Americans are chronically sleep deprived. Regular bed time hours, calming music or reading before bed, as opposed to stimulating TV shows, will help children and adults  fall into their refreshing slumberland more easily. Herbs are there to help those who need it.

It is also important for everyone to have some free time, that is unscheduled time. With children especially, “daydreaming time” , where they don’t have to be at a lesson or scheduled lesson or activity, provides them with time to assimilate the lessons they are been given in life.


3. Exercise is essential for healthy immunity.                                                                             Because the lymphatic system,is a crucial part of the immune system. The lymphatic fluid is only moved through the action of muscular movements. Even 15 minutes of exercise increases oxygen flow and increases WBC cell in your blood!

In all aspects of natural healing, we need to look at balance. For the immune system this means building up or stimulating an under-active or weakened immune system OR, calming an over-active or stressed immune system.

Under-active or weakened  means your system does not mount an effect defence against invaders to which we are all exposed, every breathing moment of our lives. We can call these invaders by many different names: germs, bacteria, viruses, micro-organisms, fungi, parasites, yeasts, or pathogens.  For simplicity sake I am going to refer to all of the above as germs.

A critical point to understand is that it is not a matter of not being exposed to these germs when someone sneezes on us – it is fact that we are continuously exposed to germs. They are in our air, water, and food – they’re here, they’re there – they’re everywhere, as the saying goes! The important part is that our body’s immune system can effectively manage them, so they do not overwhelm us.

Think of germs as flies looking for something to eat – if they find it in our house (body) they stay – if they don’t they go looking for a house (body) where they will find some junk to eat. They are not the cause of the disease – they are the agent that is attracted to clean it up. So those runny noses, fevers, diarrhea, coughs, even vomiting are all attempts to rid the body of accumulated toxins.


4. Herbs help immunity in two ways:                                                                                                           One is to keep the immune system strong, so it does not allow the germs to get the upper hand. Secondly, if the germs do start to do their clean-up work, herbs can aid them to do it faster , while making it more comfortable for us to get through the cleansing disease process.

On the other end of the pendulum, we have an over-active immune system, one which is attacking itself. This can result in illnesses such as Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. In this case, the natural treatment is to work with herbal adaptogens, which help the body adapt to stress and bring it back into balance. This is where the Chinese Tonics excel.

We’re now going to look at some of the protocols our Associates have found to be the best to help the immune system do what it has to do.

Astragalus is a herb with a long tradition of strengthening and balancing immunity. It does this by supporting T-cell function by increasing the bone marrow reserves of WBC. According to Dr. Jack Ritchason, Astragalus also increases interferon levels and the levels of antibodies in our blood. Studies have shown that it has doubled the life of cancer patients being treated by chemo and radiation, and as it supports the adrenals, it aids in recovery from illness and surgery. Astragalus can be effective for both under and over immune systems, as it is a tonic adaptogen herb. You will hear a fair bit about this herb tonight. Besides being available as a single herb,  it is also in some of the following combinations.

Another immune supporting combination is Nature’s Sunshine Cat’s Claw Combination. This herbal blend combines the best known immune enhancers from 3 continents: Cat’s Claw (Una de Gato) from South America, Echinacea from North America, and again Astragalus, from Asia. Cat’s Claw combo, in addition to some of the uses of Astragalus mentioned previously, has a particular affinity for the intestinal tract, and is therefore helpful for conditions of candida, diverticulitis and colitis.

Garlic has been known and used by Russian medical doctors for centuries, earning it the name “Russian penicillin”. It can effectively treat bacterial and fungal infections, expel parasites, worms and vampires. (see if anyone is listening to you). Nature’s Sunshine has never made an odourless garlic, as they feel odourless is useless, and they have the history and diagnostic lab tests to prove it! They have figures out an ingenious way to keep the potency without the negative effects of the infamous’garlic breath’. Each tablet is coated with a chlorophyll coating that only breaks down in the pH of the small intestine- thus reducing odor on the breath, yet maintaining the potency. One tablet of this High Potency Garlic is the equivalent of one large, fresh clove of garlic, picked at its optimum strength.

Herbasaurus Elderberry Plus is one of the most popular products for boosting immunity for children. Like some children’s supplements, it is in a tasty, chewable tablet – even the shape of a dinosaur. Unlike most children’s chewables though, it has no artificial coloring, artificial flavoring, artificial sweeteners, or chemically based coatings.

Elderberries contain potent antioxidants, promotes perspiration to help alleviate fever and has a specific affinity for the respiratory system. It is combined with astragalus, which you’ve now heard for the third time, as well as Reishi mushroom. Reishi inhibits bacteria and helps the immune system combat viruses.

HRP-C is a Chinese anti-viral formula that was developed to deal with major viruses such as Herpes and AIDS. It is very effective against these, as well as the viruses that cause common colds and flus. Both glycerine extracts and capsules are available for all ages.

Silver Guard Liquid and Silver Gel are incredible products that are capable of killing just about every microbe known – within 6 minutes of contact. INCLUDING H1N1; ALL SWINE, AVIAN AND OTHER FLUS! See other articles and testimonials about these on the blog, or email for peer reviewed studies:

In our office we work with many other supplements to help balance the immune system. We use over 200 other products that can help deal with specific challenges, but the ones I have mentioned will help the majority of people get on the right track to a more balanced immune system.

If you have any immune challenges, or are concerned about the upcoming flu season, or considering dangerous alternatives such as the vaccine, PLEASE, do yourself a favour and  contact Benoit Health Education first!
Product links change more often than we would like;  we can ensure you get the right product at the best price…. like 25% discount, PLUS free S/H to your door.
No obligations,; just great education! You can also call our office 250-748-6802 and leave a message. A real woman will return your call.


For an entire book relating to healthy immune system and conquering all disease, including cancer, naturally, check out Lorene’s book:  The Paw Paw Program.


Let’s do a quick review of what we have covered:

The immune system needs to be balanced, that means, not under or over active. Some of the most important considerations to achieve this are:

  1. Diet
  2. Rest, relaxation, stress reduction
  3. Exercise
  4. Herbal aids to balance immunity


For children:

Daily Maintenance: The chewable products for children are one of the easiest ways to keep your child healthy.  These include Elderberry for immune strengthening,  balanced Multi Vitamin and Mineral to help meet everyday needs,  and Children’s Bifidophulus, which gives your children the correct species of probiotics, for healthy intestinal function. There are also healthy, delicious drinks like chlorophyll, Solstice Nutrition, Nature’s Harvest and all the Liquid herbals to choose from.

First sign of any infection: Silver Shield Liquid or HRP extract .

For adults:

Daily Maintenance, plus at least one bottle of  Astragalus or Cat’s Claw Combination for everyday immune balancing, increase in energy and for dealing with everyday stress.

First sign of any infection: Silver Shield Liquid or HRP-C – have them on hand!

Health and Blessings from our office to your home!